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Day 1 Post Assessment- Leadership and Change Heather Kortlandt Based on your increased understanding of good core instruction

and systems needed to sustain it, what action/s will you take to share this information with your district? I plan to have the high school principal read The Limits of Change article by Elmore, 2002 and discuss whether this very pointed article could be used with staff to evaluate ourselves and try to create a sense of urgency and then see how we might apply the 7 disciplines for strengthening instruction. I also plan to ask our administrative team what in the spring what their fall priorities will be so that we can visit these in fall and see where we plan to head. I also think I can use the Four As protocol with some of my leadership teams as we provide them with literature to help them as a group grow. I would like to construct a timeline of PLC implementation in our district and ask the leadership teams three questions: o Where are we? o Where have we been? o Where are we headed? I would like to ask leadership groups what they think good instruction consists of.

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