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Cell Structures Study Questions

1. What is Cytoplasm? The matrix found between the nuclear and plasma membrane in which chemical reactions occur 2. Cytoplasm is composed of what 5 basic substances? Water, ions, lipids, carbohydrates, proteins 3. What is the major component of cytoplasm Water 4. What are free ribosomes composed of? DNA and Ribosomal RNA 5. What is the function of free ribosomes? Synthesize proteins (actin, myosin) that is used inside the cell 6. Describe the endoplasmic reticulum? System of membrane-bound canals 7. Describe the rough endoplasmic reticulum, what is the function of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and give an example of a cell that contain rER? Rough endoplasmic reticulum (granular) have ribosomes attached and synthesize proteins to be exported out of the cell. Can be found in plasma cells which synthesize antibodies that will be released into the blood. 8. Describe the smooth endoplasmic reticulum, what are the functions of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum, and where can they be found? The smooth endoplasmic reticulum does not have ribosomes attached to it and function in synthesizing steroids and lipids and storing calcium. Can be found in the leydig cells of the tests which synthesize testosterone a steroid. Also can be found in skeletal muscle cells where it is called sarcoplasmic reticulum and it stores calcium.

9. What is the function/s of the mitochondrium? The mitochondria is a membrane-bound organelle that functions to produce Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) which is the major energy source of the cell.

10. Describe the golgi apparatus or complex and what are its functions?

Consists of stacks of flattened membranous sacs called cisternae. Function is to add carbohydrates to proteins forming Glycoproteins to package and export out of cell.
11. Describe the lysosome and what is its function?

Membrane-bound organelle that consists of more than 60 different type of enzymes which are used to digest foreign molecules and worn or damaged organelles.
12. Describe microtubules and what are its functions?

Microtubules are thin hollow tubes composed of the protein tubulin. Functions: Forming the cytoskeleton Forming centrioles Forming cilia and flagellum Transporting materials within the cytoskeleton
13. What is the centrosome?

14. What is a centriole composed of and what is its function?

Centriole is composed of 9 groups of 3 micortubules forming a 9-3 arrangement of microtubules. Centrioles form the spindle fibers aiding in the movement of the chromosome during cell division.
15. Describe the 3 types of microfilaments and what are their functions?

Actin filaments contractile proteins which form part of the cytoskeleton and are involved in muscle contraction Intermediate filaments function in the maintenance of cell shape. Myosin filaments thick contractile proteins found only in muscle cells.
16. Describe the nuclear membrane and what is its function? Membrane that surrounds the nucleus and regulates the passage of materials between the nucleus and cytoplasm 17. What is chromatin? Fibrous strands which are composed of deoxyribonucleic acid and protein. 18. What is deoxyribonucleic acid and what is its function? Comprises the genetic material of the cell and controls cellular activities 19. What is ribonucleic acid and what is its function?

20. What are the 3 types of RNA Messenger RNA Transfer RNA Ribosomal RNA

21. What is the function of the nucleolus? Synthesizes ribosomal RNA

22. What are the two major components of the plasma membrane? Two major components of the plasma membrane are proteins and phospholipids

23. What are the 2 minor components of the plasma membrane? 2 minor components of the PM are carbohydrates and cholesterol 24. What are the 5 functions of the plasma membrane? Contains the cytoplasm of the cell Regulates and transports molecules in/out of the cell Framework for chemical reactions Binding or receptor site for neurotransmitters and hormones Cell junctions

25. What is a cilium, what is it composed of, what is its function, and where in the body can it be found? Tiny hair-like structures that protrude from the cell. Function: move substances across the cell surface. Located: respiratory system and female reproductive system 26. What is a flagellum, what is it composed of, what is its function, and where in the body can it be found? Single long structure that protrudes from the cell. Composed of a 9-2-2 arrangement of microtubules Function: to propel sperm Found in the testes only place 27. What are microvilli, what is its function, and where in the body can it be found? Fingerlike extensions of the plasma membrane which increase the surface area of the PM. Function to increase the absorption capacity of the cell.

Found in apical surfaces facing the lumen of small intestine and in the kidney tubules 28. What is a vacuole? Membrane-bound sacs which store substances within the cytoplasm 29. What is a secretory granule or vesicle? Membrane-bound sacs containing substances to be exported out of the cell 30. What is a peroxisome? Spherical membrane-bound organelles which contain many enzymes that detoxify harmful molecules and break down hydrogen peroxide.

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