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Hungarian Questions

Learning the Hungarian Questions is very important because its structure is used in every day conversation. The more you practice the subject, the closer you get to mastering the Hungarian language. But first we need to know what the role of Questions is in the structure of the grammar in Hungarian. Hungarian questions may be either a linguistic expression used to make a request for information, or else the request itself made by such an expression. Usually it starts with why, how, where, when ... Grammar Tips: In Hungarian you simply put a question mark at the end of the sentence of word to mark that it is a question. In speech you mark the question by a rising tone.

Here are some examples:

English Questions
Que stions

Hungarian Questions



wha t?

mi? or: mit? Also, plural: mik? / miket?


ki? or: kit? Also, plural: kik? / kiket?



whe re ?

hol? or: hov?

As you can see from the example above, the structure of the Questions in Hungarian has a logical pattern. Locate the Questions above and see how it works with the rest of the sentence in Hungarian.

List of Questions in Hungarian

Below is a list of the Questions and interrogative expressions in Hungarian placed in a table. Memorizing this table will help you add very useful and important words to your Hungarian vocabulary.

English Questions
whe re is he ?

Hungarian Questions
hol van?

wha t is this?

mi ez?

why a re you sa d ?

mirt vagy szomor?

how d o you wa nt to p a y?

hogyan akarsz fizetni?

ca n I come ?


is he sle e p ing?


d o you know me ?

ismersz engem?

d o you ha ve my b ook?

nlad van a knyvem?

how b ig is it?

milyen nagy?

ca n I he lp you?

tudok segteni?

ca n you he lp me ?

tud nekem segteni?

d o you sp e a k E nglish?

Beszl angolul?

how fa r is this?

milyen messze van ez?

wha t time is it?

Hny ra van?

how much is this?

Mennyibe kerl ez?

wha t is your na me ?

mi a neve? or: mi a neved?

whe re d o you live ?

hol lakik? / hol laksz?

Questions and interrogative expressions have a very important role in Hungarian, therefore they need very special attention. Once you're done with Hungarian Questions, you might want to check the rest of our Hungarian lessons here: Learn Hungarian. Don't forget to bookmark this page.

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