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, NELSop . saws or st NS. ALEXANDER OHAPTER Ly. E 2b Tr ROW TO ALL NHTOM TE MAY CONCERN Law Creating the Board of Comnissiners ‘The Council of the kingdom have come toa defnite agreo. ment to etapa all the Government property from one end of. th Islands tothe oer fr auch Busines ofthe Goverment, at hall bo agreed pes, and forthe payment of debs, in order that the debis ofthe Kingdom may bo eaealed at once’ ‘They there {ore nominate offers fo recive and pay out monies socording to speci directions. Wo do therefore hereby contute you, Doct. @. P. Juda, ‘Timothy, Hai, and Jobn iy» Tresor Board for the King. dom, and charge you to resuve tho Poll Tas, the Potua money Sd all money pad intend of te rvine tna all money Pais er rma oon, the harbor dey and dey Solan ety tnd all tax money” and every Kind of propery which can US toads we oft ping Government debts, ‘We alo hereby erge the Govemors and all ofizers to give son finely notice repeting such monien and such propery, and then sou wil at your dcetio, leave it for awhile of Wis Into var bande iodine. ‘We farthermors charge you to exeut this busines promptly sd fitful, adn tho month of pel 1843, ender in wring Tull acount ofall yon dings. Tn tertinany crest we Inve subscribed our ‘win, Mayo thi tenth day of My 1843, (Gigeed) Koeeorna TL Kxeaotoom umes at Ta At this meting of tho chiefs tho following perins were ap- rented oc oie Kgdaa. “The Representative Body appointed Paki, Kanaina, Kaauve snd ape, An Sore aes vv he King appsated Dr: G. P. Judd, Recorder end ‘Translator fr the Kingdom. "Two or tee other scts were passa which are not here trans- Iated se thay were more in th form of advico and instruction than law, end woold bo of no opecil intrest to Foreigners To Quiet Land Titles. (PASSED DECEMBER 10, 145). (Geo Vol. I, Laws of Kamehamehe TIT, p. 107.) Sumon 3,» Hie Majesty shall appsint through the Miniter ofthe Inter, and upon conllauon with the Privy Coun, {re comminintor oe of whom eal bod Atorndy Genera ‘af thin Kingom, to bo bend forth investigation ond Soa Stina or repetn fH cine frie adr ‘hater aati "o.any landed property uid teror to tho pengo of the Achy tho ards of which ‘unl appealed from as hereinafter allowed, shall be binding ‘pon the Mister of th Interior and upon the xpplcent. ‘Seomow 3. ‘The aid Commlsionors sal, befor ating, tao ‘nd sabcrib'an oat to bo edminatred to Um by tho Miniter of tho Interior, in tho fllowing form ‘Wo and eich of odo solemnly swear that we wl earful a8d {erect according tothe tra of ave fourth ot the seventh chap ter tho drt prt ot tac eated "An ett organan tho excaivo ‘tpartments of hv Hall nunc” passe et Howluly "Gay of ater fe tet. Which oth, having heen sor osha ean om le the Inter Departent ‘Sroron i Te shall bo tho duty of ad Boar of Gomnni pert oars: Be re power to mpl clerk and copy for tho purpose RE el dties hy al aph te tin aod pce of Stein sa ple al th mtg ah wen ‘tcoany, poigone tho busines pening bore ee ea ete ae eh oe mon, 138 ‘THE LAND COMMUSSION, sak ost fom th na ofthe conv pet i Fenny io the Minor of the"tacnie ahs etna {ising then pening before them—the number to at data cone * pobre epee eit ee on SAE ee Sat at ila Sere RENE tats ott derd ne senna eto ed a Ee eee ee Ta ante ‘ened are bes ppoato by Hila halerty the King, ost of a laltcaers to lavrtaate and cor or rate alice Wo land Sting oevoely to the —~ Gay of ——y Ip->"Patsta in ee er aves fr tema of year, wil ba aoe tothe eed {elseme, eben the report when we are authrised tp wake, by the ‘attimny to be general 10m, mal ‘ho hoard Dost sated ietnen weekly at —, tn Hoots, ‘aint Oat, to ear the prin ony soe defen of te Aen meme, cer dr to rc nee ee ed ridncano le which putin nity have to oft a tho ns ‘9 Hono, betwee the our o each Me and 3'uct PM sah Proc reread ose withthe bard msieaton ee ‘any Hand In the Halla 1s or Ssorion 6. Tho said Boerd shall ein existence fo tho qui-r- ‘ing of land titles during two years from the first Denton af ‘the notice aboye require, and shall ha abpsens sod ssp Dai toa 7 Some agate riage deci eda ran uth of ens eh cry Sa te al em ero ae oe Shey aach ta oun ny eligi SeopeTarcimne ermal ih al sia. Szomoy 1. Tho decisions of sxd Boant shall be in acsond- shee with tho principles eotablished by the Civil Gado of this Kingdom {fo precription, oospaney, fixture native to landed tenes, water privileges and rights of Bieri of women, ce hs of lentonytenane eJ—primogeniture and right of adoptien; wich decisions being of « majority in number of sid bear alle ‘nly subject to appetl to tio Supreme Cour, a8 preserbed in ‘TTHELAND COMAOSSION. a9 ‘he Act to organize tho judiciary, and when auch appeal shal ‘ot have boon taken, they all 8 ‘Seomow 8. “All caine to andy as lo, shall bo deemed to as, nlw the ell Beomo 9, Tho Miniter of tho Tntrior shall Sue patents or lone to the claimants of land pursuant to che terms in whieh the anid Doar shall have conSrmed their respective claims po ‘being paid the foes of patenting oof lensing (es the cae may Yo) Breer] in tho did pr of th Ach new the party ented to «lease shall prefer to compound with th said Mf ‘ster asin tho succeoing section allowed. Sronow 10. ‘the later of th Toteror shall havo power {in coneurence with te Pry Coun and under tho ane

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