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I WAIVER REQ EST PROJECT NAME PROJECT M NICIPALITY PROJECT WATERSHE, EOEA N M.ER PROJECT PROPONENT ,ATE NOTICE, IN MONITOR ! Yen"#$e E%"a"e%&T'(n ') W#$*#n+"'n CWRMP&EIR ! W#$*#n+"'n ! S-a(%-een ! //44 ! Yen"#$e E%"a"e%, LLC ! Ma0 21, 2004

Pursuant to the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (G. L., c. 30, ss. 61-62 ! an" #ection 11.06 o$ the MEPA re%ulations (301 &M' 11.00!, ( have revie)e" the *otice o$ Pro+ect &han%e (*P&! su,mitte" on this -ro+ect an" here,y "etermine that this -ro+ect d'e% n'" 2e3u#2e the -re-aration o$ an Environmental (m-act 'e-ort (E('!. .he -ro-onent has re/ueste" a Phase ( 0aiver to allo) the -ro+ect to -rocee", -en"in% the .o)n o$ 0ilmin%ton1s -re-aration o$ an &om-rehensive 0ater 'esources Mana%ement Plan 2 Environmental (m-act 'e-ort (&0MP2E('! $or the .o)n o$ 0ilmin%ton. .he Phase ( 0aiver 'e/uest )as -resente" )ithin the *P&. ( have care$ully revie)e" the *P& an" su--ortin% "ocumentation, an" )ritten comments an" here,y -ro-ose to +2an" a (a#4e2 (as "e$ine" ,elo)!, allo)in% the -ro+ect to -rocee" to the state -ermittin% a%encies )ithout re/uirin% the com-letion o$ an Environmental (m-act 'e-ort (E('!. Yen"#$e E%"a"e% P2'5e6" NPC&P-a%e I Wa#4e2 Re3ue%" As "escri,e" in this *P&, the -ro-onent is re/uestin% a Phase ( 0aiver to construct the 3entile Estates Pro+ect there,y allo)in% its construction to -rocee" in a"vance o$ 0ilmin%ton1s -re-aration o$ the &0'MP2E(' $or the .o)n o$ 0ilmin%ton.

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.he -ro-ose" -ro+ect consists o$ the "evelo-ment o$ ;6 units o$ attache" a%e-restricte" resi"ential housin% (in :7 ,uil"in%s! on a 20.3-acre -arcel o$ -ro-erty locate" on &ross #treet in 0ilmin%ton. A--ro<imately 10 -ercent o$ the housin% units (6 units total! )ill ,e a$$or"a,le an" availa,le $or -urchase ,y -ersons )ho meet the =9 A$$or"a,ility 'e/uirement. .he -ro+ect )ill inclu"e the construction o$ 3 storm)ater "etention ,asin, an" a--ro<imately 0.7 miles o$ munici-al )ater an" se)er main. .he -ro+ect1s )ater su--ly nee"s (16,;20 %-"! an" )aste)ater treatment nee"s (16,;20 %-"! )ill ,e service" ,y the .o)n o$ 0ilmin%ton1s munici-al )ater su--ly an" )aste)ater collection system. T'(n ') W#$*#n+"'n CWRMP&EIR P2'5e6" H#%"'20 (n 4cto,er 1>>1, the .o)n o$ 0ilmin%ton su,mitte" an Environmental *oti$ication ?orm (E*?! -ro-osin% to construct a--ro<imately ;.2: miles o$ interce-tor se)er, 1.76 miles o$ $orce main, an" t)o -um- stations. .he -ro+ect )oul" have altere" more than 2 acres o$ ,or"erin% ve%etate" )etlan"s, 3,000 linear $eet o$ ,an@ an" :,700 s$ o$ lan" un"er )ater, an" it )oul" have crosse" areas im-acte" )ith haAar"ous )aste contamination, an" several o-en s-ace2conservation -ro-erties. A sco-e $or an E(' )as esta,lishe" in the E*? &erti$icate issue" *ovem,er ;, 1>>1. A *otice o$ Pro+ect &han%e (*P&! )as $ile" in Banuary 1>>> an" -ro-ose" to "evelothe E(' in the $orm o$ a .o)n-)i"e &om-rehensive 0aste)ater Mana%ement Plan (&00MP!, "esi%ne" to /uanti$y the .o)n1s lon%-term se)er nee"s an" i"enti$y alternative a--roaches $or meetin% those nee"s. A #-ecial 'evie) Proce"ure )as "evelo-e" $or this -ro+ect, consistin% o$ a Phase ( - *ee"s 'e-ort, $ollo)e" ,y a Phase (( - 9ra$t an" ?inal E('2&00MP. A secon" *P& )as $ile" in Bune 2001 an" -ro-ose" to e<-an" the sco-e o$ the stu"y an" E(' to inclu"e a com-rehensive evaluation o$ e<istin% an" $uture )ater su--ly nee"s an" to)n-)i"e storm)ater control. .he #ecretary1s &erti$icate issue" in Buly 2001, a"o-te" the -ro-onent1s -ro-ose" &om-rehensive 0ater 'esources Mana%ement Plan2Environmental (m-act 'e-ort (&0'MP2E('!, an" -rovi"e" $or the esta,lishment o$ a &itiAens A"visory &ommittee (&A&! an" a %rou- o$ technical a"visors to -rovi"e in-ut into the -lan1s "evelo-ment. (n March 2003, the .o)n o$ 0ilmin%ton $ile" a thir" *P& (E4EA 56677! re/uestin% a Phase ( 0aiver to construct the Lo)ell #treet #e)er E<tension Pro+ect to -rovi"e munici-al se)er service to :> -ro-erties, an" at $ull ,uil"-out )ill %enerate a--ro<imately ;0,000 %allons -er "ay (%-"! o$ )aste)ater $lo), an" there,y allo)in% its construction to -rocee" in a"vance o$ 0ilmin%ton1s su,mittal o$ the Phase (( 9E(' "ocument an" the -re-aration o$ the &0'MP2E(' $or the .o)n o$ 0ilmin%ton. Accor"in% to the in$ormation -rovi"e" in the *P&, the -ro+ect area )ill ,e serve" ,y munici-al )ater $rom the .o)n o$ 0ilmin%ton an" munici-al se)er collection ,y the .o)n o$ 0ilmin%ton $or treatment ,y the Massachusetts 0ater 'esources Authority1s (M0'A! 9eer (slan" 0aste)ater .reatment ?acility (00.?!.

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.he .o)n o$ 0ilmin%ton $ile" its 9ra$t &0'MP29E(' in Banuary 2007. Accor"in% to the in$ormation containe" in the 9ra$t &0'MP2E(', the .o)n1s -re$erre" alternative )oul" e<ten" se)ers (Phase (-(((! to more than ;6C o$ the .o)n1s currently unse)ere" areas. .he &erti$icate on the 9ra$t &0'MP29E(' (Banuary 23, 2007! re/uire" the -ro-onent to -ro-ose in the ?inal &0'MP2E(' an alternative )aste)ater mana%ement -ro-osal that ma<imiAes the use o$ on-site su,sur$ace )aste)ater "is-osal systems an" nearsite an" su,re%ional )aste)ater treatment $acilities to si%ni$icantly minimiAe the amount o$ )aste)ater sent out o$ the (-s)ich 'iver ,asin. As ( note" in the &erti$icate on the 9ra$t &0'MP29E(', -ursuant to the antise%mentation -rovisions o$ the MEPA 'e%ulations, 301 &M' 11.02(2!, all -ro-ose" se)er e<tensions locate" )ithin the .o)n o$ 0ilmin%ton that re/uire a 9EP se)er e<tension -ermit are re/uire" to su,mit a Phase ( )aiver re/uest to the MEPA 4$$ice, "emonstratin% that the se)er e<tension meets the tests set $orth as #ection 11.11 o$ the 'e%ulations. .he )aiver re/uest may ,e su,mitte" as -art o$ the ?inal &0'MP2E(' "ocument, or as a *otice o$ Pro+ect &han%e (*P&!. (n revie)in% such )aiver re/uests, 9EP an" the MEPA 4$$ice )oul" $ocus u-on )hether the -ro-ose" -ro+ect is locate" in an area to ,e -ro-ose" in the ?inal &0'MP2E(' $or munici-al se)er, )hether an onsite solution is not $easi,le, an" )hether a"e/uate miti%ation commitments are in -lace, such as storm)ater mana%ement, )ater conservation measures, an" (2( removal. 0aste)ater (n their comments, 9EP has in"icate" that accor"in% to the in$ormation -rovi"e" ,y the -ro-onent in the *P&, the availa,le soils an" lan" area )ithin the -ro+ect site coul" -otentially accommo"ate the use o$ on-site se-tic systems to serve the -ro+ect1s )aste)ater $lo)s. Accor"in% to 9EP, the -ro-onent )ill nee" to su,mit a""itional in$ormation to 9EP -ertainin% to -ercolation rates an" the use o$ moun"e" systems to +usti$y the use o$ only se)ers to serve the -ro-ose" -ro+ect. Miti%ation .he -ro-onent has committe" to eliminate a--ro<imately 66,660 %allons (7D1! o$ in$iltration an" in$lo) ((2(! $rom the .o)n o$ 0ilmin%ton1s se)ers to miti%ate the )aste)ater $loes %enerate" ,y the -ro+ect. 9EP has in"icate" that the -ro-onent )ill nee" to -rovi"e a""itional in$ormation to 9EP re%ar"in% the -ro-onent1s commitment to (2( re"uction e$$orts in 0ilmin%ton. As ( have in"icate" in my recent revie) other se)er e<tension -ro+ects locate" in 0ilmin%ton (E4EA 56677 - Eroo@$iel" Estates, Bune 23, 2003, Min@ 'un E<tension, Bune 2007!, the -ro-onent1s -ro-ose" miti%ation )ill nee" to i"enti$y s-eci$ic (2( activities, their location )ithin the 0ilmin%ton1s -ro-ose" se)er service area, an" a -ro+ecte" sche"ule $or their com-letion.

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( a"o-t 9EP1s comments as my o)n, an" ( stron%ly encoura%e ,oth the -ro-onent an" the .o)n o$ 0ilmin%ton to continue to )or@ closely )ith 9EP to i"enti$y a--ro-riate (2( miti%ation -ro+ects )ithin the .o)n o$ 0ilmin%ton that )ill hel- to o$$set the -otential munici-al )ater )ith"ra)al an" se)erin% im-acts $rom the -ro-ose" 3entile Estates -ro+ect an" $uture -ro+ect -ro-osals see@in% a se)er e<tension in the .o)n o$ 0ilmin%ton. 9EP has recommen"e" that the -ro-onent commit to em-loyin% e$$icient resi"ential )ater conservation technolo%ies $or the -ro+ect inclu"in%D )ater savin% "evicesF lo) $lo) toiletsF an" lo) $lo) a--liances ("ish)ashers, )ashin% machines!. .he -ro-onent shoul" consult )ith 9EP to ensure that the $inal -ro+ect "esi%n meets the &ommon)ealth1s )ater conservation stan"ar"s, -articularly those stan"ar"s -ertainin% to la)n an" lan"sca-e conservation. ( encoura%e the -ro-onent to consi"er "evelo-in% an (rri%ation Mana%ement Plan ((MP! to $urther re"uce the -ro+ect1s irri%ation )ater "eman". .he -ro-onent1s (MP shoul" inclu"e the use o$D amen"e" soils an" com-ostF the -lantin% o$ native an" "rou%ht-tolerant s-ecies o$ trees, shru,s, an" tur$ %rassesF an automate" )ater e$$icient irri%ation systemF an" a )ater mana%ement -rotocol $or "rou%ht con"itions. #torm)ater Accor"in% to 9EP1s comments, the -ro-ose" -ro+ect shoul" ,e consistent )ith the o$ (-s)ich 'iver 0atershe" Mana%ement Plan 2002 an" its recommen"ations $or enhance" (1.:D1! storm)ater in$iltration. ( antici-ate that 9EP1s comments -ertainin% to the -ro+ect1s -ro-ose" storm)ater mana%ement -lan )ill ,e $ully a""resse" "urin% -ermittin%. ( encoura%e the -ro-onent to )or@ closely )ith 9EP to a""ress the "etaile" comments receive" $rom 9EP. ( $in" that the *P&2Phase ( 0aiver re/uest contains su$$icient in$ormation u-on )hich to ma@e a "etermination that the construction o$ this -ro+ect )ill not constrain the .o)n o$ 0ilmin%ton $rom e<ercisin% any o-tion in its .o)n-)i"e &om-rehensive 0aste)ater Mana%ement Plan, an" that the a%ency action on -hase one )ill contain terms such as a con"ition or restriction in a -ermit, contract or other relevant "ocument a--rovin% or allo)in% the a%ency action, or other evi"ence satis$actory to the #ecretary, so as to ensure "ue com-liance )ith MEPA an" 301 &M' 11.00 -rior to commencement o$ any other -hase o$ the -ro+ect. Ease" on these $acts, ( here,y -ro-ose to %rant the re/uest $or a Phase ( )aiver $or the 3entile Estates 'esi"ential #u,"ivision Pro+ect in 0ilmin%ton. .his 9ra$t 'ecor" o$ 9ecision (9'49! shall ,e -u,lishe" in the Buly 10, 2007 issue o$ the Environmental Monitor $or a $ourteen-"ay comment -erio", a$ter )hich ( shall reconsi"er, mo"i$y, or con$irm the )aiver.

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Bune 2:, 2007 9A.E


&omments receive"D 0:22;207 0621:207 06216207 9e,orah L. 9u%%an 0ater #u--ly &itiAens A"visory &ommittee (0#&A&! Massachusetts 9e-artment o$ Environmental Protection (9EP! H *E'4

56677 *P& 8 Phase ( 0aiver 'e/uest - 3entile Estates E' 2*&I2ncA

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