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1.Welcome to my professional development on The Next Steps to Guided Reading. !ould li"e to tell you !

hy choose this #oo" that am sure you have never of heard of. am a techy person and follo! many teacher #logs and during the summer$ teachers from all over the country do a #oo" study and this is one of the many #oo"s that they choose to do. %fter reading all their comments through the #oo" study it seemed li"e the perfect #oo" for me to pic" for my professional goal. "ne! that !e !ouldn&t #e !or"ing !ith T'% anymore and !anted to #ecome a #etter reading teacher for my "indergarten students. Since S(% has left have felt inade)uate !ith teaching guided reading !hich is !hy thought that reading this #oo" !ill strengthen my s"ills as a reading teacher !hen pulling guided reading groups and also help you all out as !ell. loved this #oo" #ecause at the end of every chapter there !as a * + % references so that if you had a specific )uestion #ased on the chapter and didn&t !ant to read the !hole chapter you could go to the end and try to find the ans!er to your )uestion. 1. So one of the things that stuc" out for me in this chapter !as !hat are your children doing !hen you are !or"ing !ith a group. This )uote popped out at me !hen #egan reading ..#efore you can #eing small group instruction your students must #e a#le to !or" independently for sustained periods of time. 'i"e most things$ this !ill ta"e some time and preparation The chapter #egins !ith the "ey components of the Readers !or"shop model (so here is a copy from the books that I thought might be a little refresher for all of us.) ,lease ta"e a moment to loo" at the grouping and the purpose for each one$ thought that reading the purposes !as interesting #ecause "no! !e do them -ust couldn&t tell you exactly !hy. The next part of the #oo" discusses ho! to #egin literacy centers for ./01/ minutes 2noting that it !ill loo" different in primary grades3 it discusses many of the !ays to introduce centers and routines !hich thin" in "indergarten !e do a good -o# of gradually introducing centers and our expectations during center time. 4any of the centers listed in this #oo" !e do there !ere a fe! that stuc" out to me though. 5ne !as have students practice rain#o! !riting the sight !ords from the !all. 6ou can then ta"e the !or" that they have produced and introduce different concepts in a !hole group or small group 2can you find all the !ords that #egin !ith s or !ord family !ord or !ords !ith sh in them3 %nother center that caught my attention !as the oral retelling center. %fter reading a #oo" to the classroom ma"e a copy of the cover and put it in a plastic sleeve then place it in a #in. 2refer to page 113 and have a mini disucssion. t then goes on to say to do rotation for center time it can #e #ased on groups or even the individual student 2sho! different rotation groups$ individuals3. The groups need to #e mixed so that during center time there are students that can assist others students !ith directions if an adult is una#le to help. To!ards end there !ere ans!ers to different )uestions on allotted time$ !hat to do !hen your noise level is too loud and ho! to get students to stop interruppting you during guided reading. They !ere )uic" and easy !ays to solve these pro#lems and and if the pro#lems still continue the #oo"s suggests that you ta"e a day or t!o to monitor the pro#lems you encounter$ tally them$ and then address them the next day to help students. %t the very end of the chapter there are some resources for older grades to use during center time to monitor !hether children are really reading. 7. This chapter explains !hy assessment and grouping is important. *uote from the #oo" %ssessment is paramount$ ho!ever$ to delivering effective guided reading instruction. f you !ant to help children learn to read$ you simply must do assessments. %ssessments should help you ans!er the follo!ing )uestions8 9o! should group my students: What text should use !ith each group: What strategy should teach next: %nother thing noted is that in emergent

and early readers they !ill re)uire more assessments and group changes. The chapter goes on to discuss the different assessments and the #enefits for assessing the student !ith the assessment. 2hand out pg .; and use #oo" to tal" a#out the different assessments$ have them tal" a#out !hat the #enefits are of each one3 The #oo" then discusses ho! to ana<le a running record 2another tool to use it the *R 3 There are 1 steps to ana<ling a running record steps 10. for grade "01 and steps =01 are students reading at or a#ove 7nd grade$ 2here are the steps pass out the hand out3 noting that step 1 is an important step for assessing transitional to fluent reader. The rest of the chapter discusses intermediate students and !hat to do !ith them and some important ans!ers to )uestions 2should introduce the text: When students as" for help: 9o! do assess comprehension: 9o! do "no! !hen to move my student:3 ..

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