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My conventions that I have focused on for my research are based on the knowledge I have gained from crime thrillers or other hybrid genres that contain both crime and thriller within them. I looked at the films that matched with my genre, the films I looked at were Harry Brown, Offender, Leon the Professional, Taken and Scarface. They all involved violence and criminal activities; they also matched the Thriller genre. These types of films are rated from 15 to 18 in the BBFC standards. Films such as Harry Brown were listed as a hybrid movie, which involves Crime, Action and Drama into the genre listing. The film genre usually contains characters of young ages such as youths or middle age people. All these characters are males and all tend to be very powerful and have a lot of knowledge and skill. A big majority of the films that have middle aged men in have a soft tone to their voice and speak slowly causing tension with in the films they also tend to not speak a lot staying silent which also can cause tension. The props used within the films are usually dangerous weapons or a lot of physical violence that causes a lot of harm to others in the films. The lighting is usually very dim and dark creating the atmosphere. Some use street lighting such as in offender or some just use a little bit of light to light half of a characters face in major parts in the film to cause more tension.

The camera shots use a lot of long shots and close up to show the location and show the expression on the characters face. The general characteristics that are expected from a Crime Thriller are Suspicion. Danger. Both slow and fast pace in the music. Music that causes suspense Extraordinary events. Dark lighting, use of lighting such as street lamps. City locations. Darkness. Teenagers/Youths

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