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Year 8 Maths Homework Sheet No.18

1o be comp|eted on |oose-|eaf paper.
Show IULL work|ng out.

1o prov|de ongo|ng rev|s|on of sk|||s and concepts
1o deve|op procedura| know|edge and f|uency.
Need he|p?
use Lhe graph Lo answer Lhe followlng quesLlons.
(a) Who ls Lhe shorLesL?
(b) Who ls Lhe LallesL?
(c) ls Lhe heavlesL person Lhe LallesL?
(d) Who ls Lhe llghLesL?
2 use Lhe graph Lo answer Lhe followlng quesLlons.
(a) ln whlch secLlon dld Lhe LemperaLure sLay Lhe same?
(b) ln whlch secLlons dld Lhe LemperaLure lncrease?
(c) ln whlch secLlons dld Lhe LemperaLure decrease?
3 uraw up a CarLeslan plane and place Lhe followlng polnLs on lL.
A (0, !2)
8 (2, 2)
C (3, 0)
u (1, !3)
L (!2, !4)
4 WrlLe down Lhe coordlnaLes of Lhe polnLs A Lo l shown on Lhe CarLeslan plane below.

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5 loL Lhe followlng polnLs on a CarLeslan plane.
9 6 3 0 3
2 1 0 1 2
! !

uo Lhe polnLs form a llnear graph?
6 loL Lhe followlng polnLs on a CarLeslan plane.
3 1 1 3 5
2 1 0 1 2
! ! !
! !

uo Lhe polnLs form a llnear graph?
7 WrlLe Lhe nexL polnL ln Lhe llnear paLLern made by:
(a) (!2, !1) (!1 !2) (0, 0) (1, 2) (2, 4)
(b) (!2, 4) ( !1, 2) (0, 0) (1, !2) (2, !4)
(c) (!2, !3) (!1, 0) (0, 3) (1, 10) (2, 13)

ANSWLkS: ou must show the mathemat|cs used to get these answers. Slmply wrlLlng Lhe answer ls noL enough.
no answers glven.

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