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Maximum Diesel Catalyst...........................................................................................................10 Olefin-Reducing Catalyst............................................................................................................11 Special Catalyst for MGD Process..............................................................................................1 Special Catalyst for !RGG Process............................................................................................1" Special Catalyst for DCC Process...............................................................................................1" Special Catalyst for M#P-CGP Process.......................................................................................1$ %&' Catalytic Crac(ing !dditi)e..........................................................................................................1* Catalytic Crac(ing Desulp+uri,ation !dditi)e...........................................................................1* Catalytic Crac(ing Gas-#ncreasing !dditi)e...............................................................................1% ' Catalytic Reforming Catalyst.......................................................................................................1Semi-Regeneration Reforming Catalyst......................................................................................1%"' .ydroprocessing Catalyst..............................................................................................................1/ .ydrorefining Catalyst................................................................................................................1/ .ydrorefining Catalyst for Clean Gasoline.................................................................................&1 Catalytic Crac(ing Gasoline Selecti)e .ydrodesulp+uri,ation..................................................&1 .ydrorefining Catalyst for Clean Diesel.....................................................................................&& Diesel 0ltra Deep Desulp+uri,ation Catalyst.............................................................................&& !)iation 1erosene .ydroprocessing Catalyst.............................................................................& 2u3e .ydrorefining Catalyst.......................................................................................................& 2u3ricant .ydro-de4axing Catalyst...........................................................................................&" Paraffin .ydrorefining Catalyst..................................................................................................&" Diene Selecti)e .ydroprocessing Catalyst.................................................................................&$ 5+ite Oil .ydroprocessing Catalyst...........................................................................................&$ .ydrocrac(ing Catalyst...............................................................................................................&$ Residue .ydro-demetalli,ation Catalyst.....................................................................................&* Residue .ydrodemetalli,ation 6 .ydrodesup+uri,ation Catalyst.............................................&* Residue .ydro-demetalli,ation and .ydrodenitrogenation Catalyst.........................................&Reforming Pre+ydroprocessing Catalyst.....................................................................................&Guard Catalyst.............................................................................................................................&7

Polyolefin Catalyst.....................................................................30
%1' P8 Catalyst 9 Gas P+ase Process................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................ %&' P8 Catalyst 9 :orealis Process...................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................ P8 Catalyst 9 Slurry Process............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................ 0 & &


PP Catalyst 9 Granular S+ape............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ PP Catalyst 9 Sp+erical S+ape............................................................................................................

" $ * *

....................................................................................................37 3. Catalysts for Basic Organic Materials.................................37

%1' Catalysts for ;oluene Disproportionation and ;ransal(ylation .................................................... <inyl !cetate Catalyst ........................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ 7 % ' !crylonitrile Catalyst..................................................................................................................... 7 %"' Pd=C Catalyst for .ydropurification of ;erep+t+alic !cid ......................................................... 7 %$' Sil)er Catalyst for 8O=8G............................................................................................................ 7 %*' :en,ene and 8t+ylene 2i>uid P+ase !l(ylating Catalyst ........................................................... / %-' 8t+yl3en,ene De+ydrogenation Catalyst...................................................................................... / %7' Catalyst for 2i>uid-p+ase Selecti)e .ydrogenation of Propyne and Propadiene in C ?ractions .............................................................................................................................................................."0 /Catalyst for Gas-p+ase Selecti)e .ydrogenation of !cetylene in C& ?ractions......................"0 %10'Catalyst for Selecti)e .ydrogenation of !cetylene and M!PD in front-end process..............."1 %11' .ydrogenation of Pyrolysis Gasoline ........................................................................................"1

....................................................................................................42 Other Catalysts..........................................................................42

%1' P@ Sor3ent....................................................................................................................................."& %&' Aon-crystal !lloy .ydrorefining Catalyst...................................................................................."& % ' Special Molecular Sie)e Catalyst.................................................................................................."& %"' !d+esi)e-?ree $! Small Sp+erical Molecular Sie)e...................................................................." %$' C$=C* #someri,ation Catalyst........................................................................................................" %*' .ig+-;emperature De-sulfuri,ation Catalyst................................................................................" %-' De-C+lorination Catalyst..............................................................................................................."" %7'B P! Catalyst....................................................................................................................................""

Lu e Base Oil.............................................................................4! "hite oil foo# gra#e .....................................................................................................4$ "hite oil cos%etic gra#e...........................................................!3

Petroleu% Co&e..........................................................................!! Paraffin "a'..............................................................................!( Li)ui# Paraffin "a'..................................................................!( *ully +efine# Paraffin "a'......................................................!7 ,e%i-+efine# Paraffin "a'......................................................!. Microcrystalline "a'................................................................!$ ,/ecialty "a'.............................................................................(0 Che0ing 1u% ,/ecial-Pur/ose "a'.......................................(2 Polyolefin Catalyst.....................................................................30 ....................................................................................................37 3. Catalysts for Basic Organic Materials.................................37 ....................................................................................................42 Other Catalysts..........................................................................42 Lu e Base Oil.............................................................................4! "hite oil foo# gra#e .....................................................................................................4$ "hite oil cos%etic gra#e...........................................................!3 Petroleu% Co&e..........................................................................!! Paraffin "a'..............................................................................!( Li)ui# Paraffin "a'..................................................................!( *ully +efine# Paraffin "a'......................................................!7

,e%i-+efine# Paraffin "a'......................................................!. Microcrystalline "a'................................................................!$ ,/ecialty "a'.............................................................................(0 Che0ing 1u% ,/ecial-Pur/ose "a'.......................................(2

,ino/ec Catalyst Manual

Sinopec is t+e largest domestic producer and supplier of catalyst for oil refining and c+emical purpose. #ts main products includeB oil refining catalystC polyolefin catalystC 3asic organic material catalyst and ot+er catalyst etc. :esides meeting demands of domestic mar(etsC products of Sinopec Catalyst are also exported to 8uropeanC !mericanC !sianC !frican and ot+er international mar(ets. Sinopec ad)ocates t+e construction of an enterprise team in type of Ser)iceC Study and #ntelligence. #t pursues t+e managerial p+ilosop+y of Duality t+e ?irst and Ser)ice t+e :est and t+e enterprise spirit of !l4ays Creati)e and ?ore)er <igorous. #t 4ill put into effect t+e competition strategy of product inno)ationC production efficiencyC product di)ersity and producer de)elopmentC in order to pro)ide +ig+->uality products and satisfying ser)ices for its )ast customers. Sinopec is 4illing to esta3lis+ long-term strategic partners+ip 4it+ its )ast customers +ome and a3roadC and to reali,e mutual progress and de)elopment.

1. Oil Refining Catalyst %1' Catalytic Crac(ing Catalyst Residue Crac(ing Catalyst OR:#; Series

Main purpose of OR:#;- 000 catalyst is to increase yield of gasoline and diesel oil in goal product. ;+e follo4ing tec+nological measures are ta(en in preparation process of t+is catalystB adopting composite molecular sie)e to endo4 t+is catalyst 4it+ 3ot+ excellent co(e selecti)ity and good acti)ity sta3ilityE in production of ultra-sta3ili,ed molecular sie)eC t+roug+ modifying tec+nology and exploiting middle +oles of molecular sie)eC t+e catalyst is suita3le for crac(ing +ea)y oil macromolecules. 5it+ impro)ed molecular sie)e >ualityC it is effecti)e to enforce macromolecule-crac(ing a3ility 3y means of modifying carrier into acti)e alumina. :ased on 3asic performances of OR:#;- 000 catalyst %+ig+ crac(ing acti)ity of macromoleculesC good co(e selecti)ityC suita3le for +ea)y oil processing'C OR:#;- 00 is a ne4-type R?CC catalyst successfully de)eloped t+roug+ replacing acti)e components. ;+is catalyst is suita3le for R?CC plants 4it+ large processing capacity 3ut lo4 catalyst=oil ratio. 5it+in flexi3le 4or(ing range of t+e fractionatorC de3utani,er and gas compressor systemC t+is catalyst can 3e used 4it+out any re)amp on t+e plant. ;+roug+ adFustment of acti)e components in preparation process of OR:#;- 00C metal tolerance of t+e product +as 3een impro)ed for 4orse feedstoc( and uncertainties. !iming at processing +ig+-)anadium feedstoc( from t+e Middle 8ast and increasing total li>uid yieldC 3ased on OR:#;- 00C OR:#;- *00 catalyst is a ne4 type R?CC catalyst successfully de)eloped t+roug+ optimi,ing acti)e components and modifying carrier. 5+ile impro)ing performance of molecular sie)e in preparation processC carrier is also modifiedC components 4it+ +ea)y metal resistance are also addedC t+us +ea)y metal resistance performance %especially )anadium' is effecti)ely promotedE s+ape-selecti)e ,eolite component is also added to increase 2PG yield appropriately. OR:#;- *00: catalyst is a (ind of anti-)anadium olefin-reducing catalyst 3ased on anti-)anadium catalyst OR:#;- *00. Commercial results re)eal t+at t+e catalyst +as strong +ea)y oil crac(ing a3ilityC +ig+ yield of lig+t oilC +ig+ octane num3er of gasolineC strong olefin-reducing a3ility etc. #n order to reali,e t+e o3Fecti)e of reducing olefin content in gasoline on t+e 3asis of anti-)anadium +ea)y oil crac(ing catalyst OR:#;- *00C OR:#;- *00: +as t+e follo4ing c+aractersB t+roug+ modification of G-type molecular sie)e and 3lending 4it+ acti)e componentsC on t+e premise of maintaining +ea)y oil crac(ing acti)ityC +ydrogen transfer acti)ity is strengt+ened to reac+ t+e goal of reducing olefin content in gasolineE acid distri3ution of catalyst is also adFusted reasona3ly to reduce t+e generation of co(e and dry gas.

3C ,eries
On t+e 3asis of successfully de)eloped ne4 Hone exc+angeC one calcinationI preparation tec+nology and increased crystallinity of ultra-sta3le molecular sie)eC JC series catalyst +as 3een de)eloped t+roug+ modifying acti)e componentsC adFusting +ole structure of carrier and gradient distri3ution of acti)e catalyst components. Due to t+e a3o)e modifying tec+nologiesC JC series catalysts are of +ig+ acti)ity and sta3ilityC excellent co(e selecti)ityC strong residue oil macromolecule crac(ing a3ilityC +ig+ +ea)y metal resistance performanceC +ig+ yield of +ig+-)alue product and lo4 unit cost of catalyst etc. JC--000 catalyst is especially suita3le for +ea)y oil crac(ing installations t+at use <RDS residue oil and residue oil

as feedstoc(C 4+ere it is difficult for catalyst of +ig+ 3ul( density to fluidi,e. 5it+ t+is catalystC material resources can 3e extendedE mean4+ile yield of lig+t oil can 3e increased. JC - 00 catalyst +as +ig+er acti)ity t+an JC--000 catalystC and is suita3le for +ea)y oil crac(ing installations using <RDS residue oil t+at is +ard to 3e crac(ed. ?or installation of lo4 catalyst=oil ratioC ideal product distri3ution can also 3e ac+ie)ed. JC--000: is de)eloped on t+e 3asis of JC--000C t+roug+ treating 4it+ modification tec+nologyC olefin-reducing a3ility is strengt+enedC and olefin content in gasoline can 3e reduced 3y $K* units.

45+ ,eries
D<R-1 R?CC catalyst is a specially formulated catalyst for catalytic crac(ing installations t+at use entire )acuum residue oil as feedstoc( %a33re)iated as <R?CC tec+nology'. <R?CC tec+nology can furt+er increase 3lending ratio of residue oil in catalytic crac(ing processC and increase economic 3enefit of oil refining enterprises to t+e full extent. #n order to meet t+e demand for 3lending )arious )acuum residue oils 3y large scaleC t+e follo4ing tec+nological measures are mainly ta(en in t+e preparation process of D<R-1 catalystB treating ultra-sta3le molecular sie)e 4it+ modification tec+nology and exploiting large and middle +oles of ultra-sta3le molecular sie)eC 4+ic+ ena3les D<R-1 catalyst to crac( +ea)y oil macromoleculesE treating carrier 4it+ acti)ation tec+nology to impro)e acid distri3ution and +ole distri3ution of carrierC so t+at crac(ing a3ility of carrier to residue oil macromolecule can 3e en+anced effecti)ely. !dditi)e tec+nology is adopted to impro)e +ea)y metal resistance performance %especially nic(el'. ;+roug+ optimi,ation of production tec+nology and post-treatmentC regeneration acti)ity and sta3ility of catalyst is impro)ed. ?or most domestic existing crac(ing installationsC 4it+out t+e need to re)amp plantsC t+is catalyst +as )ery 3road spreading and application prospect in oil refining 4it+ large 3lending ratio of )arious residue oils. ;o meet t+e demand for impro)ing product distri3ution and reducing olefin content in ?CC gasolineC D<R-& catalyst is a product suita3le for <R?CC processC 4+ile maintaining olefin-reducing performance. Results of industrial application re)eal t+at on t+e premise of maintaining )arious performances of D<R-1 catalystC D<R-& catalyst can reduce olefin content in ?CC gasoline as 4ell.

CC-2! ,eries
CC-1$ catalyst adopts R80SG molecular sie)e as its main acti)e component. ;+e carrier +as certain crac(ing acti)ityC middle 3ul( densityC +ig+ strengt+ and certain +ea)y oil crac(ing a3ility. #t can 3e used in catalytic crac(ing installations 4+ic+ use entire <GO or oil 3lended 4it+ less t+an 1$L <R as feedstoc(. CC-1$ can also 3e used in R?CC installations fed 4it+ entirely paraffin 3ased !;:C or 4it+ small amount of poor->uality CGO or D!O. #t +as 3een commercially applied in nearly t+irty domestic catalytic crac(ing installationsC including ?CC installations fed 4it+ 3lended <;: and R?CC installations 4it+ entire !;:. CC-1$ %M' catalyst can also increase octane num3er of gasoline. C.J-" C.J-" catalyst adopts ne4 generation ultra-sta3le SRG molecular sie)e as its main acti)e componentC 4+ic+ is prepared 3y 4it+dra4ing aluminum and replenis+ing silicon 4it+ H+ydrot+ermal M c+emicalI met+od. SRG

molecular sie)e integrates ad)antages of molecular sie)es prepared 4it+ +ydrot+ermal and c+emical met+odC possesses excellent t+ermal and +ydrot+ermal sta3ilityC more secondary pore and strong +ea)y oil crac(ing a3ility. #t +as little non-frame4or( aluminum inside 4it+ cleaning c+annelsC t+erefore non-selecti)e crac(ing reaction is a)oided to t+e most extentC and co(e selecti)ity is especially excellent. SRG molecular sie)e is a ne4 generation ultra-sta3le molecular sie)e 4it+ international ad)anced le)el de)eloped in t+e middle 1//0s. #n order to meet t+e demand of nic(el and )anadium resistanceC and furt+er en+ance con)ersion a3ility to +ea)y oilC (aolin eart+ 4it+ fine particleC large specific surface area and +ig+ acti)ity is adopted as carrierC 4+ic+ is 3lended 4it+ acti)e alumina to en+ance crac(ing a3ility of +ea)y oil. C.J-" catalyst +as 3een 4idely used in ten sets of domestic catalytic crac(ing installations of +ea)y oil. 0nder +ig+ 3lending ratio of residue oilC product distri3ution is still )ery good. C.A-1 C.A-1 is of excellent anti-al(ali nitrogen performanceC 4+ic+ +as 3een specially de)eloped for +ig+ content of al(ali nitrogen feedstoc( inside Sinopec. C.A-1 catalyst also adopts ne4 generation ultra-sta3le SRG molecular sie)e as main acti)e componentC 4+ic+ is prepared 3y 4it+dra4ing aluminum and replenis+ing silicon 4it+ H+ydrot+ermal M c+emicalI met+od. #n order to meet t+e demand of al(ali nitrogen resistance and furt+er en+ance con)ersion a3ility to +ea)y oilC (aolin 4it+ fine particleC large specific surface area and +ig+ acti)ity is adopted as carrierC 4+ic+ is 3lended 4it+ acti)e alumina to en+ance crac(ing a3ility to +ea)y oil.

C65 ,eries
C.< series catalyst adopts ne4 generation ultra-sta3le SRG molecular sie)e as main acti)e componentC 4+ic+ is prepared 3y 4it+dra4ing aluminum and replenis+ing silicon 4it+ H+ydrot+ermal M c+emicalI met+od. SRG molecular sie)e +as +ig+ silicon=aluminum ratioC little non-frame4or( aluminum and good +ydrot+ermal sta3ility. Mean4+ileC it +as excellent co(e selecti)ityC isomeri,ation performance and strong crac(ing a3ility to +ea)y oil. Core tec+nology of anti-)anadium catalyst is t+e setting of )anadium trapC and amount of traps is determined 3y t+e )anadium content in processed feedstoc(. #n order to impro)e crac(ing a3ility to +ea)y oil and anti-contamination a3ility from +ea)y metalC acti)e alumina is also introduced. Ot+er special components can also 3e added if t+ere is need to increase yield of 2PG or octane )alue. 0nder normal catalyst consumptionC t+is catalyst can 3e used in catalytic crac(ing installations of +ea)y oil containing "000K10000 ppm )anadium on 8-cat. Series of anti)anadium catalysts can 3e producedC and special catalyst can 3e tailored according to t+e practical situation of customerNs installation.

4OCP7 4OC+
;+is series of +ea)y oil crac(ing catalyst is mainly designed for )arious +ea)y oil catalytic crac(ing installations 4+ere gasoline octane num3er is needed to upgrade. 5it+ suc+ catalystC /0O or +ig+er grade gasoline can 3e produced directly. #t is especially suita3le for +ea)y oil catalytic crac(ing installations 4+ic+ process paraffin 3ased feedstoc(. JRP- %RPS!' s+ape selecti)e molecular sie)e is introduced in DOCR catalyst as (ernel acti)e componentC 4+ic+ +as +ig+ t+ermal and +ydrot+ermal sta3ilityC C P and C"P increasing a3ility and isomeri,ation a3ility. Octane )alue

of gasoline and yield of 2PG can 3ot+ 3e increased.

JRP-$ s+ape selecti)e molecular sie)e is introduced in DOCP catalyst as (ernel acti)e componentC 4+ic+ +as stronger isomeri,ation a3ility t+an RPS!C and can transform straig+t c+ain gasoline into 3ranc+ c+ain. SoC octane )alue of gasoline can 3e increasedC 4+ile yield of lig+t oil and 2PG is 3asically not influenced.

5+ile o3taining perfect products distri3utionC at t+e same timeC impro)ing ?CC gasoline octane num3erC t+e series catalysts are all applica3le for processing 3lended +ea)y oil.

Ma'i%u% 4iesel Catalyst

MLC-!007 MLC-!0038
M2C-$00 +ea)y oil catalytic crac(ing catalyst is of +ig+ +ydrot+ermal sta3ilityC strong anti-contamination a3ility from +ea)y metalC +ig+ remaining acti)ityC +ig+ mec+anical strengt+ and strong crac(ing a3ility under rigorous conditionsC and +as prominent effect in increasing diesel=gasoline ratio. #n commercial applicationC t+is catalyst can process +ea)y feedstoc( 4ell and increase yield of lig+t oil. #n conFunction 4it+ corresponding tec+nologyC yield of diesel oil can 3e increased. 5it+ M2C-$00 catalystC 3y adopting multi-section feeding and selecti)e crac(ing tec+nologyC product >uality can 3e impro)edC and octane )alue of gasoline can 3e increased. Main design t+oug+t of M2C-$00 +ea)y oil catalytic crac(ing catalyst is to en+ance crac(ing a3ility for +ea)y oilC to limit furt+er crac(ing of intermediate fractionsC and to ma(e reasona3le adFustment on matrix=,eolite ratio and acid distri3ution. Main tec+nological measures includeB increase surface crac(ing acti)ity of large and middle pores and control acti)ity of small poresE strengt+en crac(ing a3ility to +ea)y oil t+roug+ increasing con)ersion acti)ity and selecti)ity of t+e matrixE adopt ultra-sta3le G molecular sie)e and adFust its acid distri3ution to ma(e full use of its macromolecule crac(ing c+aracteristic and limit its crac(ing function to intermediate fractions. M2C-$00J! is a tailor made large 3ul( density catalyst specially de)eloped for a million t=a ?CC plant of J+en+ai Petroc+emicals :ranc+. ?eedstoc( of t+e installation is mainly <GO 3lended 4it+ a3out 10L co(er gas oil. On t+e premise of 3lending more residue oilC t+e product series can increase yield of diesel oil and octane )alue of gasoline. M2C-$00J! catalyst +as +ig+ selecti)ity of 2PG and gasoline 4it+ +ig+ octane )alue.

CC-204 ,eries
CC-&0D is a maximum diesel ?CC catalyst 4it+ +ig+ acti)ity and co(e selecti)ity etc. On t+e premise of ensuring con)ersion a3ility to +ea)y oilC acti)ity of large pores of carrier is increasedC and +ig+ yield of lig+t oil is ac+ie)ed. CC-&0D series catalyst adopts complex molecular sie)e preparation tec+nologyC )arieties and ratio of PSRG C R80SG and SRCG molecular sie)es are adFustedC selecti)e RPS! or JRP-$ ,eolite 4it+ different Si=!l ratio is also adopted. On customerNs demandC maximum diesel catalyst considering 2PGC octane )alue and anti-)anadium a3ility can 3e produced. CC-&0D< is a maximum diesel catalyst considering anti-)anadium a3ility. CC-&0D? is a catalyst product specially designed for dou3le-riser tec+nology. CC-&00D

CC-&00D is a (ind of diesel oriented catalyst 4it+ mid 3ul( density. Gield of 2PGC anti-contamination from )anadium and 3lending 4it+ residue oil are ta(en into consideration simultaneously.

Olefin-+e#ucing Catalyst
1O+-C7 1+5-C
GOR-C olefin-reducing catalyst adopts modified G molecular sie)eC MOG C as its main acti)e componentC 4+ic+ is modified 4it+ uni>ue oxide and endo4ed 4it+ excellent +ydrogen transfer acti)ityC fine co(e selecti)ity and excellent crac(ing a3ility to +ea)y oil. ;+e catalyst +as +ig+ acti)ity and strengt+C 4+ic+ can reali,e selecti)e +ydrogen transfer reaction and ensure effecti)e utili,ation of +ydrogen resource in feedstoc( and reasona3le distri3ution in product. ;+is catalyst also +as t+e a3ility to reduce olefin in ?CC gasoline prominently 3y 10K1$< L. Com3ined 4it+ operation tec+ni>uesC olefin content in ?CC gasoline can 3e steadily controlled under $<LC 4+ile content of isomeri,ed al(ane and aromatics can 3e increased and yield of 2PG (eeps at a +ig+ le)el. GR<-C is a (ind of ne4 type +ig+-efficiency anti-)anadium olefin-reducing catalyst. ;+is catalyst is composed of acti)e components and carrier 4it+ +ig+ crac(ing acti)ity to +ea)y oil and good co(e selecti)ityC 4+ic+ are specially de)eloped to4ard intermediate feedstoc(. Semi-synt+esi,ed carrier 3onded 4it+ alumina is adopted to impro)e anti-contamination a3ility of catalyst from +ea)y metal. P;# preparation tec+nology of catalyst is de)eloped to impro)e interfacial ad+esion 3et4een carrier and molecular sie)eC and furt+er increase anti-a3rasion strengt+. Crac(ing acti)ity and +ydrogen transfer acti)ity are adFusted and appropriately matc+ed to endo4 t+e catalyst 4it+ 3ot+ olefin-reducing function and strong crac(ing a3ility to +ea)y oil. !8P matrix is also adopted to adFust acid distri3ution and pore distri3ution of catalyst to ac+ie)e good co(e selecti)ity.

CDC is a 3rand-ne4 c+emically designed catalyst 4it+ gradient pore distri3ution and gradient acid centerC 4+ic+ ma(es it possi3le for +ea)y oil macromolecule to access acti)e center and 3eing of excellent desor3ing=diffusing a3ility. CDC catalyst possesses excellent acti)ity and sta3ilityC profound con)ersion a3ility to +ea)y oil and +ig+ +ydrogen transfer acti)ity. Co(e can 3e reduced at t+e same time. ;+roug+ formulation adFustmentC it can increase propylene content in product. !s a ne4 type ?CC catalystC it can meet )arious demands of oil refiners.

CO+ ,eries
;+is series of olefin-reducing catalysts adopt modified G molecular sie)eC MOG C as its main acti)e componentC 4+ic+ is modified 4it+ uni>ue oxide and endo4ed 4it+ excellent +ydrogen transfer acti)ityC fine co(e selecti)ity and excellent crac(ing a3ility to +ea)y oil. ;+e catalyst +as +ig+ acti)ity and strengt+C 4+ic+ can reali,e selecti)e +ydrogen transfer reaction and ensure effecti)e utili,ation of +ydrogen resource in feedstoc( and reasona3le distri3ution in product. ;+is catalyst also +as t+e a3ility to reduce olefin in ?CC gasoline prominently 3y 10K1$< L. Com3ined 4it+ operation tec+ni>uesC olefin content in ?CC gasoline can 3e steadily controlled under $<LC

4+ile content of isomeri,ed al(ane and aromatic +ydrocar3on can 3e increased. COR-C catalyst is suita3le for catalytic crac(ing installation 4it+ non-paraffin 3ased feedstoc(. COR< is suita3le for catalytic crac(ing installation 4it+ feedstoc( of +ea)y metalC especially )anadium. COR. +as excellent anti-contamination performance from metal. CORS is of +ig+ yield of diesel oil and +ig+ octane )alue of gasoline.

DOCO olefin-reducing catalyst is good for selecti)e +ydrogen transfer reactionC 4+ic+ can control t+e co(e and dry gas yield effecti)ely and ensure li>uid yield. ;+is catalyst +as t+e a3ility to reduce olefin in gasoline prominently 3y 10K11<L at t+e same timeC and olefin content can 3e steadily controlled under $<LC 4+ic+ can meet t+e demand of ne4 standard gasoline. ;+is catalyst also +as strong isomeri,ation a3ilityC and isomeri,ation index %iso3utane to iso3utene ratio in 2PG' can 3e increased 3y 1.0&K1.0$LC isoal(ane in gasoline can 3e increased 3y 7.0/LC aromatic can 3e increased 3y 1.7/LC 4+ic+ is )ery important to (eep octane num3er.

:ased on industrial applications of t+e first generation olefin-reducing catalystC GOR-## is de)eloped to meet t+e demand of oil refining plants to impro)e product distri3ution and furt+er en+ance crac(ing a3ility to +ea)y oil. GOR-## catalyst +as t+e follo4ing c+aracters. 8ffecti)e matc+ of selecti)e +ydrogen transfer acti)ity and crac(ing acti)ity is ensured t+roug+ performance impro)ement and 3lending of acti)e components. Good selecti)e +ydrogen transfer acti)ity can ensure olefin-reducing effect to gasolineC 4+ile +ig+ crac(ing acti)ity can increase con)ersion 4it+ +ea)y oil. Ae4 type matrix is adopted to control pore distri3ution and increase medium pore proportion to en+ance +ea)y oil crac(ing a3ilityC increase yield of diesel oilC and restrain co(ing at t+e same time. !cid distri3ution of catalyst is adFusted properly to reduce co(e and dry gas.

;+e t+ird generation olefin-reducing catalystC GOR-###C is de)eloped to furt+er impro)e olefin-reduction performance. ;+roug+ furt+er modification of main acti)e componentsC selecti)e molecular sie)e and matrixC olefin-reducing margin and crac(ing a3ility is furt+er en+ancedC +ydrot+ermal sta3ility of catalyst is ele)atedC co(e selecti)ity and product distri3ution is impro)ed. #ndustrial application result re)ealsB in comparison 4it+ t+e second generation olefin-reducing catalystC 8-cat acti)ity of GOR-### can 3e decreased 3y L more and octane )alue of gasoline is ele)ated slig+tly.

#n order to meet t+e increasingly di)ersifying demands of customers for product distri3utionC RMS-7 catalyst is a ne4 type residue ?CC catalyst de)eloped to increase gasoline yield and reduce olefin of gasoline. Commercial application result re)eals t+at RMS-7 +as strong crac(ing a3ility to +ea)y oil macromoleculeC +ig+ gasoline yieldC

good anti-contamination a3ility from +ea)y metalC and appropriate olefin reducing a3ility etc.

,/ecial Catalyst for M14 Process

RGD-1 is a catalyst of excellent crac(ing a3ility to +ea)y oil macromolecule. #t can selecti)ely restrain furt+er crac(ing of intermediate fractions and en+ance secondary crac(ing of gasoline fractionC so t+at yield of diesel oil and 2PG in catalytic crac(ing installation can 3e raised at t+e same time. :y adFusting density and strengt+ of molecular sie)e acti)e centersC +ydrogen transfer reaction is increased appropriatelyC and olefin content in gasoline is lo4ered. #n its preparation processC t+e follo4ing measures are ta(enB t+roug+ modification of (aolinC pores 3igger t+an 100 Q and smaller t+an $ Q are increased to ma(e carrier +a)e good pore distri3ution gradient. Moderate 4ea(-acid 3ig pores can crac( macromolecule +ydrocar3onC restrain secondary crac(ing of intermediate fractionsC and reduce co(ing. Moderate strong-acid small pores can furt+er crac( gasoline into 2PG. #ntroduction of metal components in acti)e centers adFusts acid strengt+ properlyC and en+ances crac(ing degree of gasoline into 2PG. Mean4+ile +ydrogen transfer a3ility in gasoline is ele)atedC 4+ic+ is fa)ora3le for reducing olefin content in gasoline. !doption of modified selecti)e molecular sie)e is fa)ora3le for increasing yield of 2PG and octane )alue of gasoline.

RGD-C catalyst +as good industrial application effect on increasing yield of 2PG and diesel oil. Modified and composite ultra-sta3le molecular sie)e is adopted in RGD-C catalystC appropriate selecti)e molecular sie)e and trapping components for metal contaminations are addedC and content of middle-pore acti)e components are increased. ;+is catalyst +as strong con)ersion a3ility to +ea)y oilC strong anti-contamination a3ility from +ea)y metalC good co(e and dry gas selecti)ity. 2ess co(e and dry gas can 3e ac+ie)ed in reaction of gasoline under rigorous condition. RGD-C can selecti)ely crac( gasoline to 2PG 4it+ +ig+ yield of 2PG and diesel oil.

CMO4 ,eries
CMOD catalyst adopts multiple +ig+-performance molecular sie)es %ultra-sta3le G molecular sie)eC RPS! molecular sie)e etc' as its acti)e components. #t is produced 4it+ +ig+ solid content tec+nology. 5it+ +ig+ acti)ity and strengt+C CMOD catalyst +as prominent effect in increasing yield of diesel oil and 2PG. 5+en yield of 2PG reac+es 1$K&0mLC yield of diesel oil is 3asically maintained. CMOD catalyst +as good )anadium resistance. CMOD catalyst also +as good 3asic nitrogen resistanceC 4+ere large proportion co(ing gas oil can 3e processed. CMOD-100 can tolerate )anadium o)er 10C000 ppm on 8-cat. CMOD-&00 catalyst can tolerate )anadium $C000K10C000 ppm on 8-cat.

,/ecial Catalyst for 8+11 Process

+81 ,eries
R!G-1 catalyst is specially designed for !RGG tec+nology. #t is especially suita3le for processing feedstoc( 3lended 4it+ +ig+ content of residue oilC suc+ as entire !;:C <GO 3lended 4it+ +ig+ proportion of !;:C <;: or de-asp+alt oil. #n preparation process of R!G-1 catalystC performance of carrier is specially impro)ed to ma(e its distri3ution of secondary pores more perfect according to t+e c+aracters of !;: feedstoc(. Mean4+ile coordination and matc+ 3et4een molecular sie)e component and carrier performance are optimi,ed. !s a resultC R!G-1 catalyst +as stronger con)ersion a3ility to +ea)y oilC 3etter product selecti)ity and +ea)y metal resistance. #ts main c+aracters areB sta3le structureC good pore distri3ution gradientC 4+ic+ ma(es molecules of )arious si,esC especially macromolecules contact and react 4it+ acti)e centers selecti)ely and t+oroug+ly. Macromolecules can contain deposit of +ea)y metal. 5it+ +ig+ acti)ity and good selecti)ityC its con)ersion a3ility to +ea)y oil and anticontamination a3ility from +ea)y metal nic(el is )ery strong. R!G-* catalyst is also specially designed for !RGG tec+nologyC 4it+ performance of strong con)ersion a3ility to +ea)y oil and +ea)y metal resistance. #ts main c+aracters areB #t +as sta3le structureC good pore distri3ution gradientC 4+ic+ ma(es molecules of )arious si,esC especially macromolecule contact and react 4it+ acti)e centers selecti)ely and t+oroug+lyC mean4+ile macromolecules can contain deposit of +ea)y metal. #t +as +ig+ acti)ityC good selecti)ityC especially strong con)ersion a3ility to +ea)y oil and anti-contamination a3ility from +ea)y metal nic(el. #n comparison 4it+ R!G-1 catalystC R!G-* catalyst +as larger pore si,eC +ig+er acti)ity and 3etter +ea)y metal %especially nic(el' resistance. #n additionC 3y adopting of ne4 type selecti)e molecular sie)e in preparation processC 3etter selecti)ity is ac+ie)ed. R!G--! is a catalyst 4it+ large 3ul( densityC 4+ic+ is specially designed for t+e *00C000 t=a !RGG installation of Gao>iao Refinery 4+ere $0L )acuum residue oil is 3lended in. :esides possessing in+erent +ig+ acti)ity and sta3ility of R!G series catalystC R!G--! +as +ig+ yield of 2PG %especially propylene' and /0O gasoline 4it+ +ig+ octane )alue.

,/ecial Catalyst for 4CC Process

MMC-27 C9P-2
#n order to meet t+e gro4ing demand for propylene in mar(etC 3ased on special catalyst of original DCC-# tec+nologyC MMC-& is a ne4 generation catalytic pyrolysis catalyst de)eloped t+roug+ modification of acti)e componentsC 4it+ 4+ic+ a +ig+er yield of propylene and crac(ing a3ility to +ea)y oil can 3e ac+ie)ed. C#P-& is a special catalyst for DCC-## catalytic pyrolysis tec+nology. ;o meet t+e demand of +ig+ lig+t olefin yield 4it+ residue oil as 3lended feedstoc(C C#P-& must possess +ig+ acti)ity for +ea)y oil and restrain acti)ity for +ydrogen transfer reaction. #n preparation process of C#P-&C multi-function acti)e components and ot+er

modification tec+nology are applied to endo4 C#P-& catalytic pyrolysis catalyst 4it+ +ig+ crac(ing acti)ityC +ig+ sta3ilityC good olefin selecti)ityC +ig+ octane )alue of gasoline and strong anti-a3rasion performance. Special Catalyst for CPP Process

Com3ining catalytic pyrolysis process %CPP' 4it+ matc+ed catalyst CD00&C under t+e reaction temperature of $*0K*$0 C lig+t olefinC dominant in et+ylene and propyleneC can 3e produced 4it+ +ea)y petroleum +ydrocar3on as feedstoc(. ?urt+ermoreC 3y controlling reaction conditionC yield ratio of et+ylene to propylene can also 3e adFusted to meet t+e demand c+ange 4it+ flexi3ility. CD00& catalyst contri3utes to 3ot+ +ig+ yield of lig+t olefin and +ig+ +ydrot+ermal acti)ity and sta3ility. #t can meet rigorous operation demand of catalytic pyrolysis tec+nology. Special Catalyst for M#P Process

M#P is an ?CC process t+at directly produces gasoline 4it+ lo4 olefin content and +ig+ octane )alue. #ts (ernel tec+nology is to re)amp existing ?CC riser reaction system appropriatelyC and di)ide con)entional single reaction section into t4o reaction sections 4it+ different reaction temperature and reaction time. M#P tec+nology ma(es catalytic crac(ing reaction proceed in eac+ reaction section controlla3ly and selecti)elyC and reali,es t+e goal to produce maximum isomeri,ed al(ane and ?CC gasoline 4it+ lo4 olefin content and +ig+ octane )alue directly. CR0&& catalyst is speciali,ed for M#P tec+nology. #ndustrial application result re)eals t+at it +as +ig+ +ea)y oil crac(ing performanceC good co(e selecti)ityC +ig+ yield of lig+t oil and prominent olefin-reducing function.

CRM#-& catalyst is speciali,ed for M#P tec+nology 4+ic+ possesses t+e c+aracters of +ig+ acti)ityC +ig+ t+ermal and +ydrot+ermal sta3ility and good co(e selecti)ity. #n conFunction 4it+ M#P tec+nologyC it can reduce olefin content in gasolineC and maintain ROA at t+e same time. CRM# series catalyst adopts preparation tec+nology of composite molecular sie)esC )ariety and ratio of molecular sie)es %PSRG or R80SG' are adFustedC and selecti)e molecular sie)es %RPS! or JRP-$' 4it+ different Si=!l ratio are adopted to increase yield of propylene on t+e premise of maintaining +ea)y oil con)ersion and total li>uid yield.

,/ecial Catalyst for M9P-C1P Process

M#P-CGP is an ?CC tec+nology 4it+ maximum isomeri,ed al(aneC +ig+er yield of propylene and lo4er olefin

content in gasoline. CGP series catalyst is a special designed catalyst for t+e process. Considering practical condition in specific Refinery and in conFunction 4it+ M#P-CGP tec+nologyC CGP-1 catalysts can guarantee olefin content in catalytic gasoline to meet 8urope ## or 8urope ### emission standardC on t+e premise of maintaining t+e same capacity of original installationC 4+ile octane )alue of gasoline is not lo4eredE yield of propylene %relati)e to material oil' is o)er -K7mL.

:2; Catalytic Crac&ing 8##iti<e

Catalytic Crac&ing 4esul/huri=ation 8##iti<e
?CC gasoline is t+e main 3lending component of )e+icle gasoline. ;o reduce sulfur content in catalytic gasoline is one of t+e effecti)e measures to meet ne4 international gasoline standard. Sulfur-reducing additi)e MS011 can effecti)ely reduce sulfur content 3y 1$K&0mL in ?CC gasolineC 4+ile not influencing distri3ution of products. Catalytic Crac(ing Propylene-#ncreasing !dditi)e

MP0 1 is de)eloped to increase t+e propylene content in 2PG aiming at t+e increasingly gro4ing demand for propylene in current mar(et. #ndustrial application result re)eals t+at under t+e same operating conditionC 4it+ a proportion of "K7mL additi)eC yield of propylene %relati)e to feedstoc(' can increase 3y 0.$K0.7mL on t+e premise of small increase in yield of 2PG.

C6P8 ,eries
C.P! is a (ind of ?CC additi)e to o3tain +ig+ yield of propylene de)eloped 3y R#PP. ;+is additi)e adopts metal modified JSM-$ molecular sie)e as acti)e componentsC and is prepared 4it+ particular carrier tec+nology. ;+e product +as certain M!; acti)ity 4it+out any influence to acti)ity of t+e main catalyst. #t can increase propylene content in 2PG %i.e. yield of propylene' 4+ile maintaining con)ersion rate and total li>uid yield.

Catalytic Crac&ing 1as-9ncreasing 8##iti<e

C8 ,eries
C! series additi)e is Fointly de)eloped 3y R#PP and Sinopec Catalyst C+angling Di)ision. Main products include C!-1 catalytic crac(ing 2PG-increasing additi)eC C!-& catalytic crac(ing gasoline octane )alue-increasing additi)eC C!-100 +ig+-efficiency catalytic crac(ing 2PG-increasing additi)eC C!- catalytic crac(ing 2PGincreasing additi)e of middle 3ul( densityC C!-&00 +ig+-efficiency catalytic crac(ing gasoline octane )alueincreasing additi)e etc. C! series catalytic crac(ing additi)es contain M?# s+ape selecti)e ,eolite and ot+er )arious molecular sie)es as acti)e components 4it+ strong crac(ing a3ility to +ea)y oilC strong isomeri,ation a3ilityC good co(e selecti)ity and +ea)y metal resistance. #n catalytic crac(ing installationC it can 3e used toget+er 4it+ catalytic crac(ing catalyst at any ratio. #t is an ideal catalytic crac(ing additi)e considering +ig+ yield of diesel oil and gas olefins or production of gasoline 4it+ +ig+ octane )alue.

:3; Catalytic +efor%ing Catalyst

,e%i-+egeneration +efor%ing Catalyst
CB ,eries
C: series catalyst is made of +ig+-purity !l%O.' po4derC 3y molding and sintering to ma(e sp+erical or strip R!l&O carrierC t+en infused 4it+ Pt and Re acti)e components to get t+e catalyst product. Catalyst product is a)aila3le eit+er in oxidati)e state or in reducti)e state. Reducti)e state catalyst can lessen unit start-up time. !mong C: series catalystC C:-*C C:--C C:-/C C:-*0 and C:--0 are semi-regeneration reforming catalysts de)eloped 3y R#PP and produced 3y Sinopec Catalyst C+angling Di)ision. C:-*C C:--C C:-/ catalysts +a)e sp+erical s+apeC and C:-*0C C:--0 catalysts +a)e strip s+ape. Re-to-Pt ratio of C:-*C C:-*0 catalysts is 1C and Reto-Pt ratio of C:--C C:--0 catalysts is +ig+er t+an 1. ;+e catalystsC suc+ as C:-*=C:--C C:-*0=C:--0 adopt t4osection filling process in commercial application. #n comparison 4it+ C:-*C content of precious metal Pt in C:-catalyst is lo4ered 3y 0L 4+ile content of precious metal Pt in C:-*0 catalyst is lo4ered 3y &0L. Reaction performance e)aluation and commercial application result re)eal t+at C: series catalysts performance +as exceeded t+e le)el of imported reference catalyst 4it+ t+e c+aracters of simple start-up procedureC s+ort start-up

timeC lo4 +ydrogen consumption etc. Catalyst can 3e adFusted to 4ater and c+lorine 3alance >uic(ly and effecti)ely in normal running process. Regeneration is easy and safe 3y adopting a Hdry met+odI pressuri,ed processC 4+ic+ simplifies co(e 3urning procedureC s+ortens co(e 3urning timeC lessens surface area loss and c+lorine loss. Catalyst performance can 3e reco)ered )ery 4ell after regeneration. Catalyst can 3e regenerated eit+er on-site or off-siteC and off-site regeneration +as more ad)antage. C: series catalyst +as 3een used more t+an sixty plants not only 3y domestic customersC 3ut also 3y o)erseas customers.

P+T ,eries
PR;-!C PR;-:C PR;-CC PR;-D are ne4 generation strip multi-metal semi-regeneration catalytic reforming catalysts de)eloped 3y R#PP and produced 3y C+angling Di)ision. ;+ey +a)e t+e c+aracters of +ig+ carrier purityC proper pore distri3utionC +ig+ strengt+ and c+lorine-+olding a3ility. Selecti)ity and sta3ility are furt+er impro)edC and car3on deposit )elocity is decreased. PR;-! and PR;-C are multi-metal catalysts of 4+ic+ Re-to-Pt ratio is 1C and PR;-: and PR;-D are multi-metal catalysts of 4+ic+ Re-to-Pt ratio is +ig+er t+an 1. ;4o-section filling process is adopted in commercial applicationC for exampleC PR;-! and PR;-: are filled toget+erC PR;-C and PR;-D are filled toget+er. PR;-!= PR;-: +a)e t+e same performance 4it+ PR;-C= PR;-D 3asically. #n comparison 4it+ C:-*0= C:--0 catalystsC con)ersion rate of aromatic 4it+ PR;-!= PR;-: and PR;-C= PR;-D can 3e increased 3y o)er $LC li>uid yield can 3e increased 3y o)er 1LC 4+ile car3on deposit can 3e decreased 3y o)er 17L under t+e same reaction condition. Catalysts acti)ityC selecti)ity and sta3ility +a)e all reac+ed international ad)anced le)el 4it+ good regeneration performance and feed adapta3ilityC and excellent processing a3ility e)en for lean nap+t+enic straig+t-run oil and secondary processing oil. #n commercial applicationC continuous running time of PR;-!=PR;-: and PR;-C=PR;-D reac+ed t+irty mont+s and t4enty-nine mont+s respecti)ely in t+e first period. PR; series catalyst (eeps t+e c+aracters of C: series for applied process. PresentlyC PR; series catalyst +as already 3een applied in ten plants. Continuous Reforming Catalyst

1C+ ,eries
GCR series catalyst is a ne4 generation continuous reforming catalyst 4it+ +ig+ acti)ity and +ydrot+ermal sta3ility de)eloped 3y R#PP. ;+e o3)ious c+aracteristic of t+e ne4 generation GCR series continuous reforming catalyst is its impro)ed acti)ity. #t is increased 3y * to 7 degrees centigrade in comparison 4it+ pre)ious generation reforming catalyst applied 4idely in t+e domestic units. !t t+e same timeC due to t+e adoption of ne4 type catalytic materialsC t+e a3ility of anti-+ig+ temperature +ydrot+ermal treating is impro)ed significantlyC t+e surface area decreasing rate is slo4edC and its life time is prolonged dou3le times more t+an pre)ious generationC 4+ic+ impro)es t+e economics s+arply. Moreo)erC t+e c+lorine-+olding a3ility is increasedC and t+e inFected c+lorine >uantity can 3e reduced to +alfC 4+ic+ can in+i3it t+e c+loride corrosion of do4nstream process o3)iously. ;+e mec+anical strengt+ of t+e product is impro)edC 4it+ 3etter anti-a3rasion performance and less dust from circulation and transportation. 5it+in GCR seriesC GCR-100 is an economic catalyst 4it+ lo4 Pt contentC 4+ile GCR-100! +as a slig+tly +ig+er Pt content. GCR series catalyst product is in reducti)e state 4it+ small sp+ere diameter of 1."K&.0 mm. ;+e ne4 generation GCR series continuous reforming catalyst is suita3le for t+e reforming process aiming at +ig+17

octane num3er gasolineC aromaticC and +ydrogen 4it+ feedstoc( of straig+t-run nap+t+aC +ydrocrac(ing +ea)y nap+t+aC pyrolysis gasolineC co(ing gasolineC catalytic gasolineC condensed oil etc.

+C ,eries
RC series is a one of t+e ne4est generationC +ig+ selecti)e and lo4 car3on-depositing rate catalyst de)eloped 3y R#PP in recent years. RC011 PS-<# 4as applied successfully in J+en+ai Refinery :ranc+. RC011 is an economic catalyst 4it+ lo4er Pt contentC and Pt contentC 4+ile RC0 1PS-<##+as a slig+tly +ig+er Pt content. RC series continuous reforming catalyst +as o3)ious c+aracteristics as follo4sB #t +as good selecti)enessC 4it+ +ig+ C$M li>uid yieldC and increased aromatic and +ydrogen yield. Car3on-depositing rate decreases o3)iously for more t+an &0L under t+e same rigorous reacting condition. !t t+e same timeC good +ydrot+ermal sta3ilityC c+lorine+olding a3ility and excellent mec+anical strengt+ are (ept. ;+e ne4est RC series continuous reforming catalyst is suita3le for t+e reforming process aiming at +ig+-octane num3er gasolineC aromaticC and +ydrogen 4it+ feedstoc( of straig+t-run nap+t+aC +ydrocrac(ing +ea)y nap+t+aC pyrolysis gasolineC co(ing gasolineC catalytic gasolineC condensed oil etc. :ecause of t+e lo4 car3on-depositing rateC it ma(es special sense for t+e capacity expanding and re)ampingC especially for t+e continuous reforming plants 4it+ a constrained regeneration a3ility.

:4; 6y#ro/rocessing Catalyst

6y#rorefining Catalyst
+N ,eries
RA-1 catalyst +as +ig+ +ydro-denitrogenC +ydro-desulfur and +ydro-dearomatics acti)ityC +ig+ acti)ity sta3ility and 4ide adapta3ility to )arious feedstoc( 4it+ acti)e component of Ai-5. #t possesses +ig+ mec+anical strengt+C lo4 3ed pressure drop and good regeneration performance. #n !pril 1/7-C t+e first industrial application of t+is catalyst 4as carried out in Guang,+ou Petroc+emical CompanyC and great success 4as ac+ie)ed. #ts performance +as reac+ed international ad)anced le)el. #t is applica3le for +ydrorefining of straig+t-run fraction of +ig+-nitrogen and +ig+-sulfur contentC suc+ as gasolineC reforming feedstoc(C (eroseneC Fet fuelC straig+t-run dieselC )acuum gas oilC and lu3e oil. #t is applica3le for +ydrorefining of secondary processing fraction of +ig+-nitrogen and +ig+-sulfur crudeC suc+ as )iscosity-3rea(ing gasolineC catalytic crac(ing dieselC co(ing dieselC co(ing gas oilC mixture of co(ing gas oil and

straig+t gas oil. #t is applica3le for moderate and +ig+ pressure +ydrocra(ing of +ig+-nitrogen and +ig+-sulfur crudeC and +ydrodenitrogenation and aromatic saturating of feedstoc(C also applica3le for moderate pressure +ydro-upgrading processing for refining section feedstoc(C suc+ as +ydrodenitrogenation of )acuum gas oilC residue catalytic crac(ing dieselC feedstoc( from atmosp+eric line and )acuum line 1. RA-& is a trilo3e-s+ape catalyst 4it+ acti)e component of Ai-5. :esides possessing all t+e properties of RA-1C RA-& catalyst increases .DA acti)ity 3y 1$L in comparison 4it+ RA-1. #n !ugust 1// C RA-& 4as industrially applied in C+angling Refinery. RA-& can 3e applied 4it+in all t+e range of RA-1C 3esidesC it is especially suita3le for +ydrotreating of inferior feedstoc( %suc+ as )acuum gas oilC co(ing gas oil'C and pre-refining of feedstoc( for moderate-pressure and +ig+pressure +ydrocrac(ing. RA-10 is a trilo3e-s+ape catalyst 4it+ acti)e component of Ai-5. RA-10 is an updated and su3stituted product for RA-1C 4it+ +ig+er +ydro-denitrogenC +ydro-desulfur and +ydro-dearomatics acti)ity. #n !pril 1//-C t+e first industrial application of RA-10 4as carried out in diesel +ydroprocessing plant of Guang,+ou Petroc+emical CompanyC and great success 4as ac+ie)ed. RA-10 can 3e applied 4it+in all t+e range of RA-1C 3esidesC it is especially suita3le for processing imported +ig+sulfur fraction and domestic +ig+-nitrogen fraction. #t also gi)e tec+nical support to production en+ancing. RA-10: is a 3utterfly-s+ape catalyst 4it+ acti)e component of Ai-5 4it+ +ig+ +ydro-denitrogenC +ydro-desulfurC +ydro-dearomatics acti)ityC +ig+ anti-crus+ strengt+ and 3ed porosityC and dramatically decreased 3ed pressure drop. RA-10: can 3e applied 4it+ di)ersified feedstoc( as 4ell. RA-10: catalyst 4as applied in t+e diesel +ydroprocessing plants of Sinopec Singmen :ranc+ and Sinopec SiNnan :ranc+ successfully. RA-10: catalyst can 3e applied to straig+t-run fraction %suc+ as gasolineC (eroseneC straig+t-run diesel etc.' and secondary processing fraction %suc+ as co(ing gasolineC co(ing dieselC co(ing gas oilC catalytic crac(ing diesel etc.'. RA-10: is especially suita3le for t+e production expanding plants t+at need to decrease pressure dropC and t+e ne4 and old plants t+at need to impro)e t+e product >uality. RA- & %including RA- &<' is a ne4 generation +ig+-performance +ydrorefining catalyst de)eloped 3y R#PP after complete optimi,ation 4it+ )ery +ig+ de-nitrogen and de-sulfur acti)ity. Compared 4it+ RA-& catalystC under reaction temperature of -$K 7$ C +ydrogen pressure of 7.0 Mpa and )olume space )elocity of 1.0 +-1C denitrogen acti)ity is increased 3y &0K&7LC de-sulfur acti)ity is increased 3y 7&K1 *LC 4+ile maintaining good acti)ity sta3ility. RA- &< catalyst +as already 3een applied in Sinopec SiNnan :ranc+C Sinopec C+angling :ranc+ and Sinopec Singmen :ranc+ successfully. RA- & catalyst is suita3le for preprocessing of +ydrocrac(ing feedstoc(C +ydrotreating of gas oilC and catalytic crac(ing feedstoc(. RA- & %including RA- &<' can not only sol)e t+e processing pro3lem of +ig+-nitrogen oilC 3ut also gi)e tec+nical support to production expanding.


6y#rorefining Catalyst for Clean 1asoline

Catalytic Crac&ing 1asoline ,electi<e 6y#ro#esul/huri=ation

+,4, ,eries
RSDS series catalysts include RGO-& guard catalyst and RSDS-1 selecti)e +ydro-desulfur catalystC 4+ic+ can meet clean gasoline specification of 8urope-### and 8urope-#< emission standard for sulfur content. RSDS series catalysts +a)e c+aracteristics as follo4sB GRO-& guard catalyst +as 4ea( acidityC +ig+ operation space )elocityC strong lo4-temperature de-diene a3ility etc. #n +ydro-treating process of ?CC gasolineC it can 3e used for long term operationC 4it+ main catalyst protected. RSDS-1 selecti)e +ydro-desulfur catalyst +as +ig+ +ydro-desulfur acti)ityC lo4 olefin and aromatics saturating acti)ityC strong octane-+olding a3ilityC 4it+ good acti)ity sta3ility. #t is applica3le for lo4-sulfur gasoline production 4it+ lo4 octane loss 4+en +ydroprocessing +ig+-sulfur content catalytic crac(ing gasoline. Catalytic Crac(ing Gasoline .ydro-isomeri,ation Desulp+uri,ation 6 Olefin-reduction

+94O, ,eries
Catalytic Crac(ing Gasoline +ydro-desulfur olefin-reducing tec+nology %a33re)iated as R#DOS tec+nology'C uses olefin-ric+ ?CC gasoline as its feedC and separates gasoline into t4o fractionsC lig+t fraction and +ea)y fraction according to product o3Fecti)e and feed property. 2ig+t fraction is extracted and refined 4it+ al(ali to remo)e t+iolC 4+ile +ea)y fraction is +ydro-desulfuri,ed and olefin reduced and finally lig+t fraction and +ea)y fraction are 3lended to get full-fraction gasoline product. ;+is tec+nology can 3e utili,ed in production of clean gasoline 4it+ sulfur content lo4er t+an &00 ppmC olefin content lo4er t+an &0 <LC and loss of anti-explosion index less t+an & units. #t is recogni,ed t+at R#DOS tec+nology +as reac+ed ad)anced le)el in international li(e tec+nologies. Catalysts applied in R#DOS tec+nology include RGO-& guard catalystC RS-1! +ydro-refining catalyst and R#DOS-1 +ydro-isomeri,ation catalyst. C+aracters of R#DOS series catalysts are proper s+ape 4it+ strengt+ increase and diffusion resistance decreaseC +ig+ diene saturating performanceC +ig+ +ydro-desulfuri,ationC olefin saturating and isomeri,ation acti)ityC efficient co(e restrain and long-term operation. #ts desulfuri,ation rate is o)er /0LC olefin saturating rate o)er *0LC 4it+ minor loss of octane )alue. R#DOS tec+nology 4as applied on t+e &&0C000ton=a +ydro-treating process of ?CC gasoline successfully in Gans+an :ranc+. #t is applica3le for deep desulfuri,ation and olefin-decreasing of olefin-ric+ ?CC gasolineC and o3Fect product is clean gasoline 4it+ lo4 octane num3er loss.


6y#rorefining Catalyst for Clean 4iesel

4iesel >ltra 4ee/ 4esul/huri=ation Catalyst

RS-1000 is a ne4 generation +ig+-performance diesel ultra deep desulp+uri,ation catalyst de)eloped 3y R#PP 4it+ complete optimi,ation. ;+e acti)e component of RS-1000 is Ai-5. #t +as excellent +ydrodesulp+uri,ation and +ydrodenitrogenation acti)ityC and +ydrodesulp+uri,ation performance +as reac+ed international ad)anced le)el of similar catalysts. Aot only 8urope ### standardC 3ut also 8urope #< standard can 3e met 4+en RS-1000 is used to produce diesel 3y refineriesC and diesel 4it+ $0 g=g or 10 g=g ultra lo4 sulfur content is a)aila3le under t+e +ydrorefining condition of .& *."MPa +ydrogen pressure. RS-1000 4as industrially applied in Sinopec Singmen :ranc+ in &00$C and t+e product clean diesel met 8urope ### standard. :ecause t+ere is great potential demand for ultra lo4 sulfur clean diesel in C+inaC RS-1000 +as 3road application prospect. ;+is catalyst can 3e used eit+er in +ydrotreating of diesel oil under +ig+ space )elocity for lo4-sulfur diesel oil meeting 8urope ### standardC or under normal +ydro-refining condition for lo4-sulfur diesel oil meeting 8urope #< standard 4it+ good adapta3ility to )arious diesel oilC including +ig+-sulfur and +ig+-nitrogen diesel oil. #nferior Diesel Deep .ydrotreating Catalyst

+9C ,eries
De)eloped 3y R#PPC containing metal components %Ai and 5' and molecular sie)eC R#C-1=R#C-& catalysts are used to raise cetane )alue and decrease density of diesel oil from ?CC process 4it+ residue oil 3lended feedstoc(. ;+ese catalysts +a)e +ig+ saturating acti)ity to aromaticsC +ig+ crac(ing acti)ityC good selecti)ityC +ig+ acti)ity to remo)e sulfur and nitrogen. ;+ey can impro)e cetane )alue 3y more t+an 7K1& unitsC decrease diesel oil density 3y more t+an 0.0 $ g=cm C and diesel yield is more t+an /$L. Clean diesel 4it+ less t+an $0ppm sulfur content can 3e o3tainedC and t+e >uality of inferior diesel oil suc+ as ?CC diesel oil can 3e upgraded. R#C-1=R#C-& catalysts are mainly used to upgrade t+e >uality of inferior diesel suc+ as ?CC diesel. R#C-1=R#C-& catalysts can eit+er act as +ydrotreating catalysts in t+e single catalyst and single section processC or act as +ydrocrac(ing catalysts in t+e dou3le catalysts and dou3le sections process.


8<iation ?erosene 6y#ro/rocessing Catalyst

!iming at t+e c+aracter of straig+t-run a)iation (eroseneC R#PP de)eloped a Fet fuel +ydro-det+iol patent tec+nology %R.SS tec+nology' 4it+ a 4+ole pac(age of ne4 +ydro-det+iol RSS-1! catalyst and matc+ed mild tec+nological process. #ndustrial application result re)eals t+atC under mild tec+nological condition %reaction temperature of & $K&"- C reaction pressure of 0.-K1. MpaC )olume space )elocity of ".0 +-1C and +ydrogen=oil ratio of 0K$$ <=<'C R.SS tec+nology +as good de-t+iol and de-acid effectC certain function to remo)e sulfurC raise smo(ing point and upgrade color of productC and product performances meet t+e >uality standard of O Fet fuel. RSS-1! catalyst +as sta3le performanceC and can meet t+e industrial demand for long-period operation. RSS-1! catalyst and R.SS tec+nology 4ere applied in t+e Fet fuel +ydroprocessing plants of S+ang+ai Petroc+emical Company and J+en+ai Refinery etc. RSS-1! catalyst is mainly used in t+e +ydrorefining process of straig+t-run a)iation (eroseneC also it can 3e used in olefin saturating of reformate raffinate aiming at sol)ent oil.

Lu e 6y#rorefining Catalyst
2u3ricant +ydrogenation R2-1 catalyst +as excellent 3alance 3et4een +ydrogenation function and acid crac(ing functionC and it +as t+e function to impro)e )iscosity-temperature performance of lu3ricant fraction effecti)ely and increase its )iscosity index. ;+e catalyst +as +ig+ aromatics saturating acti)ityC +ig+ de-sulfur and de-nitrogen acti)ity and certain isomeri,ation a3ility. ;+e catalyst +as good acti)ity sta3ilityC and its integral performance +as reac+ed current international le)el. R2-1C a trilo3e-s+ape strip catalystC ta(es Ai-5 as its acti)e component. #t +as 4ide adapta3ility to lu3ricant fractions from )arious feedstoc(. 8xperiment result re)eals t+at R2-1 +as good effect in +ydrogenation of lu3ricant fraction under 3ot+ +ig+ and moderate pressure. R2-1 catalyst +as 3een industrially applied in 1elamayi Petroc+emical Plant and Sinopec Singmen :ranc+. ?rom lu3ricant fraction of different feedC !P#C!P ##C or !P ### 3ase oilC 1&0K1$0:S 3rig+t oilC ru33er filling oil and 4+ite oil etc. can 3e produced. #t is applica3le for +ydrogenation process under 3ot+ +ig+ and moderate pressureC top grade lu3e 3ase oil can 3e produced from lu3ricant fraction of different feed.


Lu ricant 6y#ro-#e0a'ing Catalyst

RD5-1 lu3ricant +ydro-de4axing catalyst is a +ig+-performance catalyst de)eloped 3y R#PP and produced 3y Sinopec Catalyst C+angling Di)ision. ;+is catalyst is a selecti)e crac(ing catalyst 4it+ s+ape selecti)e molecular sie)e as its main componentC and is applied in +ydro-de4axing of lu3ricant oil. #t can crac( +ig+ solidifying point +ydrocar3on into little molecular ones and separate t+em from oilC so as to decrease solidifying point. RD5-1C a trilo3e-s+ape strip catalystC adopts s+ape selecti)e molecular sie)e 4it+ +ig+ crystalli,ation degreeC complex coextruding agent de)eloped 3y R#PPC as 4ell as particular preparation tec+nologyC 4+ic+ ma(e crac(ing acti)ity of catalyst 3e adFusted ela3orately. RD5-1 catalyst +as t+e c+aracters of +ig+ acti)ityC +ig+ strengt+C long +ydrogen acti)ating period. Compared 4it+ reference catalystsC RD5-1 catalyst can 3e used under +ig+er space )elocity. #ndustrial result re)eals t+at RD5-1 +as good sta3ility and good regeneration performance. RD5-1 catalyst +as 3een industrially applied in 1elamayi Petroc+emical CompanyC &O and "*O refrigerating mac+ine oilC "$O transformer oilC ru33er filling oil and 1$0:S 3rig+t oil can 3e produced from 1elamayi section-/ t+ic( oil. #t is applica3le for +ydro-de4axing of diesel and lu3e fraction.

Paraffin 6y#rorefining Catalyst

+@" ,eries
RS5-1 is a trilo3e-s+ape strip catalyst 4it+ Ai-5 as its acti)e component. #t is suita3le for +ydrorefining of paraffin. RS5-1 paraffin +ydro-refining catalyst is of +ig+ +ydrogenation and aromatics saturating acti)ityC 4ea( crac(ing a3ilityC proper pore structureC small diffusion resistanceC fa)ora3le for distri3ution of gas and li>uid in reactor. #n 1//&C RS5-1 paraffin +ydro-refining catalyst 4as applied on t+e 100C000 t=a paraffin +ydro-refining plant of Singmen Petroc+emical Company. RS5-& is Fointly de)eloped 3y R#PP and Sinopec Singmen :ranc+C it is a trilo3e-s+ape strip catalyst 4it+ Ai-5 as acti)e component and suita3le for +ydrorefining of micro-crystalline paraffin. #n 1//"C it reali,ed industrial production in C+angling Di)isionC and 4as applied on t+e $0C000 t=a paraffin +ydro-refining plant of Singmen Petroc+emical Company in May 1//$. #t is applica3le for +ydrorefining of di)ersified paraffin and micro-crystalline paraffin aiming at food grade productC also suita3le for +ydrorefining of lu3e to impro)e t+e in)aria3ility of 3ase oil.


4iene ,electi<e 6y#ro/rocessing Catalyst

Considering t+e process and feedstoc( condition of PetroC+ina 2iaoyang CompanyC RDD-1 catalyst is a dieneselecti)e +ydrogenation catalyst de)eloped 3y R#PP and produced 3y C+angling Di)isionC 4it+ non-precious metal Ai as its acti)e component. #ndustrial application result re)eals t+at its acti)ity and sta3ility is superior to imported products. ?ast acti)ity-losing pro3lem of Ai 3ased catalyst is sol)ed. #t +as 3een under steady operation for more t+an one and a +alf years on 2iaoyang Synt+etic ?i3er CompanyNs -0C000 t=a pyrolytic gasoline +ydrogenation plant 4it+ maleic an+ydride )alue in first-section product steadily under 10 mg=g. Selecti)e +ydroprocessing tec+nology %including its catalyst' can 3e applied not only in t+e refining of steam pyrolytic gasolineC 3ut also in t+e refining of ot+er c+emical feedstoc( 4idelyC for exampleC t+e refining of catalytic pyrolytic gasoline feedstoc( aiming at lo4-car3on olefinC t+e refining of +ig+ octane num3er component feedstoc( aiming at aet+er suc+ as M;:8C ;!M8 etc.C getting rid of diene from feedstoc( as t+e a3o)e so as to protect t+e catalysts in t+e do4nstream process and prolong t+e catalysts li)es.

"hite Oil 6y#ro/rocessing Catalyst

R2?-10 5 is a (ind of precious metal catalyst used in +ydrogenation of 4+ite oil. #t +as excellent +ydrogenation and aromatics saturating performanceC 4ea( crac(ing performanceC small diffusion resistanceC proper s+ape and strengt+. R2?-10 5 is mainly used in section-& +ydrogenation in 4+ite oil production 4it+ t4o-section +ydrogenation tec+nology. #t is also used in process t+at +as +ig+ demand for aromatic saturating performance. #t is applica3le for producing food grade 4+ite oil of di)ersified )iscosity grade.

6y#rocrac&ing Catalyst
+T ,eries
Main components of trilo3e-s+ape strip R;-1 catalyst are AiC 5C and G molecular sie)e. R;-1 catalyst +as certain +ydro-desulp+uri,ationC +ydro-denitrogenation and aromatics saturating a3ility 4it+ good crac(ing selecti)ity and anti-nitrogen sta3ility. #t +as 3een successfully applied on industrial plants. R;-1 catalyst can also 3e used in middle-pressure +ydrocrac(ing tec+nology of +ea)y )acuum gas oil %RMC'. Main components of trilo3e-s+ape strip R;-$ moderate-pressure +ydrocrac(ing catalyst are 5C AiC and G

molecular sie)e. R;-$ catalyst +as )ery strong +ydrocrac(ing acti)ity and good anti-nitrogen sta3ility 4it+ certain +ydrodesulp+uri,ationC +ydro-denitrogenation and aromatics saturating a3ility. #t +as 3een successfully applied in many domestic +ydrocrac(ing plants. Moderate-pressure +ydrogenation upgrading tec+nology com3ining RA-1 +ydrorefining catalyst and R;-$ +ydrocrac(ing catalyst is regarded as one of t+e t+ree great updated tec+nologies in t+e 4orld for producing diesel oil 4it+ lo4 sulfur and aromatics content 3y!merican Oil 6 Gas maga,ine. R;-$ catalyst can also 3e used in moderate-pressure +ydrocrac(ing tec+nology of +ea)y )acuum gas oil %RMC'. R;-$ can 3e used in moderate-pressure +ydrocrac(ing tec+nology of +ea)y )acuum gas oil %RMC'C also it can 3e used in +ig+-pressure +ydrocrac(ing process.

R.C-1 catalyst 4as de)eloped 3y R#PP 4it+ c+aracters of +ig+ +ydrogenation acti)ity and +ig+ selecti)e ringopening performance. #t can decrease :MC# of product tail oilC and is especially suita3le for t+e production of top grade c+emical feedstoc( under moderate pressure condition %trim pyrolysis feedstoc( of lo4 :MC# and reforming feedstoc( 4it+ +ig+ latent aromatics'C and +ydrocrac(ing process of top grade transportation fuel 4it+ ultra-lo4 sulfur content. R.C-1 catalyst 4as applied in t+e 1. million ton=a +ydrocrac(ing plant of Sinopec Gans+an :ranc+. ;+e result re)ealed :MC# of tail oil decreased 3y a3out t4o unitsC 4+ic+ increased et+ylene yield of do4nstream steamed crac(ing et+ylene process.

+esi#ue 6y#ro-#e%etalli=ation Catalyst

+4M ,eries
RDM-1=RDM-& are 3utterfly s+ape residue +ydro-demetalli,ation catalyst 4it+ Ai-Mo=!lumina as its components. RDM-1=RDM-& +as larger pore )olume and si,e 4it+ +ig+er +ydro-demetalli,ation %AiC <' acti)ity and excellent acti)e sta3ility and certain de-sulfur and de-car3on residue a3ility at t+e same time. ;+ey can tolerate metal more t+an 70L 4eig+t of t+emsel)es. ;+ese catalysts +a)e already 3een applied in industrial plants successfully. ;+ey are applica3le for residue +ydrotreating %R.;' process filled 3e+ind guard catalyst. ;+e main function is to remo)e Ai and < from residue and protect do4nstream catalysts.

+esi#ue 6y#ro#e%etalli=ation A 6y#ro#esu/huri=ation Catalyst

RMS-1 is a 3utterfly s+ape residue +ydro-demetalli,ation and desulp+uri,ation catalyst 4it+ Co-Mo=!lumina as

components. RMS-1 +as larger pore )olumeC proper pore si,e and concentrated pore distri3utionC proper acidity and density etcC 4it+ excellent +ydro-desulp+uri,ation acti)ityC +ydro-demetalli,ation %AiC <' acti)ityC +ig+er metal containing a3ilityC +ig+er de-nitrogenation and de-car3on residue a3ility at t+e same time. ;+e catalyst +as already 3een applied in industrial plants successfully %running period reac+ed eig+t mont+s'. #t is applica3le in residue +ydrotreating %R.;' process filled 3e+ind demetalli,ation catalyst. ;+e main function is to remo)e sulfurC metalC car3on residue and nitrogen from residue.

+esi#ue 6y#ro-#e%etalli=ation an# 6y#ro#enitrogenation Catalyst

RSA-1 is a 3utterfly s+ape residue +ydro-demetalli,ation and denitrogenation catalyst 4it+ Ai-5=!lumina as components. RSA-1 +as proper pore )olume and concentrated pore distri3utionC proper acidity and densityC and contain certain >uality of :-acid etcC 4it+ excellent +ydro-denitrogenationC de-car3on residueC and de-sulp+uri,ation acti)ity. ;+e catalyst +as already 3een applied in industrial plants successfully %running period reac+ed eig+t mont+s'. #t is applica3le in residue +ydrotreating %R.;' process filled 3e+ind demetalli,ation and desulfuri,ation catalyst. ;+e main function is to remo)e nitrogenC car3on residue and sulfur from residue.

+efor%ing Prehy#ro/rocessing Catalyst

+, ,eries
RS-1 is a (ind of +ig+-acti)ity +ydrorefining catalyst for nap+t+a under +ig+ space )elocity. Due to its good +ydrogenation performanceC +ig+ acti)ity in sulfur and nitrogen remo)al and lo4 aromatic +ydrocar3on saturating acti)ityC RS-1 is especially adapta3le for pre-+ydrogenation of reforming feedstoc( under +ig+ space )elocity. RS-1 is a trilo3e strip s+ape catalyst 3ased on Ai-5 system and mixed 4it+ ot+er additi)es 4it+ uni>ue composition structure. #n industrial installation under +ig+ space )elocityC t+is catalyst s+o4s +ig+ +ydro-desulfuri,ation acti)ityC good acti)ity sta3ility and +ig+ mec+anical strengt+. 5it+ RS-1C straig+t-run gasoline can 3e processed to produce reforming feedstoc( under condition of 7K10 +-1 +ig+ space )elocity and lo4 +ydrogen=oil ratioE nap+t+a 4it+ &$L co(ing gasoline content can 3e processed to produce reforming feedstoc( under condition of "K* +-1 +ig+ space )elocity. 0nder t+e pressure %&.0 MPa' of reforming pre+ydrogenationC +ydrogenation of di)ersified feedstoc( from inside and outside of C+ina li(e +ig+-sulfur content feedstoc( from Middle 8astC and pre-+ydrogenation of nitrogenous feedstoc( %AT$ ppm' mixed 4it+ secondary processing gasoline can 3ot+ 3e reali,ed to produce refined oil %ST0.$ ppmC AT0.$ ppm'. !iming at t+e furious mar(et competitionC R#PP de)eloped a +ig+er acti)ity reforming feedstoc( pre+ydrogenation catalystC RS- 0C under +ig+ space )elocity. #t adopts alumina as carrierC Ai-5 and ot+er additi)es as

acti)e components. #t is a 3utterfly s+ape catalyst 4it+ uni>ue composition structure and optimi,ed preparation tec+nology. RS- 0 +as +ig+ acti)ity in sulfur and nitrogen remo)alC lo4 aromatic saturating acti)ityC and +ig+ mec+anical strengt+. #t is especially adapta3le for pre-+ydrogenation of reforming feedstoc( under +ig+ space )elocityC 4it+ strong mar(et competence and 3road industrial application prospect. ;+ey are applica3le for pre-+ydrorefining of reforming feedstoc(.

1uar# Catalyst
+1 ,eries
!s crude oil is 3ecoming +ea)ierC feedstoc( >uality in +ydrogenation process is also 3ecoming 4orse. 2ife of +ydrogen catalyst and operation period of installation is also s+ortened. RG-1 protector is Fust de)eloped to sol)e t+e a3o)e pro3lem 3y R#PP. #n +ydrogenation procedure of residue oilC large amount of impurities are found in t+e feedstoc( suc+ as ?eC Ca and co(e-producing material. ;+ese impurities 4ill deposit on t+e +ig+-acti)ity de-metal catalyst rapidly. !s a resultC t+e 3ed pressure-drop 4ill rise >uic(ly. #n order to delay t+e 3ed pressure-drop risingC a protecti)e layer t+at can accommodate large amount of ?e and co(e s+ould 3e placed on top of t+e de-metal catalyst layer. .ig+ acti)ity is not demanded for protecti)e catalystC 3ecause impurity atoms %suc+ as ?e etc' are )ery easy to 3e remo)ed. 5+at is needed is large space enoug+ %including t+e porosity of 3ed layer of protecti)e catalyst' to accommodate deposits. Mean4+ile t+e protector s+ould +a)e enoug+ crus+ing resistance. Protector RG-10 series catalyst is a special-s+ape catalyst 4it+ +ig+ strengt+ and large pore )olumeC 4+ic+ is specially de)eloped to sol)e t+e a3o)e pro3lem. ;+is catalyst series include RG-10C RG-10!C RG-10: and RG-10C. ;+ey can 3e used indi)idually or in com3ination according to particular situationC and can 3e used as protector in ot+er +ydrogenation processes. RG-10 is an inert guard catalyst 4it+ se)en-+ole 3all s+ape filled on t+e top of reactor. ;+e function is to 3loc( and capture granule from residueC impro)e stream status of li>uid and decrease pressure drop of 3ed. RG-10!=: are Rasc+ig ring s+ape guard catalysts 4it+ Ai-Mo=!lumina as components. Outside diameter of RG10! is a3out *.0mmC 4+ile RG-10: is a3out .$ mm. ;+e main function is to remo)e impurities suc+ as ?eC Ca and AaC as 4ell as Ai and < to a certain extent from feedstoc(. RG-10!=: are filled after RG-10 usually. ?rom RG-10 to RG-10!C RG-10:C t+e acti)ity increases from naug+t to existenceC and granular reduces from 3ig to small. RG-10C RG-10! and RG-10: +a)e excellent acti)ity and granular com3ination to protect t+e main catalyst. ;+e t+ree guard catalysts +a)e already 3een applied in industrial plants successfully. ;+ey are applica3le in +ydrotreating process of inferior feedstoc( %+ea)y oil'C and 3e filled on t+e top of reactor su3section 3y su3section. ;+e main function is to remo)e granule and impurities suc+ as ?eC Ca and Aa from feedstoc(.

RP-1 is a (ind of acti)e support de)eloped 3y R#PP. #t is trilo3e-s+ape strip and mainly contains 5C Ai and alumina.

5+en a secondary processing oil %suc+ as t+ermal processing gasolineC diesel oil and ot+er gas oil etc.' is processedC suc+ oil is easy to produce co(e under +ig+ temperature on t+e top of 3ed layer causing t+e 3ed pressure-drop to rise rapidly 3ecause t+ere are considera3le al(ene and diene in t+e oil products. #f a layer of catalyst 4it+ lo4 acti)ity is placed on top of t+e catalyst layerC diene can 3e +ydrogenated rapidly and t+e top co(ing can 3e a)oided. On demand of t+e a3o)e +ydrogenation tec+nologyC RP-1 acti)e support is designed. RP-1 +as excellent diene saturating performance and certain +ydro-desulfuri,ation a3ility and de-nitrification a3ility. #t also +as +ig+ mec+anical strengt+ 4it+ lo4 price.


Polyolefin Catalyst
:2; PE Catalyst B 1as Phase Process
BC1 ,eries
:CG %:CG-# and :CG-##' catalyst is a (ind of Jiegler-Aatta type +ig+-efficiency P8 catalyst 4it+ SiO& as its support. #t is in)ented 3y :R#C#. #t is suita3le for et+ylene polymeri,ation or co-polymeri,ation in gas-p+ase fluidi,ed 3ed tec+nologyC especially t+ose of 0nipol tec+nology. #ts tec+nological c+aracters are listed 3elo4. #t +as +ig+ acti)ityC 4+ic+ is larger t+an $ (gP8=gCat %0nipol industrial installation'. #t +as )ery good fluidity. #t +as good response to +ydrogen regulation. #t +as good co-polymeri,ation performance. ;+e polymer produced +as +ig+ 3ul( densityC 4+ic+ is larger t+an 0. $ g=cm %0nipol industrial installation'. ;+e polymer produced +as good particle s+apeC narro4 particle si,e distri3ution and contains little fines.

,C1-2 ,eries
;+e SCG-1 catalyst is a ne4 type of +ig+-efficiency product used for gas-p+ase polyet+ylene plant 4it+ t+e 0nipol process. ;+e SCG-1 catalyst is a po4der catalyst 3ased on ;iCl"-Mg Cl& system. ;+e SCG-1 series catalyst contains t+ree typesB SCG-1%' C SCG-1%'C SCG-1%'C and can 3e used for producing full range density P8 resin %from lo4 to +ig+'. #t means t+at t+e resin product of all lo4C all medium and partial +ig+ densities % .DP8 4it+ M#&.1*U7' can 3e produced 3y SCG-1%' or SCG-1%'. SCG-1%' is only used for all +ig+ density and narro4 M5D P8 product. ;+e operating condition of reactor is t+e same as t+e original patent designing. ;+e main properties of SCG-1 are listed 3elo4. #t operates smoot+ly in t+e gas-p+ase fluidi,ed reactorC t+e reaction is easy to controlC and electrostatic s+eeting and )iolent polymeri,ation caused 3y catalyst can t+us 3e a)oided. #t is +ig+ in acti)ity. #t is >uic( in action and terminationC 3etter adapted to reactor at +ig+ load and condensed mode running. ;+e SCG-1 catalyst is sensiti)e to +ydrogen adFustmentC and its +ydrogen response is superior to t+at of same (ind catalysts. ;+e SCG-1 catalyst is +ig+ in copolymeri,ing po4erC and its response to copolymeri,ing monomers is superior to t+at of same (ind catalyst.

Compared 4it+ t+e imported catalystC t+e SCG-1catalyst particles are 3etter s+apedC t+e particle si,e distri3ution is a little narro4erC and it +as a suita3le strengt+ of 3urstingC no gat+eringC and ad+esion of t+e particlesC 4+ic+ manifest good free-flo4ing property and easy to feed in t+e catalyst feeder.

;+e S2C-G is de)eloped on t+e 3ase of catalyst formulation. ;+e commercial tec+nology including special facilities and process=>uality control 4ere self-exploited 3y S+ang+ai 2eaderC and t+e catalyst is made 4it+ tec+nology magnified 3y S+ang+ai 2eader. ;+e S2C-G catalyst is Jiegler -Aatta polyet+ylene catalyst 3ased on special silica. #t can 3e used in et+ylene co-polymeri,ation and

+omopolymeri,ation of gas-p+ase fluidi,ed-3ed. ;+e tec+nical c+aracteristics of t+e catalyst are listed 3elo4. #t +as +ig+ producti)ityC 4+ic+ is a3out 7-1& (gP8=gCat. #t +as )ery good response to +ydrogen regulation. #t +as good response to comonomer. #t +as +ig+ settle 3ul( density on resinC 4+ic+ is larger t+an 0. $ g=cm . 5it+ good free-flo4ing propertyC it can 3e applied in intrinsic feeder system and soft4are system of 0nipol process. ;+ere is )ery good particle s+ape of resinC narro4 particle si,e distri3ution and fe4 fines.

,C1-3C4C! ,eries
;+e SCG- catalyst is used in 0nipol process. SCG- catalyst is c+rome-3asedC 4it+ medium molecular 4eig+t distri3ution %M?RP$0/0'C used in t+e production of .DP8C and its propertiesC uses and met+od of use are t+e same as t+ose of t+e imported :- 00 %?- ' catalystC +o4e)erC 3ecause of impro)ement on t+e support and electron donorC its properties are some4+at impro)ed. ;+e SCG-" catalyst is used in 0nipol process. SCG-" catalyst is c+rome-3asedC 4it+ medium molecular 4eig+t distri3ution %M?RP$0/0'C used in t+e production of 22DP8C and its propertiesC uses and met+od of use are t+e same as t+ose of t+e imported :-"00%?-"' catalyst.!ndC 3ecause of impro)ement on t+e support and electron donorC its properties are some4+at impro)ed. ;+e SCG-$ catalyst is used for production of 3road molecular 4eig+t distri3ution%M?RP-$-1$0 ' .DP8 in 0nipol processC Fust t+e same as t+e traditional imported G- 00 %S-&' catalyst. #ts performance indices and uses are exactly t+e same as t+ose of t+e imported G00 %S-&' catalyst. #t is a c+romium %Cr' 3ased catalyst for t+e production of all t+e 3rands of .DP8 made 4it+ t+e original G- 00 catalyst.

BC, ,eries
:CS Series %:CS01C :CS0&' catalysts are a (ind of slurry catalysts 4+ic+ are applica3le to et+ylene polymeri,ation 4it+ 0nipol process and :P process. ;+ey can 3e used to produce a )ariety of P8 gradesC including inFection moldingC extrusion molding and flo4 molding. ;+ey +a)e +ig+ acti)ity 4it+in t+e range of 1$K 0(gP8=gCat in industrial process. ;+e polymer produced +as +ig+ 3ul( density 4+ic+ is larger t+an 0. &g=cm . ;+ey +a)e excellent copolymeri,ation performance and +ydrogen response. ;+e melt flo4 index of polymer produced is adFusta3le 3et4een 0.&K70 g=10min.. ;+e polymer produced +as good morp+ology and contains fe4 fines. ;+e difference is t+at :CS01 catalyst adopts MgCl& as its support and t+at :CS01 catalyst adopts SiO& as its support.

;+e S2C-S is de)eloped on t+e 3ase of catalyst formulation from 3enc+-scale 4it+ autonomous intellectual property. ;+e commercial tec+nology including special facilities and process=>uality control 4ere self-exploited 3y S+ang+ai 2eaderC and t+e catalyst is made 4it+ tec+nology magnified 3y S+ang+ai 2eader. ;+e S2C-S is a slurry catalyst 4it+ some solids in t+e special mineral oil. #t is a non-silica supported Mg=;i catalyst and is designed to replace traditional po4der catalyst. S2C-S is used for producing narro4 22DP8C MDP8 and .DP8 on gas-p+ase fluidi,ed-3ed polyet+ylene process. #ts main properties are s+o4n 3elo4.

#t +as a +ig+ producti)ityC 4+ic+ can reac+ &$- 7 (gP8=gCat. ;+e c+emistry and polymeri,ation 3e+a)ior are similar to t+ose of po4der catalystC 3ut are not identical. S2C-S and po4der catalyst re>uire same C"P=C&P or C*P=C&P ratio for a gi)en densityC 3ut t+e acti)ity of S2C-S is +ig+er 4it+ comonomer and it +as lo4er +exane extraction ratio. 2o4er S2C-S catalyst is re>uired in reactor for same !l=;i ratio. .ydrogen response of S2C-S is 0L 3etter t+an po4der catalyst for same M#. 2o4er ; & is re>uired 3y t+e reactorC and ;& le)el in t+e reactor is -$L lo4er t+an po4der catalyst. Moreo)erC t+ere is less as+ in t+e product and ?!R is 3etter.

,LC-i ,eries
;+e S2C-i catalyst is a ne4 type of +ig+-efficiency product used for gas-p+ase polyet+ylene plant of #nno)ene process. ;+e S2C-i catalyst is a po4der catalyst 3ased on ;iCl"-Mg system. ;+e S2C-i series catalyst contains t4o typesB S2C-i %2D' and S2C-i%.D'C and can 3e used for producing full range of density P8 resin %from lo4 to +ig+'. #t means t+at t+e resin product of all lo4C all medium can 3e produced 3y S2C-i %2D'. S2C-i%.D' is only used for all +ig+ density and narro4 M5D P8 product. ;+e operating condition of reactor is t+e same as #nno)ene original patent designing. ;+e main properties of S2C-i are listed 3elo4. ;+e S2C-i catalyst operates smoot+ly in t+e gas-p+ase fluidi,ed reactorC t+e reaction is easy to controlC and electrostatic s+eeting and )iolent polymeri,ation caused 3y catalyst can t+us 3e a)oided. #t is +ig+ in acti)ityC a3out *-7.$ (gP8=gCat. #t is >uic( in action and terminationC 3etter adapted to reactor at +ig+ load and condensed mode running. ;+e S2C-i catalyst is sensiti)e to +ydrogen adFustmentC and its +ydrogen response selecti)ity is superior to t+at of same (ind catalysts. #t is +ig+ in copolymeri,ing po4erC and its response to copolymeri,ing monomers is superior to t+at of same (ind catalyst.

Compared 4it+ t+e imported catalystC t+e S2C-i catalyst particles are 3etter s+apedC t+e particle si,e distri3ution is a little narro4erC and it +as a suita3le strengt+ of 3urstingC no gat+eringC and ad+esion of t+e particlesC 4+ic+ manifest good free-flo4ing property and easy to feed in t+e catalyst feeder.

:2; PE Catalyst B Borealis Process

S2C-: is a ne4ly de)eloped catalyst 3y S+ang+ai 2eader. ;+is catalyst can 3e used to produce P8 product 4it+ 3imodal M5 distri3ution in P8 plant. S2C-: catalyst can produce filmC pipeC etc. #ts acti)ity is U1$ (gP8=gCat. ;+e a)erage particle si,e is around $-"0 m. ;+e settle 3ul( density is a3out 0. 7-0."* g=cm .


PE Catalyst B ,lurry Process

BC6 Catalyst
:C. catalyst is a (ind of +ig+-efficiency P8 catalyst applica3le to stirred tan( type slurry P8 process. #t is used in almost all t+e Mitsui tec+nology P8 installations in C+ina. #t 4as in)ented 3y :R#C#C and suita3le to produce .DP8 product. #t operates easily in t+e P8 installations 3ecause of its smoot+ (inetic cur)e and its good +ydrogen response property. #t +as +ig+ acti)ityC 4+ic+ is larger t+an &$ (gP8=gCat.. ;+e catalyst +as good co-polymeri,ation performance. ;+e polymer produced +as good morp+ologyC narro4 particle si,e distri3ution and contains fe4 fines.

BCE Catalyst
:C8 catalyst is a ne4 (ind of +ig+-efficiency P8 catalyst aimed to produce +ig+ grade P8 product in slurry process. #t can 3e used to produce a )ariety of .DP8 and MDP8 products including t+e pipe material of P870C P8100. #t +as +ig+ acti)ityC 4+ic+ is larger t+an &$ (gP8=gCat.. #t +as good co-polymeri,ation performance 4it+ less oligomer. ;+e +ydrogen response property is good and t+e 3ul( density of polymer is larger t+an 0. 7 g=cm C 4+ic+ is muc+ +ig+er t+an t+at of t+e same (ind of catalyst. ;+us t+e load of t+e reactor can 3e en+anced easily. ;+e polymer produced +as good morp+ologyC narro4 particle si,e distri3ution and contains fe4 fines. !ll properties of :C8 +a)e exceeded or reac+ed t+e le)el of imported catalyst.

A;-1 catalyst is a ne4 (ind +ig+ efficiency supported catalyst. #ts acti)ity is larger t+an *00 (gP8=g;i. ;+e 3ul( density of t+e polymer produced is larger t+an 0. 0g=cm . #t +as good particle s+ape and good co-polymeri,ation performance etc. #t is suita3le for co-polymeri,ation of et+ylene 4it+ +exene and ot+er V-olefinsC and it s+o4s excellent co-polymeri,ation performance. ;+e catalyst +as )ery good response to4ard +ydrogen regulation.

PP Catalyst B 1ranular ,ha/e

N ,eries
A series %A-#C A-##C A-###' catalyst are ne4 generation +ig+-efficiency polypropylene catalysts de)eloped 3y :R#C#. ;+ey are 4idely used in .ypol processC Sp+eripol ProcessC successi)e gas-p+ase process and 3atc+ 3ul( process. Se)eral 3rands can meet demands of )arious customers. ;+e tec+nological c+aracters are listed 3elo4. ;+ey +a)e +ig+ acti)ityC 4+ic+ is larger t+an $0 (gPP=gCat %li>uid p+ase 3ul( polymeri,ationC -0 C t4o +ours'. ;+ey +a)e good response to4ards +ydrogen regulationC and t+e melt flo4 index of polymer produced 4it+ it is adFusta3le 3et4een 0.&K"0 g=10min. ;+ey +a)e adFusta3le stereo-specific a3ilityC and t+e polymer produced 4it+ it +as +ig+ and adFusta3le isotacticity. ;+ey +a)e good co-polymeri,ation performance. ;+e polymer produced 4it+ it +as +ig+ 3ul( densityC 4+ic+ is larger t+an 0."* g= cm . ;+e polymer produced 4it+ it +as good particle s+apeC good fluidityC and contains fe4 fines. ;+e polymer po4der produced 4it+ t+is catalyst +as good sta3ility %aging and radiation resistance'. ;+e PP resin produced 4it+ it +as excellent mec+anical property.

AG catalyst is particularly designed for t+e #nno)ene process.!nd t+e PPresin of )arious 3rands can 3e produced. #t +as 3een applied on se)eral industrial installations successfully. #ts main tec+nological c+aracters are listed 3elo4. #t +as +ig+ acti)ityC 4+ic+ is larger t+an $$ (gPP=gCat %li>uid p+ase 3ul( polymeri,ationC -0C t4o +ours'. #t +as good response to4ards +ydrogen regulationC and t+e melt flo4 index of polymer produced 4it+ it is adFusta3le 3et4een 0.&K"0 g=10min. #t +as +ig+ stereospecific a3ilityC and t+e polymer produced 4it+ it +as +ig+ isotacticity. #t +as good co-polymeri,ation performance. ;+e polymer produced 4it+ it +as +ig+ 3ul( densityC 4+ic+ is larger t+an 0."* g= cm . ;+e polymer produced 4it+ it +as good particle s+apeC good fluidity. ;+e PPresin produced 4it+ it +as excellent mec+anical performance.

A!catalyst is a ne4 (ind of granular PP catalyst. #t +as +ig+ acti)ity and +ig+ impurity resistance. #t +as good morp+ologyC +ig+ specific surface area. #t +as adFusta3le stereo-specific a3ility. #t +as +ig+ sensiti)ity to +ydrogen regulationC sta3le release of acti)ity and good copolymeri,ation performance. ;+ere are fe4 fines in t+e catalyst and t+e polymer produced 4it+ it. ;+e catalyst can 3e used in production of impact-resistant co-polymer. #t +as already 3een used in producing +ig+-speed :OPP resins and impact-resistance copolymers in t+e .ypol process. ;+e main properties of A!catalyst are s+o4n 3elo4. #t +as +ig+ acti)ityC 4+ic+ is larger t+an "$ (gPP=gCat %li>uid p+ase 3ul( polymeri,ationC -0C t4o +ours'. #t +as good response

to4ards +ydrogen regulationC and t+e melt flo4 index of polymer produced 4it+ it is adFusta3le 3et4een 0.&K"0 g=10min. #t +as adFusta3le stereo-specific a3ilityC and t+e polymer produced 4it+ it +as an adFusta3le isotacticity. #t +as good co-polymeri,ation performance. ;+e polymer produced 4it+ it +as +ig+ 3ul( densityC 4+ic+ is larger t+an 0."* g= cm . ;+e polymer produced 4it+ it +as good particle s+apeC good fluidity. ;+e PPresin produced 4it+ it +as excellent mec+anical performance.

N4 Catalyst
AD catalyst is a ne4 (ind of PP catalyst 4it+ ne4 internal electron donor. #t +as excellent properties and can 3e used in a )ariety of PP installations. #t +as super +ig+ acti)ity 4+ic+ is a3out 0L +ig+er t+an t+at of t+e same (ind of catalyst. ;+e isotacticity index is easy to adFust. ;+e +ydrogen response performs )ariously. Series inner donors correspond to series +ydrogen responsesC from lo4 to +ig+C to meet different conditions. ;+e distri3ution of molecular 4eig+t of polymer is 3road and t+e polymer produced +as 3ot+ a good mec+anical property and a good manufacturing property. ;+e polymer produced +as good morp+ology and contains fe4 fines.

D, ,eries
GS 7"1=7"& polypropylene catalyst is gray 3ro4n crystal po4der. #ts acti)ity is larger t+an "0 (gPP=gCat. #t +as good particle s+ape and ca)ity structure. #t +as excellent polymeri,ation (inetic 3e+a)iorC 4+ic+ is fa)ora3le for t+e operation and control of industrial polymeri,ation process. #t is suita3le for PP installations of slurry processC .ypol process and 3atc+ 3ul( process. ;+e polymer produced 4it+ it s+o4s a 3ul( density a3out 0."&K0."$ g=cm . ;+e main tec+nological indexes of t+e catalyst +a)e reac+ed t+e international standard of t+e similar catalysts.

PP Catalyst B ,/herical ,ha/e

4E ,eries
DD catalyst is a ne4 generation sp+erical +ig+-efficiency catalyst de)eloped 3y :R#C#.. #t is suita3le for production of mono-polymerC random co-polymer and impact co-polymer. ;+e result of industrial application of it pro)es its excellent performances. #t can 3e used in production of co-polymer 4it+ +ig+ et+ylene contentC t+e et+ylene content can reac+ 1$4t.L easily. ;+e impact co-polymer SP1-/ produced 4it+ it +as +ig+ impact strengt+.. #t is 4idely used in Sp+eripol ProcessC .ypol Process and 3atc+ 3ul( polymeri,ation process. #t +as +ig+ acti)ityC 4+ic+ is larger t+an $0 (gPP=gCat %li>uid p+ase 3ul( polymeri,ation'. #t +as longer life of acti)e centersC 4+ic+ is larger t+an *+ours. #t is sensiti)e to +ydrogen regulationC and t+e melt index of polymer produced 4it+ it is adFusta3le 3et4een 0.&K1$0 g=10min. ;+e polymer produced 4it+ it +as +ig+ and adFusta3le isotacticity. ;+e polymer produced 4it+ it +as +ig+ 3ul( densityC 4+ic+ is larger t+an 0."- g=cm . ;+e catalyst and t+e polymer produced 4it+ it are all in t+e sp+erical s+apeC and t+e particle si,e can 3e adFusted appropriately on demands. ;+e polymer produced 4it+ it +as excellent performances. ;+e catalyst +as many 3randsC and demands of )arious customers can 3e met. DD- can 3e used to produce common impact co-polymer and t+at DD-<-01 is used to produce +ig+ et+ylene content and super +ig+ impact production suc+ as SP1-/ in Sp+eripol Process. DD- is usually used to produce mono-polymerC its small particle si,e is +elpful to impro)e t+e load of production. DD-<-0& is used to produce t+e production
4it+ +ig+ melt flo4 rate.

.DC is Jiegler-Aatta carrier-type +ig+-efficiency catalyst 4+ic+ 3elongs to t+e fourt+ generation. #t +as t+e c+aracters of +ig+ acti)ityC long life and +ig+ impurity resistance etc. ;+e catalyst +as good co-polymeri,ation performance. ;+e polymer produced 4it+ it +as a +ig+ isotacticity. ;+e a)erage particle si,e of t+e polymer produced 4it+ it is around 0.7K$.0 mmC and t+e polymer particle is in t+e sp+erical s+ape. ;+ere are fe4 fines contained in t+e products.

3. Catalysts for Basic Organic Materials

:2; Catalysts for Toluene 4is/ro/ortionation an# Transal&ylation
68T-0$!7 68T-0$(7 6L4-002
;+e catalysts +a)e 3een mainly used in t+e process for disproportionation 6 transal(ylation of toluene and C / aromatics to 3en,ene and mixed xylenes. .!; series catalysts +a)e ex+i3ited t+e follo4ing ad)antages.
#t +as +ig+ space )elocityC lo4 initial reaction temperatureC +ig+ acti)ity and good sta3ility. #t is capa3le of processing +ig+ C10 4it+ a content up to 10L in t+e com3ined feed. ;+is offers t+e flexi3ility to process feedstoc( and also ma(es +ea)y aromatics efficiently con)erted to xylenes. ;+e addition of C 10! into t+e feed restrains indane formation. !s a resultC t+e first cycle lengt+s of t+e catalysts commercially reac+ " years. ;+usC t+e catalyst ser)ice life remains longer. ;+e a3o)e ad)antages +a)e allo4ed our clients to utili,e lo4 )alue aromatics a)aila3le to maximi,e 3en,ene and mixed xylenes.

5inyl 8cetate Catalyst

CT5 ,eries
;+ey are t+e palladium-3ased catalysts used for t+e gas p+ase acetoxylation of et+ylene to )inyl acetate. ;+e +ig+lig+ts of C;< series catalysts are listed 3elo4. #t +as +ig+ acti)ity 7-10 t=m Wd . #t +as +ig+ selecti)ity. #t +as long ser)ice lifetime %more t+an & years'. #t can 3e used as a drop-in catalyst in t+e existing industrial plant.

:3; 8crylonitrile Catalyst

MB-$.7 CT8-(7 ,8C-2000 ,8NC-0!7 ,8NC-0(77 ,8NC-0.7
;+e catalyst is mainly used in ammoxidation of propylene to acrylonitrile. ;+e tec+nical features of t+e catalysts are listed 3elo4. ! single pass yield of !A U70 . Good adapta3ilityC 4+ic+ ma(es it possi3le to use t+e catalyst as a drop-in one 4it+ no e>uipment re)amp. ;+e catalyst can operate at +ig+ 55. %a3out 0.0-0K0.077 +-1'C C . BA. B!ir %mol'P1B1.1$K1.&0B/.&K/.7 and temperatures "&$K""0 .!nd it +as good sta3ility.

:4; P#CC Catalyst for 6y#ro/urification of Tere/hthalic 8ci#

CTP ,eries
C;P series catalysts are t+e car3on supported palladium %Pd=C' catalysts used for +ydropurification of terep+t+alic acid. <arious p+ysical specifications of C;P series Pd=C catalyst are similar to t+ose of t+e counterpart catalysts in t+e mar(et. ;+eir processing capacity can 3e "0 (gP;!=gCat. C;P-#< Pd=C catalyst adopts more ad)anced preparation tec+nology. ;+e distri3ution and dispersion of acti)e components are more reasona3le.

:!; ,il<er Catalyst for EOCE1

D, ,eries
;+e integrated carrier productionC catalyst preparationC analysis testingC t+e production plant of t+e catalyst 4it+ capacity of "00 t=a 4ere constructed t+roug+ many years researc+ and de)elopment in :eiFing Gans+an. ;+e performance indexes of t+e catalyst +a)e reac+ed international ad)anced le)el in its +ig+ acti)ity. #t +as 3een 4idely used in 8O=8G plants. #t +as +ig+ initial selecti)ity. ;+e initial selecti)ity is 3et4een 70-7 L depending on t+e plants operation. #t +as +ig+

acti)ity. ;+e initial temperature is around &&0-& 0 depending on production load. ;+e space-time yield can reac+ maximum &70 g8O=+.lC 4+ic+ ma(es it one of t+e 3est catalysts in commercial application. #t s+o4s extraordinary sta3ility. #t is >uite sta3le 4it+ slo4 declined speed in selecti)ity and slo4 decay in acti)ity. !nd it can 3e used for &-$ years in commercial plant application. ;+e selecti)ity in later stage is normally o)er -7L.

:(; Ben=ene an# Ethylene Li)ui# Phase 8l&ylating Catalyst

!8:-& al(ylate catalyst possesses t+e c+aracteristics of +ig+ acti)ityC good selecti)ity in et+yl-3en,ene and sta3ility. ;+is catalyst not only can 3e used in al(ylating reaction of 3en,ene and multi-et+yl3en,ene in li>uid p+aseC 3ut also 3e used in al(yl transfer reaction of 3en,ene and multi-et+yl3en,ene in li>uid p+ase. !8:-* !8:-* can 3e used for al(ylating 3en,ene and et+ylene in li>uid p+ase. #t possesses excellent al(ylating acti)ityC good et+yl-3en,ene selecti)ity and long time acti)ated sta3ility. #tNs properties +a)e reac+ed ad)anced le)el in t+e 4orld. !8:-* adopts compound material of nanometer molecular sie)e as main acti)ated composition to impro)e catalyst acti)ity. !nd t+e catalyst usage amount is greatly reduced. 5+en t+e temperature is &$0 C t+e pressure is ".0 MpaC li>uid 3en,ene space rate is +-1 C and t+e molecular ratio of 3en,ene=et+ylene is 1&C good result can 3e ac+ie)ed 4it+ !8:-*. ;+e et+yl-3en,ene selecti)ity 4as U/&LC et+ylation selecti)ity 4as U//LC and et+ylene translation ratio 4as 100.

:7; Ethyl en=ene 4ehy#rogenation Catalyst

1,-0.7 1,-20
;+e catalyst is mainly used in de+ydrogenation of et+yl3en,ene to styrene. #t can also 3e used in de+ydrogenation of diet+yl 3en,ene to di)inyl3en,ene. GS de+ydrogenation catalysts +a)e t+e follo4ing features. #t offers +ig+ acti)ity at lo4 reaction temperature. #t pro)ides +ig+ selecti)ity %t+e styrene selecti)ityU/*.$'. #t +as long ser)ice lifetimeC sta3ility and adapta3ility.

:.; Catalyst for Li)ui#-/hase ,electi<e 6y#rogenation of Pro/yne an# Pro/a#iene in C3 *ractions
5it+ t+e catalystC propyne and propadiene in C fractions can 3e effecti)ely remo)ed to meet t+e re>uirements of et+ylene unitsC 4it+ slig+t increase in propylene yield. :y no4 t+e process and catalyst +a)e 3een already applied to more t+an 10 units in C+inaC as 4ell as a num3er of o)erseas et+ylene units eac+ of a capacity of o)er *00 t+ousand M;!. #t offers+ig+ acti)ityC selecti)ityC and sta3ilityC 4+ile less polymers formed. #t gi)es us longer regeneration cycleC10 mont+s a3o)e under normal operational conditions. Catalyst life time longer t+an $ years. #t offers ad)anced singlestage li>uid-p+ase +ydrogenation processC featuring less e>uipmentC lo4er in)estment and more operation con)enienceC as compared 4it+ t+e con)entional t4o-stage process. #t +as +ig+ li>uid space )elocityC +ence lo4 consumption of catalyst. #t gets lo4 consumption of energy. !s t+e inlet temperature of t+e reactor ranges from &$ to "$ Cno propylene refrigeration is necessary. #ts p+ysical properties are listed 3elo4. #t +as an appearance of yello4is+ gray granules of X&.$-$mm. #ts 3ul( density is 0.7-0./g=ml. #ts composition is Pd=!l&O . #ts crus+ing strengt+ is a3out $0-100A=granule.

$ Catalyst for 1as-/hase ,electi<e 6y#rogenation of 8cetylene in C2 *ractions

.ydrogenation catalyst is one of t+e (eys for preparing +ig+ purity et+ylene. ;+e catalyst for gas-p+ase +ydrogenation of acetylene in C& fractionsC +as 3een spreading for use in t+e countryNs large and medium et+ylene unitsC 4it+ satisfactory result. #ts features is listed 3elo4. :C-.-&0!=: catalyst allo4s a 4ide range of operating conditionsC 4it+ +ig+ space )elocityC +ig+ selecti)ityC little green oil produced and ad+esion to t+e catalyst. #t also ensures a longer cycle of operation. ;+e catalyst can 3e successfully used in single-stageC t4o-stage or t+ree-stage fixed 3ed reactor. ;+e catalyst is suita3le for t+e remo)al of acetylene in C& fractions in et+ylene unitsC as 4ell as for t+e furt+er purification of et+ylene in polyet+ylene units. #ts appearance is yello4is+ gray granules of X&.$-$mm. #ts composition is Pd-Promoter=!l&O . #ts 3ul( density is a3out 0.*-0./g=ml. #ts crus+ing strengt+ is "0A=granule. #ts regeneration cycle is *-1&mont+s. #ts life time is U$years.

:20;Catalyst for ,electi<e 6y#rogenation of 8cetylene an# M8P4 in front-en# /rocess

.ydrogenation catalyst is one of t+e (eys for preparing +ig+ purity et+ylene. ;+e :C-.-&1 is a catalyst for gasp+ase +ydrogenation of acetylene and M!PD in front-end process. #t +as 3een spreading for use in t+e countryNs large and medium et+ylene unitsC 4it+ satisfactory result. :C-.-&1: catalyst allo4s a 4ide range of operating conditionsC 4it+ +ig+ space )elocityC +ig+ selecti)ityC little green oil produced and ad+esion to t+e catalyst. #t also ensures a longer cycle of operation. #ts appearance is yello4is+ gray granules of X"-$mm. #ts composition is Pd-Promoter=!l &O . #ts 3ul( density is around 0.*-0./ g=ml. #ts crus+ing strengt+ is "0 A=granule. #ts regeneration cycle is years. #ts life time is U$ years.

:22; 6y#rogenation of Pyrolysis 1asoline

Pyrolysis gasoline from steam-crac(ing et+ylene plants cannot 3e utili,ed directly. ;+e first stage +ydrogenation is for con)erting diolefins and al(enyl aromatics to monoolefins and al(yl aromatics and t+e second stage +ydrogenation is for olefins saturation and +ydrodesulfuri,ationC t+e catalysts play a (ey role in t+is process. 5e +a)e S.P catalyst series for ra4 pyrolysis gasoline upgradingC 4+c+ +a)e 3een commercially appro)ed. S.P01 and S.P-01? catalysts are designed for first stage +ydrogenation of middle fraction and full range pygas respecti)ely. Mean4+ileC S.P-0& and S.P-0&? catalysts s+o4ed t+eir com3ined ad)antages in t+e second stage stac(ed 3ed reactor in terms of olefins +ydrogenation and +ydrodesulfuri,ation. ;+ese catalysts +a)e already deli)ered t+e 3enefits to our clientsN plantsC suc+ as capacity expansion 4it+ no instrument modificationC longer catalyst cycle lengt+ or ser)ice lifeC lo4er reactor inlet temperatureC energy sa)ing and lo4er aromatics loss.


Other Catalysts
:2; PF ,or ent
#t is a (ind of solid molecular sie)e sor3ent de)eloped 3y R#PP. #t is used in t+e simulating remotion-3ed process to separate t+e +ig+ purity xylene product from t+e xylene mixture containing C7 non-aromatic compoundsC et+yl 3en,ene %8:'C Paraxylene%P@'C mata-xylene%M@' and O@. #t is an ideal selection for replacement of aromatic P@ sor3ent in separation unit. #t +as 3een used in t+e domestic Parex commercial plant designed 3y 0OP successfully. #ndustrial result re)eals t+at t+e purity of P@ is //.7LC and t+e yield of P@ is o)er /7L.

:2; Non-crystal 8lloy 6y#rorefining Catalyst

SRA!-" is de)eloped 3y R#PP. #t is 4idely used in +ydrogenation fields of petroc+emicalsC fine c+emicalC oil refiningC p+armaceutical and pesticide industries etc. ;+e acti)ityC selecti)ityC sta3ility and +ydrogenation con)ersion rate of t+e product are all prominently superior to t+e con)entional catalysts of Ai-frame4or( normally produced and used. Made 4it+ ultra->uenc+ing tec+nologyC t+e catalyst +as uni>ue crystal p+ase structure. #t +as long life and lo4 unit consumption.

:3; ,/ecial Molecular ,ie<e Catalyst

.;S +as similar M?# structure to JSM-$ molecular sie)eC and it +as uni>ue +ollo4 c+annel structure. ;i content in molecular frame4or( is )ery +ig+C 4+ic+ endo4s it 4it+ excellent t+ermal sta3ilityC sensiti)ity resistanceC +ig+ catalytic acti)ity and selecti)ity. 5it+ dilute a>ueous solution of .&O& as oxidantC it can selecti)ely cataly,e epoxidi,ation of al(eneC oxidi,ation of alco+olC oxidi,ation of al(aneC +ydroxylation of p+enol to prepare 3isp+enol and ammoxidation of cyclo+exanone to prepare cyclo+exanone oxime under mild conditions. Compared 4it+ t+e

con)entional catalytic oxidi,ing catalystC .;S ma(es oxidi,ing process simpler. ;+e reaction condition is moderate as it can proceed under normal pressure and lo4 temperature %&0K100 '. ;+e catalytic oxidi,ing acti)ity is impro)ed. ;+e yield and selecti)ity of t+e final oxidi,ation products are raised. #t is also an en)ironment protecting product since t+e pollution is prominently reduced.

:4; 8#hesi<e-*ree !8 ,%all ,/herical Molecular ,ie<e

A5 !-##: is a ne4 ad+esi)e-free sp+erical !-type molecular sie)e. :ased on its particular production process and preparation tec+nologyC diffusion resistance of n-al(ane in large and micro +oles of t+e a3sor3ent is effecti)ely lo4eredC so it +as t+e c+aracters of large a3sorption capacity and +ig+ a3sorption=desorption rate etc. #t is mainly used in MO28@ tec+nology and )aria3le-pressure a3sorption etc.

:!; C!CC( 9so%eri=ation Catalyst

C$=C* isomeri,ation catalyst is a moderate-temperature molecular sie)e catalyst. #t is t+e first molecular sie)e catalyst carrying Pd t+at +as reali,ed industrial application in t+e 4orld. ;+e catalyst is mainly used in isomeri,ation of al(ane to transform C$=C* n-al(ane in lig+t nap+t+a into corresponding 3ranc+ al(aneC so t+at t+e front-end octane )alue of gasoline fraction can 3e raisedC and t+e gasoline is pro)ided 4it+ uniform anti-explosion performance.

:(; 6igh-Te%/erature 4e-sulfuri=ation Catalyst

;S-### de)eloped 3y Sinopec Catalyst AanFing Di)ision is a (ind of +ig+-efficiency JnO desulfuri,ation catalyst. #t is mainly used in .&S remo)al from +ydrogen-ma(ing lig+t oil feedstoc( %nap+t+aC dry gas' under +ig+ temperature. #t is also used in desulfuri,ation of +ydrogenC synt+esis gasC and li>uefied gas. ;+e product +as t+e c+aracters of +ig+ sulfur capacityC +ig+ crus+ing resistanceC long life and lo4 dust content etc.


:7; 4e-Chlorination Catalyst

;+e ;2 de-c+lorination catalyst includes lo4-temperature type and +ig+-temperature type. ;+e lo4-temperature de-c+lorination catalyst is mainly used in de-c+lorination of cycle +ydrogen in catalytic reforming installation. ;+e +ig+-temperature de-c+lorination catalyst is mainly used in de-c+lorination of )arious mixing gases %car3on dioxideC car3on monoxideC +ydrocar3on etc' in +ydrogen-ma(ing installationC or used in de-c+lorination of pre+ydrogenation feedstoc( in catalytic reforming installation. ;+e product can effecti)ely remo)e t+e c+lorine ion in cycle +ydrogen and can prolong t+e application life and t+e maintenance period of facilities.

:.;G P8 Catalyst
Catalyst for Maleic 8nhy#ri#e /ro#uction fro% O'i#ation of Ben=ene :BC-22.B;
:C-117: de)eloped 3y :R#C# is a catalyst for production of maleic an+ydride from selecti)e oxidation of 3en,ene. ;+is is a ne4 type lant+anon <&O$-MoO series catalyst. ;+e acti)e components are +olding on t+e inert cricoid carrier. ;+e catalyst +as 3een used in more t+an t+irty units in C+inaC suc+ as 1aifeng organic c+emical plantC ;aiyuan DiaoyouC S+anxi ;aimingC C+ang,+ou S+uguangC S+ang+ai C+angfengC etc.

.ig+ catalytic acti)ity

.ig+ single translation ratio of 3en,ene %/7LK100L' .ig+ selecti)ity and +ig+ yield t+e mass yield of maleic an+ydride is %/0-/ L' 2o4 reaction temperature
Good sta3ility %K"70'

2ong life time %more t+an &" mont+s'

Catalyst for P+t+alic !n+ydride production from oxidation of o-xylene %:C-& /' ;+e H:C-& /I catalyst de)eloped 3y :R#C#C 4+ic+ is a <&O$-;iO& supported catalyst used for t+e H-0-/0 gram processI fixed 3ed oxidation of o-xylene to produce P+t+alic !n+ydride. ;+e reactor is filled 4it+ different (inds of catalyst in t4oC t+ree or four partsC 4+ic+ are of different acti)ity and selecti)ity. ;+e catalyst +as 3een used in t+e P+t+alic !n+ydride production units in Sinling and Dilu

petroc+emical company of S#AOP8C. PerformanceB .ig+ concentration of o-xyleneB K-0-/0g=Am 2o4 reaction temperatureBSalt :at+ ;emperatureB $0K -0 S+ort induction periodB t+e concentration of o-xylene can reac+ more t+an 70g=Am in "$K-$ days .ig+ space )elocity and +ig+ yieldB Gield of P!B K11 4tL .ig+ >uality P!B t+e content of P;2D in crude P!Y0.1$4tL 5it+out adding SO&

Lu e Base Oil



White oil "hite oil in#ustrial gra#e

Outline of product B ;+is product is t+e 4+ite-colored oil finely prepared t+roug+ t4o-stage +ig+-pressure p+drogenation of t+e distillation cut of petroleum lu3rication oil. C+aracteristiceB Mineral oil industrial grade is a colorlessC transparentC odourless C tasteless and oily li>uid and free from fluorescenceC #t can dissol)e in et+erC c+loroformC gasoline and 3en,eneC not in 4ater or alco+ol. Main index %StandardB S.000*-/7'

Grade Model (inetic )iscosity % "0 flas+ point%open' C pour point C color C ZP )itriol color test ' C mm&=s ZP TP *.1 -.$ 1 0 M M&0 pass

Sala3le product 10 /.0 11.0 1"0 M M&0 pass 1$ 1 .$ 1*.$ 1$0 M& M&" pass

0sesB #t se)ers as lu3ricantC sol)ent or coolant for spinning and 4ea)ing in c+emical or synt+etic fi3re industry in order to soften and 3rig+ten textiles. !lso it is used as 4etting agentC sol)ent or lu3ricant in t+e industries of synt+etic resin and plastic processing. Pac(ing B &002 in metal pail or special tan(er Aote B 1 . ;+e standard is follo4ing t+e S.01*". & . Stored in cool airiness placeC not mixed 4it+ moisture and impurity.



5+ite oil food grade

Outline of /ro#uct G ;+is product is a colorlssC odorlessC tastelessC fluorescence-freeC and clear oily li>uid. ;+is is t+e 4+ite-colored oil finely prepared t+rout+ t4o-stage +ig+-pressure +y-drogenation of t+e distillation cut of petroleum lu3rication oil and it excludes t+e 4+ite mineral oils mixed 4it+ additi)es for processing purpose. >sesG #t is suita3le for gloss settingC ad+esion pri)entionC 3u33le remo)ingC sealing and polis+ing of food. !lso it is used for anticorrosion and lu3rication of food mac+ineryC Operating appliances and p+armaceutical mac+inery. :esidesC it can prolong t+e s+elflife of li>uorC)inegarC fruits )egeta3les and canned food. Mo#el 10O C 1$O C &*O C *O ,tan#ar# 1B4.!3-$4 #tems 10 1inematic <iscosity%"0 ?las+ point C Say3olt colority Solu3le acid or al(ali Mec+anical #mpurity C L%m=m' 5ater C L%m=m' !rsenic C mg=(g .ea)y metal mg=(g Plum3um C mg=(g Max Max Max '.mm&=s Min -.* 1&." 1"$ M 0 Aone Aone Aone 1 10 1 Pass Pass "&0nm' Max 0.1 1&.$ Specifications 1$ 1-.$ &" &* &7 &.$ 1*$ M 0 Aone Aone Aone 1 10 1 Pass Pass 0.1 * /.$

1*$ M 0 Aone Aone Aone 1 10 1 Pass Pass 0.1

1*$ M 0 Aone Aone Aone 1 10 1 Pass Pass 0.1

Readily car3oni,a3le su3stances Solid Paraffin 0) a3sor3ance%at 4a)e lengt+ &*0 Pac&ing B &002 in metal pail Note G


1 . #n assordance 4it+ t+e stipulaton Met+od 1 and t+e Dry Pod,oli,ation Met+od s+all3e used. & . #n accordance 4it+ t+e stipulation t+e dry digestion procedure spercified in t+e met+od s+all 3e used. . ;+e 4a)elengt+ detection range specified in G:=;11071 s+all 3e extended to "&0nm.

*oo# gra#e high <iscosity 0hite oil

Outline of /ro#uct G ;+is product is a colorlssC odorlessC tastelessC fluorescence-freeC and clear oily li>uid. ;+is is t+e 4+ite-colored oil finely prepared t+rout+ t4o-stage +ig+-pressure +y-drogenation of t+e distillation cut of petroleum lu3rication oil. >serG ;+is product can 3e used in most of polystyrene and polypropylene products. #t can increase t+e flexi3ility of plastic. #t +as inner lu3rication and demolding capacity. #t +as fine transparency and sta3ility. #t +as fine effects in t+e inFection mould of Polystyrene. Mo#el -0OC /0O Main in#e'



(inematic )iscosity % "0

' C mm&=s





flas+ point % open ' C


& 0

& $



M 0

M 0

easy c+arring matter coefficient of refraction C nD&0 0< a3sor3ance =cm %&*0 "&0nm' TP









initial 3oiling point C

% 10mm.g 'C ZP

& 0

&"0 $0

&.$L pointC ZP



density % &0 Pac&ing B &002 in metal pail or tan(er Note G

' C (g=m





1 . ;+e standard is follo4ing t+e S.01*". & . Store in coolC 4ell-)entilated placeC a4ay from moisture and impurity.


9nHection 0hite oil : light 0hite oil ;

Outline of /ro#uct G #t is made from petroleum. #t used in )accine inFections for animals. Main in#e' : stan#ar# G China ani%al re%e#y stan#ar# 2002 ; Relati)e density 0.717 0.770

1inematic )iscosity % "0 !cidity

'C mm&=s



.ea)y metal C ppm



2ead C ppm TP

!s C ppm TP

0< a3sor3ency=cm TP


Solid paraffin


8asy c+arring matter


Pac&ing B &002 in metal pail Note G 1 . ;+e standard is follo4ing t+e S.01*". & . Store in coolC 4ell-)entilated placeC a4ay from moisture and impurity.


5+ite oil cosmetic grade

Outline of /ro#uct G ;+is product is t+e 4+ite-colored oil finely prepared t+roug+ +ydrogenation of t+e distillation cut of petroleum lu3rication oil. #t is classified 3y t+e )iscosity into four calssesBAo.10C 1$C &* and *. Characteristics G Mineral oil cosmetic grade is a colorlessC transparentC odorlessC tasteless and oily li>uid. #t can 3e dissol)ed in et+erC c+loroform gasoline and 3en,eneC not in 4ater or alco+ol. Moreo)erC it +as +ig+ purity and possesses excellent antioxidant and c+emical sta3ility. >ses G #t is used as t+e ra4 material of cosmetic for ma(ing +air-creamC face-creamC lipstic( or )anis+ing cream. #n additionC it is also used as lu3ricate oil for lig+t mac+inery and precision instruments. ,tan#ar# ,60007-$0:$.; #tems Grade :rand 1inetic )iscosity%"0 'mm&=s ?las+ point Min 0< a3sor3ence %at 4a)e lengt+ &*0$0mm'Max Solu3le acid or al(ali Readily car3oni,a3le Su3stances Suffide .ea)y metal ppm Max !rsenic ppm Max & Pass Aone Aone ColorlessC transparentC odorlessC tasteless and oily li>uid and free from fluorescence

Specifications 8xcellent 10 -.* 1&." 1"0 1$ 1&.$ 1-.$ 1$0 0.1 Aeutral Pass Pass 0 &* &" &7 1*0 &.$ 1*0 * /.$

Solid paraffin 4ater Mec+anical impurity !ppearance

Note G

1. #f 10 ml of t+is product added 4it+ 10ml neutral alco+ol is 3oiled and t+en stands-still C t+e reaction of t+e alco+ol layer to t+e 4et litmus paper s+all (eep neutral. &. Pac(ageC mar(s and transportation ;+is product s+all 3e pac(edC mar(edC storedC transportedC deli)ered and accepted in accordance 4it+ S.01*". . Sampling Sample of &2 s+all 3e ta(en in accordance 4it+ G:=;"--$* for t+e inspection and as t+e reser)ed sample.


Petroleu% Co&e
#;8MS Sulp+urCL Max. <olatile MaxCL !s+Max Moisture MaxCL Density g=cm &.07 &.1 Report 1& 0. 1& 0. 1" 0.$ 7 117 0.7 &0 1.& &0 1.& S.=; 00&* S.=; 00&/ S.=; 00 & S.=; 00 ?#RS; GR!D8 0.$ 0.$ 0.7 1 1.$ & 1O! 1O: &O! &O: O! O: .ig+ Sulp+ur U ;8S; M8;.OD G:=; 7-

#;8MS Sulp+urCL 5olatile Ma'7 I 8sh Ma'7I Moisture Ma'7I Pac(ing B #n 3ul(

?#G0R8 2-7 24 0.! ..0


Paraffin "a'

Li)ui# Paraffin "a'

8//licationG 0sed in ma(ing synt+etic detergentC emulsifying agent of pesticide and plastici,erC etc. Pac&ingG
:ul( in C+emical ;an(er

PrecautionsG 1ept in s+adyC dry stores and protected from direct suns+ineC dustC 4ater and c+emical su3stances during storage and transportation. Specification
#;8MS 2#M#;S

$&OSR Melting pointC Oil contentC 4tL Max ColorC Say3olt Min Penetration OdorC num3er Max 5ater-solu3le acid or al(ali Mec+anical impurity and 4ater 2ig+t Sta3ility C num3er Max ;otal Sol)ent Content %?or :en,ene 6;oluene'Cppm ?D! 0< !3sor3ance &70-&7/ nm &/0-&// nm 00- $/nm *0-"00nm Report Report Report Repo rt Report %100gC&$'C1=10mm Max & Ail Ail Min Max $& $" 1.0 M&$ &&

$"OSR $" $* 1.$ M1&0 & Ail Ail * Report Report Report Report Report

$"O?R $" $* 0.* M&7 11 Ail Ail Report Report Report Report Report

$*OSR $* $7 1.$ M1&0 & Ail Ail * Report Report Report Report Report

$*O?R $* $7 0.$ M&7 11 Ail Ail

$7O?R $7 *0 0.$ M&7 17 1 Ail Ail Max.& Pass

*0O?R *0 *& 0.$ M&7 17 1 Ail Ail Max.& Pass

9llustrationB SR means semi-fully refined 4axE ?R means fully refined 4ax.


*ully +efine# Paraffin "a'

8//licationG 0sed in production of +ig+ fre>uency porcelainC car3on paperC precision castingC cold cream and food 4rapperC etc. Pac&ingG Pac(ed in PP 4o)en 3ag 4it+ inner P8 film 3ag and (raft paper 3agC $0(g net eac+ PrecautionsG Protected from direct sunlig+t or rainC and (ept a4ay from +eat or fire sources.

#;8MS ;OP GR!D8

AO.$" AO.$* $* $7 0.$ M&7 " 17 Report & Ail Ail M&$ $ 1* AO.$7 $7 *0

2#M#;S ?#RS; GR!D8

AO.*0 *0 *& AO.$" $" $* M&$ " 1/ Report & Ail Ail AO.$* $* $7 0.7 M&& $ 1AO.$7 $7 *0 AO.*0 *0 *&

Melting Min pointC Max Oil contentC 4tL Max ColorCSay3olt Min 2ig+t sta3ilityC num3er Max Penetration%&$C100g'C1=10mm Max 1inetic )iscosity %100'mm&=s OdorC num3er Max 5ater-solu3le acid or al(ali Mec+anical impurity and 4ater

$" $*


,e%i-+efine# Paraffin "a'

8//licationG 0sed in ma(ing illuminating candlesC artistic candlesC 4ax pencilsC stencil paperC e>uipments or materials for telecommunication and ra4 materials for c+emical industry as 4ell. Pac&ingG Pac(ed in PP 4o)en 3ag 4it+ inner P8 film 3ag and (raft paper 3agC $0(g net eac+ PrecautionsG Protected from direct sunlig+t or rainC and (ept a4ay from +eat or fire sources.


AO.$* $* $7 1.7 M1* & Report Report & Ail Ail AO.$7 $7 *0 AO.*0 *0 *&

;8S; M8;.OD G:=; &$ / G:=; $$" G:=; $$$ S.=; 0"0" G:=; "/7$

Melting pointC

Min Max

$" $*

Oil contentC 4tL Max ColorC Say3olt Min 2ig+t sta3ilityC num3er Max Penetration %100gC&$'C1=10m m Max %100gC $'C1=10m m 1inetic )iscosity %100'mm&=s OdorC num3er Max 5ater-solu3le acid or al(ali Mec+anical impurity and 4ater

G:=; &*$ S.=; 0"1" S.=; 0"0-


Microcrystalline "a'
8//licationG 0sed in 4ater proofC anti-corrosionC ad+esi)esC polis+esC desensiti,ersC fine castingC insulationC ru33er anti-o,onantsC medicineC cosmeticsC food-stuff and food pac(agingC etc. Pac&ingG Pac(ed in PP 4o)en 3ag 4it+ inner P8 film 3ag and (raft paper 3agC $0(g net eac+ PrecautionsG 1ept from direct sun-s+ine during storage for (eeping color sta3ilityE pre)ented from o)er +eating in melting and mingling 4it+ 4ater and impurities during storage and transportation.
Specification #;8MS -0O Grade ! Melting Point Max Min Penetration %100gC &$' 1=10mmC Max Oil Content 4tLC Max ColorC Say3olt Min 1inetic )iscosity100m=sC ?D! 0< !3sor3ance &70-&7/mm Max &/0-&//mm Max 00- $/mm Max *0-"00mm Max &.$ T*

70O regular grade


7$O ?ood grade


?ood grade

Grade !

regular grade
7& 7-

Grade !
7& 7-

?ood grade
7& 7-

;8S; M8;. OD G:=;7 0&*

0 1.0 1.0 T* 0.1$ 0.1& 0.07 0.0&

&0 $ ".$ 10[&0


1* 1.0

17 $ ".$ 10[ &0


1" 1.0

G:=;" /$7 S.=;0 * 7 G:=;* $"0 G:=;& *$ G:=;*

&.$ 10[ &0

1.0 10[ &0 0.1$ 0.1& 0.07 0.0&

&.$ 10[&0

1.0 10[ &0 0.1$ 0.1& 0.07 0.0&


,/ecialty "a'
;+ere are more t+an 100 (inds of specialty 4ax products in S#AOP8CC applied in food pac(ingC paintingC ru33er protectingC sealing of 3ottle-made +andcraft and 3est roof materials for t+e mar3leC etc. ,PEC98LTD "8F TDPE, Series of Precise ?ounding 5ax Ru33er Protection 5ax Domestic ?o4l ?eat+er-Pu4ing 5ax Soft Microcrystalline 5ax Polis+ing :ride Smudge-proof 5ax Soft Paraffin 5ax Pre)enting Rust 5ax Compound 5ax for 8mulsified 8xplosi)e Specialty 5ax for P+ase C+ange 8nergy-Storing Material :ottle-made .andcraft Seal 5ax


Che0ing 1u% ,/ecial-Pur/ose "a'

8//licationG 0sed in food and t+e c+e4ing gum. PrecautionsG 1ept in t+e good condition in storage and transportingC stored up in dry and )entilated en)ironment and 4+ere temperature is lo4er t+an $0C pre)ented from fire and 3urning t+ings. Pac&ingG Pac(ed in 3agC *00 (g net eac+
,/ecification #;8MS Out4ard appearance Drop melting pointC PenetrationC&$C1=10mmCMax Oil contentC 4tL ?D! examination #AD8@ Cream color solid 77-10& "-10 ;+roug+ ;8S; M8;.OD <isual estimation G:=;70&* G:=;"/7$ S.=;0* 7 G:=;- *

#llustrationB ;+is product +as good flexi3ilityC agglutinationC 4ater resistance and oxidation resistanceC pure 4+ite out4ard appearance and good sta3ilityC conforming to ?D!1-&.77* examination standards.


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