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Surat Ynus (Jonah) -

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Muhsin Khan : Alif-Lam-Ra. [These letters are one of the miracles of the Quran, and none but Allah (Alone) knows their meanin s!. These are the "erses of the #ook (the Quran) Al-$akim [showin lawful and unlawful thin s, e%&lainin Allah's ((i)ine) Laws for mankind, leadin them to eternal ha&&iness b* orderin them to follow the true +slamic ,onotheism, - worshi&&in none but Allah Alone that will uide them to -aradise and sa)e them from $ell!. Sahih International : Alif, Lam, Ra. These are the )erses of the wise #ook
Tafsir Jalalayn : Alif l.m r./: 0od knows best what $e means b* these [letters!. Those, namel*, these si ns, are the si ns of the wise #ook, that is, the Qur/.n (the eniti)e anne%ation [.*.t alkit.b! has the meanin of min [sc. min .*.ti/l-kit.b, 1from amon the )erses of the #ook/!), which has been made clear.

Indonesian : Alif laam raa. +nilah a*at-a*at Al Quran *an men andun hikmah.

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Muhsin Khan : +s it wonder for mankind that 2e ha)e sent 3ur +ns&irationto a man from amon themsel)es (i.e. -ro&het ,uhammad 4A2) (sa*in ): 52arn mankind (of the comin torment in $ell), and i)e ood news to those who belie)e (in the 3neness of Allah and in $is -ro&het ,uhammad 4A2) that the* shall ha)e with their Lord the rewards of their ood deeds65 (#ut) the disbelie)ers sa*: 5This is indeed an e)ident sorcerer (i.e. -ro&het ,uhammad 4A2 and the Quran)7 Sahih International

: $a)e the &eo&le been ama8ed that 2e re)ealed [re)elation! to a man from amon them, [sa*in !, 52arn mankind and i)e ood tidin s to those who belie)e that the* will ha)e a [firm! &recedence of honor with their Lord56 [#ut! the disbelie)ers sa*, 5+ndeed, this is an ob)ious ma ician.5
Tafsir Jalalayn : +s it for the &eo&le, the &eo&le of ,ecca (this interro ati)e is meant as a disa)owal9 the &re&osition [li-, 1for/! and its de&endent eniti)e noun [al-n.s, 1the &eo&le/! constitute a circumstantial :ualifier of $is sa*in ): a wonder (1a;aban: read in the accusati)e as a &redicate of k.na9 or if read in the nominati)e [1a;abun! as its sub;ect: its &redicate, which is also its sub;ect if read accordin to the former [accusati)e! readin , is [the followin , an awha*n.!) that 2e ha)e ins&ired a man from amon them, ,uhammad (s), [sa*in ! (an, 1that/, is e%&licati)e): 12arn, threaten, the &eo&le, the disbelie)ers, with chastisement, and i)e ood tidin s to those who belie)e that the* ha)e a &rior, a &recedin , [&romise of! truth with their Lord/6, that is a [&recedin ! fair reward, in return for the deeds the* ha)e sent forward. The disbelie)ers sa*, 1Trul* this, Qur/.n that com&rises all of that [mentioned!, is manifest sorcer*/: a )ariant readin [for la-sihrun! has la-s.hirun, 1a sorcerer/, where it is the -ro&het (s) to whom the* are referrin [as bein 1a manifest sorcerer/!.

Indonesian : -atutkah men;adi keheranan ba i manusia bahwa <ami mewah*ukan ke&ada seoran laki-laki di antara mereka: 5#erilah &erin atan ke&ada manusia dan embirakanlah oran -oran beriman bahwa mereka mem&un*ai kedudukan *an tin i di sisi Tuhan mereka5. 3ran -oran kafir berkata: 54esun uhn*a oran ini (,uhammad) benar-benar adalah tukan sihir *an n*ata5.

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Muhsin Khan : 4urel*, *our Lord is Allah 2ho created the hea)ens and the earth in si% (a*s and then +stawa (rose o)er) the Throne (reall* in a manner that suits $is ,a;est*), dis&osin the affair of all thin s. =o intercessor (can &lead with $im) e%ce&t after $is Lea)e. That is Allah, *our Lord9 so worshi& $im (Alone). Then, will *ou not remember6 Sahih International : +ndeed, *our Lord is Allah , who created the hea)ens and the earth in si% da*s and then established $imself abo)e the Throne, arran in the matter [of $is

creation!. There is no intercessor e%ce&t after $is &ermission. That is Allah , *our Lord, so worshi& $im. Then will *ou not remember6
Tafsir Jalalayn : Trul* *our Lord is 0od 2ho created the hea)ens and the earth in si% da*s, of the da*s of this world, that is, in the same measure [of time!, since there was no sun or moon then: had $e willed $e could ha)e created them in an instant, but the reason for $is not ha)in done so is that $e wanted to teach $is creatures to be circums&ect9 then $e &resided u&on the Throne, a &residin befittin of $im, directin affairs, amon creatures. There is no (m. min indicates a relati)e clause) intercessor, to intercede for an*one, sa)e after $is &ermission: a refutation of their sa*in , 1The idols intercede for us7/9 that, >reator and (irector, is 0od, *our Lord, so worshi& $im, affirm $is 3neness. 2ill *ou not remember6 (tadhakkar?na: the ori inal t./ [of tatadhakkar?na! has been assimilated with the dh.l).

Indonesian : 4esun uhn*a Tuhan kamu ialah Allah @an menci&takan lan it dan bumi dalam enam masa, kemudian (ia bersema*am di atas 'Ars* untuk men atur se ala urusan. Tiada seoran &un *an akan memberi s*afa'at kecuali sesudah ada i8in-=*a. ((8at) *an demikian itulah Allah, Tuhan kamu, maka sembahlah (ia. ,aka a&akah kamu tidak men ambil &ela;aran6

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Muhsin Khan : To $im is the return of all of *ou. The -romise of Allah is true. +t is $e 2ho be ins the creation and then will re&eat it, that $e ma* reward with ;ustice those who belie)ed (in the 3neness of Allah - +slamic ,onotheism) and did deeds of ri hteousness. #ut those who disbelie)ed will ha)e a drink of boilin fluids and &ainful torment because the* used to disbelie)e. Sahih International : To $im is *our return all to ether. [+t is! the &romise of Allah [which is! truth. +ndeed, $e be ins the [&rocess of! creation and then re&eats it that $e ma* reward those who ha)e belie)ed and done ri hteous deeds, in ;ustice. #ut those who disbelie)ed will ha)e a drink of scaldin water and a &ainful &unishment for what the* used to den*.
Tafsir Jalalayn

: To $im, e%alted be $e, is the return of all of *ou: 0od/s &romise, in truth (both [wa1da and ha::an! are )erbal nouns, and in the accusati)e because of the )erbs im&licit in them). Trul* $e (read innahu as a new sentence, or annahu with an im&lied l.m [sc. liannahu, 1#ecause $e/! ori inates creation, that is, $e be an it b* ori inatin [it!, then recreates it, throu h resurrection, that $e ma* re:uite, reward, those who belie)e and &erform ri hteous deeds, ;ustl*. And those who disbelie)e, for them will be a drau ht of boilin water and a &ainful chastisement because the* disbelie)ed.

Indonesian : $an*a ke&ada-=*a-lah kamu semuan*a akan kembali9 seba ai ;an;i *an benar dari&ada Allah, sesun uhn*a Allah menci&takan makhluk &ada &ermulaann*a kemudian men ulan in*a (men hidu&kann*a) kembali (sesudah berban kit), a ar (ia memberi &embalasan ke&ada oran -oran *an beriman dan *an men er;akan amal saleh den an adil. (an untuk oran -oran kafir disediakan minuman air *an &anas dan a8ab *an &edih disebabkan kekafiran mereka.

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Muhsin Khan : +t is $e 2ho made the sun a shinin thin and the moon as a li ht and measured out its (their) sta es, that *ou mi ht know the number of *ears and the reckonin . Allah did not create this but in truth. $e e%&lains the A*at (&roofs, e)idences, )erses, lessons, si ns, re)elations, etc.) in detail for &eo&le who ha)e knowled e. Sahih International : +t is $e who made the sun a shinin li ht and the moon a deri)ed li ht and determined for it &hases - that *ou ma* know the number of *ears and account [of time!. Allah has not created this e%ce&t in truth. $e details the si ns for a &eo&le who know
Tafsir Jalalayn : $e it is 2ho made the sun a radiance, that is, emittin li ht, and the moon a li ht, and determined it, with res&ect to its mo)ement, in stations: AB stations in AB ni hts e)er* month, becomin concealed for two ni hts when a &articular month has CD da*s, or [concealed! for one ni ht, when it has AE da*s, so that *ou mi ht know, thereb*, the number of the *ears and the reckonin . 0od did not create that, which is mentioned, sa)e in truth, not in )ain, e%alted be $e abo)e such thin s. $e details (read *ufassilu or nufassilu, 12e detail/) the si ns for a &eo&le who know, who reflect.


: (ialah *an men;adikan matahari bersinar dan bulan bercaha*a dan diteta&kan-=*a man8ilah-man8ilah (tem&at-tem&at) ba i &er;alanan bulan itu, su&a*a kamu men etahui bilan an tahun dan &erhitun an (waktu). Allah tidak menci&takan *an demikian itu melainkan den an hak. (ia men;elaskan tandatanda (kebesaran-=*a) ke&ada oran -oran *an men etahui.

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Muhsin Khan : "eril*, in the alternation of the ni ht and the da* and in all that Allah has created in the hea)ens and the earth are A*at (&roofs, e)idences, )erses, lessons, si ns, re)elations, etc.) for those &eo&le who kee& their dut* to Allah, and fear $im much. Sahih International : +ndeed, in the alternation of the ni ht and the da* and [in! what Allah has created in the hea)ens and the earth are si ns for a &eo&le who fear Allah
Tafsir Jalalayn : Trul* in the alternation of ni ht and da*, in [their! comin and oin , increasin and diminishin , and [in! what 0od has created in the hea)ens, of an els, sun, moon, stars and other thin s, and, in, the earth, of animals, mountains, seas, ri)ers, trees, and other thin s, there are si ns, indications of $is &ower, e%alted be $e, for a &eo&le who fear, $im, and so belie)e: $e sin les these out for mention because the* are the ones to benefit from them [such si ns!.

Indonesian : 4esun uhn*a &ada &ertukaran malam dan sian itu dan &ada a&a *an dici&takan Allah di lan it dan di bumi, benar-benar terda&at tanda-tanda (kekuasaan-=*a) ba i oran -oran *an bertakwa.

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Muhsin Khan

: "eril*, those who ho&e not for their meetin with Fs, but are &leased and satisfied with the life of the &resent world, and those who are heedless of 3ur A*at (&roofs, e)idences, )erses, lessons, si ns, re)elations, etc.), Sahih International : +ndeed, those who do not e%&ect the meetin with Fs and are satisfied with the life of this world and feel secure therein and those who are heedless of 3ur si ns
Tafsir Jalalayn : Trul* those who do not e%&ect to encounter Fs, throu h resurrection, and are content with the life of this world, instead of [the life! the $ereafter, since the* re;ect [the truth of! it, and feel reassured, feel secure, in it, and those who are heedless of 3ur si ns, [of! the &roofs of 3ur 3neness, ne lectin to &onder them,

Indonesian : 4esun uhn*a oran -oran *an tidak men hara&kan (tidak &erca*a akan) &ertemuan den an <ami, dan merasa &uas den an kehidu&an dunia serta merasa tenteram den an kehidu&an itu dan oran -oran *an melalaikan a*ata*at <ami,

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Muhsin Khan : Those, their abode will be the Gire, because of what the* used to earn. Sahih International : Gor those their refu e will be the Gire because of what the* used to earn.
Tafsir Jalalayn : those, their abode will be the Gire because of what the* used to earn, in the wa* of [&ractisin ! idolatr* and [&erformin ! acts of disobedience.

Indonesian : mereka itu tem&atn*a ialah neraka, disebabkan a&a *an selalu mereka ker;akan.

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Muhsin Khan : "eril*, those who belie)e [in the 3neness of Allah alon with the si% articles of Gaith, i.e. to belie)e in Allah, $is An els, $is #ooks, $is ,essen ers, (a*

of Resurrection, and Al-Qadar ((i)ine -reordainments) - +slamic ,onotheism!, and do deeds of ri hteousness, their Lord will uide them throu h their Gaith9 under them will flow ri)ers in the 0ardens of deli ht (-aradise). Sahih International : +ndeed, those who ha)e belie)ed and done ri hteous deeds - their Lord will uide them because of their faith. #eneath them ri)ers will flow in the 0ardens of -leasure
Tafsir Jalalayn : Trul* those who belie)e and &erform ri hteous deeds, their Lord will uide them, $e will lead them, throu h their faith, in $im, b* a&&ointin for them a li ht with which the* will be able to find their wa* on the (a* of Resurrection. Ri)ers will flow beneath them in the 0ardens of #liss,

Indonesian : 4esun uhn*a oran -oran *an beriman dan men er;akan amal-amal saleh, mereka diberi &etun;uk oleh Tuhan mereka karena keimanann*a, di bawah mereka men alir sun ai-sun ai di dalam sur a *an &enuh kenikmatan.

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Muhsin Khan : Their wa* of re:uest therein will be 4ubhanaka Allahumma (0lor* to @ou, 3 Allah7) and 4alam (&eace, safe from each and e)er* e)il) will be their reetin s therein (-aradise)7 and the close of their re:uest will be: Al-$amdu Lillahi Rabbil-'Alamin [All the &raises and thanks are to Allah, the Lord of 'Alamin (mankind, ;inns and all that e%ists)!. Sahih International : Their call therein will be, 5H%alted are @ou, 3 Allah ,5 and their reetin therein will be, 5-eace.5 And the last of their call will be, 5-raise to Allah , Lord of the worlds75
Tafsir Jalalayn : their &ra*er therein, their re:uest for what the* desire in -aradise will be to sa*: 10lor* be to @ou, 3 0od7/, so that, lo7, what the* re:uest the* find before them9 and their reetin , between them, therein will be: 1-eace./ And their final &ra*er will be: 1-raise be to 0od, Lord of the 2orlds/.

Indonesian : (o'a mereka di dalamn*a ialah: 54ubhanakallahumma5, dan salam &en hormatan mereka ialah: 54alam5. (an &enutu& doa mereka ialah: 5Alhamdulilaahi Rabbil 'aalamin5.

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Muhsin Khan : And were Allah to hasten for mankind the e)il (the* in)oke for themsel)es and for their children, etc. while in a state of an er) as $e hastens for them the ood (the* in)oke) then the* would ha)e been ruined. 4o 2e lea)e those who e%&ect not their meetin with Fs, in their tres&asses, wanderin blindl* in distraction. (Tafsir At-Tabari9 "ol. II, -a e EI) Sahih International : And if Allah was to hasten for the &eo&le the e)il [the* in)oke! as $e hastens for them the ood, their term would ha)e been ended for them. #ut 2e lea)e the ones who do not e%&ect the meetin with Fs, in their trans ression, wanderin blindl*
Tafsir Jalalayn : 2hen the idolaters sou ht to hasten [their! chastisement, the followin was re)ealed: And if 0od should hasten for mankind e)il as the* would hasten ood, their term [of life! would alread* ha)e been concluded for them (read as the &assi)e, with nominati)e a;aluhum [sc. la-:udi*a a;aluhum!9 or read as the acti)e with accusati)e a;alahum [sc. la:ad. a;alahum, 1$e would ha)e alread* concluded their term/!), b* $is destro*in them, but $e i)es them res&ite. #ut 2e lea)e those, who do not e%&ect to encounter Fs, to wander blindl* in their insolence, hesistant and &er&le%ed.

Indonesian : (an kalau sekiran*a Allah men*e erakan ke;ahatan ba i manusia se&erti &ermintaan mereka untuk men*e erakan kebaikan, &astilah diakhiri umur mereka. ,aka <ami biarkan oran -oran *an tidak men hara&kan &ertemuan den an <ami, ber eliman an di dalam kesesatan mereka.

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Muhsin Khan : And when harm touches man, he in)okes Fs, l*in down on his side, or sittin or standin . #ut when 2e ha)e remo)ed his harm from him, he &asses on his

wa* as if he had ne)er in)oked Fs for a harm that touched him7 Thus it seems fair to the ,usrifunthat which the* used to do. Sahih International : And when affliction touches man, he calls u&on Fs, whether l*in on his side or sittin or standin 9 but when 2e remo)e from him his affliction, he continues [in disobedience! as if he had ne)er called u&on Fs to [remo)e! an affliction that touched him. Thus is made &leasin to the trans ressors that which the* ha)e been doin
Tafsir Jalalayn : +f misfortune, illness or &o)ert*, should befall a, disbelie)in , man, he calls u&on Fs on his side, that is, l*in down, or sittin or standin , in other words, in e)er* state9 but when 2e ha)e relie)ed him of his misfortune, he &asses on, in his unbelief, as if (ka-an is softened, its sub;ect omitted, in other words [read as! ka-annahu) he had ne)er called u&on Fs because of a misfortune that befell him. 4o, in the same wa* that su&&lication durin misfortune and abstention [from su&&lication! in times of comfort were adorned for him, is adorned for the &rodi al, the idolaters, that which the* do.

Indonesian : (an a&abila manusia ditim&a baha*a dia berdoa ke&ada <ami dalam keadaan berbarin , duduk atau berdiri, teta&i setelah <ami hilan kan baha*a itu dari&adan*a, dia (kembali) melalui (;alann*a *an sesat), seolah-olah dia tidak &ernah berdoa ke&ada <ami untuk (men hilan kan) baha*a *an telah menim&an*a. #e itulah oran -oran *an melam&aui batas itu memandan baik a&a *an selalu mereka ker;akan.

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Muhsin Khan : And indeed, 2e destro*ed enerations before *ou, when the* did wron while their ,essen ers came to them with clear &roofs, but the* were not such as to belie)e7 Thus do 2e re:uite the &eo&le who are ,u;rimun (disbelie)ers, &ol*theists, sinners, criminals, etc.). Sahih International : And 2e had alread* destro*ed enerations before *ou when the* wron ed, and their messen ers had come to them with clear &roofs, but the* were not to belie)e. Thus do 2e recom&ense the criminal &eo&le
Tafsir Jalalayn : And indeed 2e ha)e destro*ed enerations, communities, before *ou, 3 &eo&le of ,ecca, when the* did e)il, b* wa* of idolatr*, and, indeed, their messen ers brou ht

them clear &roofs, indicatin their truthfulness9 but the* would not belie)e (wa-m. k.n? li-*u/min?: this is a su&&lement to 8alam?, 1the* did e)il/). 4o, ;ust as 2e destro*ed those, 2e shall re:uite the sinnin , the unbelie)in , folk.

Indonesian : (an sesun uhn*a <ami telah membinasakan umat-umat sebelum kamu, ketika mereka berbuat ke8aliman, &adahal rasul-rasul mereka telah datan ke&ada mereka den an membawa keteran an-keteran an *an n*ata, teta&i mereka sekali-kali tidak hendak beriman. (emikianlah <ami memberi &embalasan ke&ada oran -oran *an berbuat dosa.

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Muhsin Khan : Then 2e made *ou follow after them, enerations after enerations in the land, that 2e mi ht see how *ou would work7 Sahih International : Then 2e made *ou successors in the land after them so that 2e ma* obser)e how *ou will do.
Tafsir Jalalayn : Then 2e made *ou, 3 &eo&le of ,ecca, successors (khal./if is the &lural of khalJfa) in the earth after them, that 2e mi ht behold how *ou would beha)e, in it, and whether *ou would take heed from their e%am&le and belie)e in 3ur messen ers.

Indonesian : <emudian <ami ;adikan kamu &en anti-&en anti (mereka) di muka bumi sesudah mereka, su&a*a <ami mem&erhatikan ba aimana kamu berbuat.

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Muhsin Khan : And when 3ur >lear "erses are recited unto them, those who ho&e not for their meetin with Fs, sa*: #rin us a Quran other than this, or chan e it.54a* (3 ,uhammad 4A2): 5+t is not for me to chan e it on m* own accord9 + onl*

follow that which is re)ealed unto me. "eril*, + fear if + were to disobe* m* Lord, the torment of the 0reat (a* (i.e. the (a* of Resurrection).5 Sahih International : And when 3ur )erses are recited to them as clear e)idences, those who do not e%&ect the meetin with Fs sa*, 5#rin us a Qur'an other than this or chan e it.5 4a*, [3 ,uhammad!, 5+t is not for me to chan e it on m* own accord. + onl* follow what is re)ealed to me. +ndeed + fear, if + should disobe* m* Lord, the &unishment of a tremendous (a*.5
Tafsir Jalalayn : And when 3ur clear, manifest (ba**in.t is a circumstantial :ualifier), )erses, [from! the Qur/.n, are recited to them, those who do not e%&ect to encounter Fs, those who do not fear the Resurrection, sa*, 1#rin a Qur/.n other than this, one in which our ods are not deni rated, or chan e it/, of *our own accord. 4a*, to them: 1+t is not for me to chan e it of m* own accord. + onl* follow that which is re)ealed to me. Trul* + fear, if + should disobe* m* Lord, b* chan in it, the chastisement of a dreadful da*/, that is, the (a* of Resurrection.

Indonesian : (an a&abila dibacakan ke&ada mereka a*at-a*at <ami *an n*ata, oran oran *an tidak men hara&kan &ertemuan den an <ami berkata: 5(atan kanlah Al Quran *an lain dari ini atau antilah dia5. <atakanlah: 5Tidaklah &atut ba iku men antin*a dari &ihak diriku sendiri. Aku tidak men ikut kecuali a&a *an diwah*ukan ke&adaku. 4esun uhn*a aku takut ;ika mendurhakai Tuhanku ke&ada siksa hari *an besar (kiamat)5.

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Muhsin Khan : 4a* (3 ,uhammad 4A2): 5+f Allah had so willed, + should not ha)e recited it to *ou nor would $e ha)e made it known to *ou. "eril*, + ha)e sta*ed amon st *ou a life time before this. $a)e *ou then no sense65 Sahih International : 4a*, 5+f Allah had willed, + would not ha)e recited it to *ou, nor would $e ha)e made it known to *ou, for + had remained amon *ou a lifetime before it. Then will *ou not reason65
Tafsir Jalalayn : 4a*: 1+f 0od had willed + would not ha)e recited it to *ou, nor would $e ha)e made it known to *ou, [nor! would $e ha)e made *ou aware of it (the l. [of wa-l. adr.kum! is for ne ation, and is a su&&lement to what &receded9 a )ariant readin has the l.m [sc. la-

adr.kum, 1$e would ha)e made it known to *ou/! as the res&onse to the [conditional! law, 1if/, in other words, $e would ha)e made it known to *ou b* the ton ue of someone other than m*self). Gor + ha)e alread* dwelt amon *ou a [whole! lifetime, of fort* *ears, before this [Qur/.n!, not relatin to *ou an*thin [of the sort!, so will *ou not understand6/, that this [Qur/.n! is not from m*self6

Indonesian : <atakanlah: 5Kikalau Allah men hendaki, nisca*a aku tidak membacakann*a ke&adamu dan Allah tidak (&ula) memberitahukann*a ke&adamu5. 4esun uhn*a aku telah tin al bersamamu bebera&a lama sebelumn*a. ,aka a&akah kamu tidak memikirkann*a6

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Muhsin Khan : 4o who does more wron than he who for es a lie a ainst Allah or denies $is A*at (&roofs, e)idences, )erses, lessons, si ns, re)elations, etc.)6 4urel*, the ,u;rimun (criminals, sinners, disbelie)ers and &ol*theists) will ne)er be successful7 Sahih International : 4o who is more un;ust than he who in)ents a lie about Allah or denies $is si ns6 +ndeed, the criminals will not succeed
Tafsir Jalalayn : And who, that is, no one, does reater e)il than he who in)ents a lie a ainst 0od, b* ascribin a &artner to $im, or denies $is si ns6, [denies! the Qur/.n. 4urel*, it is that, the sinners, the idolaters, shall not &ros&er, the* shall [ne)er! find ha&&iness.

Indonesian : ,aka sia&akah *an lebih 8alim dari&ada oran *an men ada-adakan kedustaan terhada& Allah atau mendustakan a*at-a*at-=*a6 4esun uhn*a, tiadalah beruntun oran -oran *an berbuat dosa.

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Muhsin Khan : And the* worshi& besides Allah thin s that hurt them not, nor &rofit them, and the* sa*: 5These are our intercessors with Allah.5 4a*: 5(o *ou inform Allah of that which $e knows not in the hea)ens and on the earth65 0lorified and H%alted be $e abo)e all that which the* associate as &artners with $im7 Sahih International : And the* worshi& other than Allah that which neither harms them nor benefits them, and the* sa*, 5These are our intercessors with Allah 5 4a*, 5(o *ou inform Allah of somethin $e does not know in the hea)ens or on the earth65 H%alted is $e and hi h abo)e what the* associate with $im
Tafsir Jalalayn : And the* worshi&, besides 0od, that is, other than $im, that which can neither hurt them, should the* not worshi& it, nor &rofit them, if the* do worshi& it L and these are the idols9 and the* sa*, of them: 1These are our intercessors with 0od/. 4a*, to them: 12ould *ou tell, would *ou inform, 0od of what $e does not know in the hea)ens or in the earth6/ (the interro ati)e is meant as a disa)owal), for if $e had a &artner, $e [$imself! would know it, since nothin can be hidden from $im. 0lor* be to $im7, in [affirmation of! $is transcendence, and $i h be $e e%alted abo)e what the* associate7 with $im.

Indonesian : (an mereka men*embah selain dari&ada Allah a&a *an tidak da&at mendatan kan kemudharatan ke&ada mereka dan tidak (&ula) kemanfaatan, dan mereka berkata: 5,ereka itu adalah &emberi s*afa'at ke&ada kami di sisi Allah5. <atakanlah: 5A&akah kamu men abarkan ke&ada Allah a&a *an tidak diketahui-=*a baik di lan it dan tidak (&ula) dibumi65 ,aha 4uci Allah dan ,aha Tin i dan a&a *an mereka mem&ersekutukan (itu).

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Muhsin Khan : ,ankind were but one communit* (i.e. on one reli ion - +slamic ,onotheism), then the* differed (later), and had not it been for a 2ord that went forth before from *our Lord, it would ha)e been settled between them re ardin what the* differed. Sahih International : And mankind was not but one communit* [united in reli ion!, but [then! the* differed. And if not for a word that &receded from *our Lord, it would ha)e been ;ud ed between them [immediatel*! concernin that o)er which the* differ.
Tafsir Jalalayn : ,ankind was but one communit*, followin one reli ion, that is submission [to the 3ne 0od!, from the time of Adam to the time of =oah9 but it is also said [that this was the case! from the time of Abraham to that of 1Amr b. Luha**9 then the* differed, some of them remainin firml* [u&on belief in 3ne 0od!, while others disbelie)ed. And had it not been for a word that had alread* &receded from *our Lord, [to the effect! that re:uital would be deferred until the (a* of Resurrection, it would ha)e been decided between them, that is, [between! mankind, in this life, re ardin that o)er which the* differed, in reli ion, b* the disbelie)ers bein &unished.

Indonesian : ,anusia dahulun*a han*alah satu umat, kemudian mereka berselisih. <alau tidaklah karena suatu keteta&an *an telah ada dari Tuhanmu dahulu, &astilah telah diberi ke&utusan di antara mereka, tentan a&a *an mereka &erselisihkan itu.

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Muhsin Khan : And the* sa*: 5$ow is it that not a si n is sent down on him from his Lord65 4a*: 5The unseen belon s to Allah Alone, so wait *ou, )eril* + am with *ou amon those who wait (for Allah's Kud ement).5 Sahih International : And the* sa*, 52h* is a si n not sent down to him from his Lord65 4o sa*, 5The unseen is onl* for Allah [to administer!, so wait9 indeed, + am with *ou amon those who wait.5
Tafsir Jalalayn : And the*, the &eo&le of ,ecca, sa*, 12h* has a si n not been sent down on him, on ,uhammad (s), from his Lord6/, as was the case with [&re)ious! &ro&hets, in the wa* of

a she-camel, a staff or a [ lowin ! hand. Then sa*, to them: 1The Fnseen, that which is concealed from ser)ants, in other words, its affair, belon s onl* to 0od, and it is from this [Fnseen! that si ns come forth9 therefore $e alone can brin them forth: mine is onl* to co)e* the ,essa e. 4o wait, for the chastisement, if *ou do not belie)e. + am waitin with *ou/.

Indonesian : (an mereka berkata: 5,e&ada tidak diturunkan ke&adan*a (,uhammad) suatu keteran an (muk;i8at) dari Tuhann*a65 ,aka katakanlah: 54esun uhn*a *an haib itu ke&un*aan Allah, sebab itu tun u (sa;alah) olehmu, sesun uhn*a aku bersama kamu termasuk oran -oran *an manun u.

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Muhsin Khan : And when 2e let mankind taste of merc* after some ad)ersit* has afflicted them, behold7 The* take to &lottin a ainst 3ur A*at (&roofs, e)idences, )erses, lessons, si ns, re)elations, etc.)7 4a*: 5Allah is more 4wift in &lannin 75 >ertainl*, 3ur ,essen ers (an els) record all of that which *ou &lot. Sahih International : And when 2e i)e the &eo&le a taste of merc* after ad)ersit* has touched them, at once the* cons&ire a ainst 3ur )erses. 4a*, 5 Allah is swifter in strate *.5 +ndeed, 3ur messen ers record that which *ou cons&ire
Tafsir Jalalayn : And when 2e made &eo&le, that is, the disbelie)ers of ,ecca, taste of merc*, [of! rain and fertilit*, after ad)ersit*, miser* and drou ht, that had afflicted them, behold7 the* ha)e some &lot concernin 3ur si ns, in the wa* of mocker* and denial. 4a*, to them: 10od is swifter at &lottin , at re:uitin 9 surel* 3ur, uardian, messen ers are writin down that which *ou are &lottin / (tamkur?n, is also read *amkur?n, 1the* are &lottin /).

Indonesian : (an a&abila <ami merasakan ke&ada manusia suatu rahmat, sesudah (datan n*a) baha*a menim&a mereka, tiba-tiba mereka mem&un*ai ti&u da*a dalam (menentan ) tanda-tanda kekuasaan <ami. <atakanlah: 5Allah lebih ce&at &embalasann*a (atas ti&u da*a itu)5. 4esun uhn*a malaikat-malaikat <ami menuliskan ti&u da*amu.

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Muhsin Khan : $e it is 2ho enables *ou to tra)el throu h land and sea, till when *ou are in the shi&s and the* sail with them with a fa)ourable wind, and the* are lad therein, then comes a storm* wind and the wa)es come to them from all sides, and the* think that the* are encircled therein, the* in)oke Allah, makin their Gaith &ure for $im Alone, sa*in : 5+f @ou (Allah) deli)er us from this, we shall trul* be of the rateful. Sahih International : +t is $e who enables *ou to tra)el on land and sea until, when *ou are in shi&s and the* sail with them b* a ood wind and the* re;oice therein, there comes a storm wind and the wa)es come u&on them from e)er*where and the* assume that the* are surrounded, su&&licatin Allah , sincere to $im in reli ion, 5+f @ou should sa)e us from this, we will surel* be amon the thankful.5
Tafsir Jalalayn : $e it is 2ho con)e*s *ou (*usa**irukum: a )ariant readin has *anshurukum) across the land and the sea, until when *ou are in shi&s and the* sail with them (there is a shift of address from second [to third! &erson) with a fair, entle, bree8e and the* re;oice therein, there comes u&on them a storm* wind, blowin )iolentl*, destro*in e)er*thin , and wa)es come on them from e)er* side, and the* think that the* are o)erwhelmed, that is, [that! the* shall &erish, the* call u&on 0od, secure in their faith, their su&&lication, onl* to $im: 1+f (la-in: the l.m is for oaths) @ou deli)er us from these, terrors, we shall )eril* be of the thankful/, [of those! who affirm [@our! 3neness.

Indonesian : (ialah Tuhan *an men;adikan kamu da&at ber;alan di daratan, (berla*ar) di lautan. 4ehin a a&abila kamu berada di dalam bahtera, dan meluncurlah bahtera itu membawa oran -oran *an ada di dalamn*a den an tiu&an an in *an baik, dan mereka ber embira karenan*a, datan lah an in badai, dan (a&abila) elomban dari se ena& &en;uru menim&an*a, dan mereka *akin bahwa mereka telah terke&un (baha*a), maka mereka berdoa ke&ada Allah den an men ikhlaskan ketaatan ke&ada-=*a semata-mata. (,ereka berkata): 54esun uhn*a ;ika Hn kau men*elamatkan kami dari baha*a ini, &astilah kami akan termasuk oran -oran *an bers*ukur5.

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Muhsin Khan : #ut when $e deli)ered them, behold7 The* rebel (disobe* Allah) in the earth wron full*. 3 mankind7 @our rebellion (disobedience to Allah) is onl* a ainst *our ownsel)es, - a brief en;o*ment of this worldl* life, then (in the end) unto Fs is *our return, and 2e shall inform *ou that which *ou used to do. Sahih International : #ut when $e sa)es them, at once the* commit in;ustice u&on the earth without ri ht. 3 mankind, *our in;ustice is onl* a ainst *oursel)es, [bein merel*! the en;o*ment of worldl* life. Then to Fs is *our return, and 2e will inform *ou of what *ou used to do.
Tafsir Jalalayn : @et when $e has deli)ered them, behold7 the* are insolent in the earth wron full*, b* associatin others with 0od. 3 mankind, *our insolence, wron doin , is onl* a ainst *oursel)es, since the sin thereof shall fall a ainst them9 it is [but!, the en;o*ment of the life of this world, which *ou will en;o* for a short while, then to Fs is *our return, after death, and 2e shall inform *ou of what *ou used to do, and then re:uite *ou for it (a )ariant readin [for nominati)e mat.1u! has accusati)e mat.1a, 1an en;o*ment/, in other words [read as with an omitted )erb such as! tatamatta1?na, 1[one which! *ou shall en;o*/).

Indonesian : ,aka tatkala Allah men*elamatkan mereka, tiba-tiba mereka membuat ke8aliman di muka bumi tan&a (alasan) *an benar. $ai manusia, sesun uhn*a (bencana) ke8alimanmu akan menim&a dirimu sendiri9 (hasil ke8alimanmu) itu han*alah kenikmatan hidu& duniawi, kemudian ke&ada <ami-lah kembalimu, lalu <ami kabarkan ke&adamu a&a *an telah kamu ker;akan.

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Muhsin Khan : "eril* the likeness of (this) worldl* life is as the water (rain) which 2e send down from the sk*, so b* it arises the intermin led &roduce of the earth of which men and cattle eat until when the earth is clad with its adornments and is beautified, and its &eo&le think that the* ha)e all the &owers of dis&osal o)er it, 3ur >ommand reaches it b* ni ht or b* da* and 2e make it like a clean-mown har)est, as if it had not flourished *esterda*7 Thus do 2e e%&lain the A*at (&roofs, e)idences, )erses, lessons, si ns, re)elations, laws, etc.) in detail for the &eo&le who reflect. Sahih International : The e%am&le of [this! worldl* life is but like rain which 2e ha)e sent down from the sk* that the &lants of the earth absorb - [those! from which men and li)estock eat - until, when the earth has taken on its adornment and is beautified and its &eo&le su&&ose that the* ha)e ca&abilit* o)er it, there comes to it 3ur command b* ni ht or b* da*, and 2e make it as a har)est, as if it had not flourished *esterda*. Thus do 2e e%&lain in detail the si ns for a &eo&le who i)e thou ht.
Tafsir Jalalayn : The likeness, the descri&tion, of the life of this world is onl* as water, rain, which 2e send down from the hea)en, then the &lants of the earth min le with it, [the* min le! because of it, attachin themsel)es one to another, whereof mankind eat, [&lants! such as wheat and barle* and so on, and cattle [eat!, of &asture, until, when the earth has taken on its ornaments, its s&lendour of &lants, and has adorned itself, with flowers (i88a**anat, 1adorned itself/, is ori inall* ta8a**anat, but the t./ has been substituted with the 8.* and assimilated with it) and its inhabitants think that the* are masters of it, full* ca&able of har)estin its fruits, 3ur command, 3ur decree or 3ur chastisement, comes u&on it b* ni ht or da*, and 2e make it, that is, its cro&s, as rea&ed corn, like that which has been rea&ed with sickles, as thou h (ka-an is softened, in other words [read it as! ka-annah.) the &re)ious da* it had not flourished, [as thou h! it ne)er were. Thus do 2e detail, [do! 2e make clear, the si ns for a &eo&le who reflect.


: 4esun uhn*a &erum&amaan kehidu&an duniawi itu, adalah se&erti air (hu;an) *an <ami turunkan dan lan it, lalu tumbuhlah den an suburn*a karena air itu tanam-tanaman bumi, di antaran*a ada *an dimakan manusia dan binatan ternak. $in a a&abila bumi itu telah sem&urna keindahann*a, dan memakai (&ula) &erhiasann*a, dan &emilik-&ermlikn*a men ira bahwa mereka &asti men uasasin*a, tiba-tiba datan lah ke&adan*a a8ab <ami di waktu malam atau sian , lalu <ami ;adikan (tanam-tanamann*a) laksana tanam-tanaman *an sudah disabit, seakan-akan belum &ernah tumbuh kemarin. (emikianlah <ami men;elaskan tanda-tanda kekuasaan (<ami) ke&ada oran -oran berfikir.

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Muhsin Khan : Allah calls to the home of &eace (i.e. -aradise, b* acce&tin Allah's reli ion of +slamic ,onotheism and b* doin ri hteous ood deeds and abstainin from &ol*theism and e)il deeds) and uides whom $e wills to a 4trai ht -ath. Sahih International : And Allah in)ites to the $ome of -eace and uides whom $e wills to a strai ht &ath
Tafsir Jalalayn : And 0od summons to the Abode of -eace, that is, [the Abode! of securit*, which is -aradise, b* summonin [&eo&le! to faith, and $e uides whome)er $e wills, that he be uided, to a strai ht &ath, the reli ion of +slam.

Indonesian : Allah men*eru (manusia) ke (arussalam (sur a), dan menun;uki oran *an dikehendaki-=*a ke&ada ;alan *an lurus (+slam).

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Muhsin Khan : Gor those who ha)e done ood is the best (reward, i.e. -aradise) and e)en more (i.e. ha)in the honour of lancin at the >ountenance of Allah) =either darkness nor dust nor an* humiliatin dis race shall co)er their faces. The* are the dwellers of -aradise, the* will abide therein fore)er. Sahih International

: Gor them who ha)e done ood is the best [reward! and e%tra. =o darkness will co)er their faces, nor humiliation. Those are com&anions of -aradise9 the* will abide therein eternall*
Tafsir Jalalayn : Gor those who do ood, b* ha)in faith, is the fairest reward, -aradise, and more, which is to contem&late 0od, e%alted be $e, as [re&orted! in a hadJth b* ,uslim [in his 4ahJh!9 neither dust, soot, nor i nomin*, rief, shall o)ercome, en)elo&, their faces. Those, the* are the inhabitants of -aradise: therein the* will abide.

Indonesian : #a i oran -oran *an berbuat baik, ada &ahala *an terbaik (sur a) dan tambahann*a. (an muka mereka tidak ditutu&i debu hitam dan tidak (&ula) kehinaan. ,ereka itulah &en huni sur a, mereka kekal di dalamn*a.

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Muhsin Khan : And those who ha)e earned e)il deeds, the recom&ense of an e)il deed is the like thereof, and humiliatin dis race will co)er them (their faces). =o defender will the* ha)e from Allah. Their faces will be co)ered, as it were, with &ieces from the darkness of ni ht. The* are dwellers of the Gire, the* will abide therein fore)er. Sahih International : #ut the* who ha)e earned [blame for! e)il doin s - the recom&ense of an e)il deed is its e:ui)alent, and humiliation will co)er them. The* will ha)e from Allah no &rotector. +t will be as if their faces are co)ered with &ieces of the ni ht - so dark [are the*!. Those are the com&anions of the Gire9 the* will abide therein eternall*.
Tafsir Jalalayn : And for those (wa/lladhJna is a su&&lement to li/lladhJna ahsan?, 1for those who do ood/, so [understand it as! wa-li/lladhJna, 1and for those/) who earn e)il deeds, b* &ractisin idolatr*, [there shall be! the re:uital of an e)il deed b* the like thereof9 i nomin* shall o)ercome them L the* ha)e no &rotector, no defender, a ainst 0od L as if their faces had been co)ered with, cloaked [in!, stri&s of darkest ni ht (read :ita1an, as the &lural of :it1a9 or :it1an, meanin ;u8/an, 1a &art/). Those, the* are the inhabitants of the Gire: therein the* will abide.

Indonesian : (an oran -oran *an men er;akan ke;ahatan (menda&at) balasan *an setim&al dan mereka ditutu&i kehinaan. Tidak ada ba i mereka seoran

&elindun &un dari (a8ab) Allah, seakan-akan muka mereka ditutu&i den an ke&in an-ke&in an malam *an ela& elita. ,ereka itulah &en huni neraka9 mereka kekal di dalamn*a.

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Muhsin Khan : And the (a* whereon 2e shall ather them all to ether, then 2e shall sa* to those who did set &artners in worshi& with Fs: 54to& at *our &lace7 @ou and *our &artners (whom *ou had worshi&&ed in the worldl* life).5 then 2e shall se&arate them, and their (Allah's so-called) &artners shall sa*: 5+t was not us that *ou used to worshi&.5 Sahih International : And [mention, 3 ,uhammad!, the (a* 2e will ather them all to ether - then 2e will sa* to those who associated others with Allah , 5[Remain in! *our &lace, *ou and *our '&artners.' 5 Then 2e will se&arate them, and their 5&artners5 will sa*, 5@ou did not used to worshi& us,
Tafsir Jalalayn : And, mention, the da* on which 2e shall ather them, that is, creation, all to ether, then 2e shall sa* to those who associated others [with 0od!: 1+n *our &lace7 (mak.nakum is in the accusati)e because il8am?, 1adhere to/, is im&lied [sc. il8am? mak.nakum!). @ou (antum: this em&hasises the [second &erson &lural! sub;ect concealed in the im&lied )erb [il8am?!, and allows for the su&&lement [that follows!:) and *our associates7/, that is, the idols. Then 2e shall make a se&aration, 2e shall distin uish, between them, and the belie)ers, as [is stated! in the )erse, wa/mt.8?/l-*awma a**uh./l-mu;rim?n, 1=ow be se&arate, *ou sinners, u&on this da*7/ [Q. CM:NE!9 and their associates will sa*, to them: 1+t was not us that *ou were worshi&&in (m. [of m.-kuntum, 1*ou were not O/! is for ne ation9 the direct ob;ect [i**.n., 1us/! &recedes the )erb in order [to accord! with the end-rh*me [of the Qur/.nic )erse!9

Indonesian : (+n atlah) suatu hari (ketika itu). <ami men um&ulkan mereka semuan*a, kemudian <ami berkata ke&ada oran -oran *an mem&ersekutukan (Tuhan): 5Teta&lah kamu dan sekutu-sekutumu di tem&atmu itu5. Lalu <ami &isahkan mereka dan berkatalah sekutu-sekutu mereka: 5<amu sekali-kali tidak &ernah men*embah kami.

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Muhsin Khan : 54o sufficient is Allah for a witness between us and *ou, that 2e indeed knew nothin of *our worshi& of us.5 Sahih International : And sufficient is Allah as a witness between us and *ou that we were of *our worshi& unaware.5
Tafsir Jalalayn : 0od suffices as a witness between us and *ou, that indeed (in is softened, so [read as! inn.) we were unaware of *our worshi&/.

Indonesian : (an cuku&lah Allah men;adi saksi antara kami den an kamu, bahwa kami tidak tahu-menahu tentan &en*embahan kamu (ke&ada kami).

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Muhsin Khan : There7 H)er* &erson will know (e%actl*) what (all) he had earned before, and the* will be brou ht back to Allah, their ri htful Lord (,aula), and their in)ented false deities will )anish from them. Sahih International : There, [on that (a*!, e)er* soul will be &ut to trial for what it did &re)iousl*, and the* will be returned to Allah , their master, the Truth, and lost from them is whate)er the* used to in)ent.
Tafsir Jalalayn : There, that is, on that da*, e)er* soul shall e%&erience (tabl? deri)es from balw., 1a trial/9 a )ariant readin has tatl?, 1it shall recite/, deri)ed from til.wa, 1recitation/) what it did before, [what! it offered in the wa* of deeds, and the* shall be returned to 0od, their ri htful, [their! established, e)erlastin , Lord, and that which the* were in)entin , [of lies! a ainst $im, in the wa* of associates, shall fail them, shall be absent [before them!.

Indonesian : (i tem&at itu (&adan ,ahs*ar), tia&-tia& diri merasakan &embalasan dari a&a *an telah diker;akann*a dahulu dan mereka dikembalikan ke&ada Allah -elindun mereka *an sebenarn*a dan len*a&lah dari mereka a&a *an mereka ada-adakan.

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Muhsin Khan : 4a* (3 ,uhammad4A2 ): 52ho &ro)ides for *ou from the sk* and from the earth6 3r who owns hearin and si ht6 And who brin s out the li)in from the dead and brin s out the dead from the li)in 6 And who dis&oses the affairs65 The* will sa*: 5Allah.5 4a*: 52ill *ou not then be afraid of Allah's -unishment (for settin u& ri)als in worshi& with Allah)65 Sahih International : 4a*, 52ho &ro)ides for *ou from the hea)en and the earth6 3r who controls hearin and si ht and who brin s the li)in out of the dead and brin s the dead out of the li)in and who arran es [e)er*! matter65 The* will sa*, 5 Allah ,5 so sa*, 5Then will *ou not fear $im65
Tafsir Jalalayn : 4a*, to them: 12ho &ro)ides for *ou, rain, out of the hea)en, and, &lants [out of!, the earth, or 2ho owns hearin , meanin the abilit* to make hear, that is, the creation of this [facult*!, and si ht, and 2ho brin s forth the li)in from the dead and brin s forth the dead from the li)in , and 2ho directs affairs6/, between creatures6 The* will surel* sa*, 1+t is $e, 0od./ Then sa*, to them: 12ill *ou not then fear6/, $im, and belie)e6

Indonesian : <atakanlah: 54ia&akah *an memberi re8eki ke&adamu dari lan it dan bumi, atau sia&akah *an kuasa (menci&takan) &enden aran dan &en lihatan, dan sia&akah *an men eluarkan *an hidu& dari *an mati dan men eluarkan *an mati dari *an hidu& dan sia&akah *an men atur se ala urusan65 ,aka mereka akan men;awab: 5Allah5. ,aka katakanlah 5,an a&a kamu tidak bertakwa ke&ada-=*a)65

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Muhsin Khan : 4uch is Allah, *our Lord in truth. 4o after the truth, what else can there be, sa)e error6 $ow then are *ou turned awa*6 Sahih International

: Gor that is Allah , *our Lord, the Truth. And what can be be*ond truth e%ce&t error6 4o how are *ou a)erted6
Tafsir Jalalayn : That, (oer of all these thin s, then is 0od, *our true, established, Lord: so what is there, after truth, e%ce&t error6 (the interro ati)e is meant as an affirmati)e, in other words, there is nothin after it [truth! other than that [error!9 thus he who mistakes the truth, which is the worshi& of 0od, has fallen into error). $ow then are *ou turned awa*, from faith, des&ite the &roofs ha)in been established6

Indonesian : ,aka (Pat *an demikian) itulah Allah Tuhan kamu *an sebenarn*a9 maka tidak ada sesudah kebenaran itu, melainkan kesesatan. ,aka ba aimanakah kamu di&alin kan (dari kebenaran)6

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Muhsin Khan : Thus is the 2ord of *our Lord ;ustified a ainst those who rebel (disobe* Allah) that the* will not belie)e (in the 3neness of Allah and in ,uhammad 4A2 as the ,essen er of Allah). Sahih International : Thus the word of *our Lord has come into effect u&on those who defiantl* disobe*ed - that the* will not belie)e.
Tafsir Jalalayn : Thus, ;ust as those are turned awa* from faith so, the 2ord of *our Lord is ;ustified concernin those who are wicked, [those who! disbelie)e, and this [2ord! is [either! the )erse, [Q. CA:IC!1"eril* + shall fill $ell [with ;inn and mankind, to ether!/, or it is [the followin :! that the* do not belie)e.

Indonesian : (emikianlah telah teta& hukuman Tuhanmu terhada& oran -oran *an fasik, karena sesun uhn*a mereka tidak beriman.

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Muhsin Khan

: 4a*: 5+s there of *our (Allah's so-called) &artners one that ori inates the creation and then re&eats it65 4a*: 5Allah ori inates the creation and then $e re&eats it. Then how are *ou deluded awa* (from the truth)65 Sahih International : 4a*, 5Are there of *our '&artners' an* who be ins creation and then re&eats it65 4a*, 5 Allah be ins creation and then re&eats it, so how are *ou deluded65
Tafsir Jalalayn : 4a*: 1+s there of those whom *ou associate [with 0od! one that ori inates creation, then recreated it6/ 4a*: 10od ori inates creation, then recreates it. $ow then are *ou de)iated6/, turned awa* from worshi&&in $im, des&ite &roof ha)in been established.

Indonesian : <atakanlah: 5A&akah di antara sekutu-sekutumu ada *an da&at memulai &enci&taan makhluk, kemudian men ulan in*a (men hidu&kann*a) kembali65 katakanlah: 5Allah-lah *an memulai &enci&taan makhluk, kemudian men ulan in*a (men hidu&kann*a) kembali9 maka ba aimanakah kamu di&alin kan (ke&ada men*embah *an selain Allah)65

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Muhsin Khan : 4a*: 5+s there of *our (Allah's so-called) &artners one that uides to the truth65 4a*: 5+t is Allah 2ho uides to the truth. +s then $e, 2ho i)es uidance to the truth, more worth* to be followed, or he who finds not uidance (himself) unless he is uided6 Then, what is the matter with *ou6 $ow ;ud e *ou65 Sahih International : 4a*, 5Are there of *our '&artners' an* who uides to the truth65 4a*, 5 Allah uides to the truth. 4o is $e who uides to the truth more worth* to be followed or he who uides not unless he is uided6 Then what is [wron ! with *ou - how do *ou ;ud e65
Tafsir Jalalayn : 4a*: 1+s there of those whom *ou associate [with 0od! one that uides to the truth6/, b* [means of! settin u& [definiti)e! ar uments and creatin uidance. 4a*: 10od uides to the truth9 is 3ne 2ho uides to the truth L and this is 0od L more deser)in of bein followed, or one who does not uide, [one who! is not [himself! uided, unless he is uided6, more deser)in of bein followed6 (the interro ati)e is meant as an affirmation and a rebuke, in other words, the former is more deser)in ). 4o what is wron with *ou, how do *ou ;ud e6/, [how do *ou make! this corru&t ;ud ement, one where what does not deser)e to be followed is followed6

Indonesian : <atakanlah: 5A&akah di antara sekutu-sekuturmu ada *an menun;uki ke&ada kebenaran65 <atakanlah 5Allah-lah *an menun;uki ke&ada kebenaran5. ,aka a&akah oran -oran *an menun;uki ke&ada kebenaran itu lebih berhak diikuti ataukah oran *an tidak da&at memberi &etun;uk kecuali (bila) diberi &etun;uk6 ,en a&a kamu (berbuat demikian)6 #a aimanakah kamu men ambil ke&utusan6

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Muhsin Khan : And most of them follow nothin but con;ecture. >ertainl*, con;ecture can be of no a)ail a ainst the truth. 4urel*, Allah is All-Aware of what the* do. Sahih International : And most of them follow not e%ce&t assum&tion. +ndeed, assum&tion a)ails not a ainst the truth at all. +ndeed, Allah is <nowin of what the* do.
Tafsir Jalalayn : And most of them, in worshi&&in idols, follow nothin but con;ecture, since the* imitate their fathers therein9 trul* con;ecture a)ails nothin a ainst truth, when what is sou ht is knowled e. 4urel* 0od is <nower of what the* do, and will re:uite them for it.

Indonesian : (an keban*akan mereka tidak men ikuti kecuali &ersan kaan sa;a. 4esun uhn*a &ersan kaan itu tidak sedikit&un ber una untuk menca&ai kebenaran. 4esun uhn*a Allah ,aha ,en etahui a&a *an mereka ker;akan.

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Muhsin Khan : And this Quran is not such as could e)er be &roduced b* other than Allah (Lord of the hea)ens and the earth), but it is a confirmation of (the re)elation)which was before it [i.e. the Taurat (Torah), and the +n;eel (0os&el), etc.!, and a full e%&lanation of the #ook (i.e. laws and orders, etc, decreed for mankind) - wherein there is no doubt from the the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, ;inns,and all that e%ists). Sahih International

: And it was not [&ossible! for this Qur'an to be &roduced b* other than Allah , but [it is! a confirmation of what was before it and a detailed e%&lanation of the [former! 4cri&ture, about which there is no doubt, from the Lord of the worlds.
Tafsir Jalalayn : And this Qur/.n is not such as could e)er be &roduced, that is, [it could not be! a fabrication, [b* an*one! besides 0od9 but it is, re)ealed [as!, a confirmation of what is before it, of 4cri&tures, and a detailin of the #ook, a e%&osition of the rulin s and other matters which 0od has &rescribed L wherein is no doubt, no uncertaint* L from the Lord of the 2orlds (min rabbi/l-1.lamJn is semanticall* connected to tasdJ:a, 1a confirmation/, or to an omitted un8ila, 1re)ealed/9 a )ariant readin [for accusati)e tasdJ:a! has the nominati)e tasdJ:u and nominati)e tafsJlu, 1a detailin /, [for the accusati)e tafsJla! b* [readin ! an im&lied huwa, 1it is/).

Indonesian : Tidaklah mun kin Al Quran ini dibuat oleh selain Allah9 akan teta&i (Al Quran itu) membenarkan kitab-kitab *an sebelumn*a dan men;elaskan hukum-hukum *an telah diteta&kann*a, tidak ada kera uan di dalamn*a, (diturunkan) dari Tuhan semesta alam.

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Muhsin Khan : 3r do the* sa*: 5$e (,uhammad 4A2) has for ed it65 4a*: 5#rin then a 4urah (cha&ter) like unto it, and call u&on whomsoe)er *ou can, besides Allah, if *ou are truthful75 Sahih International : 3r do the* sa* [about the -ro&het!, 5$e in)ented it65 4a*, 5Then brin forth a surah like it and call u&on [for assistance! whome)er *ou can besides Allah , if *ou should be truthful.5
Tafsir Jalalayn : 3r do the* sa*, 1$e has in)ented it/6, ,uhammad (s) has in)ented it. 4a*: 1Then brin a s?ra like it, in terms of the clarit* and the rhetorical e%cellence of its lan ua e, b* wa* of in)ention, for *ou are elo:uent s&eakers of Arabic like me9 and call u&on whom *ou can, for hel& in this [matter!, besides 0od, that is, other than $im, if *ou are truthful/, in [sa*in ! that this is an in)ention. #ut the* were not able to do this.

Indonesian : Atau (&atutkah) mereka men atakan 5,uhammad membuat-buatn*a5. <atakanlah: 5(<alau benar *an kamu katakan itu), maka cobalah datan kan

sebuah surat seum&aman*a dan &an illah sia&a-sia&a *an da&at kamu &an il (untuk membuatn*a) selain Allah, ;ika kamu oran *an benar5.

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Muhsin Khan : =a*, the* den* that9 the knowled e whereof the* could not com&ass and whereof the inter&retation has not *et come unto them. Thus those before them did den*. Then see what was the end of the Palimun (&ol*theists and wron doers, etc.)7 Sahih International : Rather, the* ha)e denied that which the* encom&ass not in knowled e and whose inter&retation has not *et come to them. Thus did those before them den*. Then obser)e how was the end of the wron doers.
Tafsir Jalalayn : 0od, e%alted be $e, sa*s: =a*, but the* denied that, the knowled e whereof the* did not com&rehend, that is, [the* denied! the Qur/.n and did not reflected u&on it9 and whereof the inter&retation, the conse:uence of the threats [made! therein, has not *et come to them. 4o, in the same [manner of! denial, those who were before them denied, their messen ers. #ehold then what was the conse:uence for the e)ildoers7, for den*in the messen ers, in other words, [behold! how their affair was concluded, b* their bein destro*ed. +n a similar manner, 2e shall destro* these [&eo&le!.

Indonesian : #ahkan *an sebenarn*a, mereka mendustakan a&a *an mereka belum men etahuin*a den an sem&urna &adahal belum datan ke&ada mereka &en;elasann*a. (emikianlah oran -oran *an sebelum mereka telah mendustakan (rasul). ,aka &erhatikanlah ba aimana akibat oran -oran *an 8alim itu.

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Muhsin Khan : And of them there are some who belie)e therein, and of them there are some who belie)e not therein, and *our Lord is All-Aware of the ,ufsidun (e)ildoers, liars, etc.). Sahih International

: And of them are those who belie)e in it, and of them are those who do not belie)e in it. And *our Lord is most knowin of the corru&ters
Tafsir Jalalayn : And of them, that is, [of! the &eo&le of ,ecca, are some who belie)e in it, 0od bein aware of this in their case, and some who would ne)er belie)e therein. And *our Lord knows )er* well the corru&ters: this is a threat for them.

Indonesian : (i antara mereka ada oran -oran *an beriman ke&ada Al Quran, dan di antaran*a ada (&ula) oran -oran *an tidak beriman ke&adan*a. Tuhanmu lebih men etahui tentan oran -oran *an berbuat kerusakan.

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Muhsin Khan : And if the* belie *ou, sa*: 5Gor me are m* deeds and for *ou are *our deeds7 @ou are innocent of what + do, and + am innocent of what *ou do75 Sahih International : And if the* den* *ou, [3 ,uhammad!, then sa*, 5Gor me are m* deeds, and for *ou are *our deeds. @ou are disassociated from what + do, and + am disassociated from what *ou do.5
Tafsir Jalalayn : +f the* den* *ou, then sa*, to them: 1Fnto me is m* work, and to *ou *our work, that is, for each there will be a [due! re:uital of his deeds9 *ou are innocent of what + do, and + am innocent of what *ou do/: this was abro ated b* the 1sword/ )erse [Q. E:N!.

Indonesian : Kika mereka mendustakan kamu, maka katakanlah: 5#a iku &eker;aanku dan ba imu &eker;aanmu. <amu berle&as diri terhada& a&a *an aku ker;akan dan aku&un berle&as diri terhada& a&a *an kamu ker;akan5.

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Muhsin Khan : And amon them are some who listen to *ou, but can *ou make the deaf to hear, e)en thou h the* a&&rehend not6 Sahih International

: And amon them are those who listen to *ou. #ut can *ou cause the deaf to hear, althou h the* will not use reason6
Tafsir Jalalayn : And of them are some who listen to *ou, when *ou recite the Qur/.n. #ut will *ou make the deaf to hear L $e likens them [the ,eccan disbelie)ers! to these [the deaf! because the* are not able to benefit from what is recited to them L e)en thou h, with their deafness, the* do not understand6, [e)en thou h the* do not! reflect6

Indonesian : (an di antara mereka ada oran *an menden arkanmu. A&akah kamu da&at men;adikan oran -oran tuli itu menden ar walau&un mereka tidak men erti.

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Muhsin Khan : And amon them are some who look at *ou, but can *ou uide the blind, e)en thou h the* see not6 Sahih International : And amon them are those who look at *ou. #ut can *ou uide the blind althou h the* will not [attem&t to! see6
Tafsir Jalalayn : And of them are some who look toward *ou. #ut will *ou uide the blind, e)en thou h the* do not see6 L $e likens them [the ,eccan disbelie)ers! to these [the blind! because the* fail to be uided, na*, [the* are! much worse [since 0od sa*s!: +t is not the e*es that are blind, but blind are the hearts within the breasts [Q. AA:QM!.

Indonesian : (an di antara mereka ada oran *an melihat ke&adamu, a&akah da&at kamu memberi &etun;uk ke&ada oran -oran *an buta, walau&un mereka tidak da&at mem&erhatikan.

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Muhsin Khan : Trul*7 Allah wron s not mankind in au ht9 but mankind wron themsel)es. Sahih International : +ndeed, Allah does not wron the &eo&le at all, but it is the &eo&le who are wron in themsel)es.
Tafsir Jalalayn : "eril* 0od does not wron mankind in an* wa*, but mankind wron themsel)es.


: 4esun uhn*a Allah tidak berbuat 8alim ke&ada manusia sedikit&un, akan teta&i manusia itulah *an berbuat 8alim ke&ada diri mereka sendiri.

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Muhsin Khan : And on the (a* when $e shall ather (resurrect) them to ether, (it will be) as if the* had not sta*ed (in the life of this world and ra)es, etc.) but an hour of a da*. The* will reco nise each other. Ruined indeed will be those who denied the meetin with Allah, and were not uided. Sahih International : And on the (a* when $e will ather them, [it will be! as if the* had not remained [in the world! but an hour of the da*, [and! the* will know each other. Those will ha)e lost who denied the meetin with Allah and were not uided
Tafsir Jalalayn : And on the da* when $e shall ather them, it is, as if the* had not tarried, in this world, or in the ra)e, but an hour of the da*, because of the terror of what the* see (the com&arati)e sentence is a circumstantial :ualifier referrin to the [third &erson! &ronoun)9 reco nisin one another, knowin one another, u&on their bein resurrected, but thereafter the reco nition ceases on account of the se)erit* of the terrors (the [last! sentence is either an im&lied circumstantial :ualifier or one connected to the ad)erbial :ualifier [*awma, 1on the da*/!)9 those will )eril* ha)e lost who denied the encounter with 0od, throu h resurrection, for the* were not uided.

Indonesian : (an (in atlah) akan hari (*an di waktu itu) Allah men um&ulkan mereka, (mereka merasa di hari itu) seakan-akan mereka tidak &ernah berdiam (di dunia) han*a sesaat di sian hari, (di waktu itu) mereka salin berkenalan. 4esun uhn*a ru ilah oran -oran *an mendustakan &ertemuan mereka den an Allah dan mereka tidak menda&at &etun;uk

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Muhsin Khan

: 2hether 2e show *ou (in *our lifetime, 3 ,uhammad 4A2) some of what 2e &romise them (the torment), - or 2e cause *ou to die, - still unto Fs is their return, and moreo)er Allah is 2itness o)er what the* used to do. Sahih International : And whether 2e show *ou some of what 2e &romise them, [3 ,uhammad!, or 2e take *ou in death, to Fs is their return9 then, [either wa*!, Allah is a witness concernin what the* are doin
Tafsir Jalalayn : And whether (wa-imm.: the n?n of the conditional &article in has been assimiliated with the e%tra m.) 2e show *ou somethin of that which 2e &romise them, of chastisement, durin *our lifetime (the res&onse to the conditional statement has been omitted, in other words [understand it as bein ! fa-dh.ka, 1then so shall it be/), or 2e take *ou [to Fs!, before &unishin them, to Fs the* shall return, and 0od, moreo)er, is 2itness, Aware, of what the* do, in the wa* of their denials and disbelief, and so will chastise them with the se)erest &unishment.

Indonesian : (an ;ika <ami &erlihatkan ke&adamu sebaha ian dari (siksa) *an <ami ancamkan ke&ada mereka, (tentulah kamu akan melihatn*a) atau (;ika) <ami wafatkan kamu (sebelum itu), maka ke&ada <ami ;ualah mereka kembali, dan Allah men;adi saksi atas a&a *an mereka ker;akan.

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Muhsin Khan : And for e)er* Fmmah (a communit* or a nation), there is a ,essen er9 when their ,essen er comes, the matter will be ;ud ed between them with ;ustice, and the* will not be wron ed. Sahih International : And for e)er* nation is a messen er. 4o when their messen er comes, it will be ;ud ed between them in ;ustice, and the* will not be wron ed
Tafsir Jalalayn : And for e)er* communit*, of the communities [of this world!, there is a messen er. And when their messen er comes, to them, and the* den* him, ;ud ement is &assed between them ;ustl*, fairl*, such that the* are &unished and the messen er, and all those who acce&ted his truthfulness, are deli)ered9 and the* are not wron ed, b* bein &unished for no crime: similarl*, 2e shall deal with these [disbelie)ers of *our communit*!.

Indonesian : Tia&-tia& umat mem&un*ai rasul9 maka a&abila telah datan rasul mereka, diberikanlah ke&utusan antara mereka den an adil dan mereka (sedikit&un) tidak diania*a.


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Muhsin Khan : And the* sa*: 52hen will be this &romise (the torment or the (a* of Resurrection), - if *ou s&eak the truth65 Sahih International : And the* sa*, 52hen is [the fulfillment of! this &romise, if *ou should be truthful65
Tafsir Jalalayn : And the* sa*: 12hen will this &romise, of chastisement, come to &ass, if *ou are truthful, about it6/

Indonesian : ,ereka men atakan: 5#ilakah (datan n*a) ancaman itu, ;ika meman kamu oran -oran *an benar65

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Muhsin Khan : 4a* (3 ,uhammad 4A2): 5+ ha)e no &ower o)er an* harm or &rofit to m*self e%ce&t what Allah ma* will. Gor e)er* Fmmah (a communit* or a nation), there is a term a&&ointed9 when their term is reached, neither can the* dela* it nor can the* ad)ance it an hour (or a moment).5 (Tafsir Al-Qurtubi). Sahih International : 4a*, 5+ &ossess not for m*self an* harm or benefit e%ce&t what Allah should will. Gor e)er* nation is a [s&ecified! term. 2hen their time has come, then the* will not remain behind an hour, nor will the* &recede [it!.5
Tafsir Jalalayn : 4a*: 1+ ha)e no &ower to, a)ert, hurt, from, m*self, or to, brin , benefit, e%ce&t as 0od mi ht will, to i)e me &ower o)er: so how could + &ossess the &ower to brin about the chastisement6 Gor e)er* communit* there is an a&&ointed time, a fi%ed &eriod until the* &erish. 2hen their time comes, the* cannot &ut it off, the* will not miss it, b* a sin le hour, nor brin it forward, [nor! o)ertake it/.

Indonesian : <atakanlah: 5Aku tidak berkuasa mendatan kan kemudharatan dan tidak (&ula) kemanfaatan ke&ada diriku, melainkan a&a *an dikehendaki Allah5. Tia&-tia& umat mem&un*ai a;al. A&abila telah datan a;al mereka, maka

mereka tidak da&at men undurkann*a baran sesaat&un dan tidak (&ula) mendahulukan(n*a).

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Muhsin Khan : 4a*: 5Tell me, - if $is torment should come to *ou b* ni ht or b* da*, - which &ortion thereof would the ,u;rimun (disbelie)ers, &ol*theists, sinners, criminals) hasten on 65 Sahih International : 4a*, 5$a)e *ou considered: if $is &unishment should come to *ou b* ni ht or b* da* - for which [as&ect! of it would the criminals be im&atient65
Tafsir Jalalayn : 4a*: 1$a)e *ou considered6, [4a*! inform me: +f $is, 0od/s, chastisement comes u&on *ou b* ni ht or da*, what, &art, is there of it, that is, [of! the chastisement, that the sinners, the idolaters, seek to hasten6 (an o)ert noun [al-mu;rim?n, 1the sinners/! has re&laced the [second &erson, 1*ou/! &ronominalisation. The interro ati)e sentence is the res&onse to the conditional, as [in the case where! *ou mi ht sa*, 1+f + come to *ou, what would *ou i)e me6/9 the intention here is to &ro)oke terror [in them!, in other words: how awful is that which the* seek to hasten7)

Indonesian : <atakanlah: 5Teran kan ke&adaku, ;ika datan ke&ada kamu sekalian sikaaan=*a di waktu malam atau di sian hari, a&akah oran -oran *an berdosa itu meminta dise erakan ;u a65

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Muhsin Khan : +s it then, that when it has actuall* befallen, that *ou will belie)e in it6 2hat7 =ow (*ou belie)e)6 And *ou used (aforetime) to hasten it on75 Sahih International : Then is it that when it has [actuall*! occurred *ou will belie)e in it6 =ow6 And *ou were [once! for it im&atient
Tafsir Jalalayn : +s it [onl*! then, when it has come to &ass, [when! it has befallen *ou, that *ou will belie)e therein6, that is, in 0od, or [it means! in the chastisement, when it has come down (the [use of! ham8a [in a-thumma, 1is it then/! is to den* [the &ossibilit* of! deferrment [of chastisement!, in other words, it [*our belief! will not be acce&ted from *ou [in that

instance! and it will be said to *ou: =ow, do *ou belie)e, when [until now! *ou ha)e been hastenin it on6/, in mocker* [of it!.

Indonesian : <emudian a&akah setelah ter;adin*a (a8ab itu), kemudian itu kamu baru mem&erca*ain*a6 A&akah sekaran (baru kamu mem&erca*ai), &adahal sebelumn*a kamu selalu meminta su&a*a dise erakan6

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Muhsin Khan : Then it will be said to them who wron ed themsel)es: 5Taste *ou the e)erlastin torment7 Are *ou recom&ensed (au ht) sa)e what *ou used to earn65 Sahih International : Then it will be said to those who had wron ed, 5Taste the &unishment of eternit*9 are *ou bein recom&ensed e%ce&t for what *ou used to earn65
Tafsir Jalalayn : Then will it be said to those who were e)ildoers: 1Taste the e)erlastin chastisement7, that is, the one in which *ou shall abide. Are *ou, *ou are not, re:uited for an*thin but, the re:uital of, what *ou used to earn6/

Indonesian : <emudian dikatakan ke&ada oran -oran *an 8alim (mus*rik) itu: 5Rasakanlah olehmu siksaan *an kekal9 kamu tidak diberi balasan melainkan den an a&a *an telah kamu ker;akan5.

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Muhsin Khan : And the* ask *ou (3 ,uhammad 4A2) to inform them (sa*in ): 5+s it true (i.e. the torment and the establishment of the $our9 - the (a* of Resurrection)65 4a*: 5@es7 #* m* Lord7 +t is the )er* truth7 and *ou cannot esca&e from it75 Sahih International : And the* ask information of *ou, [3 ,uhammad!, 5+s it true65 4a*, 5@es, b* m* Lord. +ndeed, it is truth9 and *ou will not cause failure [to Allah !.5
Tafsir Jalalayn

: And the* ask *ou to tell, to inform, them, 1+s it true6/, that which *ou &romise us in the wa* of chastisement and resurrection6 4a*: 1A*e, indeed, b* m* Lord7 "eril* it is true and *ou cannot esca&e/, [*ou cannot! elude the chastisement.

Indonesian : (an mereka menan*akan ke&adamu: 5#enarkah (a8ab *an di;an;ikan) itu6 <atakanlah: 5@a, demi Tuhanku, sesun uhn*a a8ab itu adalah benar dan kamu sekali-kali tidak bisa lu&ut (dari&adan*a)5.

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Muhsin Khan : And if e)er* &erson who had wron ed (b* disbelie)in in Allah and b* worshi&&in others besides Allah), &ossessed all that is on earth, and sou ht to ransom himself therewith (it will not be acce&ted), and the* would feel in their hearts re ret when the* see the torment, and the* will be ;ud ed with ;ustice, and no wron will be done unto them. Sahih International : And if each soul that wron ed had e)er*thin on earth, it would offer it in ransom. And the* will confide re ret when the* see the &unishment9 and the* will be ;ud ed in ;ustice, and the* will not be wron ed
Tafsir Jalalayn : And if each soul that has done wron , [that! has disbelie)ed, had all that is in the earth, of riches, it would offer it as ransom, a ainst chastisement on the (a* of Resurrection9 and the* will feel remorse within them, for ha)in ne lected faith, when the* see the chastisement, their leaders kee& it [their remorse! secret from the weak ones whom the* had led astra*, fearin re&roach, but it has been decided ;ustl* between them, [between! all creatures, and the* are not wron ed, in an*thin .

Indonesian : (an kalau setia& diri *an 8alim (mua*rik) itu mem&un*ai se ala a&a *an ada di bumi ini, tentu dia menebus dirin*a den an itu, dan mereka membun*ikan &en*esalann*a ketika mereka telah men*aksikan a8ab itu. (an telah diberi ke&utusan di antara mereka den an adil, sedan mereka tidak diania*a.

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Muhsin Khan : =o doubt, surel*, all that is in the hea)ens and the earth belon s to Allah. =o doubt, surel*, Allah's -romise is true. #ut most of them know not. Sahih International : Fn:uestionabl*, to Allah belon s whate)er is in the hea)ens and the earth. Fn:uestionabl*, the &romise of Allah is truth, but most of them do not know
Tafsir Jalalayn : 2h*, surel* to 0od belon s all that is in the hea)ens and the earth. 2h*, surel* 0od/s &romise, of resurrection and re:uital, is true, [is! fi%ed, but most of them, &eo&le, do not know, this.

Indonesian : +n atlah, sesun uhn*a ke&un*aan Allah a&a *an ada di lan it dan di bumi. +n atlah, sesun uhn*a ;an;i Allah itu benar, teta&i keban*akan mereka tidak men etahui(n*a).

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Muhsin Khan : +t is $e 2ho i)es life, and causes death, and to $im *ou (all) shall return. Sahih International : $e i)es life and causes death, and to $im *ou will be returned
Tafsir Jalalayn : $e i)es life and makes to die, and to $im *ou shall be returned, in the $ereafter, and $e shall re:uite *ou for *our deeds.

Indonesian : (ialah *an men hidu&kan dan mematikan dan han*a ke&ada-=*a-lah kamu dikembalikan.

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Muhsin Khan : 3 mankind7 There has come to *ou a ood ad)ice from *our Lord (i.e. the Quran, orderin all that is ood and forbiddin all that is e)il), and a healin for that (disease of i norance, doubt, h*&ocris* and differences, etc.) in *our

breasts, - a uidance and a merc* (e%&lainin lawful and unlawful thin s, etc.) for the belie)ers. Sahih International : 3 mankind, there has to come to *ou instruction from *our Lord and healin for what is in the breasts and uidance and merc* for the belie)ers.
Tafsir Jalalayn : 3 &eo&le, that is, inhabitants of ,ecca, there has come to *ou an admonition from *our Lord, a #ook which contains [mention! of that which is [&ermissible! for *ou and that which is en;oined on *ou, and this [#ook! is the Qur/.n9 and a healin , a cure, for what is in the breasts, of corru&t beliefs and uncertainties, and a uidance, from error, and a merc* for those who belie)e, in it.

Indonesian : $ai manusia, sesun uhn*a telah datan ke&adamu &ela;aran dari Tuhanmu dan &en*embuh ba i &en*akit-&en*akit (*an berada) dalam dada dan &etun;uk serta rahmat ba i oran -oran *an beriman.

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Muhsin Khan : 4a*: 5+n the #ount* of Allah, and in $is ,erc* (i.e. +slam and the Quran)9 -therein let them re;oice.5 That is better than what (the wealth) the* amass. Sahih International : 4a*, 5+n the bount* of Allah and in $is merc* - in that let them re;oice9 it is better than what the* accumulate.5
Tafsir Jalalayn : 4a*: 1+n the bount* of 0od, [that is! +slam, and in $is merc*, the Qur/.n, in that, bount* and merc*, let them re;oice: it is better than what the* hoard/, in this world (read *a;ma1?n, 1the* hoard/, and ta;ma1?n, 1*ou hoard/).

Indonesian : <atakanlah: 5(en an kurnia Allah dan rahmat-=*a, hendaklah den an itu mereka ber embira. <urnia Allah dan rahmat-=*a itu adalah lebih baik dari a&a *an mereka kum&ulkan5.

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Muhsin Khan

: 4a* (3 ,uhammad 4A2 to these &ol*theists): 5Tell me, what &ro)ision Allah has sent down to *ou7 And *ou ha)e made of it lawful and unlawful.5 4a* (3 ,uhammad 4A2): 5$as Allah &ermitted *ou (to do so), or do *ou in)ent a lie a ainst Allah65 Sahih International : 4a*, 5$a)e *ou seen what Allah has sent down to *ou of &ro)ision of which *ou ha)e made [some! lawful and [some! unlawful65 4a*, 5$as Allah &ermitted *ou [to do so!, or do *ou in)ent [somethin ! about Allah 65
Tafsir Jalalayn : 4a*: 1$a)e *ou considered, inform me, what &ro)ision 0od has re)ealed, has created, for *ou, how *ou ha)e made some of it unlawful and some lawful6/, as in the case of [the camels called! al-#ahJra or al-4./iba, and carrion. 4a*: 1$as 0od i)en *ou &ermission, to make that lawful or unlawful6 =o7 3r do *ou, na* [*ou!, in)ent lies concernin 0od6/, b* attributin that to $im.

Indonesian : <atakanlah: 5Teran kanlah ke&adaku tentan re8eki *an diturunkan Allah ke&adamu, lalu kamu ;adikan seba iann*a haram dan (seba iann*a) halal5. <atakanlah: 5A&akah Allah telah memberikan i8in ke&adamu (tentan ini) atau kamu men ada-adakan sa;a terhada& Allah65

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Muhsin Khan : And what think those who in)ent lies a ainst Allah, on the (a* of Resurrection6 [i.e. (o the* think that the* will be for i)en and e%cused7 =a*, the* will ha)e an eternal &unishment in the Gire of $ell!. Trul*, Allah is full of #ount* to mankind, but most of them are un rateful. Sahih International : And what will be the su&&osition of those who in)ent falsehood about Allah on the (a* of Resurrection6 +ndeed, Allah is full of bount* to the &eo&le, but most of them are not rateful.5
Tafsir Jalalayn : And what do the* su&&ose, those who in)ent lies concernin 0od, [will ha&&en to them! on the (a* of Resurrection6: do the* reckon that $e will not chastise them6 =o7 Trul* 0od is #ountiful to mankind, b* rantin them res&ite and bestowin races u&on them, but most of them do not i)e thanks.


: A&akah du aan oran -oran *an men ada-adakan kebohon an terhada& Allah &ada hari kiamat6 4esun uhn*a Allah benar-benar mem&un*ai karunia (*an dilim&ahkan) atas manusia, teta&i keban*akan mereka tidak mens*ukuri(n*a).

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Muhsin Khan : 2hate)er *ou (3 ,uhammad 4A2) ma* be doin , and whate)er &ortion *ou ma* be recitin from the Quran, - and whate)er deed *ou (mankind) ma* be doin ( ood or e)il), 2e are 2itness thereof, when *ou are doin it. And nothin is hidden from *our Lord (so much as) the wei ht of an atom (or small ant) on the earth or in the hea)en. =ot what is less than that or what is reater than that but is (written) in a >lear Record. (Tafsir At-Tabari. "ol.II, -a e IAE). Sahih International : And, [3 ,uhammad!, *ou are not [en a ed! in an* matter or recite an* of the Qur'an and *ou [&eo&le! do not do an* deed e%ce&t that 2e are witness o)er *ou when *ou are in)ol)ed in it. And not absent from *our Lord is an* [&art! of an atom's wei ht within the earth or within the hea)en or [an*thin ! smaller than that or reater but that it is in a clear re ister.
Tafsir Jalalayn : And *ou, 3 ,uhammad (s), are not occu&ied with an* business, an* matter, nor do *ou recite an*thin re ardin it, that is, re ardin such a matter L [or it means: nor do *ou recite an*thin ! from 0od, b* wa* of the Qur/.n, which $e has re)ealed to *ou, nor do *ou &erform an* action, 0od is addressin him and his communit*, but 2e are witnesses, watchers, o)er *ou when *ou are en a ed therein, that is, [in! the action. And not so much as the wei ht of an atom, [the wei ht of! the smallest ant, in the earth or in the hea)en esca&es, is hidden from, *our Lord, nor what is less than that or reater, but it is in a clear, a manifest, #ook, namel*, the -reser)ed Tablet (al-lawh al-mahf?8).

Indonesian : <amu tidak berada dalam suatu keadaan dan tidak membaca suatu a*at dari Al Quran dan kamu tidak men er;akan suatu &eker;aan, melainkan <ami men;adi saksi atasmu di waktu kamu melakukann*a. Tidak lu&ut dari &en etahuan Tuhanmu biar&un sebesar 8arrah (atom) di bumi atau&un di lan it.

Tidak ada *an lebih kecil dan tidak (&ula) *an lebih besar dari itu, melainkan (semua tercatat) dalam kitab *an n*ata (Lauh ,ahfu8h).

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Muhsin Khan

: No doubt! Verily, the Auliya' of Allah [i.e. those who believe in the Oneness of Allah and fear Allah much (abstain from all inds of sins and evil deeds which he has forbidden!, and love Allah much ("erform all inds of #ood deeds which $e has ordained!%, no fear shall come u"on them nor shall they #rieve,

Sahih International : Fn:uestionabl*, [for! the allies of Allah there will be no fear concernin them, nor will the* rie)e
Tafsir Jalalayn : Assuredl* 0od/s friends, no fear shall befall them, neither shall the* rie)e, in the $ereafter.

Indonesian : +n atlah, sesun uhn*a wali-wali Allah itu, tidak ada kekhawatiran terhada& mereka dan tidak (&ula) mereka bersedih hati.

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Muhsin Khan : Those who belie)ed (in the 3neness of Allah - +slamic ,onotheism), and used to fear Allah much (b* abstainin from e)il deeds and sins and b* doin ri hteous deeds). Sahih International : Those who belie)ed and were fearin Allah
Tafsir Jalalayn : The* are, those who belie)e and fear, 0od, b* obser)in $is commandments and &rohibitions.

Indonesian : (@aitu) oran -oran *an beriman dan mereka selalu bertakwa.

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Muhsin Khan : Gor them are lad tidin s, in the life of the &resent world(i.e. ri hteous dream seen b* the &erson himself or shown to others), and in the $ereafter. =o chan e can there be in the 2ords of Allah, this is indeed the su&reme success. Sahih International : Gor them are ood tidin s in the worldl* life and in the $ereafter. =o chan e is there in the words of Allah . That is what is the reat attainment.
Tafsir Jalalayn : Theirs are ood tidin s in the life of this world: in a hadJth )erified b* al-$.kim this has been e%&lained as [referrin to! a &ro&itious )ision which an indi)idual mi ht ha)e or [a )ision! which another mi ht ha)e of that &erson9 and in the $ereafter: -aradise and reward. There is no chan in the 2ords of 0od, no failin of $is &romises9 that, mentioned, is the su&reme trium&h.

Indonesian : #a i mereka berita embira di dalam kehidu&an di dunia dan (dalam kehidu&anR di akhirat. Tidak ada &erubahan ba i kalimat-kalimat (;an;i-;an;i) Allah. @an demikian itu adalah kemenan an *an besar.

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Muhsin Khan : And let not their s&eech rie)e *ou (3 ,uhammad 4A2), for all &ower and honour belon to Allah. $e is the All-$earer, the All-<nower. Sahih International : And let not their s&eech rie)e *ou. +ndeed, honor [due to &ower! belon s to Allah entirel*. $e is the $earin , the <nowin .
Tafsir Jalalayn : And let not what the* sa*, to *ou, that *ou ha)e not been sent [as a &ro&het! or otherwise, rie)e *ou. Trul* (inna: indicates a new sentence) &ower, mi ht, belon s wholl* to 0od. $e is the $earer, of s&eech, the <nower, of deeds, and will re:uite them and rant *ou )ictor*.

Indonesian : Kan anlah kamu sedih oleh &erkataan mereka. 4esun uhn*a kekuasaan itu seluruhn*a adalah ke&un*aan Allah. (ialah @an ,aha ,enden ar la i ,aha ,en etahui.

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Muhsin Khan : =o doubt7 "eril*, to Allah belon s whosoe)er is in the hea)ens and whosoe)er is in the earth. And those who worshi& and in)oke others besides Allah, in fact the* follow not the (Allah's so-called) &artners, the* follow onl* a con;ecture and the* onl* in)ent lies. Sahih International : Fn:uestionabl*, to Allah belon s whoe)er is in the hea)ens and whoe)er is on the earth. And those who in)oke other than Allah do not [actuall*! follow [$is! 5&artners.5 The* follow not e%ce&t assum&tion, and the* are not but falsif*in
Tafsir Jalalayn : 2h*, surel* to 0od belon s all who are in the hea)ens and all who are in the earth, as ser)ants, &ossessions and creatures. Those who call u&on, [those who! worshi&, besides 0od, that is, other than $im, idols, are not followin associates, of $is, in realit*, e%alted be $e abo)e this: the* are followin nothin but con;ecture, in this [matter!, that is, their su&&osition that these are ods who intercede for them, and the* are onl* tellin lies, in this [matter!.

Indonesian : +n atlah, sesun uhn*a ke&un*aan Allah semua *an ada di lan it dan semua *an ada di bumi. (an oran -oran *an men*eru sekutu-sekutu selain Allah, tidaklah men ikuti (suatu ke*akinan). ,ereka tidak men ikuti kecuali &rasan ka belaka, dan mereka han*alah mendu a-du a.

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Muhsin Khan : $e it is 2ho has a&&ointed for *ou the ni ht that *ou ma* rest therein, and the da* to make thin s )isible (to *ou). "eril*, in this are A*at (&roofs, e)idences,

)erses, lessons, si ns, re)elations, etc.) for a &eo&le who listen (i.e. those who think dee&l*). Sahih International : +t is $e who made for *ou the ni ht to rest therein and the da*, i)in si ht. +ndeed in that are si ns for a &eo&le who listen.
Tafsir Jalalayn : $e it is 2ho made for *ou the ni ht that *ou should rest therein, and the da* to see: the attribution of si ht (ibs.r) to 1the da*/ is fi urati)e, since one is able to see durin it. 4urel* in that are si ns, indications of $is 3neness, e%alted be $e, for a folk who are able to hear, hearin [in such a wa* so as! to reflect and be admonished.

Indonesian : (ialah *an men;adikan malam ba i kamu su&a*a kamu beristirahat &adan*a dan (men;adikan) sian teran benderan (su&a*a kamu mencari karunia Allah). 4esun uhn*a &ada *an demikian itu terda&at tanda-tanda (kekuasaan Allah) ba i oran -oran *an menden ar.

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Muhsin Khan : The* (Kews, >hristians and &a ans) sa*: 5Allah has be otten a son (children).5 0lor* be to $im7 $e is Rich (Gree of all wants). $is is all that is in the hea)ens and all that is in the earth. =o warrant *ou ha)e for this. (o *ou sa* a ainst Allah what *ou know not. Sahih International : The* ha)e said, 5 Allah has taken a son.5 H%alted is $e9 $e is the [one! Gree of need. To $im belon s whate)er is in the hea)ens and whate)er is in the earth. @ou ha)e no authorit* for this [claim!. (o *ou sa* about Allah that which *ou do not know6
Tafsir Jalalayn : The*, that is, the Kews and the >hristians, and those who claim that the an els are the dau hters of 0od, sa*, 10od has taken [to $im! a son/. 0od, e%alted be $e, sa*s to them: 0lor* be to $im7, [in affirmation of! $is transcendin ha)in offs&rin . $e is +nde&endent, [without need! of an*one, for onl* he who has need of a child would desire [to ha)e! one. To $im belon s all that is in the hea)ens and all that is in the earth, as &ossessions, creatures and ser)ants. @ou ha)e no warrant, [no! &roof, for this, that *ou sa*. (o *ou sa* about 0od what *ou do not know6 (an interro ati)e meant as a rebuke).


: ,ereka (oran -oran @ahudi dan =asrani) berkata: 5Allah mem&u*ai anak5. ,aha 4uci Allah9 (ialah @an ,aha <a*a9 ke&un*aan-=*a a&a *an ada di lan it dan a&a *an di bumi. <amu tidak mem&un*ai hu;;ah tentan ini. -antaskah kamu men atakan terhada& Allah a&a *an tidak kamu ketahui6

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Muhsin Khan : 4a*: 5"eril*, those who in)ent lie a ainst Allah will ne)er be successful5 Sahih International : 4a*, 5+ndeed, those who in)ent falsehood about Allah will not succeed.5
Tafsir Jalalayn : 4a*: 1Trul* those who in)ent lies concernin 0od, b* attributin offs&rin to $im, shall not &ros&er/, the* shall not find ha&&iness.

Indonesian : <atakanlah: 54esun uhn*a oran -oran *an men ada-adakan kebohon an terhada& Allah tidak beruntun 5.

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Muhsin Khan : A brief en;o*ment in this world7 - and then unto Fs will be their return, then 2e shall make them taste the se)erest torment because the* used to disbelie)e [in Allah, belie $is ,essen ers, den* and challen e $is A*at (&roofs, si ns, )erses, etc.)!. Sahih International : [Gor them is brief! en;o*ment in this world9 then to Fs is their return9 then 2e will make them taste the se)ere &unishment because the* used to disbelie)e
Tafsir Jalalayn : Theirs will be, en;o*ment, [onl*! a little, in this world, which the* will en;o* for the duration of their li)es, then to Fs is their return, at death, then 2e shall make them taste terrible chastisement, after death, because the* used to disbelie)e.


: (#a i mereka) kesenan an (sementara) di dunia, kemudian ke&ada <ami-lah mereka kembali, kemudian <ami rasakan ke&ada mereka siksa *an berat, disebabkan kekafiran mereka.

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Muhsin Khan : And recite to them the news of =uh (=oah). 2hen he said to his &eo&le: 53 m* &eo&le, if m* sta* (with *ou), and m* remindin (*ou) of the A*at (&roofs, e)idences, )erses, lessons, si ns, re)elations, etc.) of Allah is hard on *ou, then + &ut m* trust in Allah. 4o de)ise *our &lot, *ou and *our &artners, and let not *our &lot be in doubt for *ou. Then &ass *our sentence on me and i)e me no res&ite. Sahih International : And recite to them the news of =oah, when he said to his &eo&le, 53 m* &eo&le, if m* residence and m* remindin of the si ns of Allah has become burdensome u&on *ou - then + ha)e relied u&on Allah . 4o resol)e u&on *our &lan and [call u&on! *our associates. Then let not *our &lan be obscure to *ou. Then carr* it out u&on me and do not i)e me res&ite.
Tafsir Jalalayn : And recite, 3 ,uhammad (s), to them, that is, [to! the ,eccan disbelie)ers, the stor*, the tale, of =oah (=?hin is substituted b* [the followin , idh!) when he said to his &eo&le, 13 m* &eo&le, if m* so;ourn, m* sta* amon *ou, is too reat [to bear!, is a hardshi&, for *ou, as is m* remindin *ou, m* admonishin *ou, b* the si ns of 0od, in 0od ha)e + &ut m* trust9 so decide u&on *our course of action, resol)e u&on what *ou will do to me, to ether with *our associates (wa-shurak./akum: the w.w [wa-! means here 1with/), then let not *our decision be a secret between *ou, concealed, na*, manifest it and &roclaim it to me9 then im&lement it a ainst me, carr* out what *ou desire, and do not &ut it off, [do not! i)e me res&ite, for + am not concerned b* *ou.

Indonesian : (an bacakan+ah ke&ada mereka berita &entin tentan =uh di waktu dia berkata ke&ada kaumn*a: 5$ai kaumku, ;ika terasa berat ba imu tin al (bersamaku) dan &erin atanku (ke&adamu) den an a*at-a*at Allah, maka ke&ada Allah-lah aku bertawakal, karena itu bulatkanlah ke&utusanmu dan (kum&ulkanlah) sekutu-sekutumu (untuk membinasakanku). <emudian

;an anlah ke&utusanmu itu dirahasiakan, lalu lakukanlah terhada& diriku, dan ;an anlah kamu memberi tan uh ke&adaku.

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Muhsin Khan : 5#ut if *ou turn awa* [from acce&tin m* doctrine of +slamic ,onotheism, i.e. to worshi& none but Allah!, then no reward ha)e + asked of *ou, m* reward is onl* from Allah, and + ha)e been commanded to be one of the ,uslims (those who submit to Allah's 2ill).5 Sahih International : And if *ou turn awa* [from m* ad)ice! then no &a*ment ha)e + asked of *ou. ,* reward is onl* from Allah , and + ha)e been commanded to be of the ,uslims.5
Tafsir Jalalayn : #ut if *ou turn awa*, from m* remindin [*ou!, + ha)e not asked *ou for an* wa e, an* reward for it, so turn [and o! awa*: m* wa e, m* reward, falls onl* on 0od, and + ha)e been commanded to be of those who submit [to 0od!/.

Indonesian : Kika kamu ber&alin (dari &erin atanku), aku tidak meminta u&ah sedikit&un dari &adamu. F&ahku tidak lain han*alah dari Allah belaka, dan aku disuruh su&a*a aku termasuk olon an oran -oran *an berserah diri (ke&ada-=*a)5.

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Muhsin Khan : The* denied him, but 2e deli)ered him, and those with him in the shi&, and 2e made them enerations re&lacin one after another, while 2e drowned those who belied 3ur A*at (&roofs, e)idences, lessons, si ns, re)elations, etc.). Then see what was the end of those who were warned. Sahih International

: And the* denied him, so 2e sa)ed him and those with him in the shi& and made them successors, and 2e drowned those who denied 3ur si ns. Then see how was the end of those who were warned.
Tafsir Jalalayn : #ut the* denied him, so 2e sa)ed him and those with him in the Ark, and made them, that is, those with him, successors, in the earth, and 2e drowned those who denied 3ur si ns, b* [unleashin ! the Glood. #ehold then the nature of the conse:uence for those who had been warned7, in that the* were destro*ed: likewise 2e deal with those who den*.

Indonesian : Lalu mereka mendustakan =uh, maka <ami selamatkan dia dan oran -oran *an bersaman*a di dalam bahtera, dan <ami ;adikan mereka itu &eme an kekuasaan dan <ami ten elamkan oran -oran *an mendustakan a*at-a*at <ami. ,aka &erhatikanlah ba aimana kesesudahan oran -oran *an diberi &erin atan itu.

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Muhsin Khan : Then after him 2e sent ,essen ers to their &eo&le, the* brou ht them clear &roofs, but the* would not belie)e what the* had alread* re;ected beforehand. Thus 2e seal the hearts of the trans ressors (those who disbelie)e in the 3neness of Allah and disobe* $im). Sahih International : Then 2e sent after him messen ers to their &eo&les, and the* came to them with clear &roofs. #ut the* were not to belie)e in that which the* had denied before. Thus 2e seal o)er the hearts of the trans ressors
Tafsir Jalalayn : Then, after him, that is, [after! =oah, 2e sent messen ers to their &eo&le, such as Abraham, $?d and 4.lih, and the* brou ht them clear &roofs, miracles, but it was not for them to belie)e in that which the* had denied before, that is, before the sendin of messen ers to them. Thus do 2e seal, stam& [u&on!, the hearts of the trans ressors L so that the* cannot acce&t faith L in the same wa* that 2e sealed the hearts of those [before!.

Indonesian : <emudian sesudah =uh, <ami utus bebera&a rasul ke&ada kaum mereka (masin -masin ), maka rasul-rasul itu datan ke&ada mereka den an membawa keteran an-keteran an *an n*ata, teta&i mereka tidak hendak beriman karena mereka dahulu telah (biasa) mendustakann*a. (emikianlah <ami men unci mati hati oran -oran *an melam&aui batas.

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Muhsin Khan : Then after them 2e sent ,usa (,oses) and $arun (Aaron) to Gir'aun (-haraoh) and his chiefs with 3ur A*at (&roofs, e)idences, )erses, lessons, si ns, re)elations, etc.). #ut the* beha)ed arro antl* and were ,u;rimun (disbelie)ers, sinners, &ol*theists, criminals, etc.) folk. Sahih International : Then 2e sent after them ,oses and Aaron to -haraoh and his establishment with 3ur si ns, but the* beha)ed arro antl* and were a criminal &eo&le
Tafsir Jalalayn : Then, after them, 2e sent ,oses and Aaron to -haraoh and his council, that is, his folk, with 3ur, nine, si ns, but the* were disdainful, to belie)e in them, and were a sinful folk.

Indonesian : <emudian sesudah rasul-rasul itu, <ami utus ,usa dan $arun ke&ada Gir'aun dan &emuka-&emuka kaumn*a, den an (membawa) tanda-tanda (muk;i8atmuk;i8at) <ami, maka mereka men*ombon kan diri dan mereka adalah oran oran *an berdosa.

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Muhsin Khan : 4o when came to them the truth from Fs, the* said: 5This is indeed clear ma ic.5 Sahih International : 4o when there came to them the truth from Fs, the* said, 5+ndeed, this is ob)ious ma ic.5
Tafsir Jalalayn : 4o, when the Truth came to them from Fs, the* said, 14urel* this is manifest sorcer*/, [sorcer* that is! clear and e)ident.

Indonesian : (an tatkala telah datan ke&ada mereka kebenaran dari sisi <ami, mereka berkata: 54esun uhn*a ini adalah sihir *an n*ata5.


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Muhsin Khan : ,usa (,oses) said: 54a* *ou (this) about the truth when it has come to *ou6 +s this ma ic6 #ut the ma icians will ne)er be successful.5 Sahih International : ,oses said, 5(o *ou sa* [thus! about the truth when it has come to *ou6 +s this ma ic6 #ut ma icians will not succeed.5
Tafsir Jalalayn : ,oses said, 1(o *ou sa* [so! of the Truth when it has come to *ou, that it is sorcer*6 +s this sorcer*6, when the one who has brou ht it has indeed &ros&ered and has in)alidated the sorcer* of the sorcerers6 =ow sorcerers do not &ros&er/ (the interro ati)e in both instances is meant as a disa)owal).

Indonesian : ,usa berkata: 5A&akah kamu men atakan terhada& kebenaran waktu ia datan ke&adamu, sihirkah ini65 &adahal ahli-ahli sihir itu tidaklah menda&at kemenan an5.

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Muhsin Khan : The* said: 5$a)e *ou come to us to turn us awa* from that (Gaith) we found our fathers followin , - and that *ou two ma* ha)e reatness in the land6 2e are not oin to belie)e *ou two75 Sahih International : The* said, 5$a)e *ou come to us to turn us awa* from that u&on which we found our fathers and so that *ou two ma* ha)e randeur in the land6 And we are not belie)ers in *ou.5
Tafsir Jalalayn : The* said, 1$a)e *ou come to us to di)ert us, to turn us awa*, from what we found our fathers followin , and that *ours both mi ht be the reatness, the kin shi&, in the land, the land of H *&t6 2e will not belie)e *ou two/.

Indonesian : ,ereka berkata: 5A&akah kamu datan ke&ada kami untuk memalin kan kami dari a&a *an kami da&ati nenek mo*an kami men er;akann*a, dan su&a*a

kamu berdua mem&un*ai kekuasaan di muka bumi6 <ami tidak akan mem&erca*ai kamu berdua5.

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Muhsin Khan : And Gir'aun (-haraoh) said: 5#rin to me e)er* well-)ersed sorcerer.5 Sahih International : And -haraoh said, 5#rin to me e)er* learned ma ician.5
Tafsir Jalalayn : And -haraoh said, 1#rin me e)er* cunnin sorcerer/, [e)er*! indi)idual e%cellin in the art of sorcer*.

Indonesian : Gir'aun berkata (ke&ada &emuka kaumn*a): 5(atan kanlah ke&adaku semua ahli-ahli sihir *an &andai75

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Muhsin Khan : And when the sorcerers came, ,usa (,oses) said to them: 5>ast down what *ou want to cast75 Sahih International : 4o when the ma icians came, ,oses said to them, 5Throw down whate)er *ou will throw.5
Tafsir Jalalayn : And when the sorcerers came, ,oses said to them, after the* had said to him, Hither *ou cast, or we shall be the casters7 [Q. S:IIN!: 1>ast *our cast7/

Indonesian : ,aka tatkala ahli-ahli sihir itu datan , ,usa berkata ke&ada mereka: 5Lem&arkanlah a&a *an hendak kamu lem&arkan5.

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Muhsin Khan : Then when the* had cast down, ,usa (,oses) said: 52hat *ou ha)e brou ht is sorcer*, Allah will surel* make it of no effect. "eril*, Allah does not set ri ht the work of Al-,ufsidun (the e)il-doers, corru&ts, etc.). Sahih International : And when the* had thrown, ,oses said, 52hat *ou ha)e brou ht is [onl*! ma ic. +ndeed, Allah will e%&ose its worthlessness. +ndeed, Allah does not amend the work of corru&ters.
Tafsir Jalalayn : Then, when the* had cast, their ro&es and staffs, ,oses said, 12hat (m. is interro ati)e and the sub;ect, its &redicate bein [the followin , ;i/tum bihi!) ha)e *ou brou ht6 4orcer*6 (./l-sihru [a-al-sihru! is a substitute [for the &redicate ;i/tum bihi, 1ha)e *ou brou ht/!9 a )ariant readin has al-sihru with a sin le ham8a, makin it &redicati)e, in which case m. is the relati)e &article of the sub;ect) "eril* 0od will brin it to nothin , $e will efface it. Trul* 0od does not make ri ht the work of those who do corru&tion.

Indonesian : ,aka setelah mereka lem&arkan, ,usa berkata: 5A&a *an kamu lakukan itu, itulah *an sihir, sesun uhn*a Allah akan menam&akkan ketidak benarann*a5 4esun uhn*a Allah tidak akan membiarkan terus berlan sun n*a &eker;aan oran -*an membuat kerusakan.

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Muhsin Khan : 5And Allah will establish and make a&&arent the truth b* $is 2ords, howe)er much the ,u;rimun (criminals, disbelie)ers, &ol*theists, sinners, etc.) ma* hate it.5 Sahih International : And Allah will establish the truth b* $is words, e)en if the criminals dislike it.5
Tafsir Jalalayn : And 0od will )indicate, $e will establish and make &re)ail, the Truth b* $is words, b* $is &romises, howe)er much the sinners be a)erse/.

Indonesian : (an Allah akan men okohkan *an benar den an keteta&an-=*a, walau&un oran -oran *an berbuat dosa tidak men*ukai(n*a).

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Muhsin Khan : #ut none belie)ed in ,usa (,oses) e%ce&t the offs&rin of his &eo&le, because of the fear of Gir'aun (-haraoh) and his chiefs, lest the* should &ersecute them9 and )eril*, Gir'aun (-haraoh) was arro ant t*rant on the earth, he was indeed one of the ,usrifun (&ol*theists, sinners and trans ressors, those who i)e u& the truth and follow the e)il, and commit all kinds of reat sins). Sahih International : #ut no one belie)ed ,oses, e%ce&t [some! *ouths amon his &eo&le, for fear of -haraoh and his establishment that the* would &ersecute them. And indeed, -haraoh was hau ht* within the land, and indeed, he was of the trans ressors
Tafsir Jalalayn : #ut with ,oses, none belie)ed sa)e a few descendants, a &art*, of, the children of, his, that is, -haraoh/s, folk, out of fear of -haraoh and their council, that he [-haraoh! mi ht &ersecute them, turn them awa* from his [,oses/s! reli ion b* torturin them9 and trul* -haraoh was des&otic, arro ant, in the land, the land of H *&t, and trul* he was of the &rodi al, [of! those who trans ress the bounds b* claimin to be Lords.

Indonesian : ,aka tidak ada *an beriman ke&ada ,usa, melainkan &emuda-&emuda dari kaumn*a (,usa) dalam keadaan takut bahwa Gir'aun dan &emuka-&emuka kaumn*a akan men*iksa mereka. 4esun uhn*a Gir'aun itu berbuat sewenan wenan di muka bumi. (an sesun uhn*a dia termasuk oran -oran *an melam&aui batas.

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Muhsin Khan : And ,usa (,oses) said: 53 m* &eo&le7 +f *ou ha)e belie)ed in Allah, then &ut *our trust in $im if *ou are ,uslims (those who submit to Allah's 2ill).5 Sahih International : And ,oses said, 53 m* &eo&le, if *ou ha)e belie)ed in Allah , then rel* u&on $im, if *ou should be ,uslims.5
Tafsir Jalalayn : And ,oses said, 13 m* &eo&le, if *ou ha)e belie)ed in 0od then &ut *our trust in $im, if *ou ha)e [trul*! submitted [to $im!/.


: #erkata ,usa: 5$ai kaumku, ;ika kamu beriman ke&ada Allah, maka bertawakkallah ke&ada-=*a sa;a, ;ika kamu benar-benar oran *an berserah diri5.

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Muhsin Khan : The* said: 5+n Allah we &ut our trust. 3ur Lord7 ,ake us not a trial for the folk who are Palimun (&ol*theists and wron -doin ) (i.e. do not make them o)er&ower us). Sahih International : 4o the* said, 5F&on Allah do we rel*. 3ur Lord, make us not [ob;ects of! trial for the wron doin &eo&le
Tafsir Jalalayn : 4o the* said, 1+n 0od we ha)e &ut our trust. 3ur Lord, make us not a [cause of! tem&tation for the e)ildoin folk, that is, do not make them &re)ail o)er us, lest the* then think that the* are u&on the ri ht &ath and so end u& succumbin to [the! tem&tation [of thinkin that the* are u&on the ri ht &ath! because of us9

Indonesian : Lalu mereka berkata: 5<e&ada Allahlah kami bertawakkal7 @a Tuhan kami9 ;an anlah Hn kau ;adikan kami sasaran fitnah ba i kaum *an '8alim,

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Muhsin Khan : 5And sa)e us b* @our ,erc* from the disbelie)in folk.5 Sahih International : And sa)e us b* @our merc* from the disbelie)in &eo&le.5
Tafsir Jalalayn : and deli)er us b* @our merc* from the unbelie)in folk/.

Indonesian : dan selamatkanlah kami den an rahmat Hn kau dari (ti&u da*a) oran -oran *an kafir5.

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Muhsin Khan : And 2e ins&ired ,usa (,oses) and his brother (sa*in ): 5Take dwellin s for *our &eo&le in H *&t, and make *our dwellin s as &laces for *our worshi&, and &erform As-4alat (+:amat-as-4alat), and i)e lad tidin s to the belie)ers.5 Sahih International : And 2e ins&ired to ,oses and his brother, 54ettle *our &eo&le in H *&t in houses and make *our houses [facin the! :iblah and establish &ra*er and i)e ood tidin s to the belie)ers.5
Tafsir Jalalayn : And 2e ins&ired ,oses and his brother [sa*in !: 1A&&oint houses for *our &eo&le in H *&t and make *our houses oratories, &laces in which to &erform &ra*ers, so that *ou mi ht be secure from fear L for -haraoh had &rohibited them from &erformin &ra*ers L and establish, fulfil, worshi&9 and i)e ood tidin s to the belie)ers/, of )ictor* and -aradise.

Indonesian : (an <ami wah*ukan ke&ada ,usa dan saudaran*a: 5Ambillah olehmu berdua bebera&a buah rumah di ,esir untuk tem&at tin al ba i kaummu dan ;adikanlah olehmu rumah-rumahmu itu tem&at shalat dan dirikanlah olehmu sembah*an serta embirakanlah oran -oran *an beriman5.

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Muhsin Khan : And ,usa (,oses) said: 53ur Lord7 @ou ha)e indeed bestowed on Gir'aun (-haraoh) and his chiefs s&lendour and wealth in the life of this world, our Lord7 That the* ma* lead men astra* from @our -ath. 3ur Lord7 (estro* their wealth, and harden their hearts, so that the* will not belie)e until the* see the &ainful torment.5 Sahih International

: And ,oses said, 53ur Lord, indeed @ou ha)e i)en -haraoh and his establishment s&lendor and wealth in the worldl* life, our Lord, that the* ma* lead [men! astra* from @our wa*. 3ur Lord, obliterate their wealth and harden their hearts so that the* will not belie)e until the* see the &ainful &unishment.5
Tafsir Jalalayn : And ,oses said, 13ur Lord, @ou ha)e indeed i)en -haraoh and his council s&lendour and riches in the life of this world. 3ur Lord, @ou ha)e i)en them this, that the* ma* lead [&eo&le! astra*, as a conse:uence thereof, from @our wa*, [from! @our reli ion. 3ur Lord, obliterate, transform, their riches and harden their hearts, stam& u&on them and shackle [them!, so that the* do not belie)e until the* see the &ainful chastisement/: he [,oses! in)oked 0od a ainst them and Aaron said 1Amen/ at the end of his in)ocation.

Indonesian : ,usa berkata: 5@a Tuhan kami, sesun uhn*a Hn kau telah memberi ke&ada Gir'aun dan &emuka-&emuka kaumn*a &erhiasan dan harta keka*aan dalam kehidu&an dunia, *a Tuhan <ami -- akibatn*a mereka men*esatkan (manusia) dari ;alan Hn kau. @a Tuhan kami, binasakanlah harta benda mereka, dan kunci matilah hati mereka, maka mereka tidak beriman hin a mereka melihat siksaan *an &edih5.

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Muhsin Khan : Allah said: 5"eril*, the in)ocation of *ou both is acce&ted. 4o *ou both kee& to the 4trai ht 2a* (i.e. kee& on doin ood deeds and &reachin Allah's ,essa e with &atience), and follow not the &ath of those who know not (the truth i.e. to belie)e in the 3neness of Allah, and also to belie)e in the Reward of Allah: -aradise, etc.).5 Sahih International : [ Allah ! said, 5@our su&&lication has been answered.5 4o remain on a ri ht course and follow not the wa* of those who do not know.5
Tafsir Jalalayn : $e, [0od! e%alted be $e, said, 1@our &ra*er has been answered: thus their riches were transformed into stones and -haraoh did not belie)e until he was about to drown. 4o the two of *ou remain u&ri ht, with the ,essa e and the >all until such time as chastisement befalls them, and do not follow the wa* of those who ha)e no knowled e/, when the* seek to hasten on ,* ;ud ement L it is re&orted that he [,oses! remained [ali)e! a further fort* *ears thereafter.

Indonesian : Al+ah berfirman: 54esun uhn*a telah di&erkenankan &ermohonan kamu berdua, sebab itu teta&lah kamu berdua &ada ;alan *an lurus dan ;an anlah sekali-kali kamu men ikuti ;alan oran -oran *an tidak men etahui5.

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Muhsin Khan : And 2e took the >hildren of +srael across the sea, and Gir'aun (-haraoh) with his hosts followed them in o&&ression and enmit*, till when drownin o)ertook him, he said: 5+ belie)e that La ilaha illa ($uwa): (none has the ri ht to be worshi&&ed but) $e,5 in 2hom the >hildren of +srael belie)e, and + am one of the ,uslims (those who submit to Allah's 2ill).5 Sahih International : And 2e took the >hildren of +srael across the sea, and -haraoh and his soldiers &ursued them in t*rann* and enmit* until, when drownin o)ertook him, he said, 5+ belie)e that there is no deit* e%ce&t that in whom the >hildren of +srael belie)e, and + am of the ,uslims.5
Tafsir Jalalayn : And 2e brou ht the >hildren of +srael across the sea9 and -haraoh &ursued them, he cau ht u& with them, to ether with his hosts, in insolence and trans ression (ba h*an wa-1adwan: these constitute the [direct! ob;ect denotin reason), until, when the [fate of! drownin o)ertook him, he said, 1+ belie)e that (annahu is [to be understood as! bi-annahu9 a )ariant readin has innahu, 1trul* it is O/ indicatin a new sentence) there is no od sa)e $im in whom the >hildren of +srael belie)e, and + am of those who submit [to $im!/: he reiterated this [his submission to 0od! so that it mi ht be acce&ted from him, but it was not9 and 0abriel thrust mud from the sea into his mouth, lest [0od/s! merc* embrace him. And he [0abriel! said to him:

Indonesian : (an <ami memun kinkan #ani +srail melintasi laut, lalu mereka diikuti oleh Gir'aun dan bala tentaran*a, karena hendak men ania*a dan menindas (mereka)9 hin a bila Gir'aun itu telah ham&ir ten elam berkatalah dia: 54a*a &erca*a bahwa tidak ada Tuhan melainkan Tuhan *an di&erca*ai oleh #ani +srail, dan sa*a termasuk oran -oran *an berserah diri (ke&ada Allah)5.

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Muhsin Khan : =ow (*ou belie)e) while *ou refused to belie)e before and *ou were one of the ,ufsidun (e)il-doers, corru&ts, etc.). Sahih International : =ow6 And *ou had disobe*ed [$im! before and were of the corru&ters6
Tafsir Jalalayn : 1=ow, do *ou belie)e, when hitherto *ou ha)e disobe*ed and been of those who do corru&tion6, on account of *our bein astra* and *our leadin [others! astra*, awa* from belief.

Indonesian : A&akah sekaran (baru kamu &erca*a), &adahal sesun uhn*a kamu telah durhaka se;ak dahulu, dan kamu termasuk oran -oran *an berbuat kerusakan.

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Muhsin Khan : 4o this da* 2e shall deli)er *our (dead) bod* (out from the sea) that *ou ma* be a si n to those who come after *ou7 And )eril*, man* amon mankind are heedless of 3ur A*at (&roofs, e)idences, )erses, lessons, si ns , re)elations, etc.). Sahih International : 4o toda* 2e will sa)e *ou in bod* that *ou ma* be to those who succeed *ou a si n. And indeed, man* amon the &eo&le, of 3ur si ns, are heedless
Tafsir Jalalayn : #ut this da* 2e shall sa)e *ou, 2e shall brin *ou out of the sea, in *our bod*, *our lifeless cor&se, that *ou ma* be, for those after *ou a si n, a lesson, that the* mi ht come to know *our ser)itude and not )enture u&on deeds like *ours. Accordin to +bn 1Abb.s, some of the >hildren of +srael doubted his death and so he was brou ht out [of the sea! for them to see. And trul* most &eo&le, that is, the &eo&le of ,ecca, are heedless of 3ur si ns/, not learnin the lesson therefrom.

Indonesian : ,aka &ada hari ini <ami selamatkan badanmu su&a*a kamu da&at men;adi &ela;aran ba i oran -oran *an datan sesudahmu dan sesun uhn*a keban*akan dari manusia len ah dari tanda-tanda kekuasaan <ami.

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Muhsin Khan : And indeed 2e settled the >hildren of +srael in an honourable dwellin &lace (4ham and ,isr), and &ro)ided them with ood thin s, and the* differed not until the knowled e came to them. "eril*, Allah will ;ud e between them on the (a* of Resurrection in that in which the* used to differ. Sahih International : And 2e had certaint* settled the >hildren of +srael in an a reeable settlement and &ro)ided them with ood thin s. And the* did not differ until [after! knowled e had come to them. +ndeed, *our Lord will ;ud e between them on the (a* of Resurrection concernin that o)er which the* used to differ
Tafsir Jalalayn : And )eril* 2e a&&ointed for the >hildren of +srael an e%cellent abode, a noble [&lace of! residence, namel*, 4*ria and H *&t, and 2e &ro)ided them with ood thin s9 and the* did not differ, such that some belie)ed while others disbelie)ed, until the knowled e came to them. Trul* *our Lord will ;ud e between them on the (a* of Resurrection concernin that wherein the* used to differ.

Indonesian : (an sesun uhn*a <ami telah menem&atkan #ani +srail di tern&at kediaman *an ba us dan <ami beri mereka re8eki dari *an baik-baik. ,aka mereka tidak berselisih, kecuali setelah datan ke&ada mereka &en etahuan (*an tersebut dalam Taurat). 4esun uhn*a Tuhan kamu akan memutuskan antara mereka di hari kiamat tentan a&a *an mereka &erselisihkan itu.

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Muhsin Khan : 4o if *ou (3 ,uhammad 4A2) are in doubt concernin that which 2e ha)e re)ealed unto *ou, [i.e. that *our name is written in the Taurat (Torah) and the +n;eel (0os&el)! then ask those who are readin the #ook [the Taurat (Torah) and the +n;eel (0os&el)! before *ou. "eril*, the truth has come to *ou from *our Lord. 4o be not of those who doubt (it). Sahih International

: 4o if *ou are in doubt, [3 ,uhammad!, about that which 2e ha)e re)ealed to *ou, then ask those who ha)e been readin the 4cri&ture before *ou. The truth has certainl* come to *ou from *our Lord, so ne)er be amon the doubters.
Tafsir Jalalayn : 4o, if *ou, 3 ,uhammad (s), are in doubt concernin what 2e ha)e re)ealed to *ou, of stories L h*&otheticall* s&eakin L then :uestion those who read the 4cri&ture, the Torah, before *ou, for it is confirmed [therein! with them and the* can inform *ou of its truth. The -ro&het (s) said, 1+ ha)e no doubt, nor will + :uestion/. "eril* the Truth from *our Lord has come to *ou9 so do not be of the wa)erers, [of! those who ha)e doubts about it.

Indonesian : ,aka ;ika kamu (,uhammad) berada dalam kera u-ra uan tentan a&a *an <ami turunkan ke&adamu, maka tan*akanlah ke&ada oran -oran *an membaca kitab sebelum kamu. 4esun uhn*a telah datan kebenaran ke&adamu dari Tuhanmu, sebab itu ;an anlah sekali-kali kamu temasuk oran -oran *an ra u-ra u.

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Muhsin Khan : And be not one of those who belie the A*at (&roofs, e)idences, )erses, lessons, si ns, re)elations, etc.) of Allah, for then *ou shall be one of the losers. Sahih International : And ne)er be of those who den* the si ns of Allah and [thus! be amon the losers.
Tafsir Jalalayn : And do not be of those who den* 0od/s si ns and so be of the losers.

Indonesian : (an sekali-kali ;an anlah kamu termasuk oran -oran *an mendustakan a*ata*at Allah *an men*ebabkan kamu termasuk oran -oran *an ru i.

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Muhsin Khan : Trul*7 Those, a ainst whom the 2ord (2rath) of *our Lord has been ;ustified, will not belie)e. Sahih International : +ndeed, those u&on whom the word of *our Lord has come into effect will not belie)e,

Tafsir Jalalayn : Trul* those a ainst whom *our Lord/s 2ord, of chastisement, is ;ustified, [a ainst whom! it is due, will not belie)e,

Indonesian : 4esun uhn*a oran -oran *an telah &asti terhada& mereka kalimat Tuhanmu, tidaklah akan beriman,

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Muhsin Khan : H)en if e)er* si n should come to them, - until the* see the &ainful torment. Sahih International : H)en if e)er* si n should come to them, until the* see the &ainful &unishment.
Tafsir Jalalayn : thou h e)er* si n come to them, until the* see the &ainful chastisement, at which time it [their belief! will be of no use to them.

Indonesian : meski&un datan ke&ada mereka se ala macam keteran an, hin a mereka men*aksikan a8ab *an &edih.

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Muhsin Khan : 2as there an* town (communit*) that belie)ed (after seein the &unishment), and its Gaith (at that moment) sa)ed it (from the &unishment)6 (The answer is none,) - e%ce&t the &eo&le of @unus (Konah)9 when the* belie)ed, 2e remo)ed from them the torment of dis race in the life of the (&resent) world, and &ermitted them to en;o* for a while. Sahih International : Then has there not been a [sin le! cit* that belie)ed so its faith benefited it e%ce&t the &eo&le of Konah6 2hen the* belie)ed, 2e remo)ed from them the &unishment of dis race in worldl* life and a)e them en;o*ment for a time.
Tafsir Jalalayn : +f onl* there had been one town L meanin its inhabitants L that belie)ed, before chastisement befell it, and &rofited b* its belief L e%ce&t for the &eo&le of Konah: when the* belie)ed, after seein a &ortent of the chastisement, for the* did not wait [to belie)e!

until it came to &ass, 2e remo)ed from u&on them the chastisement of de radation in the life of this world and 2e a)e them comfort for a while, until the conclusion of their terms [of life!.

Indonesian : (an men a&a tidak ada (&enduduk) suatu kota *an beriman, lalu imann*a itu bermanfaat ke&adan*a selain kaum @unus6 Tatkala mereka (kaum @unus itu), beriman, <ami hilan kan dari mereka a8ab *an men hinakan dalam kehidu&an dunia, dan <ami beri kesenan an ke&ada mereka sam&ai ke&ada waktu *an tertentu.

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Muhsin Khan : And had *our Lord willed, those on earth would ha)e belie)ed, all of them to ether. 4o, will *ou (3 ,uhammad 4A2) then com&el mankind, until the* become belie)ers. Sahih International : And had *our Lord willed, those on earth would ha)e belie)ed - all of them entirel*. Then, [3 ,uhammad!, would *ou com&el the &eo&le in order that the* become belie)ers6
Tafsir Jalalayn : And if *our Lord willed, all who are in the earth would ha)e belie)ed to ether. 2ould *ou then com&el &eo&le, to do what 0od did not will that the* do, until the* are belie)ers6 =o7

Indonesian : (an ;ikalau Tuhanmu men hendaki, tentulah beriman semua oran *an di muka bumi seluruhn*a. ,aka a&akah kamu (hendak) memaksa manusia su&a*a mereka men;adi oran -oran *an beriman semuan*a6

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Muhsin Khan : +t is not for an* &erson to belie)e, e%ce&t b* the Lea)e of Allah, and $e will &ut the wrath on those who are heedless.

Sahih International : And it is not for a soul to belie)e e%ce&t b* &ermission of Allah , and $e will &lace defilement u&on those who will not use reason.
Tafsir Jalalayn : And it is not for an* soul to belie)e sa)e b* the &ermission of 0od, b* $is will, and $e causes abomination, chastisement, to fall u&on those who ha)e no understandin , [those who do not! reflect u&on 0od/s si ns.

Indonesian : (an tidak ada seoran &un akan beriman kecuali den an i8in Allah9 dan Allah menim&akan kemurkaan ke&ada oran -oran *an tidak mem&er unakan akaln*a.

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Muhsin Khan : 4a*: 5#ehold all that is in the hea)ens and the earth,5 but neither A*at (&roofs, e)idences, )erses, lessons, si ns, re)elations, etc.) nor warners benefit those who belie)e not. Sahih International : 4a*, 53bser)e what is in the hea)ens and earth.5 #ut of no a)ail will be si ns or warners to a &eo&le who do not belie)e
Tafsir Jalalayn : 4a*, to the disbelie)ers of ,ecca: 1#ehold what is in the hea)ens and in the earth7/, of si ns indicatin 0od/s 3neness, e%alted be $e. #ut si ns and warners (nudhur is the &lural of nadhJr, that is, messen ers) do not a)ail a folk who will not belie)e, accordin to 0od/s knowled e, in other words, these [si ns and warners! will not benefit them.

Indonesian : <atakanlah: 5-erhatikanlah a&a *aa ada di lan it dan di bumi. Tidaklah bermanfaat tanda kekuasaan Allah dan rasul-rasul *an memberi &erin atan ba i oran -oran *an tidak beriman5.

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Muhsin Khan : Then do the* wait for (an*thin ) sa)e for (destruction) like the da*s of the men who &assed awa* before them6 4a*: 52ait then, + am (too) with *ou amon those who wait.5 Sahih International : 4o do the* wait e%ce&t for like [what occurred in! the da*s of those who &assed on before them6 4a*, 5Then wait9 indeed, + am with *ou amon those who wait.5
Tafsir Jalalayn : 2hat do the* await, when the* den* *ou, but the like of the da*s of those who &assed awa* before them6, of communities, that is, the like of chastisements that befell them. 4a*: 1Then await, this: + shall indeed be with *ou amon the waitin /.

Indonesian : ,ereka tidak menun u-nun u kecuali (ke;adian-ke;adian) *an sama den an ke;adian-ke;adian (*an menim&a) oran -oran *an telah terdahulu sebelum mereka. <atakanlah: 5,aka tun ulah, sesun uhn*a aku&un termasuk oran oran *an menun u bersama kamu5.

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Muhsin Khan : Then (in the end) 2e sa)e 3ur ,essen ers and those who belie)e7 Thus it is incumbent u&on Fs to sa)e the belie)ers. Sahih International : Then 2e will sa)e our messen ers and those who ha)e belie)ed. Thus, it is an obli ation u&on Fs that 2e sa)e the belie)ers
Tafsir Jalalayn : Then 2e shall deli)er (nuna;;J: the im&erfect tense is [bein used! to narrate a &ast situation) 3ur messen ers and the belie)ers, from the chastisement. +n like manner, to [that! deli)erance, it is incumbent u&on Fs to deli)er the belie)ers, the -ro&het (s) and his >om&anions, when [the time comes for! chastisin the idolaters.

Indonesian : <emudian <ami selamatkan rasul-rasul <ami dan oran -oran *an beriman, demikianlah men;adi kewa;iban atas <ami men*elamatkan oran -oran *an beriman.

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Muhsin Khan : 4a* (3 ,uhammad 4A2): 53 *ou mankind7 +f *ou are in doubt as to m* reli ion (+slam), then (know that) + will ne)er worshi& those whom *ou worshi&, besides Allah. #ut + worshi& Allah 2ho causes *ou to die, + am commanded to be one of the belie)ers. Sahih International : 4a*, [3 ,uhammad!, 53 &eo&le, if *ou are in doubt as to m* reli ion - then + do not worshi& those which *ou worshi& besides Allah 9 but + worshi& Allah , who causes *our death. And + ha)e been commanded to be of the belie)ers
Tafsir Jalalayn : 4a*: 13 &eo&le, that is, 3 &eo&le of ,ecca, if *ou are in doubt of m* reli ion, [and! whether it is true, then [know that! + do not worshi& those whom *ou worshi& besides 0od, that is, [worshi&&in ! other than $im L namel*, idols L for *ou ha)e doubts concernin 0od9 but + worshi& 0od 2ho will take *ou to $im, [2ho! will sei8e *our souls, and + ha)e been commanded to be of the belie)ers.

Indonesian : <atakanlah: 5$ai manusia, ;ika kamu masih dalam kera u-ra uan tentan a amaku, maka (ketahuilah) aku tidak men*embah *an kamu sembah selain Allah, teta&i aku men*embah Allah *an akan mematikan kamu dan aku telah di&erintah su&a*a termasuk oran -oran *an beriman5,

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Muhsin Khan : 5And (it is ins&ired to me): (irect *our face (3 ,uhammad 4A2) entirel* towards the reli ion $anifa (+slamic ,onotheism, i.e. to worshi& none but Allah Alone), and ne)er be one of the ,ushrikun (those who ascribe &artners to Allah, &ol*theists, idolaters, disbelie)ers in the 3neness of Allah, and those who worshi& others alon with Allah). Sahih International : And [commanded!, '(irect *our face toward the reli ion, inclinin to truth, and ne)er be of those who associate others with Allah 9
Tafsir Jalalayn : And, it has been said to me: T4et *our &ur&ose for reli ion, as a hanJf, inclinin towards it, and do not be of the idolaters9

Indonesian : dan (aku telah di&erintah): 5$ada&kanlah mukamu ke&ada a ama den an tulus dan ikhlas dan ;an anlah kamu termasuk oran -oran *an mus*rik.

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Muhsin Khan : 5And in)oke not besides Allah, an* that will neither &rofit *ou, nor hurt *ou, but if (in case) *ou did so, *ou shall certainl* be one of the Palimun (&ol*theists and wron -doers).5 Sahih International : And do not in)oke besides Allah that which neither benefits *ou nor harms *ou, for if *ou did, then indeed *ou would be of the wron doers.'5
Tafsir Jalalayn : and do not call u&on, [do not! worshi&, besides 0od, that which can neither &rofit *ou, should *ou worshi& it, nor hurt *ou, should *ou not worshi& it9 for if *ou do, this, h*&otheticall* s&eakin , then *ou will surel* be of the e)ildoers.

Indonesian : (an ;an anlah kamu men*embah a&a-a&a *an tidak memberi manfaat dan tidak (&ula) memberi mudharat ke&adamu selain Allah9 sebab ;ika kamu berbuat (*an demikian), itu, maka sesun uhn*a kamu kalau be itu termasuk oran oran *an 8alim5.

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Muhsin Khan : And if Allah touches *ou with hurt, there is none who can remo)e it but $e9 and if $e intends an* ood for *ou, there is none who can re&el $is Ga)our which $e causes it to reach whomsoe)er of $is sla)es $e will. And $e is the 3ft-Gor i)in , ,ost ,erciful. Sahih International : And if Allah should touch *ou with ad)ersit*, there is no remo)er of it e%ce&t $im9 and if $e intends for *ou ood, then there is no re&eller of $is bount*. $e causes it to reach whom $e wills of $is ser)ants. And $e is the Gor i)in , the ,erciful

Tafsir Jalalayn : And if 0od afflicts *ou, smites *ou, with some hurt, such as im&o)erishment or illness, there is none who can remo)e it sa)e $im9 and if $e desires ood for *ou, there is none who can re&el $is bount*, that [bount*! which $e has intended for *ou. $e strikes with it, that is, with [such! ood, whome)er $e will of $is ser)ants.U $e is the Gor i)in , the ,erciful/.

Indonesian : Kika Allah menim&akan sesuatu kemudharatan ke&adamu, maka tidak ada *an da&at men hilan kann*a kecuali (ia. (an ;ika Allah men hendaki kebaikan ba i kamu, maka tak ada *an da&at menolak kurnia-=*a. (ia memberikan kebaikan itu ke&ada sia&a *an dikehendaki-=*a di antara hamba-hamba-=*a dan (ialah @an ,aha -en am&un la i ,aha -en*a*an .

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Muhsin Khan : . 4a*: 53 *ou mankind7 =ow truth (i.e. the Quran and -ro&het ,uhammad 4A2), has come to *ou from *our Lord. 4o whosoe)er recei)es uidance, he does so for the ood of his own self, and whosoe)er oes astra*, he does so to his own loss, and + am not (set) o)er *ou as a 2akil (dis&oser of affairs to obli e *ou for uidance).5 Sahih International : 4a*, 53 mankind, the truth has come to *ou from *our Lord, so whoe)er is uided is onl* uided for [the benefit of! his soul, and whoe)er oes astra* onl* oes astra* [in )iolation! a ainst it. And + am not o)er *ou a mana er.5
Tafsir Jalalayn : 4a*: 13 &eo&le, that is, &eo&le of ,ecca, the Truth has come to *ou from *our Lord. 4o whoe)er is uided, is uided onl* for the sake of his own soul, since the reward of his bein uided will be his, and whoe)er errs, errs onl* a ainst it, since the e)il conse:uence of his errin shall befall [onl*! it [his soul!. And + am not a uardian o)er *ou/, that + mi ht then com&el *ou to [acce&t! uidance.

Indonesian : <atakanlah: 5$ai manusia, sesun uhn*a te+ah datan ke&adamu kebenaran (Al Quran) dari Tuhanmu, sebab itu baran sia&a *an menda&at &etun;uk maka sesun uhn*a (&etun;uk itu) untuk kebaikan dirin*a sendiri. (an baran sia&a *an sesat, maka sesun uhn*a kesesatann*a itu mencelakakan dirin*a sendiri. (an aku bukanlah seoran &en;a a terhada& dirimu5.


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Muhsin Khan : And (3 ,uhammad 4A2), follow the ins&iration sent unto *ou, and be &atient till Allah i)es ;ud ement. And $e is the #est of ;ud es. Sahih International : And follow what is re)ealed to *ou, [3 ,uhammad!, and be &atient until Allah will ;ud e. And $e is the best of ;ud es.
Tafsir Jalalayn : And follow what is re)ealed to *ou, from *our Lord, and endure [&atientl*!, the >all and their hurtin [*ou!, until 0od i)e ;ud ement, concernin them, b* i)in $is command, and $e is the #est of Kud es, the fairest of them: he [the -ro&het! endured &atientl* until 0od ;ud ed that the idolaters be fou ht and that the -eo&le of the 4cri&ture &a* the ;i8*ata%.

Indonesian : (an ikutilah a&a *an diwah*ukan ke&adamu, dan bersabarlah hin a Allah memberi ke&utusan dan (ia adalah $akim *an sebaik-baikn*a.
.ur/an 0o12 3 45out 3 627s 3 8onta9t :s 8o;<r=>ht ? &$$- .uran@9o1@ 4AA r=>hts r2s2rB2C@

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