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MinionPro Support for L

Achim Blumensath Andieas Bhmann Michael Zedlei
v:.: :oo,/o,/:,
1 Overview 2
2 Interference with other packages 2
3 Options 2
4 Figure selection 4
5 Additional font shapes and symbols 5
6 Language support 6
7 Searching for fgures or for words containing ligatures in pdf documents 6
8 nfss classifcation 7
9 Version history 7
10 Te main style fle 8
1o.1 Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1o.i Font declaiations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1o. Font selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1o. Gieek letteis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1o., pdf T
X to-unicode suppoit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,
1o.o Supeiioi and infeiioi fguies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,
1o., Additional symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . io
1o.8 Integial symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i1
1o. Open G suppoit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
1o.1oLogos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
1o.11AMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
11 Support for character protrusion 23
12 Font defnition fles 28
1 Overview
Te MinionPro package piovides suppoit foi the MinionPio font family fiom Adobe. You
can use these fonts in a L
X document by adding the command
to the pieamble. Tis will change both the text font and the math font to MinionPio. If
you piefei anothei math font (such as eulervm) use the option onlytext as explained in
Section ,.
2 Interference with other packages
Te MinionPro package automatically loads the following packages: textcomp, amsmath,
and MnSymbol (veision :.). If you want to pass options to these packages you can eithei
put the coiiesponding \usepackage command befoie the \usepackage{MinionPro} oi
you can include the options in the \documentclass command. Te MinionPro package is
not compatible with amssymb and amsfonts. Please see also the coiiesponding section in
the MnSymbol documentation.
Te MinionPio package includes suppoit fles foi the microtype package (veision :.8 oi
highei), consult the packages documentation foi fuithei details.
Teie is also a slight incompatibility with the dcolumn package which expects all fguies
to have the same width. If you want to use this package you eithei have to specify the
mathtabular option (this is the biute foice solution, not iecommended), oi you can use
the \figureversion{tabular} command to switch to tabulai fguies in fiont of eveiy
table (much bettei, but also moie woik). In addition, dcolumn sets fguies in math mode,
hence the choice of math fguies (see Section ,) deteimines if text oi lining fguies aie used.
3 Options
Font selection
Te following options specify which veision of the fonts you want to use. Te default set-
tings aie maiked with an asteiisk.
smallfamily use only iegulai and bold face
medfamily use semibold face in addition to smallfamily
fullfamily use medium face in addition to medfamily
noopticals use only the optical size Text
opticals use the optical sizes Caption, Text, Subhead, and Display
slides use only the optical size Caption (useful foi slides)
normalsize adapt optical sizes to the noimal font size (:o pt, :: pt, :: pt)
nonormalsize use static settings foi the optical sizes
Since MinionPio comes in only foui difeient optical sizes we use a vaiiable mapping
fiom font size to the optical size. Tis means that, both foi :o pt and :: pt documents,
text set in \small size will use the Caption size. Sometimes it might be desiiable to tuin
of this automatism foi instance, if you want to load the MinionPro package befoie the
\documentclass command. In these cases you can use the nonormalsize option to do so.
Te package also piovides a way to only change the text fonts oi only the math fonts.
onlytext only change the text fonts
onlymath only change the math fonts
Figure selection
MinionPio ofeis foui difeient fguie veisions. Adetailed desciiption is given in Section .
Te default veision can be selected by the following options:
textosf use text fguies in text mode
mathosf use text fguies in math mode
osf use text fguies in text and math mode
textlf use lining fguies in text mode
mathlf use lining fguies in math mode
lf use lining fguies in text and math mode
mathtabular use tabulai fguies in math mode
Calligraphic fonts
Tese options specify which font is used by the \mathcal command.
mnsy use the calligiaphic font fiom MnSymbol : ABC
cmsy take the calligiaphic symbols fiom Computei Modein: ABC
swash use the swash capitals fiom MinionPio: ABC
abx use the calligiaphic symbols piovided by mathabx: ABCabc
(Tis font contains also loweicase letteis, but it is not quite
Blackboard bold letters
You can also select difeient fonts foi the \mathbb command.
amsbb use the AMS blackboaid font: NZQRC
fourierbb use the Fouiiei blackboaid font: NZQRC
lucidabb use the (commeicial) Lucida Math blackboaid font: NZQRC
Greek letters
Te following options specify whethei you want to use upiight oi italic Gieek letteis in
math mode.
mixedgreek uppeicase Gieek is upiight, loweicase Gieek is italic
italicgreek all Gieek letteis aie italic
frenchmath all Gieek letteis and the uppeicase Roman letteis aie upiight
Upiight and italic Gieek letteis aie also diiectly accessible via the commands \upgamma,
\itgamma, \upGamma, \itGamma, etc.
Miscellaneous options
minionint take the integial symbols fiomMinionPio, not fiomMnSymbol :

instead of

openg use instead of g in math mode.
loosequotes Te quote signs of MinionPio aie set iathei tight. Tis can lead
to undesiiable spacing foi apostiophes. Te loosequotes op-
tion slightly incieases the side beaiings of quotes.
Tis option iequiies pdf T
X :.o and microtype :.o. Bewaie
that this option pievents hyphenation of woids containing apos-
tiophes. Such woids will iequiie explicit hyphenation com-
mands \-.
footnotefigures use special fguies foi footnote maiks, i.e., example' instead of
. Tis option can only be used if the footnote maiks
consist solely of fguies.
4 Figure selection
MinionPio ofeis foui difeient fguie veisions. One can choose between text fgures (low-
eicase fguies) and lining fgures (uppeicase fguies) and one can choose between propor-
tional fguies (fguies with difeient widths) and tabular fguies (all fguies have the same
width, useful mainly foi tables).
text fguies lining fguies
piopoitional o::,,o,8 0I23436789
tabulai o1i,o,8 0123436789
Te \figureversion command can be used to switch between difeient fguie veisions.
Possible paiameteis aie:
text, osf text fguies
lining, lf lining fguies
tabular, tab tabulai fguies
proportional, prop piopoitional fguies
Usually it is desiiable to set most text with piopoitional fguies and to use tabulai fguies
only in tables and lists. Unfoitunately most L
X document classes do not suppoit fonts
with seveial fguie veisions. Teiefoie we piovide a package tabfigures that patches some
commondocument classes andpackages (the standaidL
Xclases, KOMA-Sciipt, memoir,
and amsmath) to use tabulai fguies at some places. Te tabfigures package suppoits the
following options:

toc use tabulai fguies in the table of contents

eqno use tabulai fguies foi equation numbeis
enum use tabulai fguies in enumeiate enviionments
bib use tabulai fguies in the bibliogiaphy
lineno use tabulai fguies foi line numbeis (this afects only the doc
5 Additional font shapes and symbols
In addition to the noimal small caps shape sc theie is a letteispaced veision called ssc. It
is accessible via the commands \sscshape and \textssc. In oidei to use the ssc shape
thioughout youi document specify \renewcommand{\scdefault}{ssc} in the pieamble
of youi document.
Swash capitals like Canadian Mountain Holidays aie accessed via the sw fontshape and
the commands \swshape and \textsw.
sc Tuis is : S:mvii Tix1
ssc Tuis is : S:mvii Tix1
sw Tis is a Sample Text
Te MinionPro package piovides all symbols fiom the MnSymbol package. Additionally,
the following math symbols aie available:
\digamma \varkappa \varbeta
\backepsilon \varbackepsilon \hbar

h \hslash


\jmath \eth k \Bbbk
0 \slashedzero \openg
Small and slanted fiactions aie fiactions with a height matching the fonts body size. Tese
aie useful foi typesetting, e.g., cos(
x + `
y) oi .. lities of ied wine and can be accessed

\slantfrac{numerator}{denominator} . ..
Note that only fguies can be used foi numerator and denominator.
Oinaments can be accessed via the pifont package with the command
Te available glyphs aie listed in the table below. Veision of the MinionPio font
piovides only oinaments :oo:::.
numbei glyph numbei glyph numbei glyph numbei glyph
1oo 11 1io 1
1o1 } 11 1i, - 1o
1oi _ 11, + 1i8 11
1o ~ 11o 1i < 1i
1o 11, @ 1o 1
1o, ( 118 @ 11 1
1oo w 11 1i 1,
1o, 1io 1 1o
1o8 1i1 1 1,
1o g 1ii ~ 1, 18
11o 1i 1o 1
111 1i ~ 1, 1,o
11i 1i, - 18
6 Language support
Te following encodings aie suppoited:
Latin o1:, 1:, 1s:, iv:, 1,
Cyiillic 1::, 1:v, 1:c, x:, o1:
Gieek icv (to be used with babel, including polutonikogreek),
ici (Ibycus tiansliteiation scheme)
In oidei to typeset Gieek text with the Ibycus tiansliteiation scheme, specify
in the pieamble and consult the documentation given in ibycus-babel.pdf on c1:.
\setgreekfontsize is not suppoited.
7 Searching for fgures or for words containing ligatures in
pdf documents
Seaiching foi fguies oi foi woids containing ligatuies in vui documents may not be pos-
sible depending on the way the vui fle was cieated. Te following table gives an oveiview
of which glyphs may cause pioblems.
font veision piogiam pioblems Ghostsciipt, LF/TOsF, non-standaid ligatuies, swashes
pie-:.o pdf T
1.oo1, Ghostsciipt, LF/OsF/TOsF, ligatuies, swashes, small caps pie-:.o pdf T
1.oox Distillei, dvipdfmx LF/TOsF
1.oox pdf T
X :.o ok Distillei, dvipdfmx, ok
pdf T
X :.o
To make fguies and ligatuies seaichable when using pdf T
X:.o, you need to enable glyph-
to-unicode tianslation and load the default mapping table:
\input glyphtounicode
See the pdf T
X manual foi details.
8 nfss classifcation
Paienthesised combinations aie piovided via substitutions.
encoding family seiies shape
o1:, 1:, 1s:, iv:, 1, MinionPio-OsF,
m, b (sb, bx), eb n, it (sl), sw
sc, scit (scsl, scsw),
ssc, sscit (sscsl, sscsw)
icv, ici, 1::, 1:v,
1:c, x:, o1:
m, b (sb, bx), eb n, it (sl)
omi MinionPio-TOsF m, b (sb, bx), eb n, it
U MinionPio-Extia m, b (sb, bx), eb n, it (sl)
9 Version history
Veision :.o: Initial Release on c1:
Veision :.::
via substitution in ts1 encoding
added package options onlytext and onlymath
added package option loosequotes
added package option openg
added package options normalsize and nonormalsize
fxed package option frenchmath
fxed package option abx
added suppoit foi pdf T
X :. cm:v inclusion
update to microtype veision :.8
added tabfigures to automatically handle tabulai fguies in toc, equation labels, bibli-
ogiaphies, enumeiations
fxed \t accent
fxed \r accent in o1: encoding
fxed slashed zeio in font veision
fxed aiiows in 1s: and U encodings
fxed icv and ici encodings to use instead of
fxed in ici encoding
added punctuation suppoit in ici encoding (thanks to Jens Boeistinghaus)
added symbols \hslash, \lambdabar, \lambdaslash
fxed side beaiings of in math mode
added CODINGSCHEME statements to encoding fles
fxed usage of MnSymbols | in doc.stys module piefx
ieduce numbei of iaw encodings to fve pei font
10 Te main style fle
10.1 Options
1 style
2 \newif\if@Mn@Text@
3 \newif\if@Mn@Math@
4 \@Mn@Text@true
5 \@Mn@Math@true
6 \DeclareOption{onlytext}{\@Mn@Text@true\@Mn@Math@false}
7 \DeclareOption{onlymath}{\@Mn@Text@false\@Mn@Math@true}
Font sets
Te package MinionPro-FontDef adapts the font defnitions to the iequested font set (see
section ::). So we simply pass on the ielevant options; only MinionPio integials aie han-
dled heie in MinionPro.
8 \newcommand\Mn@minionint@opticals{-NoOpticals}
9 \newcommand\Mn@minionint@bold{-Bold}
10 \DeclareOption{slides}{%
11 \def\Mn@minionint@opticals{-NoOpticals}%
12 \PassOptionsToPackage{slides}{MinionPro-FontDef}}
13 \DeclareOption{noopticals}{%
14 \def\Mn@minionint@opticals{-NoOpticals}%
15 \PassOptionsToPackage{noopticals}{MinionPro-FontDef}}
16 \DeclareOption{opticals}{%
17 \def\Mn@minionint@opticals{}%
18 \PassOptionsToPackage{opticals}{MinionPro-FontDef}}
19 \DeclareOption{smallfamily}{%
20 \def\Mn@minionint@bold{-Bold}%
21 \PassOptionsToPackage{smallfamily}{MinionPro-FontDef}}
22 \DeclareOption{medfamily}{%
23 \def\Mn@minionint@bold{-Semibold}%
24 \PassOptionsToPackage{medfamily}{MinionPro-FontDef}}
25 \DeclareOption{fullfamily}{%
26 \def\Mn@minionint@bold{-Semibold}%
27 \PassOptionsToPackage{fullfamily}{MinionPro-FontDef}}
28 \DeclareOption{normalsize}{%
29 \PassOptionsToPackage{normalsize}{MinionPro-FontDef}}
30 \DeclareOption{nonormalsize}{%
31 \PassOptionsToPackage{nonormalsize}{MinionPro-FontDef}}
Figure style
32 \newcommand\Mn@Text@Fig{OsF}
33 \newcommand\Mn@Math@Fig{OsF}
34 \newcommand\Mn@Text@Family{MinionPro-\Mn@Text@Fig}
35 \newcommand\Mn@Math@Family{MinionPro-\Mn@Math@Fig}
36 \newcommand\Mn@Math@TFamily{MinionPro-T\Mn@Math@Fig}
37 \newcommand\Mn@Math@LetterShape{it}
38 \DeclareOption{textosf}{\def\Mn@Text@Fig{OsF}}
39 \DeclareOption{textlf} {\def\Mn@Text@Fig{LF}}
40 \DeclareOption{mathosf}{\def\Mn@Math@Fig{OsF}}
41 \DeclareOption{mathlf} {\def\Mn@Math@Fig{LF}}
42 \DeclareOption{osf}{\ExecuteOptions{textosf,mathosf}}
43 \DeclareOption{lf} {\ExecuteOptions{textlf,mathlf}}
44 \DeclareOption{mathtabular}{\let\Mn@Math@Family\Mn@Math@TFamily}
Calligraphic fonts
Tese hooks aie executed once the math veisions have been set up.
45 \newcommand\Mn@load@cal{}
46 \newcommand\Mn@load@bb{}
47 \newcommand\Mn@load@frak{}
Most options aie handled by MnSymbol.
48 \DeclareOption{mnsy}{
49 \PassOptionsToPackage{mnsy}{MnSymbol}
50 \def\Mn@load@cal{
51 \SetMathAlphabet\mathcal{boldtabular}{OMS}{MnSymbolS}{b}{n}
52 }
53 }
54 \DeclareOption{cmsy}{
55 \PassOptionsToPackage{cmsy}{MnSymbol}

56 \def\Mn@load@cal{
57 \SetMathAlphabet\mathcal{boldtabular}{OMS}{cmsy}{b}{n}
58 }
59 }
60 \DeclareOption{abx}{
61 \PassOptionsToPackage{abx}{MnSymbol}
62 % \def\Mn@load@cal{
63 % \SetMathAlphabet\mathcal{boldtabular}{OT1}{mathc}{b}{n}
64 % }
65 }
66 \DeclareOption{swash}{
67 \def\Mn@load@cal{
68 \DeclareMathAlphabet\mathcal {T1}{\Mn@Math@Family} {m} {sw}
69 \SetMathAlphabet\mathcal{bold} {T1}{\Mn@Math@Family} {eb}{sw}
70 \SetMathAlphabet\mathcal{tabular} {T1}{\Mn@Math@TFamily}{m} {sw}
71 \SetMathAlphabet\mathcal{boldtabular}{T1}{\Mn@Math@TFamily}{eb}{sw}}
72 }
Greek letters
\Mn@greek@Upright, \Mn@greek@Mixed, and \Mn@greek@Italic aie defned below in sec-
tion :o. befoie \Mn@load@greek is executed.
73 \newcommand\Mn@load@greek{\Mn@greek@Mixed}
74 \DeclareOption{frenchmath}{%
75 \def\Mn@load@greek{\Mn@greek@Upright}%
76 \def\Mn@Math@LetterShape{n}}
77 \DeclareOption{mixedgreek}{%
78 \def\Mn@load@greek{\Mn@greek@Mixed}}
79 \DeclareOption{italicgreek}{%
80 \def\Mn@load@greek{\Mn@greek@Italic}}
Blackboard bold and fraktur fonts
We have to undefne \mathfrak and \mathbb befoie iedefning them, because they
might be defned in such a way that \DeclareMathAlphabet does not iecognize them
as math alphabets and iefuses to oveiwiite theii defnitions (e.g., package eufrak uses
81 \newcommand\Mn@load@amsbb{
82 \let\mathbb\@undefined
83 \let\Bbbk\@undefined
84 \DeclareMathAlphabet\mathbb{U}{msb}{m}{n}
85 \newcommand\Bbbk{\mathbb{\mathchar"717C}}}
86 \newcommand\Mn@load@lucidabb{
87 \let\mathbb\@undefined
88 \let\Bbbk\@undefined
89 \DeclareFontFamily{U}{hlcm}{}
90 \DeclareFontShape{U}{hlcm}{m}{n}{ <->s
[0.92] hlcra }{}
91 \DeclareMathAlphabet\mathbb{U}{hlcm}{m}{n}
92 \newcommand\Bbbk{\mathbb{k}}}
93 \newcommand\Mn@load@fourierbb{
94 \let\mathbb\@undefined
95 \let\Bbbk\@undefined
96 \DeclareFontFamily{U}{futm}{}
97 \DeclareFontShape{U}{futm}{m}{n}{ <->s
[0.95] fourier-bb }{}
98 \DeclareMathAlphabet\mathbb{U}{futm}{m}{n}
99 \newcommand\Bbbk{\mathbb{k}}}
100 \DeclareOption{amsbb} {\let\Mn@load@bb\Mn@load@amsbb}
101 \DeclareOption{lucidabb} {\let\Mn@load@bb\Mn@load@lucidabb}
102 \DeclareOption{fourierbb}{\let\Mn@load@bb\Mn@load@fourierbb}
103 \newcommand\Mn@load@integrals{}
104 \DeclareOption{minionint}{\def\Mn@load@integrals{\Mn@Decl@Minion@Ints}}
Miscellaneous options
Footnote fguies, the g glyph in math mode, extia spacing foi the apostiophe.
105 \DeclareOption{footnotefigures}{%
106 \def\@makefnmark{%
107 \begingroup
108 \normalfont
109 \fontfamily{MinionPro-Extra}\fontencoding{U}\selectfont
110 \@thefnmark
111 \endgroup}}
112 %
113 \newcommand\Mn@Define@Open@g{}
114 \DeclareOption{openg}{%
115 \def\Mn@Define@Open@g{%
116 \mathcodeg="8000%
117 \DeclareMathSymbol{\Mn@g}{\mathalpha}{letters}{g}%
118 \begingroup
119 \lccode\~=\g
120 \lowercase{\gdef~{\ifnum\the\mathgroup=\m@ne \openg \else \Mn@g \fi}}%
121 \endgroup
122 }}
123 %
124 \newcommand\Mn@Quote@Spacing{}
125 \DeclareOption{loosequotes}{%
126 \def\Mn@Quote@Spacing{\Mn@Quote@Spacing@Loose}}
127 \ExecuteOptions{amsbb,eufrak}
128 \ProcessOptions\relax
10.2 Font declarations
129 \RequirePackage{MinionPro-FontDef}
130 \@ifpackageloaded{textcomp}{}{\RequirePackage{textcomp}}
132 \if@Mn@Math@
133 \RequirePackage{MnSymbol}[2007/01/21 v1.4]
If no fiaktui font is loaded then take the Eulei font.
134 \@ifundefined{mathfrak}{%
135 \RequirePackage{eufrak}%
136 \SetMathAlphabet\EuFrak{boldtabular}{U}{euf}{b}{n}}{}
137 \fi
By default, we use b foi the bold seiies. If MinionPro-Semibold is not available this might
inteinally be mapped to MinionPro-Bold (see MinionPro-FontDef).
138 \if@Mn@Text@
139 \edef\rmdefault{\Mn@Text@Family}
140 \let\ibycusdefault\Mn@Text@Family
If a iecent veiion of microtype is loaded then we implement an option to inciease the side
beaiings of all quote glyphs.
141 \def\Mn@Quote@Spacing@Loose{%
142 \@ifpackageloaded{microtype}{}{\RequirePackage[kerning=true]{microtype}}
143 \@ifundefined{SetExtraKerning}{}{
144 \let\Mn@Set@Quote@Spacing\SetExtraKerning}
145 % \SetExtraKerning
146 % [ unit = 1em ]
147 % { encoding = {OT1,T1,LGR,U,OT2,T2A,T2B,T2C,T5,X2},
148 % family = {MinionPro-OsF,MinionPro-LF,MinionPro-TOsF,MinionPro-TLF},
149 % shape = n }
150 % { \textquotedblleft = {30,30}, \textquotedblright = {30,30},
151 % \textquoteleft = {30,30}, \textquoteright = {30,30} }}
152 }
153 \newcommand
154 \Mn@Quote@Spacing
155 \Mn@Set@Quote@Spacing
156 [ unit = 1em ]
157 { encoding = {OT1,T1,LGR,U,OT2,T2A,T2B,T2C,T5,X2},
158 family = {MinionPro-OsF,MinionPro-LF,MinionPro-TOsF,MinionPro-TLF},
159 shape = {n,it} }
160 { \textquotedblleft = {30,30}, \textquotedblright = {30,30},
161 \textquoteleft = {30,30}, \textquoteright = {30,30} }
162 \fi
Math fonts
Redefne the standaid math veisions normal and bold.
163 \if@Mn@Math@
164 \DeclareSymbolFont{operators} {T1} {\Mn@Math@Family}{m} {n}
165 \DeclareSymbolFont{letters} {OML}{MinionPro-TOsF} {m} {\Mn@Math@LetterShape}
166 \SetSymbolFont{operators}{bold}{T1} {\Mn@Math@Family}{eb}{n}
167 \SetSymbolFont{letters} {bold}{OML}{MinionPro-TOsF} {eb}{\Mn@Math@LetterShape}
168 \DeclareMathAlphabet\mathbf {T1} {\Mn@Math@Family}{eb}{n}
169 \DeclareMathAlphabet\mathit {T1} {\Mn@Math@Family}{m} {it}
170 \SetMathAlphabet\mathit {bold}{T1} {\Mn@Math@Family}{eb}{it}
Extia math veisions tabular and boldtabular, which use tabulai fguies instead of pio-
poitional ones. Tese math veisions can be useful in tables (cf. section :).
171 \DeclareMathVersion{tabular}
172 \SetSymbolFont{operators}{tabular} {T1} {\Mn@Math@TFamily}{m}{n}
173 \SetSymbolFont{letters} {tabular} {OML}{MinionPro-TOsF} {m}{\Mn@Math@LetterShape}
174 \SetMathAlphabet\mathit {tabular} {T1} {\Mn@Math@TFamily}{m}{it}
176 \DeclareMathVersion{boldtabular}
177 \SetSymbolFont{operators}{boldtabular}{T1} {\Mn@Math@TFamily}{eb}{n}
178 \SetSymbolFont{letters} {boldtabular}{OML}{MinionPro-TOsF} {eb}{\Mn@Math@LetterShape}
179 \SetMathAlphabet\mathit {boldtabular}{T1} {\Mn@Math@TFamily}{eb}{it}
180 \DeclareMathAccent{\grave} {\mathalpha}{operators}{0}
181 \DeclareMathAccent{\acute} {\mathalpha}{operators}{1}
182 \DeclareMathAccent{\hat} {\mathalpha}{operators}{2}
183 \DeclareMathAccent{\tilde} {\mathalpha}{operators}{3}
184 \DeclareMathAccent{\ddot} {\mathalpha}{operators}{4}
185 \DeclareMathAccent{\mathring}{\mathalpha}{operators}{6}
186 \DeclareMathAccent{\check} {\mathalpha}{operators}{7}
187 \DeclareMathAccent{\breve} {\mathalpha}{operators}{8}
188 \DeclareMathAccent{\bar} {\mathalpha}{operators}{9}
189 \DeclareMathAccent{\dot} {\mathalpha}{operators}{10}
Execute the hooks set up above to load the vaiious math alphabets.
190 \Mn@load@bb
191 \Mn@load@frak
192 \Mn@load@cal
193 \fi
10.3 Font selection
Te font selection commands such as \figureversion, \textsw, and \textssc aie pio-
vided by the companion package fontaxes, which may be useful foi othei font families as
194 \RequirePackage{fontaxes}[2005/05/04]
We defne an additional shoit hand foi compatibilitys sake.
195 \let\oldstylenums\textfigures
10.4 Greek letters
We piovide math-mode commands foi each Gieek lettei, both italic and upiight. Fuithei-
moie, theie aie thiee commands to select the default veision of the letteis (all upiight, all
italic, oi capitals upiight and loweicase italic).
While declaiing the Gieek letteis we collect the uppeicase and loweicase letteis in two
lists. (We distinguish them by the fist lettei of theii name.) Tese lists aie then used to
select the difeient veisions.
196 \if@Mn@Math@
197 \newcommand\Mn@greek@list@upper{}
198 \newcommand\Mn@greek@list@lower{}
199 \let\Mn@greek@list@upper\@gobble
200 \let\Mn@greek@list@lower\@gobble
Tis macio holds one of the two list names.
201 \newcommand\Mn@greek@list{}
202 \newcommand
203 \expandafter\DeclareMathSymbol
204 \expandafter{\csname it#1\endcsname}{\mathord}{letters}{#2}%
205 \expandafter\DeclareMathSymbol
206 \expandafter{\csname up#1\endcsname}{\mathord}{letters}{#3}%
207 \edef\@tempa{\@car#1\@nil}%
208 \edef\Mn@greek@list{\expandafter\noexpand\csname
209 Mn@greek@list@\ifnum\uccode\@tempa=\@tempa upper\else lower\fi\endcsname}%
210 \expandafter\edef\Mn@greek@list{\Mn@greek@list,#1}%
211 }
We can now declaie the Gieek letteis (lef italic, iight upiight).
212 \Mn@greek@letter{Gamma} {000}{200}
213 \Mn@greek@letter{Delta} {001}{201}
214 \Mn@greek@letter{Theta} {002}{202}
215 \Mn@greek@letter{Lambda} {003}{203}
216 \Mn@greek@letter{Xi} {004}{204}
217 \Mn@greek@letter{Pi} {005}{205}
218 \Mn@greek@letter{Sigma} {006}{206}
219 \Mn@greek@letter{Upsilon} {007}{207}
220 \Mn@greek@letter{Phi} {010}{210}
221 \Mn@greek@letter{Psi} {011}{211}
222 \Mn@greek@letter{Omega} {012}{212}
223 \Mn@greek@letter{alpha} {013}{213}
224 \Mn@greek@letter{beta} {014}{214}
225 \Mn@greek@letter{gamma} {015}{215}
226 \Mn@greek@letter{delta} {016}{216}
227 \Mn@greek@letter{epsilon} {017}{217}
228 \Mn@greek@letter{zeta} {020}{220}
229 \Mn@greek@letter{eta} {021}{221}
230 \Mn@greek@letter{theta} {022}{222}
231 \Mn@greek@letter{iota} {023}{223}
232 \Mn@greek@letter{kappa} {024}{224}
233 \Mn@greek@letter{lambda} {025}{225}
234 \Mn@greek@letter{mu} {026}{226}
235 \Mn@greek@letter{nu} {027}{227}
236 \Mn@greek@letter{xi} {030}{230}
237 \Mn@greek@letter{pi} {031}{231}
238 \Mn@greek@letter{rho} {032}{232}
239 \Mn@greek@letter{sigma} {033}{233}
240 \Mn@greek@letter{tau} {034}{234}
241 \Mn@greek@letter{upsilon} {035}{235}
242 \Mn@greek@letter{phi} {036}{236}
243 \Mn@greek@letter{chi} {037}{237}
244 \Mn@greek@letter{psi} {040}{240}
245 \Mn@greek@letter{omega} {041}{241}
246 \Mn@greek@letter{varepsilon} {042}{242}
247 \Mn@greek@letter{vartheta} {043}{243}
248 \Mn@greek@letter{varpi} {044}{244}
249 \Mn@greek@letter{varrho} {045}{245}
250 \Mn@greek@letter{varsigma} {046}{246}
251 \Mn@greek@letter{varphi} {047}{247}
Some of the following symbols aie not ieally Gieek letteis but aie tieated in the same way.
252 \Mn@greek@letter{varbeta} {260}{250}
253 \Mn@greek@letter{varkappa} {261}{251}
254 \Mn@greek@letter{backepsilon} {262}{252}
255 \Mn@greek@letter{varbackepsilon}{263}{253}
256 \Mn@greek@letter{digamma} {264}{254}
257 \Mn@greek@letter{eth} {266}{256}
Go thiough a list #2 of Gieek letteis and \let them be theii #1-piefxed vaiiants.
258 \newcommand
259 \expandafter\let\expandafter\Mn@greek@list\csname Mn@greek@list@#2\endcsname
260 \@for\@tempa:=\Mn@greek@list\do{%
261 \expandafter\let\csname\@tempa\expandafter\endcsname
262 \csname#1\@tempa\endcsname
263 }%
264 }
265 \newcommand
266 \Mn@greek@select{up}{upper}%
267 \Mn@greek@select{up}{lower}%
268 }
269 \newcommand
270 \Mn@greek@select{it}{upper}%
271 \Mn@greek@select{it}{lower}%
272 }
273 \newcommand
274 \Mn@greek@select{up}{upper}%
275 \Mn@greek@select{it}{lower}%
276 }
Finally initialise the Gieek letteis.
277 \Mn@load@greek
278 \fi
10.5 pdfT
X to-unicode support
Old veisions of MinionPio have non-standaid glyph names.
279 \@ifundefined{pdfglyphtounicode}{}{
280 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniEFD5}{03DD}% uni03DD
281 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniEFED}{02D9}% dotaccent.cap
282 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniEFEE}{02D8}% breve.cap
283 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniEFF1}{02DB}% ogonek.cap
284 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniEFF2}{00B8}% cedilla.cap
285 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniEFF3}{02DA}% ring.cap
286 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniEFF5}{02DC}% tilde.cap
287 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniEFF7}{02C6}% circumflex.cap
288 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF628}{2030}% perthousand.oldstyle
289 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF62C}{0028}% parenleft.denominator
290 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF62D}{0029}% parenright.denominator
291 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF631}{0028}% parenleft.numerator
292 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF632}{0029}% parenright.numerator
293 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF638}{0030}% zero.slash
294 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF639}{0030}% zero.fitted
295 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF63A}{0032}% two.fitted
296 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF63B}{0033}% three.fitted
297 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF63C}{0034}% four.fitted
298 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF63D}{0035}% five.fitted
299 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF63E}{0036}% six.fitted
300 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF63F}{0037}% seven.fitted
301 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF640}{0038}% eight.fitted
302 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF641}{0039}% nine.fitted
303 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF642}{0025}% percent.oldstyle
304 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF643}{0030}% zero.taboldstyle
305 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF644}{0031}% one.taboldstyle
306 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF645}{0032}% two.taboldstyle
307 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF646}{0033}% three.taboldstyle
308 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF647}{0034}% four.taboldstyle
309 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF648}{0035}% five.taboldstyle
310 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF649}{0036}% six.taboldstyle
311 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF64A}{0037}% seven.taboldstyle
312 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF64B}{0038}% eight.taboldstyle
313 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF64C}{0039}% nine.taboldstyle
314 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF64D}{20A1}% colonmonetary.taboldstyle
315 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF64E}{20AC}% Euro.taboldstyle
316 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF64F}{0192}% florin.taboldstyle
317 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF650}{0023}% numbersign.taboldstyle
318 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF651}{00A3}% sterling.taboldstyle
319 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF652}{00A5}% yen.taboldstyle
320 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF653}{0024}% dollar.taboldstyle
321 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF654}{00A2}% cent.taboldstyle
322 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF655}{0030}% zero.denominator
323 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF656}{0031}% one.denominator
324 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF657}{0032}% two.denominator
325 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF658}{0033}% three.denominator
326 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF659}{0034}% four.denominator
327 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF65A}{0035}% five.denominator
328 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF65B}{0036}% six.denominator
329 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF65C}{0037}% seven.denominator
330 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF65D}{0038}% eight.denominator
331 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF65E}{0039}% nine.denominator
332 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF65F}{002C}% comma.denominator
333 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF660}{002E}% period.denominator
334 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF661}{0030}% zero.numerator
335 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF662}{0031}% one.numerator
336 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF663}{0032}% two.numerator
337 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF664}{0033}% three.numerator
338 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF665}{0034}% four.numerator
339 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF666}{0035}% five.numerator
340 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF667}{0036}% six.numerator
341 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF668}{0037}% seven.numerator
342 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF669}{0038}% eight.numerator
343 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF66A}{0039}% nine.numerator
344 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF66B}{002C}% comma.numerator
345 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF66C}{002E}% period.numerator
346 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF66D}{0103}%
347 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF66F}{0105}%
348 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF671}{0107}%
349 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF672}{010D}%
350 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF675}{010F}%
351 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF676}{0111}%
352 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF678}{011B}%
353 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF67B}{014B}%
354 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF67C}{0119}%
355 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF67D}{011F}%
356 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF684}{0133}%
357 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF687}{0129}%
358 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF68A}{013A}%
359 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF68B}{013E}%
360 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF68E}{0144}%
361 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF68F}{0148}%
362 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF692}{0151}%
363 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF695}{0155}%
364 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF696}{0159}%
365 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF698}{015B}%
366 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF699}{015F}%
367 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF69D}{0165}%
368 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF69E}{0163}%
369 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF6A0}{0171}%
370 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF6A3}{016F}%
371 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF6A4}{0169}%
372 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF6AA}{1EF3}%
373 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF6AB}{017A}%
374 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF6AC}{017C}%
375 \pdfglyphtounicode{uniF6DC}{0031}% one.fitted
376 }
10.6 Superior and inferior fgures
We defne commands to conveit numbeis to numeiatoi fguies and denominatoi fguies.
377 \def\@for@tok#1:=#2\do#3{%
378 \expandafter\def\expandafter\@fortmp\expandafter{#2}%
379 \ifx\@fortmp\@empty \else
380 \expandafter\@forloop@tok#2\@nil\@nil\@@#1{#3}%
381 \fi}
382 \def\@forloop@tok#1#2#3\@@#4#5{%
383 \def#4{#1}%
384 \ifx #4\@nnil \else
385 #5%
386 \def#4{#2}%
387 \ifx #4\@nnil \else
388 #5\@iforloop@tok #3\@@#4{#5}%
389 \fi\fi}
390 \def\@iforloop@tok#1#2\@@#3#4{%
391 \def#3{#1}%
392 \ifx #3\@nnil
393 \expandafter\@fornoop
394 \else
395 #4\relax\expandafter\@iforloop@tok
396 \fi
397 #2\@@#3{#4}}
398 %
399 \newcommand
400 \fontencoding{U}\fontfamily{MinionPro-Extra}\selectfont}
401 \newcommand
402 \newcommand
403 \newcommand
404 \newcommand
405 \newcommand
406 \@for@tok\@nf@fig:=#1\do{%
407 \ifcase\@nf@fig
408 \char00%
409 \or\char01%
410 \or\char02%
411 \or\char03%
412 \or\char04%
413 \or\char05%
414 \or\char06%
415 \or\char07%
416 \or\char10%
417 \or\char11%
418 \else
419 \@latex@error{invalid argument to \string\@@numerator@fig}%
420 \fi
421 }}
422 \newcommand
423 \@for@tok\@nf@fig:=#1\do{%
424 \ifcase\@nf@fig
425 \char20%
426 \or\char21%
427 \or\char22%
428 \or\char23%
429 \or\char24%
430 \or\char25%
431 \or\char26%
432 \or\char27%
433 \or\char30%
434 \or\char31%
435 \else
436 \@latex@error{invalid argument to \string\@@denominator@fig}%
437 \fi
438 }}
439 \newcommand
440 \@for@tok\@nf@fig:=#1\do{%
441 \ifcase\@nf@fig
442 \char60%
443 \or\char61%
444 \or\char62%
445 \or\char63%
446 \or\char64%
447 \or\char65%
448 \or\char66%
449 \or\char67%
450 \or\char70%
451 \or\char71%
452 \else
453 \@latex@error{invalid argument to \string\@@superior@fig}%
454 \fi
455 }}
456 \newcommand
457 \@for@tok\@nf@fig:=#1\do{%
458 \ifcase\@nf@fig
459 \char100%
460 \or\char101%
461 \or\char102%
462 \or\char103%
463 \or\char104%
464 \or\char105%
465 \or\char106%
466 \or\char107%
467 \or\char110%
468 \or\char111%
469 \else
470 \@latex@error{invalid argument to \string\@@inferior@fig}%
471 \fi
472 }}
\ensure@text switches to text mode, if necessaiy.
473 \newcommand
474 \ifmmode
475 \Mn@Text@With@MathVersion{#1}%
476 \else
477 #1%
478 \fi}
\smallfrac and \slantfrac assemble numeiical fiactions.
479 \newcommand
480 \leavevmode
481 \setbox\@tempboxa
482 \vbox{%
483 \baselineskip\z@skip%
484 \lineskip.25ex%
485 \lineskiplimit-\maxdimen
486 \ialign{\hfil##\hfil\crcr
487 \vbox to 2.13ex{\vss\hbox{\@numerator@fig{#1}}\vskip.68ex}\crcr
488 \leavevmode\leaders\hrule height 1.1ex depth -1.01ex\hfill\crcr
489 \vtop to 1ex{\vbox{}\hbox{\@denominator@fig{#2}}\vss}\crcr
490 \noalign{\vskip-1.47ex}}}%
491 \dp\@tempboxa=0.49ex%
492 \box\@tempboxa}
493 \newcommand
494 {\Mn@extra@font\@@numerator@fig{#1}\kern-0.05em/\kern-0.06em\@@denominator@fig{#2}}}
495 \DeclareRobustCommand
496 \DeclareRobustCommand
10.7 Additional symbols
Some symbols missing fiom MnSymbol can be taken fiom MinionPio.
497 \if@Mn@Math@
498 \let\hbar\undefined
499 \DeclareMathSymbol{\hbar} {\mathord}{letters}{265}
500 \DeclareMathSymbol{\uphbar} {\mathord}{letters}{255}
501 \DeclareMathSymbol{\partial} {\mathord}{letters}{100}
502 \DeclareMathSymbol{\uppartial} {\mathord}{letters}{300}
503 \DeclareMathSymbol{\ell} {\mathord}{letters}{140}
504 \DeclareMathSymbol{\upell} {\mathord}{letters}{340}
505 \DeclareMathSymbol{\slashedzero} {\mathord}{letters}{257}
506 \DeclareMathSymbol{\upimath} {\mathord}{letters}{373}
507 \DeclareMathSymbol{\upjmath} {\mathord}{letters}{374}
508 \DeclareMathSymbol{\varsmallint} {\mathord}{letters}{376}
509 \DeclareMathSymbol{\openg} {\mathalpha}{letters}{267}
510 \DeclareRobustCommand\lambdabar {\middlebar\lambda}
511 \DeclareRobustCommand\lambdaslash {\middleslash\lambda}
512 \fi
Aichaic Gieek letteis not piovided by MinionPio.
513 \if@Mn@Text@
514 %\def\Qoppa{\reflectbox{P}}
515 %\def\Sampi{\begingroup\fontfamily{cmr}\fontencoding{LGR}\selectfont\char23\endgroup}
516 \let\Stigma\stigma
518 % fix \r A
519 \DeclareTextCompositeCommand{\r}{OT1}{A}
520 {\leavevmode\setbox\z@\hbox{!}\dimen@\ht\z@\advance\dimen@-1ex%
521 \ooalign{\hss\raise.67\dimen@\hbox{\char23}\hss\crcr A}}
523 \DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{MinionPro-LF} {1}%
524 \DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{MinionPro-TLF} {1}%
525 \DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{MinionPro-OsF} {1}%
526 \DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{MinionPro-TOsF}{1}%
527 \AtBeginDocument{
528 \UndeclareTextCommand{\textvisiblespace}{T1}%
529 \UndeclareTextCommand{\textcompwordmark}{T1}%
530 \UndeclareTextCommand{\textsterling}{T1}%
531 \UndeclareTextCommand{\j}{T1}%
532 \UndeclareTextCommand{\j}{LY1}%
533 }
534 \fi
10.8 Integral symbols
We can also ieplace the integial signs fiom MnSymbol by those of MinionPio. Te follow-
ing defnitions piovide this as an option.
535 \if@Mn@Math@
536 \newcommand\Mn@Decl@Minion@Ints{%
Replace MnSymbolF by MnSymbolFI.
537 \DeclareFontFamily{U}{MnSymbolFI}{}
538 \DeclareFontShape{U}{MnSymbolFI}{m}{it}{
539 <-6> MnSymbolFI\Mn@minionint@opticals5
540 <6-7> MnSymbolFI\Mn@minionint@opticals6
541 <7-8> MnSymbolFI\Mn@minionint@opticals7
542 <8-9> MnSymbolFI\Mn@minionint@opticals8
543 <9-10> MnSymbolFI\Mn@minionint@opticals9
544 <10-12> MnSymbolFI\Mn@minionint@opticals10
545 <12-> MnSymbolFI\Mn@minionint@opticals12
546 }{}
547 \DeclareFontShape{U}{MnSymbolFI}{b}{it}{
548 <-6> MnSymbolFI\Mn@minionint@bold\Mn@minionint@opticals5
549 <6-7> MnSymbolFI\Mn@minionint@bold\Mn@minionint@opticals6
550 <7-8> MnSymbolFI\Mn@minionint@bold\Mn@minionint@opticals7
551 <8-9> MnSymbolFI\Mn@minionint@bold\Mn@minionint@opticals8
552 <9-10> MnSymbolFI\Mn@minionint@bold\Mn@minionint@opticals9
553 <10-12> MnSymbolFI\Mn@minionint@bold\Mn@minionint@opticals10
554 <12-> MnSymbolFI\Mn@minionint@bold\Mn@minionint@opticals12
555 }{}
556 \DeclareSymbolFont{symbols} {U}{MnSymbolFI}{m}{it}
557 \SetSymbolFont{symbols}{bold}{U}{MnSymbolFI}{b}{it}
Make the oiiginal integial symbols available as \var. . . .
558 \let\varint\tint
559 \let\variint\tiint
560 \let\variiint\tiiint
561 \let\variiiint\tiiiint
562 \let\varidotsint\tidotsint
563 \let\varlandupint\tlandupint
564 \let\varlanddownint\tlanddownint
565 \let\varstrokedint\tstrokedint
566 \let\varoint\toint
567 \let\varoiint\toiint
568 \let\varrcirclerightint\trcirclerightint
569 \let\varlcirclerightint\tlcirclerightint
570 \let\varrcircleleftint\trcircleleftint
571 \let\varlcircleleftint\tlcircleleftint
572 \let\varsumint\tsumint
Replace the symbols with the new integials.
573 \DeclareMathSymbol\tint \mathop{symbols}{112}
574 \DeclareMathSymbol\tiint \mathop{symbols}{114}
575 \DeclareMathSymbol\tiiint \mathop{symbols}{116}
576 \DeclareMathSymbol\tiiiint \mathop{symbols}{118}
577 \DeclareMathSymbol\tidotsint \mathop{symbols}{120}
578 \DeclareMathSymbol\tlandupint \mathop{symbols}{122}
579 \DeclareMathSymbol\tlanddownint \mathop{symbols}{124}
580 \DeclareMathSymbol\tstrokedint \mathop{symbols}{126}
581 \DeclareMathSymbol\toint \mathop{symbols}{128}
582 \DeclareMathSymbol\toiint \mathop{symbols}{130}
583 \DeclareMathSymbol\trcirclerightint\mathop{symbols}{132}
584 \DeclareMathSymbol\tlcirclerightint\mathop{symbols}{134}
585 \DeclareMathSymbol\trcircleleftint \mathop{symbols}{136}
586 \DeclareMathSymbol\tlcircleleftint \mathop{symbols}{138}
587 \DeclareMathSymbol\tsumint \mathop{symbols}{140}
588 \let\intop\tint
589 \let\ointop\toint
590 }
591 \Mn@load@integrals
592 \fi
10.9 Open G support
We can ieplace the closed g with the open vaiiant . Te following defnitions piovide this
as an option.
593 \if@Mn@Math@
594 \Mn@Define@Open@g
595 \fi
10.10 Logos
Coiiect logos.
596 \if@Mn@Text@
597 \def\TeX{T\kern-.1667em\lower.4ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX\@}
598 \DeclareRobustCommand{\LaTeX}{L\kern-.32em%
599 {\sbox\z@ T%
600 \vbox to\ht\z@{\hbox{\check@mathfonts
601 \fontsize\sf@size\z@
602 \math@fontsfalse\selectfont
603 A}%
604 \vss}%
605 }%
606 \kern-.15em%
607 \TeX}
608 \fi
10.11 AMS
Fix a bug in amsmath.sty which does not suppoit math fonts without a skew chai.
609 \def\macc@set@skewchar#1{%
610 \begingroup
611 \ifnum\mathgroup=\m@ne \let\@tempa\@ne
612 \else
613 \ifnum\skewchar\textfont\mathgroup=\m@ne \let\@tempa\@ne
614 \else \let\@tempa\mathgroup
615 \fi
616 \fi
617 \count@=\skewchar\textfont\@tempa
618 \ifnum\count@=\m@ne
619 \endgroup
620 \def\macc@skewchar{}
621 \else
622 \advance\count@"7100
623 \edef\@tempa{\endgroup
624 \mathchardef\noexpand\macc@skewchar=\number\count@\relax}%
625 \@tempa
626 \fi
627 #1%
628 }
Make the changes take efect. Tis concludes the main style fle.
629 \if@Mn@Text@
630 \normalfont
631 \fi
632 /style
11 Support for character protrusion
Te microtype confguiation. All foui MinionPio families use the same fle (cf. section ::).
633 mtcfg
634 \SetProtrusion
635 [ name = MinionPro-OT1-Roman ]
636 { encoding = OT1,
637 family = {MinionPro-OsF,MinionPro-LF,MinionPro-TOsF,MinionPro-TLF},
638 shape = n }
639 {
640 A = {40,40},
641 F = { ,60},
642 J = {90, },
643 K = { ,50},
644 L = { ,60},
645 T = {50,50},
646 V = {40,40},
647 W = {30,30},
648 X = {50,50},
649 Y = {50,50},
650 k = { ,60},
651 r = { ,80},
652 t = { ,100},
653 v = {70,70},
654 w = {40,40},
655 x = {60,60},
656 y = {70,70},
657 ! = {70,180},
658 ( = {60,30}, ) = {30,60},
659 [ = {100,160}, ] = {160,100},
660 {,} = {440,700},
661 . = {660,700},
662 : = {400,480},
663 ; = {350,440},
664 - = {700,700},
665 \textendash = {390,480}, \textemdash = {220,270},
666 \textquotedblleft = {380,250}, \textquotedblright = {250,380},
667 \textquoteleft = {670,450}, \textquoteright = {450,670},
668 }
669 \SetProtrusion
670 [ name = MinionPro-T1-Roman,
671 load = MinionPro-OT1-Roman ]
672 { encoding = T1,
673 family = {MinionPro-OsF,MinionPro-LF,MinionPro-TOsF,MinionPro-TLF},
674 shape = n }
675 {
676 023 = { ,40}, % fft ligature
677 032 = { ,50}, % ft ligature
678 191 = {30,30}, % Th ligature
679 127 = {620,700}, % hyphen
680 \AE = {40, }, % AE
681 \quotesinglbase = {670,670}, \quotedblbase = {370,370},
682 \guilsinglleft = {500,360}, \guilsinglright = {360,500},
683 \guillemotleft = {320,230}, \guillemotright = {230,320},
684 }
685 \SetProtrusion
686 [ name = MinionPro-OT1-Italic]
687 { encoding = OT1,
688 family = {MinionPro-OsF,MinionPro-LF,MinionPro-TOsF,MinionPro-TLF},
689 shape = {it,sl,sw} }
690 {
691 A = {120,50},
692 B = {90,-50},
693 C = {50,-60},
694 D = {70,-30},
695 E = {90,-50},
696 F = {100,-40},
697 G = {50,-60},
698 H = {70,-40},
699 I = {150,-90},
700 J = {250,-130},
701 K = {80,-50},
702 L = {90,60},
703 M = {60,-40},
704 N = {70,-40},
705 O = {70,-30},
706 P = {70,-110},
707 Q = {40,-40},
708 R = {80,-50},
709 S = {70,-70},
710 T = {130, },
711 U = {70,-40},
712 V = {120,30},
713 W = {90,20},
714 X = {50, },
715 Y = {160, },
716 Z = {50,-50},
717 d = {60,-60},
718 f = { ,-190},
719 027 = { ,-70}, % ff ligature
720 g = {-70,-70},
721 i = { ,-110},
722 025 = { ,-60}, % dotlessi
723 028 = { ,-60}, % fi ligature
724 030 = { ,-30}, % ffi ligature
725 j = {-90,-150},
726 p = {-40, },
727 r = { ,80},
728 t = { ,100},
729 v = {90, },
730 w = {60,10},
731 x = {90, },
732 ! = {190,40},
733 ( = {90, }, ) = {90, },
734 [ = {90,90}, ] = {120,60},
735 {,} = {210,680},
736 . = {640,680},
737 : = {380,430},
738 ; = { ,430},
739 - = {750,750},
740 \textquoteleft = {690,140}, \textquoteright = {470,230},
741 \textendash = {400,500}, \textemdash = {220,280},
742 \textquotedblleft = {520,130}, \textquotedblright = {520,130},
743 }
744 \SetProtrusion
745 [ name = MinionPro-T1-Italic,
746 load = MinionPro-OT1-Italic ]
747 { encoding = T1,
748 family = {MinionPro-OsF,MinionPro-LF,MinionPro-TOsF,MinionPro-TLF},
749 shape = {it,sl,sw} }
750 {
751 023 = { ,40}, % fft ligature
752 032 = { ,50}, % ft ligature
753 191 = {80,30}, % Th ligature
754 127 = {660,750}, % hyphen
755 \AE = {90,-40}, % AE
756 131 = {80,-30}, % Dcaron
757 132 = {70,-40}, % Ecaron
758 156 = {80,-60}, % IJ
759 \OE = {50,-30}, % OE
760 188 = { ,-80}, % ij
761 184 = {70,70}, % ydieresis
762 253 = {70,70}, % yacute
763 \quotesinglbase = {220,700}, \quotedblbase = {130,400},
764 \guilsinglleft = {500,180}, \guilsinglright = {350,350},
765 \guillemotleft = {310,110}, \guillemotright = {230,230},
766 }
We have no piotiuding values foi small caps yet. Te following stubs aie unnecessaiy at
the moment, but they aie heie as a iemindei.
767 \SetProtrusion
768 [ name = MinionPro-OT1-Smallcaps ]
769 { encoding = OT1,
770 family = {MinionPro-OsF,MinionPro-LF,MinionPro-TOsF,MinionPro-TLF},
771 shape = {sc,ssc} }
772 {}
773 \SetProtrusion
774 [ name = MinionPro-T1-Smallcaps,
775 load = MinionPro-OT1-Smallcaps ]
776 { encoding = T1,
777 family = {MinionPro-OsF,MinionPro-LF,MinionPro-TOsF,MinionPro-TLF},
778 shape = {sc,ssc} }
779 {}
780 \SetProtrusion
781 [ name = MinionPro-OT1-SmallcapsItalic ]
782 { encoding = OT1,
783 family = {MinionPro-OsF,MinionPro-LF,MinionPro-TOsF,MinionPro-TLF},
784 shape = {scit,sscit} }
785 {}
786 \SetProtrusion
787 [ name = MinionPro-T1-SmallcapsItalic,
788 load = MinionPro-OT1-SmallcapsItalic ]
789 { encoding = T1,
790 family = {MinionPro-OsF,MinionPro-LF,MinionPro-TOsF,MinionPro-TLF},
791 shape = {scit,sscit} }
792 {}
793 \SetProtrusion
794 [ name = MinionPro-other-Roman ]
795 { encoding = {LGR,U,OT2,T2A,T2B,T2C,T5,X2},
796 family = {MinionPro-OsF,MinionPro-LF,MinionPro-TOsF,MinionPro-TLF},
797 shape = n }
798 {
799 ! = {70,180},
800 ( = {60,30}, ) = {30,60},
801 [ = {100,160}, ] = {160,100},
802 {,} = {440,700},
803 . = {660,700},
804 : = {400,480},
805 ; = {350,440},
806 - = {700,700},
807 \textendash = {390,480}, \textemdash = {220,270},
808 \textquotedblleft = {380,250}, \textquotedblright = {250,380},
809 \textquoteleft = {670,450}, \textquoteright = {450,670},
810 }
811 \SetProtrusion
812 [ name = MinionPro-other-Italic ]
813 { encoding = {LGR,U,OT2,T2A,T2B,T2C,T5,X2},
814 family = {MinionPro-OsF,MinionPro-LF,MinionPro-TOsF,MinionPro-TLF},
815 shape = {it,sl,sw} }
816 {
817 ! = {190,40},
818 ( = {90, }, ) = {90, },
819 [ = {90,90}, ] = {120,60},
820 {,} = {210,680},
821 . = {640,680},
822 : = {380,430},
823 ; = { ,430},
824 - = {750,750},
825 \textquoteleft = {690,140}, \textquoteright = {470,230},
826 \textendash = {400,500}, \textemdash = {220,280},
827 \textquotedblleft = {520,130}, \textquotedblright = {520,130},
828 }
829 /mtcfg
12 Font defnition fles
As all the font defnitions look the same we intioduce macios to ease the confguiation.
Tese macios aie stoied in the fle MinionPro-FontDef.sty which is included by eveiy iu
fle. Note that MinionPro-FontDef.sty will be included seveial times and that we do not
know in which context the code is executed. Teiefoie, we have to defne all non-piivate
commands as globals.
Since this package should be loadable in an iu fle we have to avoid all \preambleonly
commands. Teiefoie, we use \ProvidesFile instead of \ProvidesPackage.
We add a guaid so that this fle is executed only once even if it is included multiple times.
830 fontdef
831 \ifx\Mn@DeclareFontShape\@undefined\else\endinput\fi
We distinguishbetweenbeing loadeddiiectly oi via \usepackage inthe pieamble by check-
ing \@nodocument.
832 \ifx\@nodocument\relax
833 \input{otfontdef.sty}
834 \else
835 \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}
836 \RequirePackage{otfontdef}
837 \fi
Reset \escapechar (which is set to : in iu fles) to make \newcommand woik. Te addi-
tional gioup does not haim; we have to make the impoitant commands global anyway.
838 \ifx\@nodocument\relax
839 \begingroup\escapechar\\
840 \fi
Tese aie the default values if it is impossible to piocess options.
841 \newcommand\Mn@option@opticals{noopticals}
842 \newcommand\Mn@option@fontset{smallfamily}
843 \newdimen\Mn@option@normalsize
844 \global\Mn@option@normalsize10pt
Whethei we should adapt the confguiation to the \normalsize of the document. Tis
switch is only needed locally.
845 \newif\ifMn@option@normalsize
846 \Mn@option@normalsizetrue
847 \ifx\@nodocument\relax\else
848 \DeclareOption{slides} {\let\Mn@option@opticals\CurrentOption}
849 \DeclareOption{opticals} {\let\Mn@option@opticals\CurrentOption}
850 \DeclareOption{noopticals} {\let\Mn@option@opticals\CurrentOption}
851 \DeclareOption{smallfamily}{\let\Mn@option@fontset\CurrentOption}
852 \DeclareOption{medfamily} {\let\Mn@option@fontset\CurrentOption}
853 \DeclareOption{fullfamily} {\let\Mn@option@fontset\CurrentOption}
854 \DeclareOption{normalsize} {\Mn@option@normalsizetrue}
855 \DeclareOption{nonormalsize}{\Mn@option@normalsizefalse}
856 \ExecuteOptions{smallfamily,noopticals,normalsize}
857 \ProcessOptions\relax
858 \fi
Te method to deteimine the main font size is inspiied by microtypes implementation.
859 \ifMn@option@normalsize
860 \begingroup
861 \def\set@fontsize#1#2#3#4\@nil{%
862 \@defaultunits\global\Mn@option@normalsize#2pt\relax\@nnil}%
863 \normalsize\@nil
864 \endgroup
865 \fi
We use \otf@makeglobal fiomotfontdef to expoit the defnitions that aie needed glob-
866 \otf@makeglobal{Mn@option@opticals}
867 \otf@makeglobal{Mn@option@fontset}
868 \ifx\@nodocument\relax\else
869 \PackageInfo{MinionPro-FontDef}{%
870 Configuration:\space\Mn@option@fontset,\space\Mn@option@opticals,\space
871 normalsize=\the\Mn@option@normalsize}%
872 \fi
Confguration database
873 \newcount\Mn@config@cnt
874 \Mn@config@cnt=0
875 \newcommand\Mn@curr@config{Mn@config@\romannumeral\Mn@config@cnt}
Tese commands help in setting up the confguiation database. Tey do not need to be
global. But the confg database itself has to be.
#3 is added to all instances listed in #2 of confguiation class #1. #3 is iead with iss
876 \newcommand\Mn@AddToConfig{%
877 \begingroup
878 \nfss@catcodes
879 \expandafter\endgroup
880 \Mn@AddToConfig@
881 }
882 \newcommand\Mn@AddToConfig@[3]{%
883 \advance\Mn@config@cnt\@ne
884 \@namedef{\Mn@curr@config}{#3}%
885 \otf@makeglobal{\Mn@curr@config}
886 debug & show\expandafter\show\csname\Mn@curr@config\endcsname
887 \@for\Mn@tempa:=#2\do{%
888 \@ifundefined{Mn@config@#1@\Mn@tempa}{%
889 \@temptokena{}%
890 }{%
891 \@temptokena\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter
892 {\csname Mn@config@#1@\Mn@tempa\endcsname}%
893 }%
894 \@expandtwoargs\@namedef{Mn@config@#1@\Mn@tempa}{%
895 \the\@temptokena
896 \expandafter\noexpand\csname\Mn@curr@config\endcsname
897 }%
898 \otf@makeglobal{Mn@config@#1@\Mn@tempa}% perhaps defer to only execute once
899 debug & show\expandafter\show\csname Mn@config@#1@\Mn@tempa\endcsname
900 }%
901 }
Let us look at anexample of howthe confguiationdatabase looks inteinally foi (shape, sw),
which is specifed below in thiee steps. Te following lines show difeient depths of expan-
sion of the macio \Mn@config@shape@sw, which fnally yields the complete confguiation:
\Mn@config@xi \Mn@config@xiv \Mn@config@xv
Te following commands aie used in the Declare...Family commands to access the
pieviously built confguiation database. Tey must be expandable. #3 is used as a default
if no entiy is found in the database.
902 \newcommand
903 \Mn@UseConfigOrDefault{#1}{#2}{}%
904 }
905 \newcommand
906 \@ifundefined{Mn@config@#1@#2}{#3}%
907 {\@nameuse{Mn@config@#1@#2}}%
908 }
909 \newcommand
910 \@ifundefined{Mn@config@#1@#2}{}{%
911 \expandafter\noexpand\csname Mn@config@#1@#2\endcsname
912 }%
913 }
914 \otf@makeglobal{Mn@UseConfig}
915 \otf@makeglobal{Mn@UseConfigOrDefault}
916 \otf@makeglobal{Mn@TheConfig}
Heie comes the confguiation.
917 \Mn@AddToConfig{opticals}{opticals}{
918 <-8.5> otf
919 <8.5-13.1> otf
920 <13.1-20> otf
921 <20-> otf
922 }
923 \Mn@AddToConfig{opticals}{noopticals}{
924 <-> otf
925 }
926 \Mn@AddToConfig{opticals}{slides}{
927 <-> otf
928 }
929 \ifdim\Mn@option@normalsize<10.1pt
930 \Mn@AddToConfig{fontset/weight}{fullfamily/m}{
931 <-6> otf
932 <6-8.5> otf
933 <8.5-> otf
934 }
935 \else
936 \Mn@AddToConfig{fontset/weight}{fullfamily/m}{
937 <-6> otf
938 <6-10.1> otf
939 <10.1-> otf
940 }
941 \fi
942 \Mn@AddToConfig{fontset/weight}{medfamily/m}{
943 <-6> otf
944 <6-> otf
945 }
946 \Mn@AddToConfig{fontset/weight}{smallfamily/m}{
947 <-> otf
948 }
949 %
950 \Mn@AddToConfig{fontset/weight}{fullfamily/b,medfamily/b}{
951 <-6> otf
952 <6-> otf
953 }
954 \Mn@AddToConfig{fontset/weight}{smallfamily/b}{
955 <-> otf
956 }
957 %
958 \Mn@AddToConfig{weight}{eb}{
959 <-> otf
960 }
961 \Mn@AddToConfig{shape}{ssc,sscit}{
962 <-> otf
963 }
964 \Mn@AddToConfig{shape}{n,it,sw,sc,scit}{
965 <-8> otf
966 }
967 \Mn@AddToConfig{encoding/shape}{U/n,U/it}{
968 <-> otf
969 }
970 %
971 \Mn@AddToConfig{shape}{sc,ssc,scit,sscit}{
972 <-> otf
973 }
974 \Mn@AddToConfig{shape}{sw}{
975 <-> otf
976 }
977 \Mn@AddToConfig{shape}{it,scit,sscit,sw}{
978 <-> otf
979 }
980 \Mn@AddToConfig{shape}{n,sc,ssc}{
981 <-> otf
982 }
983 \Mn@AddToConfig{encoding/shape}{OML/it}{
984 <-> otf
[figures=] MinionPro-Mixed
985 }
986 \Mn@AddToConfig{encoding/shape}{OML/n}{
987 <-> otf
[figures=] MinionPro-French
988 }
989 \Mn@AddToConfig{sub:series} {sb} {b}
990 \Mn@AddToConfig{sub:series} {bx} {b}
991 \Mn@AddToConfig{sub:shape} {sl} {it}
992 \Mn@AddToConfig{sub:shape} {scsl} {scit}
993 \Mn@AddToConfig{sub:shape} {sscsl} {sscit}
994 \Mn@AddToConfig{sub:shape} {scsw} {scit}
995 \Mn@AddToConfig{sub:shape} {sscsw} {sscit}
996 \Mn@AddToConfig{sub:encoding/shape}{TS1/sw}{it}
Code foi the last aigument of \DeclareFontShape
997 \Mn@AddToConfig{code:shape}{sw}{
998 \skewchar\font=337
999 }
Declaration of font families and shapes
1000 \newcommand
Check if any substitutions aie specifed.
1001 \edef\@tempa{%
1002 \Mn@UseConfig{sub:series}{#4}%
1003 \Mn@UseConfigOrDefault{sub:encoding/shape}{#2/#5}{%
1004 \Mn@UseConfig{sub:shape}{#5}}%
1005 }%
1006 \ifx\@tempa\@empty
Collect the confguiation and declaie the font shape. \DeclareFontShape fully expands
its ffh aigument (with oui macios \Mn@UseConfig in it), but we have to ietiieve the code
foi the sixth aigument ouiselves.
1007 \@temptokena={%
1008 \DeclareFontShape{#2}{#3-#6}{#4}{#5}{%
1009 \Mn@UseConfig{opticals} {\Mn@option@opticals}%
1010 \Mn@UseConfig{fontset/weight}{\Mn@option@fontset/#4}%
1011 \Mn@UseConfig{weight} {#4}%
1012 \Mn@UseConfig{encoding/shape}{#2/#5}%
1013 \Mn@UseConfig{shape} {#5}%
1014 }}%
1015 \edef\@tempa{\the\@temptokena{\Mn@TheConfig{code:shape}{#5}}}%
1016 \@tempa
1017 \else
Geneiate the substitution. (All substitutions aie silent at the moment.)
1018 \DeclareFontShape{#2}{#3-#6}{#4}{#5}{%
1019 <->ssub
1020 /\Mn@UseConfigOrDefault{sub:series}{#4}{#4}%
1021 /\Mn@UseConfigOrDefault{sub:encoding/shape}{#2/#5}{%
1022 \Mn@UseConfigOrDefault{sub:shape}{#5}{#5}}%
1023 }{}%
1024 \fi
1025 }
1026 \otf@makeglobal{Mn@DeclareFontShape}
1027 \otf@makeglobal{\string\Mn@DeclareFontShape}
#2 contains the encoding, #3 the family, and #1 a list of fguie veisions (oi Extra).
1028 \newcommand
1029 \Mn@DeclareFontFamily{#1}{#2}{#3}
1030 {m,sb,b,bx,eb} {n,it,sc,ssc,scit,sscit,sw,scsl,scsw,sscsl,sscsw,sl}%
1031 }
1032 \newcommand
1033 \Mn@DeclareFontFamily{#1}{#2}{#3}
1034 {m,sb,b,bx,eb} {n,it,sl}%
1035 }
1036 \newcommand
1037 \Mn@DeclareFontFamily[\skewchar\font=255]{#1}{#2}{#3}
1038 {m,sb,b,bx,eb} {n,it}%
1039 }
An additional macio \csname\string\foo\endcsname is geneiated by \newcommand foi
piocessing an optional aigument of \foo.
1040 \otf@makeglobal{Mn@DeclareLargeFontFamily}
1041 \otf@makeglobal{\string\Mn@DeclareLargeFontFamily}
1042 \otf@makeglobal{Mn@DeclareSmallFontFamily}
1043 \otf@makeglobal{\string\Mn@DeclareSmallFontFamily}
1044 \otf@makeglobal{Mn@DeclareMathFontFamily}
1045 \otf@makeglobal{\string\Mn@DeclareMathFontFamily}
1046 \newcommand
1047 \@for\Mn@variant:=#2\do{%
1048 \DeclareFontFamily {#3}{#4-\Mn@variant}{#1}%
1049 }%
1050 \Mn@DeclareFontShapes{#3}{#4}
1051 {#5} {#6} {#2}%
1052 }
1053 \otf@makeglobal{Mn@DeclareFontFamily}
1054 \otf@makeglobal{\string\Mn@DeclareFontFamily}
1055 \newcommand
1056 \@for\Mn@series:=#3\do{%
1057 \@for\Mn@shape:=#4\do{%
1058 \@for\Mn@variant:=#5\do{%
1059 \Mn@DeclareFontShape{#1}{#2}{\Mn@series}{\Mn@shape}{\Mn@variant}%
1060 }%
1061 }%
1062 }%
1063 }
1064 \otf@makeglobal{Mn@DeclareFontShapes}
Adjust font dimension #1 of the cuiient font. Te function in #2 should ieplace the old
value in dimen \Mn@fontdimen with a new one (which may depend on othei paiameteis
like \f@size).
1065 \newdimen\Mn@fontdimen
1066 \newcommand
1067 \Mn@fontdimen=\fontdimen#1\font
1068 #2%
1069 \fontdimen#1\font=\Mn@fontdimen
1070 }
1071 \otf@makeglobal{Mn@adjust@fontdimen}
1072 \ifx\@nodocument\relax
1073 \endgroup
1074 \fi
1075 debug
1076 \newcommand\old@DeclareFontFamily{}
1077 \let\old@DeclareFontFamily\DeclareFontFamily
1078 \renewcommand\DeclareFontFamily[3]{
1079 \begingroup\escapechar\\%
1080 \edef\@tempa{\noexpand\DeclareFontFamily{#1}{#2}}%
1081 \@temptokena\expandafter{\@tempa{#3}}%
1082 \message{\the\@temptokena}%
1083 \endgroup
1084 \old@DeclareFontFamily{#1}{#2}{#3}%
1085 }
1086 \newcommand\old@DeclareFontShape{}
1087 \let\old@DeclareFontShape\DeclareFontShape
1088 \renewcommand\DeclareFontShape[6]{
1089 \begingroup\escapechar\\%
1090 \edef\@tempa{\noexpand\DeclareFontShape{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}}%
1091 \@temptokena\expandafter{\@tempa{#6}}%
1092 \message{\the\@temptokena}%
1093 \endgroup
1094 \old@DeclareFontShape{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}%
1095 }
1096 /debug
We defne font family aliases so that we can place all confguiations foi the MinionPio
family vaiiants into one microtype fle: mt-MinionPro.cfg. We use microtypes hook if
microtype has not been loaded yet (which should be the case); otheiwise we can execute
the alias defnitions diiectly.
1097 \gdef\Mn@MicroType@Aliases{%
1098 \DeclareMicrotypeAlias{MinionPro-LF}{MinionPro}%
1099 \DeclareMicrotypeAlias{MinionPro-OsF}{MinionPro}%
1100 \DeclareMicrotypeAlias{MinionPro-TLF}{MinionPro}%
1101 \DeclareMicrotypeAlias{MinionPro-TOsF}{MinionPro}%
1102 }
1103 \@ifundefined{Microtype@Hook}{%
1104 \global\let\Microtype@Hook\Mn@MicroType@Aliases
1105 }{%
1106 \g@addto@macro\Microtype@Hook{\Mn@Microtype@Aliases}%
1107 }%
1108 \@ifundefined{DeclareMicroTypeAlias}{}{\Mn@MicroType@Aliases}%
1109 /fontdef
Using these macios the vaiious iu fles become simple one-lineis.
1110 fd
1111 \input{MinionPro-FontDef.sty}%
1112 Uextra \Mn@DeclareSmallFontFamily[Extra]{U} {MinionPro}
1113 LGR \Mn@DeclareSmallFontFamily {LGR}{MinionPro}
1114 LGI \Mn@DeclareSmallFontFamily {LGI}{MinionPro}
1115 OT1 \Mn@DeclareLargeFontFamily {OT1}{MinionPro}
1116 T1 \Mn@DeclareLargeFontFamily {T1} {MinionPro}
1117 LY1 \Mn@DeclareLargeFontFamily {LY1}{MinionPro}
1118 T5 \Mn@DeclareLargeFontFamily {T5} {MinionPro}
1119 T2A \Mn@DeclareSmallFontFamily {T2A}{MinionPro}
1120 T2B \Mn@DeclareSmallFontFamily {T2B}{MinionPro}
1121 T2C \Mn@DeclareSmallFontFamily {T2C}{MinionPro}
1122 TS1 \Mn@DeclareLargeFontFamily {TS1}{MinionPro}
1123 X2 \Mn@DeclareSmallFontFamily {X2} {MinionPro}
1124 OT2 \Mn@DeclareSmallFontFamily {OT2}{MinionPro}
1125 OML & tosf \Mn@DeclareMathFontFamily {OML}{MinionPro}
1126 OML & (lf osf tlf)
1127 \@for\Mn@variant:=LF,TLF,OsF\do{%
1128 \DeclareFontFamily{OML}{MinionPro-\Mn@variant}{\skewchar\font=255}
1129 \@for\Mn@series:=m,sb,b,bx,eb\do{%
1130 \@for\Mn@shape:=n,it\do{%
1131 \DeclareFontShape{OML}{MinionPro-\Mn@variant}{\Mn@series}{\Mn@shape}%
1132 { <-> ssub
MinionPro-TOsF/\Mn@series/\Mn@shape }{}
1133 }%
1134 }%
1135 }%
1136 /OML & (lf osf tlf)
1137 /fd

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