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SAMPLE LOAN APPLICATION This proposal addresses the eight various criteria of business expansion plus a revie!

of the loan ter"s# The purpose of this loan re$uest !ould be to utili%e these &evolving Loan 'und proceeds to expand our existing building bu( "achiner( and e$uip"ent and hire )* e"plo(ees# This expansion !ould occur in T!o &ivers Industrial Par+# Job descriptions and pay rates. ,e !ill hire an additional )* per"anent full-ti"e e"plo(ees to produce !idgets# These e"plo(ees !ill be hired locall(# Six of those e"plo(ees !ill initiall( be lo!-to-"iddle inco"e persons# Those )* e"plo(ees !ill be as follo!s. /O0 1ESC&IPTION ANTICIPATE1 PA2 &AN3E

Secondl( our pro4ect !ill have a high potential for generating additional spin-off develop"ent since "anufacturing of our product is one of a fe! base co"ponents !hich is $uite essential for all other "anufacturers both inside and outside of ,isconsin# The increased production of these units !ill even out the pea+s and valle(s of our neighboring "anufacturers# Our plant expansion !ill have a positive i"pact on T!o &ivers and the surrounding area# It !ill e"plo( local building contractors and their subcontractors along !ith further increasing the industrial tax base# In addition it !ill provide a "ultiplier effect of such infusion of capital into our co""unit(# Third !e !ill not re$uest an( additional infusion of local tax dollars for our pro4ect since all publicl( o!ned utilities are at the site of our expansion# This !ould positivel( affect the co""unit( and the residents# Our anticipated ne! building pro4ect !ill cost 566666666666 to develop# 'ourth !e !ould contribute substantiall( "ore private dollars than re$uesting public dollars# ,e intend to borro! 57* *** or one third of the pro4ect cost fro" the Cit( to construct a 7 *** s$# ft# addition to our present building in the Cit(8s Industrial Par+# ,e !ill purchase approxi"atel( t!o acres fro" the Cit( at 56666666666669acre for a total cost of 56666666666666# The balance of the pro4ect financing !ill co"e fro" 'irst East Coast 0an+ and Corporate cash# 'irst East Coast 0an+ !ill lend us 5:* *** at )*; interest a"orti%ed over )<* "onths# See the attached letter of co""it"ent# The corporation has the re"aining 5<* *** in cash# See the attached statement fro" 'irst East Coast 0an+ pertaining to the 5<* *** in cash# This expansion fits into our business plan# Please see our attached plan# 'ifth !e !ill provide a high degree of potential benefits to the residents of T!o &ivers in relation to the ris+s associated !ith providing the assistance re$uested# As previousl( stated !e are re$uesting a 57* *** public loan !ith a first "ortgage# These loans to be leveraged !ith 5)** *** private "onies in relation to our "ost recent assessed value b( the 1epart"ent of &evenue a"ounts to 5) *** *** or a )7; expansion of our building# The plant expansion !ill generate additional tax dollars b( increasing the tax base b( 5)7* *** or over 5= *** per (ear of additional real estate taxes# 0eing that !e are an established co"pan( the degree of ris+ is lo!# 'urther proof of ris+ can be "easured b( the ban+s interest charge of )*;# A ris+ier venture !ould be <; to >; on top of our rate#

Sixth our plant expansion !ill have a positive i"pact upon the econo"( of T!o &ivers# The positive i"pact on the econo"( is to give people 4obs to reduce une"plo("ent and to increase the tax base for the co""unit(# The positive i"pact on the local econo"( of a "ultiplier effect can be sho!n b( the follo!ing exa"ple? Approxi"atel( @*; of the !ages paid to the e"plo(ees !ill be spent in the co""unit( and re-spent b( e"plo(ees servicing the needs of our e"plo(ees expanding the velocit( of the "one( t!o and half ti"es throughout the local econo"(# 'ro" super "ar+ets to supper clubs all !ill benefit fro" our expansion# 'urther !e !ill use "ore electricit( natural gas and !ater along !ith increased se!er use !hich should decrease the fixed expenses of these utilities on a Aper unitA basis saving ever(one "one(# 0ecause of our stabilit( our guaranteed repa("ent to the Cit( can be again reused for other expanding business# Seventh and Eighth this expansion !ill have a positive i"pact on the neighborhood !ithin !hich it !ould be located including the surrounding industrial properties# Also our expansion is in confor"ance !ith the existing Cit( co"prehensive and econo"ic plans# 0( adding onto our existing building !ithin the Industrial Par+ !e !ill not be displacing an(one# Ever(thing built in the Industrial Par+ is a co"patible land use as referenced in the &estrictive Covenants of the Cit(8s Industrial Par+ the Cit(8s Co"prehensive Plan and the Econo"ic Polic( Manual for the Cit( of T!o &ivers# ,e !ould li+e approval of this 57* *** loan re$uest in order that !e "a( do "ore for our co""unit(# Sincerel(

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