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Psychology then: Aristotle (Father of psychology): connection between the body and soul Plato: Dualism- body and

nd soul are separate but interrelated Rene Descartes: Modified Dualism: mind and body reciprocal interaction !"#: certified birth year- the first psychological laboratory was established $ilhem $undt: first psych lab% Father of scientific or e&perimental psychology $illiam 'ames: !#( published principles of psychology% )igmund Freud: #(( Published the interpretation of dreams% *elief about the importance of unconscious beha+ior% Dr% ,nri-ue.: father of psychology in the Philippines% Alfred *inet and /heodore )imon: #(0: De+eloped the st standardi.ed intelligence test% 'ohn *% $atson # 1: $rote his boo2 on beha+iorism3 promoting the importance of en+ironmental influences% 4+an Pa+lo+ #(5: Published the results of his learning e&periments with dogs% /here are reactions that can be condition or learned *urrhus F% )2inner #1!: published 6/he beha+ior of organisms7 e&panding the +iew of beha+iorism 8aren 9orney #:0 ()ocial cultural approach): critici.ed Freud;s theory as male biased and presents her sociocultural approach <arl Rogers #0 : published 6=n becoming a person7 de+eloped the client-<entered therapy ,ri2 ,ri2son #0( Published <hildhood and society% Abraham Maslow #0:: 4ntroduced the humanistic percepti+e> 9ierarchy of needs Albert *andura: stresses the importance of obser+ational learning Roger $olcott )perry #! : $on a noble pri.e for split brain research Early views of psychology. % )tructuralism: focused on structure or basic elements of the mind $illiam $undt: de+eloped the techni-ue of ob?ecti+e introspection- process of ob?ecti+ely e&amining and measuring one;s thoughts and mental acti+ities ,dward /ichener: $undt;s student- brought structuralism in america Margaret $ashburn: first woman to earn a Ph%D in Psychology% Analysis of conscious e&perience into basic parts Physical sensations Affection or feelings images @% Functionalism: how the mind allows people to adapt3 li+e3 wor2 and play <onscious e&perience helps in the adaption to the comple& world Proposed by william 'ames Method: obser+ation A introduction 1% *eha+iorism: the science of obser+able beha+ior Must be directly seen and measured Proposed by 'ohn *% $atson

Method: =bser+ation *ased from the wor2 of 4+an Pa+lo+ wo demonstrated that a reflec coud be conditioned or learned% $atson belie+ed that phobias were learned% <ase of 6Bittle Albert7- taught to fear a white rat%

:% Psychoanalysis: based on the wor2 of )igmund Freud: de+eloped the structures of personality% ,arly childhood e&periences can shape the person% Method: Free association ,mphasi.ed unconscious thought3 the conflict between biological instincts and society;s demands3 as well as early family e&perience% Freud;s patients suffered from ner+ous disorders with no found physical cause% Freud proposed that there is an unconscious mind into which we push3 or repress3 all of our threatening urges and desires% 9e belie+ed that these repressed urges3 in trying to surface3 created ner+ous disorders% 0% Cestalt psychology: tries to understand beha+ior through perception of the configuration3 organi.ation or patterns of e&perience% *elie+ed that the whole is different from the sum of the parts because the whole has a meaning deri+ed from the relationship of the parts to each other% Cestalt: good figure psychology% )omething to do with perception and sensation% Cesalt ideas are now part of the study of cogniti+e psychology3 a field focusing not only on learning3 memory3 thought processes 5% 9umanistic perspecti+e: from the psychology in the field of philosophy> /ranspersonal psychology- De+eloping one;s full potential% ,mphasi.ed the human potential3 the ability of each person to become the best person he or she could be% )elf-actuali.ation: achie+ing one;s full potential or actual self%

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