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1. 2. 3. 4. Provide an overview of the test Discuss test details Give examples of test items Discuss effective test taking strategies / tips

an produce clear! smoothl" flowing well#structured speech with an effective logical structure which helps the recipient to notice and remem$er significant points. %2 an give clear! s"stematicall" developed descriptions and presentations on a wide range of su$&ects related to his/her field of interest! with appropriate highlighting of significant points! and relevant supporting detail.


an reasona$l" fluentl" sustain a straightforward description of one of a variet" of su$&ects within his/her field of interest! presenting it as a linear se'uence of points. an give a simple description or presentation of people! living or working conditions! dail" routines likes/dislikes! etc. as a short series of simple phrases and sentences linked into a list.


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an produce simple descriptions on mainl" personal topics. *ot enough language knowledge demonstrated to allow for an" meaningful inferences a$out the candidate+s a$ilit".

,here are 4 parts. ,here are 1) 'uestions which must $e completed in 12 minutes. ,he level of difficult" increases as the test progresses.

Speaking Phrases
Phrases to use when ou start speaking
# # # # # # # # # # # -irst of all -irstl" .ell! / would like to talk a$out / can+t remem$er much a$out that! $ut /+ve never reall" thought a$out that $efore! $ut / would think ,he first thing / would like to sa" is /+m going to talk a$out 0et me start $" sa"ing /nitiall"! / think that .ell! in terms of (ctuall"! in regard to

Speaking Phrases
Phrases to use in the !i""#e o$ our answer # an / add that1.2 # / forgot to mention that # ,he other thing / should/would sa"/add is that # 0et me give "ou an example Phrases to use when ou are near# $inishe" speaking 3se the words in "our 'uestion to finish "our answer4 # / don+t think / have an"thing else to add # / think /+ve covered ever"thing # ,hat+s a$out all / can sa" a$out that # -inall"/0astl"

Speaking Phrases
Phrases to use to %u ti!e # ,hat+s a difficult 'uestion # .here shall / start2 # 0et me see/think # ,hat+s a ver" interesting 'uestion # /+ve never reall" thought a$out that $efore # .ell! let+s see # 5mm! let me think a$out that for a moment # ,hat+s a good 'uestion # ,hat+s 'uite an interesting 'uestion! and /+m definitel" not an expert on the topic! $ut / guess m" personal opinion on that would $e

Speaking Phrases
Intro"u&ing our answer' # (ctuall"/.ell// guess # Generall"//n general/6ostl"/3suall" Speaking a%out pre$eren&es' # / prefer ( to % # / don+t reall" like// don+t particularl" en&o"/ /+m not ver" fond of # / love// despise// hate// can+t stand Fre(uen& o$ e)ents*a&ti)ities' # / often 7action/activit"8 # %ut sometimes/however / usuall" # -rom time to time/*ow and again # / rarel"/occasionall"/hardl" ever/don+t usuall"

Speaking Phrases
Future p#ans' # / hope to # /t is m" dream to # 6" ultimate goal is # /+m thinking of/a$out # /+m planning to # / have a plan to Genera#ising # 9verall/Generall"//n general Making an e)a#uation # / tend to agree that # / mostl" disagree that # / completel"/totall" agree # / am in total agreement with # / am certain that

Speaking Phrases
E+pressing an opinion' # /n m" opinion/point of view # / strongl" $elieve that # / reall" think that # Personall"! / think # / reall" support the idea of # /+m totall" in favour of # :ome people think/feel/$elieve that # / $elieve that people should # /t+s ver" important for/that # /t+s a great idea for people to # / am convinced that # / am/feel a$solutel" certain that ( is $etter than % # / am 'uite certain a$out m" opinion concerning # :ome people ma" disagree with m" opinion! $ut # 6" own preference is to favour

Speaking Phrases
E+pressing an opinion whi#e un&ertain' # (ctuall"! /+m not reall" sure! as / have never thought a$out that $efore # .ell! it depends! as there are man" different factors # / guess it depends reall" # /t+s reall" 'uite hard to sa"! as/$ecause # / don+t reall" have a strong opinion either wa" # .ell! pro$a$l"/possi$l" # / am not ver" familiar with this topic/su$&ect! $ut / think/$elieve that # ,his is &ust m" opinion! $ut m" first thought on this topic is Spe&u#ating # /t+s difficult to sa"! $ut # /+m not entirel" sure! $ut ma"$e/perhaps # /+m fairl" certain/sure that # / would expect that # (s far as / know # (s far as / can see # /t seems likel" that

Part , ./ se&on"s*answer

0 1uestion T pes
,2 3asi& 4es&ription ,ell me a$out "our studies/&o$. ,ell me a$out a festival in "our countr". Descri$e what makes "ou happ". 52 Liking .hat food do "ou like2 .hat do "ou like a$out "our hometown2 Do "ou like shopping2 Do "ou like sport2

0 1uestion T pes
.2 4is#iking /s there an"thing "ou don+t like a$out "our studies/work2 (re there an" clothes that "ou don+t like2 .hat t"pe of weather do "ou dislike2 62 T pes o$ .hat kinds of restaurants are popular in "our countr"2 .hat ho$$ies are common in "our countr"2 .hat t"pes of ,; programmes are popular in "our countr"2

0 1uestion T pes
72 8h9*How o$ten .hen "ou go out in the evenings! what do "ou usuall" do2 5ow often do "ou pla" sports2 5ow often do "ou eat out in restaurants2 :2 ;es*No /s watching ,; a popular activit" in "our countr"2 an "ou pla" a musical instrument2 Do "ou think "ou are an am$itious person2 02 8ou#" .ould "ou like to $e in a film2 .hat would "ou like to change a$out "our cit"2 .hat would "ou like to change a$out "our school/workplace2

Part 5 67 se&on"s*answer

Part . 67 se&on"s*answer

Part .
Re!e!%er to use # omparatives </t+s better than1= #:uperlatives </t+s the most convenient1= # onditionals <If / lived there1= # ontrasting connectives <However1=

Part 6 5 !inute answer

Conne&ting Phrases
# # # # # # # # # # # # of1 Going to m" next point1 ontinuing to m" next point1 *ow with regard to the next 'uestion1 *ow on the su$&ect of1 *ow concerning the matter of1 .hat /+d like to add here is that1 .hat / need to emphasi>e here is that1 .hat / ought to stress here is that1 ,he thing that needs to $e highlighted here is that1 .hat / have to mention here is that1 Proceeding to the issue of1 -inall" then! if there+s time! / could deal with the last 'uestion

0isten carefull" to the 'uestions "ou+re asked so that "our answers are relevant. (nswer the 'uestions "ou+re asked with some detail so that "our answers are long enough. 3se the preparation time in Part 4 to think a$out the 'uestions and take notes. 3se in Part 4 to help "ou to organi>e "our long turn. ?xplain "our opinions and give examples to support them. Don@t talk a$out something different from what+s in the 'uestion. Don+t worr" if "our answer is longer than 2 minutes in Part 4. Don+t worr" if "ou can+t think of a word! tr" to paraphrase and get round it. Don+t worr" if "ou reali>e "ou+ve made a mistake. /t+s 9A to correct "ourself. /f "ou can@t correct "ourself! forget it and carr" on.

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