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Benjamin Miller email: o""ice: #10 $ iloso% y &all o""ice ours: t.b.d.

and by a%%ointment

University Writing Englis !1010.041 'ues ' urs 1 ( 2:#0 )*2 +c ermer orn

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' e UW$ see1s to 2elcome and integrate students into t e virtual barrage o" 2ritten e3c ange t at "orms t e intellectual li"e o" t e university. Em% asi4ing critical analysis5 revision5 collaboration5 and researc 5 t is course aims to translate t is academic conversation "rom a source o" an3iety to a source o" stimulation. ,ver t e course o" t e semester5 you 2ill read and discuss te3ts "rom a number o" "ields5 com%lete regular in"ormal reading and 2riting e3ercises5 2rite several longer essays5 and underta1e a researc (based collaborative critical %roject o" your o2n design. ' roug %ersistent in6uiry and %ractice5 you 2ill learn s%eci"ic s1ills and "oster general abits o" mind im%ortant to your academic success.

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8ttendance and %artici%ation in all class activities $re%aration o" reading and 2riting exercises "or eac class and con"erence !om%letion o" four finished and titled essays5 accom%anied by at least one draft ,ne group presentation and discussion 9during %rogression t ree: Maintenance o" a portfolio 2 ic 2ill contain all o" your essays5 dra"ts5 and in"ormal 2riting5 2 ic 2ill act as t e %rimary source and a%%endi3 "or essay "our

Attendance Because t is class is structured as a seminar5 absences cannot be made u%. ;ou may miss u% to t ree classes 2it out %enalty. / 2ill not distinguis bet2een e3cused and une3cused absences5 o2ever5 so / urge you to save yours "or religious observance5 illness5 etc. /" you e3ceed your allo2ed number o" absences5 you 2ill be %enali4ed on your course grade by one(t ird o" a letter "or eac subse6uent missed class. <or e3am%le5 i" you 2ere going to get a "inal grade o" B in t e course5 on t e "ourt absence it 2ould become a B(5 on t e "i"t absence it 2ould become a !=5 and so on. ' is is a course(2ide %olicy. Reading Assignments -eadings 2ill be dra2n %rimarily "rom t e library reserves. W ile all t e essays5 articles5 c a%ters5 etc. set aside "or t is course are 2ort reading5 only some 2ill be assigned> direct lin1s to t ese re6uired te3ts 2ill be available on !ourse2or1s. ;ou are res%onsible "or %rinting and reading 2 atever te3t is assigned "or class and "or bringing it 2it you.

/n addition5 %lease obtain t e "ollo2ing t2o te3tboo1s: Boot 5 Wayne !.5 ?regory ?. !olomb5 and @ose% M. Williams. The Craft of Research. 2nd ed. ! icago: University o" ! icago $ress5 200#.
9!ontains sur%risingly good %resentation o" tec ni6ues5 not only "or conducting library researc 5 but also "or develo%ing and de"ending claims and t eses.:

&ac1er5 .iana. The Bedford Handbook for Writers. )t ed. 0e2 ;or1: +t. MartinAs $ress5 2002.
9' e basic style guide %re"erred by !olumbia University. !ontains advice and guidelines "or sentence construction and grammar5 as 2ell as t e all(im%ortant standards "or citation and documentation.:

Writing Assignments ;ou 2ill do at least t ree ty%es o" 2riting in t is course: exercises5 drafts5 and final essays. ' ese assignments connect 2it eac ot er in a develo%mental se6uence / call a progression. We 2ill be 2or1ing on "our %rogressions t is semester5 eac ending in t e submission o" a %articular 1ind o" essay. Exercises: E3ercises include any 1ind o" 2riting t at you do in class or on your o2n to %ractice s1ills t at you 2ill need "or success"ul com%letion o" t e "inal essay. E3ercises are not essays5 but eac e3ercise 2ill el% you build to2ard your essay dra"t. We 2ill do multi%le 1inds o" in"ormal 2riting in class5 and a 2riting e3ercise 2ill be due "or almost every class. ' is 2riting includes not only 2or1 you do "or yoursel"5 but also res%onses to ot er studentsA 2riting. E3ercises are not graded. Exploratory Drafts: -esearc as s o2n t at success"ul 2riters o"ten discover t eir central idea only a"ter t ey ave 2ritten e3tensively. /n an e3%loratory dra"t5 t e goal is not 2riting t at a%%ro3imates in s a%e and content t e essay in its "inal "orm5 but a sustained attem%t to de"ine t e %roblem you o%e to solve. ' ese dra"ts are li1ely to be messy ( mar1ed by ga%s in t in1ing5 omissions5 and digressions. .ra"ts are not graded. For al Drafts: By contrast to t e e3%loratory 2riting o" t e e3ercises5 your "ormal dra"t 2ill re%resent t e very closest to a "inal %roduct you can come at t at %oint. ' is is 2 en t e essay begins to ta1e its "inal s a%e5 and to develo% an argument based on a claim. ;ou s ould be %re%ared5 o2ever5 to ma1e ig (level adjustments a"ter receiving "eedbac15 %ossibly including t e addition o" ne2 material. /n t is class you 2ill learn 2ays to im%rove even t e best 2or1 you can %roduce on your o2n. .ra"ts are not graded. Final Essays: ,nce you ave received "eedbac1 on your dra"t5 you 2ill %re%are a "inal essay "or a letter grade. ;our "inal essay 2ill li1ely be 6uite di""erent "rom t e %revious dra"ts in "orm5 and o"ten in content5 in %art because t is is t e most %ublic 1ind o" 2riting you 2ill %roduce "or t is course. ;ou s ould al2ays imagine as your readers astute and interested %eo%le 2 o are largely un"amiliar 2it t e te3ts you 2ill cite as evidence "or your ideas> t ese readers

2ill need you to el% t em 1no2 2 y your ideas are signi"icant "or someone besides yoursel". 8ll "inal essays must ( develo% an argument in a co erent5 com%elling 2ay ( ave a t oug t"ul beginning5 middle5 and end ( be grammatically correct ( ave a tone a%%ro%riate "or t e intended audience. Assignment Formatting 8ll 2ritten assignments must ( be ty%ed using a standard seri" "ont 9eg. 'imes 0e2 -oman: in 12%t5 2it one(inc margins5 double(s%aced ( be sta%led i" on multi%le %ages5 and numbered 9B o" ;: in t e u%%er rig t corner ( include a 2ord count at t e end o" t e %a%er. ( include a cover %age 9"or "inal essays: or "irst(%age eader 9"or e3ercises and dra"ts: 2it your "ull name5 t e date5 t e assignment number5 and t e course titleCsection number 9Univ. Writing ( Engl !1010.041: /n addition5 t2o co%ies o" t e assignment must be %osted to !ourse2or1s: ( one co%y in your %ersonal %ort"olio ( one co%y on t e discussion board 9e3ce%t 2 en noted: ( "ilenames s ould be "ormatted Dlastname(ty%e(%rogressionE(assignmentEF. <or e3am%le5 my res%onse to t e second e3ercise in %rogression one 2ould be miller( e3ercise(1(2.rt" and my "inal lens essay 2ould be miller(essay(1.rt". Plagiarism Don't Do It $lagiarism is a serious academic o""ense. &ere is a brie" list "rom t e !olumbia University Handbook 9140(141: o" some o" t e "orms %lagiarism can ta1e. +ubmitting essays5 or %ortions o" essays5 2ritten by ot er %eo%le as oneAs o2n> <ailing to ac1no2ledge5 t roug %ro%er "ootnotes and bibliogra% ic entries5 t e sources o" ideas essentially not oneAs o2n> <ailing to indicate5 t roug %ro%er use o" 6uotations and "ootnotes5 %ara% rases o" ideas or verbatim e3%ressions not oneAs o2n5 including materials on t e Web> +ubmitting 2or1 2ritten "or one course to a second course 2it out aving received %rior %ermission "rom bot instructors> !ollaborating on an assignment or e3amination 2it out s%eci"ic %ermission o" t e "aculty member to do so.

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Exercises and Drafts +ince t ese assignments are designed to el% you develo% and e3%eriment 2it ideas and language5 t ey 2ill not be individually graded. / 2ill5 o2ever5 res%ond to all o" your 2riting in some 2ay. / may underline or brac1et te3t5 2rite marginalia5 andCor %ose very "ocused 6uestions or comments to el% you 1ee% t in1ing. /n "act5 every class meeting is a res%onse to your e3ercises and dra"ts5 since / also read your 2or1 to 1no2 2 at 2e need to "ocus on as a grou%. Essay Grading ;our "inal essays "or eac %rogression 2ill receive a letter grade5 and t e grade 2ill be based %rimarily on t e 6uality o" t e "inal %roduct. W en you are at t e end o" your dra"ting stage / 2ill %ass out a criteria s eet t at outlines t e goals "or t e %rogression and el% you to revise. Eac letter grade signi"ies t e "ollo2ing: H8H essays not only "ul"ill t e goals o" t e %rogression5 but %us beyond t ose goals in sur%rising 2ays. ' is is more li1ely to be %ossible 2 en t e 2riter as "ound somet ing com%elling to 2rite about and as ta1en great care to attend to is or er language and "orm. 8 essays re"lect e3cellence and artistry. HBH essays come in t2o basic varieties: t e Hsolid BH and t e Hstriving B.H ' e solid B is a good5 com%etent %a%er t at su""ers less "rom %oor e3ecution t an "rom limited ambition. ' e striving B e3cels in certain areas5 but it is su""iciently uneven to %reclude it "rom receiving an 8. B essays re"lect su%erior understanding o" t e %rogressionAs goals. H!H essays re"lect struggle in "ul"illing t e %rogressionAs goals. ' is 1ind o" essay may s o2 a "air amount o" 2or15 but it does not come toget er 2ell enoug to be a com%etent %a%er. H.H essays may a%%ear to ave been astily 2ritten or t ro2n toget er. H<H essays "ail to meet t e minimum level o" e3%ectations "or t e course. Late and Missed Assignments 8ll assignments must be turned in on time. E3ercises 2ill be discussed in class5 so t at late com%letions can not be made u%. <or late dra"ts5 you 2ill still ave t e o%%ortunity "or revision5 but you may not receive timely comments i" your 2or1 comes in late. 0ote t at e3ercises and dra"ts are designed to build on one anot er> not com%leting t ese assignments 2ill ave a cumulative negative e""ect on your "inal %roduct. 8 late "inal essay 2ill lose 1C# o" a letter grade 9e.g. "rom a B( to a !=: beginning t e minute a"ter t e deadline. ' e grade 2ill continue to go do2n by a t ird every 24 ours until t e essay is submitted.

T e Fo!r Progressions ;our course 2or1 "or t e semester 2ill be 2eig ted as "ollo2s: $rogression 1: Gens Essay 91*00(2000 2ords:......................2*I
in 2 ic a term or meta% or is ta1en "rom one te3t or subject to inter%ret5 analy4e5 or ot er2ise e3%lore anot er te3t or subject. /t is o"ten use"ul to t en turn bac1 and re"lect5 elaborate5 or comment on t e lens and its source.

$rogression 2: !onstellation Essay 91*00(2000 2ords:........2*I

in 2 ic several te3ts or vie2%oints are set against eac ot er so as to advance a ne2 idea not "ound in any o" t e sources alone.

$rogression #: !ollaborative !ritical $roject........................40I

in 2 ic an array o" to%ics are e3%lored in order to enric our understanding o" a common HseedH te3t. <irst5 "our subject areas are researc ed and %resented in grou%s> "rom t ese broad areas5 individual essays are t en com%osed.

?rou% $resentation...........................................*I /ndividual Essay 92*00(#000 2ords:.............#*I $rogression 4: -etros%ective Essay 91200(1*00 2ords:.......10I
in 2 ic eac studentJs o2n 2riting becomes t e subject o" e3%loration and analysis.

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!olumbia %rovides students 2 o register 2it t e ,""ice o" .isability +ervices 2it a range o" su%%ort o%tions5 and 2ill %rovide you 2it a letter stating t e accommodations to 2 ic you are entitled5 2it out disclosing any ot er in"ormation about you. /" you 1no2 or believe you mig t ave a disability o" some 1ind5 you may 2ant to ta1e a loo1 at t eir 2eb(site: tt%:CC222. ealt .columbia.eduCodsCne2sCds(%rograms. tml. ' e ,""ice o" !ounseling and $syc ological +ervices also %rovides many 1inds o" su%%ort i" you need it. ' eir 2eb(site is at tt%:CC222. ealt .columbia.eduCc%sCinde3. tml.

/M$,-'80' .8'E+
+e%tember L 'uesday 1) ' ursday 2# ' ursday ,ctober 4 Monday 14 ' ursday 2* Monday 0ovember 2 'uesday 4 ' ursday 1) 'uesday 22 Monday 2* ' ursday .ecember L 'uesday O ' ursday 1# Monday "irst day o" classM -os &as ana N class 2ill be eld essay 1 "ormal dra"t due essay " final co#y d!e at noon essay 2 "ormal dra"t due essay $ final co#y d!e at noon Election .ay N no class. voteM %rogression # %resentations begin essay # "ormal dra"t due essay % final co#y d!e at noon ' an1sgiving N no class. give t an1sM essay 4 "ormal dra"t due last day o" classM essay & final co#y d!e at noon

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