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Tutorial 11

Using Visual Basic for

Applications Code

(AC 560 - AC 563 & AC 590 - AC 596)

Visual Basic for Applications

n Microsoft Office’s native programming language
n More powerful and flexible alternative to macros
n Ch 10: attached a macro to a command button
n user clicks button à Click event occurs à macro runs
n Ch 11: attached VB code to a command button
n user clicks button à Click event occurs à VBA procedure runs

n Module
n a container for related VBA procedures
n subroutine
n function
n each Form object and Report object
can have its own module
n Standard Module objects contain VBA code
independent of a specific form/report

Events: Review
n A state, condition, or occurrence on/with a certain object for which
you can define a response
n most events occur as a result of a user action
n e.g.: a mouse click, a key press, navigate to another record

n Events provide an opportunity for your application to do something

n run a macro or a Visual Basic procedure in response to an event
n Access has hundreds of events
Object Event Occurs When

Command Button Click

Form Load

Form Current

Form Close

Form BeforeUpdate

Combo Box AfterUpdate

Creating the Procedures for

the Queries Dialog Box Form

Private Sub Form_Load()

'Move the focus to the first query
SendKeys "{Down}"
End Sub

Creating the Procedures for
the Queries Dialog Box Form
n Used Visual Basic code to make the
Preview and Display buttons come alive
n General Process
n create Visual Basic procedure that
performs the appropriate task(s)
n attach the procedure to the appropriate
event so the code can run when the
event occurs

Creating the Procedures for

the Queries Dialog Box Form

Private Function basPreviewQuery()

'Open the selected query in Print Preview
DoCmd.OpenQuery lstQueryList, acViewPreview
End Function

Private Function basDisplayQuery()

'Open the selected query in Datasheet View
DoCmd.OpenQuery lstQueryList, acViewNormal
End Function

Using an Event Procedure to
Synchronize a Combo Box
n Practice Time
n in issue25.accdb, open frmWritersAndArticles, use the combo box
to navigate to two other writers
n which event was used to provide this functionality?
n what macro action was used to provide this functionality?
n now, use Navigation Buttons to view other writers… watch the
combo box as you do so… it doesn’t change!
n when we navigate to another record on the form, we need to have
the combo box’s value change to match the writer being displayed
n add VBA code to the form’s Current event to set the combo box value
to match the writerid for the writer being displayed
Private Sub Form_Current()
Me.cboToDisplay = Me.WriterID
End Sub

n test that it works correctly & save frmWritersAndArticles


Using an Event Procedure to

Track Record Changes
n Practice Time
n modify the Writer table to include two new fields:
n ModifiedDate Date & Format with date and time
n ModifiedBy Text(40)
n modify frmWritersAndArticles
n add the fields to the form (Locked, Enabled, BorderStyle, BackStyle)
n place the following VBA code into its BeforeUpdate event procedure
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Me.ModifiedDate = Now()
Me.ModifiedBy = OSUser()
End Sub

n test that it works correctly

n save frmWritersAndArticles

Tutorial 12
Securing an Access Database
Database Startup Options

(AC 639 - AC 647)

Securing an Access Database

n Encryption
n scrambles database data so it is
unreadable outside of Access
n Password
n to control access to the database and its
n To have Access encrypt and password
n Office Button | Open | Open Exclusive
n Database Tools | Encrypt With Password
n Practice Time:
n encrypt your issue25.accdb and set a database password of
n close issue25 and be sure you can reopen it with artICHoke236%J

Setting Database Startup
n Actions that take place
automatically whenever the
.ACCDB file is opened
n Office Button | Access Options
| Current Database


Setting Database Startup

n Practice Time: set Startup Options to
n provide an application title of

Trollen Publishers, Inc.

n disallow special Access keys
n disable Layout View
n disable Design Changes
n display the Navigation Pane
n not allow full menus
n disable shortcut menus
n close and reopen issue25 to test
n A user can bypass the StartUp options by holding the [Shift] key as
they open the database
n Demo: close issue25.accdb, then reopen while holding [Shift]
n A developer can create a database property called AllowByPassKey to take away
this capability

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