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(Updated 06-02-2014)

Whos Who of Mechanical Puzzles Information Form The below information form is for the creation of an up-to-date comprehensive directory of everyone involved in the field of mechanical puzzles, including designers, craftsmen, sellers, writers, researchers, etc. Please fill out and return this form and pass it on to others you know in the puzzle community. You can fill out the form for someone who is no longer alive or no longer involved in the community as long as it is done from first-hand knowledge and the facts can be verified. Return all forms to aul ymonds at saul.symonds! Please contact me for any "uestions. #$% &ame' #(% &ationality' #)% *+,-*+*' #.% Years active' #/% Types of puzzles made' #0% ,iography' (Please include as much information as possible where your bio relates to your time as a puzzle desi ner!ma"er!etc in addition to whate#er else you find rele#ant such as $ob% bac" round% etc) #1% 2ny other relevant information' (&his can include notable awards% achie#ements% etc) #3% 4ontact 5nformation' (Preferably online contact information' email address% blo % website% (aceboo" pa e% &witter account% etc)) (*f possible% please include a photo of yourself and one photo of a puzzle you ha#e made with a short description of what+s happenin in the photos)

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