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My Dream Cover Sheet

Teacher Candidate Rachel Mullen Title of Exemplar Portfolio Category CEI !tandard

Cohort #


My Dream I II III x IV V


CEI !tandard Element#"$ 4% ""e""ment

Candidate" &no'( under"tand( and u"e formal and informal a""e""ment "trategie" to plan( e)aluate( and "trengthen in"truction that 'ill promote continuou" intellectual( "ocial( emotional( and phy"ical de)elopment of each elementary "tudent*

!eme"ter 1*

!pring +,1-

Date .e/ruary 10th( +,1-

De"cription of exemplar and ho' it demon"trate" meeting thi" CEI !tandard and Element#"$* Thi" exemplar 'a" a le""on that I did 'ith my "tudent" to teach them a/out Martin 1uther 2ing 3r( and the importance of 'anting to ma&e thi" 'orld a /etter place* .ir"t( I read the "tory A Picture Book of Martin Luther King Junior to my "tudent"( and a"&ed them 4ue"tion" through out the reading* The purpo"e of the 4ue"tion" 'a" to help clarify unclear )oca/ulary( relate M12 3r*5" life and experience" to my "tudent" li)e" and experience"( and to under"tand my "tudent" pre)iou" &no'ledge of M12 3r* 6ext( my "tudent" 'ere a"&ed to re"pond to the "tory that they had 7u"t heard* The "tudent" 'ere in"tructed to 'rite a/out 'hat they thought Martin 1uther 2ing 3r*5" dream 'a" that made the 'orld a /etter place( 'hat there dream i" that could ma&e thi" 'orld a /etter place( 'hy it i" there dream( and ho' they could ma&e their dream come true* They al"o had to dra' a 84 point picture9 at the end( 'hich mean" that their picture ha" lot" of detail"( lot" of color( and clearly di"play" 'hate)er topic they 'rote a/out* .inally( once the "tudent" /elie)ed they 'ere fini"hed( I pro)ided them 'ith a "elf:chec&li"t that allo'ed them to ma&e "ure that they included all the element" of the a""ignment* ;nce all of the /oxe" had a chec& in them( the "tudent" could turn in their final piece* I u"ed the "elf:a""e""ment that my "tudent" completed to plan in"truction /y "eeing 'hat under"tanding they had a/out the re4uirement 'hen they 'ere 'riting* I needed to ma&e "ure that they actually under"tood 'hat 'a" expected of them* If they didn5t under"tand 'hat needed to /e produced( then they 'ould not ha)e )ery "ucce""ful 'riting piece"*


Reflection on my profe""ional gro'th in &no'ledge( "&ill"( and di"po"ition" related to thi" CEI !tandard and Element#"$* My &no'ledge of different 'ay" to incorporate a""e""ment into my teaching ha" gro'n through teaching thi" le""on* !ince /eginning my teaching program( I ha)e learned "o much a/out the different type" of a""e""ment" and the 'ay you can a""e"" "tudent" 'ithout ha)ing to gi)e them a "tre""ful( time con"uming( and traditional te"t* ;f cour"e( I "till 'anted to a""e"" my "tudent" learning( and I 'anted to do "o in a creati)e 'ay* I 'a" a/le to de)elop my "&ill" in allo'ing "tudent" to "elf:a""e"" their 'or& through completing thi" le""on* !elf:a""e""ment i" "uch a huge help in allo'ing "tudent" to under"tand their "trength" and 'ea&ne""( and allo'ing them to create their o'n plan for impro)ement* I had ne)er u"ed "elf:a""e""ment in my le""on" /efore thi" le""on( and it 'a" ama<ing to "ee ho' my "tudent" impro)ed= They had clear expectation"( and many of my "tudent" 'ere a/le to meet tho"e expectation"* 6o'( I ha)e a plan to u"e "elf a""e""ment in mo"t of my le""on"( that 'ay my "tudent" &no' ho' they are doing( and &no' exactly 'hat i" expected of them* My di"po"ition related to a""e""ment changed a lot during thi" le""on* I had al'ay" "truggled 'ith a""e""ment( 'hether it 'a" deciding 'hat to a""e"" or ho' to a""e"" it* .or thi" le""on( my a""e""ment 'a" clear #to me a" 'ell a" to my "tudent"$ and I 'a" clearly a/le to "ee if my "tudent" learned 'hat I 'anted them to learn from my le""on* lthough I "till ha)e "ome uncertaintie" related to a""e""ment( I am no' more comforta/le in ho' to create a "trong a""e""ment and ru/ric for my "tudent"*

Dual Prep Lesson Plan Format

>a"ed on Integrating Understanding By Design & Differentiated Instruction: Connecting Content and Kids Carol nn Tomlin"on ? 3ay McTighe( !CD( +,,@( and C;E !PED Department 1e""on Plan format

Teacher Candidate 6ame% Rachel Mullen 1e""on Title% My Dream CC!! Content rea#"$% Lan$ua$e %rts

Cohort #% 414

Today5" Date% 1/14/201

Teaching Date% !n"no#n Arade 1e)el% 1st Mentor Teacher% &"amura

Step 1'Des(re) Results *#hat stu)ents #(ll learn+ %, -h(s lesson #(ll (nvolve teach(n$ the stu)ents a.out Mart(n Luther /(n$ 0r, throu$h l(terature1 hav(n$ the stu)ents create the(r o#n )ream that coul) ma"e the #orl) a more peace2ul place1 an) hav(n$ them e3pla(n the(r )ream throu$h #r(t(n$,

Enduring Bnder"tanding"% &ne person can ma"e a )(22erence, E""ential Cue"tion"% 4o# )() Mart(n Luther /(n$ 0r, ma"e th(s #orl) a more peaceful place5 6hat (s a )ream o2 yours that coul) ma"e th(s #orl) a more peaceful place5 6hy (s th(s your )ream5 4o# can you help ach(eve th(s )ream5 >* Common Core !tate !tandard#"$% >enchmar& Cra2t an) Structure Performance Indicator" 1,R7,48 %s" an) ans#er 9uest(ons to help )eterm(ne o2 clar(2y the mean(n$ o2 #or)s an) phrases (n a te3t, 1,6,:8 6(th $u()ance an) support 2rom a)ults1 2ocus on a top(c1 respon) to 9uest(ons an) su$$est(ons 2rom peers1 an) a)) )eta(ls to stren$then #r(t(n$ as nee)e), 1,6,18 6r(te op(n(on p(eces (n #h(ch they (ntro)uce the top(c or name o2 the .oo" they are #r(t(n$ a.out1 state an op(n(on1 supply a reason 2or the op(n(on1 an) prov()e some sense o2 closure, Descr(.e the l(ves o2 people #ho s($n(2(cantly (mpacte) %mer(can h(story,

!tandard Rea)(n$ 7n2ormat(onal


Pro)uct(on an) D(str(.ut(on o2 6r(t(n$


-e3t -ypes an) Purposes

Soc(al Stu)(es *4CPS+

SS 1, ,2


Aeneral 1earner ;utcome #A1;$% ;L& 2, Commun(ty Contr(.utor8 -he un)erstan)(n$ that (t (s essent(al 2rom

human .e(n$s to #or" to$ether, ;L& 4, <ual(ty Pro)ucer8 -he a.(l(ty to reco$n(=e an) pro)uce 9ual(ty per2ormance an) 9ual(ty pro)ucts, In T !C !tandard"% Stan)ar) 28 Learn(n$ D(22erences> -he teacher uses un)erstan)(n$ o2 (n)(v()ual )(22erences an) )(verse cultures an) commun(t(es to ensure (nclus(ve learn(n$ env(ronments that ena.le each learner to meet h($h stan)ar)s, Stan)ar) 8 Learn(n$ ?nv(ronments> -he teacher #or"s #(th others to create env(ronments that support (n)(v()ual an) colla.orat(ve learn(n$1 an) that encoura$e pos(t(ve soc(al (nteract(on1 act(ve en$a$ement (n learn(n$1 an) sel2>mot(vat(on,


Step 2'%ssessment ?v()ence *summat(ve chec" 2or learn(n$+ * Performance Ta"& #Dhat 'ill "tudent" do to demon"trate their learningE$ Stu)ents #(ll )emonstrate the(r learn(n$ .y .ra(nstorm(n$ a )ream that they have that coul) .etter the #orl)1 #r(t(n$ the(r )ream1 #hy (t@s the(r )ream1 an) ho# they can help ach(eve the(r )ream, Stu)ents #(ll )ra# an) color a p(cture that )ep(cts the )ream that they have #r(tten a.out, >* Performance Criteria #Ho Per2ormance -as"s 6r(tten Dream good is good enough! Em/ed chec&li"t"( ru/ric"( and criteria*$ Cr(ter(a Stu)ents #(ll ans#er 2 o2 the 9uest(ons8 6hat (s your )ream1 #hy (s (t your )ream1 an) ho# can you help ach(eve your )ream, Stu)ents@ p(ctures #(ll have less than hal2 #h(te space sho#(n$, Cr(ter(a B Stu)ents #(ll ans#er 1 o2 the 9uest(ons8 6hat (s your )ream1 #hy (s (t your )ream1 an) ho# can you help ach(eve your )ream, Stu)ents@ p(ctures #(ll have hal2/more than hal2 #h(te space sho#(n$,

P(cture o2 Dream

Cr(ter(a A Stu)ents #(ll ans#er all 9uest(ons8 6hat (s your )ream1 #hy (s (t your )ream1 an) ho# can you help ach(eve your )ream, Stu)ents@ p(ctures #(ll have no #h(te space sho#(n$ (n the p(cture,

Step '%ct(ve Learn(n$ Plan *)eta(le) enou$h 2or another teacher to 2ollo#+ Drite a detailed "e4uencing of your stu)ent>centere) le""on" If students ith se#ere disa$i%ities are inc%uded in the grou&' e($ed indi#idua%i)ed o$*ecti#es into the genera% &rocedures and descri$e the indi#idua%i)ed &ro(&ting' correction' and reinforce(ent &rocedures +see attached for(at," Use active verbs! Write more about what the students will do!

Proce)ures %tten)(n$ Cue F e*g*( Go' 'ill tran"ition from prior acti)ity /e madeE Go' 'ill "tudent5" attention /e captured prior to the le""onE %nt(c(patory Set F Introduce de"ired re"ult"H a"& e""ential 4ue"tionH connect 'ith "tudent experience* I" thi" re)ie' or ne' infoE Go' doe" le""on lin& to pre)iou" learningE I" pre:a""e""ment nece""aryE Go' 'ill le""on /e pre"entedE Mo)el(n$ F DhatIho' 'ill you modelE Go' 'ill you "upport "tudent" to acti)ate their o'n thin&ingE

;u()e) Pract(ce F Go' 'ill "tudent" practice the learningE Go' 'ill you promptE Dhat are you doing for formati)e a""e""mentE Dhat correcti)e feed/ac& 'ill you pro)ideE

7n)epen)ent Pract(ce F Go' 'ill "tudent" demon"trate a/ility to perform "&ill independentlyE

%ssessment ?v()ence: !ummati)eJGo' 'ill you do the "ummati)e a""e""ment to determine to 'hat degree le""on

-eacher #(llC >4ave stu)ents move to the carpet area >State1 72 you can hear my vo(ce clap onceC unt(l all stu)ents are 9u(te an) pay(n$ attent(on, >%s" stu)ents #hat they "no# a.out ML/ *th(s lesson #(ll .e complete) 2> )ays %F-?R ML/ )ay1 so stu)ents shoul) alrea)y have some prev(ous e3per(ence #(th the top(c, >4ave stu)ents turn an) tal" to the(r ne($h.or a.out ()eas they have1 th(n$s they "no#1 or spec(al voca.ulary .e2ore shar(n$ out to the $roup as a #hole, >D/ey #or) to rev(e#8 peacefulDD >Rea) story a.out ML/ to the stu)ents >Pause to as" 9uest(ons a.out .($ #or)s or "ey voca.ulary >%s" stu)ents1 6hat #as Mart(n Luther /(n$ 0r,@s )ream that ma)e th(s #orl) a more peace2ul place5 an) 6hat )() he )o to help ach(eve h(s )ream5 >4ave stu)ents return to the(r seats an) #r(te a.out the 2ollo#(n$ 9uest(ons8 6hat (s your )ream1 #hy (s (t your )ream1 an) ho# can you help ach(eve your )ream, *teacher #(ll han) out my )ream #or"sheet+, >6hen stu)ents are 2(n(she)1 have them as" the teacher 2or a sel2 chec" sheet,

Stu)ent #(llC >Move to carpet area >Clap #hen prompte) >S(t s(lently1 cr(sscross

>Ra(se the(r han)s an) ans#er 9uest(on an) e3pla(n (n2ormat(on that they alrea)y "no# a.out ML/, DCommun(cat(onD

>-urn an) tal" to the(r ne($h.or an) e3pla(n ()eas they have1 th(n$s they "no#1 an) spec(al voca.ulary, DColla.orat(onD

>L(sten (ntently to the story .e(n$ rea), >-al" to a ne($h.or a.out .($ #or)s/"ey voca.ulary, >%ns#er 9uest(ons as"e) .y teacher,

>6or" (n)epen)ently at the(r )es"s to #r(te a response to the 9uest(ons pose) .y the teacher, >6hen 2(n(she) #r(t(n$1 stu)ents #(ll )ra# a )eta(le) p(cture sho#(n$ )ep(ct(n$ the(r )ream, DCreat(v(ty an) 7nnovat(onD >&nce 2(n(she) #r(t(n$ a.out the(r )ream %ED complet(n$ the p(ctures1 stu)ents #(ll o.ta(n a Sel2

and IEP o/7ecti)e" ha)e /een accompli"hedE Dhat part of their learning 'ill "tudent" "elf:a""e""E ClosureJGo' 'ill you "ummari<e the le""on( including re)i"iting the Enduring Bnder"tanding" and E""ential Cue"tion"E Go' 'ill you connect thi" le""on to future learningE

>&nce sel2 chec" sheet (s 2(lle) out1 teacher #(ll collect .oth papers, >7nstruct stu)ents to partner o22 as they 2(n(sh1 an) share the(r )ream #(th a partner, >6al" aroun) an) l(sten (n on conversat(ons, >&nce everyone (s )one1 rem(n) all the stu)ents that (2 Mart(n Luther /(n$ 0r, can chan$e the #orl)1 then #e shoul) never .e a2ra() to chase a2ter our )reams,

chec" sheet 2rom the teacher1 an) 2(ll out, >&nce that sheet (s 2(lle) out1 stu)ents #(ll turn (n .oth papers to the teacher, >Partner o22 #(th #hoever 2(n(shes aroun) the same t(me as them, >Share the(r )ream #(th the(r partner, DColla.orat(onD

;en ?)8 Differentiation Plan for the Aeneral Education cla""room( non:IEP "tudent" #0,4
Differentiate the learning en)ironment( content( proce""( or performance ta"& for indi)idual" or "mall group" #e*g*( gifted( E11 "tudent"( reading group"$*

Identify the type of need #e*g*( E11"( gifted "tudent"( reading need"( 0,4
"tudent"( enrichment( and other plan" for indi)idual "tudent learning$

1i"t the type of differentiation #learning en)ironment(

content( proce""( or performance ta"&$ and tell ho' you 'ill differentiate #e*g* change "eating( gi)e a more ad)ancedI"impler reading a""ignment( etc*$



Stu)ents can #r(te the(r ()eas on a separate sheet o2 paper 2(rst1 allo#(n$ the teacher to loo" over (t an) ma"e correct(ons1 .e2ore #r(t(n$ the 2(nal )ra2t on the o22(c(al paper, Stu)ents #(ll .e $(ven structure to 2ollo#1 alrea)y #r(tten on the(r paper .e2ore they .e$(n> such as My )ream (sCF -h(s (s my )ream .ecauseCF 7 can ma"e th(s happen .yC %lso1 (n e3treme cases1 the stu)ent can ans#er the 9uest(ons1 the teacher can #r(te (t1 an) then the stu)ent can copy (t, Stu)ents #(ll .e $(ven a more (ntense sel2> chec" sheet *such as (nclu)(n$ more sentences1 more 9uest(ons1 etc,+

ccelerated 1earner"

* Material" to ha)e ready% My Dream 6or"sheets> 20 cop(es Sel2>chec" 6or"sheets> 20 cop(es ML/ Goo" >* pproximate time needed for le""on% D(scuss(on o2 prev(ous "no#le)$e8 : m(nutes Rea)(n$ o2 .oo"8 10 m(nutes -(me to #r(te/color/sel2>chec"8 20 m(nutes -(me to )e.r(e2/conclu)e8 10 m(nutes

-otal8 4: m(nutes>1 hour

C* Re"ource" #'here I got my idea"$% http8//2un>n>2(rst,.lo$spot,com/2012/01/(>have>)ream,html


HCP. III i%% $e on the D/0 e$site at Ha aii 2eacher Perfor(ance .tandards on H2.B e$site at 3 4L/. are on the D/0 e$site at

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