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&uly '+*2

1ealthy Destinations '+*2 3ppalachian )rail Challenge

4ol. * Issue (

It Doesn5t &ust #top at the #unscreen

'#e summer mont#s are )no(n "or t#e (arm (eat#er, trips to t#e bea!#, and ots o" sun8 9e sure you are bein& smart t#is summer and app yin& t#e /.- dai y 230 or #i&#er6% /)in !an!er is t#e most !ommon "orm o" !an!er #ere in t#e :%/%, #o(e+er it is a so one o" t#e easiest to treat i" !au&#t ear y 2'#e /)in Can!er -oundation6% ;at#erin& on t#e suns!reen is an e,!e ent (ay to a+oid nasty sunburn durin& t#is (armer season, #o(e+er t#ere are ot#er (ays to prote!t yourse "% <any peop e tend to (ear ess ! ot#in& in t#e summer a o(in& "or more e,posure to t#e sun so !#oosin& to (ear i&#t on& s ee+e ! ot#in& to !o+er your arms or #idin& under t#e s#ade o" an umbre a is a (ise option "or some added prote!tion% 9et(een t#e #ours o" 10am and 4pm, t#e sun is at its stron&est, see)in& s#ade or ma)in& sure you are re&u ar y app yin& t#e suns!reen is )ey durin& t#ese #ours 2'#e /)in Can!er -oundation6% Wide brimmed #ats and := prote!ted sun& asses are essentia options to prote!t your "a!e% >ur "a!es and #eads are &enera y re&ions t#at re!ei+e a ot o" sun so barriers t#at prote!t t#em "rom := radiation are important to pre+ention o" de+e opin& s)in !an!er% <a)in& sure to ta)e prote!ti+e measures a&ainst &ettin& a sunburn is a &reat step to(ards s)in !an!er pre+ention? per"ormin& "u body s!ans on!e e+ery "e( (ee)s is an e,!e ent (ay to ensure t#at i" it is to de+e op you (i be ab e to !at!# it ear y enou&# to treat it% W#en doin& a "u body s!an oo) "or mo es or beauty mar)s t#at are mu ti!o ored, #a+e e,panded in si7e or #a+e an irre&u ar border% 1t is !ommon to de+e op ne( mo es as (e a&e #o(e+er anyt#in& a"ter a&e 21 s#ou d be monitored !are"u y 2'#e /)in Can!er -oundation6% '#e sun is not a bad t#ou&# and does pro+ide some #ea t# bene"its to us% /pendin& time out in t#e sun (it#out suns!reen on !an a o( "or t#e +itamin @ "rom t#e sun to enter our systems% /uns!reen b o!)s t#is +itamin "rom enterin& our bodies so (e do not &ain t#is nutrient (#en (e are prote!ted by t#e /.-% 1t is re!ommended to spend 1A-20 minutes ma, out in t#e sun (it#out suns!reen to obtain t#is nutrient% '#is (ee)s 0ea t#y @estinations ;e!ture (i "o!us on prote!tin& your s)in% 1t (i be #osted by t#e @ermato o&y Center% '#e !enter (i be ab e to pro+ide a ot o" #e p"u tips and ans(er any "urt#er 4uestions you #a+e% '#e /)in Can!er -oundation / Retrie+ed Bu y 16, 2013, "rom #ttp:CC(((%s)in!an!er%or&C

Check-in and Lecture

'#is (ee)*s e!ture (i be pro+ided by t#e Dermatology Center. We are oo)in& "or(ard to t#eir in"ormati+e ta ) on !rotecting "our #kin$.

Date: Wednesday% &uly '( )ime: *:++pm-':++pm Where: Conference ,oom *-' '#ose o" you (#o !an ma)e it to t#e e!ture (i earn . miles%
'#an) you to Wendy Weis/latt% ,D, "or #er e,!e ent ta ) on )racking "our Diet$ t#at s#e pro+ided ast (ee)% -or any e!tures missed t#rou&#out t#e summer !#a en&e, you !an +ie( t#e .o(er.oints on /01. 2 oo) "or #ea t#y destinations under 34ui!) in)s56 and !omp ete t#e 4ui7 to obtain . miles0

6onus !oints:
1n addition to t#e e!tures, send us pictures o" you #i)in& to earn '. miles and if on the 3ppalachian trail% an additional *+ miles0 @on*t "or&et to turn in your 7no8 "our 9um/ers$ !ard "or .+ /onus miles% Dno(in& your numbers #e ps you understand your #ea t#% 'a)e !#ar&e by ma)in& positi+e steps to better #ea t#% /!reenin&s (ere o""ered at t#e 0ea t# -air in Bune but !an a so be done at your do!tor*s o""i!e% We (i a so #a+e additiona s!reenin& in Eu&ust% '#is !ard !an be "ound on t#e 9utrition ta/le in the cafeteria.

Ways to Check-In:
In person: Wednesdays, 12pm-1pm, CR 4 Fax: 301-896-7334 Drop off: Nutrition tab e in !a"eteria Email: #ea t#ydestinations$suburban#ospita %or&

&uly '+*2

1ealthy Destinations '+*2 3ppalachian )rail Challenge


4ol. * Issue (

<any o" you may noti!e t#e ne( mi )s#a)e and smoot#ie ma!#ine in t#e !a"eteria% 1" you are tryin& to (at!# your !a orie inta)e, (e !aution you to steer ! ear o" t#ese as mi )s#a)es s#ou d be a spe!ia treat (#i e on +a!ation8 9ut i" you su!!umb to pur!#asin& a mi )s#a)e or smoot#ie (#i e at (or), sp it it (it# a !o-(or)er% '#e mi )s#a)es are ! ose to 600 )!a s and t#e smoot#ies are ! ose to 300 )!a s% <a)in& smoot#ies at #ome (it# in&redients t#at you #a+e !ontro o+er !an #e p you ma)e a nutrient dense o( !a orie de i!ious and re"res#in& brea)"ast on t#e &o, pre-(or)out drin), post-(or)out drin), or Fust an a(esome sna!)% E most any type o" "ruit or +e&etab e !an &o into a smoot#ie% '#e "ruit ta)es on most o" t#e " a+or so "or t#ose o" you (#o are not bi& +e&&ie eaters 2or #a+e )ids (#o are not6 try puttin& in +e&etab es t#at you norma y (ou dn*t eat, su!# as ea"y &reens% Eddin& a protein !omponent !an ma)e t#is a ba an!ed mea or sna!) by pro+idin& a !ombination o" nutrients% /eeds !an a so be added to in!rease "iber, protein and a #ea t#y "at% :aking a smoothie: ;reen #moothies are a 4ui!) (ay to (#ip up se+era dai y ser+in&s o" "ruits and +e&etab es% 'ry di""erent !ombinations o" "ruits and +e&etab es ti you "ind a mi, you rea y o+e8 C#oose your "a+orite "ruits: '#ese "ruits !an be "res# or "ro7en% 1" you use "res# "ruit, add some i!e to )eep t#e smoot#ie !o d% Edd some +e&etab es: try !arrot Fui!e instead o" oran&e Fui!e, !u!umbers, spina!# ea+es, )a e ea+es, and tomato Fui!e% C#oose a protein sour!e: Gree) yo&urt adds protein and a smoot# te,ture to your smoot#ie% 'o"u is #i&# in protein and is " a+or ess, so it (i ta)e on t#e " a+ors o" t#e ot#er "ood in t#e smoot#ie% Edd nuts H seeds: sesame seeds pro+ide !a !ium? " a, seeds pro+ide ome&a-3, !#ia seeds pro+ide protein, aid in #ydration, and di&estion% Ground Nuts i)e a monds pro+ide #ea t#y "ats% 9utters su!# as peanut butter or a mond butter are a so &reat options% Eddin& mi ) !an #e p ma)e your smoot#ie more i4uid t#an "ro7en? it !an a so add =itamin @, !a !ium, and a itt e bit o" protein% 1" you do not &et enou&# dairy, t#is is a snea)y (ay o" addin& it into your smoot#ie% /moot#ies are !omp ete y !ustomi7ab e% 'a)e out (#at does not (or) "or you, and rep a!e (it# (#ate+er you i)e% 'ry out some o" t#ese smoot#ie re!ipes be o(8 ;reen #moothies by E re!ipies%!om6 1 banana, t#i!) y s i!ed, "ro7en 2 !ups !#opped &reen ea"y +e&etab e 2)a e, spina!#, !#ard, et!%6 1C4 !up s)im mi ) 1C3 !up oran&e Fui!e 1 'bsp% " a, seed mea 2optiona 6 1 'bsp% !o!onut oi 2optiona 6 )ropical )ofu #moothie: 2pro+ided by (((%eatin&(e %!om6 2 !ups di!ed "ro7en man&o 1 1C2 !ups pineapp e Fui!e 3C4 !up to"u 1C4 !up ime Fui!e 1 'bsp% &round !#ia seeds

6<" L=C3L WEE7

9uy o!a (ee) is Bu y 20t# to Bu y 28t#% -arms #a+e "res# produ!e a year on&% 'o support our o!a "armers, &o to your ! osest "armer*s mar)et and pur!#ase '#e "res#est produ!e you !an &et% 9uyin& o!a produ!e is &ood "or t#e e!onomy and a so &ood "or t#e p anet by promotin& ! ean air and de!reasin& our !arbon "ootprint% >n t#e 9uy ;o!a C#a en&e (ebsite be o(, you !an "ind p a!es to s#op at by sear!#in& "or your !ounty% 'o ta)e t#e !#a en&e, &o to #ttp:CC(((%buy- o!a !#a en&e%!omC!#a en&e%asp to si&n up and buy o!a 8 -ood "or '#ou&#t: 1n <ary and, i" e+ery #ouse#o d pur!#ased Fust I12 (ort# o" "arm produ!ts "or ei&#t (ee)s, o+er I200 mi ion (ou d be put ba!) into t#e po!)ets o" "armers
We (i try to "eature re!ipes o" "oods t#at are in season and a+ai ab e at our o!a "armers mar)et ea!# (ee)% 1" you #a+e a re!ipe to s#are, p ease emai it to #ea t#ydestinations$suburban#ospita %or& %

&uly '+*2

1ealthy Destinations '+*2 3ppalachian )rail Challenge

Employee of the Week0

4ol. * Issue (

@ebra# 0arman, RN (or)s in Bo#ns 0op)ins Radiation >n!o o&y and #as been parti!ipatin& in 0ea t#y @estinations "or t#e past "i+e years% E t#ou&# s#e admits it (as di""i!u t in t#e be&innin&, no( s#e !annot &et enou&# o" it8 @ebra# says, 30ea t#y @estinations #as #e ped me rea i7e t#at t#ere is no 3endpoint5 (#en it !omes to "itness and #ea t#y i+in&% 39ein& a!ti+e natura y5 #as be!ome my ne( mantra "or t#e rest o" my i"e%5 /#e enFoys many di""erent a!ti+ities (it# #er "ami y su!# as, #i)in&, +o eyba , ra!4uetba , and bi)in&% 9e o( and to t#e e"t are pi!tures o" @ebra# and #er #usband in >!ean City, <@ enFoyin& a bi)e ride% 1n ast (ee)*s 0@ !#e!)-in e!ture, Wendy Weisb att, R@ introdu!ed ne( apps "or /martp#ones and 'ab ets t#at are used "or tra!)in& diet and e,er!ise% @ebra# uses one !a ed 3<ap<yWa )5 t#at uses a G./ to tra!) #er (a )s and #i)es% Et t#e end, it reports a o" t#e in"ormation o" #er (a ) and s#o(s #er pat#(ay on a map "or a +isua o" #o( "ar s#e (a )ed% E most 2 K years a&o, s#e #ad a (a)e-up !a and rea i7ed s#e needed to ma)e a !#an&e in #er i"esty e% /#e not on y !#an&ed #er eatin& and e,er!ise #abits, but s#e a so !#an&ed #er attitude to(ards p#ysi!a a!ti+ity% 3'#is is one o" t#e #ardest t#in&s to !#an&e be!ause i" you are not in t#e ri&#t mindset, t#e i"esty e !#an&es (i not be permanent5% @ue to t#is !#an&e in i"esty e, @ebra# #as ost o+er 40 bs and #as been ab e to )eep it o"" "or o+er 1 K years%

(Debrah Harman and her husband on a bike ride on the boardwalk in Ocean City, MD)

Exercise of the Week: )he 6uddy #ystem

1t is o"ten too easy to "a out o" your e,er!ise routine (#en you (or) out a one% J,er!isin& (it# a partner pro+ides "riend y !ompetition, support, and a!!ountabi ity% W#et#er you are Fo&&in&, p ayin& a sport, or i"tin& (ei&#ts to&et#er, it ma)es t#e e,perien!e more enFoyab e and #e ps to )eep bot# parties en&a&ed and on tra!)%
2#ttp:CCbeta%a!ti+e%!omCarti! esCe,er!ise-buddysystem-#e ps-partners-stay-t#e-!ourse6

@ebra# admits t#at s#e started t#e 0ea t#y @estinations !#a en&e be!ause o" t#e pri7es t#at (ere bein& o""ered% W#at s#e did not rea i7e at t#e time (as t#at t#is (ou d be a i"e !#an&in& e,perien!e% No(, it is not about t#e pri7es, but instead about i+in& a #appy and #ea t#y i"e%

)1E #EC,E) =F ;E))I9; 31E3D I# ;E))I9; #)3,)ED. - :3,7 )W3I9

2Group .#oto o" @ebra# 0arman and #er #usband a"ter a bi)e ride in >C, <@6

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