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Braised Pork Shoulder With Guiness and Dried Cherries (serves 6-8) 4 -5 lb boneless ork shoulder roast!

re"erabl# $boston butt% or se&ond &hoi&e $ i&ni& shoulder% 5 C' Guiness Stout ( C' dried &herries ()* C' balsa+i& vine,ar salt and e er ve,etable oil * onions! eeled and sli&ed 4 ,arli& &loves! eeled and +in&ed ( -bl' to+ato aste 5 .hole alls i&e! &rushed / ba# leaves 0 C' +olasses * -bl' dark bro.n su,ar * stri s oran,e 1est / C' .ater or &hi&ken sto&k

2eat the oven to *33 4 (i" &ookin, in the oven)' Brin, the Guiness! dried &herries and vine,ar to a si++er in a sau&e an' -rans"er to a bo.l! or a -u er.are on&e &ool and let sit "or ( hour or re"rid,erate over ni,ht' Bro.nin, the +eat5 -ri+ the ork o" an# e6&essivel# "att# arts' Season the roast ,enerousl# .ith salt and e er' 2eat the oil (it should 7ust &over the an) in #our braisin, dish over +ediu+ "la+e' When #ou kno. it is hot! but not #et s+okin,! add the ork roast .ith ton,s' Sear it on all sides! +akin, sure it is bro.n be"ore #ou turn it to the ne6t side' -rans"er the roast to a late (or #our slo. &ooker)! turn o"" burner' Dis&ard the ork oil' 2eat an and add in olive oil' 8dd the sli&ed onions! and saut9 "or about 5 +inutes' 8dd in the ,arli& and &ontinue &ookin, "or another * +inutes until the onions are so"t' Stir in the to+ato aste and &ook another * +inutes' 8dd in the &herries!

the li:uid! the alls i&e! ba# leaves! +olasses! bro.n su,ar! salt and e er and / C' o" .ater or sto&k' Brin, to a si++er' Braising in the oven5 ;estle the ork roast on to o" the ve,etables and "ruit' 8dd an# 7ui&es "ro+ the ork' Put the lid on! then ut the ot into the oven to &ook ,entl# at *33 4' <ver# hour or so! take the ot out! +akin, sure the li:uid is si++erin, ,entl# (other.ise turn the oven te+ erature do.n a bit) and turn the ork on a ne. side' -he total oven &ookin, ti+e is / hours' 8t this oint it should be "ork tender (i" not! ut ba&k in "or so+e +ore ti+e until it is)' To cook in the crock pot: Put the ork in the ot! then our the ve,,ies and 7ui&es on to ' Cook at lo. "or 8-(3 hours! or hi,h "or 6-8 hours' = tion5 8dd in / lbs' o" eeled and &ho ed s.eet otatoes hal" .a# throu,h the &ookin,'

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