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Understanding action verbs NEBOSH carefully describe the action verbs which are used within their examination

questions. he reason for this is that they tell you the de!th of answer that is required. "f the question as#s you to state somethin$ and you !roduce a len$thy ex!lanation% you will !robably $et mar#s% but you will have wasted time and effort and may end u! runnin$ out of time at the end. &onversely% if you are as#ed to describe somethin$ and you $ive a list% you will loose marks. "f you do not $ive the de!th of answer required% they will not be able to $ive you many of the mar#s allocated to the question. 's a very rou$h $uide (and !eo!les writin$ varies in si)e*% NEBOSH ex!ect about a !a$e and a half for the +, mar# question% and about half a !a$e for the - mar# questions. he action verbs are varied so that you should have enou$h time. "t is absolutely crucial that you are familiar with these action verbs% and understand what they mean% so that you can !roduce the ty!es of answers required. .isted below are the action verbs% to$ether with exam!les of the sort of de!th each verb requires. Define !rovide a $enerally reco$nised or acce!ted definition. E.$. Define the term er$onomics. Er$onomics is the study of the interaction between wor#ers and the wor# environment. Describe / $ive a word !icture. E.$. Describe 0O12 effects on health 3 safety that mi$ht result from inadequate li$htin$. "nadequate li$htin$ may cause a variety of effects on health and safety. 4hen usin$ dis!lay screen equi!ment% inadequate li$htin$ causes the eye muscles to wor# harder% which may cause headaches% tem!orary fati$ue and eyestrain. his may also lead to increased levels of stress. "f li$htin$ levels are !oor% wor#ers may not be aware of ha)ards at floor level% which may result in increased numbers of sli!s% tri!s and falls. "n addition% wor#ers who have inadequate li$htin$ levels for the tas# they are carryin$ out may !roduce errors. hese errors may% as a consequence% result in ris#s to their own health and safety or that of others.

Explain / $ive a clear account of% or reasons for. E.$. Explain why it is im!ortant to use a variety of methods to communicate health 3 safety information in the wor#!lace. 6eo!le res!ond differently to different stimuli. Some will notice written information more readily% whilst others will res!ond to !ictorial information or audible stimuli. herefore effective !romotion of health 3 safety information needs to ta#e account of these differences% and a ran$e of different media should be used. Exam!les would be !osters% which incor!orate !ictures% handouts% memos% briefin$s% videos. etc. he use of different methods !revents wor#ers becomin$ over7familiar with the materials. "f dis!lay materials are chan$ed re$ularly% !eo!le are more li#ely to notice them. his hel!s to re7inforce the desired messa$e. 8ariety also hel!s to stimulate interest and ho!efully increase motivation. "f different methods of communication are used% wor#ers are $iven more o!!ortunity to !rovide feedbac#% or become involved. 4hilst some will willin$ly feedbac# verbally% others may be daunted by s!ea#in$ out% but may !refer to re!ly in writin$. 6rovidin$ both methods for feedbac# would ho!efully reach a $reater number of !eo!le and !rovide a $reater o!!ortunity for staff involvement. 0inally% different ty!es of information require different methods of communication e.$. a com!lex safe system of wor# is more li#ely to be understood if $iven in writin$% discussed and demonstrated% whereas a chan$e in 0ire 9arshall could be announced at a staff meetin$ or dis!layed by the fire action notice. Give / !rovide without ex!lanation (used normally with the instruction to $ive an exam!le of:*. E.$. 0or each of the followin$ ty!es of ha)ardous substance% give a ty!ical exam!le i* toxic ii* corrosive iii* carcino$enic iv* irritant i* ii* iii* iv* toxic / lead corrosive / stron$ acids carcino$enic / asbestos irritant / deter$ents

Identify / select and name. E.$. Identify the three ty!es of asbestos commonly found in buildin$s. he three ty!es of asbestos are i* 4hite (chrysotile* ii* Brown (amosite* iii* Blue / crocidolite* List / !rovide a list without ex!lanation. E.$. List S"; observations made durin$ an ins!ection of a machine o!eration which may su$$est that the machine has not been er$onomically desi$ned. i* ii* iii* iv* v* vi* vii* viii* the need for the o!erator to use excessive force the need for re!etitive movements by the o!erator the need for the o!erator to stretch or stoo! machine controls sited in aw#ward !ositions unmar#ed or !oorly mar#ed controls or dis!lays where their functions are not obvious lac# of visibility of the tas# by the o!erator the wor#!iece is difficult to !osition because of its si)e or wei$ht difficulty ex!erienced in chan$in$% ad<ustin$ or cleanin$ the machine tools.

Outline / $ive the most im!ortant features of (less de!th than either ex!lain or describe% but more de!th than list. E.$. Outline the sources and !ossible effects of 0O12 non7mechanical ha)ards commonly encountered in a woodwor#in$ sho!. Several non7mechanical ha)ards could be !resent includin$=7 i* dust from sandin$ and sawin$ o!erations% which could lead to lun$ disorders and !ossibly cancer. ii* &hemical ha)ards from varnishes and $lues which could lead to dermatitis% irritation of the airways and drowsiness. iii* Noise% which could lead to noise7induced hearin$ loss% tinnitus and stress. iv* 9anual handlin$ ha)ards which could cause musculos#eletal disorders.


Sketc / !rovide a sim!le line drawin$ usin$ labels to identify s!ecific features. E.$. ' !neumatic drill is to be used durin$ extensive re!air wor# to the floor of a warehouse. "dentify% by means of a labelled s#etch% H2EE !ossible transmission !aths the noise from the drill could ta#e.

5. 2eflected noise from walls 3 surfaces

+. @irectly throu$h the air from drill to !erson

>. ransmission throu$h the structure of the buildin$

State / a less demandin$ form of define% or where there is no $enerally reco$nised definition. E.$. State the sha!e and colour% and $ive a relevant exam!le% of E'&H of the followin$ ty!es of safety si$n= i* !rohibition iii* mandatory ii* warnin$ iv* emer$ency esca!e or first7aid. i* ii* iii* iv* 6rohibition si$ns have a white bac#$round within a red circle and with a dia$onal red line / for exam!le a no smo#in$ si$n. 4arnin$ si$ns have a yellow bac#$round within a blac# trian$le / for exam!le% si$ns used to warn a$ainst the ha)ards of flammable materials% radiation 3 electricity. 9andatory si$ns are round% with a blue bac#$round% and are used to desi$nate the com!ulsory use of% for exam!le% hearin$ or head !rotection. Emer$ency esca!e and first aid si$ns are rectan$ular or square% with a $reen bac#$round. 'n exam!le is the directional (runnin$ man* emer$ency esca!e si$n.

his document has been re!roduced with the !ermission of NEBOSH% but does not necessarily re!resent the views of NEBOSH.

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