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Seada Merkulaj

Evaluation of Magazine
1. In what ways does your music magazine use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of a real music magazines? I researched a wide range of R&B magazines and looked at the layout of the magazines and how they attract the readers to buy the magazine !his consisted of" how they reflected and re#resented there model to the audience$ also the cover lines I recognised a Front Cover: My music magazine that I have created follows through the forms and conventions of a real music magazine By the idea of having a masthead on the to# of the #age for e%am#le" I named mine &B'SS(I)E& !his line su##orts my theme* R&B as the te%t is bold and strong furthermore the sha#es of the letter are dramatic and urban as it&s not all fancy and italic because that doesn&t suit the theme +urthermore the fonts that I have chosen a##eal to my target audience as I have used a selection and changed the sizes$ so they can read it and that it attracts the reader when they magazine is on a magazine stand in outlets !he cover lines I have selected on my front #age magazine uses the ideas of surveillance and social interaction to grab the attention from the readers +or e%am#le some of the headlines were, -.onfessions of /ueen 0ee-$ this is engaging the audience as you would like to see what the artist is confessing about !hen I a##lied a 1uote on to# of the models to# which is a 1uote from the artist in the interview inside the magazine$ this #ulls the reader to buy the magazine and read further on It also 1uestions the reader to wonder what they are talking about, what does she mean2 3hat is it all about2 !he image I #resented on the front #age of the magazine is a young artist$ who is from the black community I chose this model because of her background as that&s where rhythm and blues started off and this will hel# reflect the genre to the audience I got the$ model to reveal a small amount of skin* her face and neck" I also got my model to wear a chain and nude li#stick to allow her to re#resent the hy#odermic model and the genre !he young artist is trying to fit in" she is taking in everything what the media e%#ects I chose to reflect the male gaze theory on the model by making her look se%y$ sassy and young which attracts men to like her She is #ortraying herself like this to grab attention to the target audience and the reader !his follows the forms and conventions of an R&B music magazine$ wanting the woman to a##roach as attractive to the audience by revealing a small amount of skin 4

Seada Merkulaj +urthermore the front cover develo#s the forms and conventions of a music magazine because of the #osition theory of the model on the front*#age of the magazine !he model is directly looking at the reader$ to seduce you to come and read the magazine to see what it is all about Moreover as she is a women this creates a diversion$ other than women$ men are attracted as well$ which su##orts the idea of the Male 5aze theory !he barcode conforms the conventions of a magazine as its is laced at the bottom of the magazine with the #rice tag 'lso the date of the issue is #laced underneath the masthead controlling the uses of forms and conventions Contents Page 6n the contents #age I have followed the forms and conventions of a magazine for the masthead$ as it follows the house style and makes a connection between front cover and contents I develo#ed the fonts and sizes of the cover lines on the #age$ to attract the reader !he images I have se#arated it from the cover lines as it is a clear layout and it develo#s the research of the R&B music magazines$ like, 7ibe I develo#ed the music magazine with having long shot of the artist as she is revealing her legs !his links to the smaller images as I have challenged them as normally they would be cro##ed from the background and not reveal the mise*en*scene in the background !he mise* en*scene reveals the idea of working in a studio and reflecting back to the cover lines !hey have also challenged real music magazine because in the music magazine* 7ibe$ the contents #age only has one image and has minimalistic amount of cover lines 6ne last thing I may have challenged was having a editors note in the magazine as it not normally associated in an R&B music magazine !ou"le Page #pread !he images challenge a R&B real music magazine as they reflect different sides of her #ersonality and they are all not serious and trying to be se%y 3hereas in a real magazine they are trying to be se%y and they are not rela%ed$ they try too hard I used a #ull and selected an im#ortant 1uote to attract the reader that relates to the front #age of the magazine I highlighted it in circle in 8

Seada Merkulaj a subtle tone so that it sticks out and attracts your eyes but not a heavy colour so it distracts from the images and the headings I used the forms and conventions of a real magazine to a##ly a by*line and the #age numbers so it&s easy for the readers to understand who did it and know what #age they are on +inally I have followed the forms and conventions of a real music magazine using thirds attracting the reader and making assure the te%t is se#arated in a good layout


%ow does your music magazine represent particular social groups?

My music magazine #ortrays a #articular social grou# through the mise*en*scene of the images of the model She is wearing comfortable but stylish clothing with a chain and minimalistic make*u# this #ortrays the social grou# to be around young adults and teenagers !he ty#e of music I am re#resenting in this music magazine$ as shown in my research that very young #eo#le like R&B music and that it has grown very much from the 9:&s I also re#resented the R&B music in the style of fonts to ca#ture that #articular social grou#$ the bold$ shar# fonts that stand out and ca#ture your eye 'lso the colours are very familiar to this ty#e of social grou# and through my research of 1uestioning and interviewing this age grou# in #articular$ the red$ white and black was there most favourite colour for the magazine

&. 'hat (ind of media institution might distri"ute your music magazine and why? I wanted to distribute my music magazine as an inde#endent institution on the internet having my own site ;sing below the line advertising like" #ress with the internet and interviews$ and then by word of mouth such as" buzz$ social media and viral cam#aigns !hese techni1ues will hel# the magazine e%#and because of social media and the internet buzz creates the #roduct bigger$ distinguished and recognisable !his techni1ue of distribution will be successful with the use of via internet blogging and tweeting and many more social media #latforms If I chose to have a distribution com#any$ I would need a lot of money to #ay for the cost of #rinting and distributing it to different #arts of the world to make it viral 's my music genre is R&B$ I can reflect the music better online (ike on the double #age s#read I have the <!o# = 'rtists& of the month > the names could be hy#erlinked to the video of their song Many magazines have decided to start distributing online like 7ogue magazine to e%#and the audience and make the #roduct easy to access and #ortable 'lso the #rice of the magazine is not too e%#ensive and there could be offers like" ?48 @@ for 4: issues

). 'ho would "e the audience for your music magazine? !he audience I targeted was teenagers and young adults of both genders I chose this range because they im#ly with R&B music and the artist re#resented on the cover line is well known Someone who like rhythm$ beats and some ra# will be attracted the most to the magazine !hey follow the idea of #ersonal identity when relating to my audience !hey would be attracted by the contents #age and double #age s#read as it shows different sides A

Seada Merkulaj of the artist which attracts you to her craziness 'lso the cover lines of talking about other famous and awesome artists like <Bharell&$ <.hris Brown&$ <)icki Minaj& and many more +urthermore the #rice of the magazine is a nice summation because it&s not too e%#ensive for a teenager to treat themselves at the end of the week !he decision of having a female model on the front #age was because it attracts the female audience but it also attracts the o##osite se% !his is because of the use of re#resenting the male gaze theory to making the model beautiful$ #owerful and confident to stand out and attract the readers

*. %ow did you attract+ address your audience in the forms and conventions used in your music magazine? I attracted my audience by following the forms and conventions of a real music magazine by #lacing #uffs to #ull in the reader to read some more !he use of the following through with the house style of the black$ white and red and this shar# yellow to attract when needed like on the front cover$ such as" <E%clusiveC < +urthermore$ I #ositioned the model above the mast head so that all the attention is drawn to the model !his also follows through the idea of having the model&s face in o#tical view on the front #age

,. 'hat have you learnt a"out technologies from the process of constructing your music magazine? I learnt in ways how to use a camera to ca#ture great essence of the model by different view#oints to grab a #erfect medium close*u# shot I didn&t know much on Bhotosho# but the more I used it$ the more I got the hang of mani#ulating my images to something attractive to the audience I learnt from the #rogram to remove the background using the magic wand by changing the tolerance to select the whole background in one +urthermore Bhotosho# the skin of the model but still kee# it looking natural by smoothing the surface using the surface blur tool and s#ot healing tool 'lso constructing the #hotos once they were cro##ed and there background was removed$ like a##lying a shadow or an outline on 1uotes and images 6n the contents #age$ on of the images of the guitar being strummed$ I mani#ulated with hueDsaturation tool$ enhancing the gradient ma# and how vivid and bright it is

-. .oo(ing "ac( at your preliminary tas(, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it /the preliminary tas(0 to the full product /the music magazine0? I feel that I have #rogressed so much from my #reliminary task looking back at it I understood the idea of following the forms and conventions of a magazine as in my #reliminary task I didn&t really My ability to e%#and my research to get a great outcome has widened so much at the start of the magazine it didn&t know much on Bhotosho# and a##lying my work on the blog using different software&s 'lso I was always worried about testing different fonts and sizes$ Bhotosho# has hel#ed me be courageous and that there are nice fonts on the software +urthermore focusing on grabbing the attention of the targeted audience by the use of colours from the research I collected I focused on the #osition theory as I didn&t really ca#ture it on the #reliminary task$ as the shot is a long shot E

Seada Merkulaj which was not #art of the task Moreover the images were taken by a #hone which creates a #i%el effect when enlarged so using the more #rofessional cameras create a huge contrast and clean cut I would say a big change in develo#ment and learning is the software$ when I created my school magazine F#reliminary taskG it was com#leted on Microsoft 3ord and for the real magazine it was com#leted in Bhotosho# !his was a huge lea# as I could e%#lore more on Bhotosho# and there were more tools available to a##ly on the magazine

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