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72 SIGNS OF DOOMSDAY The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) foretold 72 signs that would appear near Doomsday:1.

People will leave prayer.

2. People will usurp Ama'naat. 3. Lying will ". #$ere will '. #$ere will e!ome an art. e murders on t$e slig$test of disagreements. e!ome !ommon. uildings. adly. e (ery tall

%. &nterest will

7. People will sell )eligion for t$e world. *. People will treat relati(es +. ,usti!e will -.. Lies will --. /lot$es will -3. 1i(or!es will e!ome a rarity. e !onsidered trut$. e of sil0. e!ome !ommon. e!ome !ommon. e !onsidered e !alled an $onest and usurper of t$ings

-2. Perse!ution will

-". Sudden deat$s will in!rease. -%. #$e usurper of Ama'naat will $onoura le. -'. #$e 0eeper of Am'naat will gi(en to $im for -7. Liars will safe0eeping. e t$oug$t of as $onest. e t$oug$t of as liars. e!ome t$e norm.

-*. 2onest people will 2.. &t will

-+. 3alse a!!usations will

e $ot in spite of rain.

2-. &nstead of wis$ing for !$ildren4 people will pray t$at t$ey not $a(e !$ildren. 22. People from life of lu5ury world. 2". Pre(iously good people will also usurp Ama'naat. 2%. Leaders will e!ome perse!utors. 2'. 7lema and 8aris will !ommit adultery. 27. People will wear !lot$es of animal s0in. 2*. 9ut t$eir $earts will smell and will 2+. And will e itter. e dead. ad a!0grounds and wit$ ad up ringing will li(e a e !ut off from t$e (material4 not pea!eful).

23. 6ood people4 w$en t$ey try to pra!ti!e4 will

3.. 6old will

e!ome !ommon.

3-. 1emand for Sil(er will in!rease. 32. Sin will in!rease. 33. Pea!e will e!ome !ommon. 3%. :os;ues will e de!orated. e empty. e !onsumed. y t$e S$ari<a$ will e re(o0ed and will no 3'. And will $a(e tall minars. 37. 9ut $earts will 3*. Al!o$oli! drin0s will 3+. Punis$ments ordered longer e implemented. odies and against religion e!ome rare. e de!orated and !alligrap$y will 3". Ayaats from t$e 8uran will

".. Women will order t$eir mot$ers around. "-. People w$o are wit$ na0ed feet4 na0ed will e!ome 0ings. "2. Women will trade along wit$ men. "3. Women will imitate men. "". :en will imitate women. "%. People will swear "'. =(en :uslims will eing in!ited to it. e greeted wit$ t$e salaam. e used to earn worldly t$ings. e used to earn t$e world. e !onsidered and treated as y t$ings ot$er t$an Alla$ and t$e 8uran. e prepared to gi(e false testimony4wit$out

"7. >nly people one 0nows will

"*. #$e 0nowledge of t$e s$ara$ will "+. A!ts w$i!$ earn t$e A0$ira$4 will %.. Assets personal

elonging to t$e nation will treasures y t$e rulers.

%-. Ama'naat will %2. ?a0aat will leader.

e !onsidered ones personal asset. e !onsidered a penalty. e!ome its

%3. #$e lowest and t$e worst man in t$e nation will %". People will not o ey t$eir fat$ers. %%. And will mistreat t$eir mot$ers. %'. And will not $old

a!0 from $arming t$eir friends. e raised in

%7. And will o ey t$eir wi(es. %*. And t$e (oi!es of men w$o !ommit adultery will mos;ues. %+. Women w$o sing will '-. Al!o$ol will '2. People will '3. ,usti!e will e treated wit$ great deferen!e. e 0ept wit$ great !are. '.. &nstruments of musi! will

e drun0 on t$e $ig$ways. e proud of t$eir a!ts of perse!ution. e sold in t$e !ourts.


'". #$e num er of men in t$e poli!e for!e will in!rease. '%. &nstead of musi!4 t$e 8uran will tune and style for rewards in t$e A0$ira$ ''. Animal fur will today in e used. efore t$em. (!learly seen '7. #$e last of t$e 7mmat will !urse t$ose e used to gain pleasure for its (;ira<at)4 not for w$at it prea!$es4 its meaning or

people w$o !all t$e Prop$et's !ompanion's names).

'*. =it$er Alla$ will send a )ed Storm upon you. '+. >r =art$;ua0es. 7.. >r your fa!es will 72. Lies will e !$anged. 7-. >r a rain of ro!0s from t$e s0ies. e!ome a $a it of t$e rulers and t$e ri!$.

The Prophet Mu$ammad SAW

2. 3. ". &nterest will 9ri es will Women will

also said@

1. Alcohol will be called Sherbat, and will be considered Halal

e !alled #rade4 and will e !alled 6ifts4 and will e !onsidered 2alal e !onsidered 2alal

e na0ed in spite of wearing dresses.

#. Women will have hair, like the hump of a camel.( his hadith too, had affled
t$e $airstyles). 7lema for ;uite a long time till t$ey saw !urrent

Th$s %ad$th has &a''led the (lema 'or a )ery lon* t$me+unt$l now: The , -$nd o' na-ed women areA
(-) #$ose w$o wear see-t$roug$ dresses (2) #$ose w$o wear tig$t dresses and (3) t$ose w$ose dresses are so s$ort4 t$at t$ey e5pose t$e ody.

.$had $s 'ast approa/h$n* e)ery /orner o' the world0 1e ha)e to re$n'or/e our $nner strengt$ wit$ t$e $elp of ALLA2 SW# solat3 read Al+8uran4
prin!iple of y dBi0r in a undan!e to

always remem&er A22A% S1T to see0 prote!tion4 sin!ere in our a!tion4

ta lig$ and Ci$ad. #$ese are t$e guiding

ta&l$*h as pra/t$/ed &y our &elo(ed Prop$et :u$ammad SAW.


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