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//"lc. "8 ,I.. UI,,~/J· ~ 7t,~.m"~t Allnln9~cl.

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Volume 32



enlors 10

'" .

eave on

U~dergrad~ales W~II.Travel and. Freshmen 10 Pick

Wide to Gain T e(hnl(al Exp,rlen(e ,

Senior fall inspection trips have been announced by the option departments. -They I Leaders

vary in itinerary from visits to Denver locations to long jaunts in Utah and New Me~ico'l .

Geophysicists and petroleum refiners and production men will sta~' within daily travel- I •

ing distance of Golden. Petroleum geology students will spend- the major part of their; Thi • k th Y' fresh . t d did f

time In Utah while mining geol-] . i ~s w ee . e ~ umes ,I. es men. nomina e can I ates or

\Jglsts tOUT Colorado. ~1dallur. the offices of. pi esident. \ Ice president,. secret~ry-treasurer,

."isis will also stav in this su.t- from Goldt'n "and no-turn at night STAFFERS Will FEAST an.d. 9a.n.ce chair .. man. The men were nominated In the weekly

!it ~ l\lining Geologists Stay in State - -

but coal and metal rruncr s will. orientation ri


~l~ (l\\:n u • cw eXJC'(\ an the geology department will head Oredigger staff will be wined and a?\·iser,. Wi~lia~ C,~lburn. All nominees have outstanding

southern Colorado thl' senior mining ~l'ologl~t~ on dmed vat Dud's in downtown II~tOr~s In high .~C~? ' •. bo~h mi.

ApproXIm3tt~:y:30 seniors will their trip this year He wrll be Golden. Fried chicken and French' a hletic. and scholastic fIdd:-.. l and as president of the Nationa.

make . tht.> triE,s leaving the earn- assisted by Gt.~rgt> Fraser. In- fries will be the main cuisine of II. Candidates for ~reshma,:l pr!:~-: Honor society. ..

DUS with a rnuc.. deplete.i ponu- structor In geology. the evening. ident are Walter Ca.mal ( \\ ~ ~ 1 . A former student of Salida

lation. The minin .. ~ ~eolo"lst:; wrll "11 ff b k d Illam Campbell. Patr-ick DCnnI.,. high school William Car-mbell

Geophysielsts will commute et.,. sta rnern ers are asxe to d' I' -

leave Golden Sunday. by bu.s .. be at Dud's by 6 p.rn. for a short an. JOh. n FIdel.. \'/,a3 vel- l' was president of his freshman

Seniors and graduate geophys- ... d h

1<.':; students will travel daily to for Leadville where they will. business meeting. Following the I odlctorian of hIS senior c.ass at. an sop o~ore classes. <;amp~ell

the Malachite mine tnt their sen- spend their fir:;t night. Monday brief business discussion which Pueblo. Colorado; he held ~h'(' competed In sports during hIgh ior trips. In this 'an'a. which IS morning they WIll take In the \\=111 be hastened by the draft of a I (.lass offices in high sch.«.t anJ schoo~ and received varsity let-

about 15 miles south of Mt. Vcr- - few beers. the staff will be king- : . 0 • • _ .' , •• ••• ters In football. basketball, and

. New Jersey Zinc ~~ mine at Iy treated with Dud's best selec- I .vas very active on h~~ nign track. During his senior year.

non canyon. the geophyslt·S men GIlman. Colorado, then they will school football • 'ack a d t . C b 11 1 t d d

w rll do rnaunetic and self poten- tions-fit. for.,. any gourmet-in i - p • '. • ne w res 0: amp e . ~as . e ec e pres: ent

ual (.ll,(·tlcal work. . journcv" to Glenwood Springs payment for their faithful work ,1Ir.g teams. \\ alter also -erved 3:; I of the Salida high Student caun-

~tr Holmes and Mr. Rogers t Connnued on. pa~t.> 4) on' The Oredigger. . <ports editor of his school t!.'10er. ~il and was voted the ~tand-

w: 11 be 10 cha rgt> uf the group. . .. - - . . ... Ing member ot his senior ctass.

~~~~~:~\" \~~ll n~·~~.:'ls+h:f ~~~~~~~ti~ .. Prominent Coal Miners Inspect the Colorado Mines Campus· fr:.::tri~e~~~~niSCOI~ra~~:Sh~~~

mine '1:' part of the diffuse work: . . (Continued on page. I) --

. in~ or this area. and thl' problem' ..... 111 ~I'l'atly aid the future geophYSICIst 10 the correlation of . classroom and fldd work. The men WIll travel each rnormnu


. .. .... -'" --~..;....;..~------ .. ------

· Tuesday, October 9-

Oredigger assignments, 3:30 p. m., Publications building .

, Prospector pictures. 2 through

1} ?-3 " b rld

:. p.m .. room _I ,mInIng ur -


SEG meeting. 4:15 p.m .. room E113. Berthoud hall.

Band. 4 :20 p.m.. room 286. physics building.

~ club meeting; ';' p.m.. room

· 154. Berthoud. '

: . Blue Key meeting. 7:30 p.m .. · room E1l3. Berthoud hall.

; \\'ednesday, October 10-

, Prospector 'pictures. 2 through ; 11 p.m .. room 273, mining build-

Prospector Takes Students' Photos

by ~urt Linn

Today and tomorrow are the last two days that Mr. Jafay WIll be on the campus. Postcards With appointment times have been sent· out for those students who did not sign the appointment sheets

About 60 students have missed their original appointment times. Tht.~y should come to the studiO

Prospector business staff. 4: 10 p.m .. Publications ·building.

Theta Tau meeting. .. p.m..·

mmar room. - - hall.

Football Mines



TUESO:\ Y. UCTUIH;H ~, 1~51

Last Thursdav rll~ht"s rallv was one of the best that t hr-, sdltll,) has h~I~1 m f1lan~' years QUite a few Miners. despItt' the rurn and fog. turned out HI frunt of liuggt..'nheilll fur t lu- torch lIght parade which preceded t he skits and team prescntauon ill t he Iield house.

Perhaps the success factor lies III crowd parucipauon.:

Every Miner likes to be duing something. and the thought: of carrying a. burning torch through town must certainlv ' appeal to him .The skits were well conducted, dean. and I humorous. and it might be good to remind other rally par-

ticipant organizations that their monev is at stake on the. . ~

future productions. - ... ...

Blue Kev extends its thanks tu the Golden: merchants for the use of their store windows in advertising the rallv. Undoubtedly many of the townspeople who were present at the Mines spirit-gathering learned of it throUgh this means.

This Thursday night another torch light parade rally is planned. Three organizations have been working on the skits for quite some time. and the entertainment" promises tu be of the highest calibre. All that is needed now is vou, Miner. so be there Thursday night and make this cheerfest the best one all year.

St e-w l'hub,'r t:dlttJr. 'l'Iu- Ol'l'dlggl'r

Edlt.'1 A Ite r reading till' ft.'Llturt.' on

A t 1~lsL I ha vv see-n evunoruivs Colorado W oman's l'ulll·gt.' ('Ul'lb appl n-d tll l'SM 'I'he profs claim in thl' Sl.'ph·mbt'I::!5 ISSUl' uf 'nll' t h .. tt ~I d"uult.' in pr n-e 1I1Orl' than Oredigger, I sat down and Il" h alvvs OIl' people able to afford peatvd over and over agurn .. rn

. t h« l'C1Ill111udity Wher« IS thl'I'l', old saying taught to me about

;1 ~t'ttt-r example of thl:o' than the the art of good manners.

11,1,,1 t~thh's Ifl tht.' Inkgral dub'! f "It yuu can't say sometb ing

Last school vear a person had nice about someone. don't say ttl ~l't up \'''ll'iy 111 the morrung anything at all."

ttl ~d h:s hands on a l'Ut.! st ick. One ewe coed made the corn :,-:,,~\, It i:, just th« IIPIISlh'. ~by- nu-nt. "Ariyunc who would WrltJ.' b~' \'i Chumney and Carolyn bv I f'or eot how hI Ifltq,!rall- 111\' such an art ic le made fun of or

l .. indberg' . l'akulus: but It appears tha"t' hurt no lint.' but hinisdl-ht! only

:Xl'\\ Dames wvr« irut rau-d at three tables at :S.:!O per hour I:' showed his Ignorance."

a \'t'ry .mprvssrvv l'l':'t'l1lun~' last mor« than .'Ill' table at S -In pe-r Wvbstvr says. "Ignorance is in.

Tut'sday rucht. and at till' bus .. · hour te llectual crudeness." How crude

IIll'SS ml'd:n:.! wh uh fldhl\\·l'I,~. P"rh~tp=-, tIll' addrt.oua! work \If can you gl't'.'

tht' prllgralll .I!ld adl\,lta's t\IJ' rt'tlpplllg thl' CUl':o' and ttll' mllfll'y . Thrs question was put to me: t hv coming yvar W~IS out l uu-d .. ·\)lll'l·tion vvery hour occurred by What do Cy"C gll'ls think of the

JllYl'l" Johnsou reviewe-d tlu full tables makes up fill" t he dif· Miners? In order to stick to my prll~l'ams planned fill' tIll' se-mcs- fl'l'l'fH't' \If invoru« point uf view. I'll put it this way. !t·l'. and many .ntvrestuu; speak- The operauon of our dub The Miners that cwe women t.·rs will appear at tht' future i Sl't'lll:, til be :,,,d I boug ht a would coruder dating are the

! 'lWt'!!ng:o: The first speake-r. Paul i deck llf cards and le-ft them in gt'ntlt.'mt.'n of your crew.

Support the r·ee.Jo·m (rusa.Je D.,·ve ; H. Keating, geology professor. i the dub at noon. At -1:30 p.m. And whom are these gentle-

r,l UI. UI'I ! Will lecture at tht' ne-xt .meeuru; I thl'Y werv st ill an the dub. but men? They are you men who

Today the Crusade for Preedom drive will .start on the on October 16. At that t nno ht'! bright and ear-ly the next morn-. consider your appearance ~mporMines campus, and Blue Key men will be outside bv the Will tell us about his famuu~ gem i !n~ not even the joker W~IS rant. have =some conception of plaza bulletin board until Thursdav accepti g donati . f collection 3!ld Will show us ~ome! around. Hope I donated to a manners, are good sports, clean ...

thi w thtv _.. n QIlS or. very beautiful specimens. ThiS I' worthy cause. minded and prompt. What moll.'

S or ) -cause.. .'. . . I is our chance. girls. to see the I E. N BENNETT. could any girl ask?

Tl).,e quota for Mines IS not large-a mere two bits per zerns that our husbands have Sernor. . DORIE ANDERSEN

sruderif. There isn't a Miner in school who can't afford that been tellin~ us about.

-small fee for such a worthy cause.. All over the world the I Tonight is the first meetrng for I

spark of freedom is being farmed \\tith ...., -.,

lal/i,s Showing Improvement


Letter to the Editor

money: to let the flame go out would be· disaster. i bridge. Everyone 1:' invited. ex - :

, The individual fraternity houses on the campus are, perts and novices alike ·If you by Lloyd Best

making lump sum doriations to the fund, and the Blue Key! WOUld, like tl). lea~n .thl> " gam~". 1 D:d you know'.'-

operated Freedom drive table has been set up for the stu-. Brrdge club 1S ce-rtainly the place 1 That Colorado Uruversitv.

d h d h hl h . ,. z; ito ao It. That meeting IS torught

ents y" 0 0 no~ ave tiS, c annel for grv mg money. I 10 the Integral club at i :30 p.m. l due to a high number of men

Mines quota IS small this year, but let's have everv man I berng called up into the ser-

give th~t 25 cent piece as his share in the Crusade for· Free-' MUSEU" M JlJOTES I vice. had an extraordinary dom drive. I~ : freshman class of 1300 girts and iOO boys:

Are Senior Trips Worthwhile ?


, ,


---_ .. _--


.... ...-




by J. Harlan Johnson, Curator I In order to properly use and: . evaluate the museum, it is neces- I

· sarv to know what we consider j

- -." the tuncuons and purpose i l )f ~hc iuseurn These art.' listed :

I below .

· ,

! 1. It a<.~s as a repository for:

! toc school s permanent l'llllcl'-! · nons of geological mater:al

; 1 2. It accepts gifts. makes ex-

1 j .:-hanges and 10 other ways ob. I tarns material to add to these col-

• lections, . !

been con verted into a freshman woman's dorm. . with McKena. Hardrng, Lester, and Reg e n t ~ halls still humming right along.

Not to be forgotten are the varIOUS sororities to be- found on the campus, among the best being the AOPi's. Chi O's, and the Alpha

. Phi's.

With the present dirth of foot-

ball games and their attendant : ca mpus functions on the CU cam: pus, a Miner is a .tool not to l.)ok

. in what appeara to be an ex-

tr ely interesting situation


:!. The Boulder-Denve-r Turnpike IS due to open Within the month. The Turnpike is easily a ccessi ble by -l-lth Street from Golden to Wadsworth, and north on Wadsworth through Arvada.

3. The danger of C.W.C. coeds dynarrunng the roadway rs e-xtremely poor this year due

to a rather small supply of Durmg the last week the Lost ~~'molltlon equi~t:r:'eot at tht.' --aad--~~partment has It"Finishing School. ce ived a black automatic pencil. eel ntt· in the rooms of the math d('P~lrtmt'nt an Guggenhelm. Tht.·:'l' ~lrtides may be claimed at tht..' Lv:'t and Found dl."partment 10 tht· r('glstrar'~ officl'. Last Wt'l·k·s Oredlgger has a list of tnt' articles turned in thl' pn'vious \': ...... : ..


I -

i placed on display to Illustrate that there are a great" number of

;eological features. history. pro- freshman glrls at Ct.:-and UlJ' :e:;ses and materials: and the I perdasswomen too--tha.t are dy-

· ~Jeology of certam areas. dl.:itfl<:tSj In~ tn. go out With Mmers. Ir, and mines. These are cspeclally vtner words. they. arc desJ?t'!·att· iesigned to lllustrate courses an~ Will go out. WIth anythang.

· :aught by the geology depart-I The Old ~en s Dorm has now ; :nent. especially general geology. I

~ineralogy. petrography. hlstor- I Th 0 d · geology and ore ~eposlts. A.; e re I gger

'rew temporary exhIbits . are;

~ shown from tirile ~~ime to d,s-I· CO .. bQAOO sc ... oo.. 01[$

I ?!ay spertacular ··recent acq'U1S1- Editor Stewart Chuber. Golden 245

,twns. or for special events such,

i lS Engineers' Day. sClen~.f:.-: Business Manager Stewart Cecil, Golden 475-J

: meetings, etc. Assistant Editors W. N. Lyster, A. Sabita}'

· 4. The museum also mamtair.:- Assistant Business Managers S. P. Bickle H. O. McLeod


Photogra phers Cartoonist

L. Diaz. R. F. Hartmann M. A. Kline


, ·:rence· collections of ~lOeral:;.

li )rt:'s and fossils. These furn;sh a -'aluable bacKeround f,)r t!radu-, :i'te "'" OJ r...-but a:"e nm o~·n to !r:,.;

!€neral pOOhc.

_ LThe. museum sponsors a f ....

Jopular and local· SCier.-

.: flc meetings each. YC2:- -

#3. As "a re~ult ()f thf'o :r.u:;cu:r. activitIes and research by the X~xt \\-eek the seniors will take lea\-e of the ~lines cam- ·~rator. some SClentlf!c papers ttl th h t h' h . are prepared and published eac!':

:JUS ? ra\~e Ifroug ou t IS state on t elr annual Fall in- year. SPO:t5 Staff-'Yt· P. Burpeau. P. D. Hlnrtchs. G Vv". ~1;~C'ht'L

. · .... ectlon trIps. constructh'e \\Oork is done on all of these In b~:~f. ~h . ~.u~eu':r. : . .: 1e:,:.zr.- .J P L.)("~r:dge. D Randall. T. Rollins. Vv". A. Sladt'r

:' "ld tours the plan for having them is a rTood one. However, ?U':=.:1e:'5 S~aff-D. Bunn. \\-. G. Dutton, F. G:b~C)n. H. H:l.

c:;. j ~() ass::;! ~:-.e :each:rq ·.\·0r~ or '1 I R D R dl H ,." k I·

.... ',e jaunts turn out to be J' ust a one week \'acation in the I :':~7.. -~ .esser. . . ! ey. . n ec er log.

;-.e 5ch()Q! t :-,a:: r.U!"':it"r.)U5 PQ55- -- .• ... d k d .k h' -I

F '. se.RJ.ester, there \\"ould seem to be no use for them. : ;...·l··le.;: '0" ·( ...... C'e Du .. · ... .1 "e- ,uo,:s,.c· t~\'ery wee urang ~i.E: :ie, 00. yc·ar eXl'('pt Ilur:n~ th~ or.e

. tt:..e past man~· students felt that bo~h the Fall and· + .. ".,~ - • • :-...... • "'':' ... \-'t'"t'"~: ·.a(,'a~;'m bdwe-en' term~ and th(o wef-k nt Chr::'tr!'";a~ \·"Scat:l,n

II -'" ~ ..... :-:t y,-:.:er.;:. the cu:a~,jr d!id -;~~e:- ~y s!U\~t:~:::i .)~ the Colorado S("h 0(, I of ~llOes. Ed:~();:al (;f:-:'t. :n ~i:l. __ .

. inspection trips were just a plain \\-aste of ruone',- If I'::- -~ the £!e-o!O£!Y depa:-:- Publ.('at:l)n~ BUlldln~ (Phone G()lcit.!:1 :~-IO. branch 3, I P () Box 3-17 .

• '1e case. perhaps it would benefit the school and the! :f'!""~ ~a\'n had t,-, spfo:-:d :-nf-j~~ o~. _

l'k t d th t t' 10th ther - 'n ·oaC';...·n .. ·.··t;. S[BSCRIPTt~ RATES F.nt"'rt>d 3;'; .:'econd C'lass matter,

,'.:. I . 1 1 e 0_. rop ~ ours en Ire y. n e 0 hand t·.: .~ ':".:. , '';'' t... ,

~.- . . h I h . . - ~ _. ,i· ·"'a· tl-· ,. ~)u ~ ) .. \. j., Two Semesters s.;oo· r('oruary 6. 1946. at the post-

: -' .. ·trSlons e pte senior pre\Ole\\- his futu e ' hi .~:-u, - .. t·. ,I IG •••. t-

. . " r 5 '-ote - ,""!"~11 ~""'D\.I.W' , 1 t· ...... - ..... One5e!Ile~r $200. · .... "·re iC Gold(aA. Celerade, tinder ..

~.- ~:..-~.!~~- --!Tll~ep81 Industry fIeld. the jOWileys' couJa t:: --- CI _. _.. - -' • 1_'" 'h _au. "'-0 ~ _A'!'tOII •• Aov .. n .. _ ..,

~ "he mu-eum HO"'e'-er so ..... e pro . ~e Act of March 3, 1879.

r<: •. -: ~:;('(~e~sful. _. ~ . """. H' - Natioaal A~ Service.1ne.

~ r:: ... ·· - ~stions will be ansv.tered when th t' gress has been made e-ach year U1Mp Pail· .. ,.., R"..,~

.. k e rIps are and we hope to C'ont::-:!Jf' gradu- ._ .... 0.--- "v.. N Y N Y

~-;:--.:-:·_c:-·-. -'.' ~ \\gee . al!y 6_ - --... aw 0'''( ...

:!'":":pr')\':.:-:g _. __ , ..... ·..IIIDL~""Aa ..... '-.IA. fMIK.KQ ..

J . M. Anderson R. Banks

I E Best

.. C. E. Bochow J. H. Bright T. J. Ellis

J. Prichard

W. Parker

R. Joyce

Editorial Staff H. A. Ells

S. C. Holmes

W. Callencref----

W. Klein·

A. Lipton

r L. G. Los~ke J. Coulter

J. Mc Damels

~. J. Lutton J. Mc Kennzie

--R:-- H. Mand~l J. C Owings B. Peterson L. D. Schaffel' G. E. Tarbox C. Marquardt

R. SullIvan

t. ,




Homecom;n9Rul.sAnnounc'ed!Pros~r Pids (unon

As Business Manager

for floats and Decorations

"M" Club Spolsors Homecomil, Dal,e

Second only to the game of the. financial saving. These all-school day In importance, the Home-. dance tickets may be purchased coming dance' will be held the' from any Blue Key I1h ... rnber, or night ot Saturday, October 27, they can be obtained at the door with Bill Petrie's band furnishing for the same price of $5 for SIX the melodies in Guggenheim aud- : all-school functions .

itorium. ; The Homecoming M dub spon-

Although tickets may be pur-' sored danee promises to be one

h d t th d f $1 50 .ot the biggest and best events of

c a~e a . e oo~ or . per the year. Miners, get your dates

couple, Mmers with the season I and plan to make it to the first dance ducats will make a real, all-school dance of the year.

This week the Mines board of l.~ubllcatlOns, lead by director Le-

. .. ~Y' W. Goodwin, approved the

by Dick Banks .. applicauon of James E. Curzon

Now is the time to start working on those Homecoming; a junior in the petroleum produc'

. necessities, Miners! Get the plans for that frictionless soap; tion option, for assistant busi~~ box racer off the drafting boards and into the assernblv ' manager. ot MInes yearbook .:th; rooms. Start thinking of unique floats and house decorations Pr08pedor. Curz0!l will take over with a "Beat the Bears" theme. All of yOU intramural run- I the asslsta~t business manage~'s

nl'rs stay In shape for that l'X- ---- ------- --------- .. -. .posiuon this semester, and Will

hausuru; cross vountrv ran', and shClll b~' "Be at Ow Bears." ~elp business manager George

. . S ' .- J 'ft - T ., Schenk With his duties.

1\11 - t~, t.~lflb -anu u-ta aus tu .!. Cost of the matvrials must not Th 11 b . W d

I . ,. . l'rt.~ WI e a meeuna e-

start »ok iru; for hUITIIs that t·Xl·t'l·d $25. '-d' , 0' 10 . 0 h nt

won't have to hC' carr red around 3. HOUSl' ck-corutions must b~' tnh~ a~I; bl~~' t' ' at b4.1Id' p. . aft

t• t·· I· I d b 10 S d l U lea Ions UI mg. 0

.W r.u-x comp l'h' v a III ~ a tur av h . t d .' b . h

IItlIlH.'l·lImll1.~ avt ivit u-s will be October :!'; . ' .' t OSl' in e~t'stl~ In erng on t .e,

. Prospeetor s business staff. Busi- I

.n it urtc-d Frrdav af'tvrnoon. Octo- Judurru; of till' house-s Will be- [1" staff b '11 I I

t ··t' I tl I db, '1'1 . d h .. , d l!'iS:s " mern ers WI p ay a'

'I'!" - I.IY 1e snap oox er Y gm at a.m ..• 1O t C' ~al ,I e vital part in the printing of this

d"\\·~l \\'a=,hln.~tlln h i ll betwe-e-n Will gl't under way at 1: IJ p.m. "ear's annual since reve~ue will 'ith and 13th streets. and, vx- Rules for the floats that will take drop off from last vear due to the

l"'pt for campus parries, Will ter- part In the parade are as follow: 10'" r in J In -n 11- t A . b

S i . h ftr-r ' Th be vrean-r V1< e ~ l 1"0 men, JO on

nunau- .. n ~ at urr ay nu; t a tor h!' escost shall not e grt.'ah'r., the business staff. gives. a man.

t iw III unecommg dance. "The t ~n 51.' .. • . . . ,good experience In selling and I

pa t te-rn for Hornecormru; act iv i- -. No specific the me is required.: gives him an extra curricular ac-

tlt':o' will tlt' sirnilur to that of • I

- ----------- . t ivity that is not only prontable.:

~ear th~ ha~, F~h~ :but interesting. !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

prvvious vcars." John Serv atrus. iJtlml'l'(lllling program chairrnan.: dev larvd: he added. "A complete 1 I"hrnnnitlgll'al schedule for the Honu-vormru; week end will be ' released later." . t Soap Box Rules

For vou builders of better bod- : ies. here are the revised specifications f~ the 1951 soap box

1. Car plus rider must weigh not more than 300 pounds.

2. Cost of construction must not exceed $6 (steering assembly - and running gear excluded L

3. Car must have four wheels.

4. Maximum wheel diameter of 12 inches.

5. Mirumurn length between axles of 40 inches .

. 6 Mrnmrurn width between

wheels Ilf 30 inches.

Requirements for entrance 10- I

to the race are as follow: i

t. Car and rider must report to .1udcps or offrctals at the startrng I lme not later than 3:30 on the I nay of the race. 9 I

:!. Cars must be Inspected and;

approved by the race offic-ial. I

3. Car must be built and driven I by a ~rnup or organization on CSM campus faculty included.


numbers for a startrng posrtion. and Will ran' against time in a series of t wo-car heats, Starting numbers will be drawn just be-I fore th(\ start of the race. and the number of entries per organizet:on will be unlimited

Hou~ Decoration Rules


Saturdav morning the house I

decorations will be' judged bv a i r-omrn ittce as yet unnamed. The I for the contest include: "

t The thorne of the decorations



and Supply Your CURRENT TEXT BOOK NEEDS I ---+_.......L.ll.L....JI.dD~ _Than Half I Collf'(e Textbook Store

409 14th se., Denver

.-\ dlock from

D t: Downtown Campus

BILL'S RECREATION WHERE MINERS MEETI Pool - Snooker . Candy Cigars· Cigarett ..


-==- .. -.

Golden Nugget Tavern


Open 10:00 a.m. Daily and Sunday



It takes fine tobacco to give you a better-tasttng ciga-

.rette. And Lucky Strike means fine tobacco, But it takes something else, too- superior workmanship. Luckies are the world's best-made cigarette, Thafs why Luckies taste better than any other -cigarette. So,


Be Happy - Go Lucky! Get a carton today!


. ..;p.l.t.

.......................... _.


Let's go! We want your jingles! We're ready and willing and eager to pay you 525 for every jingle we use. Send as many jingles as you like to Happy-Go-Lucky, P. O. Box 67_ New York 46. N. Y.

(Upstairs) Golden


L.S./M .. F.T.- Wcky Strike Means Fine\ ~~~~O





r Cont mucd from pagl' 1) l;,.ld,'n ,'\'clt- 1"ll"pIll"atl\lll Pu o l«: S"l'\'I"I' (,'1":-; ~h'sa stat ron w hvn thl'Y gil thl'llllgh tlu- \Vyco 'I'Iu rty-t hrve Sl'f110rS art.' pre-

WIlI:Il' tll,·y w1I1 spt'nd Monday 'l'h« IIllfh'l~ will t r a vvl tll Mun- Il.H th ,'.t"t "f Frt zs at ~ a Pip« I.UH..' Products term mal at pal'lng this week for the fall sen.

rllght arvh. Coloard». lin Wednesday. III Tlll'Y will t lu-n Pl'Ill't'\'d til the Dupont lin Bl'lght'lll Road. north lor inspect ron tr ip nf the Depar t .

'l'ul'sday nuun mgs svhvdule lfl', Afte-r louk mj; IIVl'1' th« Monarch ~(Irth Denve-r cou t ro] stat run. tIl' Denve-r In tho uf te r noon. both rnent of metullurgy The weekvIudc-s 41 VISit to the 011 Shalt.': quarry of the Culorado F'ue l and l'a:,t of thl' Orrcnt al re f me ry ; and i .!1'1I11pS. unde-r the drrcct ion of long j aurit hops to a start next nuru- and plant at Rlfh,,'. where Iron corporuuon. they Will gl) on fl'lll11 t lu-r« to ttw Nort h Denver I ~lr Gunson. \\'111 Sl'l' the Sewage Monday With dally plant inspec t he largt.'st part uf the day will to Ourav. \V lu It.' at Ouray tht.'; 1Il"t,'1' station At 1 30 p.m they 1 plant on th« Platk /'IVl..'1' They, t ions sch--dulcd throughout the

be spent. A stay In Grand June i ~t'ntors Will visit tht:'. mint:' and shall meet at the South Denver I will truvel North Wa:,hlllgton week

tron is planned for that night. 1 null of the Idarado nururu; com- meter station on South Colorado! . "" I _ . ,. ~ . d " . Faculty members 10 charge of

Wednesday's trip will consist pany Friday they Will inspect Boulevard. ! st r It t tl ;)Oth. tUI n l a. t, an pi o- · the l'lght 'plant tour Will be Pro.

of observation of the Climax: the South Platt dredging opera- Tuesdav. Will ~t.'l· ttw pct rolvum l'l't'd about half a nu h- tel tht' (t.~:\sors A. P Wichmann, S. L

Uranium Co.ts operation near, tron at Fairplay. Colorado. and, men at the Gates Rubber Co'~ plant Smith. and P. H Anderson.

Gateway. Colorado, thence back t l ater In tIlt.' day tr-avel back to plant • .it 999 South Broadway

to Grand Junction. i Golden The miners Will be car- Thev will stav there all dav. and

A gold dredging pperation will ] 1'1('0 to these various mtnes iby ' wilf rt'l'~iVl' ~'ol1lp1inll'nhlr~' lunbe toured Thursday near Fair-' means ll( two chartered buses. chl':' served by thl' companv

play and this .\\~ill conclude the I T~ll' l'(I~t IIf the trip is $50 After \'Isltmg building 1.B Ilf m mes to be VISited. The group. Senior petroleum men number 55 the Denver Federal Center. on consisting ?f 24 men plus the pro- On Monda)'. Oct. 15. 2; retin- Thursday rnorruru; at ~l a.m.. the f'essor-s. Will bt? back In Golden: mg. and 28 production men Will petroleum men Will separate on Thursday ntg~t. .! start off on the fall senior trip" again. The refiners go to the ColPetroleum <!eologlsts to See I tab accompanied by Professors J. 0.. orado State HI~hway Depart• Th is year s petroleum geology Ball and C. F. Barb. They WIll merits Iaboratorv at 1 :r;-o Kramseruor trip has been organized by undertake the five-day trip 10' er ia. in East Denver at 1 p.m .. Professor Vl. D. Matteer, and Dr" their own cars, and their att('nd-, while the production men visit L W. Le-Roy of the geology de- ance \\'111 he checked at e ve rv the General Iron Works.

partrnent. ~ey. will . take 40 ='.,\llP, Fr ida v. Oct 19. WIll see the

l\U1tlOht'rs hto POlOtS lOt COlorafdo and On:\1 d thev will visit the' potrolcum men united again. ,.

a were many ypes 0 petro- . lin ay. < , , .

'leurn .gt.,t.llog~· operations can be observed.

On the way to Vernal. Utah. which will serve as headquarters 'for the group. they will observe workings at the Rangely oil field and the American Gilsonite

Oasis Service Station




na Co. At the gilsonite mine the sol id hydrocarbon is mined and inserted in crude oil pipe lines that go to Salt Lake City.

Statigraphy of the Uinta mountains in 'Utah will be studied on the trip o v ~; \\"~~~ of Ver.nal ~ asphaltic sand deposit will be observ.ed._ait-er "'b It'b the. oil shale. operations at Rifle will be stud-/ led. The return to Golden is sche- I! duled for Frida,' night.

)Iiners to Visit Raton

Monday. October i4. 50 {'oall and metal miners will leave on their senior inspection triPs.~ George Heirn. G. T. Bator. and A. :\1. Keenan will accompany \ the students. 1

The miners will' -iourney to Raton. New Mexico. where thev wilf visit a coal mine and prep- \ aration plant of the St. Louis. ~ Rocky ~tountain. and Pacific' Coal company. y. t ey will leave Raton' and travel to Cripple Creek. Colorado, Here they will inspect the Ajax gold mine and Carlton mill of the


Pcirker . Sheaffer· Esterbrook . Eberhard Faber

Rite Point· Dixon - Scrip to - Waterman Eversharp . Norma . Quartette Comet

Pcil Pencil

2 FOR 5"

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Engineering Pencils All Kinds of Everyth.nq tc

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HOMER VERSIFIED: ~~ ••• and pines with


. -.


There's no thrill like seeing your pictures the min"ut~yoU take them-with a Polaroid ,Land- Cam"era. Aim., , snap - sixty secon~~. later .you hold In your hand a beautiful. la.tlng print. Yea, it & as Simple as that to us. the Polaroid Camera. No liquids .•• no dark room ••• no fuss-the camera and fUm do all the work.

a sea (}j waves"

Homer: Ody.",ey


Homer wrote about a~ci~nt times--~fore ~~-'-t=a--N owadays there's ue-need ~o

"trre with thirst when Coca·Cola is around the corner from anywhere,



. --

• 89- 75 on easy term.

~ • if you like


for everything photographic. Service. Suppli~.

and Equipment. '

Authorized Dealers-

~ "' __ , . Kodak . Ansco . Argus . Graflex . Revere . /Lelca

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----f- ~~f!1plete stock .of still. m~. and darkrooo, supphes

and equipment ' ..



~. -

~ JQJinoa., Of iH~ •• o...cotA-eoIIP»NW-

.".-.d '01 ,,. ;,.. .. ,.. Dr, 61yl_ H, ~ .. .,oJd @


TU~SI)AY. OCTOH~R ~. l~:)l



Plans Made for All-School

liME Will Gather

O Th d Ne . h ~111ll'S wrll have Its Crusade cornrnunist-dommated countru-s

B B t f " · '1"'1 n urs ay Ig t fur Frvedorn dr ive start mg t •. rday ' Hlu\.' Key has set Its quota at

eer US 0 0 wIng Ull y . and ending Thursday Thl' dr ive 1 25 cents per man. and a Blue Kt.·y

Mult.'s AIME student chapter: Is under thv able dirvcuon uf th« ' representative will be stationed

by Bill Lyater Will huld their regular monthly Blue Key honorary servtce ur-; near the bulletin board in Qug-

Once in a great while a few of the Inure important Miners 11l\.'etlllg T~ursuay night. at 7 ~.m. ; gunization. M~nt"Y vol lected will; g.enheull hall tu collect thc. dorUrget tOg~· and decide it's time fur an all-school beer bust. '. III room! .'9 .of the mining build- be used fur building broa. dcast iru; I nons. The social Iraterruties on

. .• "In~. Ft:~ty, t,'<j on., the. pr<~gram, stutiuns throughout Europe' and the campus have agreed tv each

An) Ml I' who doesn t hke a good bre~ now and then does Will be twu motion pictures of I Asia. These stations Will trans- donate a lump sum to help gt"t

not need 0 come to these all-school parties. but for the most' Caterpillar earth-moving equip-' it th'd t d t : th d d

part no iner likes to see the golden product of the Golden! merit as employed in open-pit I ml e 1 eas 0 ernocracy 0 t' rive un erway.

breweries go to waste. .operations. A Caterpillar repre- I ,

I've heard them say that the water that you get here at I sent~tive will be present to give! the fraternity houses on the cam-j I a. brief tal~ ~nd to ans~er ques-I pus IS unsafe. In fact, I over- Ma'm.· He'sh been out all t'\e-I nons pertaining to the films. I heard the military department ning." ! As part of a ~e~bership drive I talking to some baSIC student As long as we are through I by the organization. Norman I about the precautionst~ken ag- talking about beer parties. how I Zehr, chapter president, is makamst. thiS unsafe condrtion. . can you ever get through talk ing : Ing short talks to juruor meta~-

.. \\ vll. tilt' first thing we do 15: about beer'.' I have a favorite 'lurgy and mining classes this

(liter It." . 0"'01 to wind up this oruv with.' week to ~utline . AIME' aims and

"y t'S." I P .. . b,: the benefits derived from mem-

"Then we boil It." I know a gU'l named Passion -bership. At the last meeting 12

"Y es." I asked her for a date men applied for membership.

"Then Wt:' add chemicals to it.". I took her out to dinner ,',Doughnuts and hot coffee will

.. y es, and then you can drink And gosh' How Passion ate.' btl served after the meeting.

It'''' : ------ .-----_.- .----- -- --------------------------------------

"No. then we drink beer. ..

The next question you may ask • .. Now that I know the water is unsafe. where can I find my -oeer?"

Now tll t he punch line of this storv a nd th\.' answer to your thlr~ty quests Mmes Will havt! its first. all-school beer bust on Thursda October 11. after the

. -

"~ll \\'anna n.'::1!::!n

Then thc-r« was the fellow w :~Il:'l' m0t~1t'r used to call up , e-vvrv Saturday night and 'ask Ji'o)u: ht.·r s.rn

-x.. yuur'sh,m's nut dnnkmg.


1214 Wash. Golden. Colo.

.' C. H. Henon

. ,


2124 FORD

Ph. 396

--------- _.--- ......... -

Essie Reed Huber, Prop. SHIRT .·I~ISHI~G

DR \' CLE'-\SI~G












r 0' '·1

:. ,,:::.; ..




----- --



Diversity of chemical products spells opportunity for the mechanical engineer

Students of mechanical engineering sometimes assume there is little opportunity for them in the chelhkal industry. In fields where products are made in more or less standardized equipment. this may be so.

But in a company like Du Pont

dust rial chemistry-where, products are made at pressures over 15,000 pounds per square inch as well as in vacua low as two millimeters of mercury-mechanical engineers are in heavy demand.

What jobs do they fill at Du Pont?

Literally hundreds. not including the normal run of mechanical engineering work such as design ofstandard equipment. scaling up from blue-

prints. etc. ·

For example, here are some of the problems encountered in the manufacture of nylon yarn alone:

al -svhoo ra y at p.

location of the beer. as it is well hidden. will be announced at the


rally Thursday night with no,

k\.'~~ to be tapped until after the: .

rally. _

ThE' beer Will be donated by t~ social fraternities on the'Mines campus and by th.t' Barb, \Jr~anizatlOn- ':here will be enough beer fur all. but don't hesitate- 01' some big ~Diqrn}lgJ\t

dr-ink \'our share. • ~

That- reminds me of a' Miner I saw th\.' other night after the rll\.'tb~lll .jam\.' I This has nothing ~" do \\·;,th the beer bust. but 1 ~h,'U~ht :t might be interesting t- I :1: v mother ! This Miner was;.! up 17th street in Dl'nvvr and w as buttonholed by a :h,t:·"ll'tt.'1· w ho said'

"Sh .. rv . can vou tell me where ~" f:nd' ;\kl)ht~l1l'~ Anonyrnush?"

. ~ ..


face grid at 550°F. The polymer decomposes slowly at this temperature, and there is a major heat-transfer problem. Many types of melting grids had to be designed before one 'Proved satisfactory .

spinnerets under pressures over 1000 pounds per square inch. With nylon as the only lubricant, the pumps must o . te continuously at 550°F. _Specialized problems in sealing, gasketing and materials of construction are inherent in this operation.

• The melt is forced through multiple holes (diameters of 7 to 22 thousandths of an inch) in a speeial alloy

• disc. They must be made to conform to "jeweler's specifications."

4. The emerging fibers are cooled in a specially designed "air conditioned" chimney. Precise control is essential

conductor, is melted by a contact sur- 5. The fibers are wound on spools at

surf ace speeds around yards per

change in speed so that there is no . localized stret~bi.n.,g_2LI.f.laxat.iD.JLo.f

the fiber.

6. Finally. the fiber is drawn about -100' c and wound on spools traveling at 5000 feet per minute. Bearing lubrication and dynamic balance presented important design problems.

_ These are but a small part of the mechanical engineering problems arising in the manufacture oi a single product by only one of Du Pont's ten manufacturing departments. Literally hundreds oi other products. ranging all the way from.celailose sponges to

- met.Its likp titartiuu-i. present similar--

challenges. So long as new processes - continue to Be sougnT 'ana-OTQ-j:,rc,c--" The c ...... e ••• en sf4llt>' of Wile .50 14m day esses\'ed~ there will be impor- 1t.~Pt-'I"C'O"'P"":t:fO'" JS.OUO p.I.I. for lut~n. tant work for the hand and mind of

ltyd.~JIlen. etc .. were dnl6"«i by D~ Pont me- •

cJaalucol e1l6"lftrt. the mechanical engineer.

PONTIAC Gp.f¥MM,."G~~-

-1,- __ ·-i3th __ Go_&_l_~_en -, .-_ .. --

••• ph C. Grubb, B.S.M.E_, Tennestlee '51. and Paul D. Kohl, B.S.M.E .• Purdue '46. study characteristics of a super-pressure pump liS.OOO p.s.i.: designed by Du Pont e,..ineers and made in Du Pont snops.

t1l new

fibe,.-spinning equipment are im'estilCJled by J. C. Whitmo,.e. B.S .• W.E .• Vif'linia '44. .W.S .• \I.E .• Deleucare '49. and L.B. CoIJ4l. B.S._~[.E .. Georgia Tech 'sa,

Uniquely d.,'.ned adapter foro a <iCrt'u' extruder under oItud;. 1:0 .... Ralph .J. Covell, B.S. .\f.E .. Purdue '49. and -Iohr: F. 80L,[,ng.

Send for your copy of "The Du Pont Company and The College Graduate." Describes opportunities for men and women with many types of training. Explains how individuol ability is recognized and rewarded under Ou Pont pice of organizarion: Address: 2521 Nemours Building, Wilmington, Oetaware. .


Entert,lnlna I"for",a~'''e - Listen to ··C.valude of Amenc.. Tuesd.y ~Iatlts. ~BC Co8st to Ceat





Ripe, Raunchy Rhymes:A!~~n, ~~I~ '1.~~t~Stw~~~~~!I"d~~I~h,,~~~~a~~!!!~~~ ~;:~:n ~~:n~i:

A· d W· h W h W·t ~lI11k'~ :'c,\t·llal. ~ll:ah'rorutll'~ la:;ti Jl~n Lor kr idg«. Sl'llRlOr, MaBrShakll'j This afternoon at .. 15 p.m. Mr.

n IS Y as Y I ""·t't·. ,;&~ .. p ia au l1ll'ga anc MIS, .; svcretarv. oger urc - R. B. Hln' w ill lecture before the

- - I I.~d't I hvt a PI r husv th--ir llffll'l'rS ~ .-rt. j un i " Oak Park. Ilhnojs: I Student Soon-tv of Ex lorauon

till' t lu: ne-w Sdll)ol vear. The men 0 rocor dc . lam Burpcau. jun- G h t' L' PI13 B

. '. I eop \'Sll'IS s rn rOllm a:~' • l'r·

th'l'rh¥rd 11\ ttll' back row at I "\\'h~' t iu- tooth brush 10 your .l'll'l'tt'~t \~'.Ill, ~('rv~ ,~ntll the end 1 lor, ~a~t, OI:c~llgt". N.l'w Jt'~~l':'; j' thoud ·hall.

tht' IlttlJ thloatt.'r-"Hands Off.!Ii.lPl'l··.. .lJf thl fll~t semester. j~ledgt father, ~Illiam Lyster. Mr. Riel' is senior physicist 10

Columbus. you've discovered I "Ir~ my class pin - I go to Col- Alpha Tau Omega I Junior, Denver, Colorado: chap- I the research and development

t'l\ougli'" • ; ~~ltt>." • Harry K~nt, it seruor III the l lain. Samuel Boyle. senior. Chi-I department of Phillips Petroleum

• • • '~'. • • 0 ~l'oh)g~.. option. was chosen as Il'ago, Ill inois: and historian, Alex- : company. and Will speak on "Re-

SAE No. I-What are you do- "If a drunk IS Souse of the oworth~' Il~astl~r oK! thtl' :-\lfPha Ia~ f ander Sabitav. junior. Golden.] maining frontiers 10 the improve-

mg with mv raincoat on? Border in Mexico what is he in nwga lo!lOUp. en IS rom os I : I.· ..

S AE N '2 K' 't ..' Anevlos Cahforrua The other Colorado. rnent of. sersrmc prospecting.

_'" 0, - eepmg your SUI F'rance? t--,. ,

dry. "Plaster of Paris." officers elected w.en·: worthy :

• • • • • • chaplain, Francis Gibson. Junror,! G Id diD·

"Was your girl pleased wi,!h the I "Didn't vour old man ever take metallurgy, Los Angell'S, caltfor-I 0 en a e air),

bat lung SUit vou gave her? ,. nia: worthy keeper oi the exhe

Y h " .. - h ld h ' \ ou asid« and tell vou about quer. Edward ZIOlkowski. senior II

" l'a ' x ou s ou ave seen. t' . .,.. .

h b h h . .. i In l!:, . .\ hid W . ,

er earn w en s e put l~ on. . "Surl', but there was always so rmrung. .",S an, isconsrn: wor-j

• • • thy scr ibe. Richard Ridley. soph- I

"Buck up. old man! Why d"6'n't much noise 10 the pool room that ornore. metallurgy. Larchmont,

d .,,' 1 couldn't hear him," New York.

you rown your sorrow. ~"

"Can't, She's stronger than I • • • I Beta Theta Pi

. . Judge-, So they ca~g?t .~·ou I Beta Theta PI SOCial fratl'rnity I

• • • . \".,lth this bundle of SI!\ erw are. elected ItS new otficers for the!

You've heard of the old saying" 'h hom did you plunder" semester at an election held last

"Gentlemen prefer blon~es." .. Yegg-two fraternitv house'S, Monday. Douglas Waterman, a i

The question now IS: "Do ~ our Honor. I senior from Denver, Colorado"

blondes prefergenUemen?" Judg~Call up the d~wn~own was ele~ president and John ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

• • • hotels, sergeant, and dlstrlbute,~, Holla . a junior from Den-I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Why. Henry. this isn't our this stuff. : ver Colorado was elected to the I

baby. You've taken the wrong , • • • I vice-presiden~y, The other of- i For Better Livin 'g

carriage.': The salesman was trying to I I

"Shut up, you dope, This one pick up a beautiful blonde in the '- METROPOLITAN

has got real rubber tires on it." hotel lobb\'.! Le . EI e II

• • • "Don't bother me:' she said. I lye ectrica y

Owe $50, you're a piker. Crushed. he said. "Pardon me.] BARBER SHOP

man, h:~:g::ilO~'I\\':~~l~~t~~~h~ TEL. 78~ I COLORADO (E~ NTRAL PO'WER' (0

Owe S50,OOO,ooo, you're a ty- married," -------: •

coon. r-~~~--------~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~-'I .

Owe S50;000.000,OOO, you're a FOR QUALITY CLEANING AND PRESSING· liThe Friendly People"

government. • • • Alteration. of All Klnct-Done by Muter TailQr

There was a man from Nantucket I Tux For Rent Ladies' & Men'. Tailoring

, Who kept all his cash in a buck- Call 727 _ FASHION TAILORS. Pickup-Delivery

. But~~ daughter. n~med Nan, I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----~~

Ran awav with a man, j

And as for the bucket. Nantuck-


• • • I

Teacher- The word concrete I means something you may see or feel. The word abstract means something you can't see or feel. Now Willie. give me an example of concrete and abstract.

Willie-My pants. are concrete.

Yours are abstract.

Jimmie'-s Shoe Shop S HOE R E'P A I R BOOTS and NEW SHOES

Polish.. '-- Shoe Aeceuories I;



Authorized Dealer

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Delicious Malts and Sunda ..




Golden' 8 Finest Restaurant

Chicken in a basket and SteaD


Records, Radios & Combinations SALE, SERVICE & REPAIRS

Phone 845 1118 WuhlDgtOll A .....

~ G_O_LD __ E_N_,_C_O_L_O_R_A_D __ O !.~---------------------- ~

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1122 Washington


Dry Goods -

. School Supplies


. Decoratmg Party Cakes Our Specialty I





Where Miners Come for Quality Work

809 12th Street

Golden 119

- .

Open 6 a. m. - 8 p. m.


15.50 Meal Ticket for 15.00


Wholesale & Retail

11M litk St.·· PbOlle 75

Jaclc Kearns - Motors

._._. ..sTUOEBAXEll.OEALEB . . _ _+_~ _. _ •• _._._ •. '_' __ ._ .••


1940 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR (new paint) $375.00

641 PLYMOUTH COUPE $245.00

61'937 PLYMOUTH COACH U2S.oo .

1950 STUDEBAKER Starlight Coupe $1445.00









Sittings .taken by Mr. Jafay

personally on the campus by appointment. '

MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT SOON For a combmction of fine portraits and your Prospector Fotc-Ask for the New Tafay Packette .





Freshmen Will Elect Officers

Golden 648

Tau Bate· Pled,es Have Busy Week Doin, Annual Cltores

by Howie SHYer

Eighteen pledges of Tau Beta Pi, national honor fraterni~, braved the weather last Friday morning to layout the bent in

front of Gu~genheim.

Dressed in white hats, tan shirts with white ties, white pants, and white shoes the pledges-worked in shifts to accomplish the given task. Thursday night

(Continued from page 1) Harvey Hilvitz took a very active

l'le('tt'd student body president part in his high school activities. and was chosen as class presi- A graduate of Pueblo Centendent. scholarstup club president, nial high school, Hilvitz served and as secretary of the boy's club on numerous committees and redurmg his years at high school. presented his school at the ColoDennis is also a two year letter- rado boy's state gathering.

man and is a member of the During his high school days, second all -conference team In Gerald Johnson was vice presihis high school football league. dent of the Student council and

John Fidel is the fourth candi- was on the:-"Minneapolis all-city date for freshman president. He Student council. Gerald was acwas very active in Student coun- tive in Hi-Y and the National ~-----------~ (·11 work as he served three years Honor society, and was placed as a member. John played two on the Minneapolis all-city honor vears of football and worked on roll.

both the editorial and business Ronald McVickers played footstaffs of his school publications. I ball. basketball, and golf in high

Four Men Nominated for· school, ran on the track team,

Vice Presldent~ I and swa~ on the high school

~en nomina~e_a~r the fresh- swimming squad. He was active man vice presidency were WH- in school government and in high ham Callendar, Darr Collins, school organizations.

George Wales, and Donald War- Wesley Parker graduated from nero Callendar was vice president Salida high school where he beof his sophomore class in high longed to several organizations school. editor of his school year and acted as one ot the officers book, and was active in basket- in his school's government.

ball. swimming, and track. Three danee ebairman eandlctateS

A graduate of Needham, Mass- For the office of dance - cijair-

achusetts high school, George man, the freshmen nominated Wales participated in ~oot~all, J~ck Coulter, Lewis House. and I wrestling, skiing, and swimmmg. Richard Self. These men were all .

At MiI1es he is hel~ing on the vefy active in their respective I

En~ineers' day committee and he high schools. 1'-- ----'

is a pledge of Kappa Sigma so-


on way to poet office

717 12th St. Golden


30 Years of Servic. to Miners


1218 vi ... hlngton


13th & Washington Phone 147

In his igh school.

Warner participated in football. basketball. track. and served on the Student council. He was a member of the letter club and the debate team.

Darr Collins. a freshman from Hastings. New York. is also seek-I 109 the position of vice president. Collins is a pledge of the SPE traternity on the Mines campus.

Chosen to repesent the freshman class as secretary-treasurer were Harvey Hilvitz. Gerald Johnson. Ronald McVickers. a W('sley Parker. As a member of

the. Student council. the wresthn~ and track teams. and Hi- Y.

.... .


Dq:R S~~ON- J

_ opens some sections October 15th.

On this side October 20th.



Kellogg's Hard",are, Inc •

Phone 11

.. Golden

Striking It Rich •••

the members-elect took the pledge quiz, and they drank the purifying "Toast to Pluto" yesterday.

The new members Will be initiated in Boulder next Thursday night at the Tau Beta Pi national

convention. Colorado. university is the sponsor of the convention this year, and the Mines chapter will assist the Boulder chapter

by showing the convention delegates~und the Golden campus.

Members of Tau Bate from all over the country will be at Mines to see the "World's Foremost Mining School" on Friday afternoon. They will eat dinner at the

51. Joseph's parish hall, in Golden, and will be entertained by . the Barb Quartette after the banquet.


coesnt happen tOQ often nowcdcvs. But many of ~

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IF you want the best when you choose an outercoat

this winter, just look for the label that says CURLEE.

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. - --- - .- - - by Howard April

In the soccer team's opening garne agaInst the enlVl\rslty of Colorado Gold team. the booters rail all over C],'. rompim; to a 10-0 win. Before a small but enthused crowd at Brooks field last Sunday afternoon. the Mmers completely outclassed an inept Buffalo II.

Sixteen men were In umforrn IHl Sundav and Ilf these.

l'l,'ht Wt'l't' nl'Wl'Olllcr:-; h) the - . .

~O~l'l'r squad Thl'. eight bl'~t men I bv dvnu-d . Ponc« drove in and trorn last year s championship I scored our third ~Ilal frlllll l'lght team saw action and thev dis-' vards out. hut tll' was hurt on played the same fine form that' th(' next pluv and \\',1:' I'l'ul.h·,.d . netted us an undefeated season; by I'brrdtll

last year \\'lth tWI) nunuu-s Ilf play k-It

~line~ startrng lineup was: 10 thl' f ust half. Zakhnu, a half-

. Garth Hayes. goalkeeper; Nogal- back. booted a long one from 25 fOS. and Wendeborn. defense: Tre- : yards out that caromed 11ff the Ron Bethurum eats up yardage around right end as Dave Brown and Bull ·Turner clear \"100. Zakhmi. and Lorenz. halves:: uoal post, and 10 :\~ the frrst half

Ponce. Salter. Douze, Kane. and' ended. the "Bl ue and Silver"

the way. Thomas. .forward line .. Substl-. held a four ~oal advantage.

Mines football team won its third game in {pur starts with a narrow 27-26 decision tutes were Barretto. Check. Lev\,.· \Vh~

over a 19 lng es ern a e e even ast rt ay rug t.. out _ 00 fans braved the icy Garanis. and Rex. ~In(,s had some new men 10 'th(' -

winds and a cold drizzle to watch the two teams battle In a sea of mud. Colorado university won the' <Continued on page 9)

As the score would indicate. the game was close throughout. The Mountaineers went ~~~~. a~~ara::sq iro:~~s~~en ~~f~~~ .

ahead 7-0 in the opening period. after Tasma recovered Ed Gaulke's fumble of a punt on I t I th b 11 d t k 'IM F aL_11 well Ge

the Mines 27. Seven minutes later. Ron Bethurum broke off the weak sid~ and raced 82 c~:s~f!:~f St~eegar:e f:oma~hen °oon. I OOIUII I IVI

yards for an Oredigger tally. /. At the eight minute mark the Clos. Com tietie A e

The kick was blocked and West-. touchdowns were scored in eight Statistics whole forward line drove down., PI on gain

ern State still led .'-6. The vi~it- plays. but not one went into the' M' WS· field as a unit. and Rod Thomas WIth a full sc-hedule on the

ors scored again m the operung record. First' downs 9 10' put Mines out in front 1·0. Five slate _ last week. the Intramural

:'!1 in utes of the .:~econd quarter.j Bob Pozzo tied it up at the be- I Yards rushing 295 186 minutes later Marrin Salter stole' football program continued along

bu: Bethururn's second touch-! ~lnnlng of the third period when ! Yards passing oil 102 a CU pass and set the ball up lJ1 high ,gear A number of teams

down gallop from 20 yards out he broke off tackle and outran! Passes attempted 10 17 for Douze who shot one past the remamed In the unbeaten. untied

put Mines again within striking j the seco-ndary in a 62 yard touch-: Passes completed 4 8: goal~(' to ma~e the score 2-0 .class and give promise of makin,::

distance. down jaunt. The Blasters went, Punt average 44 51 Mines continued to plav mas-: the race (or the crown one ot the

Foar TD's- Scored, Sone Count out In front for the first time. Fumbles 4 2 terful soccer and after blocking closest and most excrnna In re-

Late in the second quarter,' with four minutes gone in the Fumbles lost 3 l a free shot. scored a quick goal: cent years. All teams pl~}~ a very

Bethueum again broke off the: fourth quarter. when Bethurum Penalties 8 10 however. an offside penalty null-: tough Il-~am~ schedule which

weak side and raced i9 yards to t scored his third TD and Ed Tur- Yards Penalized ;0 90: Ified the score. ~lOe~ wa~ niH to w:11 make fllr many upsets duro

pay dirt, but a clipping penalty; ner kicked his third extra point. --_ .. -----;.-; .. ~ Ing the season. so It would ~C'

nultrned the score. After two: Th~ediggers threatened a few J d Jj II M . ; foolhardy 'to try h. a w.nnc:: plays failed to gain yardage. Wy- mtlbtes later when they had a U 0 aug t to ,ners at th.s var lv date

man punted to Western State s first down on the Western State However. the stroHto! Beta ('n'w

Malovich who scooted ;0 yards 11 yard line. but the Mountain-. .. shows much of the strt':lf~t:l

to score. but a Western State eers held and took possession on B ·E d A which has carried them to l·r.~

clipping penalty had this plav ~':1elr own five yard line. From y Xpef'jl·ence rtl·sf . crown in the past two Sl'a" lr.;

called hack. On the next play this point. the "Red and White". Dur mu tht' past ~l>l.>k they "W0f:'~

from scrimmage. Tasrna turned launched a drive that carried past a hardfll~htin,g but I)Ut.

:-l"nt end for another touchdown. over the Mines goal line. The b T R Il·~unn~d Barb :-':1). :! squad by a

b~t a holding penalty canceled extra point was 10\\' and wide. J hi h I Y domf 1° Ins " h . "one sided 53-0 count \\':th Paul

the score. To w.nd up th;s come- and the Blasters still retained a udo: ~\. IC.: .trans al.e . ree v. means. t: art 01 maxr-: Hmrrchs; !I) OI)Ug Water-

dv of errors. three plays later one point edge. The game ended. ":lum ~fflclenc~' IS a derivative of. th., art of .. Kendo. th~ an-: ~~~ar.. tho Bda rm-r; I'I~mph'tt'l~" Mines back Loren Whitescarver ~() seconds later with the score cient ritual of two handed sword flghting. Kendo Ilourished I dominated thl' carne

intercepted a Mounta.neer pass :\I:nes 27. Western State 26. in feudal times in Japan. It became evident that a new stvle The men f'rorn !ht' A To h.lU:'f-

and- ran 8~ vards y.):' a score. but Grid Comments : of combat was called for in the dangerous in-fighting. As a rr-maincd atop ~cw race w it h a

this play was also ;.uli!Dea oy a The Mines line play was back. method of self-defense only. the :,!0-6 \"!cttl!"~' over th~ PI Kaps

dipping penalty. In all. four ~I) .ts pre-Aggie level. Joe Re-; science of Judo was developed. as Instructors for the novices wh.. Dunn Krahl scored 2 TO's tn lead

:"'N'k was the· defensive standout" In those ancient times the nam= turn out for schooling in th.. art th" "Ha irv Chested :\11'n" tel vic-

and he was ably assisted by Le-: applied to Judo tactics was Ya- of self-defense. tor-y Ji)hn~lm and Thomas we re

Roy L:ttle in making the left: wara. Future ~atches Planned ;S~';" .nst r u-ru-r; :a! .n tho A TO of the Mines line "air tight." The adaptation of Yawara : to Future promotion- !'T1a~ht.:-:. ~~.". w .n

3f·::;urum · .. vith three touchdowns .. '


7')":r.t5 were the big offensive ." f he Tntcrnati 1 ('I i . l. ,.,,_ a .... ...1 .r..c. Barb ",) ! "qu'~-4

. '.. .., :') •... 0 t. e nternanona: J.\'!;iOi(' . 0 in (':):1nect;l")n · ... ·!tn tn('jr .\'/):-:': .... ~. ..\I .. I' •• I.~ .:!'l .. ' •

... ~ ... r. .. ..: ou .. Bob Pozzo 5 6_ vard -\ . . . . . I' •• l'l' T·r. -, Kappa S·"T· 'qll"',rod ()11' ..,

_ .. ~. _. -. ···, · ··ttE··.. ,t"£.· c..., :( .. ,· ... · ..... )n(,-.n' :'r,-· '-)l"'" "'''C1I)t'a·t:·(1 ... \. l,,,··..·1 .... :- ~ t t·._ .... "

d Ed G I' . h d d I.. '-.... I. . ... - ,.. ~I •• ~ • • ••• - ••• ~ • .. • ,; ••• •••• •

:-:J~ an au ro:e 5 • ar rlv-; .:, ......... :"'r •........... .:.d .• T •• ..: ~ -'>._...1 _.~...I •. _ a..~ .~~-.t-- ,,·cr.- ..... rr •• ""'" ;~ Y~~-!"Y ':\"~

. _ sh . eTtainlt··.J~ ~ a. - --- ._...... .~ ~ .. r. "'~~~ • ~ - lJ"["""";:'O 'I"'" . _. r...... ..... .. _ .

~£' ~ .ort gams are c - . ',"'as !":.msc1f 'me of tnc ~'.\'q men the ,:;pc.r: a~ ~f!nl'~ .-\;:'11. :t'r.t;:. F;i:,ch :;corpd an., Ed Rcltn c,·m·

.. \ .. '):-~:-: mentionln~- reached ~h(: l"olt!h- tlvel the· t:n:ver5It· .)f Dr-n\·t.;. \'t.·;!('d th,' 2a~~·'.\":nn!r.g t.·xtr"

Boh POlIO. tailbark

h t· w:!'1 ·.\·,i~ ~~t· !;:tr· ~~:l~ Jack Ea::;-

1M GAMES THIS WEEK ::::-el' :ng sou;,Z. ~ a:: oPP·)nC';.:s ~. ::-:!~~ ..

d t" , t·)n !-.u ~ ~ .: :i ,."' .• ...1 -.\' \.)'.' ~u·

Cn:qu(· !:1 the C:~::t."": Statl.·:" .::- 5ucc£:e :n se ..:ne up (".a..s::; •. ~ :r. . q • '

T!'-.e games to be played this 'ht~ 10cal ar:-!va: 1)( JUd0 ()n the Ju~) a~ :5 bc:ng att('mpted at ='0; :,r,rr." t:~.t·

S· 1 • 'I Th · ... ""5· t···o ~c'n'"''''''- Tht' S.-\E·5 and SPE'~ ri:d ;.()t

:.j!;.!n.:! week are: . . . I :1001.Ait .v :nes campu:-;.. :3"'or~' "" ~ 'JO/1!)·

~ .~ - ;:>1t1~' -!unna the. pa~t wC'ek ~:-\

Oct. 9: ATO vs Beta. '3:50; Barb. ';aluable sport :5 now oPing Explanation of th::-: ~P(J;~ Cd:::'. I' 1

. . ~:-:r·\· W:. h" ,,\.,,!. :-":'~t'rl fl',:- J~

: Vi Barb 4. 4:40. 'au~ht on :\Iondays. Thur:,da~·5. :1); the .:'tatement that ~tren~th

Oct 10: Barb 2 vs Beta. 3:50: '1nd Saturdays :n the gymnaSIum. :5 not a factor lr. the df'\"f'i.)0~·.f··:O~

S?E \·5 KS. 4:40 Cr.der :he' tutela~(: (jf I.sao t:chi. of expertnC'5s ,-,( ex(-rut:"n ')t

Oct. 11: SN vs Pi K's. 3:50;: a ~Ilner who ho!ds the - order of correct Judo. Instead. th(" d~ve!-

T~f-~a C~: vs Beta. 4:4(1. ~b.e Black Belt 10 Judo. :nstruc· ')pment of !'T1usr.ular co-ordmation

oc~ 15: Barb 1 vs Barb 2. 3:50: t:on !n Judo :s nO'A' recognized and the proper l:l.';;f' :: 1f'\'-':-3':'-'

\.TO \.>- Barb 3. 4'40. . (or phYSical tralOlng cred:t hy ;Sf" the components used. Coop-

the athlet!C' dcpar!ment (-ration of mind and !'1".u5c1e along

-) ,- ell h' T" h . d f .•..• \.. th""' tl...n~r(!'1- ,.....,.,.. -·l-·-

::- ..;f·CU:·j;-.~,j·o\· t t e Jury. ,--C! nas tralne our men "" :~.. ..- 1:"I} ' n. 1""1..;' __ 1.._ • ~-,-.,..

_... ...... - •• -~ ---~ i51T'T'!I'- --x-:"",. -- .r ......... ~ ~+ .. w pr~~ ~ -:-r-;- •..

..... ~ ~~~.--?:t?~e" Why'aid y·:ll·.,i;!;. ~~~ dP'p:-c·nt!ce da~, ~i) !ne:' 1.: .... : ..... /. '':1_u •. , d ...... l. ~h(' sea~c')n::, "1\,(.;. !:--..-' 0(.,'1:"-_. >.:

' - :..,u·:.-- j 1.. a ;"' u· g \ :""",'t ~ad.n 'r. .~ .;; ,) :t··;',~'" '1:1" ••... ,:".A:, -: ..J~~;.. L T 1:" '0 .• __ ,-_,_ _...I

• .A ••• ::.)CI •• · ;1 o,Jv .... • • / •••• / ~.-.' ~ •• ,.~ .~.. - P}' .. il"Q .v.,;t~r. ~.~-m. ~,~~

~ e .... , ~. .-- ------- ···-·-~-~~:p.~t··-~-~~~7n.· ~.~\';)' ,T.'1~~.-.;;:a::("a~\· .:'; .. :-~::' J~.-rr T ......... S~er .. .ot. -h"U14 ;,.,_ .,,:....., •.

.. . ··::77.. t 1... ...... • ~ .... .... •• , ,t. ,I{" ... ~.,t •• ,

:J··:··,··:-::-:3:-.t-I d:dn't '''':ant to ).!":(.; ~I:r.(.; . .;; '.\'!":,j ;ec(,;\·j·'; :;a:~- :'-'.\., -:- .. ".~ .j "- •. :.1" '-.'1' J'.J' .•• " .. _._ t. "1_ olo.., _. _ :.... .••. _

....... '1 ••. -. ~ •

::-r.portant ::It b~~'.\"'-·~n !!-:t' ~ ...... -. ~f'·;Srr.5 w:--;:ch c."luld :-, .... qu:~p :::.' po:-tant :n ~hf> ")utr.):;'.(· ,! tb'\ :n· trarr.ural rac~

The T~r·ta C~ :':("\"·n '''''.C'r. t d·')wn ~.-, ie(f.'a~ :a.:'~ \\'e"K t.) thf' Sa!!'!:a ~u :::quari n\' a ! 2-0 ' .... (1:"" Althou(!h ::;hut ·)ut. t!":t-· Tt...c'\f-:

. . ..

--."'. -:-:::~:-t.-'~

.. . ....




I, (CllfltIllUt.'d frum pagt' H I w as mad« bv Itt'X about u-n nun f!"tlftl the' ) 5 y ard l nu-. 'It .1 ve-ry

Aft Th- Y 'P I- -' I- .. luu:up \''''''\'nt Ht'X rcplucvd utl's Ot'(Of't' the f!lwl gun sound·' allu,!..!h anglt" that :,kldded tiff

er IS ear 5 ar 1(lpa IJon· s .. rltr-r 'It .llght, wmg Russ Chl'l'k ed : VUll't.' rovkvtvd .1 lull' dr ivv t lu- ;..!oal post and rh

, 11, l·"UII(' III tllr \\ u,u"h:otll'u at dv

by Bill Burpeau : : ft:n ~t' NII~~IIt's and Lorenz swrtch-

As fuutball takes over the spot li rht ill s orts durin. the: l,d positrons. LU/'l-n,l IflC)VIfl~ b .. ll·k

, . g p g , to lit- f l' nsv, a nd ~ 0" ail'S l'tHlllflg·

Ial l uf the veal' baseball must take a back seat However In ~

. -'. , ' . up to center half.

the wlI.ltcr the baseball fan t~lk~ over who will be back and, A f{"w minutes arter play wag t

who will star next year. This IS sort of a preview of those I resumed Barretto counted from ~ topics ~ur discussion.. : ten yards uut on a play set up by !

This year has been the .last for such veterans as Bobby! Rex and Zak hnu. Right atter Doerr of the Boston Red Sox. . - .... ~--- -, scoring our flfth goal, Barretto i

:\ft,l'r n~any in!uries ~t.', has rea- young Ned Garver, a 20-galllt'I' ga:l: .us an l'~'~n. half du~t.>n un .a,~ I lizcd that old age has (aught up winner. Watch out fur the De- unassisted scoring play. FI\:t: w rt h lum .. His tl'am. mate, Lou troit Tigers as their "star pitcher minutes later ~arrt.>tto l'omplt.>tl-d B:,wlrt'au. IS fast nearrng the end of two years ago, Art Houttl'u1t.Hl.! the "hat t rrck r scor ing three lit hI=' playmg days, T~ the Bos- will bt' back next vear. Th is guals In one gumc». ,I

ton Red Sux this will mean a might be the spark t~ make De- Half way through tht.> per iod I

~~'w lllll'-UP wtllch nllght nlake truit a pennant contt.>nder, ~Ilulna~. Barrt.>tt~ and Do~e I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

t!ll'lll Wlfl a ft.'W lllure ball ga~es [ th N t' I L' th kept tht.> ball nluvinu anlon~ thenll~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

, , , .. • n t' a IOna t.>agut.'. e ~ ~

~" that thl~ will become real Brooklvn Dod ers and the New i for half the length oUhl' fll'ld I DENNIS 0 f GOLDEN

pe-nnant contenders. J' . ~. g. I I

UimaltKio "'ill Leave York <?Iants .wIll not lose any ~f! and at the ten yard marker.

Bv 'Ill indic ti th ham- the~r starters. Huwever., I don t I Thomas rifled one past the be-

)', ca ~:)flS, e C believe Preacher Roe Will have' .

p.on \ ankees Will lose one of th t h h d th: y ar ! wildered goalie. The score was

1 J D· . e grea season t.> a IS e "

r: . l~llmorta s.. ,oe rmaggio. Eddy Stanky of the Giants and j an Insurmountable 8-0.

Jt)l has been slipping at the bat (Continued to page 10) ,i The prettiest shot of the day

With a low average around 1260 .

this yt.>ar: ~wever, his grace and'~~~~D-EF~FENB~~-A~U-G-H~'S~L-UMB~~-ER~-S-T-O~R-E~~~~ ability In the outfield is unsur-

passed. Joe- is- ..:.u;;~--"""""-tHf"""tftf'~- .- .. - ---- --

has played in ten world series

during his 15 years as a Yankee.

The Yankees, like other clubs,

WIll have to get young ballplay-

ers like - McDougald and Mantle

11th & Wasmn9lon

Phone - Golden 322


Duvall~Davison· Lumber Co.

vrans th~t are gettmg old include I two of their first basemen, Johnnv Mize and John Hopp, both I y,=t're thought to be washed up when they carne to the Yankees but proved differently.

Chicago and Cle,Yeland have few worries from aged ball players. Both teams are intact for next year with the' possible exception uf Phil Masi, the White Sox catcher. Clevela~ns many

potential greats like ke Easter.

A 1 Rosen. and Larry by who

wvrv hampored by inj es this

:o't·ason. Next vear they will be up ther« with one of the best ;.:tl'hm,.: ~taf(s 10 the busin~ss .nvludrru; three 20-game win~H'r~ from this year plus Bob Le-mon

Brownies )tiKht Be Stron, .

'!'~1t' St Louis Browns. who appt'ar ttl be a welcome mat that : Ilt' rest of tIll' league walks over. a n' bound to come to life with B:ll \'l'f'ck as one of the owners. lit- ::-: J shur p trader. hall' plenty \Ii rnoru-v and has une of the (1:1t'~t pitche-rs In the league in

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. -- .----.--- -- --_ .. - -- - _._-----

Willie Mays Predicted to Be Rookie of YearAg~.Old Sport Is New S,hool Adivity

, , . , '. ., ,t .:;~:nUI"! !:,,~!. I',I~'." ;." lIt1th:li.:":"~ its U.'l', put th" til

,t 1',!;~.I\~jld I:.'!II p~I':I' \1' -HI'.! sdlllt'/ld.:--! .111' t lu lIul" ~t."' .. t r n ! •• 'IIIII:- \t.n.·'" Inl till It-.. I' '" ,,, \ ,., urr.: 'fl'lllil'l '1 tl"IU'ltl')\' 'JI' Itl"!' I

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I'. ...... 1\ •• "I' til' th.· l;:~lllb are:. :I,.I:!l:I\~: :I!\.i th •. \ ,Ill' II,,~ . .-:n,: ,l:Ut· III h rt t nu; ,I ,:..:,·.,.i I,,·r!: .. n II! . . i' by its U":l' .

. ~~!·t·r1g~:: .. , .• ~!"i r\1 ~,~~ "t~. "i ; •• 1 ~~ J

" .... ~:_", .. : i ;I~:.i th·:! b i] '~:",:' l)l.:I:,· thl' ~1·~\Stl(l and t'lIl",d !!!t' \1',1:' .

!-\ =It !:~ \\'.~'. f.\'t ~jr:.~ .. I'! .. ~:t·!l.'~'

• , • .':1' ,!..\ ... ;.11'1' numlx-rvd, but 'I'Ll' t·u!". l'l\:l .. , Hi'll..:. alld h rt t nu; art/lind 3:!5

" , \ .. ~'I' .i: •• und a w lu lv longer. I'.LIlt-.' ::nli ru-w b;dl p);IYl'l'~ I't.dul't· ... th' ";'j"'1., !l!" .td\'.o!:~.I":I'

P~I' B ,,;~,'n UI'~I\'l':) art.' slow- ~:th Hra nv h HIt,;, ... ·~.· rn Pit tsbur c. ..

• \Jt t w.. un.ts ,'1 - t r ... 'n:;tll t·· t··t·lf·~':n no mj ur n-s ;11'1' I)UP)t1S1'jt.·

:-: ,:' WI: but still have a lot of I' plI:,:,!bll!t1t·~ lIt tho Plr;tk:, KAPPA SIG INITIATES zcr« ,II' ~t m.uus "111' un.t- I! t r .

""\\'l'! HIli! Elliott and Walker cornrnj; Ior th IS \'l'ry like-ly It . ,shuuld be .sald that. Jud.J .to pa . .;.:--- ,affl1l'tl'd on tht· oppone-nt, us was

Cooper arc not the ball players may nut ltt" imme-diate-ly but m Hl'l'l'ntly Kappa Sl~ma, nation- "iv«. and dvpc-nds «nt rrc-lv «n thl' the caSl' with th ... , Pse-udo-Judo t hev used to ht-. 'I'he bright spot sevc-rul years t lu-y WIll be right al socrul Truterru ty. llutlatl'd Sl'\"- i fad that an at.!~rl'ssur can ;,!alfl taught bv thl' Armvd Forces

:11 B(l~tllri is the two young pitch- at the top. oral new men mto the ranks lIt I ' , , -

t rs. l'I1I..'t ~Il'hul:) and Jim Wilson, \\'ho "'ill Be Rookie of the Year'! their act ive chapter 1111 th« ~tlflt'~ I who won many ball games to- A:, fur the rookie of the year. campus. I ward ttw end 'If the season along my uuess IS Wil lie Mays of the The initiated men a rv H1t:h-nrd! w it h Warren Spahn, the 20-game Giant« in till' Nat ronal League Veghte, a sophomore III pl'trll';

winner. Wil l i« I:' a gn'at fiddl'r and a leum production: Robert Root. ~I

Cards \\'ill Seed Sew !\Ien .. llod h.ttvr althouch hl' was in mining sophomore: and Ron a ld

T~!,' St. Louis Cardinals are in .l <lump at tilt.' c los« ,If tht, sea- Akins. a j uruor in met.rl nun nu;

.it-~pl·ratl· need of new, young :,,'n TIll' :!O· year old ""l'nk!" ,.... ~---~

o.rl l planT:'. This year Enos f:l·hi...·r i:-: fa::t and has a !.!rl'at Slaughter and Harry Brecheen throwing arm. In till' Amer-ican started fad me. on ly because of Leacue it looks like Orestes Mintheir H!.!l'. but several proruising

younj; p.tchcrs carne up in the form of J oc Presko and Dick Bokelrnann Stan Musial and

!~ t!ll (ll!!lt'lp;d .... \·:: ... ·1 lit' Jud.,. U:,t"=- t~ll' st r n-t :,d Ilf rule-s whvr«

oso of thl' Wh ite SlIX. althouuh thvn- ::' possrbil ity llf Gil :\k· Dougald of the Yankees w mnma


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