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1. Herodotuss classification of governments was based on a) The number of people to be governed.

b)The number of people who possessed the ultimate decision making power. c) Popular will of the people to be ruled. d) None of the above.

2. The study of how informal behavior affects the nature of policies is associated with the -------approach in politics. a) Traditional b) Behaviouralist c) General Theory d) Both b) and c)

3. The --------------- approach builds on the -------------- approach and illustrates the political system as comprising of a set of inputs, processes and outputs. a) Traditional; General b) Structuralist Functionalist; Systems c) Systems;General d) Systems; Structual Functionalist

4) Liberal nationalism propagates the idea of ------------ in a nation. a) Self-government b) Patriotism c) Self-accountability d) None of the above.

5)Employing nationalistic ideas to retain and shield traditionally established institutions is a feature of -------- nationalism. a) Liberal b) Political c) Conservative d) Both b) and c) 7) According to -------------nationalism, the two processes leading to nation building are unification and attainment of complete independence. a) Conservative b)Liberal c) Political d) There are no such defined processes for nation-building to occur. 8)Third world nationalists liken the contention between colonial rulers and those being ruled to a class struggle where the goal for the latter is to attain complete political and economic freedom from the former. (T/F) 9) A state is a region which constitutes of people sharing a set of common cultures and traditions. (T/ F)

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