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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

An English-to-Spanish language resource for interpreters and bilingual staff in New York Citys courts, justice agencies, and nonprofit organizations
City of New York Michael R. Bloomberg

The Vera Institute of Justice has prepared this legal glossary in collaboration with experienced translators, interpreters, and bilingual staff. While extensive revision and review was undertaken to ensure the accuracy of all terms in this glossary, the Vera Institute does not guarantee the accuracy of the translations. It is not intended to provide legal advice and should be used for general reference purposes only. If you have a specific legal concern or question, you should consult legal counsel. For more information, please contact the Vera Institutes Communications Department at (212) 334-1300.

2007 Vera Institute of Justice

The Vera Institute of Justice is a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing safety and justice, promoting fair and efficient policy and practice, and working with leaders of government and civil society to improve the systems people rely upon for safety, security, and justice. Vera is a founding member of the Altus Global Alliance.


The Vera Institute of Justice developed this translated glossary of criminal and juvenile justice terms to serve as a resource for interpreters, translators, and bilingual staff at New York Citys justice and public safety agencies, courts, and nonprofit organizations. We hope the use of this glossary will improve Spanish-speaking New Yorkers access to justice, and will assist interpreters, translators, and bilingual staff in providing vital communicationboth written and oralto limited English proficient residents of our city. The glossary includes 640 legal and criminal justice words and phrases used in New York courts, justice agencies, and nonprofit organizations. The terms are organized both alphabetically and in the following categoriesAgency Names, Court Proceedings & Sentencing, Detention & Corrections, Drugs & Weapons, Juvenile Justice, Law Enforcement & Investigations, Penal Law & Offenses, and Probation & Parole. Existing glossaries from New York agencies and other state justice agencies were used as a starting point and ongoing reference for the project. We commissioned a team of bilingual staff and interpreters to collaboratively generate translations for the terms. Collectively, the translation team had decades of interpreting and translating experience and were representative of the regional diversity of the Spanish-speaking world. Our translation team tirelessly discussed each term and collectively decided on a translation or, in some cases, multiple translations. This final product reflects the thought, discussion, and collaboration our reviewers invested in this document. While we took great care to be inclusive and thorough in developing this glossary, we recognize that there may be errors, omissions, or additional translations for the terms in the glossary. We welcome any suggestions you have to improve the glossary. Please contact the Vera Institutes Communications Department at (212) 334-1300 to share your comments.

This project was made possible with generous support and funding from the New York City Council and the Councils Committee on Fire & Criminal Justice Services and the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services.

We would like to thank the following individuals for their advice and guidance throughout the course of this project: Nathalie Alvarado, NYC Department of Probation; Kimberly Arena, NYC Law Department; Sandra Bryan, NYS Office of Court Administration Interpreting Services; Mari Curbelo, Criminal Justice Agency; John Evangelista, NYC Department of Probation; Nancy Festinger, Southern District of New York Court Interpreters Office; Megan Golden, Vera Institute of Justice; Linda Green, Manhattan Treatment Court volunteer; Anita Khashu, Vera Institute of Justice; Krista Larson, Vera Institute of Justice; Yumari Martinez, Vera Institute of Justice; Kleber Palma, NYC Department of Education Translating Unit; Pedro Perez, NYS certified court interpreter; Cynthia Peterson, NYC Office of the Criminal Justice Coordinator; Lisa Poris, Legal Information for Families Today; Officer Mildred Roman, New York City Police Department; Yanet Santiago, Safe Horizon; Barbara Taveras; Luisa Taveras, Vera Institute of Justice; Diane Ward, NYC Department of Correction; and Jon Wool, Vera Institute of Justice.

We would like to thank the four individuals who worked collaboratively on the Spanish translation of this glossary: Nora Davila Ms. Davila manages the Spanish Interpreter Unit at the Legal Aid Society in New York City. Manuela Hernandez Ms. Hernandez is a bilingual attorney with the Legal Aid Society in New York City. Alberto McDowell Mr. McDowell is a certified Spanish court interpreter with the New York State Office of Court Administration. Rhadames Ulloa Mr. Ulloa is a bilingual attorney with Legal Information for Families Today (LIFT), a nonprofit that provides legal advice and services to individuals in NYC family courts.

Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Abandonment Abet Abortion Abscond Absconder Accessory Accessory after the fact Accessory before the fact Accessory during the fact Accomplice Accusatory instrument Accuse (v.) Accused (n.) Acquit Acquittal Adjourn Adjournment in contemplation of dismissal (ACD) Adjudicate

abandono encubrir; ayudar aborto hur; fugarse prfugo; alzado cmplice cmplice [plus una explicacin de los actos que hizo y que lo hace "encubridor"] cmplice [plus una explicacin de los actos que hizo y que lo hace "instigador"] cmplice [plus una explicacin de los actos que hizo y que lo hace cmplice "pasivo"] cmplice documento acusatorio acusar acusado; inculpado absolver; exonerar absolucin; exoneracin aplazar; postponer aplazar en contemplacin de que el cargo se desestime (ACD) declarer

Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing: Probation & Parole Court Proceedings & Sentencing; Probation & Parole Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing


Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Adjudication of delinquency Adjustment Administer an oath Admissibility Admissible evidence Admission [into custody or incarceration] Admission [statement or confession] Admit into evidence Adultery Affidavit Affirm (v.) Aftercare Aggravated arson Aggravated assault Aggravated criminal contempt Aggravated harassment Aggravated sexual abuse Aggravated theft Aggravated unlicensed operation of a vehicle

declaracin de delincuencia cambio; ajuste; modificacin juramentar; tomarle juramento admitirse; permitirse; admisible prueba admissible admisin; ingreso confesin aceptar como prueba adulterio declaracin jurada por escrito; declaracin jurada escrita; afidavit afirmar; confirmar supervisin post liberacin incendiar con agravantes agresin fsica con agravante desacato penal agravado; desacato a las ordenes hostigamiento con agravante abuso sexual con agravante robo con agravante uso de un vehiculo sin licensia con agravante

Court Proceedings & Sentencing; Juvenile Justice Court Proceedings & Sentencing; Probation & Parole Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Detention & Corrections Court Proceedings & Sentencing; Law Enforcement & Investigations Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Juvenile Justice Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses


Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Aggravating circumstances Aid and abet Allegation (n.) Allege (v.) Allocution [by defendant in a guilty plea] Amend Ammunition Appeal Appearance Appellant Appellate court Appoint (v.) Apprehend [a person] Arbitration Armed felony Arraign (v.) Arraignment Arrest (v.) Arrest record

circunstancias agravantes ayudar y encubrir alegacin alegar narracin de los hechos enmender; modificar municin(es) apelacin comparecencia apelante corte de apelacin; tribunal de apelacin nombrar; designar; asignar apprehender [a alguien]; capturar; detener arbitraje delito mayor a mano armada encausar; leer los cargos; instruir los cargos encausamiento; instruccin de cargos; lectura de cargos arrestar antecedentes penales; fichas policiacas

Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Drugs & Weapons Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing; Law Enforcement & Investigations Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Law Enforcement & Investigations Law Enforcement & Investigations; Court Proceedings & Sentencing


Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Arrest warrant Arson Assault (n.) Assault rifle Assessment Assigned counsel Assistant Corporation Counsel (ACC) Assistant District Attorney (ADA) Attest Attorney Attorney-client privilege Auto stripping Automatic pistol Await sentence Await trial

orden de arresto; orden de captura incendio agresin fsica fusil automatico militar asesoramiento; evaluacin asignado; abogado designado fiscal de corte de familia (ACC) fiscal (ADA) dar fe abogado; licenciado confidencialidad; privilegio de confidencialidad entre cliente y abogado robo de piezas de vehiculos pistola automtica esperar sentencia esperar juicio

Law Enforcement & Investigations Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Drugs & Weapons Probation & Parole; Juvenile Justice Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing; Juvenile Justice Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Drugs & Weapons Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing


Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Badge (n.) Bail (n.) Bail bond Bail out (v.) Bail revocation Ballistics Bench conference Bench trial Bench warrant Beyond a reasonable doubt Bigamy Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) Bond (n.) Booking Bribery Brief (n.) Bullet Bulletproof vest Burden of proof

placa fianza bono de fianza sacar en libertad bajo fianza revocar la fianza balstica conferencia en el estrado; consulto en el estrado juicio sin jurado orden judicial de arresto fuera de toda duda razonable bigamia medida de alcohol en la sangre (BAC) bono ficha policiaca [plus una explicacin de lo que pasa durante el proceso] soborno reporte legal resumido; informe legal resumido bala; proyectil chaleco antibalas; chaleco a prueba de balas responsabilidad de probar

Law Enforcement & Investigations Detention & Corrections; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Detention & Corrections; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Detention & Corrections; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Detention & Corrections; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Drugs & Weapons Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Law Enforcement & Investigations; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Drugs & Weapons; Law Enforcement & Investigations Detention & Corrections; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Law Enforcement & Investigations Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Drugs & Weapons Law Enforcement & Investigations Court Proceedings & Sentencing


Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Burglary Buy & bust operation

allanamiento con fines delictivos operativo de compra y arresto

Penal Law & Offenses Drugs & Weapons; Law Enforcement & Investigations


Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Calendar Calendar part Capacity to consent Capital punishment Carjacking Caseload Casing Cemetery desecration Certificate of disposition Certificate of relief from disabilities Certified copy Chain of custody Change of venue Charge (n.)

calendario judicial sala; sala calendario capacidad pena de muerte secuestro de automvil cantidad de casos casquillo; cartucho profanacin de tumbas certificado de disposicin certificado de liberacin de incapacidades copia certificada continuidad de custodia traslado de jurisdiccin acusacin

Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Probation & Parole Drugs & Weapons Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing; Law Enforcement & Investigations Court Proceedings & Sentencing Law Enforcement & Investigations; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Law Enforcement & Investigations; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses

Charge (v.) Child abuse Child abuse/ neglect proceeding Child neglect

cargo maltrato de menores; abuso de menores procesos de abuso o neglicencia de menores negligencia contra menores


Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Circumstantial evidence Citation [legal reference] Citation [summons] CJA panel attorney Clear and convincing evidence Clear and present danger Cocaine base Cocaine Coercion Collateral attack [on a conviction] Collateral review Collusion Commercial bribe receiving Commercial bribing Commitment Community court Community service Commutation Competence of defendant

prueba circunstancial citacin; citatorio citacin defensor gratuito de la comisin de justicia prueba riesgo evidente e inminente base de cocana; pasta bsica de cocana; cocana base perico; cocaina coercin; coaccin ataque indirecto contra una sentencia; ataque indirecto contra un procedimiento revsin del procedimiento por otro tribunal colusin; actuar en conjunto aceptar un soborno comercial soborno comercial confinamiento corte de la comunidad; corte comunitaria servicio comunitario conmutacin; cambio o ajuste de sentencia capacidad del acusado

Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Law Enforcement & Investigations Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing; Law Enforcement & Investigations Drugs & Weapons Drugs & Weapons Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing; Detention & Corrections Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing


Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Competent evidence Competent to stand trial Complainant

prueba admisible capacidad para ser juzgado querellante; demandante

Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing; Law Enforcement & Investigations Law Enforcement & Investigations; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing; Probation & Parole Probation & Parole Probation & Parole Probation & Parole Court Proceedings & Sentencing; Law Enforcement & Investigations Law Enforcement & Investigations; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing; Penal Law & Offenses

Complaint Computer crime Computer tampering Computer trespass Concurrent sentence/term Conditional release/discharge Conditions of parole Conditions of probation Conditions of release Confession

querella; demanda; queja delito informtico alteracin fraudulenta de computadora piratera informtica sentencia concurrente; sentencia simultnea libertad condicional libertad condicional libertad condicional condiciones de liberacin confesin

Confidential information Consecutive sentence Consent (n.) Consolidated action Conspiracy

informacin confidencial pena consecutiva; pena sucesiva consentir; permitir acciones consolidadas conspiracin


Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Contempt of court

desacato o desobediencia contra un tribunal

Court Proceedings & Sentencing Law Enforcement & Investigations; Court Proceedings & Sentencing; Detention & Corrections; Drugs & Weapons Court Proceedings & Sentencing Drugs & Weapons Court Proceedings & Sentencing; Detention & Corrections Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Detention & Corrections Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing



Contract (n.) Controlled substance Convict (n.) Convict (v.) Conviction Corporation Counsel's Office Corrections officer Corroborate Corroborating affidavit Corroboration Count (n.) Counterfeiting Course of sexual conduct against a child Court Court appearance Court clerk

contrato sustancia regulada; sustancias ilcitas condenado condenar condena fiscala de la corte de familia oficial del departamento penitenciario; oficial del departamento penal corroborar declaracin jurada; coroboracin cargo falsificacin curso de conducta sexual contra un menor corte; juzgado; tribunal comparecencia ante la corte actuario; secretario de actas

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Court order Court part Crack (n.) Crime Crime of terrorism Crime scene Criminal conduct Criminal contempt Criminal court Criminal facilitation Criminal impersonation Criminal mischief and related offenses Criminal negligence Criminal nuisance Criminal possession Criminal possession of a weapon Criminal purchase of a weapon Criminal record Criminal sale of a firearm

orden judicial; orden de la corte; auto sala; corte cocana cocinada; "crac;" cocinado; jabn; piedritas de perico delito; crimen terorismo el lugar de los hechos conducta ilegal desacato criminal corte criminal facilitacin de delito suplantacin ilcita de identidad daos contra la propiedad negligencia criminal molestia criminal posesin ilcita; tenencia ilcita posesin ilegal de un arma; tenencia ilegal de un arma compra criminal de un arma antecedentes penales venta ilegal de un arma de fuego

Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Drugs & Weapons Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Law Enforcement & Investigations Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Law Enforcement & Investigations; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Criminal sale of marijuana Criminal simulation Criminal solicitation Criminal tampering Criminal trespass Criminal use of a firearm Criminal usury Criminally negligent homicide Cross examination Culpability Cumulative sentence Custodial interference Custody

venta ilcita de marihuana simulacin criminal; simulacin penal solicitacin criminal alterar fraudalentamente entrada o permanencia criminal uso criminal de un arma de fuego usura criminal; usura penal homicidio con negligencia criminal contrainterrogatorio culpabilidad condena acumulativa interferencia de custodia custodia

Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Law Enforcement & Investigations; Juvenile Justice; Detention & Corrections

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Dangerous instrument Deadly physical force Deadly weapon Decline to prosecute Defendant Defense Defense counsel/lawyer Definite sentence Delinquency Delinquency proceeding Delinquent Designated felony act Desk Appearance Ticket (DAT) Detainee Detention Determinate sentence Detoxification Direct examination Directed verdict

instrumento peligroso fuerza mortal arma mortfera renuncia a enjuiciar acusado defensa abogado defensor sentencia definida delincuencia procedimiento de delincuencia delincuente delitos mayores designados documento de citacin; documento citatorio; citatorio (DAT) detenido arresto; detencin pena determinada desintoxificacin interrogatorio veredicto por (la) instruccin judicial

Drugs & Weapons Drugs & Weapons; Penal Law & Offenses Drugs & Weapons Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Juvenile Justice Juvenile Justice Juvenile Justice Juvenile Justice Court Proceedings & Sentencing Law Enforcement & Investigations; Detention & Corrections Detention & Corrections Court Proceedings & Sentencing Probation & Parole; Detention & Corrections Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Discharge Discovery [or disclosure] Dismiss a case Dismissal Dismissal with prejudice Dismissal without prejudice Disorderly conduct Disposition Dispositional hearing District Attorney (DA) Diversion Domestic violence Domicile Double jeopardy Drive-by shooting Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) Drug (n.) Drug abuse

liberar obtencin de informacin y pruebas desestimar un caso anulacin de los cargos desestimacin o anulacin con prejuicio desestimacin o anulacin sin prejuicio desorden pblico; escndalo pblico; desobediencia publica disposicin; fallo; resolucin; sentencia audiencia de disposicin fiscal (DA) desviacin violencia domstica domicilio prohibicin contra doble enjuiciamiento tiroteo desde un vehculo en movimiento conducir/manejar bajo la influnecia (DUI) conducir/manejar en estado de intoxicacin del alcohol (DWI) droga abuso de drogas

Court Proceedings & Sentencing; Detention & Corrections; Probation & Parole Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing; Juvenile Justice Juvenile Justice Court Proceedings & Sentencing Law Enforcement & Investigations; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Law Enforcement & Investigations; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Law Enforcement & Investigations Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Drugs & Weapons Drugs & Weapons

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Drug addict Drug addiction Drug counseling Drug courier/mule Drug paraphernalia Drug rehabilitation center Drug testing Drug trafficking Duress

drogadicto drogadiccin consejera para drogadictos (una) mula; transporta drogas implementos/objetos relacionados con drogas; accesorios centro de rehabilitacin (programa) examen de drogas; prueba de drogas narcotrfico; contrabando de narcticos bajo coaccin

Drugs & Weapons Drugs & Weapons Drugs & Weapons Drugs & Weapons Drugs & Weapons Drugs & Weapons Drugs & Weapons Penal Law & Offenses; Drugs & Weapons Court Proceedings & Sentencing

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Early Case Assessment Bureau (ECAB) Eavesdropping Ecstasy Embezzle Endangering the Welfare of Enter a plea to the indictment Entertain a motion Entrapment Entry of judgment Equal protection of laws Escape (n.)

Departamento de Asesoramiento Inicial de Casos (ECAB) escuchar conversaciones indebidamente la droga "ecstasy" malversar poner en peligro el bienestar de un declararse culpable o no culpable considerar la solicitud/peticin tender una trampa inscripcin de la sentencia igualdad de proteccin ante la ley escape; fuga

Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses; Law Enforcement & Investigations Drugs & Weapons Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Law Enforcement & Investigations; Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Probation & Parole; Detention & Corrections; Law Enforcement & Investigations Probation & Parole; Detention & Corrections; Law Enforcement & Investigations Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Law Enforcement & Investigations; Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Detention & Corrections

Escape (v.) Evidence Ex parte Excessive force Exclusionary rule Exhibit (n.) Exoneration of bail

fugarse; huir; escapar evidencia; prueba admisible "ex parte" fuerza excesiva regla de exclusin prueba real admitida cancelacin de la fianza

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Exploration of placement (EOP) Expunge Extreme emotional disturbance

investigaciones para la colocacin (EOP) eliminar pertubacin emocional extrema

Juvenile Justice Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Fabricate evidence Fact-finding hearing Failing to respond to an appearance ticket Failure to appear (FTA) False imprisonment Falsely reporting an incident Family Court Family Court Appearance Ticket (FCAT) Felony Female genital mutilation Fencing File a motion File notice of appeal Finding (n.) Fingerprints Firearms First degree murder Fixed sentence

fabricar pruebas; inventar pruebas; falsificar pruebas juicio (en corte de familia); audiencia de determinacin de los hechos incomparecencia a una cita incomparecencia; no comparecencia (FTA) privacin ilegtima de la libertad reportar un incidente falso corte de familia citacin de comparecencia a corte de familia (FCAT) delito mayor mutilacin de los genitales femeninos comerciar con objetos robados someter una mocin; presentar una mocin someter una solicitud de apelacion; presentar un recurso de apelacin fallo huellas digitales/ dactilares armas de fuego homicidio en primer grado sentencia fija

Penal Law & Offenses; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Juvenile Justice Penal Law & Offenses; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses; Law Enforcement & Investigations; Detention & Corrections Penal Law & Offenses Juvenile Justice Juvenile Justice Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Juvenile Justice; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Law Enforcement & Investigations Drugs & Weapons Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Force (n.)


Law Enforcement & Investigations; Detention & Corrections Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Law Enforcement & Investigations Penal Law & Offenses Juvenile Justice Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Law Enforcement & Investigations Law Enforcement & Investigations; Detention & Corrections

Forcible rape Forcible touching Forfeiture Forgery Foster care Fraud Fraudulent accosting Frisk Fugitive

violacin forzada contacto forzado (plus una explicacin del acto) perder el derecho; decomiso falsificacin casa de crianza; hogar de crianza fraude; estafa estafar cachear; palpar el cuerpo; registrar fugitivo; prfugo

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Gambling Gang assault Good time [served on a sentence] Graffiti (n.) Graffiti (v.) Grand jury Grand larceny Guardian Guardian ad litem Guilty plea Guilty verdict

juegos de azar; apostar agresin de pandilla; ganga (slang) crdito por buen comportamiento graffiti hacer grafiti; pintar grafiti jurado acusatorio; gran jurado hurto mayor tutor legal tutor legal ad litem declaracin judicial de culpabilidad encontrar culpable

Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Detention & Corrections Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing; Juvenile Justice Juvenile Justice Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Habeas corpus [writ of] Habitual offender Hacker Halfway/transition house Handgun Harassment Hate crime Hazing Hearing (n.) Hearing examiner Hearsay Heroin Hindering prosecution Homicide Hung jury

habeas corpus; mandato/orden judicial de habeas corpus ofensor habitual "hacker"; pirata informtico residencia supervisada de transicin; casa de reintegracin social; casa de reinsercin pistola; revlver hostigamiento; vejacin crimen de odio acosar audiencia; vista auditor testimonio de odas heroina obstruccin de accin judicial homicidio jurado en desacuerdo

Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Probation & Parole Drugs & Weapons Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Drugs & Weapons Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Identity theft Illegal possession of a gun Illegal search and seizure Illegally seized evidence Immigration hold Immunity Impeach [a witness] Imprisonment Incapacitated person Incest Inciting to riot Incompetent person Inculpatory statement Indecent exposure Indeterminate sentence Indictment Indigent Information Informer/informant

robo de identidad tenencia ilcita/ posesin ilegal de arma de fuego requiza y detencin ilegal prueba obtenida ilegalmente orden de detencin de inmigracin inmunidad procesal penal impugnar [al testigo] encarcelamiento persona incapacitada Incesto incitar al tumulto incapaz de ser enjuicado; incapaz de ser juzgado declaracin inculpatoria exhibicin indecente sentencia indeterminada acusacin formal; documento inculpatorio; documento acusatorio indigente informe acusatorio informante; confidente; sopln

Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Law Enforcement & Investigations Law Enforcement & Investigations Detention & Corrections Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Detention & Corrections Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Law Enforcement & Investigations

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Infraction Initial appearance Insanity defense Insurance fraud Intake Intent Interpreter Interrogation [custodial] Intimidating a victim or witness Intoxication Investigation and Report (I&R) Involuntary manslaughter Issuing a bad check

infraccin;violacin; contravencin comparecencia inicial; vista inicial defensa por afliccin mental; fraude de seguros entrevista inicial intencin intrprete interrogatorio a un detenido intimidacin a vctima o testigo intoxicacin investigacin e informe (I&R) homicidio involuntario pagar con cheques sin fondos

Court Proceedings & Sentencing; Probation & Parole Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Law Enforcement & Investigations; Detention & Corrections; Juvenile Justice Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Law Enforcement & Investigations Penal Law & Offenses Drugs & Weapons Court Proceedings & Sentencing; Probation & Parole Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Jail (n.) Jostling Judge (n.) Judgment Jump bail Jurisdiction Juror Jury Jury part Justification Juvenile Juvenile court Juvenile delinquency proceeding Juvenile delinquent Juvenile offender Juvenile petition

crcel empujar sin razn juez sentencia; fallo quebrantar/violar la fianza; incumplir las condiciones de fianza; fugarse estando bajo fianza jurisdiccin jurado; miembro del jurado jurado sala justificacin juvenil; menor de edad tribunal de menores procedimiento de delincuencia de menores delincuente juvenil ofensador juvenil; ofensor juvenil peticin acusatoria

Detention & Corrections Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses; Detention & Corrections; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Law Enforcement & Investigations Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Juvenile Justice Juvenile Justice Juvenile Justice Juvenile Justice Juvenile Justice Juvenile Justice

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Kidnapping Knives

secuestro cuchillo/cuchillos; arma blanca

Penal Law & Offenses Drugs & Weapons

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Lack of consent [on a sex offense] Larceny Latent prints Law Law guardian Lawyer Legal Aid Society Lesser included charge Lesser included offense Letter of disposition Liability Litigate Live ammunition Local supervision Loitering Lookout [for a sale]

abuso sexual sin consentimiento hurto huellas latentes ley abogado de menores abogado Sociedad de Ayuda Legal delito menor incluido cargo menor incluido carta de disposicin responsabilidad litigar balas; municiones; cartuchos supervisin local merodear vigia; vigilante

Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Law Enforcement & Investigations Court Proceedings & Sentencing Juvenile Justice Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Drugs & Weapons Probation & Parole Penal Law & Offenses Drugs & Weapons

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Magistrate Make/post bail Malice aforethought Mandatory minimum sentence Mandatory sentence Mandatory surcharge Manslaughter Marijuana Marked money [to buy] Marshal Material witness Maximum sentence Mediation Medical examiner Menacing Mental disease/defect

juez pagar la fianza con premeditacin y alevosa; premeditacin dolosa pena mnima obligatoria; sentencia mnima obligatoria pena obligatoria; sentencia obligatoria recargo obligatorio homicidio culposo marihuana dinero preidentificado; dinero marcado alguacil testigo esencial pena mxima; sentencia mxima mediacin mdico forense amenezar enfermedad mental; defecto mental

Court Proceedings & Sentencing Detention & Corrections Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Drugs & Weapons Law Enforcement & Investigations Law Enforcement & Investigations; Detention & Corrections Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Detention & Corrections; Law Enforcement & Investigations Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing; Detention & Corrections Court Proceedings & Sentencing; Detention & Corrections Court Proceedings & Sentencing; Detention & Corrections

Mental incapacity

incapacidad mental

Mentally ill

enfermo mental

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Minor [juvenile] Miranda hearing Miranda rights Miranda Rule Miranda warning Misapplication of property Misdemeanor Mistrial Mitigating circumstances Money laundering Monitoring Moral turpitude Motion (n.) Motion to dismiss Motive Mug shot Murder (n.)

menor "audiencia para determinar" derechos segn el fallo de Miranda Regla de Miranda advertencia Miranda; notificacin de los derechos procesales uso fraudalento de propiedad ajena delito menor juicio nulo circunstancias atenuantes lavado de dinero monitoriando; observando conducta inmoral; torpeza moral peticin; mocin mocin de desestimacin motivo; razn foto policial homicidio

Juvenile Justice Law Enforcement & Investigations; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Law Enforcement & Investigations Law Enforcement & Investigations Law Enforcement & Investigations Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Law Enforcement & Investigations; Probation & Parole Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Juvenile Justice; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Law Enforcement & Investigations Penal Law & Offenses

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Neglect (n.) Negligence Negligent manslaughter New York City Department of Correction (DOC) New York City Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) New York City Department of Probation (DOP) New York City Family Justice Center New York City Law Department New York City Police Department (NYPD) New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) New York State Division of Parole New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) No true bill Nolle prosequi Nolo contendere Non-support of a child Notary public Notice (n.)

descuido; conducta descuidada; conducta negligente negligencia homicidio culposo negligente Departemento Penitenciario (DOC) Departemento de Justicia Para Menores (DJJ) Departamento de Libertad Condicional (DOP) Centro de Justicia para la Familia Departamento de Leyes Departamento de Policia de la Cuidad de Nueva York (NYPD) Divisin de Servicios Penales (DCJS) Division de Libertad Condicional Oficina de Servicios de Familia (OCFS) rechazo de una acusacin formal nolle prosequi; renunciacin de acusacin. nolo contendere; no entablar defense falta de mantencin de un nio; falta de manutencin de un menor notario publico notificacin

Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Agency Names

Agency Names

Agency Names Agency Names Agency Names Agency Names Agency Names Agency Names Agency Names Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Notice of appeal

notificacin de apelacin

Court Proceedings & Sentencing

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Oath Objection Obscenity Obstruction of justice Offender Offense Offensive exhibition Order of protection Organized crime

juramento objecin; protesta obscenidad obstuccin a la justicia delincuente; infractor; ofensador; ofensor delito; infraccin; acto ilcito exhibicin ofensiva orden de proteccin crimen organizada

Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing; Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Law Enforcement & Investigations; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Pardon Parole Parole [to release on] Parole revocation Parole supervision Parole violation Patronizing a prostitute Pedigree information Penalty Penitentiary Perjury Perpetrator Persistent felony offender Persistent sexual abuse Persistent violent felony offender Persons In Need of Supervision Persons In Need of Supervision (PINS) proceeding Petit larceny Petition (n.)

indulto libertad condicional poner en libertad condicional revocacin de la libertad condicional supervisin de la libertad condicional violacin de la libertad condicional usar servicios de una prostituta datos personales penalidad; sancin penitenciara; presidio perjurio; falso testimonio autor de los hechos ofensor persistente en delitos mayores abuso sexual persistente ofensor persistente en delitos mayores violentos personas en necesidad de supervisin procedimiento para personas en necesidad de supervisin (PINS) hurto menor peticin; demanda; solicitud

Court Proceedings & Sentencing Probation & Parole Probation & Parole; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Probation & Parole Probation & Parole Probation & Parole Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing; Law Enforcement & Investigations Court Proceedings & Sentencing Detention & Corrections Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Juvenile Justice Juvenile Justice Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing; Juvenile Justice

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Piracy Placement Plea (n.) Plea agreement Plea bargain Plead guilty to a charge Police car Police precinct Possession Possession of gambling records Post/make bail Predicate felony offender Premises Pre-plea Investigation report (PPI) Preponderance of the evidence Pre-Sentence Investigation report (PSI) Presentment agency Pretrial detention Pretrial discovery

pirateria colocacin contestacin a una demanda o acusacin convenio declaratorio; acuerdo (con la fiscala) para la declaracin de culpabilidad convenio declaratorio declararse culpable de un cargo carro patrulla cuartel posesin; tenencia tenencia de registros de apuestas; posesin de registros de apuestas pagar la fianza ofensor reincidente en delitos mayores predios informe antelar a la contestacin de los cargos (PPI) preponderancia de la evidencia; preponderancia de la prueba informe antelar a la sentencia (PSI) fiscala detencin preventiva obtencin de pruebas antes del juicio

Penal Law & Offenses Juvenile Justice Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Law Enforcement & Investigations Law Enforcement & Investigations Law Enforcement & Investigations; Drugs & Weapons Penal Law & Offenses Detention & Corrections Penal Law & Offenses; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Law Enforcement & Investigations Law Enforcement & Investigations; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Probation & Parole; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Detention & Corrections Court Proceedings & Sentencing

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Pretrial release Prima facie case Prior conviction Prison Prisoner Pro se Probable cause Probable cause hearing Probation Probation officer Probation revocation Probation termination Probation violation Probationer Proceeding Proffer Promoting gambling Promoting prostitution Property

libertad provisional pruebas suficientes para satisfacer los elementos del cargo condena previa prisin; penitenciara preso; reo; prisionero por s mismo causa probable audiencia de causa probable libertad condicional agente de libertad provisional; funcionario del Departamento de Probatoria; oficial de supervisin revocacin de la libertad condicional terminacin de la libertad condicional; fin de la libertad condicional violacin de libertad condicional supervisor de libertad condicional proceso; diligencias oferta promocin de juegos de azar; promover juegos de azar promover la prostitucin; promocin de la prostitucin propiedad

Detention & Corrections; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Detention & Corrections Detention & Corrections Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing; Law Enforcement & Investigations Juvenile Justice; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Probation & Parole Probation & Parole Probation & Parole Probation & Parole Probation & Parole Probation & Parole Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Law Enforcement & Investigations

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Property crime Prosecution Prosecutor Prostitute Prostitution Protective custody Public defender Public lewdness Punishment

delito contra la propiedad procesamiento fiscal prostituta prostitucin custodia de la proteccin; bajo custodia defensor pblico lascivia pblica; exhibicionsimo castigo; pena

Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Law Enforcement & Investigations Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Racketeering Rap sheet Rape Rearrest notification Reasonable cause Reasonable doubt Reasonable force Receiving stolen property Reckless assault Reckless endangerment Record Recuse (v.) Rehabilitation Released on Own Recognizance (ROR) Remain silent Remand (n.) Remand (v.) Rent gouging

extorsin sistemtica; extorsin organizada antecedentes penales violacin sexual notificacin de arresto causa razonable; motivo fundado duda razonable fuerza razonable recibir bienes hurtados agresin fsica temeraria poner en peligro temerariamente el expediente; las actas recusar rehabilitacin libertad provisional bajo palabra guardar silencio; permanecer callado custodia sin fianza resometer el caso; reenviar el caso incremento abusivo de rentas

Penal Law & Offenses Law Enforcement & Investigations; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Law Enforcement & Investigations; Probation & Parole Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Law Enforcement & Investigations Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Probation & Parole; Juvenile Justice Court Proceedings & Sentencing; Detention & Corrections Law Enforcement & Investigations Juvenile Justice; Probation & Parole; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Juvenile Justice; Probation & Parole Penal Law & Offenses

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Residential treatment Resisting arrest Respondent Restitution Restitution and reparation Retribution Revocation Rifle Riot Risk/needs assessment Robbery Rosario Runaway

tratamiento residencial; tratamiento con alojamiento resistir arresto demandado restitucin restitucin e indemnizacin retribucin revocacin rifle; fusil tumulto asesoramiento de riesgos/ necesidades atracar material Rosario fugado

Probation & Parole; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Juvenile Justice Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing Probation & Parole; Juvenile Justice Drugs & Weapons Penal Law & Offenses Juvenile Justice; Probation & Parole Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing Juvenile Justice

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Sale or exchange Sanction Seal the record Search (n.) Search and seizure Search incident to an arrest Search warrant Second degree murder Seizure Self defense Semi-automatic gun Sentence (n.) Sentencing hearing Sex offense Sexual abuse Sexual assault Sexual intercourse Sexual misconduct Sexual predator

venta; intercambio sancin; castigo sellar el expediente registrar registro e incautacin; registro y detencin registro a consecuencia de un arresto orden de registro homicidio en el segundo grado incautacin; detencin defensa propia semiautomtica sentencia; pena audiencia de sentencia ofensa sexual abuso sexual agresin sexual relaciones sexuales conducta sexual inapropiada depredador sexual

Penal Law & Offenses Probation & Parole; Juvenile Justice Court Proceedings & Sentencing Law Enforcement & Investigations Law Enforcement & Investigations Law Enforcement & Investigations Law Enforcement & Investigations Penal Law & Offenses Law Enforcement & Investigations Court Proceedings & Sentencing Drugs & Weapons Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Sheriff Shotgun Sodomy Speedball [mix of cocaine & heroin] Speedy trial Split sentence Stalking Statement

aguacil escopeta; rifle sodoma mezcla de cocana y herona Jucio sin demora; juicio rpido pena mixta acechar declaracin infractor por causa de estatus [plus una explicacin de los actos que hizo y que lo hace "infractor por causa de estatus"] ofensa por causa de estatus; infraccin por causa de estatus estatuto; ley; artculo ley de prescripcin suspender; suspencin contacto; el que dirige el cliente atraco; asalto estipulacin de acuerdo bienes hurtados detener y cachear obligacin terminante; responsabilidad terminante

Law Enforcement & Investigations Drugs & Weapons Penal Law & Offenses Drugs & Weapons Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Law Enforcement & Investigations; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Juvenile Justice

Status offender

Status offense Statute Statute of limitations Stay (n.) Steerer [assists in a sale by directing customers] Stickup Stipulation of settlement Stolen property Stop and frisk Strict liability

Juvenile Justice Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Drugs & Weapons Drugs & Weapons Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Law Enforcement & Investigations Court Proceedings & Sentencing

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Subpoena Summons Suppression of evidence Supreme Court Surveillance Suspect (n.) Suspended judgment Suspended sentence

citacin formal de comparecencia; orden formal de comparecencia citacin; orden de comparecencia eliminacin de prueba; eliminacin de evidencia la corte suprema vigilancia sospechoso fallo suspendido pena suspendida

Court Proceedings & Sentencing Law Enforcement & Investigations; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Law Enforcement & Investigations Law Enforcement & Investigations Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Taking into custody Tampering with a consumer product Technical violation Temporary order of protection Temporary restraining order Testify Testimony Theft Theft of services Time served Trace Trademark counterfeiting Treatment Trespass (v.) Trespasser Trial

poner bajo custodia alterar fraudulentamente bienes de consumo violacin tcnica orden de proteccin temporal

Law Enforcement & Investigations; Detention & Corrections Penal Law & Offenses Probation & Parole Law Enforcement & Investigations; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Law Enforcement & Investigations; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Detention & Corrections; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Drugs & Weapons Penal Law & Offenses Drugs & Weapons Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing

interdicto provisional testificar testimonio hurto robo de servicios descontar al acusado la prisin sufrida rastrear; rastro falsificacin de marcas registradas tratamiento [plus una explicacin del tipo de tratamiento] entrada o permanencia ilcita [en propiedad ajena] intruso; invasor de propiedad ajena juicio

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Unauthorized use of a vehicle Unauthorized use of credit card, debit card or public benefit card Unconditional release/discharge United States Attorney's Office (USAO) Unlawful assembly Unlawful imprisonment Unlawful possession Unlawful possession of a weapon Unmarked police car Unreasonable search and seizure

uso de vehculo sin autorizacin uso no autorizado de tarjetas [plus una explicacin del tipo de tarjetas usadas] libertad incondicional fiscala federal (USAO) reunin ilcita; reunin ilegal privacin ilegal de la libertad tenencia ilcita; posesin ilcita tenencia ilcita de un arma carro policaco no marcado registro e incautacin o detencin irrazonable; registro e incautacin o detencin no razonable

Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Probation & Parole; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Agency Names Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Law Enforcement & Investigations Penal Law & Offenses

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Vandalism Vehicular assault Vehicular manslaughter Venue Verdict Victim Victim-impact statement

vandalismo agresin vehicular homicidio culposo por el conductor de un vehculo cede; lugar veredicto vctima declaracin de la victima sobre el impacto del crimen infraccin; contravencin

Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Court Proceedings & Sentencing Law Enforcement & Investigations; Probation & Parole; Court Proceedings & Sentencing Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses


Violent crime Violent offense Voluntary manslaughter

crimen violento ofensa violenta; delito violento homocidio culposo voluntario

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Waive Warden Warrant Weapon Welfare fraud Wiretapping Witness Work release Writ

renunciar alcaide orden arma fraude de asistencia publica intercepcin de comunicaciones telefnicas testigo libertad provisional para permitir el trabajo orden judicial

Court Proceedings & Sentencing Detention & Corrections Law Enforcement & Investigations Drugs & Weapons Penal Law & Offenses Penal Law & Offenses; Law Enforcement & Investigations Court Proceedings & Sentencing Detention & Corrections Court Proceedings & Sentencing

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

Youthful offender

ofensor juvenil

Juvenile Justice

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Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

General Blacks Law Dictionary: Abridged Fifth Edition. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Company, 1983. Criminal Law Handbook of New York. Binghamton, NY: Gould Publications, 2003. New York Family Law Handbook. Binghamton, NY: Gould Publications, 2006.

Spanish Benmaman, V. Connolly, N. & Loos, S. (Eds.) Bilingual Dictionary of Criminal Justice Terms (2nd Edition). Longwood, FL: Gould Publications, 1991. Cabanellas de las Cuevas, G. & Hoague, E. (Eds.) Lexis English Spanish Legal Dictionary (Vols. 1-2). United States: Butterworth Legal Publishers, 1991. Carvajal, C. & Horwood, J. (Eds.) The Oxford Spanish Dictionary: New International Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996. Real Academia Espaola: Vigsima Segunda Edicin. Diccionario de la Lengua Espaola, 2001.

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