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Zedfrey Jessy P. Gabiola BSED-I Article Review Are there fu ways to lear !


It$s so bori ! to liste


you are bei ! tau!ht the rules i

!ra""ar. I

"y case% I yaw we teach

several ti"es a d half of "y atte tio !ra""ar i easy way# A d i fu way#

is co su"ed by the thi !s arou d "e. So how ca

&here are several ways you ca teach !ra""ar i fu a d easy ways. &hese are five e'a"(les that you "ay co duct) &he first o e is to use ti"eli e historical eve ts. I this way% you ca teach the (ast (erfect te se easy a d e *oyable for the childre . So"e ative E !lish s(ea+ers do $t usually use (ast (erfect te se either but it is o e of the "ost i"(orta t !ra""ar rules we should + ow because it will co"e i ha dy whe we co""u icate to so"eo e. Seco d is the use of actio s. ,ere we teach !ra""ar i ways of da ce% !a"es% role(layi !% etc. I this way% it is ot o ly their "i d that wor+s but also their (hysical body that will be the cause for their boredo" to be !o e. &hey will e *oy "ore (layi ! a d they will lear the lesso easily. -si ! of celebrity (rofiles is the &hird. .elebrities% to this day% are o e of i terests of childre that$s why they will easily lear if what you teach the" is co(ed with what they i terest i . /ourth is also the use of celebrities but i stead of their bio!ra(hy or (rofile% it is their (ictures that you will use. I this case% you will teach the co"(arative a d su(erlative. .o"(ari ! the celebrities$

tale ts% awards% fil"s% a d roles. 0ast is the use of cut u( words a d *u"ble it. 0et the childre se te ce a d + ow if they (erfor" a correct !ra""ar o it. &here are "ore tha five ways you ca teach !ra""ar i fu ways. 1ou "ay !e erate ways that you thi + will be easier for the" to lear a d that they will e *oy "ore. It is ot hard to lear !ra""ar% you *ust eed to lear how to e *oy lear i ! it. arra !e the words to for" a

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