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Mr. Newton's Lesson Plans: Week 232/3-2/7 6th Grade Lesson #/Name !u"#e$t &a%es !tate !

tandards Goals/ )"#e$tives 6.(.( !W*+ o, Greek Culture !W-' to identity Greek %ods .ith /01 a$$ura$y as measured "y tea$her assessment. 6.(.( !W*+ o, Greek Culture !W-' to identity Greek %ods .ith /01 a$$ura$y as measured "y tea$her assessment. 6.(.( !W*+ o, Greek Culture !W-' to identity Greek ideas .ith /01 a$$ura$y as measured "y tea$her assessment. 6.(.( !W*+ o, Greek Culture !W-' to identity Greek ideas .ith /01 a$$ura$y as measured "y tea$her assessment. 6.(.( !W*+ o, Greek Culture !W-' to identity Greek art .ith /01 a$$ura$y as measured "y tea$her assessment. Monday Greek Culture Mytholo%y Tuesday 8 Greek Civ. Greek Culture Mytholo%y Wednesday 8 Greek Civ. Greek Culture Greek &lays Thursday 8 Greek Civ. Greek Culture Greek &lays Friday 8 Greek Civ. Greek Culture Greek 'rt

Chapter Title 8 Greek Civ.

2ntrodu$tion What is $ulture3 4o. does the What is your Greek vie. o, ,avorite play or %ods di,,er ,rom movie3 the 5e.ish vie.3 '$tivities . Go to myth.e".$om use .e"site to dis$uss Greek %ods. !tudents use $hart to re$ord in,ormation. 6. !tudents re$ord vo$a"ulary ,rom Lesson 7. !tudents .ill $reate poster illustratin% and %ivin% in,o a"out a Greek God. . )ra$le o, *elphi $hart dis$ussion. 6. !ho. 4er$ules s$ene .ith the ,ates. 7. *istri"ute 'esop8s Fa"les. !tudents .ill illustrate and share ,a"les. . 9sin% a $hart !tudents identity ( Greek play.ri%hts .ith their .orks.

Why do you think the Greeks love tra%edies so mu$h3

Why do you think Washin%ton *C has so mu$h Greek ar$hite$ture3 . Greek 'rt and 'r$hite$ture 6. !tudents $omplete 4istory and Geo%raphy '$tivity< Greek 'rt

. 2mpa$t o, Greek *rama. Comedy vs Tra%edy 6. :ead Graphi$ Novel )edipus :e;


Why do you Why do people Why did Greek Who supported think the Greeks per,orm rituals3 dramas the 'rts3 had so many develop3 %ods3 Greek %od poster *ue 6// Greek %od poster *ue 6// Greek %od poster *ue 6//

List $hara$teristi$s o, Greek art and ar$hite$ture. N/G

'ssi%nment Greek %od !heet poster *ue 6//

Mr. Newton's Lesson Plans: Week 232/3-2/7 /th Grade Monday Tuesday 6 '%e o, =;plorers and Trade '%e o, =;plorers =;plorers /. . /. .6 !W*+ o, e;plorers and their a$$omplishment in spreadin% =uropean in,luen$es around the .orld. !W-' to identi,y / o, 0 =uropean =;plorers as measured "y tea$her assessment. Wednesday 6 '%e o, =;plorers and Trade 6 !pain8s Con>uests =;plorers /. . /. .6 !W*+ o, e;plorers and their a$$omplishment in spreadin% =uropean in,luen$es around the .orld. !W-' to identi,y / o, 0 =uropean =;plorers as measured "y tea$her assessment. Thursday 6 '%e o, =;plorers and Trade 6 !pain8s Con>uests =;plorers /. . /. .6 !W*+ o, e;plorers and their a$$omplishment in spreadin% =uropean in,luen$es around the .orld. !W-' to identi,y / o, 0 =uropean =;plorers as measured "y tea$her assessment. Friday 6 '%e o, =;plorers and Trade 6 !pain8s Con>uests =;plorers /. . /. .6 !W*+ o, e;plorers and their a$$omplishment in spreadin% =uropean in,luen$es around the .orld. !W-' to identi,y / o, 0 =uropean =;plorers as measured "y tea$her assessment.

Chapter Title 6 '%e o, =;plorers and Trade Lesson #/Name !u"#e$t &a%es !tate !tandards Goals/ )"#e$tives /. . /. .6 !W*+ o, e;plorers and their a$$omplishment in spreadin% =uropean in,luen$es around the .orld. !W-' to identi,y / o, 0 =uropean =;plorers as measured "y tea$her assessment. '%e o, =;plorers =;plorers

2ntrodu$tion Where is one pla$e you have al.ays .anted to %o3

Where is the ,urthest pla$e you have ever traveled3

What do you .ant your de$edents to remem"er you ,or3

?2n li,e .e should use thin%s and love people@ not the other .ay aroundA Why is this important3

Where should humanity e;plore ne;t3 What lessons ,rom the past $an .e take to the ,uture3


. 'ssi%n the ?4ands on &ro#e$tA e;plorer report. 6. students .ork the rest o, the period on $ompletin% "io sket$hes to present to $lass. 'ny Duestions a"out the pro#e$t.

. !tudents .ill use World map to re$reate map ,rom ?&la$e and TimeA se$tion. 6. *is$uss the Boya%es o, Ma%ellian 7. !tudy Guide Ch 6 Ls

. !tudents read . !tudents . !tudents lesson 6 and present their present their $reate Benn pro#e$ts to $lass. pro#e$ts to $lass. *ia%rams $omparin% the events o, CorteC and &iCarro. 6. !tudy Guide Ch 6 Ls 6


Che$k pro%ress 9tiliCe ?!panish Whi$h e;plorer Whi$h e;plorer on pro#e$t Con>uestsA to .as the most .as the most revie.. interestin%3 interestin%3

'ssi%nment 4ands on 4ands on 4ands on 4ands on N/4 !heet &ro#e$t *ue 6/6 &ro#e$t *ue 6/6 &ro#e$t *ue 6/6 &ro#e$t *ue 6/6

Mr. Newton's Lesson Plans: Week 232/3-2/7 8th Grade Chapter Title Lesson #/Name Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 6 5a$ksonian =ra 6 Con,li$ts over land The 9! and and and 6 5a$ksonian =;pansion =;pansion =;pansion =ra =$onomy 2ndustrial :evolution 6 Movin% West 7 9nity and 7 9nity and !e$tionalism !e$tionalism Canals and the Missouri Compromise 8.6. 8.6.6 !W*+ o, ho. the =ra o, Good Feelin%s translated into the 9! "ein% a"le to over$ome physi$al and politi$al o"sta$les. !W-' to e;plain the importan$e o, the =rie Canal and other $anals "uilt .ith /01 a$$ura$y as measured "y tea$her assessment. !W-' to analyCe the importan$e o, the Missouri Compromise. 5a$ksonian *emo$ra$y


Forei%n ',,airs =;pandin% and the Monroe demo$ra$y *o$trine 8.E.F 8.F.6 !W*+ o, 9! ,orei%n relationships .hi$h .ill result in the Monroe *o$trine. !W-' to des$ri"e 9! relations .ith :ussia@ !pain@ &ortu%al@ and =n%land .ith /01 a$$ura$y as measured "y tea$her assessment. !W-' to e;amine the e,,e$ts o, the Monroe *o$trine in ,orei%n relations .ith /01 a$$ura$y as measured "y tea$her assessment. 8.8. !W*+ o, 5a$ksonian *emo$ra$y !W-' to dis$uss the $han%in% attitudes to.ards *emo$ra$y in the 9! %ovt. .ith /01 a$$ura$y as measured "y tea$her assessment

&a%es !tate !tandards Goals/ )"#e$tives 8.(.7 8.6. !W*+ o, the 2ndustrial :evolution and its e,,e$t on 'meri$an li,e. !W-' to de,ine the industrial :evolution .ith /01 a$$ura$y as measured "y tea$her assessment. !W-' to analyCe the e,,e$t that Capitalism has had on the 9! e$onomy .ith /01 a$$ura$y as measured "y tea$her assessment. 8.8.6 !W*+ o, $on,li$ts that emer%ed "et.een the 9! and the Native 'meri$an o, the !outh.est. !W-' to list the events that lead to the removal o, the N. '. o, the !outh.est .ith /01 a$$ura$y as measured "y tea$her assessment.


What te$hnolo%ies do you parents/%uardia ns use in their .ork3

Why do people divide into ,a$tions so >ui$kly3

2, you ,ound out that a ,orei%n %overnment %ave a 9! $ause some money@ .ould that "other you3 . Monroe *o$trine< !tudents .ill .at$h t.o videos ,rom youtu"e a"out M.*. 6. 9sin% the ,a$ts student .ill $ome up .ith their o.n son%s or skits to help others remem"er .hat it .as (. !tudy Guide Ch Lesson 7

!hould unin,ormed people have a say in %overnment3

Why .ere Native 'meri$ans ,or$ed to a"andon their land and move .est3


. Wat$h Crash Course Throu%h 4istory< 2ndustrial :evolution 6. *ivide students into 6 %roups. Make paper airplanes .ith hal, assem"ly line and hal, individually made. 7. Test planes. (. Lo% vo$a"ulary ,rom lesson F. !tudy Guide Ch. Lesson 'sk< . Whi$h %roup made planes< ,aster3 -etter3 6. 4o. did it ,eel to make a plane yoursel,3 7. 4o. are industrialiCatio n and $apitalism related3 Complete Worksheet on 2ndustrial

. Che$k vo$a" and .orksheet ,rom yesterday. 6. 9se maps and po.erpoint to sho. =rie Canal. Why is this and other $anals so very important3 7. *isplay map o, 9! to dis$uss parts o, Missouri Compromise. (. !tudents use outline map to $reate their o.n 9! map $ir$a 860. F. !tudy Guide Ch. Lesson 6 'sk< Why do you think the Missouri Compromise didn8t settle the issue o, slavery on$e and ,or all in 9! politi$s3

. Colle$t >uiCCes 6. !ho. map o, ele$tion o, 868. 7. 'lthou%h there is only one politi$al party@ is their politi$al unity3 (. 9se Bo$a" $hart to identi,y vo$a" .ords ,rom lesson F. !tudy Guide Chapter 6 lesson

. !tudents read lesson 6 and $reate Benn *ia%ram o, ho. the 9! treated these t.o Native 'meri$an %roups. 6. Wat$h video a"out ?:edA and ?-la$kA !eminoles. 7. *is$uss i, ?-la$kA !eminoles should have "een paid ,or land. (. !tudy Guide Ch 6 Lesson 6 *is$uss< -reak into %roups and $ome up .ith ideas that the 9! %ovt $ould do to take $are o, Native 'meri$ans


'sk< 4o. did the 9! en,or$e this ne. poli$y3

*is$uss< 4o. $an 9! politi$s $han%e ,or the "etter3

'ssi%nment !heet


Complete N/' DuiCCes G7 ,or revie.


Mr. Newton's Lesson Plans: Week 232/3-2/7 Eth Grade Chapter Title Lesson #/Name !u"#e$t Monday E 2slam First Muslims 'ra"s preG 2slam Tuesday E 2slam First Muslims Li,e o, Muhammad Wednesday E 2slam First Muslims -elie,s and &ra$ti$es o, 2slam Chronolo%i$al and spa$ial thinkin% !W*+ o, the 2slami$ reli%ion !W-' to tra$e the tea$hin%s o, 2slam .ith /01 a$$ura$y as measured "y tea$her assessment. Thursday E 2slam First Muslims -elie,s and &ra$ti$es o, 2slam Chronolo%i$al and spa$ial thinkin% !W*+ o, the 2slami$ reli%ion !W-' to tra$e the tea$hin%s o, 2slam .ith /01 a$$ura$y as measured "y tea$her assessment. Friday E 2slam First Muslims !haria la. dis$ussion. Lesson :evie. Chronolo%i$al and spa$ial thinkin% !W*+ o, the 2slami$ reli%ion !W-' to tra$e the tea$hin%so, 2slam .ith /01 a$$ura$y as measured "y tea$her assessment.

&a%es !tate !tandards 4istori$al and Chronolo%i$al Geo%raphi$al and spa$ial interrelationshi thinkin% ps !W*+ o, the 2slami$ reli%ion !W-' to tra$e the "e%innin%s o, 2slam .ith /01 a$$ura$y as measured "y tea$her assessment. !W*+ o, the 2slami$ reli%ion !W-' to tra$e the "e%innin%s o, Muhammad .ith /01 a$$ura$y as measured "y tea$her assessment.

Goals/ )"#e$tives


What is the se$ond lar%est reli%ion in the World3

Why .as it ne$essary ,or previously nomadi$ 'ra" tri"es to or%aniCe3 . Li,e o, Muhammad le$ture slide 6. Muslim terminolo%y le$ture slide 7. 'sk< Whi$h o, these .ords is ,amiliar to you3 9n,amiliar3 *o the de,initions surprise you3

What is the si%ni,i$an$e o, the $ity o, Makkah to early 2slam3 . *is$uss the F &illars o, 2slam H9tiliCe the ?World :eli%ions slideA 6. Graphi$ or%aniCer< 7 '"rahami$ :eli%ions Benn *ia%ram.

What are the F &illars o, 2slam3

2s !haria La. dan%erous3


. +WL a$tivity 6. *is$uss the 'ra"s "e,ore 2slam 7. *is$uss ho. %eo%raphy shaped the $ulture o, the 'ra"ian &enninsula (. !tudents $omplete ?Trade in the 'ra"ian &enninsula Why did $ommunities on the 'ra"ian &eninsula prosper e$onomi$ally3

. :ead and dis$uss arti$le on !haria la.. 6. Go to site http<//,, in%tonpost.$om /60 7/0//6E/sha riaGla.GusaG statesG "anInI76608 7 .html and look at photos o, 2slami$ ,aith

. !tudents $omplete a "uildin% an ar%ument %raphi$ or%aniCer a"out usin% !hariah la. here in the 9!. 6. *is$uss out$omes. 7. Complete mat$hin% %ame


What .as the si%ni,i$an$e o, Ga"riel8s messa%es to Muhammad a$$ordin% to 2slami$ tea$hin%s N/4

What "elie,s and .ays o, li,e shape the reli%ious traditions o, 2slam3

What DuiC students similarities and on lesson di,,eren$es e;ist "et.een the "elie, systems o, 2slam and Christianity3 N/4 N/4

'ssi%nment sheet

Trade .orksheet

Benn *ia%ram

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