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1 represents single-mindedness in achieving the objectives, creativity, and starting new ventures.

Its pillored appearance represents independence and leadership qualities. 2 is round shaped at top. It is a open 0. That means there is no complete aaya at mental level. There is a scope to receive and release new ideas and concepts. !o 2 represents "le#ibility and diplomacy. The bottom o" 2 shows a hori$ontal line that is attached "irmly to ground. This means i" these inventive ideas are properly used, the person can achieve highest success in material world. %, it is having open rounded ends at its top as well as at bottom.This shows continuous receiving and releasing o" new ideas and involving into new developments. It represents ambition, sel"-e#pression and idealism. This number ma&es a person to reap material bene"its "rom his intelligence and spiritualism. 'ust close the rounded ends o" %, you will get (. It represents aaya at both the levels. The person is wrapped by complete ignorance o" what is happining outside his perception. )e cannot come out o" the clutches o" &armic "orces. The balanced loops o" ( represents balanced nature, patience and discipline. *ontemplete on +, it is loo&ing li&e a person sitting stable, attached to ground. The triangle above represents "ire that promotes a strong desire "or material bene"its. The person will become materailistic. + may also represents unconventional behaviour. , is a quiet di""erent number, with "lat head and open rounded bottom. -latness represents stability. The person would reach a clear and stable mental state which he uses in receiving and processing the material in worldly projects. , is a sign o" dynamism and communication. This number ma&es one a success"ul business man. . is having similarity with ,, in such a way it is having a "lat head and wea& base. . indicates high level o" spiritualism and sensitivity. /ut the person will not use his mental and spiritual stability to achieve material means. 0 is a number that is "ully rounded at the bottom. It loo&s li&e a pregnant lady. It symbolises pregnancy, artistic and "eminine qualities. The 0 "ormation at bottom indicates aaya that pushes the person in love with "amilyrelated matters and enjoyment. 1 is a number that is nothing but inverted 0. It represents love to the world. The 0 "ormation at top, overshadows a person2s intelligence with aaya. The person cannot thin& but wor&. !o there is a con"lict. )e would be quic& in actions and courageous.

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