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Florida Wing Encampment Flight Sergeants Handbook

Florida Wing Civil Air Patrol United States Air Force Auxiliary

Table of Contents
1. BASIC DUTIES OF THE NCO: .....................................................3 2. FLIGHT SERGEANT RESPONSIBILITIES: .....................................3
A. INDIVIDUAL TRAINING ................................................................... 3 B. PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF CADETS ................... 3 C. ACCOUNTABILITY AND SAFETY......................................................... 4 D. MILITARY APPEARANCE AND PERSONAL CONDUCT ............................. 5 E. CORRECTIVE ACTION ..................................................................... 6 G. MOTIVATION AND ESPRIT-DE-CORPS ............................................... 7 H. COMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN CADETS AND HIGHER ECHELONS ............. 8 I. PLAN AND CONDUCT FLIGHT OPERATIONS ......................................... 8

3. DRILL AND CEREMONIES TIPS ..................................................9 4. THE NCO CREED ..................................................................... 10

1. Basic Duties of the NCO: a. Set the example b. Train from experience, backed up by publications c. Maintain and enforce standards d. Adapt to changing situations, schedules, and orders e. Ensure the safety and accountability of cadets 2. Flight Sergeant Responsibilities: a. Individual Training (1) Train your cadets to standards established in CAP publications, the Encampment OI, and the Encampment Training Guide. (2) Teach and mentor your cadets from experience. Maximize time not in the schedule to train and better your cadets. (3) Set your cadets up for a success in the Cadet Program. b. Personal and Professional Development of Cadets (1) Promote and expect responsibility in your cadets. (2) Make your expectations known up front. (3) Train your cadets to replace you. (4) Hold your cadets responsible for their actions. (5) Ensure regulations are readily available, and referenced.

(6) Help cadets cope with personal issues, such as homesickness. (7) Counsel your cadets candidly on strengths and weaknesses. (8) Recommend awards for those who deserve them (but never promise them). c. Accountability and Safety (1) Know where each of your cadets are at all times, and what they are doing. (2) Enforce the wingman policy at all times. (3) Know when any of your cadets are at the encampment aid station, the basics of why they are there, what their condition is once released back to the flight, and monitor those cadets for any follow-on issues. (4) Remain flexible and responsive. Always ensure that your flight is ready and able to move in response to an emergency or change of schedule, even during personal time and after lights out. (5) Accurately report to the First Sergeant all absences, and keep your Flight Commander informed of any cadets that are separated from the flight for details or other tasks, at the aid station, or absent. (6) Consciously assess the safety of any activity that your flight is engaged in, and call "KNOCK IT OFF" at any time when you observe a hazardous or unsafe conditions.

d. Military Appearance and Personal Conduct (1) Set the standard for your cadets by living it. Be a constant example of what "right looks like" in your appearance, words, and actions. (2) Be professional. Treat superiors, peers, and subordinates alike with the respect that they deserve, and expect the same. Embody what you believe a professional NCO and leader should be. (3) Do your best to stay cool under pressure. Think through problems, weigh your options, and take decisive action. Ensure that your course of action complies with published regulations, standing orders, safety considerations, and common sense. (4) Be on time! Instill a "sense of urgency" in your cadets and in yourself. If time is critical, do not waste time by holding unnecessary formations or discussions. Ensure you have all of your cadets, and then move out to your destination in an orderly and expedient manner. (5) Get your hands dirty. As an NCO, you are a "working supervisor", meaning that you are not above work. Whether it is KP duty, a cleanup detail, etc., resist the urge to simply stand back and watch while your cadets do all the work. Be willing to get in there alongside your cadets and get your hands dirty, while also maintaining control and ensuring that the job gets done.

(6) Never order your cadets to do something that you are not willing and able to do yourself, or that you should do yourself. e. Corrective Action (1) Make corrections when you see that something is wrong. (2) When correcting your cadets, do so in a timely manner. Be stern, firm, and ensure the point is made without belittling or embarrassing them. Do so in private whenever possible. (3) When correcting peers and superiors, make the correction in a respectful, tactful, but determined manner. Do so privately to the maximum extent possible. (4) If you see a situation or condition that may cause harm to another person, it is your responsibility to stop it immediately by announcing "KNOCK IT OFF", and bring it to the attention of the Senior Staff as quickly as possible. f. Physical Fitness (1) Emphasize and demonstrate to your cadets the importance of a healthy diet and regular physical conditioning.

(2) Set the example at PT by actively participating with your cadets, and pushing yourself past your "limits" everyday, in every exercise. (3) Set the example in the dining facility by eating balanced, healthy meals, and not indulging in unhealthy food or drink (such as extra desert, soda, etc.), even when they are available to you. (4) During physical activities such as confidence courses, rappel towers, casualty evacuation training, etc., lead from the front by being the first to take on any challenge. g. Motivation and Esprit-de-corps (1) Build a sense of loyalty, pride, and camaraderie within your flight. Convince your cadets and everyone around you that your flight is the best, and then prove it! (2) Promote friendly competition, and always strive to excel at every activity your flight participates in, even when no one appears to be looking. Never allow for mediocrity. (3) Encourage your cadets, and root them on! Whether your cadets are on an obstacle course, rappelling down the Air Assault tower, competing in Ultimate Frisbee, or participating in a Leadership Reaction Course, you must be a loud, unwavering voice of positive encouragement. (4) Stand up for your cadets and your flight, always.

h. Communications between Cadets and Higher Echelons (1) Use and insist that your cadets use the chain of command. (2) Listen to and act on cadets' issues, suggestions, and complaints - either on your own, or by sending them up the chain of command. Either way, inform the cadet of your decision, actions, and the outcome. Failing to respond to cadets' stated needs causes you to lose their respect, and your legitimacy as their leader. (3) Support and implement current policies and orders, even if you do not fully agree with them. (4) Advise your chain of command and NCO support channel of issues, concerns, suggestions, and complaints that you or your cadets have. Make sure that complaints are also accompanied by suggestions to fix or improve the problem. (5) Never complain to your cadets, or in their presence. i. Plan and Conduct Flight Operations (1) Provide input to your Flight Commander and together make a plan for individual and flight training to be conducted when time allows for it, such as "flight time", and "gaps" in the encampment schedule.

(2) Train your flight. Take advantage of every opportunity you have to teach and mentor your cadets, correct weaknesses and deficiencies as a flight, practice drill, quiz your cadets on their required knowledge, and get to know your cadets. Remember, time is precious, and there is never enough of it. (3) Exercise your flight. Ensure they know what to do in case of fire or any other emergency, and that they understand their roles and responsibilities per the Encampment Emergency Action Plan. (4) Supervise your flight during events, activities, and details as required by the encampment schedule. Ensure that tasks and details assigned to your flight are accomplished to standard, or better. 3. Drill and Ceremonies Tips a. Study your D&C manual before and during encampment, and carry your pocket guide with you for quick reference. b. Improve your drill knowledge by reading up on various drill topics such as D&C manual corrections, drill myths, becoming a Drillmaster, etc., located here:

c. Train your Flight Guide/Guidon Bearer to be proficient with the guidon. Ensure that the guidon is always carried straight up and down, never "fish-poled". The best

way to do this is for the guidon bearer's right hand to stay fixed to the hip, touching just forward of the seam of the trousers. d. When giving commands, make an extended pause between the preparatory command and the command of execution to ensure your guidon bearer has time to go to "Carry Guidon" and re-position if necessary. 4. The NCO Creed No one is more professional than I. I am a Noncommissioned Officer, a leader of cadets. As a Noncommissioned Officer, I realize that I am a member of a time honored corps, which is known as The Backbone of the Cadet Corps. I am proud of the Corps of Noncommissioned Officers and will at all times conduct myself so as to bring credit upon the Corps, Civil Air Patrol, and my country, regardless of the situation in which I find myself. I will not use my grade or position to attain pleasure, profit, or personal safety. Competence is my watchword. My two basic responsibilities will always be uppermost in my mind: accomplishment of my mission, and the welfare of my cadets. I will strive to remain technically and tactically proficient. I am aware of my role as a Noncommissioned Officer. I will fulfill my

responsibilities inherent in that role. All cadets are entitled to outstanding leadership; I will provide that leadership. I know my cadets and I will always place their needs above my own. I will communicate consistently with my cadets and never leave them uninformed. I will be fair and impartial when recommending both rewards and punishment. Officers of my unit will have maximum time to accomplish their duties; they will not have to accomplish mine. I will earn their respect and confidence, as well as that of my cadets. I will be loyal to those with whom I serve; seniors, peers, and subordinates alike. I will exercise initiative by taking appropriate action in the absence of orders. I will not compromise my integrity, nor my moral courage. I will not forget, nor will I allow my comrades to forget that we are professionals, Noncommissioned Officers, leaders!


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