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Door B # 157 San Juan Bautista Street Goa, Camarines Sur, Philippines Cellular Nos. (09 0!"1""" 0 #mail atarpons$%ahoo.&om

Birth'ate( Status( ,ei-ht( 1an-ua-es( 4eli-ion( SKILLS SUMMARY

) June 197* +arrie' 5. /0 #n-lish23ilipino2Bi&ol Christian

5ith more than t6o %ears e7perien&e in &ommunit% 6or8s an' or-ani9in-. 5ith more than three %ears e7perien&e in real estate 'e:elopin- &ompan% 6ith parti&ular tas8s on the &re'it an' &olle&tion 'epartment spe&i;i&all% on mana-ement o; 'elin<uent a&&ounts. 5ith more than t6o %ears e7perien&e on mi&ro;inan&e operation ( Grameen Bank!. =raine' on the &hosen ;iel' o; spe&iali9ation as a-ri&ultural en-ineer parti&ularl% on &rop pro&essin- te&hnolo-%. >?le to 'esi-n post har:est ;a&ilit%, rea' an' interpret ?lue prints. Pro;i&ient in +i&roso;t @;;i&e (#7&el, 5or', Pu?lisher A Po6er Point! operation, Bno6le'-ea?le on &omputer trou?leshootin- (software and hardware) an' photoshop (CS2 & CS3) operation.

WORK EXPERIENCE >pril C010 to +ar&h C01C Assistant Program Coor inator!En"ironm#nt S#$tor% Int#r"i a P&i'i((in#s Fo)n ation% L#ga*(i Cit+ 4esponsi?le alon- 6ith the Pro-ram Coor'inator ;or the #n:ironment Se&tor operation in Sorsor-on, >l?a% an' Camarines Sur areas su&h as ?ut not limite' on &oor'ination an' lin8a-es 6ith sta8ehol'ers, -o:ernment institutions, pri:ate in'i:i'uals, an' NG@.s in relation to the en:ironmental issues an' &on&erns, 'isaster miti-ation an' prepare'ness, an' a':o&a&ies. >ssist the Pro-ram Coor'inator in the preparation o; proDe&t an' a&ti:it% proposals, 6ee8l% an' monthl% reports as 6ell as the monthl% a&&omplishment reports. Jul% C00* to Septem?er C009 Comm)nit+ Organi*#r% A,)inas Uni"#rsit+ Fo)n ation% In$-% .A/FI0!L#ga*(i Cit+ 4esponsi?le to or-ani9e an' mo?ili9e people.s or-ani9ations2&ooperati:es in the &ommunit%, &on'u&ts trainin-s on &ooperati:e ;ormation an' other te&hni&al trainin-s, &on'u&t a&ti:ities to ensure ;un&tionalit% o; the &ooperati:es2people.s or-ani9ation, assist in li:elihoo' s%stems 'e:elopment in the &o:ere' ?aran-a%s (Brgy. Tinapian, Manito !"ay & Brgy. Cag"a#ong, $ega%pi City), parti&ularl% in ;oo' pro'u&tion, &oor'inates 6ith ?aran-a% 1GE, muni&ipal 1GE, -o:ernment a-en&ies ;or purposes o; -eneratin- moral an' material support ;or the proDe&t, ensures sustaina?ilit% an' :ia?ilit% o; proDe&ts o; people.s &ooperati:e2or-ani9ation an' monitor an' e:aluate &ooperati:es2people.s or-ani9ations an' their respe&ti:e proDe&ts. 3e?ruar% C005 F June C00* 1i''ing an Co''#$tion Ana'+st% Pro(#rt+ Com(an+ o2 Fri#n s% In$-% .PCFI0!Man a')+ong 4esponsi?le ;or monitorin- 'elin<uent a&&ounts, pro:i'es noti&es, letters an' ?illin- statement ;or the ?u%ers 6ith arreara-es an' 'e:elope' simple an' e;;e&ti:e strate-ies on past 'ue reha?ilitation 6hi&h &ontri?ute' -reat helps in maintainin- an e7&ellent &olle&tion e;;i&ien&% rate.

3e?ruar% C00) G Septem?er C00) Pro3#$t Assistant% Ka4a'i5at Para sa Ma)n'a na 1)&a+% In$-%.KM1I0!L#ga*(i 1ran$& 4esponsi?le ;or or-ani9in- &lients, mana-in- loans an' &olle&tions an' past 'ue reha?ilitation ;or 'elin<uent a&&ounts in mi&ro;inan&e operation an' &ontri?ute' ne6 i'eas an' strate-% ;or the enhan&ement o; mo'ern te&hnolo-% o; Grameen Ban8 approa&h in the pro:in&e o; >l?a%. Septem?er C00C F 3e?ruar% C00) A$$o)nt O22i$#r6A$$o)nt S)(#r"isor% Pro )$#rs 1an5!Naga 1ran$& 4esponsi?le alon- 6ith the a&&ount mana-er in promotin- ne6 an' e;;e&ti:e strate-ies ;or mi&ro;inan&e operation in Camarines Sur parti&ularl% in Parti'o area.

EDUCATION 1-S- Agri$)'t)ra' Engin##ring% Ma3or in Cro( Pro$#ssing Camarines Sur State >-ri&ultural Colle-e (CSS>C!, C001 ELIGI1ILITY R#gist#r# Pro2#ssiona' Agri$)'t)ra' Engin##r% 7889 P4C No. 5C5) AFFILIATION +em?er, Philippine So&iet% o; >-ri&ultural #n-ineers (PS>#! TRAININGS ATTENDED Com()t#r T#$&ni$ian% Xa"i#r T#$&ni$a' Training C#nt#r Cor(Certi;i&ate o; Completion, +ar&h C007 Shaw B!&d., Manda!'yong City A)toCAD 788:% A)to #s5 A)t&ori*# Training C#nt#r .ATC0 MagnaCAD T#$&no'ogi#s S$&oo'% In$% Certi;i&ate o; Completion, "0 ,rs. 3un'amental an' Hnterme'iate, +a% C00" Shaw B!&d., Manda!'yong City SEMINARS ATTENDED Wor5s&o( on G#n #r Mainstr#aming an D#"#'o(m#nt Certi;i&ate o; Parti&ipation, >u-ust G", C009 ( )eak, Brgy. Taysan, $ega%pi City A/ Comm)nit+ E;t#nsion Cata'+st Training Certi;i&ate o; Parti&ipation, +a% C5GC", C009 *r+'iga ,a!! +'inas -ni&ersity, )rofessiona! S#hoo!, )enaranda St., $ega%pi City C)stom#r S#r"i$# Training% 1#n$&mar5 Cons)'ting an Pro2ri#n s Com(an+ Certi;i&ate o; Parti&ipation, 3e?ruar% C to C), C00* )$.T /nno!a" & Te!ete#h B!dg. Boni &e, Manda!'yong City Em(o<#ring D#$isions to C&ang#% E"ang#' ion Fo)n ation an Proo2r#a s Com(an+ Certi;i&ate o; >tten'an&e, 3e?ruar% 19 to C0, C005 Mahogany Mansion, San 0afae!, Manda!'yong City 1ran$& O(#ration Training Program% Ka4a'i5at (ara sa Ma)n'a na 1)&a+% In$- .KM1I0 Certi;i&ate o; Completion, 3e?ruar% C5 to +ar&h 10, C00) Crown ,ote! 1aga City

PERSONAL REFERENCES Mr- F#'i; M- A or #7e&uti:e Dire&tor, CC#S2>I3H *mai! address fmdor2gmai!.#om Conta#t 1os.3423252 or C)6 78294552:748 Ms- Im#' a A- A4a'os National Dire&tor, Hnter:i'a Philippines 3oun'ation Engr- Ni'a 1- O=at# Pro;essor, >-ri&ultural #n-ineerin- Dept. CSS>C Conta#t 1os. 78;892<83443

H 'e&lare that all in;ormation -i:en a?o:e is to the ?est o; m% 8no6le'-e an' ?elie;, true an' &orre&t. Fr#*#' G- Pontana' RPAE >ppli&ant

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