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BIOLOGY EXCURSION Super headed by _______________ (President of NERBS), College of Arts and Sciences, con uered the !

ni"ersity of the Philippines #os Banos for the first ti$e on %ebruary &', ()&*+ ,he said e-cursion ai$ed to bring the future biologists on the field .here they can be free to ac uire /no.ledge and learn fro$ their e-periences+ Ar$ed .ith their ca$eras, Biology students in"aded the three fascinating place on school+ So$e of these facilities are 0a/iling Botanical 1arden, 0useu$ of 2nternational Rice Research 2nstitute (2RR2), and Biotech all of .hich displayed i$portant biological facts+ A$ong these, one .hich captured the $ost attention fro$ the students is the 0a/iling Botanical 1arden, .here they ate their lunch .ith the falls in their bac/ground+ 3,he field trip .as great4 2t is uni ue and educational+ 5 said 0a+ Ruthchell P+ %elipe, & st year, BS6 Biology student+ ,he Biological Society left the !P#B at 78*) p$+ NEU 37th Founding Anniversar #ast 9une &7, ()&(, the Ne. Era !ni"ersity students, staff, and ad$inistrators celebrated her *: th founding anni"ersary+ 2t .as celebrated by holding a Special ;orship Ser"ice in Central ,e$ple+ ,he students prepared the$sel"es for the said acti"ities+ ,he ad$inistrators had a de"otional prayer for their preparation+ ,he holy scriptures .ere deli"ered by Brother Regaldo delos Reyes, Central ,e$ple 0inister+ 2t .as started at '8)) a$ and finished at <8&)a$+ 32$ so proud to be an Eraian+5 Said by 9ustene anne =+ 0an>ano, * rd year BEEd6 Special Education 0a?or+

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