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1here are sLorles and Lhen Lhere are SLorles wlLh a caplLal S - Lhe really good ones. lor
brands, lL ls essenLlal Lo declde upfronL whaL Lhey wanL Lhelr audlence Lo remember. !"#$ &'"
()'*" +,(" -'* +(&" "' $(-. /" /$ ()'*" +,(" -'* +(&" -'*0 (*1/2&32 "' 02424)205 1o make
sure Lhey noL only remember, buL remember Lhe rlghL Lhlngs, Lhere are a couple polnLs Lo
keep ln mlnd."

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1he flrsL and perhaps mosL lmporLanL elemenL of a good sLory ls Lhe Wow lacLor. ?ou
have Lo caLch your audlence's aLLenLlon. 1he conLenL, conLexL or Lone and way you
Lell Lhe sLory have Lo make people go Wow".
1he second cruclal elemenL ls sLlcklness. 1ell Lhe sLory ln such a way LhaL people can easlly
remember lL. uon'L use Loo many compllcaLed words, don'L glve Loo much lnformaLlon.
Make your audlence curlous Lo learn more. Make sure your sLory sLlcks. LeL Lhem repeaL
your sLory Lo Lhelr peers.
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uon'L ever Lell a sLory abouL our company" or Lhe brand", buL make lL personal. 1he sLory's
conLenL also has Lo be personal. ?ou can'L Lalk abouL Lhe founder of Lhe company and all Lhe
Lhlngs he dld wlLhouL playlng a parL ln Lhls sLory yourself. Somehow Lhe sLory has Lo be
abouL you, ln relaLlon Lo Lhe company.
5##6 .+ 78+"#0+.*
1he sLory has Lo be Lrue. ?ou can'L make lL up. Cf course you can add elemenLs Lo Lhe sLory
Lo make lL more lnLeresLlng for people Lo llsLen Lo and easler Lo remember, buL lL has Lo be
!),9#+ +"# )8:.#0*#
Ad[usL your sLory accordlng Lo Lhe audlence. lf you are Lalklng Lo sLudenLs abouL a brand LhaL
ls LargeLed aL moLhers for example, don'L expecL Lhem Lo feel Lhe same way a moLher would.
So appeal Lo oLher emoLlons.

23+45 6)77$&.
8rand AnLhropologlsL
lounder Cool8rands and C8nWS
AuLhor 'Around Lhe World ln 80 8rands'
AuLhor 'Cool8rands Lhe Curu book'
AuLhor 'SLoryLelllng LxpedlLlon lnLo 8razll lood'
AuLhor 'SLoryLelllng LxpedlLlon lnLo Lhe Mlddle LasL and Afrlca

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