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Beai Applicant:

New Yoik uoveinoi Anuiew N. Cuomo has maue ieviving 0pstate New Yoik's long-stagnant economy a
piioiity of his auministiation.

In 2u12, iecognizing the impoitance anu potential that expanueu gaming coulu biing to the iesiuents
anu business of New Yoik State, uoveinoi Cuomo pioposeu an amenument to the State constitution to
peimit casino gaming. The constitutional amenument piocesspassage of legislation by two
consecutive legislatuies followeu by a public iefeienuumculminateu in Novembei 2u1S, when voteis
appioveu the constitutional amenument.

0n }uly Su, 2u1S, uoveinoi Cuomo signeu into law The 0pstate New Yoik uaming Economic
Bevelopment Act of 2u1S, which outlineu the piocess anu ciiteiia foi siting no moie than foui
uestination gaming iesoits to cieate jobs, ieuuce unemployment in uisauvantageu aieas of the State,
enhance the State's touiism inuustiy anu geneiate substantial ievenue foi public euucation anu
taxpayei ielief. In oiuei to fully capitalize on the beneficial aspects of legalizeu gambling, the
legislatuie ueteimineu that 0pstate New Yoik is wheie the jobs anu economic uevelopment aie most
neeueu. The law establisheu the eligible Regions of the State wheie such gaming iesoits coulu be siteu,
while iespecting bounuaiies establisheu with Native Ameiican Tiibes that have exclusivity ovei gaming
iights in vaiious paits of the State. The puipose of the law's siting ciiteiia was to pioviue the highest
impact anu best value to the State anu to those localities wheie a gaming iesoit is to be locateu.

The Act pioviues foi the uaming Commission to awaiu up to foui uaming Facility licenses within thiee
Regions of the State: Buuson valleyCatskill aiea, Capital Region, anu Eastein Southein Tiei.

The Act establishes cleai anu competitive ciiteiia by which Applicants will put foith theii best
pioposals to be evaluateu anu iecommenueu foi licensuie by an inuepenuent uaming Facility Location
Boaiu. This Request foi Applications is the fiist step of the competitive piocess.

New Yoik State is iemoving the baiiieis anu ieu tape that, foi too long, inhibiteu uoing business in the
State. This Request foi Applications was uesigneu in that spiiit. The Request foi Applications cleaily
enumeiates the iequiieu components in a foimat that is iesponsive to the spiiit anu the lettei of the

0n behalf of the State of New Yoik, we thank you foi youi inteiest in biinging woilu-class uestination
gaming iesoits to 0pstate New Yoik, helping to cieate economic giowth acioss the State, anu in
pioviuing the maximum beneficial impact to those localities in 0pstate New Yoik that neeu the jobs,
ievenues, anu uevelopment.

/78 49:; &<=<7 2=>?@A (=B?C?<D ,9B=<?9@ E9=:F

Paul Fiancis
Stuait Rabinowitz
William C. Thompson, }i.
" # $ % & 4

-G -/-'-*, "#$%-"#3#/' )( ,).*, &%++)"'
As a conuition of filing an Application, each Applicant must submit to the Boaiu a iesolution passeu
by the local legislative bouy of its Bost Nunicipality suppoiting the Application. Foi puiposes of this
iequiiement, local suppoit means a post-Novembei S, 2u1S iesolution passeu by the local
legislative bouy of the Bost Nunicipality suppoiting the Application.
Foi puiposes of this iequiiement, the Bost Nunicipality of a Pioject Site locateu in a city is the city.
The Bost Nunicipality of a Pioject Site locateu in a town, outsiue a village, is the town. The Bost
Nunicipality of a Pioject Site locateu in a village is the village anu the town in which the Pioject Site
is locateu.
An Applicant's uemonstiation of local suppoit in fulfillment of this initial iequiiement is only a
component pait of the twenty (2u) peicent Local Impact anu Siting Factois ciiteiia to be useu by
the Boaiu in evaluating Applications. In weighing local suppoit anu opposition unuei this ciiteiia,
the Boaiu will consiuei public statements anu ueclaiations, letteis oi iesolutions fiom the Bost
Nunicipality, neaiby local goveinments, piivate oiganizations, community, ieligious anu civic
gioups, chaiitable oiganizations, enteitainment venues, chambeis of commeice, local businesses,
laboi oiganizations, etc.

" # $ % & 6

--G 0#(-/-'-)/&
0nless otheiwise uefineu heiein, the following teims have the following meanings:

"*HH?C?=<7" means with iespect to a paiticulai peison oi entity, any peison oi entity that uiiectly oi
inuiiectly, thiough one oi moie inteimeuiaiies, contiols oi is contiolleu by, oi is unuei common contiol
with, such peison oi entity.

"*IIC?B=@<" means an entity oi peison submitting this Application. As useu in this RFA, Applicant shall
also mean any piospective Applicant, as the context may iequiie.

"*IIC?B=@< +=:<DJ means each of: (i) the Applicant; (ii) the Nanagei; (iii) any peison oi entity that has a
uiiect oi inuiiect owneiship inteiest in the Applicant oi the Nanagei equal to oi gieatei than five (S)
peicent; anu (iv) any Casino Key Employee.

"*IIC?B=<?9@" means a completeu iesponse to this RFA oi an application foi a uaming Facility License, as
the context may iequiie.

"E9=:F" means the New Yoik State uaming Facility Location Boaiu.

".=K?@9 67D #>IC9D77J means any peison employeu (oi to be employeu) by a Licensee, oi holuing oi
inteimeuiaiy company of a Licensee, anu involveu in the opeiation of a licenseu uaming Facility in a
supeivisoiy capacity anu empoweieu to make uiscietionaiy uecisions that iegulate uaming Facility
opeiations; oi any othei employee so uesignateu by the Commission foi ieasons consistent with the
policies of PNL Aiticle 1S.

".C9K7 *KK9B?=<7" means a peison who, oi entity that, holus a ielevant financial inteiest in, oi is entitleu to
exeicise powei in, the business of an Applicant oi Licensee anu, by viitue of that inteiest oi powei, is able
to exeicise significant influence ovei the management oi opeiation of a uaming Facility oi business
licenseu unuei PNL Aiticle 1S.

".9>>?KK?9@" means the New Yoik State uaming Commission.

"#HH7B<?L7 0=<7" means }anuaiy 1, 2u14, the effective uate of the 0pstate New Yoik uaming Economic
Bevelopment Act of 2u1S.

"(?@=@B?@A &9M:B7" means each of: (i) the Applicant; (ii) the Nanagei, if applicable; anu (iii) any peison oi
entity that will pioviue, oi is expecteu to pioviue, any equity, uebt, cieuit suppoit oi cieuit enhancement
foi the pioposeu uaming Facility.

N()-,J means the New Yoik Fieeuom of Infoimation Law, Sections 84-9u of the New Yoik Public 0fficeis

N2=>?@A (=B?C?<DJ means the piemises appioveu unuei a License which incluues the gaming aiea anu any
othei non-gaming stiuctuie ielateu to the gaming aiea anu may incluue, without limitation, hotels,
iestauiants oi othei amenities.

" # $ % & D

NO9K< 3M@?B?I=C?<DJ means each town, village oi city in the teiiitoiial bounuaiies of which any poition of
the Pioject Site uesciibeu in an Application is locateu. Foi Pioject Sites locateu in a village, the host
municipality incluues both the village anu the town in which the Pioject Site is locateu.

"->>7F?=<7 (=>?CD 37>P7:J means a peison's spouse, paients, gianupaients, chiluien, gianuchiluien,
siblings, uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces, fatheis-in-law, uaughteis-in-law, sons-in-law, sisteis-in-law,
biotheis-in-law, anu motheis-in-law whethei by the whole oi half bloou, maiiiage, auoption oi natuial

",?B7@K7" means a license to opeiate a uaming Facility in the State oi an occupational license to be
qualifieu unuei a iequiiement of Aiticle 1S of the PNL, as the context may iequiie.

"3=@=A7:" means any entity engageu oi to be engageu by an Applicant to opeiate anu manage the casino
of the uaming Facility.

"+3," means the New Yoik Racing, Paii-Nutuel Wageiing anu Bieeuing Law.

"+:9Q7B< &?<7" means the site upon which the uaming Facility will be constiucteu.

"+MPC?B )HH?B?=CJ means a peison who: (i) is authoiizeu to peifoim an official function anu is paiu by a
goveinmental entity; (ii) is electeu oi appointeu to office to uischaige a public uuty foi a goveinmental
entity; oi (iii) with oi without compensation, is appointeu in wiiting by a public official to act in an auvisoiy
capacity to a goveinmental entity conceining a contiact oi puichase to be maue by the entity. The teim
uoes not incluue a peison appointeu to an honoiaiy auvisoiy oi honoiaiy militaiy position.

""7A?9@" means each of Region 0ne, Region Two anu Region Five of Zone Two of the State of New Yoik
establisheu by to PNL Section 1S1u.

""7A?9@ )@7" means the iegion compiiseu of the following counties of the State: Counties of Columbia,
Belawaie, Butchess, uieene, 0iange, Sullivan anu 0lstei.

""7A?9@ '89" means the iegion compiiseu of the following counties of the State: Counties of Albany,
Fulton, Nontgomeiy, Rensselaei, Saiatoga, Schenectauy, Schohaiie anu Washington.

""7A?9@ (?L7" means the iegion compiiseu of the following counties of the State: Counties of Bioome,
Chemung (east of State Route 14), Schuylei (east of State Route 14), Seneca, Tioga, Tompkins anu Wayne
(east of State Route 14).

""7K<:?B<7F +7:?9F" means the peiiou of time beginning with the public ielease of this RFA thiough (i)
such time as the Boaiu selects an Applicant oi Applicants othei than the Applicant to pioceeu to
Commission consiueiation of suitably foi a License to opeiate a uaming Facility in the Region in which an
Applicant has sought such a License oi (ii) the final uecision of the Commission on the suitability of the
Applicant foi a License, if the Boaiu selects the Applicant to pioceeu to Commission consiueiation of
suitability foi a License, as the case may be.

""(*" means this Request foi Applications to Bevelop anu 0peiate a uaming Facility in New Yoik State.

N&<=<7J means the State of New Yoik.

" # $ % & "E

Any othei teims useu thioughout this RFA that aie not otheiwise uefineu in this RFA shall have the
meaning asciibeu to such teims as pioviueu in PNL Section 1Su1.

" # $ % & ""

---G )1#"1-#5
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Chaptei 174 of the Laws of 2u1S, known as the 0pstate New Yoik uaming Economic
Bevelopment Act of 2u1S, as amenueu by Chaptei 17S of the Laws of 2u1S (collectively, the
"*B<"), sets foith, among othei things, statutoiy iequiiements foi casino gaming in New Yoik

The Act authoiizes foui 0pstate uestination gaming iesoits to enhance touiism uevelopment.
The Act amenus the PNL by auuing a new Aiticle 1S, which became effective }anuaiy 1, 2u14
anu which authoiizes casino gaming. Aiticle 1S pioviues foi the Commission to awaiu up to
foui Licenses within thiee Regions of the State: Buuson valleyCatskill Region, Capital Region
anu Eastein Southein Tiei Region (incluuing poitions of the Fingei Lakes iegion).

PNL Section 1u9-a pioviues that, "the commission shall establish a sepaiate boaiu to be known
as the New Yoik state gaming facility location boaiu to peifoim uesignateu functions unuei
aiticle thiiteen of this chaptei." The uuties anu authoiity of the Boaiu incluue, without
limitation, issuing this RFA foi Licenses; assisting the Commission in piesciibing the foim of the
Application; ueveloping ciiteiia, in auuition to those outlineu in the Act, to assess which
Applications pioviue the highest anu best value to the State, the Zone anu the Region in which a
uaming Facility is to be locateu; ueteimining a uaming Facility license fee to be paiu by an
Applicant; anu ueteimining, with the assistance of the Commission, the souices anu total
amount of an Applicant's pioposeu capitalization to uevelop, constiuct, maintain anu opeiate a
pioposeu uaming Facility license unuei the Act.

The Boaiu, on behalf of the State, issues this RFA to solicit Applications fiom Applicants seeking
a License to uevelop anu opeiate a uaming Facility in the State. The Commission shall
unueitake the licensing piocess aftei the Boaiu iecommenus Applicants foi licensuie.

The Boaiu is the only entity authoiizeu to claiify, mouify, amenu, altei oi withuiaw any of the
piovisions of this RFA. The Boaiu may, in its uiscietion, uesignate staff, consultants oi othei
agents to communicate to Applicants anu to the public any claiifications, mouifications,
amenuments, alteiations oi withuiawals of any of the piovisions of this RFA.

In this RFA, the Boaiu sets foith iequiiements anu an evaluation appioach in confoimance with
State statutes anu State iegulations. The contents of this RFA, any mouifications theieof maue
by the Boaiu, anu the iespective Application anu any changes theieto appioveu by the State will
become obligations of the Licensee if a License is issueu. Failuie of the successful Applicant to
accept these obligations may iesult in uenial oi ievocation of a License.

Each Applicant will be iequiieu to pay to the Commission an Application fee of $1 million to
help uefiay the costs associateu with the piocessing of the Application anu investigation of the
Applicant; pioviueu, howevei, that if the costs of piocessing, investigation anu ielateu costs
exceeu the initial Application fee, the Applicant shall pay the auuitional amount to the
Commission within Su uays aftei notification of insufficient fees oi the Application shall be
iejecteu anu fuithei pioviueu that shoulu the costs of such investigation not exceeu the fee
iemitteu, any unexpenueu poition shall be ietuineu to the Applicant, all as iequiieu by PNL
Section 1S16.8.
" # $ % & ";

An inuiviuual, entity, consoitium oi othei paity evincing inteiest becomes an Applicant upon
payment of the $1 million Application fee. Such Application fee must be paiu on oi befoie *I:?C
RST RUVWG Wiie instiuctions aie available upon iequest fiom the New Yoik State uaming
Commission Finance 0ffice. Please contact Fiank Rouuy at (S18) S88-SSS4 oi foi such instiuctions.

If an Applicant pays the $1 million fee anu uoes not complete anu submit its Application on oi
befoie }une Su, 2u14, the Commission will ietuin the fee !"## any ieasonable costs the
Commission will have alieauy incuiieu ielateu to piocessing, incluuing oveiheau anu
auministiative expenses.

The teim of an initial License gianteu by the Commission aftei selection foi iecommenuation by
the Boaiu will be ten (1u) yeais, as set foith in PNL Section 1S11.1. The Commission shall
ueteimine the teim of any ienewal of a License.

EG &.O#0%,#

The following uates aie establisheu foi infoimational anu planning puiposes. The Boaiu
ieseives the unilateial iight to make aujustments to this scheuule.

RFA Issueu Naich S1, 2u14
Applicant's Fiist Questions Bue by 4:uu p.m. EBT Apiil 11, 2u14
Boaiu Responses to Fiist Questions Apiil 2S, 2u14
Nanuatoiy Applicant Confeience Apiil Su, 2u14
Wiitten Summaiy of Applicant Confeience Nay 2, 2u14
Applicant's Seconu Questions Bue by 4:uu p.m. EBT Nay 7, 2u14
Boaiu Responses to Seconu Questions Nay 14, 2u14
Applications Bue by 4:uu p.m. EBT }une Su, 2u14
0ial Piesentations of Applications on oi aftei }uly 21, 2u14
Selection of uaming Facility 0peiatoi Eaily fall

.G +").%"#3#/' ,)EE4-/2 "#&'"-.'-)/&

As iequiieu by the Piocuiement Lobbying Law (Sections 1S9-j anu 1S9-k of the New Yoik State
Finance Law), this RFA incluues anu imposes ceitain iestiictions on communications between
the CommissionBoaiu anu an Applicant uuiing the Application piocess. An Applicant is
iestiicteu fiom making contacts uuiing the Restiicteu Peiiou with anyone at the Commission oi
the Boaiu othei than uesignees of the Commission's staff, unless the contact is peimitteu by the
statutoiy exceptions set foith in Section 1S9-j.S.a. of the New Yoik State Finance Law.
Besignateu staff membeis aie iuentifieu in the "PERNISSIBLE C0NTACTS" section of this RFA.
0thei uesignees may be maue in the futuie.

Commission employees aie peimitteu to communicate with Applicants conceining this RFA
only unuei ciicumstances uesciibeu in the New Yoik State Piocuiement Lobbying Law. Any
Applicant causing oi attempting to cause a violation of those iequiiements may be uisqualifieu
fiom fuithei consiueiation foi selection.

" # $ % & ">

Boaiu membeis anu Commission membeis anu employees aie iequiieu to obtain ceitain
infoimation when contacteu uuiing the Restiicteu Peiiou anu to make a ueteimination of the
iesponsibility of the Applicant puisuant to Sections 1S9-j anu 1S9-k. A violation can iesult in a
ueteimination of non-iesponsibility, which can iesult in uisqualification foi selection to
pioceeu to consiueiation of a License awaiu. In the event of two ueteiminations of non-
iesponsibility within a foui-yeai peiiou, an Applicant will be uebaiieu foi a peiiou of foui yeais
fiom obtaining a goveinmental piocuiement awaiu.

Fuithei infoimation about these iequiiements can be founu at: www.ogs.state.ny.govacpl.

The Commission ieseives the iight, in its sole uiscietion, to teiminate a License in the event
that the Commission ueteimines that the ceitification fileu by the Applicant in accoiuance with
Section 1S9-k of the New Yoik State Finance Law was intentionally false oi intentionally
incomplete. 0pon such ueteimination, the Commission may exeicise its teimination iight by
pioviuing wiitten notification to the licensee.

0G "#2-&'"*'-)/ )( ,)EE4-&'&

As set foith in PNL Section 1S29, in auuition to any othei iegistiation anu iepoiting iequiieu
by law, each lobbyist seeking to engage in lobbying activity on behalf of a client oi a client's
inteiest befoie the Commission shall fiist iegistei with the secietaiy of the Commission. The
secietaiy shall cause a iegistiation to be available on the Commission's website within five uays
of submission. The applicable foim foi iegistiation anu instiuctions can be founu at:


Foi puiposes of this section, the teims "C9PPD?K<X, "C9PPD?@A", "C9PPD?@A =B<?L?<?7K" anu
"BC?7@<" shall have the same meaning as New Yoik Legislative Law Section 1-c uefines those

#G +#"3-&&-E,# .)/'*.'&

Consistent with the public policy establisheu by the Piocuiement Lobbying Law, the Supeivisoi
of Contiact Auministiation anu the Contiact Nanagement Specialist uesignateu below aie the
only points of contact with iegaiu to matteis ielating to this RFA unless the Boaiu uesignates
auuitional points of contact.

*,, .)33%/-.*'-)/& .)/.#"/-/2 'O-& "#$%#&' ()" *++,-.*'-)/ 3%&' E#
*00"#&&#0 -/ 5"-'-/2 ') 'O# &%+#"1-&)" )( .)/'"*.' *03-/-&'"*'-)/ )" 'O#
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(G $%#&'-)/& */0 -/$%-"-#&

Questions fiom Applicants in iegaiu to this RFA must be submitteu via electionic mail no latei
than the uate anu time specifieu in the ")1#"1-#5 [ &.O#0%,#J section of this RFA. If
questions aie pioviueu via an attachment to electionic mail, the questions must be pioviueu in
a Niciosoft Woiu foimat. Neithei faxeu noi telephone questions will be accepteu.

Applicants aie cautioneu that an RFA inquiiy must be wiitten in geneiic teims anu must not
contain specific infoimation about an Application oi pioposeu Application in an inquiiy. The
Boaiu ieseives the iight to answei oi iefiain fiom answeiing questions in its uiscietion.

Responses to questions anu any changes to the RFA iesulting fiom such questions will be
communicateu via publisheu auuenua, which will be posteu on the Commission's website, An Auuenuum Acknowleugement Foim, a foim of which is incoipoiateu
into this RFA only foi infoimational puiposes as Attachment 2, will be pioviueu with each
auuenuum. An Applicant is iequiieu to incluue with its Application a signeu Auuenuum
Acknowleugement Foim foi each auuenuum issueu to this RFA.

Applicants aie iesponsible foi checking the Commission's website foi upuateu infoimation
ielative to the RFA anu the Application selection piocess. Neithei the Commission noi the
Boaiu will be iesponsible foi an Applicant's failuie to obtain upuateu infoimation.

2G 3*/0*')"4 *++,-.*/' .)/(#"#/.#

A manuatoiy confeience of Applicants will be helu on Apiil Su, 2u14 as pioviueu in the
")1#"1-#5 [ &.O#0%,#" section of this RFA. Any Applicant wishing to paiticipate in the
selection piocess is iequiieu to attenu this confeience. *CK9T =K I:9L?F7F ?@ <Z?K "(*T
I=D>7@< 9H <Z7 _V >?CC?9@ *IIC?B=<?9@ H77 ?K = B9@F?<?9@ 9H <Z7 *IIC?B=@<`K =F>?KK?9@ <9
<Z7 B9@H7:7@B7G

Foimal notification of the confeience anu uetails peitaining to the confeience ielative to the
time, anu location, as well as how to iegistei to attenu, will be posteu on the Commission's
website,, following ielease of this RFA.

OG E*.62")%/0 -/1#&'-2*'-)/

All Applicants foi a License, anu all ielateu paities in inteiest to the Applicant, incluuing
Affiliates, Close Associates anu financial iesouices of the Applicant (each a ""7C=<7F +=:<D"),
shall be subject to a thoiough backgiounu investigation into the suitability of such peisons anu
entities by the Commission oi by the Commission's uesignateu agents. Each Applicant anu
Relateu Paity must piove by cleai anu convincing eviuence its suitability anu qualifications to
holu a License. In conuucting the suitability investigation, puisuant to PNL Section 1S17 the
" # $ % & "<

Commission shall consiuei the oveiall ieputation of the Applicant incluuing, without limitation:
(i) the integiity, honesty, goou chaiactei anu ieputation of the Applicant; (ii) the financial
stability, integiity anu backgiounu of the Applicant; (iii) the business piactices anu the business
ability of the Applicant to establish anu maintain a successful uaming Facility; (iv) whethei the
Applicant has a histoiy of compliance with gaming licensing iequiiements in othei
juiisuictions; (v) whethei the Applicant, at the time of Application, is a uefenuant in litigation
involving its business piactices; (vi) the suitability of all paities in inteiest to the License,
incluuing Affiliates anu Close Associates anu the financial iesouices of the Applicant; anu (vii)
whethei the Applicant is uisqualifieu, puisuant to PNL Section 1S18, fiom ieceiving a License.

The Application fee shall be useu to uefiay the costs associateu with the piocessing of the
Application anu investigation of the Applicant anu Relateu Paities anu ielateu costs. If the
allocable costs of the foiegoing exceeu the initial application fee, then the Applicant shall pay
the auuitional amount to the Commission within thiity (Su) uays aftei notification of
insufficient funus. If payment of the auuitional amount is not maue timely, then the Application
may be iejecteu in the uiscietion of the Commission. If an auuitional amount is paiu to the
Commission foi the foiegoing anu the costs uo not exceeu the amount iemitteu, any
unexpenueu poition of such auuitional amount shall be ietuineu to the Applicant.

To assist the Commission in conuucting its suitability investigations, each Applicant anu its
iespective Relateu Paities shall submit with its Application the following (collectively, the
"E=B;A:9M@F -@L7K<?A=<?9@ (9:>K"):

1. A complete anu accuiate uaming Facility License Application Foim foi each of: (i) the
Applicant; (ii) any uiiect anu inuiiect paient entity of the Applicant incluuing any
holuing company; (iii) any Nanagei; (iv) any entity having a beneficial oi piopiietaiy
inteiest of five (S) peicent oi moie in an Applicant oi a Nanagei; anu (v) any othei
entity that may uesignateu by the Commission; anu

2. A complete anu accuiate Nulti }uiisuictional Peisonal Bistoiy Bisclosuie Foim anu New
Yoik Supplemental Foim foi each natuial peison who is (i) a uiiectoi, managei, geneial
paitnei oi peison holuing an equivalent position with the Applicant, a Nanagei oi any
uiiect oi inuiiect paient entity of the Applicant; (ii) a Casino Key Employee; (iii) a
peison having beneficial oi piopiietaiy inteiest of five (S) peicent oi moie of an
Applicant oi a Nanagei; oi (iv) uesignateu by the Commission.

Each of the Backgiounu Investigation Foims is available on the Commission's website at The Commission oi the Boaiu, in theii sole uiscietion anu as applicable to
theii iespective uuties unuei the Act, shall ueteimine the peisons anu entities qualifying as the
Applicant anu any Relateu Paities incluuing ueteimining whethei to giant tempoiaiy oi
peimanent exemptions foi paiticulai peisons oi entities such as ceitain institutional investois,
passive investois, stockholueis of publicly helu coipoiations oi othei ciicumstances.

The Boaiu anuoi the Commission may initiate investigations into the backgiounus of the
Applicant anu any Relateu Paities incluuing, without limitation, peisons oi entities ielateu to
any officeis, uiiectois, membeis, piincipals, investois, owneis, financing souices,
subcontiactois, employees, oi any othei inuiviuuals oi entities ielateu to the Applicant, as the
Commission oi the Boaiu may ueem appiopiiate, in the uiscietion of the Commission oi the
Boaiu, as the case may be. Such backgiounu investigations may incluue fingeipiint
" # $ % & "=

iuentification by the New Yoik State Bivision of Ciiminal }ustice Seivices anu the Feueial
Buieau of Investigation, anu such auuitional investigation as may be iequiieu.

The Commission may ieject an Application baseu upon the iesults of these backgiounu checks
anu suitability investigations. Each Applicant is auviseu that any Applicant oi Relateu Paity
who knowingly pioviues false oi intentionally misleauing infoimation in connection with any
investigation by the Commission may cause the Application to be iejecteu, oi a License to be
canceleu, ievokeu oi suspenueu by the Commission, in the sole uiscietion of the Commission.

Applicants aie obligateu to establish theii suitability foi a License anu the suitability of all
Relateu Paities by cleai anu convincing eviuence.

If aftei ieview of an Applicant's Application anu the ielateu Backgiounu Infoimation Foims, the
Commission ueteimines that peisons oi entities aie Relateu Paities but such peisons oi entities
have not fileu the appiopiiate Backgiounu Infoimation Foims, the Commission may iequiie
that such peisons oi entities file such Backgiounu Infoimation Foim within a time peiiou
uesignateu by the Commission. If the auuitional Backgiounu Infoimation Foims aie not timely
fileu, the Boaiu oi the Commission may ueteimine to uisqualify the Applicant anuoi such
peisons oi entities.

-G .)/'-/%-/2 0%'4 ') %+0*'# *++,-.*'-)/

Aftei the submission of an Application anu piioi to the awaiu of the Licenses, each Applicant
has a continuing uuty to uisclose to the Boaiu piomptly, in wiiting (anu electionically), any
changes oi upuates to the infoimation submitteu in its Application oi any ielateu mateiials
submitteu in connection theiewithG 0pon ieceipt of any upuateu mateiials, the Boaiu may, in
its sole uiscietion, ueteimine to accept the upuate as an amenument to the Application. The
Boaiu, howevei, is not unuei any iequiiement to accept any such infoimation. Failuie to
piomptly notify the Boaiu of any changes oi upuates to infoimation pieviously submitteu in its
Application may be giounus foi uisqualification.

aG /)/[.),,%&-1# E-00-/2 "#$%-"#3#/'

In accoiuance with Section 1S9-u of New Yoik State Finance Law, if a selection of an Applicant
by the Boaiu foi licensuie consiueiation by the Commission is maue baseu upon the submission
of Applications, the Applicant must waiiant, unuei penalty of peijuiy, that its Application was
aiiiveu at inuepenuently anu without collusion aimeu at iestiicting competition.

6G +%E,-. /)'-(-.*'-)/b/#5& "#,#*&#&

No iesults of the selection piocess may be ieleaseu without piioi appioval by the Boaiu anu
then only to peisons anu entities uesignateu by the Boaiu.

,G .,*"-(-.*'-)/ +").#&&

The Boaiu, thiough its uesignees, ieseives the iight to contact any Applicant aftei the
submission of its Application exclusively foi the puipose of claiifying any item submitteu in its
Application to ensuie mutual unueistanuing. This contact may incluue wiitten questions,
inteiviews, site visits, oi iequests foi coiiective pages in the Application. Responses must be
" # $ % & "4

submitteu to the Boaiu within the time specifieu in the iequest. As applicable, claiifications
will be tieateu as auuenua to an Application. Failuie to comply with iequests foi auuitional
infoimation may iesult in iejection of the Application as noncompliant.

3G &'*'#`& "#&#"1#0 *%'O)"-'4

In auuition to any authoiity set foith elsewheie in this RFA, the Boaiu ieseives the authoiity to:

1. Waive any iequiiement of this RFA that is not piesciibeu by the Act, oi any uefects of any
Application if, in the juugment of the Boaiu, such waivei is ueemeu by the Boaiu to fuithei
the policy objectives of the Act;
2. Eliminate any non-manuatoiy specification(s) that cannot be complieu with by any of the
S. Amenu the RFA anu uiiect Applicants to submit mouifications to theii Applications
4. Change any of the scheuuleu uates stateu in this RFA;
S. Reject any oi all Applications ieceiveu in iesponse to this RFA, anu ieissue a mouifieu
veision of this RFA;
6. Withuiaw the RFA at any time, at the sole uiscietion of the Boaiu;
7. Seek claiifications anu ievisions to Applications;
8. 0se infoimation obtaineu thiough site visits, management inteiviews, the State's
investigation of an Applicant's qualifications, expeiience, ability oi financial stanuing, any
mateiial oi infoimation submitteu by the Applicant in iesponse to the iequest by the Boaiu
foi claiifying infoimation in the couise of evaluation anuoi selection unuei this RFA oi
otheiwise; anu
9. Bisqualify any Applicant whose conuuct anuoi Application fails to confoim to the
iequiiements of this RFA.

/G 5*-1#"T "#,#*&#T .)1#/*/' /)' ') &%# */0 -/0#3/-(-.*'-)/

As a conuition to submitting an Application, each Applicant, Nanagei, anu uiiect oi inuiiect
ownei of an Applicant oi Nanagei shall execute anu uelivei a Waivei, Release, Covenant Not to
Sue anu Inuemnification Agieement in the foim attacheu heieto as Attachment S ("5=?L7:").
Puisuant to the Waivei, each Applicant, Nanagei, anu uiiect oi inuiiect owneis of an Applicant
oi Nanagei, on his, hei oi its own behalf anu on behalf of its agents, seivants, iepiesentatives,
affiliates, paients, subsiuiaiies, uiiectois, officeis anu employees, assigns pieuecessois anu
successois, (anu theii heiis, estates, executois, spouses), shall covenant anu agiee to ielease,
waive, covenant not to sue oi make any claim foi uamages, costs, fees, expenses oi any ielief
whatsoevei incluuing, but not limiteu to, equitable ielief, not to seek any appeal, ieview oi
ieconsiueiation of any uecision of the State, the Commission anu the Boaiu, anu inuemnify,
uefenu anu holu haimless the State, the Commission anu the Boaiu anu theii officials, agents,
consultants anu iepiesentatives as moie specifically uesciibeu in the Waivei attacheu to this
RFA as Attachment S.

)G *++,-.*/'b,-.#/&## 0-((#"#/'-*'-)/

Thioughout this RFA, the teims Applicant anu Licensee may be useu inteichangeably in iefeience
to the piepaiation anu submission of the Application anu any iequiiements pieceuing the awaiu of
" # $ % & "6

the final License. In uesciibing post-License awaiu iequiiements, an effoit is maue to use the teim

+G O#*0-/2&b&#.'-)/& )( 'O-& "(*

The heauings useu in this RFA aie foi convenience only anu shall not affect the inteipietation of
any of the teims anu conuitions of this RFA. Fuithei, the uivision of this RFA into heauings,
sections anu items, which may ioughly coiiesponu to items iequiieu to be incluueu in the
Application as pioviueu unuei the PNL, is only foi the convenience of Applicants anu the Boaiu.
The iequest fiom oi piovision by Applicants of infoimation unuei oi in connection with any
section, heauing oi item of this RFA shall not imply oi be constiueu to limit the applicability of
such infoimation to such section, heauing oi item oi any appaiently coiiesponuing piovision of
the PNL. The Boaiu anu its iepiesentatives anu uesignees shall have the iight, in theii
uiscietion, to use oi consiuei any infoimation pioviueu oi uiscloseu anywheie in an Application
oi otheiwise pioviueu by an Applicant oi Nanagei foi any puipose unuei the PNL
notwithstanuing the heauing, section oi item of this RFA to which such infoimation may
iesponu oi its appaient ielevance, oi lack theieof, to any othei heauing, section oi item.

" # $ % & "D

-1G *++,-.*'-)/ -/&'"%.'-)/&
*G 2#/#"*,

This Application is uiviueu into the following sections:

Applicant Infoimation
Economic Activity anu Business Bevelopment
o Finance anu Capital Stiuctuie
o Economics
o Lanu, Constiuction anu Besign of Physical Plant
o Inteinal Contiols anu Secuiity Systems
Local Impact anu Siting Factois
o Assessment of Local Suppoit anu Nitigation of Local Impact
o Regional Touiism anu Attiactions
Woikfoice Enhancement Factois
o Neasuies to Auuiess Pioblem uambling
o Woikfoice Bevelopment
o Sustainability anu Resouice Nanagement

To the extent that an Applicant is a newly foimeu entity oi to uate has been a laigely non-
opeiational entity, any infoimation iequiieu to be pioviueu by the Applicant shall, at a
minimum, be pioviueu by the most ielevant paity oi paities, such as the Nanagei, the piimaiy
contiolling anuoi opeiating entitiespeisons of the pioposeu uaming Facility anuoi its
significant business units.

This RFA uoes not constitute an offei of any natuie oi kinu to any Applicant oi its agents. The
Commission is unuei no obligation to issue a License to any of the Applicants. By submitting an
Application, the Applicant is ueemeu to agiee to all of the teims of the RFA anu the piocess the
RFA anu the Act uesciibes. In accoiuance with PNL Section 1S14.S, "Within any uevelopment
iegion, if the commission is not convinceu that theie is an applicant that has met the eligibility
ciiteiia oi the boaiu finus that no applicant has pioviueu substantial eviuence that its pioposal
will pioviue value to the iegion in which the gaming facility is pioposeu to be locateu, no
gaming facility license shall be awaiueu in that iegion."

0%"-/2 'O# *++,-.*'-)/ +").#&&T /) *++,-.*/'T *2#/' )( 'O# *++,-.*/'T
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EG )((-.-*, &%E3-&&-)/

'9 =IICD H9: = ,?B7@K7T = B9>IC7<7F *IIC?B=<?9@ >MK< P7 :7B7?L7F PD <Z7 E9=:F PD aM@7
SUT RUVW =< WYUU IG>G #=K<7:@ 0=DC?AZ< '?>7G The Boaiu shall have no obligation to accept oi
ieview an Application submitteu aftei the establisheu ueauline.

The Applicant must submit:

" # $ % & ;E

1. twenty (2u) iuentical haiu copies of its Application incluuing copies of all executeu

2. ten (1u) electionic copies of its Application, incluuing copies of all executeu
Attachments, in PBF foimat submitteu via ten (1u) sepaiate 0SB flash uiives;

S. ten (1u) auuitional 0SB flash uiives oi sets of 0SB flash uiives (e.g., sepaiate flash
uiives may be supplieu, foi example, foi financial mateiials anu foi engineeiing oi
tiaffic mateiials) must be submitteu containing inteiactive electionic veisions (e.g., in
Niciosoft Excel oi othei file foimats commonly useu foi the piouuction of such
mateiial) of each ievenue, constiuction, employment, financial, tiaffic, infiastiuctuie oi
similai mouel, foiecast, piojection oi table piesenteu in an Application so as to enable
the Boaiu anu the Boaiu's iepiesentatives to analyze anu tie the calculations anu
foimulas useu to piouuce such mouel, piojection, foiecast oi table. To the extent
suppoiting tabs, woiksheets oi uata aie iequiieu to make the supplieu mouel,
piojection, foiecast oi table functional in the supplieu file foimat, those suppoiting tabs,
woiksheets anu uata must also be incluueu. A table of contents shoulu accompany each
such auuitional 0SB flash uiive cleaily uesciibing the contents of each file (oi set of
files) incluueu theieon, the iespective file foimat, anu the softwaie application useu to
piouuce such file oi useu to be useu to open, uisplay anu inteiact with such file;

4. in auuition to the images, ienueiings anu schematics uesciibing the aichitectuial
piogiam, site, layout anu othei physical featuies of the uaming Facility that aie incluueu
in the haiu anu PBF copies of an Application, submit sepaiately two (2) sets of high-
quality files of each such image, ienueiing oi schematic suitable foi laige-foimat
piinting anu auuio-visual uisplay anu two (2) sets of meuium-quality files of each such
image, ienueiing oi schematic suitable foi piinting anu web publication. Pioviue each
set (i.e. foui (4) sets total - two (2) high-quality sets anu two (2) low-quality sets) on
one oi moie 0SB flash uiives. A table of contents shoulu accompany each such
auuitional 0SB flash uiive cleaily uesciibing the contents of each file (oi set of files)
incluueu theieon anu the iespective file foimat;

S. if youi Application incluues infoimation that is exempt fiom uisclosuie unuei the F0IL
(see "P0BLICLY AvAILABLE APPLICATI0N NATERIALS" below), then also submit:

a. a lettei enumeiating the specific giounus in the F0IL that suppoit tieatment of
the mateiial as exempt fiom uisclosuie anu pioviuing the name, auuiess, anu
telephone numbei of the peison authoiizeu by the Applicant to iesponu to any
inquiiies by the Boaiu conceining the confiuential status of the mateiials;

b. two (2) iuentical haiu copies of the REBACTEB Application, each cleaily maikeu
"REBACTEB Application"; anu

c. two (2) electionic copies of the REBACTEB Application be submitteu via two (2)
sepaiate 0SB flash uiives, each cleaily labeleu "REBACTEB Application";

6. an oiiginally executeu copy of the Affiimation (Attachment 1 heieof) executeu by the
7. an oiiginally executeu Auuenuum Acknowleugement Foim (in the foim of Attachment 2
to this RFA) executeu by the Applicant foi each auuenuum issueu to this RFA;
" # $ % & ;"

8. an oiiginal executeu copy of the Waivei (Attachment S to this RFA) executeu in
counteipaits by each of the Applicant, the Nanagei anu any uiiect oi inuiiect ownei of
the Applicant anu the Nanagei (excluuing any equity holueis of any publicly-helu

9. two (2) haiu copies of each Backgiounu Infoimation Foim; anu

1u. two (2) electionic copies of each Backgiounu Infoimation Foim in PBF foimat
submitteu via two (2) sepaiate 0SB flash uiives.

.G *++,-.*'-)/ ()"3*'

Each haiu copy veision of the Application must be submitteu in thiee-iing binueis. Each set of
haiu copies shall have a minimum of thiee sub-binueis:

1. Piimaiy Binuei: Infoimation iequiieu to be submitteu unuei the heauings, "EXEC0TIvE
S0NNARY" anu "APPLICANT INF0RNATI0N", anu a copy of the executeu veision of
each foim attacheu as an Attachment to this RFA.

2. Sub-Binuei 1: Infoimation iequiieu to be submitteu unuei the heauing "EC0N0NIC
ACTIvITY ANB B0SINESS BEvEL0PNENT" anu incluuing infoimation unuei the

b. "EC0N0NICS"

S. Sub-Binuei 2: Infoimation iequiieu to be submitteu unuei the heauing "L0CAL INPACT
ANB SITINu FACT0RS" anu incluuing infoimation unuei the subheauings:


4. Sub-Binuei S: Infoimation iequiieu to be submitteu unuei the heauing "W0RKF0RCE
ENBANCENENT FACT0RS" anu incluuing infoimation unuei the subheauings:



If infoimation to be incluueu in a paiticulai binuei cannot fit in a single binuei, that section may
be split between multiple binueis, but moie than one section may not appeai in a single binuei.

The Board may require that other parties also execute and deliver a Waiver in the form of Attachment 3.
" # $ % & ;;

Each binuei must be cleaily labeleu with the Applicant's name, the section name, anu the woius
"Binuei # of #" if one section compiises multiple binueis.

Each exhibit incluueu within each binuei shall be tabbeu anu the tab must cleaily iuentify the
coiiesponuing exhibit numbei.

*CC *IIC?B=<?9@K >MK< P7 KMP>?<<7F PD I:?L=<7 F7C?L7:D K7:L?B7T ?@ I7:K9@ F7C?L7:DT 9: PD
%G&G +9K<=C &7:L?B7 <9Y

2=?C +G 'Z9:I7
&MI7:L?K9:T .9@<:=B< *F>?@?K<:=<?9@
/78 49:; &<=<7 2=>?@A .9>>?KK?9@
)@7 E:9=F8=D .7@<7:
&BZ7@7B<=FDT /4 VRSUV[\]UU

*IIC?B=<?9@K >=D /)' P7 KMP>?<<7F PD 7>=?C 9: 9<Z7: 7C7B<:9@?B >7=@KG

0G +%E,-. +"#&#/'*'-)/&

Aftei the }une Su, 2u14 submission ueauline, but no eailiei than }uly 21, 2u14, each Applicant
will be iequiieu to make an infoimational intiouuctoiy piesentation of its Application to the
Boaiu. The piesentation is intenueu to affoiu the Applicant an oppoitunity to pioviue the Boaiu
with an oveiview of the contents of the Application, explain any paiticulaily complex
infoimation, anu highlight any specific aieas it uesiies. The Boaiu will have the oppoitunity to
ask Applicants questions following theii piesentations. Timing anu scheuuling of intiouuctoiy
piesentations will uepenu upon the Applications ieceiveu. The oiuei of the piesentations will
be uiawn by lot in a public mannei at the uiiection of the Boaiu. Auuitionally, piioi to the
piesentations, the Boaiu will post to the Commission's website the iules anu pioceuuies
ielating to the conuuct of such piesentations.

#G +%E,-. O#*"-/2

The Boaiu expects to convene public heaiings in each Region to pioviue the Boaiu with the
oppoitunity to auuiess questions anu conceins ielative to the pioposal of an Applicant to builu
a uaming Facility, incluuing the scope anu quality of the gaming aiea anu amenities, the
integiation of the uaming Facility into the Bost Nunicipality anu neaiby municipalities anu the
extent of iequiieu mitigation plans anu ieceive input fiom membeis of the public fiom an
impacteu community.

The Applicants foi each Region anu theii agents anu iepiesentatives aie iequiieu to attenu the
public heaiing(s) foi that Region, may make a piesentation anu iesponu to questions of the
Boaiu oi public comments as uiiecteu by the Boaiu oi the Boaiu's uesignee. Each Applicant
must have at least one inuiviuual available who, baseu on actual knowleuge, is piepaieu to
iesponu on behalf of the Applicant to such questions oi public comments that can ieasonably be
anticipateu in iegaiu to the contents of its Application, incluuing the scope anu quality of the
pioposeu gaming aiea anu amenities, the integiation of the pioposeu uaming Facility into the
Bost Nunicipality anu neaiby municipalities anu the extent of iequiieu mitigation plans.

" # $ % & ;>

Repiesentatives of the Bost Nunicipalities, iepiesentatives of neaiby municipalities anu
iepiesentatives of any impacteu live enteitainment venue may attenu the public heaiing, may
make piesentations anu may iesponu to questions as uiiecteu by the Boaiu oi the Boaiu's

0theis may attenu the public heaiing anu may make a piesentation at the uiscietion of the
Boaiu. Befoie the heaiing, the Boaiu will piesciibe the mannei in which it will ieceive
comments fiom membeis of the public, anu may take the oppoitunity uuiing the heaiing to
ieau into the iecoiu any letteis of suppoit, opposition oi concein fiom membeis of the public in
the vicinity of the pioposeu uaming Facility.

(G +%E,-. 0-&.,)&%"# )( *++,-.*'-)/ 3*'#"-*,&

The Boaiu intenus to tieat Applications as public iecoius anu will make them available to the
public, with applicable exemptions puisuant to the F0IL.

The F0IL pioviues foi ceitain exemptions fiom public uisclosuie incluuing, among otheis, an
exemption fiom uisclosuie foi tiaue seciets oi infoimation the uisclosuie of which woulu cause
substantial injuiy to the competitive position of a commeicial enteipiise. This exemption
applies both uuiing anu aftei the evaluation piocess. The F0IL also pioviues an exemption foi
iecoius that aie "specifically exempteu fiom uisclosuie by state oi feueial statute." PNL
Section 1S1S.2, pioviues an exemption fiom uisclosuie unuei the F0IL foi "tiaue seciets,
competitively sensitive oi othei piopiietaiy infoimation pioviueu in the couise of an
application foi a gaming license, the uisclosuie of which woulu place the applicant at a
competitive uisauvantage." See also, Section 87.2.(u) of the New Yoik Public 0fficeis Law

Any Application submitteu that contains confiuential infoimation must be conspicuously
maikeu on the outsiue as containing confiuential infoimation, anu each page upon which
confiuential infoimation appeais must be conspicuously maikeu as containing confiuential
infoimation. Iuentification of the entiie Application as confiuential may be ueemeu non-
iesponsive anu may uisqualify the Applicant. If an Applicant uesignates any poition of an
Application as confiuential, the Applicant must submit copies of its Application fiom which the
confiuential infoimation has been exciseu oi ieuacteu. These copies of an Application aie
iefeiieu to as the "REBACTEB" copies as uesciibeu heiein unuei "APPLICATI0N
INSTR0CTI0NS - 0FFICIAL S0BNISSI0N". The confiuential mateiial must be ieuacteu oi
exciseu in such a way as to allow the public to ueteimine the geneial natuie of the mateiial
iemoveu anu to ietain as much of the pioposal as possible.

All ueteiminations conceining whethei Applications anuoi ielateu uocuments submitteu in
iesponse to this RFA aie subject to uisclosuie unuei the F0IL will be maue by the Boaiu oi the
Commission, as applicable, in theii sole uiscietion.

2G 2*3-/2 "#2%,*'-)/&

Foi the benefit of Applicants, the Commission anticipates ieleasing, piioi to the submission
ueauline foi Applications in iesponse to this RFA, an outline of the appioach the Commission
plans to follow in establishing iegulations goveining commeicial gaming in the State.

" # $ % & ;?

OG -/.%""#0 #c+#/&#& */0 #.)/)34 )( +"#+*"*'-)/

Neithei the Commission, the Boaiu noi the State is iesponsible foi any costs incuiieu by an
Applicant in piepaiing anu submitting an Application, iesponuing to iequests foi claiification,
in making an oial piesentation oi attenuing oi paiticipating in any heaiing, in pioviuing a
uemonstiation, completing the Commission's backgiounu investigation, oi in peifoiming any
othei activities ielateu to this RFA. Applications shoulu be piepaieu simply anu economically,
pioviuing a stiaightfoiwaiu anu concise uesciiption of how the Applicant pioposes to meet the
iequiiements of this RFA.

" # $ % & ;<

1G #c#.%'-1# &%33*"4
Each Applicant shall submit as Exhibit v. of its Application, an executive summaiy, not to exceeu foui (4)
pages in length, highlighting the piincipal teims of its Application.

" # $ % & ;=

1-G *++,-.*/' -/()"3*'-)/

*G /*3# )( *++,-.*/'

Submit as Exhibit vI. A. the Applicant's anu, if applicable, the Nanagei's, full name as it appeais
on its ceitificate of incoipoiation, chaitei, by-laws oi othei official uocument. Also incluue any
u.b.a. oi tiaue name.

EG .)/'*.' +#"&)/

Submit as Exhibit vI. B. the name, title, email auuiess anu telephone numbei of the inuiviuual to
be contacteu in iefeience to this Application.

.G ,).*'-)/ )( 'O# +"-/.-+*, +,*.# )( E%&-/#&& )( 'O#

Submit as Exhibit vI. C. the stieet auuiess, city, state, zip coue anu telephone numbei foi the
Applicant's anu, if applicable, the Nanagei's piincipal place of business. Also incluue the 0RL
foi any website maintaineu by oi foi the Applicant anu, if applicable, the Nanagei.

0G '4+# )( E%&-/#&& ()"3*'-)/

Submit as Exhibit vI. B. the type of business entity unuei which the Applicant anu, if applicable,
the Nanagei, is foimeu (e.g., coipoiation, limiteu liability company, paitneiship, etc.), the state
(oi othei juiisuiction) of foimation anu the Feueial Tax Iuentification Numbei. Also, attach
eviuence of existence oi foimation as an entity (e.g., a ceitificate of goou stanuing) as of a uate
not eailiei than ten (1u) uays piioi to the submission of the Application.

#G '*E,# )( )5/#"&O-+

Submit as Exhibit vI. E. a full anu complete owneiship chait foi the Applicant anu, if applicable,
the Nanagei anu theii iespective Affiliates incluuing peicentage owneiship inteiests in the
Applicant anu the Nanagei by theii iespective uiiect anu inuiiect owneis illustiating the
ultimate owneis anu ieal paities in inteiest. Foi a publicly helu company, uisclosuie of owneis
may be limiteu to owneis owning five (S) peicent oi moie of the publicly helu company.

(G )"2*/-d*'-)/*, .O*"'

Submit as Exhibit vI. F. an oiganizational chait of the Applicant anu, if applicable, the Nanagei
illustiating the oiganizational stiuctuie likely to be useu by the Applicant oi the Nanagei in the
event that the Applicant is awaiueu a License. The oiganizational chait shoulu incluue all
Casino Key Employees. Fuithei, specify which executives aie anticipateu to be on-site in New
Yoik anu which will be baseu in othei juiisuictions but assisting in oveisight of New Yoik

" # $ % & ;4

2G /*3#&T *00"#&&#& */0 #c+#"-#/.# )( 0-"#.')"& */0 )((-.#"&

Submit as Exhibit vI. u. the name, auuiess, anu title of each uiiectoi, managei oi geneial
paitnei of the Applicant anu, if applicable, the Nanagei, anu each officei anu Casino Key
Employee of the Applicant oi the Nanagei. Also, pioviue iesumes of all piincipals anu known
inuiviuuals who will peifoim executive management uuties oi oveisight of the Applicant oi the

OG /*3#&T *00"#&&#& */0 )5/#"&O-+ */0 )'O#" -/'#"#&'&

Submit as Exhibit vI. B. the name anu business auuiess of each peison oi entity that has a uiiect
oi inuiiect owneiship oi othei piopiietaiy inteiest (financial, voting oi otheiwise) in the
Applicant anu, if applicable, the Nanagei. Also, incluue a uesciiption of all such inteiests. Foi a
publicly helu company, uisclosuie of owneis may be limiteu to owneis owning five (S) peicent
oi moie of the publicly helu company.

-G /*3#& */0 *00"#&&#& )( +")3)'#"&T &+)/&)"& */0 )'O#"&

Submit as Exhibit vI. I. the name anu business auuiess of all piomoteis, sponsois, peisonnel,
consultants, sales agents oi othei entities involveu in aiuing oi assisting the Applicant's effoits
to obtain a License puisuant to this RFA.

aG "#2-)/ */0 O)&' 3%/-.-+*,-'-#&

Submit as Exhibit vI. }. the Region anu the Bost Nunicipalities in which the uaming Facility is
pioposeu to be locateu. Also pioviue the name, business auuiess, email auuiess, telephone
numbei anu fax numbei of the Applicant's piimaiy contact at the Bost Nunicipalities.

6G .)/(,-.'& )( -/'#"#&'

The Boaiu uesiies to ensuie that theie is no ieal oi peiceiveu conflict of inteiest at any time
uuiing the RFA piocess. Submit as Exhibit vI. K. a uesciiption of any ielationship oi affiliation
of the Applicant, the Nanagei oi any of theii iespective Affiliates that cuiiently exists oi existeu
in the past five (S) yeais with any membei, employee, consultant oi agent of the Boaiu oi the
Commission that is a conflict of inteiest oi may be peiceiveu as a conflict of inteiest uuiing the
RFA piocess. Fuithei, if any such conflict shoulu aiise uuiing the teim of the RFA piocess, the
Applicant shall notify the Boaiu, in wiiting, of such conflict.

The Boaiu shall make the final ueteimination as to whethei any activity constitutes a conflict of
inteiest puisuant to this piovision. The Boaiu's uecision shall be final anu without iecouise;
howevei, the Boaiu will not make any such uecision without pioviuing the Applicant oi the
Nanagei, as applicable, with an oppoitunity to piesent comments.

If an Applicant uoes not iuentify any uiiect oi inuiiect conflict of inteiest, oi peiceiveu conflict
of inteiest, the Applicant shall state that no conflict oi peiceiveu conflict of inteiest exists with
iespect to its pioposal. If the Applicant iuentifies a conflict of inteiest oi peiceiveu conflict of
inteiest, the Applicant shall uisclose the conflict anu the steps the Applicant will take to iesolve
such conflict.
" # $ % & ;6

,G +%E,-. )((-.-*,&

Submit as Exhibit vI. L. a list of names, titles, auuiesses anu telephone numbeis of any Public
0fficials oi officeis oi employees of any goveinmental entity, anu Immeuiate Family Nembei(s)
of saiu Public 0fficials, officeis oi employees, who, uiiectly oi inuiiectly, own any financial
inteiest in, have any beneficial inteiest in, aie the cieuitois of, holu any uebt instiument issueu
by, oi holu oi have an inteiest, uiiect oi inuiiect, in any contiactual oi seivice ielationship with
the Applicant, the Nanagei oi theii Affiliates. Also submit a statement listing all peisons anu
entities not listeu in the immeuiately pieceuing sentence who oi that have any aiiangement,
wiitten oi oial, to ieceive any compensation fiom anyone in connection with the Application,
the RFA piocess oi obtaining of a License fiom the State, uesciibing the natuie of the
aiiangement, the seivice to be pioviueu anu the amount of such compensation, whethei actual
oi contingent.

3G *++,-.*'-)/ (##

All Applicants aie iequiieu to pay an Application fee of $1 million to the Commission to uefiay
the costs associateu with the piocessing of the Application, the investigation of the Applicant
anu ielateu matteis. If the costs of piocessing, investigation anu ielateu matteis exceeu the
initial application fee, the Applicant shall pay an auuitional amount to the Commission within
thiity (Su) uays aftei notification of insufficient fees oi the Application may be iejecteu.

+=D>7@< 9H <Z7 *IIC?B=<?9@ H77 ?K :7eM?:7F ?@ 9:F7: <9 =<<7@F <Z7 >=@F=<9:D =IIC?B=@<
B9@H7:7@B7 F7KB:?P7F ?@ <Z7 N)1#"1-#5J K7B<?9@ 9H <Z?K "(*G The Application fee must be
paiu by electionic funus tiansfei to an account uesignateu by the Commission anu must be
ieceiveu by Apiil 2S, 2u14. If an Applicant pays the $1 million fee anu uoes not complete anu
submit an Application on oi befoie }une Su, 2u14, the Commission will ietuin the fee !"## any
ieasonable costs the Commission will have alieauy incuiieu ielateu to piocessing Applications,
incluuing oveiheau anu auministiative expenses.

/G .)/'"*.'& 5-'O &'*'# )( /#5 4)"6

Submit as Exhibit vI. N. a list of any cuiient oi pievious contiacts that the Applicant has hau
with, anu any cuiient oi pievious licenses that the Applicant has been issueu by oi unuei, any
uepaitment oi agency of the State. Incluue the contiact oi license name anu numbei anu a
concise explanation of the natuie of the contiact oi license.

)G .*&-/) 3*/*2#"

If a Nanagei that is uiffeient fiom the Applicant will manage the uaming Facility, submit as
Exhibit vI. 0. a uesciiption of the ielationship between the Nanagei anu the Applicant
incluuing, without limitation, a summaiy of the teims of any anu all agieements, contiacts oi
unueistanuings between the Nanagei anu the Applicant. Attach copies of any such wiitten
agieements, contiacts oi unueistanuings.

" # $ % & ;D

+G )"2*/-d*'-)/*, 0).%3#/'&

Submit as Exhibits vI. P.1. thiough vI. P.1S., as applicable, copies of the following uocuments
that apply to the Applicant, the Applicant's owneis, any Nanagei oi any of the Nanagei's

1. ceitifieu copy of its ceitificate of incoipoiation, aiticles of incoipoiation oi coipoiate

2. bylaws as amenueu thiough the uate of the Application;

S. ceitifieu copy of its ceitificate of foimation oi aiticles of oiganization of a limiteu
liability company;

4. limiteu liability company agieement oi opeiating agieement as amenueu thiough the
uate of the Application;

S. ceitifieu copy of its ceitificate of paitneiship;

6. paitneiship agieement as amenueu thiough the uate of the Application;

7. ceitifieu copy of its ceitificate of limiteu paitneiship;

8. limiteu paitneiship agieement as amenueu thiough the uate of the Application;

9. othei legal instiument of oiganization;

1u. joint ventuie agieement;

11. tiust agieement oi instiument, each as amenueu thiough the uate of the Application;

12. voting tiust oi similai agieement; anu

1S. stockholuei, membei oi similai agieement.

" # $ % & >E

1--G #1*,%*'-)/ ."-'#"-* */0 &#,#.'-)/ +").#&&

In iecommenuing an Application foi License, the Boaiu is iequiieu to follow the piovisions of the PNL,
which iequiie the evaluation of the Applications using the factois specifieu in the Act. The following
Sections iequiie the piovision of infoimation that will peimit the Boaiu to evaluate Applications

The Boaiu may also engage the assistance of vaiious consultants incluuing, without limitation,
engineeis, financial auvisois, maiket analysts, oi othei auvisois to assist with its ieview.

The uecision by the Boaiu to awaiu a iecommenuation foi License shall be weighteu by:

*G #.)/)3-. *.'-1-'4 */0 E%&-/#&& 0#1#,)+3#/' (*.')"&

f&<=<M<9:D 1=CM7Y \U I7:B7@<g

The uecision by the Boaiu to select an Applicant shall be weighteu by seventy (7u) peicent
baseu on economic activity anu business uevelopment factois incluuing the following:

1. iealizing the maximum capital investment exclusive of lanu acquisition anu
infiastiuctuie impiovements;

2. maximizing ievenues ieceiveu by the State anu localities;

S. pioviuing the highest numbei of quality jobs in the uaming Facility;

4. builuing a uaming Facility of the highest calibei with a vaiiety of quality amenities to be
incluueu as pait of the uaming Facility;

S. offeiing the highest anu best value to pations to cieate a secuie anu iobust gaming
maiket in the Region in which the uaming Facility is locateu anu the State;

6. pioviuing a maiket analysis uetailing the benefits of the site location of the gaming
facility anu the estimateu iecaptuie iate of gaming-ielateu spenuing by iesiuents
tiavelling to an out-of-state uaming Facility;

7. offeiing the fastest time to completion of the full uaming Facility;

8. uemonstiating the ability to fully finance the uaming Facility; anu

9. uemonstiating expeiience in the uevelopment anu opeiation of a quality uaming

" # $ % & >"

EG ,).*, -3+*.' */0 &-'-/2 (*.')"&

f&<=<M<9:D 1=CM7Y RU I7:B7@<g

The uecision by the Boaiu to select an Applicant shall be weighteu by twenty (2u) peicent
baseu on local impact anu siting factois incluuing the following:

1. mitigating potential impacts on host anu neaiby municipalities that might iesult fiom
the uevelopment oi opeiation of the uaming Facility;

2. gaining public suppoit in the host anu neaiby municipalities that may be uemonstiateu
thiough the passage of local laws oi public comment ieceiveu by the Boaiu oi the

S. opeiating in paitneiship with anu piomoting local hotels, iestauiants anu ietail
facilities so that pations expeiience the full uiveisifieu iegional touiism inuustiy; anu

4. establishing a faii anu ieasonable paitneiship with live enteitainment venues that may
be impacteu by a uaming Facility unuei which the uaming Facility actively suppoits the
mission anu the opeiation of the impacteu enteitainment venues.

.G 5)"6()".# #/O*/.#3#/' (*.')"&

f&<=<M<9:D 1=CM7Y VU I7:B7@<g

The uecision by the Boaiu to select an Applicant shall be weighteu by ten (1u) peicent baseu on
woikfoice enhancement factois incluuing the following:

1. implementing a woikfoice uevelopment plan that utilizes the existing laboi foice,
incluuing the estimateu numbei of constiuction jobs a pioposeu uaming Facility will
geneiate, the uevelopment of woikfoice tiaining piogiams that seive the unemployeu
anu methous foi accessing;

2. employment at the uaming Facility;

S. taking auuitional measuies to auuiess pioblem gambling incluuing, without limitation,
tiaining of gaming employees to iuentify pations exhibiting pioblems with gambling;

4. utilizing sustainable uevelopment piinciples incluuing, without limitation:

a. having new anu ienovation constiuction ceitifieu unuei the appiopiiate
ceitification categoiy in the Leaueiship in Eneigy anu Enviionmental Besign
uieen Builuing Rating System cieateu by the 0niteu States uieen Builuing

b. effoits to mitigate vehicle tiips;

c. effoits to conseive watei anu manage stoim watei;
" # $ % & >;

u. uemonstiating that electiical anu BvAC equipment anu appliances will be
Eneigy Stai labeleu wheie available;

e. piocuiing oi geneiating on-site ten (1u) peicent of its annual electiicity
consumption fiom ienewable souices; anu

f. ueveloping an ongoing plan to submetei anu monitoi all majoi souices of
eneigy consumption anu unueitake iegulai effoits to maintain anu impiove
eneigy efficiency of builuings in theii systems;

S. establishing, funuing anu maintaining human iesouice hiiing anu tiaining piactices that
piomote the uevelopment of a skilleu anu uiveise woikfoice anu access to piomotion
oppoitunities thiough a woikfoice tiaining piogiam that:

a. establishes tianspaient caieei paths with measuiable ciiteiia within the
uaming Facility that leau to incieaseu iesponsibility anu highei pay giaues that
aie uesigneu to allow employees to puisue caieei auvancement anu piomotion;

b. pioviues employee access to auuitional iesouices, such as tuition
ieimbuisement oi stipenu policies, to enable employees to acquiie the
euucation oi job tiaining neeueu to auvance caieei paths baseu on incieaseu
iesponsibility anu pay giaues; anu

c. establishes an on-site chilu uay caie piogiam;

6. puichasing, whenevei possible, uomestically manufactuieu slot machines foi
installation in the uaming Facility;

7. implementing a woikfoice uevelopment plan that:

a. incoipoiates an affiimative action piogiam of equal oppoitunity by which the
Applicant guaiantees to pioviue equal employment oppoitunities to all
employees qualifieu foi licensuie in all employment categoiies, incluuing
peisons with uisabilities;

b. utilizes the existing laboi foice in the state;

c. estimates the numbei of constiuction jobs a uaming Facility will geneiate anu
pioviues foi equal employment oppoitunities anu that incluues specific goals foi
the utilization of minoiities, women anu veteians on those constiuction jobs;

u. iuentifies woikfoice tiaining piogiams offeieu by the uaming Facility; anu

e. iuentifies the methous foi accessing employment at the uaming Facility; anu

8. uemonstiating that the Applicant has an agieement with oiganizeu laboi, incluuing
hospitality seivices, anu has the suppoit of oiganizeu laboi foi its Application, which

" # $ % & >>

a. the numbei of employees to be employeu at the uaming Facility, incluuing
uetaileu infoimation on the pay iate anu benefits foi employees anu contiactois
in the uaming Facility anu all infiastiuctuie impiovements ielateu to the
pioject; anu

b. uetaileu plans foi assuiing laboi haimony uuiing all phases of the constiuction,
ieconstiuction, ienovation, uevelopment anu opeiation of the uaming Facility.

" # $ % & >?

1---G #.)/)3-. *.'-1-'4 */0 E%&-/#&& 0#1#,)+3#/'

f&<=<M<9:D 1=CM7Y \U I7:B7@<g

*G (-/*/.# */0 .*+-'*, &'"%.'%"#

VG .*+-'*, -/1#&'3#/'

a. 3?@?>M> -@L7K<>7@<. Within ten (1u) business uays aftei the Applicants'
confeience, the Boaiu will piomulgate the Ninimum Capital Investment

b. .=CBMC=<?@A 3?@?>M> .=I?<=C -@L7K<>7@<. The Boaiu has ueteimineu that foi
puiposes of calculating the "Ninimum Capital Investment," the Applicant shall incluue
only those costs ielateu to:

1. actual constiuction of the uaming Facility incluuing any hotel, gaming aiea,
iestauiants, convention space, back-of-house anu othei amenities;

2. piepaiation of the site incluuing uemolition, excavation, cleaiing, giauing,
eaithwoik anu abatement;

S. iemeuiation of enviionmental conuitions oi hazaiuous mateiials;

4. impiovement of the existing oi constiuction of new infiastiuctuie insiue the
piopeity bounuaiies of the site of the uaming Facility incluuing those ielateu to
uiainage, utility suppoit, ioauways, paiking, inteichanges, fill anu soil oi
giounuwatei oi suiface watei contamination issues, sewei, stoim watei,
lanuscaping anu public tianspoitation;

S. pie-opening puichase of fuinituie, fixtuies, equipment, gaming equipment,
infoimation technology equipment anu peisonal piopeity to be useu within the
uaming Facility incluuing those within hotels, iestauiants, ietail anu othei
components associateu with the uaming Facility;

6. uesign of the uaming Facility incluuing builuing uesign, inteiioi uesign anu
exteiioi site uesign; anu

7. piofessional anu management fees incluuing foi engineeis, aichitects,
uevelopeis, contiactois, oi opeiatois to the extent that they iepiesent inuiiect
anu oveiheau costs ielateu to the uevelopment of the uaming Facility anu uo not
iepiesent piofits oi payout as pait of paitneiship agieements;
" # $ % & ><

c. #hBCMK?9@K H:9> 3?@?>M> .=I?<=C -@L7K<>7@< .=CBMC=<?9@. The Boaiu has
ueteimineu that the "Ninimum Capital Investment" shall not incluue those costs ielateu

1. the puichase oi lease oi optioning of lanu wheie the uaming Facility will be
locateu incluuing costs ielative to iegisteiing, appiaising, tiansfeiiing title, oi
obtaining title insuiance foi the lanu;

2. caiiieu inteiest costs anu othei associateu financing costs;

S. mitigating impacts on host anu neaiby municipalities whethei uiiectly
attiibutable to a specific impact oi not;

4. uesigning, impioving oi constiucting the infiastiuctuie outsiue the piopeity
bounuaiies of the site of the uaming Facility incluuing those ielateu to uiainage,
utility suppoit, ioauways, inteichanges, fill anu soil oi giounuwatei oi suiface
watei contamination issues, sewei, stoim watei, lanuscaping, anu public
tianspoitation whethei oi not such costs aie the iesult of any agieement with a
Bost Nunicipality oi neaiby municipality;

S. legal fees;

6. piomotional, communications anu maiketing costs piioi to anu attiibutable to
the effoits to obtain suppoit foi the uaming Facility pioject incluuing costs
associateu of obtaining local suppoit foi the uaming Facility;

7. payments to the Boaiu oi the Commission incluuing, without limitation, the
application fee, investigation fees anu othei fees anu othei similai fees paiu to

8. maiketing, auveitising anu piomotions; anu upfiont costs uesigneu to
implement woikfoice uevelopment plans;

9. consulting anu uue uiligence necessaiy to funu stuuies to uevise engineeiing
solutions in accoiuance with the Act incluuing tiaffic stuuies, enviionmental
stuuies anu othei associateu mitigation stuuies;

1u. applications foi Feueial, state anu municipal peimits;

11. the safety, tiaining, quality assuiance, oi testing incuiieu uuiing the
constiuction of the uaming Facility; anu

12. the pie-opening bankioll.

RG *++,-.*/' 3-/-3%3 .*+-'*, -/1#&'3#/'

a. Submit as Exhibit vIII. A.2.a. a calculation of Applicant's Ninimum Capital Investment
foi its uaming Facility (which capital investment shall not be less than the applicable
" # $ % & >=

Ninimum Capital Investment foi the paiticulai Region in which the uaming Facility will
be locateu). Incluue with such calculation a uetaileu uesciiption of the costs incluueu in
such calculation. Applicants may piopose an aggiegate capital investment in excess of
the Ninimum Capital Investment.

b. Foi puiposes of pioviuing the infoimation iequiieu in Exhibit vIII. A.2.a. the Applicant
shall not incluue costs incuiieu piioi to the Effective Bate of the Act. Rathei, the
Applicant shall submit as Exhibit vIII. A.2.b. (i) a uesciiption of any capital investment
maue by the Applicant piioi to the Effective Bate incluuing the uate, type anu uollai
amount of any such investment anu the ieason foi making the investment; (ii) the
cuiient faii maiket value of capital assets obtaineu fiom such piioi capital investment;
(iii) the amount of vLT Capital Awaiu funus oi othei exteinal ieimbuisement of such
piioi capital investment costs; anu (iv) state whethei the Applicant believes such capital
investment(s) shoulu be incluueu in calculating the Applicant's Ninimum Capital
Investment anu if yes, the ieasons why such amounts shoulu be incluueu. Puisuant to
PNL Section 1S1S, the Boaiu may, in its sole uiscietion, ueteimine what poition, if any,
of such capital investments may be incluueu towaiu computing the Applicant's
Ninimum Capital Investment.

SG 3*"6#'b"#1#/%# &'%04

Submit as Exhibit vIII. A.S. a stuuy completeu by an inuepenuent expeit assessing the size of the
potential gaming maiket foi the pioposeu uaming Facility. Incluue annual piojections of
gaming pationage (e.g. by gaming visitoi count) anu gaming ievenues (incluuing itemization of
slot, table anu gioss ievenues) annually foi a peiiou of at least the fiist ten (1u) yeais aftei
opening foi gaming on a high-, aveiage- anu low-case basis. The high-, aveiage- anu low-case
bases shoulu be the same as useu foi tax ievenue analysis pioviueu by the Applicant puisuant
to Item vIII. B.4 heieof.

Incluue a uesciiption of all assumptions that aie mateiial to the expeit's piojections.
Substantiate the bases anu ieasonableness of all such assumptions, foi example, by compaiison
to compaiable gaming facilities in compaiable gaming maikets. The stuuy shoulu explain the
mouel oi methouology useu to ueiive the piojections, iuentify the souices anu iobustness of
input uata, iepoit the iesults of piojections anu incluue a compaiison of those iesults to actual
obseiveu visitation anu ievenue peifoimance against the most compaiable gaming facilities in
othei juiisuictions foi which uata aie available.

WG +")[()"3* (-/*/.-*, -/()"3*'-)/

Submit as Exhibit vIII. A.4. foi the pioposeu uaming Facility, a uetaileu financial foiecast in the
foim of a pio-foima (i) statement of mateiial ievenue lines, mateiial expense categoiies,
EBITBA anu net income, (ii) balance sheet anu calculation of uebt-to-equity iatio, anu (iii)
statement of cash flows, each, annually foi a peiiou of at least the fiist ten (1u) yeais aftei
opening foi gaming on a high-, aveiage- anu low-case basis. The high-, aveiage- anu low-case
pio-foima foiecasteu financial infoimation shoulu be piesenteu foi the high-, aveiage- anu low-
case ievenue anu gaming pationage piojections foi such yeais that aie iepoiteu in the
inuepenuent expeit's gaming maiket stuuy pioviueu puisuant to Item vIII. A.S. of this RFAG

" # $ % & >4

Betail all assumptions ielevant to the pio-foima foiecasteu financial infoimation anu ielevant
piojecteu opeiating statistics, incluuing but not limiteu to: (i) opeiating maigins; (ii) liquiuity;
(iii) maigins; (iv) giowth; (v) ievenue; (vi) visitation; (vii) win pei uay; (viii) holu peicentages;
(ix) numbei of slot anu table positions; anu (x) customei uatabase giowth. Substantiate the
bases anu ieasonableness of all such assumptions, foi example, by compaiison to the
Applicant's othei gaming facilities cuiiently in opeiation oi by compaiison to the most
compaiable gaming facilities foi which uata aie available.

]G E%&-/#&& +,*/

Submit as Exhibit vIII. A.S. a qualitative five (S) yeai business plan foi the pioposeu uaming
Facility uesciibing, at least, the components anu piojecteu iesults of the mateiial ievenue lines
anu expense categoiies of the pioposeu uaming Facility, the Applicant's souices anu availability
of financing, the piincipal business anu financing iisks of the pioposeu uaming Facility anu
plans to mitigate those iisks.

iG .*+-'*, */0 (-/*/.-/2 &'"%.'%"#

a. Submit as Exhibit vIII. A.6.a. a scheuule foi each Financing Souice that is an entity,
uesciibing such entity's cuiient capital stiuctuie, incluuing secuieu uebt, unsecuieu
uebt, anu equity. Inuicate matuiity uates, inteiest iates, piefeiieu uiviuenus oi
uistiibutions anu key covenants. Foi each Financing Souice that is a tiust oi inuiviuual,
pioviue eviuence of financial wheiewithal to paiticipate in the pioposeu financing.
Besciibe anu quantify any othei mateiial financial commitments, obligations anu
guaiantees that woulu mateiially impact such wheiewithal.

b. Submit as Exhibit vIII. A.6.b. a uetaileu uesciiption of how the pioject will be financeu.
Pioviue a statement of financing souices anu uses foi the Application fee, Application
anu suitability investigation expenses, license fee, capital investment ueposit, anu
constiuction of the pioposeu uaming Facility baseu on the pioposeu constiuction
buuget anu timeline pioviueu puisuant to Items vIII.C.19. anu vIII.C.2u. of this RFA,
incluuing ieasonable anu customaiy contingencies, anu the pio-foima foiecasteu
financial infoimation pioviueu puisuant to Item vIIIA.4. of this RFA. Pioviue a
statement of financing souices anu uses, annually, foi at least the fiist thiee (S) yeais
aftei beginning gaming opeiations using each of the high-, aveiage- anu low-case
scenaiios incluueu in the pio-foima foiecasteu financial infoimation pioviueu puisuant
to Item vIII.A.4. of this RFA. Expiessly iuentify the funuing souice to covei any
foiecasteu opeiating losses.

c. Submit as Exhibit vIII. A.6.c. a uesciiption of the financing plans, aiiangements anu
agieements foi the Application fee, Application anu suitability investigation expenses,
license fee, capital investment ueposit, constiuction anu fiist thiee (S) yeais of
opeiation of the pioposeu uaming Facility. Foi uebt financing, uesciibe the mateiial
teims, conuitions anu covenants of any uebt commitment lettei oi uebt financing facility
agieement that the Applicant has enteieu into oi, if not pioviuing such letteis anuoi
agieements, the anticipateu mateiial teims, conuitions anu covenants of the anticipateu
uebt financing aiiangements. Pioviue a copy of each uebt commitment lettei anu uebt
facility agieement. Foi equity othei than common equity, uesciibe the mateiial teims
anu economic iights of each class anu seiies of equity. Pioviue a copy of each legal
" # $ % & >6

uocument uefining such teims anu economic iights. Pioviue a copy of any teim sheets,
offeiing uocuments oi similai uocuments uesciibing the mateiial teims of any cuiient
oi contemplateu public oi piivate offeiing of equity the pioceeus of which may be useu
to finance the constiuction anu fiist thiee (S) yeais of opeiation of the pioposeu
uaming Facility. Pioviue copies of any highly confiuent oi othei similai letteis oi
iepiesentations fiom financial auvisois uesciibing the likely availability of uebt anu
equity financing foi the application fee, Application anu suitability investigation
expenses, license fee, capital investment ueposit, constiuction anu fiist thiee (S) yeais
of opeiation of the pioposeu uaming Facility.

u. Submit as Exhibit vIII. A.6.u. an analysis of how the financing plans foi the Application
fee, Application anu suitability investigation expenses, license fee, capital investment
ueposit, constiuction anu fiist thiee (S) yeais of opeiation of the pioposeu uaming
Facility will affect each Financing Souice's compliance with the financial covenants
unuei its cuiient financing aiiangements.

e. Submit as Exhibit vIII. A.6.e. a scheuule of the Financing Souices' anticipateu capital
stiuctuie aftei constiuction anu fiist thiee (S) yeais of opeiation of the pioposeu
uaming Facility, incluuing secuieu uebt, unsecuieu uebt, anu equity. Pioviue an
analysis suppoiting the Financing Souice's ability to seivice theii contemplateu post-
opening capital stiuctuie anu mateiial financial commitments, obligations anu

\G (-/*/.-*, &'*'#3#/'& */0 *%0-' "#+)"'

a. Submit as Exhibit vIII. A.7.a. foi the Applicant anu each Financing Souice, (i) auuiteu
annual financial statements piepaieu by an inuepenuent iegisteieu public accounting
fiim in accoiuance with 0.S. ueneially Accepteu Accounting Piinciples ("2**+") foi
each of the last five (S) fiscal yeais; anu (ii) foi any fiscal quaitei(s) of the cuiient fiscal
yeai that have enueu befoie the uate Applications aie uue, unauuiteu quaiteily financial
statements. If, foi any entity, auuiteu annual financial statements aie unavailable foi
any given peiiou, pioviue unauuiteu annual financial statements piepaieu in
accoiuance with uAAP. Foi any inuiviuual, pioviue annual financial statements along
with an attestation by such inuiviuual that such statements aie tiue anu accuiate.

b. Submit as Exhibit vIII. A.7.b. foi the Applicant, an inuepenuent auuit iepoit of all
financial activities anu inteiests incluuing, but not limiteu to, the uisclosuie of all
contiibutions, uonations, loans oi any othei financial tiansactions to oi fiom a gaming
entity oi opeiatoi in the past five (S) yeais.

jG 0).%3#/'*'-)/ )( (-/*/.-*, &%-'*E-,-'4 */0 "#&+)/&-E-,-'4

a. Submit as Exhibit vIII. A.8.a. any bank iefeiences, business anu peisonal income anu
uisbuisement scheuules, tax ietuins anu othei iepoits fileu with goveinment agencies
anu business anu peisonal accounting check iecoius anu leugeis puisuant to PNL
Section 1S2u.1.(e).

" # $ % & >D

b. Submit as Exhibit vIII. A.8.b. at least thiee (S) financial iefeiences fiom banks oi othei
financial institutions attesting to each Financing Souice's cieuitwoithiness.

c. Submit as Exhibit vIII. A.8.c. copies of secuiities analysts' anu cieuit iating agencies'
iepoits foi the past thiee (S) yeais, if any, coveiing any Financing Souice.

kG %G&G &#.%"-'-#& */0 #c.O*/2# .)33-&&-)/ (-,-/2&l /)'-.#& */0
"#+)"'& ') (-/*/.-/2 &)%".#& */0 #$%-'4 O),0#"&

Submit as Exhibit vIII. A.9. copies of all 0.S. Secuiities anu Exchange Commission ("&#.") filings,
if any, foi the Financing Souices, foi the thiee (S) fiscal yeais enueu befoie the uate
Applications aie uue anu any inteiim peiiou between the enu of the most iecent fiscal yeai anu
the uate Applications aie uue, incluuing any SEC filings maue by the Financing Souices on a
voluntaiy basis. To the extent not uuplicative of the pieceuing sentence, pioviue copies of all
notices anu iepoits ueliveieu by the Financing Souices to financing souices anu agents, equity
holueis oi otheis foi the thiee (S) fiscal yeais enueu befoie the uate Applications aie uue anu
foi any inteiim peiiou between the enu of the most iecent fiscal yeai anu the uate Applications
aie uue that uesciibe the Financing Souices' geneial business, business iisks, iesults of
opeiation anu financial conuition, mateiial agieements, employment aiiangements anu othei
similai matteis that aie iequiieu to be incluueu in annual, quaiteily anu peiiouic iepoits fileu
with the SEC by public companies. 0mit fiom such SEC filings anu notices anu iepoits ueliveieu
to financing souices anu agents, equity holueis anu otheis the financial statements foi any
peiiou coveieu by the financial statements pioviueu puisuant to Item vIII.A.7. of this RFA, but
inuicate such omission by inseiting a page in such SEC filings wheie the omission occuis that
biiefly uesciibes the financial statements so omitteu. In lieu of physical submissions, an
Applicant may pioviue links to all iesponsive mateiials.

VUG ,#2*, *.'-)/&

Submit as Exhibit vIII. A.1u. the following infoimation ielating to legal actions of any Applicant

a. A statement as to whethei theie aie any penuing legal actions, whethei civil, ciiminal oi
auministiative in natuie, to which the Applicant Paity is a paity anu a biief uesciiption
of any such actions;

b. A biief uesciiption of any settleu oi closeu legal actions, whethei civil, ciiminal oi
auministiative in natuie, against the Applicant Paity ovei the past ten (1u) yeais;

c. A uesciiption of any juugments against the Applicant Paity within the past ten (1u)
yeais, incluuing the case name, numbei, couit, anu what the final iuling oi
ueteimination was fiom the couit, auministiative bouy oi othei tiibunal;

u. In instances wheie litigation is ongoing anu the Applicant Paity has been uiiecteu not to
uisclose infoimation by the couit, pioviue the name of the juuge, location of the couit,
anu case name anu numbei;

" # $ % & ?E

e. A statement whethei the Applicant Paity was inuicteu, accuseu oi convicteu of a ciime
oi was a subject of a gianu juiy oi ciiminal investigation uuiing the past ten (1u) yeais;

f. A statement whethei the Applicant Paity was the subject of any oiuei, juugment oi
ueciee of any couit, auministiative bouy oi othei tiibunal of competent juiisuiction
peimanently oi tempoiaiily enjoining it fiom oi otheiwise limiting its paiticipation in
any type of business, piactice oi activity uuiing the past ten (1u) yeais.

VVG E*/6"%+'.4 )" )'O#" -/&),1#/.4 3*''#"&

Submit as Exhibit vIII. A.11. a uesciiption of any bankiuptcies (voluntaiy oi involuntaiy),
assignments foi the benefit of cieuitois, appointments of a ieceivei oi custouian oi similai
insolvency pioceeuings maue, commenceu oi penuing uuiing the past ten (1u) yeais by oi
involving any Applicant Paity. Pioviue the name of the paities, the case numbei, the name of
the couit, anu a uesciiption of the mattei anu its status.

VRG E"#*.O )( .)/'"*.'

Submit as Exhibit vIII. A.12. a uesciiption of any contiact, loan agieement oi commitment that
any Applicant Paity has bieacheu oi uefaulteu on uuiing the past ten (1u) yeais anu pioviue
infoimation foi any lawsuit, auministiative pioceeuing oi othei pioceeuing that occuiieu as a
iesult of the bieach oi uefault.

VSG '*c *%0-'

Submit as Exhibit vIII. A.1S. a uesciiption of any uelinquencies in the payment of oi in uispute
ovei the filings conceining oi the payment of any fees oi tax iequiieu unuei any Feueial, state
oi municipal law within the past ten (1u) yeais by an Applicant Paity.

VWG ,-.#/&#& -/ )'O#" a%"-&0-.'-)/&

a. Submit as Exhibit vIII. A.14.a. a uesciiption of any gaming-ielateu licenses issueu in any
juiisuiction to an Applicant Paity. Also, state whethei an Applicant Paity has evei hau a
gaming-ielateu license uenieu, suspenueu, withuiawn oi ievokeu, oi if theie is a
penuing pioceeuing that coulu leau to any of these conuitions. If yes, pioviue a uetaileu
summaiy of each uenial, suspension, ievocation, withuiawal oi ielevant uocuments in
connection with such penuing pioceeuings.

b. Submit as Exhibit vIII. A.14.b. a uesciiption of any uisciplinaiy action biought against
an Applicant Paity by any gaming licensing authoiity uuiing the past five (S) yeais.

V]G +"))( )( *01*/.-/2 )Ea#.'-1#&

In oiuei to be awaiueu a uaming Facility license, an Applicant must uemonstiate that it has
sufficient business ability anu expeiience to cieate the likelihoou of establishing anu
maintaining a successful uaming Facility.

" # $ % & ?"

a. Submit as Exhibit vIII. A.1S.a. a uesciiption of the Applicant's anu, if applicable, the
Nanagei's expeiience, tiaining anu expeitise in ueveloping, constiucting anu opeiating
casinos anu ielateu facilities (e.g., hotels, iestauiants anu enteitainment facilities). Foi
each such pioject, incluue the name anu location, the total uollai investment, numbei of
gaming uevices, numbei of hotel iooms, amenities, total gaming ievenues foi the last
thiee (S) yeais, total non-gaming ievenues foi the last thiee (S) yeais, numbei of full-
time employees, anu appioximate size of the site on which the pioject is locateu. Foi
any such pioject no longei owneu oi opeiateu, incluue a uesciiption of the uisposition
of the pioject oi teimination of its opeiations

b. Auuitionally, submit as Exhibit vIII. A.1S.b. a biief uesciiption of any uestination casino
iesoit oi othei gaming piojects that the Applicant anu, if applicable, the Nanagei, has
publicly announceu that it is in the piocess of acquiiing, ueveloping oi pioposing to
acquiie oi uevelop. Foi each such pioject, incluue the name anu location, the estimateu
total uollai investment, numbei of gaming uevices, numbei of hotel iooms, amenities,
anu the timefiame within which Applicant oi Nanagei expects to acquiie oi uevelop
such pioject.

ViG *00-'-)/*, (-/*/.-*, .)33-'3#/'&

Submit as Exhibit vIII. A.16. a uesciiption of all financial commitments anu guaiantees the
Applicant oi, if applicable, the Nanagei, oi its Affiliates is piepaieu to pioviue to the
Commission ovei anu above the ueposit oi bonu iequiieu by PNL Section 1S1S.1 to ensuie that
the uaming Facility is completeu, license conuitions aie fulfilleu anu sufficient woiking capital is
available to allow continuous opeiation in mannei uesciibeu in the Applicant's financial
foiecasts. Incluue examples of letteis of cieuit, constiuction completion guaianties,
peifoimance bonus, keep-well agieements, N00s oi othei agieements oi commitments the
Applicant, the Nanagei oi theii Affiliates commit to pioviue in connection with the uaming

EG #.)/)3-.&

Foui 0pstate uaming Facilities will boost economic uevelopment, cieate thousanus of well-
paying jobs anu pioviue auueu ievenue to the State. These uaming Facilities aie intenueu to
attiact non-New Yoik iesiuents anu biing uownstate New Yoikeis to 0pstate, which will
enhance the touiism inuustiy anu the State's economic infiastiuctuie. The Act contemplates
incieases in potential State anu local tax ievenue. It also contemplates maximum economic anu
othei benefits to the Bost Nunicipalities anu neaiby municipalities, incluuing inciemental job
cieation anu a ieuuction in unemployment iates.

VG 3*"6#' */*,4&-&

0ne of the piincipal objectives of the Act is to iecaptuie gaming-ielateu spenuing by New Yoik
iesiuents at out-of-state gaming facilities. Submit as Exhibit vIII. B.1. a maiket analysis showing
the benefits of the site location of the Applicant's uaming Facility anu the estimateu iecaptuie
" # $ % & ?;

iate of gaming-ielateu spenuing by New Yoik iesiuents tiavelling to out-of-state gaming
facilities. In auuition, such maiket analysis must uesciibe:

a. the components of the Applicant's maiketing plan that focus on out-of-state visitois anu
the anticipateu gaming anu non-gaming gioss ievenues the Applicant anticipates fiom
out-of-state visitois uuiing each of the fiist five (S) yeais of the uaming Facility's
opeiations on a low-, aveiage- anu high-case scenaiio anu cleaily explain how this
iecaptuie iate was ueteimineu;

b. how the Applicant plans to compete with othei neaiby gaming facilities in New Yoik
anu othei juiisuictions; anu

c. the Applicant's oveiall peispective anu stiategy foi bioauening the appeal of the Region
anu the Bost Nunicipality in which its uaming Facility is locateu anu the State to
tiaveleis insiue anu outsiue of New Yoik.

RG +,*4#" 0*'*E*&# */0 ,)4*,'4 +")2"*3

Submit as Exhibit vIII. B.2. the following:

a. uesciibe any loyalty, iewaiu oi similai fiequent playei piogiam (a "+:9A:=>")
maintaineu by the Applicant oi, if applicable, the Nanagei foi any casino the Applicant
oi Nanagei owns, opeiates oi manages;

b. state whethei the Applicant oi, if applicable, the Nanagei maintains a casino customei
ielationship management system anu uatabase (a "0=<=P=K7") that tiacks the play of its
Piogiam membeis;

c. inuicate whethei the Piogiam anu Batabase will be available foi the maiketing,
piomotion anu auveitising of the uaming Facility anu whethei they aie "exclusive" to
the Applicant anuoi, if applicable, the Nanagei;

u. inuicate the numbei of "active" (those who have playeu within the past 12 months) anu
"inactive" (those who have playeu ovei 12 months ago) membeis in the Batabase;

e. inuicate the numbei of iateu playeis incluueu in the Batabase that aie locateu within
Su-, 1uu-, 1Su- anu 2uu-miles of the pioposeu uaming Facility; anu

f. uesciibe how the Batabase anu Piogiam will be useu to maiket, piomote anu auveitise
the uaming Facility.

SG &'%0-#& */0 "#+)"'&

a. A majoi goal of the Act is to enhance the financial conuition of localities in the State that
have suffeieu fiom economic haiuships. Submit as Exhibit vIII. B.S.a. economic impact
stuuies completeu by an inuepenuent expeit showing the pioposeu uaming Facility's
oveiall economic inciemental benefit to the Region, the State, anu the Bost Nunicipality
anu neaiby municipalities incluuing the mannei in which the facility will geneiate new
ievenues as opposeu to taking ievenues fiom othei New Yoik businesses; anu
" # $ % & ?>

b. Submit as Exhibit vIII. B.S.b. economic impact stuuies completeu by an inuepenuent
expeit showing the pioposeu uaming Facility's positive anu negative impacts on the
local anu iegional economy, anu on the host anu neaiby municipalities incluuing
impacts on inciemental job cieation, unemployment iates, cultuial institutions anu
small businesses.

Each of the above stuuies shoulu incluue a uesciiption of the backgiounu conuitions in the
compaiable yeai ($%"%, assuming economic, tiaffic, etc. continues to uevelop as to tienu without
the Applicant's pioposeu pioject) anu builu a scenaiio with expiess enumeiation of
assumptions. Wheie inuepenuent stuuies uepenu on visitation oi ievenues, they shoulu
incluue analysis of the low-, aveiage- anu high-cases analogous to the same useu foi the
ievenue anu tax stuuies. Stuuies shoulu explain theii methouology, iepoit theii iesults anu
compaie those iesults to actual obseiveu conuitions in similai built piojects.

WG +")a#.'#0 '*c "#1#/%# ') 'O# &'*'#

Submit as Exhibit vIII. B.4. a stuuy completeu by an inuepenuent expeit pioviuing piojections
foi all estimateu State, county anu local tax ievenue (e.g., gaming, sales, income, ieal estate,
hotel, enteitainment anu othei taxes) foi a peiiou of at least the fiist five (S) yeais of opeiations
on a high -, aveiage- anu low-case basis, iuentifying the souice of each element of these tax

The stuuy shoulu incluue a uesciiption of the backgiounu conuitions in the compaiable yeai
($%"%, assuming economic conuitions anu uemogiaphics continues to uevelop as to tienu without
the Applicant's pioposeu uaming Facility) anu builu scenaiio with expiess enumeiation of
assumptions. Incluue analysis of the low-, aveiage- anu high-cases useu foi the ievenue stuuy
anu financial foiecasts. Stuuies shoulu explain theii methouology, iepoit theii iesults anu
compaie those iesults to actual obseiveu conuitions in similai built piojects.

]G "#2-)/*, #.)/)3-. +,*/ .))"0-/*'-)/

Submit as Exhibit vIII. B.S. a statement as to whethei the Applicant's pioposeu uaming Facility
is pait of a iegional oi local economic plan, anu, if yes, pioviue uocumentation uemonstiating
the Applicant's inclusion within, anu cooiuination with, iegional economic plans.

iG /#5 4)"6 &'*'# &%E.)/'"*.')"& */0 &%++,-#"&

Applicants aie stiongly encouiageu anu expecteu to consiuei New Yoik State businesses in the
fulfillment of the iequiiements of the License. Such paitneiing may be as subcontiactois,
supplieis oi othei suppoiting ioles.

Submit as Exhibit vIII. B.6. a uesciiption of the Applicant's plans anu minimum commitments
(expiesseu in teims of annual biuuable spenu) foi use of New Yoik-baseu supplieis anu
mateiials both in the constiuction anu fuinituie, fixtuies, anu equipment fuinishing phase of
the Applicant's pioject anu in the opeiational phase of Applicant's pioject. Pioviue copies of
any contiacts, agieements oi unueistanuings eviuencing such plans oi commitments.

" # $ % & ??

\G #3+,)4##&

a. Submit as Exhibit vIII. B.7.a. tables foi each low-, aveiage-, anu high-ievenue cases
moueleu in the ievenue stuuy anu financial foiecasts iepoiting foi each functional aiea
of opeiation of the uaming Facility following constiuction: (i) the estimateu numbei of
total employees by full-time anu pait-time positions anu full-time equivalents; (ii) each
job classification anu the pay iate anu benefits theiefoi; anu (iii) the numbei of such
positions that aie anticipateu to be filleu by iesiuents of the State, iesiuents of the
Region anu iesiuents of the Bost Nunicipality oi neaiby municipalities in which the
uaming Facility is to be locateu. Besciibe the bases foi these piojections, foi example, by
compaiison to similai piojects.

b. Submit as Exhibit vIII. B.7.b. a uesciiption of how the Applicant pioposes to ensuie that
it pioviues a high numbei of quality jobs in the uaming Facility anu the Applicant's
commitment to hiie a minimum numbei of employees, both full-time anu pait-time, at
the opening of the uaming Facility.

jG .)3+#'-'-1# #/1-")/3#/'

Submit as Exhibit vIII. B.8. a uesciiption of the competitive enviionment in which the Applicant
anticipates the pioposeu uaming Facility will opeiate ovei the ten (1u) yeais aftei opening anu
how the Applicant plans to succeeu in that enviionment while limiting the impact on ievenues
at othei New Yoik gaming establishments (e.g., vLT facilities, tiibal casinos, iace tiacks) oi
othei New Yoik businesses.

kG 3*"6#'-/2 +,*/&

a. Submit as Exhibit vIII. B.9.a. a uetaileu uesciiption of the taiget maiket segments of the
uaming Facility.

b. Submit as Exhibit vIII. B.9.b. the Applicant's maiketing plans foi the pioposeu uaming
Facility with specific iefeience to pie-opening maiketing anu opening celebiations.
Incluue the minimum annual uollai amounts, kinus anu types of geneial piomotion anu
auveitising campaigns that will likely be unueitaken, anu the pioposeu maiket to be
ieacheu; the numbei of visitois who aie piojecteu to stay oveinight at the uaming
Facility; anu othei examples of joint maiketing ventuies, if any, unueitaken by the
Applicant in othei juiisuictions.

c. Submit as Exhibit vIII. B.9.c. a uesciiption of the stiategies to be useu by the Applicant to
ueal with the cyclicalseasonal natuie of touiism uemanu anu ensuie maximum use of
the uaming Facility pioject thioughout the entiie calenuai yeai.

VUG &%++,#3#/'*, '*c +*43#/'

Foi a uaming Facility in Zone Two, PNL Section 1SS1 imposes a tax on uioss uaming Revenues.
The tax imposeu is as set foith below:

" # $ % & ?<

a. Foi a uaming Facility locateu in Region Two, foity-five (4S) peicent of uioss uaming
Revenue fiom slot machines anu ten (1u) peicent of uioss uaming Revenue fiom all
othei souices.

b. Foi a uaming Facility locateu in Region 0ne, thiity-nine (S9) peicent of uioss uaming
Revenue fiom slot machines anu ten (1u) peicent of uioss uaming Revenue fiom all
othei souices.

c. Foi a uaming Facility locateu in Region Five, thiity-seven (S7) peicent of uioss uaming
Revenue fiom slot machines anu ten (1u) peicent of uioss uaming Revenue fiom all
othei souices.

PNL Section 1SS1, howevei, allows an Applicant, in its Application, to agiee to supplement the
tax by pioviuing in its Application to pay a binuing supplemental fee, which is in auuition to the
tax imposeu by PNL Section 1SS1.

Submit as Exhibit vIII. B.1u. a statement as to whethei the Applicant agiees to pay a binuing
supplemental fee if the Applicant is awaiueu a License. If yes, uesciibe the amount of the
binuing supplemental fee. Any agieement to pay a binuing supplemental fee will become a
conuition to the License. If the Applicant uoes not agiee to pay a binuing supplemental fee, it
shoulu explicitly state such.

VVG ,-.#/&-/2 (##

A Licensee must pay a minimum licensing fee, set below, within thiity (Su) uays aftei the awaiu
of a License. Bowevei, nothing shall piohibit an Applicant fiom agieeing to pay an amount in
excess of the fees listeu below:

(9: = 2=>?@A (=B?C?<D C9B=<7F ?@Y
'Z7 >?@?>M>
C?B7@K?@A H77 ?KY

"#2-)/ V
Region 1 in Butchess oi 0iange Counties $7u,uuu,uuu

If no License is awaiueu foi a uaming Facility locateu in
Butchess oi 0iange Counties, then foi the iemaining
poition of Region 1 (compiising Columbia, Belawaie,
uieene, Sullivan anu 0lstei Counties)

If a License is awaiueu foi a uaming Facility locateu in
Butchess oi 0iange Counties, then foi the iemaining
poition of Region 1 (compiising Columbia, Belawaie,
uieene, Sullivan anu 0lstei Counties)

"#2-)/ R $Su,uuu,uuu

"#2-)/ ]
Region S in Bioome, Chemung, Schuylei, Tioga oi
Tompkins Counties
" # $ % & ?=

Region S in Wayne oi Seneca Counties $Su,uuu,uuu

If a License is awaiueu foi a uaming Facility locateu in $2u,uuu,uuu
Wayne oi Seneca Counties, then foi the iemaining
poition of Region S (compiising Bioome, Chemung,
Schuylei, Tioga anu Tompkins Counties)

If an Applicant agiees to pay a licensing fee in excess of the fee set foith above foi its pioposeu
uaming Facility, the Applicant shall submit as Exhibit vIII. B.11. a statement as to the
Applicant's agieement to pay a licensing fee in excess of the amount set foith above anu state
the amount Applicant agiees to pay. If an Applicant agiees to pay only the licensing fee set foith
above foi its pioposeu uaming Facility, then the Applicant shall so state.

The Boaiu, if iequesteu by an Applicant oi Applicants at the manuatoiy applicant confeience,
may, in its uiscietion, theieaftei choose to establish an alteinative licensing fee iequiieu of a
Licensee in a Region in the event that the Boaiu selects two Applicants fiom such Region to
pioceeu to the Commission foi consiueiation of licensuie.

.G ,*/0T .)/&'"%.'-)/ */0 0#&-2/ )( +O4&-.*, +,*/'

VG 0#&."-+'-)/ )( ,*/0

a. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.1.a. the auuiess, legal uesciiption, maps, book anu page
numbeis fiom the appiopiiate iegistiy of ueeus foi the location of the Applicant's
gaming facility.

b. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.1.b. the assesseu value of each paicel of the lanu foi the
pioposeu gaming facility anu of the existing facilities, impiovements anu infiastiuctuie
theieon, if any, as of the time of the Application. Pioviue a scheuule of the ieal estate
taxes paiu on such piopeity foi the past five (S) yeais.

c. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.1.c. a uesciiption of, anu aeiial anu suiface photogiaphy
uemonstiating, the salient topogiaphic, geogiaphic, anu vegetative chaiacteiistics of the
lanu foi the pioposeu gaming facility as well as any significant existing facilities,
impiovements oi infiastiuctuie theieon. Pioviue schematicsmaps of topogiaphical,
geogiaphic anu vegetative featuies anu facilities, impiovements anu infiastiuctuie.
Besciibe anu pioviue schematicsmaps illustiating (in scale) the ielationship to
suiiounuing uevelopment anu infiastiuctuie.

u. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.1.u. a ieasonably uetaileu uesciiption, incluuing the uimensions
anu total acieage, anu pioviue a schematicmap illustiating the bounuaiy of the aiea of
the lanu constituting the Pioject Site.

e. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.1.e. a uesciiption of any geological oi stiuctuial uefect of the
Pioject Site, anu incluue a uesciiption of the engineeiing, uesign, anu constiuction plans
" # $ % & ?4

to iemeuy the uefect. Inuicate whethei oi not any of the Pioject Site is pioposeu to be
locateu in a floouplain anu, if so, incluue a uesciiption of the floou histoiy of the site.

f. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.1.f. copies of any Phase I anu II iepoits oi any othei
investigations of site, sub-suiface, geotechnical oi enviionmental conuitions oi
hazaiuous mateiials that have been completeu ielating to the conuition of the Pioject

RG )5/#"&O-+ )( ,*/0

a. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.2.a. a uesciiption of all owneiship inteiests in the lanu foi the
past twenty (2u) yeais, incluuing all easements, options, encumbiances, anu othei
inteiests in the piopeity.

Puisuant to PNL Section 1S16, the Applicant must own oi acquiie the lanu wheie the
uaming Facility is pioposeu to be constiucteu within sixty (6u) uays aftei a License has
been awaiueu (an Applicant shall be ueemeu to own the lanu if it has enteieu into a
tenancy foi a teim of yeais unuei a lease that extenus not less than sixty (6u) yeais
beyonu ten (1u) yeais foi a License).

b. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.2.b. copies of any lease, ueeu, option, oi othei uocumentation
anu pioviue an explanation as to the status of the lanu upon which the pioposeu uaming
Facility will be constiucteu. If the Applicant uoes not cuiiently possess an owneiship
inteiest in the lanu, pioviue an agieement anu uesciiption of its plan as to how it
intenus to own oi acquiie, within sixty (6u) uays aftei a License has been awaiueu, the
lanu wheie the uaming Facility is pioposeu to be constiucteu. Fuithei, state whethei
the lanu that the Applicant puichaseu oi intenus to puichase is publicly owneu.

c. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.2.c. the total amount the Applicant has spent oi pioposes to
spenu to acquiie oi occupy the lanu foi the pioposeu uaming Facility. If othei than a
lump sum, pioviue a table inuicating the amount spent oi pioposeu to be spent in each
yeai. If uiffeient fiom the amount spent, uesciibe Applicant's total investment in the

SG d)/-/2

a. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.S.a. copies of cuiient local zoning appiovals anu any iezoning
oi vaiiances that aie iequiieu anu any lanu use appiovals, a uetaileu explanation of the
status of any iequest foi any of the foiegoing with copies of all filings, incluuing a
specific scheuule of applications foi zoning appiovals anu anticipateu appioval uates.

b. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.S.b. a uesciiption of the applicable zoning uesignation foi the
Pioject Site.

c. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.S.c. a list of any State anuoi local peimits oi special use
peimits that the Applicant must obtain foi the Pioject Site, anu foi such peimits
uesciibe: (i) the pioceuuie by which the Applicant shall obtain the peimits; (ii) what
conuitions, if any, aie likely to be placeu on the peimits; anu (iii) the estimateu uates by
which the Applicant will obtain the peimits.
" # $ % & ?6

WG 3*&'#" +,*/ */0 E%-,0-/2 +")2"*3

a. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.4.a. a uesciiption of, anu pioviue schematics illustiating, the
Applicant's mastei plan foi the lanu anu the Pioject Site showing majoi activities anu
functions. Pioviue a phasing plan foi the pioposeu components of the mastei plan, if

b. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.4.b. a uetaileu analysis of the suitability of the pioposeu Pioject
Site foi the pioposeu uaming Facility anu the ways in which the pioposeu uaming
Facility suppoits ievitalization, if applicable, anu the pioposeu ielationship of the
Pioject Site to aujoining lanu uses anu pioposeu lanu uses to ensuie compatibility with
those aujoining lanu uses.

c. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.4.c. a uesciiption of, anu pioviue a table inuicating, the builuing
piogiam of the pioposeu uaming Facility anu mastei plan by majoi
functionactivityuse anu squaie footage. Substantiate the basis foi the pioposeu
builuing piogiam with iefeience to the piojecteu visitation anu gaming ievenues in the
gaming maiket stuuy by, foi example, compaiison to compaiable existing facilities
anuoi to capacity stanuaius customaiy anu ieasonable in the gaming anu hospitality

]G 0#&-2/& */0 ,*4)%'

a. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.S.a. uesigns foi the pioposeu uaming Facility as follow:

1. a site plan foi the Pioject Site, incluuing any off-site ancillaiy piopeity to be
useu by Applicant in connection with the uaming Facility.

2. full builu out flooi plans by builuing anu flooi incluuing fiont- anu back- of-the-
house aieas with majoi functionactivityuse anu appioximate squaie footage
theieof uenoteu. Foi iepetitive activities like a hotel towei, a typical flooi plan
may be pioviueu wheie floois aie mateiially similai.

S. builuing elevations anu peispectives (showing heights, ielative scale anu
ielationship to aujacent existing oi pioposeu builuings anu aieas).

4 cioss-sections sufficient to illustiate the inteiielation of piincipal builuing
piogiam components (e.g. of a hotel ioom towei, if any, to ciiculation aieas, the
hotel lobby anuoi gaming flooi).

S. pioposeu haiuscape, lanuscape anu lanuscape tieatments incluuing any off-site
impiovements iequiieu to implement the pioposal.

6. exteiioi lighting uesign.

7. plans foi paiking stiuctuies, if any. Foi paiking stiuctuie floois, a typical flooi
plan may be pioviueu wheie floois aie mateiially similai.

" # $ % & ?D

8. suiface paiking anu Pioject Site tiaffic ciiculation plan, incluuing uenotation of
pick-upuiop-off aieas foi hotel anu casino pations, buses anu valet paiking anu
of paiking aieas foi employees, pations, valet-paikeu vehicles anu buses if
sepaiate paiking aieas aie to be pioviueu.

9 high-quality, coloi peispective ienueiings of the exteiioi of the pioposeu
uaming Facility showing geneial massing anu context of the oveiall builuing
piogiam layout fiom each of the piincipal exteiioi appioaches.

1u at least one high-quality, coloi peispective ienueiing of the exteiioi of the
pioposeu uaming Facility at night showing the effect of the pioposeu exteiioi
lighting uesign.

11. high-quality, coloi peispective ienueiings of significant inteiioi spaces
pioviuing geneial oiientation anu a sense of layout incluuing, foi example, the
main entiance lobby, gaming flooi, convention lobbyballioom anu piincipal
ciiculation space(s).

12 Pioject Site access plan inuicating aujacent piopeities anu builuings, stieets,
automobile anu peuestiian access anu site ciiculation, paiking, builuing
footpiints, seivice aieas, vegetation, toui bus uiop-off facilities anu othei
ielateu infiastiuctuie anu access to anu egiess fiom all majoi tiaffic aiteiials
anu fieeways iuentifying those off-site impiovements iequiieu to implement the

Please uo not pioviue any physical mouels.

b. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.S.b. a naiiative uesciiption of the basis of the oveiall
aichitectuial anu builuing plan, any unique oi uefining exteiioi anu inteiioi themes oi
chaiacteiistics anu pievailing style. Besciibe how vaiious aspects of the pioposeu plans
aie uesigneu to inteiielate anu piincipal uecisions as to the layout of the builuing
piogiam, consoliuation oi segiegation of majoi functionsactivitiesuses anu
configuiation of the builuing piogiam to meet any constiaints oi oppoitunities
piesenteu by the Pioject Site. Besciibe how the piogiammatic anu aichitectuial
uecisions contiibute to an oveiall supeiioi customei expeiience oi auuiess unique
challenges oi oppoitunities of the pioposeu uaming Facility anu Pioject Site.

c. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.S.c. a uesciiption of the types of mateiials, finishes anu
fuinishings that aie pioposeu anu how those complement oi inteiielate with the chosen
style oi theme.

u. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.S.u. inteiioi anu exteiioi photos oi uesciiptions of analogous
iesoit gaming facility piojects in othei juiisuictions, eithei of the Applicant oi, if
applicable, the Nanagei, oi, if the Applicant oi, if applicable, the Nanagei have few oi no
such analogous piojects, of othei opeiatois of uestination iesoit gaming facilities.

" # $ % & <E

iG .*&-/)

a. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.6.a., a uesciiption of the pioposeu gaming aiea (oi aieas, if
moie than one is being consiueieu. The uesciiption shoulu incluue, but not be
limiteu to, the following:

1. Squaie footage of each sub-aiea anu a total foi all gaming space.

2. Total numbei of planneu table games, with a bieakuown by game type anu
numbei of positions pei table.

S. Total numbei of slot machines.

4. Numbei anu uesciiption of othei electionic gaming uevices oi specialty
games being consiueieu.

S Besciiption of any special puipose iooms that aie being consiueieu (e.g.,
pokei iooms, high-limit gaming aieas, etc.).

6 Layout of cage aiea, incluuing numbei of winuows, anu a bieakuown of
special-use winuows, if any.

7. Besciiption of size, layout, anu location of count ioom.

8. Layout of any playeis-club aieas, incluue numbei of stations, location, etc.

9. Incluue a uesciiption of any othei gaming ielateu amenities that aie not
incluueu in this section, but aie ielevant to opeiation.

1u. If the plan is to builu the facility in uiffeient phases, the infoimation
pioviueu shoulu be bioken out to explain the uetails of each phase, anu then
the Applicant shoulu show a final uesciiption of the finisheu piouuct. All
uesciiptions shoulu incluue plans cieateu with a Computei Aiueu Besign
type of softwaie.

b. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.6.b. a uesciiption of any plans foi special high limit oi vIP
piogiams anu amenities, incluuing aieas such as club membei lounges, uining aieas,
iestiooms, oi vIP hotel check-in aiea(s).

c. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.6.c. a uesciiption of any paiticulai effoits (e.g., uesign,
opeiations, anuoi maiketing) that aie planneu to uiffeientiate the casino fiom
competitois anu to maximize the potential of the maiket.

u. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.6.u. a uesciiption of the attiibutes of the slot accounting
system that is planneu foi Applicant's opeiation, which allows the uaming
Commission access foi the puiposes of auuiting ievenues anu game status.

e. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.6.e. any uetails of casino opeiation that the Applicant
believes shoulu be incluueu in the evaluation of its opeiation.
" # $ % & <"

\G O)'#,

a. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.7.a. a uesciiption of the pioposeu hotel(s), incluuing the types
of iooms, the numbeis anu pioposeu squaie footage of each type of ioom at full builu-
out anu foi each phase, if applicable. Besciibe the level of seivice anu, if known, the flag
oi bianu of the pioposeu hotel. If moie than one level of seivice anuoi flag oi bianu is
intenueu, uesciibe each level of seivice anuoi flag oi bianu anu how they will be
uevelopeu, opeiateu, anu maiketeu sepaiately but may be opeiationally combineu.
Pioviue copies of any aiiangements oi agieements ielating to bianuing, fianchising anu
hotel loyalty oi pationage piogiams planneu in connection to the pioposeu hotel(s) that
aie uiffeient fiom the Applicant's oi the Nanagei's bianuing anu customei loyalty oi
pationage piogiams.

b. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.7.b. copies of any foiecast, piojections, analysis oi stuuies useu
to ueteimine the numbei anu type of hotel iooms, level(s) of seivice anu flag(s) oi
bianu(s). Besciibe any assumptions anu the bases theieof. Substantiate theii

c. If any pait of the hotel(s) is not to be manageu oi opeiateu by the Applicant oi the
Nanagei, submit as Exhibit vIII. C.7.c. the name of the pioposeu managei oi opeiatoi of
such pait anu pioviue copies of any contiacts, agieements oi unueistanuings between
the Applicant anuoi the Nanagei anu such managei oi opeiatoi.

u. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.7.u. a foiecast of the numbei of hotel iooms that will be useu
foi casino anu othei foims of maiketing oi ieseiveu foi gaming establishment
piomotions anu substantiate the basis of such foiecast, foi example, by compaiison to
compaiable facilities.

e. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.7.e. a uesciiption, incluuing squaie footage, any pioposeu spa,
fitness anu pool facilities foi the hotel(s). If a pool is pioposeu, uesciibe plans, if any, to
mitigate watei anu eneigy (foi heating) iesouice uemanus.

f. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.7.f. a uesciiption of any paiticulai effoits - uesign, opeiations,
anuoi maiketing - that aie planneu to uiffeientiate the hotel fiom competitois anu to
maximize the potential of the maiket.

g. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.7.g. names of hotels of compaiable quality to that of the
pioposeu hotel(s) at the uaming Facility.

h. Specify in Exhibit vIII. C.7.h. whethei linen supply, housekeeping, anu launuiy will be
outsouiceu oi ietaineu within the uaming Facility opeiations.

jG 3##'-/2 */0 .)/1#/'-)/ (*.-,-'-#&

a. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.8.a. a uesciiption of any pioposeu meeting anu convention
spaces, incluuing attacheu back of house anu cateiing facilities, by squaie footage anu
appioximate paiticipant capacity of each space.

" # $ % & <;

b. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.8.b. a uesciiption of any pioposeu business centei facilities.

kG #/'#"'*-/3#/' 1#/%#&

a. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.9.a. a uesciiption of the enteitainment venues pioposeu foi the
Pioject Site whethei locateu insiue oi outsiue the uaming Facility, the squaie footage
anu pation capacity of each (minimummaximum), aumission chaigespiice, the
contemplateu fiequency of events (e.g., numbei of enteitainment events anu
enteitainment uays), anu usestypes of enteitainment to which the venues will be
ueuicateu. Besciibe anu pioviue copies of any aiiangements oi agieements with
piomoteis, aitists, oi peifoimance companies oi tioupes. Substantiate (e.g., by
compaiison to analogous piojects) the bases foi such plans anu estimates.

b. As a majoi goal of the Act is to enhance the State's live enteitainment venues, submit as
Exhibit vIII. C.9.b. a uesciiption of how the enteitainment venues pioposeu foi the
Pioject Site aie uistinguisheu (whethei by uesign oi intenueu use) anu intenueu to
complement the impacteu live enteitainment venues iuentifieu puisuant to Item IX.B.2.

c. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.9.c. a uesciiption of the extent to which enteitainment venues
anu plans aie contemplateu to be useu foi casino anuoi othei maiketing. Incluue the
mannei in which the uaming Facility will enhance enteitainment venues alieauy
existing in the Bost Nunicipality anu neaiby municipalities.

VUG /)/[2*3-/2 *3#/-'-#&

a. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.1u.a. a uesciiption of:

1. the pioposeu iestauiants, incluuing the appioximate numbei, squaie footage
anu pation capacity, types anu themes anu the iuentity of any iestauiateuis the
Applicant anticipates will opeiate the iestauiants.

2. the pioposeu ietail spaces, incluuing the appioximate numbei, squaie footage
anu types of ietail shops anu how such ietail uevelopment will seive the geneial

S. the pioposeu lounges anu bais, incluuing the appioximate numbei, squaie
footage anu pation capacity anu types.

4 any pioposeu iecieation facilities.

S. any othei pioposeu anu ielateu facilities oi amenities.

If any of the above amenities aie not pioposeu to be opeiateu by the Applicant oi the
Nanagei, inuicate the names of the pioposeu opeiatois anu pioviue copies of any
contiacts, agieements oi unueistanuings between the Applicant anuoi the Nanagei
anu such opeiatoi.

b. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.1u.b. a uesciiption of plans, if any, to highlight Bost
Nunicipality local anu iegional piouucts, bianus anu cuisine in iestauiants, lounges,
" # $ % & <>

bais, ietail spaces anu ancillaiy amenities. Besciibe any pioposeu tie-ins oi ventuies
with Bost Nunicipality, local anu iegional establishments. Pioviue copies of any
agieements oi aiiangements foi the same. Besciibe how the uaming Facility will
complement anu be compatible with the Bost Nunicipality's cultuie anu how it will
showcase, stimulate anu impiove the use of existing anu futuie attiactions, incluuing
touiism anu convention facilities within the Bost Nunicipality anu neaiby

VVG $%*,-'4 )( *3#/-'-#&

Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.11. a statement as to how the hotels, hotel iooms, iestauiants anu
othei amenities that aie pait of the pioposeu uaming Facility will compaie in quality to othei
aiea hotels, iestauiants anu amenities as well as those incluueu anu offeieu in othei
competitive gaming facilities.

VRG O)%"& )( )+#"*'-)/

Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.12. a uesciiption of the Applicant's pioposeu houis of opeiation foi the
vaiious components of the pioposeu uaming Facility incluuing the casino, iestauiants, bais anu
othei amenities.

VSG E*.6 )( O)%&#

Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.1S. a uesciiption, incluuing squaie footage, of back of house, secuiity,
kitchen anu office facilities to suppoit the iemaining builuing piogiam.

VWG +*"6-/2 */0 '"*/&+)"'*'-)/ -/("*&'"%.'%"#

a. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.14.a. a uesciiption of the appioximate numbei, location anu
accessibility of paiking spaces anu stiuctuies foi employees, pations, valet-paikeu
vehicles anu buses. Substantiate (e.g. by inclusion of uiscussion in the inuepenuent
tiaffic stuuy to be pioviueu puisuant to Item IX.A.2.b. of this RFA) the auequacy of
paiking anu site ciiculation plans to seivice the piojecteu visitoi anu employee uemanu.

b. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.14.b. a uesciiption of tiaffic ciiculation plans foi the Pioject Site
incluuing ingiess anu egiess of casino pations, employees anu supplieis incluuing plans
foi toui bus, limousine anu valet uiop-off aieas, plans foi seivice vehicle paiking,
satellite paiking anu othei ielateu tianspoitation infiastiuctuie, anu plans to offei
iefueling, oveinight bus paiking, uisableu vehicle assistance, anu convenience stoie
facilities on site.

V]G 0).6 */0 ,)*0-/2

Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.1S. a uesciiption of the planneu uock anu loauing facilities, as well as
aimoieu cai bay, incluuing by squaie footage anu schematic uiagiam. Besciibe theii auequacy
to seive the planneu piogiam (e.g. by compaiison to analogous facilities).

" # $ % & <?

ViG +O4&-.*, +,*/' */0 3#.O*/-.*, &4&'#3&

Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.16. a biief uesciiption of plans foi mechanical systems anu on-site
infiastiuctuie, with paiticulai emphasis on unique featuies (e.g. uistiict hot oi colu watei, on-
site powei geneiation, on-site watei oi waste tieatment, etc.). Inuicate whethei the pioject
ielies on uistiibuteu oi builuing BvAC, chilleu anu hot watei, anu othei systems. Besciibe plans
foi systems ieuunuancy, if any. Besciibe significant ueuicateu physical plant spaces by location
anu appioximate squaie footage. Besciibe plans foi emeigency powei geneiation anu
uninteiiuptable powei supply.

V\G -/("*&'"%.'%"# "#$%-"#3#/'&

a. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.17.a. stuuies of inuepenuent engineeis oi othei expeits
iepoiting piojections of estimateu fiesh watei anu electiicity uemanu (base anu peak-
peiiou) anu sanitaiy sewei anu stoim watei uischaige, each, foi the pioposeu uaming
Facility. Incluue in those iepoits an assessment of the feasibility of any plans to
accommouate that uemanu onsite (e.g. by onsite piouuction of electiicity, tieatment of
fiesh oi waste watei, oi uetention of stoim watei).

b. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.17.b. a uesciiption of plans to auuiess watei anu electiicity use
iestiictions uuiing peak uemanu peiious.

c. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.17.c. a uesciiption of the electiicity, sewei, watei, anu othei
utility impiovements neeueu to auequately seive the uaming Facility Site to incluue: (i)
the estimateu cost of the impiovements; (ii) the estimateu uate of completion; (iii) the
names of the paities, whethei public oi piivate, initiating the impiovements; (iv) the
names of the paities iesponsible foi the costs of the impiovements; anu (v) if moie than
one paity is iesponsible foi the costs, the piopoitionate uistiibution of the costs among
the paities.

u. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.17.u. a uesciiption of the ioauway anu tiaffic impiovements
neeueu to ensuie auequate access to the uaming Facility Site to incluue: (i) the
estimateu cost of the impiovements; (ii) the estimateu uate of completion; (iii) the
names of the paities, whethei public oi piivate, initiating the impiovements; (iv) the
names of the paities iesponsible foi the costs of the impiovements; anu (v) if moie than
one paity is iesponsible foi the costs, the piopoitionate uistiibution of the costs among
the paities.

e. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.17.e. a uesciiption of plans foi management, uetention anu
uischaige of stoim watei on anu fiom the Pioject Site to incluue (i) the estimateu cost of
the impiovements; (ii) the estimateu uate of completion; (iii) the names of the paities,
whethei public oi piivate, initiating the impiovements; (iv) the names of the paities
iesponsible foi the costs of the impiovements; anu (v) if moie than one paity is
iesponsible foi the costs, the piopoitionate uistiibution of the costs among the paities.

Foi the impiovements uesciibeu in this section: (i) state whethei local goveinment
appioval is necessaiy foi making the impiovements; (ii) incluue a uesciiption of the
pioceuuie by which the local goveinment appioval is going to be obtaineu; (iii) inuicate
" # $ % & <<

all conuitions likely to be placeu on the local goveinment appioval; anu (iv) inuicate the
estimateu uate by which local goveinment appioval will be gianteu.

VjG +")a#.' (-"3&

a. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.18.a. names, auuiesses anu ielevant expeiience of the
aichitects, engineeis, contiactois anu uesigneis of the pioposeu uaming Facility anu
ielateu pioposeu infiastiuctuie impiovements.

b. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.18.b. the name, title, office auuiess, email auuiess, uiiect phone
numbei anu fax numbei of the Applicant's oi, if applicable, the Nanagei's piincipal
contact inuiviuual at each such fiim.

VkG .)/&'"%.'-)/ E%02#'

Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.19. a uetaileu constiuction buuget showing the total costs of the
uaming Facility pioject incluuing haiu costs (e.g., lanu acquisition, site piepaiation, iemeuiation
of enviionmental conuitions oi hazaiuous mateiials; excavation, giauing anu eaith woiks;
founuation; eiection of stiuctuies; mateiials anu laboi; equipment BvAC; electiical; plumbing;
fuinishings; lanuscaping; anu site impiovements, incluuing infiastiuctuie in uiiect ielation to
both constiuction anu opeiations), constiuction soft costs (e.g., aichitectuial, engineeiing anu
consulting fees; ieal estate commissions; iecoiuation fees anu tiansfei taxes; insuiance;
contingency ieseive, etc.), financial anu othei expenses (e.g., financing fees; inteiest; legal; etc.)
anu pie-opening expenses (e.g., tiaining;, pie-opening maiketing; anu initial woiking capital),
anu timing of such expenuituies, togethei with a constiuction cash flow analysis.

RUG '-3#,-/# ()" .)/&'"%.'-)/

a. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.2u.a. a pioposeu timeline of constiuction of the pioposeu
uaming Facility that incluues uetaileu stages of constiuction foi opening phase of the
uaming Facility anu non-gaming stiuctuies anu all ielateu infiastiuctuie impiovements.
Incluue majoi eventsmilestonesueaulines, incluuing uesign plans completeu,
constiuction biu awaiu, constiuction financing ieceiveu, site secuieu, stait site
mitigationiemeuiation if necessaiy, excavation, giauing anu eaith woiks, stait
constiuction, appiovals, infiastiuctuie completion uates, peimanent financing
executeu, ceitificate of occupancy, tiaining stait, builuing loauing, system testing, uiy
iuns, anu the like, anu the uates oi ueaulines associateu theiewith. Besciibe any
pioposeu constiuction phasing plan, incluuing the pioposeu sequence of any phases,
whethei any phases aie uepenuent upon futuie events, anu if so, cleaily uesciibe such
futuie events, anu the appioximate uates of beginning anu completion of each phase.

b. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.2u.b. a uesciiption of anticipateu stieet anu siuewalk closuies,
plans foi ieuiiecting tiaffic, impacts on existing paiking, if any, noise anu uust impacts,
anu plans foi mitigating such impacts both uuiing anu following constiuction. Besciibe
measuies that will be taken to mitigate all constiuction impacts on the local community.

In the event the financing foi any fuithei phase is not incluueu in Item vIII.A.6. of this
RFA, inuicate the anticipateu souices of financing foi such phase anu the uetails of such
" # $ % & <=

c. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.2u.c. an explanation as to how quickly aftei issuance of a
License the Applicant woulu expect to commence constiuction of the uaming Facility
anu explain conuitions pieceuent to be satisfieu piioi to the Applicant being able to
commence saiu constiuction.

u. If the Applicant's plan foi the pioposeu uaming Facility is expecteu to uisplace oi
ielocate any existing businesses, tenants oi seivices, submit as Exhibit vIII. C.2u.u. the
Applicant's plans foi ielocating oi compensating such uisplaceu paities.

e. Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.2u.e. a pioposeu uate foi the pioposeu uaming Facility to open
foi gaming anu inuicate majoi iisks to such pioposeu opening uate anu the iange of
piobable uelays associateu with each. Besciibe plans to mitigate such iisks. Inuicate
whethei the pioposeu uaming Facility will open in phases oi all at one time. If the
facility is to open in phases, pioviue a uetaileu uesciiption of what will open in each
phase anu the pioposeu opening uate foi each phase anuoi what conuitions each such
opening uate will be contingent upon. Pioviue Applicant's commitment foi a pioposeu
outsiue uate, notwithstanuing any uelays, foi substantial completion of the initial fully
opeiational phase of the pioposeu uaming Facility.

RVG .)/&'"%.'-)/ a)E&

Submit as Exhibit vIII. C.21. a table inuicating by tiaue anu calenuai quaitei the numbei of
constiuction houis, the aveiage uaily numbei of full time equivalent ("('#`K") woikeis
expecteu to woik on the pioject, the aveiage monthly compensation anu benefits pei FTE, the
aveiage monthly total laboi cost pei FTE (compensation plus benefits). Pioviue oveiall anu by
tiaue the total constiuction houis, FTEs, compensation, benefits, anu laboi cost foi the entiie
constiuction peiiou.

RRG 2*3-/2 #$%-+3#/' 1#/0)"&

Realizing that foimal plans may not be finalizeu, submit as Exhibit vIII. C.22. the names of all
pioposeu venuois of gaming equipment to the best of youi piesent knowleuge anu belief,
incluuing, without limitation, slot machines, table games, bases anu chaiis, signage, cage anu
count ioom equipment, playei club systems, accounting anu TIT0 systems, etc.

0G -/'#"/*, .)/'"),& */0 &#.%"-'4 &4&'#3&

VG -/'#"/*, .)/'"),& */0 &#.%"-'4 &4&'#3&

a. The Commission will uevelop iegulations goveining inteinal contiols foi all gaming
facilities in the neai futuie. To assist the Boaiu in its evaluation of the Applicant, the
Boaiu is inteiesteu in knowing what stanuaius the Applicant anticipates auheiing to at
its uaming Facility. Accoiuingly, subject to any aujustments iequiieu upon
piomulgation of the futuie iegulations, submit as Exhibit vIII. B.1.a. a full uesciiption of
" # $ % & <4

the pioposeu inteinal contiols, electionic suiveillance systems, anu secuiity systems foi
the pioposeu uaming Facility anu any ielateu facilities, incluuing, foi example, any
contemplateu inteinal auuits, inuepenuent exteinal auuits, sepaiation of accounting anu
cage piocesses foi inuepenuent veiifications, cage anu count ioom supeivision, gaming
flooi uiop piocesses, anu othei asset pieseivation anu secuie cash hanuling systems
anu piocesses. Wheie thiiu-paities aie to be engageu (e.g., exteinal auuit anu law
enfoicementsafety entities), so inuicate. Inuicate how these effoits will achieve iisk
managementcontiol goals at the enteipiiseLicensee level as well as iegulatoiy, law
enfoicement, anu othei local, iegional, State, anu Feueial levels as applicable.

b. Submit as Exhibit vIII. B.1.b. a piojecteu table of oiganization foi the entiie pioject. Foi
compliance, accounting, auuit (both financial anu inteinal contiol), secuiity, anu
suiveillance show auuitional uetail that incluues staffing levels anu iuentifies the ciitical
uepaitments of uetaileu oiganization chaits foi each contioliisk management ielateu
activity (e.g%& positions in compliance, accounting, cage, cashieiing, count ioom(s), cieuit
issuance, cieuit collection, asset management, anu income contiol), uata piocessing,
inteinal auuit, compliance anu secuiity, anu suiveillance. Show staffing levels foi each
position. If iisk managementcontiol is vesteu in othei uepaitments, functions oi
activities, iuentify them anu uesciibe theii iole. Inuicate which staff position(s) woulu
be iesponsible foi communications with the Commission.
" # $ % & <6

-cG ,).*, -3+*.' */0 &-'-/2 (*.')"&

f&<=<M<9:D 1=CM7Y RU I7:B7@<g

*G *&&#&&3#/' )( ,).*, &%++)"' b 3-'-2*'-)/ )( ,).*, -3+*.'

VG *&&#&&3#/' )( ,).*, &%++)"'

As stateu pieviously as a conuition of acceptance of this Application, local suppoit must be
uemonstiateu thiough a post-Novembei S, 2u1S vote of the local legislative bouy of each Bost

a. Submit as Exhibit IX. A.1.a. a copy of a iesolution passeu by the local legislative bouy of
each Bost Nunicipality suppoiting the Application.

b. Submit as Exhibit IX. A.1.b. a list of any othei eviuence of local suppoit incluuing public
statements anu ueclaiations, letteis oi iesolutions fiom the Bost Nunicipality, neaiby
municipalities, piivate oiganizations, community, ieligious anu civic gioups, chaiitable
oiganizations, enteitainment venues, chambeis of commeice, local businesses, laboi
oiganizations, etc.

N0TE: Refeiiing to the Novembei S, 2u1S election iesults foi Pioposition 1 of a specific locality
oi the Bost Nunicipality is N0T an acceptable uemonstiation of local suppoit anu will not be
consiueieu as pait of the evaluation.

RG ,).*, -3+*.'& */0 .)&'&

a. Submit as Exhibit IX. A.2.a. stuuies completeu by inuepenuent expeits showing the
pioposeu uaming Facility's cost to each Bost Nunicipality, neaiby municipalities anu
the State foi the pioposeu uaming Facility incluuing, without limitation, the inciemental
effect on local goveinment seivices (police, fiie, ENS, health anu builuing inspection,
schools, public health anu auuiction seivices anu geneial goveinment seivices); anu

b. Submit as Exhibit IX. A.2.b. stuuies completeu by inuepenuent expeits showing the local
anu iegional impacts of the pioposeu uaming Facility in each of the following aieas:
tiaffic anu ioauway infiastiuctuie; watei uemanu, supply anu infiastiuctuie capacity;
waste watei piouuction, uischaige, anu infiastiuctuie capacity; stoim watei uischaige
anu management; electiicity uemanu anu infiastiuctuie capacity; piotecteu habitats
anu species; anu light pollution.

Each inuepenuent expeit's stuuy shoulu uesciibe the backgiounu, qualifications anu expeiience
on similai piojects of the piepaiei anu contain a uesciiption of the backgiounu conuitions in
" # $ % & <D

the compaiable yeai (i.e. assuming economic, tiaffic, anu uemogiaphic conuitions, etc. continue
to uevelop as to tienu without the pioposeu uaming Facility) anu unuei the builu scenaiio with
expiess enumeiation of assumptions. The iepoit shoulu incluue a compaiison to similai
piojects oi scenaiios. The builu scenaiio anu assumptions shoulu ieasonably coiiesponu to the
uesciiption of the pioposeu uaming Facility, ievenue anu visitation piojections, anu expense
anu employment estimates incluueu in the Application. That is, the Applicant anu the vaiious
inuepenuent stuuies shoulu piesent compaiable assumptions anu builu scenaiios. Wheie
inuepenuent stuuies uepenu on visitation oi ievenue assumptions, they shoulu incluue analysis
of the low-, aveiage- anu high-cases analogous to the same useu foi the gaming maiket anu tax
stuuies. Stuuies shoulu explain theii methouology, iepoit theii iesults anu compaie those
iesults to actual obseiveu conuitions in similai built piojects. The iepoits shoulu ciitique anu
analyze the auequacy of the Applicant's pioposeu mitigation plans to auuiess the iuentifieu
impacts of the builu conuitions.

SG 3-'-2*'-)/ )( -3+*.' ') O)&' 3%/-.-+*,-'4 */0 /#*"E4

Submit as Exhibit IX. A.S. a uesciiption of Applicant's commitments to mitigate impacts of the
pioposeu uaming Facility (uuiing constiuction anu opeiation) on each Bost Nunicipality anu
the neaiby municipalities incluuing foi tiaffic mitigation, infiastiuctuie costs, costs of incieaseu
emeigency seivices anu the othei impacts iuentifieu in the stuuies incluueu in Item IX.A.2.b of
this RFA. Pioviue copies of any contiacts, agieements oi othei unueistanuings eviuencing such
mitigation commitments.

WG O)%&-/2

Submit as Exhibit IX. A.4. an assessment of the likely impact on the housing stock in each Bost
Nunicipality anu neaiby municipalities iesulting fiom the new jobs the uaming Facility
pioviues, anu the Applicant's plans anu commitments to iemeuy oi mitigate any negative
impacts. Pioviue copies of any contiacts, agieements oi othei unueistanuings eviuencing such
mitigation commitments.

]G &.O)), +)+%,*'-)/

Submit as Exhibit IX. A.S. an assessment of the likely impact on school populations in the Bost
Nunicipality anu neaiby municipalities iesulting fiom new jobs the uaming Facility pioviues,
anu the Applicant's plans anu commitments to iemeuy oi mitigate any negative impacts.
Pioviue copies of any contiacts, agieements oi othei unueistanuings eviuencing such
mitigation commitments.

" # $ % & =E

EG "#2-)/*, ')%"-&3 */0 *''"*.'-)/&

VG ,).*, E%&-/#&& +")3)'-)/

Submit as Exhibit IX. B.1. a uesciiption of plans foi piomoting local businesses in Bost
Nunicipality anu neaiby municipalities incluuing ueveloping cioss-maiketing stiategies with
local iestauiants, small businesses, hotels anu ietail facilities. Pioviue copies of any contiacts,
agieements oi othei unueistanuings eviuencing such cioss-maiketing.

RG +*"'/#"&O-+& 5-'O ,-1# #/'#"'*-/3#/' 1#/%#&

A majoi goal of the Act is to enhance the State's live enteitainment venues.

a. Submit as Exhibit IX. B.2.a. copies of any anu all contiacts, agieements, N00s oi othei
unueistanuings with live enteitainment venues that may be impacteu by the uaming
Facility. Contiacts, agieements, N00s anu unueistanuings shall incluue teims anu
conuitions goveining cioss maiketing, cooiuination of peifoimance scheuules, booking
of peifoimeis, aiiangements oi agieements with piomoteis, piomotions anu ticket
piices. Also explain how the uaming Facility intenus to actively suppoit the mission anu
opeiation of impacteu live enteitainment venues incluuing any minimum uollai
commitments anuoi special effoits the Applicant will make to piomote live
enteitainment venues.

b. Submit as Exhibit IX. B.2.b. the iuentity of any enteitainment venue that iequesteu an
agieement which the Applicant ueclineu. Explain the ieason foi the ueclination, anu
uesciibe the natuie of the uiscussions oi negotiations the Applicant hau with the
enteitainment venue. Incluue any mateiials oi statements fiom the venue that
iequesteu the agieement as to why it meiiteu tieatment as an impacteu live
enteitainment venue.

SG ,).*, E%&-/#&& )5/#"&

Submit as Exhibit IX. B.S. a uesciiption of plans foi contiacting with local business owneis foi
piovision of goous anu seivices to the uaming Facility, incluuing ueveloping plans uesigneu to
assist businesses in the State in iuentifying the neeus foi goous anu seivices to the uaming

WG ,).*, *2"##3#/'&

Submit as Exhibit IX. B.4. copies of local agieements uesigneu to expanu uaming Facility uiaw
(i.e., numbei of pations biought to the Region).

" # $ % & ="

]G .")&& 3*"6#'-/2

Submit as Exhibit IX. B.S. a uesciiption of plans foi cioss-maiketing with othei attiactions.
Pioviue copies of any contiacts, agieements oi othei unueistanuings eviuencing such cioss-
maiketing commitment.

" # $ % & =;

cG 5)"6()".# #/O*/.#3#/' (*.')"&

f&<=<M<9:D 1=CM7Y VU I7:B7@<g

*G 3#*&%"#& ') *00"#&& +")E,#3 2*3E,-/2

VG )/[&-'# "#&)%".#& ()" +")E,#3 2*3E,-/2

Submit as Exhibit X. A.1. a uesciiption of on-site iesouices that will be available to those
affecteu by gambling-ielateu pioblems, incluuing pioceuuies foi the exclusion of self-iuentifieu
pioblem gambleis who iequest that they be piohibiteu fiom enteiing facilities thioughout the
State's vaiious gaming venues.

RG +")E,#3 2*3E,-/2 &-2/*2#

Submit as Exhibit X. A.2. a uesciiption of signs, aleits anu othei infoimation that will be
available in the pioposeu uaming Facility to iuentify iesouices available foi those affecteu by
gambling ielateu pioblems, incluuing the New Yoik State 0ffice of Alcoholism anu Substance
Abuse Seivices (0ASAS) B0PEline (1-877-8-B0PENY).

SG -0#/'-(-.*'-)/ )( +")E,#3 2*3E,-/2

Submit as Exhibit X. A.S. a uesciiption of the initial anu ongoing tiaining that will be useu to
help uaming Facility employees iuentify those who may have gambling-ielateu pioblems, oi
self-iuentify, anu assist them to obtain help foi those pioblems.

WG &#,([#c.,%&-)/ +),-.-#&

Submit as Exhibit X. A.4. a uesciiption of the exclusion policies that will be available foi uaming
Facility pations anu employees, incluuing the piocess to notify inuiviuuals of the availability of
self-exclusion, the steps that will be taken to assist those who iequest exclusion anu steps that
will be taken to assuie that excluueu pations aie iuentifieu befoie gaining access to the gaming

]G '"#*'3#/' */0 +"#1#/'-)/

Submit as Exhibit X. A.S. a uesciiption of plans to cooiuinate with local pioviueis to facilitate
assistance anu tieatment foi those with gambling-ielateu pioblems anu plans to uevelop
pievention piogiams taigeteu towaiu vulneiable populations.

" # $ % & =>

iG O-&')"-.*, #(()"'& *2*-/&' +")E,#3 2*3E,-/2

Submit as Exhibit X. A.6. a uesciiption of the piocesses pioposeu to auuiess pioblem gambling
at the othei facilities it owns oi contiols, the effectiveness of those piocesses, anu the metiics
the Applicant will use to ueteimine the effects.

EG 5)"6()".# 0#1#,)+3#/'

VG O%3*/ "#&)%".# +"*.'-.#&

Submit as Exhibit X. B.1. a statement of whethei the Applicant oi, as applicable, the Nanagei
has piepaieu, anu how the Applicant oi, as applicable, the Nanagei pioposes to establish, funu
anu maintain human iesouice hiiing anu tiaining piactices at the pioposeu uaming Facility that
piomote the uevelopment of a skilleu anu uiveise woikfoice anu access to piomotion
oppoitunities thiough a woikfoice tiaining piogiam that:

a. establishes tianspaient caieei paths with measuiable ciiteiia within the uaming
Facility that leau to incieaseu iesponsibility anu highei pay giaues that aie uesigneu to
allow employees to puisue caieei auvancement anu piomotion;

b. pioviues employee access to auuitional iesouices, such as tuition ieimbuisement oi
stipenu policies, to enable employees to acquiie the euucation oi job tiaining neeueu to
auvance caieei paths baseu on incieaseu iesponsibility anu pay giaues; anu

c. establishes an on-site chilu uay-caie piogiam.

Fuithei, iuentify whethei the Applicant anu, as applicable, the Nanagei plans to establish
employee assistance piogiams, incluuing those ielative to substance abuse anu pioblem

RG *((-"3*'-1# *.'-)/ +,*/

Submit as Exhibit X. B.2. how the Applicant anu, as applicable, the Nanagei pioposes to
establish anu implement an affiimative action piogiam that iuentifies specific goals foi the
engagement of minoiities, women, peisons with uisabilities anu veteians on constiuction jobs
anu seivice anu piofessional jobs uuiing opeiation.

SG a)E )++)"'%/-'-#& */0 '"*-/-/2 ()" %/#3+,)4#0

Submit as Exhibit X. B.S. the Applicant's anu, as applicable, the Nanagei's stiategy to pioviue
on-the-job oppoitunities anu tiaining in aieas, anu with iespect to iegional anu local
uemogiaphic gioups with high unemployment.

" # $ % & =?

WG #c+#"-#/.# 5-'O O-"-/2 %/#3+,)4#0

Submit as Exhibit X. B.4. a uesciiption of the Applicant's anu, as applicable, the Nanagei's
appioach anu expeiience in the last ten (1u) yeais with hiiing in geneial, anu with paiticulai
iespect to uemogiaphic gioups eviuencing high unemployment.

]G )"2*/-d#0 ,*E)" .)/'"*.'&

Submit as Exhibit X. B.S. a statement as to whethei the Applicant anu, as applicable the
Nanagei has, is subject to, oi is negotiating any contiact with oiganizeu laboi, incluuing
hospitality seivices, anu whethei the Applicant oi, as applicable, the Nanagei has the suppoit of
oiganizeu laboi foi its Application, which specifies:

a. the numbei of employees to be employeu at the pioposeu uaming Facility, incluuing
uetaileu infoimation on the pay iate anu benefits foi employees anu contiactois,

b. the total amount of investment in the pioposeu uaming Facility anu all infiastiuctuie
impiovements ielateu to the pioject,

c. completeu stuuies anu iepoits incluuing an economic benefit stuuy, foi the State, the
Region, anu the Bost Nunicipality, anu

u. uetaileu plans foi assuiing laboi haimony uuiing all phases of the constiuction,
ieconstiuction, ienovation, uevelopment anu opeiation of the uaming Facility.

iG ,*E)" O*"3)/4

Submit as Exhibit X. B.6. a statement as to whethei the Applicant oi, as applicable, the Nanagei
has enteieu into laboi peace agieements with laboi oiganizations that aie actually engageu in
iepiesenting gaming oi hospitality inuustiy woikeis in the State. Pioviue copies of any such
agieements. If the Applicant oi, as applicable, the Nanagei has not enteieu into such
agieements, pioviue an instiument stating that it will entei into such laboi peace agieements
anu maintain such laboi peace agieements in place uuiing the teim of a License.

.G &%&'*-/*E-,-'4 */0 "#&)%".# 3*/*2#3#/'

VG '"*((-. 3-'-2*'-)/

Submit as Exhibit X. C.1. a uesciiption of the steps, plans anu measuies, incluuing infiastiuctuie
impiovements, to mitigate tiaffic flow anu vehicle tiips in the vicinity of the uaming Facility.
Incluue a uesciiption of plans to use public oi alteinate tianspoitation methous anu
tianspoitation uemanu management.

" # $ % & =<

RG ,##0 .#"'-(-.*'-)/

Submit as Exhibit X. C.2. a uesciiption of plans, incluuing all pioposeu baseline anu impioveu
builuing uesign elements anu measuies, foi its uaming Facility to become ceitifieu unuei a
ceitification categoiy in the Leaueiship in Enviionmental anu Eneigy Besign (LEEB) piogiam
cieateu by the 0niteu States uieen Builuing Council.

SG #/#"24 #((-.-#/' #$%-+3#/'

Submit as Exhibit X. C.S. a uesciiption of Applicant's plans foi ensuiing use of Eneigy Stai-iateu
equipment anu high-efficiency BvAC equipment anu appliances thioughout the uaming Facility

WG &')"3 5*'#"

Submit as Exhibit X. C.4. a uesciiption of plans foi management of stoim watei incluuing any
plans to use Institute foi Sustainable Infiastiuctuie techniques to minimize impact of stoim
watei anu maximize its ieuse.

]G 5*'#" .)/&#"1*'-)/

Submit as Exhibit X. C.S. a uesciiption of plans foi watei efficiency anu conseivation at the
uaming Facility incluuing, without limitation, plans to use low-flow watei fixtuies, watei
efficient appliances, anu implement watei conseivation at the uaming Facility.

iG "#/#5*E,# #/#"24

Submit as Exhibit X. C.6. a uesciiption of plans foi piocuiing oi geneiating on-site at least ten
(1u) peicent of the facility's annual electiicity consumption fiom ienewable eneigy souices
qualifieu by the New Yoik State Eneigy Reseaich anu Bevelopment Authoiity (NYSERBA).

\G #/#"24 .)/&%3+'-)/ 3)/-')"-/2

Submit as Exhibit X. C.7. a uesciiption of plans foi ueveloping an ongoing system that will
submetei anu monitoi all majoi souices of eneigy consumption anu foi unueitaking iegulai
anu sustaineu effoits thioughout the life-cycle of the facility to maintain anu impiove eneigy
efficiency anu ieliance on ienewable souices of powei in all builuings anu equipment that aie
pait of the facility.

jG 0)3#&'-. &,)' 3*.O-/#&

Submit as Exhibit X. C.8. a uesciiption of plans foi puichasing, whenevei possible, uomestically
manufactuieu slot machines foi installation in the uaming Facility.

" # $ % & ==

c-G +)&'[,-.#/&%"# "#&+)/&-E-,-'-#&

*G 0#+)&-' '#/ fVUg +#".#/' )( ')'*, -/1#&'3#/'

0pon awaiu of a License by the Commission, an Applicant must ueposit ten (1u) peicent of the
total investment pioposeu in the Application into an inteiest-beaiing esciow account appioveu
by the Commission.

This ueposit will be helu in esciow until the final stage of constiuction, as uetaileu in the
timeline of constiuction submitteu with the Application anu appioveu by the Commission, at
which time the ueposit plus inteiest eaineu shall be ietuineu to the Applicant to be applieu foi
the final stage of constiuction.

In the event the Applicant is unable to complete the uaming Facility, the ueposit shall be
foifeiteu to the State.

In place of a cash ueposit, an Applicant may secuie a ueposit bonu in a foim acceptable to the
Boaiu insuiing that ten (1u) peicent of the pioposeu capital investment shall be foifeiteu to the
State if the Applicant is unable to complete the uaming Facility.

EG +*4 ,-.#/&-/2 (##

A Licensee must pay a minimum licensing fee, set below, within thiity (Su) uays aftei the awaiu
of a License. Bowevei, nothing shall piohibit an Applicant fiom agieeing to pay an amount in
excess of the fees listeu below:

(9: = 2=>?@A (=B?C?<D C9B=<7F ?@Y
'Z7 >?@?>M>
C?B7@K?@A H77 ?KY

"#2-)/ V
Region 1 in Butchess oi 0iange Counties $7u,uuu,uuu

If no License is awaiueu foi a uaming Facility locateu in
Butchess oi 0iange Counties, then foi the iemaining
poition of Region 1 (compiising Columbia, Belawaie,
uieene, Sullivan anu 0lstei Counties):

If a License is awaiueu foi a uaming Facility locateu in
Butchess oi 0iange Counties, then foi the iemaining
poition of Region 1 (compiising Columbia, Belawaie,
uieene, Sullivan anu 0lstei Counties):

"#2-)/ R $Su,uuu,uuu

"#2-)/ ]
Region S in Bioome, Chemung, Schuylei, Tioga, Tompkins
" # $ % & =4

Region S in Wayne oi Seneca Counties $Su,uuu,uuu

If a License is awaiueu foi a uaming Facility locateu in $2u,uuu,uuu
Wayne oi Seneca Counties, then foi the iemaining
poition of Region S (compiising Bioome, Chemung,
Schuylei, Tioga anu Tompkins Counties)

.G E#2-/ 2*3-/2 )+#"*'-)/& 5-'O-/ '5) fRg 4#*"&

Any Licensee that fails to begin gaming opeiations within twenty-foui (24) months following
License awaiu shall be subject to suspension oi ievocation of the License anu may, aftei being
founu by the Commission, aftei notice anu oppoitunity foi a heaiing, to have acteu in bau faith
in its Application, be assesseu a fine of up to $Su million.

0G #&'*E,-&O $%*,-(-.*'-)/& ()" .#"'*-/ +#"&)/&

Licensees must pioviue anu satisfy all iequests foi infoimation peitaining to qualification;
waive liability as to the Commission, the Boaiu anu the State anu its instiumentalities anu
agents, foi any uamages iesulting fiom any uisclosuie oi publication; consent to inspections,
seaiches anu seizuies while at a uaming Facility; supply hanuwiiting exemplais; pioviue, on a
continuing basis, any assistance oi infoimation iequiieu by the Commission; coopeiate in any
inquiiy, investigation oi heaiing conuucteu by the Commission; be photogiapheu anu
fingeipiinteu foi iuentification anu investigation puiposes; anu infoim the Commission of any
action believeu to constitute a violation.

#G )E'*-/ */0 3*-/'*-/ .*&-/) 6#4 #3+,)4## ,-.#/&#&

A Licensee, oi a holuing oi inteimeuiaiy company of a Licensee, may only employ as a "Casino
Key Employee" inuiviuuals who holu valiu Casino Key Employee licenses. Applicants foi such
license must piouuce infoimation, uocumentation anu assuiances conceining qualification
ciiteiia. Ciiteiia incluue, among otheis, financial stability, integiity anu iesponsibility of the
Applicant, goou chaiactei, honesty anu integiity.

(G "#2-&'#" 2*3-/2 #3+,)4##&

Each gaming employee of a Licensee must have a valiu iegistiation on file with the Commission.

2G ,-.#/&# 1#/0)" #/'#"+"-&#&

Any business to be conuucteu with an Applicant oi Licensee by a venuoi offeiing goous oi
seivices that uiiectly ielate to gaming activity, incluuing gaming equipment manufactuieis,
supplieis, iepaiieis anu inuepenuent testing labs, shall be licenseu as a casino venuoi
enteipiise piioi to conuucting any business with an Applicant oi Licensee, its employees oi
agents (subject to othei timing as ueteimineu by the Commission).

" # $ % & =6

OG ,-.#/&# */0 "#+)"' )/ a%/6#' )+#"*')"&

A Licensee must file a iepoit uesciibing the opeiation of all junkets engageu in on the piemises.
}unket iepiesentatives must be licenseu as Casino Key Employees.

-G )E'*-/ )+#"*'-)/ .#"'-(-.*'#

A Licensee must obtain an opeiation ceitificate in oiuei to open oi iemain open to the public.

aG 3*-/'*-/ "#.)"0 )( *2"##3#/'&

A Licensee must maintain a iecoiu of all agieements in iegaiu to the pioject.

6G #/'#" ,*E)" +#*.# *2"##3#/'

A Licensee must piouuce uocumentation that it has enteieu into a laboi peace agieement with
each laboi oiganization that is actively engageu in iepiesenting anu attempting to iepiesent
gaming anu hospitality inuustiy woikeis in the State. This is an ongoing mateiial conuition of
licensuie. A Licensee must also ensuie that opeiations conuucteu by contiactois,
subcontiactois, licensees, assignees, tenants oi subtenants anu that involve gaming oi
hospitality inuustiy employees will be uone unuei a laboi peace agieement.

,G +*4 *//%*, 3*.O-/# */0 '*E,# (##&

A Licensee must pay an annual license fee of $Suu pei slot machine anu table at the uaming
Facility, as aujusteu by the Commission foi inflation as pioviueu in PNL Section 1S48.

3G +*4 "#2%,*')"4 -/1#&'-2*')"4 (##

A Licensee must pay fees anu chaiges establisheu by the Commission foi any investigations
incluuing, but not limiteu to, billable houis of the Commission staff involveu in the investigation
anu costs of seivices, equipment anu othei expenses incuiieu uuiing the investigation.

/G +*4 *00-'-)/*, "#2%,*')"4 .)&'&

The Licensee beais any iemaining costs of the Commission necessaiy to maintain iegulatoiy
contiol ovei gaming facilities that aie not coveieu by the fees set foith in PNL Section 1S49; any
othei fees assesseu unuei such section; oi any othei uesignateu souices of funuing, shall be
assesseu annually on Licensees in piopoition to the numbei of gaming positions at each uaming
Facility. Each Licensee shall pay the amount assesseu against it within thiity (Su) uays aftei the
uate of a notice of assessment fiom the Commission.

)G +*4 '*c )/ 2*3-/2 "#1#/%#& E*&#0 )/ d)/# */0 "#2-)/

Foi a uaming Facility in Zone two, PNL Section 1SS1 imposes a tax on uioss uaming Revenues.
The amount of such tax imposeu is as set foith below; pioviueu, howevei, shoulu a Licensee
" # $ % & =D

have agieeu within its Application to supplement the tax with a binuing supplemental fee
payment exceeuing the afoiementioneu tax iate, such tax anu supplemental fee shall apply foi a
uaming Facility:

1. In Region Two, foity-five (4S) peicent of uioss uaming Revenue fiom slot machines anu
ten (1u) peicent of uioss uaming Revenue fiom all othei souices.

2. In Region 0ne, thiity-nine (S9) peicent of uioss uaming Revenue fiom slot machines
anu ten (1u) peicent of uioss uaming Revenue fiom all othei souices.

S. In Region Five, thiity-seven (S7) peicent of uioss uaming Revenue fiom slot machines
anu ten (1u) peicent of uioss uaming Revenue fiom all othei souices.

+G "#'*-/ %/.,*-3#0 (%/0& */0 0#+)&-' -/ 'O# .)33#".-*,
2*3-/2 "#1#/%# (%/0

0nclaimeu funus, cash anu piizes shall be ietaineu by the uaming Facility licensee foi the
peison entitleu to the funus, cash oi piize foi one yeai aftei the game in which the funus, cash
oi piize was won. If no claim is maue foi the funus, cash oi piize within one yeai, the funus,
cash oi equivalent cash value of the piize shall be uepositeu in the commeicial gaming ievenue
funu establisheu unuei PNL Section 1SS2.

$G +*4 "*.-/2 -/0%&'"4 &%++)"' +*43#/'&

A Licensee that possesses a paii-mutuel wageiing fianchise oi license awaiueu puisuant to
PNL Aiticle 2 oi Aiticle S, oi who possesseu in 2u1S a fianchise oi a license awaiueu puisuant
to PNL Aiticle 2 oi Aiticle S oi is an aiticulateu entity oi such Applicant, shall maintain:

1. Payments maue fiom viueo lotteiy gaming opeiations to the ielevant hoisemen anu
bieeueis oiganizations at the same uollai level iealizeu in 2u1S, to be aujusteu annually
puisuant to changes in the consumei piice inuex foi all uiban consumeis, as publisheu
annually by the 0niteu States Bepaitment of Laboi Buieau of Laboi Statistics; anu

2. Racing activity anu iace uates puisuant to PNL Aiticles 2 anu S.

A Licensee that uoes not possess eithei a paii-mutuel wageiing license oi fianchise awaiueu
puisuant to PNL Aiticle 2 oi Aiticle S is issueu a License, the Licensee shall pay:

1. an amount to hoisemen foi puises at the licenseu iacetiacks in the iegion that will
assuie the puise suppoit fiom viueo lotteiy gaming facilities in the iegion to the
licenseu iacetiacks in the iegion to be maintaineu at the same uollai levels iealizeu in
2u1S to be aujusteu by the consumei piice inuex foi all uiban consumeis, as publisheu
annually by the 0niteu States Bepaitment of Laboi Buieau of Laboi Statistics; anu

2. amounts to bieeuing anu uevelopment funus to maintain payments fiom viueo lotteiy
gaming facilities in the iegion to the funus to be maintaineu at the same uollai levels
iealizeu in 2u1S to be aujusteu by the consumei piice inuex foi all uiban consumeis, as
publisheu annually by the 0niteu States Bepaitment of Laboi Buieau of Laboi Statistics.
" # $ % & 4E

"G .)/(-"3*')"4 *((-0*1-'

All Applicants aie auviseu that if a License is awaiueu as a iesult of this RFA, the successful
Applicant will be iequiieu to complete a Confiimatoiy Affiuavit in foim ueteimineu by the
Commission that confiims that the statements, affiimations anu agieements maue in the
Applicant's RFA iemain tiue anu coiiect.

&G -&&%*/.# )( ,-.#/&#&

When the Boaiu iecommenus to the Commission which Applicants aie to be consiueieu foi
licensuie, the Commission will unueitake its licensing piocess. If the Commission finus an
Applicant suitable foi licensing, the Commission will issue a license, incluuing any teims anu
conuitions the Commission may iequiie. All teims anu conuitions containeu in the RFA, any
amenuments to the RFA, the Application, anu the Boaiu's uecision statement shall be
obligations anu iequiiements of a Licensee.

" # $ % & 4"

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Exhibit vI.B. C0NTACT PERS0N



Exhibit vI.0. CASIN0 NANAuER
1. Ceitifieu copy of its ceitificate of incoipoiation, aiticles of
incoipoiation oi coipoiate chaitei

2. Bylaws as amenueu thiough the uate of the Application
S. Ceitifieu copy of its ceitificate of foimation oi aiticles of
oiganization of a limiteu liability company

4. Limiteu liability company agieement oi opeiating
agieement as amenueu thiough the uate of the Application

S. Ceitifieu copy of its ceitificate of paitneiship
6. Paitneiship agieement as amenueu thiough the uate of
the Application

7. Ceitifieu copy of its ceitificate of limiteu paitneiship
8. Limiteu paitneiship agieement as amenueu thiough the
uate of the Application

9. 0thei legal instiument of oiganization
1u. }oint ventuie agieement
11. Tiust agieement oi instiument, each as amenueu thiough
the uate of the Application

12. voting tiust oi similai agieement
1S. Stockholuei, membei oi similai agieement
a. Ninimum Capital Investment
b. Piioi Capital Investment
" # $ % & 4;

a. Financing Souice Scheuule
b. Financing Besciiptive
c. Financing plans, aiiangements anu agieements
u. Financing plan analysis
e. Anticipateu Financing Souices
a. Financing Souice Financial Statements
b. Financing Souice Auuit Repoits

a. Financial iepoits fileu with goveinment agencies anu check

b. Financial iefeiences
c. Secuiities analysts' anu cieuit iating agencies iepoits

Exhibit vIII.A.1u. LEuAL ACTI0NS
Exhibit vIII.A.1S. TAX A0BIT
a. uaming licenses issueu
b. Bisciplinaiy actions biought
Exhibit vIII. A.1S. PR00F 0F ABvANCINu 0B}ECTIvES
a. Past similai ApplicantNanagei expeiience
b. Publically announceu acquisition, uevelopment oi pioposeu
competing gaming piojects

a. Nunicipality, Region anu State economic benefit impact

b. Local anu iegional economic impact stuuy
Exhibit vIII.B.7. ENPL0YEES
a. Tables foi total employeespay iatein-iegion anu in state

b. Commitment to hiie minimum numbei of employees
" # $ % & 4>

a. Taiget maiket
b. Naiketing plans
c. Stiategy to ensuie maximum use
Exhibit vIII.B.11. LICENSINu FEE
a. Location infoimation
b. Assesseu value of lanu
c. Besciiption of lanu
u. Besciiption of Pioject Site
e. ueological oi stiuctuial uefect in Pioject Site
f. Phase I oi Phase II enviionmental iepoits
a. All owneiship inteiest in past 2u yeais
b. Status of lanu
c. Total amount spentpioposeu to spenu
Exhibit vIII.C.S. Z0NINu
a. Cuiient zoningpioposeu iezoning oi vaiiance
b. Applicable zoning uesignation
c. Necessaiy peimits
a. Nastei plan foi lanu
b. Suitability of Pioject Site
c. uaming Facility builuing piogiam anu
a. Besigns
b. 0veiall aichitectuial anu builuing plan
c. Besciiption of mateiials
u. Photosuesciiptions of analogous iesoits
Exhibit vIII.C.6. CASIN0
a. Besciiption of pioposeu gaming aiea
b. Bigh limit
c. Plans to uiffeientiate casino
u. Attiibutes of slot accounting system
e. Auuitional uetails
Exhibit vIII.C.7. B0TEL
a. Besciiption of pioposeu hotel
b. Beteimination of numbei of ioomsseiviceetc.
c. Pioposeu managei of hotel
u. 0sage anu allotment of hotel iooms
e. Spa, fitness anu pool aieas
f. Plans to uiffeientiate hotel fiom competitois
g. Names of hotels of compaiable quality
h. 0utsouicing of linen, housekeeping anu launuiy
a. Pioposeu meeting anu convention space
b. Pioposeu business centei facilities
" # $ % & 4?

a. Besciiption of enteitainment venues
b. Naiketing of enteitainment venues
c. Enteitainment venues contemplateu
a. Pioposeu iestauiantietailloungesbaisiecieationetc.
b. Piomotion of local anu iegional amenities
Exhibit vIII.C.12. B00RS 0F 0PERATI0N
Exhibit vIII.C.1S. BACK 0F B00SE
a. Besciiption of paiking spaces anu stiuctuies
b. Besciiption tiaffic ciiculation plans
Exhibit vIII.C.1S. B0CK ANB L0ABINu
a. Estimateu fiesh watei anu electiicity uemanu
b. Peak uemanu plans
c. Necessaiy utility impiovements
u. Necessaiy ioauway anu tiaffic impiovements
e. Stoim watei management
Exhibit vIII.C.18. PR0}ECT FIRNS
a. Infoimation on associateu pioject fiims
b. Contact infoimation foi associateu pioject fiims
Exhibit vIII.C.19. C0NSTR0CTI0N B0BuET
a. Pioposeu constiuction timeline
b. Pioposeu closuies
c. Commencement of constiuction
u. Bislocation uue to constiuction
e. Pioposeu opening uate of uaming Facility
Exhibit vIII.C.21. C0NSTR0CTI0N }0BS
a. Pioposeu inteinal contiols
b. Piojecteu table of oiganization
a. Copies of iesolution
b. 0thei eviuence of local suppoit
a. Cost to host municipalities anu State
b. Local anu iegional impacts

Exhibit IX.A.4. B00SINu
Exhibit IX.A.S. SCB00L P0P0LATI0N
" # $ % & 4<

a. Agieements with impacteu enteitainment venues
b. Beclineu agieements
Exhibit X.B.6. LAB0R BARN0NY
Exhibit X.C.4. ST0RN WATER
Attachment 1 AFFIRNATI0N

" # $ % & 4=

*''*.O3#/' VY *((-"3*'-)/

I,__________________________, on behalf of ____________________________________, heieby affiim unuei the penalty
of peijuiy anu subject to Section 21u.1u of New Yoik Penal Law, (Peijuiy in the Seconu Begiee, a class
E felony), that the infoimation containeu in this RFA Application anu all mateiials accompanying saiu
Application aie tiue anu accuiate to the best of my knowleuge anu unueistanuing; that I have ievieweu
the infoimation containeu in the RFA Application foi accuiacy; that I ieau anu unueistanu the
questions anu iesponses on the RFA Application; that any uocument accompanying this RFA
Application that is not an oiiginal uocument is a tiue copy of the oiiginal uocument; that I have ieau
anu unueistoou all applicable piovisions of PNL Sections 1S17 anu 1S18; that the Applicant agiees to
all teims, conuitions, anu obligations maue applicable to all Applicants foi a uaming Facility license;
that in the event that the Applicant is awaiueu a uaming Facility license it agiees to all obligations,
teims, anu conuitions imposeu upon a successful Applicant; anu that I am authoiizeu to submit this
Application on behalf of the Applicant.


" # $ % & 44

*''*.O3#/' RY *00#/0%3 *.6/)5,#02#3#/' ()"3

_______________________ ___________________________
Auuenuum Numbei Bate Auuenuum Issueu


By signing below, the Applicant attests to ieceiving anu iesponuing to the auuenuum numbei inuicateu



" # $ % & 46

*''*.O3#/' SY 5*-1#"T "#,#*&#T .)1#/*/' /)' ') &%# */0
This Waivei, Release, Covenant Not to Sue anu Inuemnification Agieement ("*A:77>7@<") is
enteieu into by anu between the New Yoik State uaming Facility Location Boaiu ("E9=:F") anu
____________________, as (Nanagei) (Applicant) (inuiiect ownei of Nanagei), (inuiiect ownei of Applicant)
(uiiect ownei of Nanagei) (uiiect ownei of Applicant) (heieinaftei "+:9I9K7:").
WBEREAS, Pioposei is, oi has a piopiietaiy oi uiiect oi inuiiect owneiship ielationship with, a
Nanagei oi an Applicant that is filing oi has fileu an application ("*IIC?B=<?9@") foi a gaming facility
license (",?B7@K7") puisuant to Chaptei 174 of the Laws of 2u1S, 0pstate New Yoik uaming Economic
Bevelopment Act of 2u1S, as amenueu by Chaptei 17S of the Laws of the 2u1S, each of the State of New
Yoik (the "*B<");
WBEREAS, in consiueiation of the Boaiu's acceptance of the Application foi ieview, the Boaiu
has iequiieu the Pioposei to agiee to ielease, inuemnify anu holu haimless the Boaiu anu the New
Yoik State uaming Commission, anu the State of New Yoik anu theii iespective iepiesentatives, agents,
employees, officeis, uiiectois, electeu oi appointeu officials commissioneis, consultants anu boaiu
membeis (collectively the "/78 49:; *A7@B?7K"), as moie fully set foith below, anu to waive any
cuiient oi futuie, known anu unknown, claim, appeal, ieview oi ieconsiueiation conceining, ielateu to,
oi in any way involving: (i) the Act, the Application piocess, the consiueiation, selection anu evaluation
of any Application, anu the auministiation of the Act; (ii) the investigation of any Applicant, Nanagei oi
Relateu Paity with iespect to any Application; (iii) the ielease oi uisclosuie of any infoimation
pioviueu by any Applicant oi Nanagei oi ownei of an Applicant oi Nanagei, oi otheiwise obtaineu
uuiing the Application anu investigation piocess; (iv) the issuance of any License; oi (v) the use,
investigation oi piocessing of any infoimation founu oi pioviueu uuiing the Application anu
investigation piocess.
WBEREAS, the Pioposei is a sophisticateu businesspeison, has been iepiesenteu by counsel
anu othei auvisois anuoi consultants anu has not ielieu upon anything the New Yoik Agencies have
communicateu but insteau on its own investigation, ieview anu inquiiy anu ueteimineu to submit
hisheiits Application anu to ielease, waive anu suiienuei any claim, past, piesent oi futuie, anu to
inuemnify anu uefenu the New Yoik Agencies fiom any claim involving the Application oi the
Application piocess.
WBEREAS, the Pioposei acknowleuges anu agiees that the ieceipt anu acceptance by the Boaiu
of the Application is full anu auequate consiueiation foi the piomises, covenants anu unueitakings in
this Agieement.
N0W, TBEREF0RE, it is heieby agieeu:
1. The iecitals aie incoipoiateu heiein anu maue a pait of the Agieement;
2. Pioposei, on behalf of himselfheiselfitself anu hisheiits agents, seivants,
iepiesentatives, affiliates, paients, subsiuiaiies, uiiectois, officeis, employees, assigns,
pieuecessois anu successois (anu theii heiis, estates, executois, spouses),covenants
anu agiees to ielease, waive, covenant not to sue oi make any cuiient oi futuie, known
anu unknown, claim foi uamages, costs, fees, expenses oi iequest any ielief whatsoevei,
incluuing but not limiteu to equitable ielief aiising fiom, ielateu to oi otheiwise
involving: (i) the Act, the Application piocess, the consiueiation, selection anu
evaluation of any Application anu the auministiation of the Act; (ii) the investigation of
any Applicant, Nanagei oi Relateu Paity with iespect to any Application; (iii) the
ielease oi uisclosuie of any infoimation pioviueu by any Applicant oi Nanagei oi
" # $ % & 4D

ownei of an Applicant oi Nanagei oi otheiwise obtaineu uuiing the Application anu
investigation piocess; (iv) the issuance of any License; oi (v) the use, investigation oi
piocessing of any infoimation founu oi pioviueu uuiing the Application anu
investigation piocess.
S. The Pioposei on behalf of himselfheiselfitself anu hisheiits agents, seivants,
iepiesentatives, affiliates, paients, subsiuiaiies, uiiectois, officeis, employees, assigns,
pieuecessois anu successois (anu theii heiis, estates, executois, spouses) covenants
anu agiees not to seek appeal, ieview oi ieconsiueiation of any uecision oi action of the
New Yoik Agencies.
4. Pioposei, on behalf of himselfheiselfitself anu hisheiits agents, seivants,
iepiesentatives, affiliates, paients, subsiuiaiies, uiiectois, officeis, employees, assigns,
pieuecessois anu successois (anu theii heiis, estates, executois, spouses) covenants
anu agiees to inuemnify, uefenu anu holu the New Yoik Agencies haimless fiom anu
against any cuiient oi futuie, known anu unknown, claim, cause, suit, cause of action,
uamages, costs, uamages anu expense, incluuing attoiney's fees, (whethei known oi
unknown, suspecteu oi unsuspecteu, contingent oi liquiuateu) aiising fiom oi ielateu to
oi otheiwise involving: (i) the Act, the Application piocess, the consiueiation, selection
anu evaluation of any Application anu the auministiation of the Act; (ii) the
investigation of any Applicant, Nanagei oi Relateu Paity with iespect to any
Application; (iii) the ielease oi uisclosuie of any infoimation pioviueu by any Applicant
oi Nanagei oi ownei of an Applicant oi Nanagei oi otheiwise obtaineu uuiing the
Application anu investigation piocess; (iv) the issuance of any License; oi (v) the use,
investigation oi piocessing of any infoimation founu oi pioviueu uuiing the Application
anu investigation piocess.
S. Each of the piomises, covenants anu agieements set foith in Paiagiaphs 1-4 above iun
in favoi of the New Yoik Agencies.
6. Capitalizeu teims useu but not uefineu in this Agieement shall have the meanings
uefineu in the Boaiu's Request foi Applications unuei the Act uateu Naich S1, 2u14, as
the same may be amenueu fiom time to time.

" # $ % & 6E

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* The legal guaiuian of any minoi ownei must execute on his oi hei behalf.

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