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Welcome to Biology! This is an in-depth study of the living organisms that make up our diverse world.

The NC Essential tandards are as follows!

Bio "." #nderstand the relationship $etween the structures and functions of cells and their organelles. Bio ".% &naly'e the cell as a living system. Bio %." &naly'e the interdependence of living organisms within their environments. Bio %.% #nderstand the impact of human activities on the environment (one generation affects the ne)t*. Bio +." E)plain how traits are determined $y the structure and function of ,N&. Bio +.% #nderstand how the environment- and.or the interaction of alleles- influences the e)pression of genetic traits. Bio +.+ #nderstand the application of ,N& technology. Bio +./ E)plain the theory of evolution $y natural selection as a mechanism for how species change over time. Bio +.0 &naly'e how classification systems are developed $ased upon speciation. Bio /." #nderstand how $iological molecules are essential to the survival of living organisms Bio /.% &naly'e the relationships $etween $iochemical processes and energy use in the cell.

1n order to achieve these goals- classroom standards must $e set and maintained throughout the semester. The entire class period must $e devoted to learning2 therefore disruptions will not $e tolerated. 3lease read the following- of which you will $e held accounta$le! Classroom Rules! Be on Time and on Task! Be in your seat when the tardy $ell rings and $e ready to $egin class. The first three tardies will $e handled $y your teacher. 4our or more tardies is an office referral. Be 3repared! 5ave all materials needed for class each day. This would include te)t$ookpen.pencil- paper- note$ook- laptop- and colored pencils. Being prepared also means having assignments complete and ready to participate in class discussions. Bring your laptop daily! 4ollow ,irections! 6isten to instructions completely $efore $eginning an assignment- la$pro7ect- or test. No talking or communicating unless given permission. ,o not leave your seat without permission. Be aware of policies and conse8uences as descri$ed in the hand$ook. No 4ood or ,rink! No eating or drinking will $e allowed in class- unless it is a $ottle of water. Conse8uences are outlined in the student hand$ook. 9aise :our 5and! 3lease 8uietly raise your hand to $e recogni'ed. how 9espect! 1f you want respect- you must first give it to others. how respect to your classmates- yourself- and to me. General Procedures! &ssignments are due at the end of the class period- unless given permission to finish them at home. 1f you are a$sent- it is your responsi$ility to make up the work. 3lease check with me regarding assignments or notes you may have missed. Because classroom time is so valua$le- students should use the restroom and get water $efore or after class. tudents will $e allowed to use the restroom together- as a class. No one is allowed in the hall the first or last "0 minutes of class. :ou must have a pass to leave the classroom. upplies for Biology include your te)t$ook- +-ring $inder with loose-leaf paper- your laptop- pencils and.or pens- and colored pencils. The 3C5 5and$ook and my class rules should $e followed at all times. ,isruptions take away from class time and your (and your classmates;* learning. hould infractions occur- disciplinary actions will $e taken.

6a$s and computer use are vital to any science class. afety is an important aspect of la$! no horse playing or carelessness will $e allowed. 1f la$ time is a$used- it will $e lost and could result in office referrals. Benchmark tests will $e given periodically to check on your progress in Biology. Tutorials are mandatory if your score is $elow a <=. 3rogress reports will $e distri$uted as needed. Check 3ower chool often. Each student is e)pected to do his.her own work at all times. There will $e several opportunities for you to work in pairs or groups. 3lease keep in mind that doesn;t mean that one person does the work and the others copy! 1f you are caught cheating- all parties involved will receive a 'ero for the assignment. tudents are N>T to $e on their laptops unless working on an assignment that re8uires them. No music or headphones- unless directed. There is a ?0.== fee for this class.

Grades! :our nine-weeks; grade will $e compiled $y the following standard! TE T .39>@ECT .BENC5A&9B CCCCCCCCCCC..C.%0D E#1FFE .3&9T1C13&T1>NCCCCC...CCCCCCCCC..C..%0D C6& W>9BCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC..CC%0D 6&B CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC..C...%0D G3lease keep in mind that the Biology E>C is your final e)am for this course and will $e calculated as %=D of your final grade. 3lease don;t let these guidelines intimidate or offend you. They are simple and fair for everyone. &fter all- you are here to learn. Biology is a fascinating su$7ect and 1 intend on making it an adventure for all of us. 3lan on doing your $est. With cooperation and determination- we will all succeed.
,ear 3arent1 am looking forward to working with you and your child. 1 want you to $e aware of what is going on in my classroom and how your child is progressing throughout the semester. 1f you have any 8uestions or concerns- please feel free to contact me. The school num$er is </0-+"0" and my planning period is from H!== I J!+=. 1 can also $e reached at home or $y email 3lease review this paper and initial- sign- and return the $ottom of the attached one. The top copy is a duplicate for you. Thank you- in advance- for your cooperation. 5ere;s to a great semester!

3lease review2 then sign- date- and return the $ottom portion. (The top of this paper is a duplicate- for your records.* &lso- please give a num$er where you can $e reached and indicate the $est time to call. &lso- may 1 email youL Thanks! We have read over the Biology Essential tandards. We have reviewed the classroom rules2 understand the importance of following rules- and practicing safe la$oratory procedures. We are aware of the grading scheme for this class. We understand that there is an End-of-Course test for Biology and that it counts as %=D of the final grade. We reali'e there is a ?0.== fee for Biology. We understand the importance of parent.teacher communication and $enchmark testing. We will check progress through 3ower chool.

Tutorials are from %!00-+!+= daily. (Aandatory if a ma7or test is failed*

Cut here and return $ottom portion & &3

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------T#,ENT N&AEMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM We have read over the Biology Essential tandards. We have reviewed the classroom rules2 understand the importance of following rules- and practicing safe la$oratory procedures. We are aware of the grading scheme for this class. We understand that there is an End-of-Course test for Biology and that it counts as %=D of the final grade. We reali'e there is a ?0.== fee for Biology. We understand the importance of parent.teacher communication and $enchmark testing. We will check progress through 3ower chool. Tutorials are from %!00-+!+= daily. (Aandatory if a ma7or test is failed*



%nd period!MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM /th period! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM &ny e)tra-curricular activitiesL ( ports- clu$s- workL* MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM ,o you have a computer at homeL Can you print at homeL ,o you have internet at homeL :es :es :es No No No

&nything else 1 need to know a$out youL (e)amples include allergies- seating preference- etc.*

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