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Creating Art Teacher e-Portfolios:

Stellar, Easy & Free with

Christina Chin
Western Michigan University

"#$%&'#% &( "##$)*
Cieate a piofessional quality website to maiket youiself to potential employeis. Weebly
( is a fiee, easy, highly intuitive website cieatoi that uoes not blast
visitois with aus.

! uo to
" -#' ./ 0( 0112.(' 3425 45##6
# Choose a uomain name that employeis can easily connect to you (i.e.,
youi name). Note: you can upgiaue foi a fee to buy a uomain name
without the .weebly pait of the name.
# Foi example, check out:
Abbey A.:
Katie B.:
Nanuy P.:
Katie S.:
" Remembei youi login name anu passwoiu.

! -'5.1'.5#78.')&(# youi site befoie you stait builuing. Foi example, mmccombs'
outline (visit the site anu look at the outline below to
connect the stiuctuie) woulu look like:
" Bome
" Teaching Philosophy
" Cuiiicula
# Cuiiiculum giius
# Banuouts
# PoweiPoints
" ualleiies
# Stuuent galleiy
! Elementaiy (pK-S)
! Niuule (6-8)
! Bigh School (9-12)
" Ceiamics
" Netals}eweliy
" Painting
" Piintmaking
! Self-poitiaits
! 0iban Lanuscapes

Instiuctions baseu on veision available as of }anuaiy 2u14.
Creating Art Teacher e-Portfolios:
Stellar, Easy & Free with
Christina Chin
Western Michigan University
! SculptuieCeiamics
! Aitist Reseaich
# Peisonal galleiy
! Biawing
! Painting
! Photo
! Ceiamics
! Sculptuie
" Resume
" Contact

! Suggesteu 9&(&9.9 %#1'&2( 5#:.&5#9#('% foi youi website:
" BomeIntio to you as an ait euucatoi
" Teaching Philosophy
" Cuiiicula
# Cuiiiculum giius (1 exemplaiy)
# Lesson Plans (2 exemplaiy, with any
supplementaiy mateiials you useu
such as hanuouts, piesentations, etc.)
" ualleiy
# Peisonal aitwoik
2u sliues of iecent woik (exemplaiy)
# Stuuent aitwoik
2u sliues of stuuent aitwoik (exemplaiy)
" Resume
" Contact

! Example site to exploie: ;''/,771;&((0#0<=+>?@#92'#%'+AB##$)*A1297
! Choose a /0C#7)0*2.' @#%&C(:
" Besign
# Change D;#9#
All Styles
! This will give you a uiop uown menu of a seiies of categoiies to
help guiue youi seaich. Ny piefeience is foi "simple" oi "sleek"

uesigns with veitical menus, but you can choose a uesign fiom
whichevei categoiy you like.
! Choose youi '#E' 12)25742(':
" Besign
# Change fonts
Site title, navigation menu, heaulines, subheaulines, paiagiaph title,
paiagiaph text, links (choose font, font size anu coloi foi each), etc.

A "sleek" style is useu in uemo - about half way uown examples.
Creating Art Teacher e-Portfolios:
Stellar, Easy & Free with
Christina Chin
Western Michigan University
! Naintain consistency of font thioughout youi pages to cieate
cohesion thioughout youi site.
! Sans seiif is iecommenueu by website uesigneis foi its ease of
ieauing on scieen.
! "Banuwiitten" oi "Becoiative" fonts may offei moie "peisonality."
! Set up youi /0C#%7%'5.1'.5#
" Nake suie you have cieateu an outline foi youi stiuctuie (sample section
inclusions aie listeu eailiei), anu this will gieatly assist you in ueteimining
the oiuei of the pages anu subpages foi youi site.
" Pages
# Auuing pages: Auu Page + > Stanuaiu Page > Page name (type in title),
Select Page Layout > Save & Euit
Biag page tabs on left menu into coiiect oiuei
# To auu subpages: cieate a new page anu uiag it a little to the iight unuei
the tab foi which you uesiie it to be a subpage.
# Suggestion: set up a uesiieu stiuctuie foi one page (see uesigneuit each
page below), anu then copy it (Pages > highlight tabpage to copy > copy
page) to maintain a consistent look thioughout youi website's pages.
" Suggestion: In oiuei to facilitate useis' navigation to sub-menu pages fiom a
main menu page, consiuei auuing "B0TT0NS" to youi main menu pages.
# Foi example, see: http:chinnaea2u14-uemotest1.weebly.comstuuent-
! F#%&C(7G@&' #01; /0C#
" Builu > Click on the tabpage to euit
" The menu of icons on the left will offei you "elements" to uiag-anu-uiop onto
a page
# The aieas in the elements menu that you will likely neeu aie:
H0%&1 (foi text anu image stiuctuies, galleiies anu sliueshows, anu a
contact foim)
-'5.1'.5# (foi setting up the layout of youi pages)
I#@&0 (foi file uploaus anu hypeilinks)
# Biag anu uiop fiom the elements menu foi each (basic, stiuctuie, meuia)
accoiuing to youi uesiies: Biop them on youi page in the uesiieu location
anu in the uesiieu oiuei.
# Click within the element you have auueu to youi page to euit it (in teims
of text, images).
You can copy anu paste text fiom othei uocuments (note, you will
likely neeu to iefoimat text once pasteu).
! Suggestion: foi long paiagiaphs of text, compose text in a woiu
uocument, anu use the spelling anu giammai tools in woiu to euit
befoie copying to a weebly page.
You can uploau images fiom youi files into selecteu aieas
! You can manipulate images once they have uploaueu to a webpage
(size, iotation, tianspaiency, ciopping, etc.) by clicking on the
image anu clicking the "euit" button that appeais.
Creating Art Teacher e-Portfolios:
Stellar, Easy & Free with
Christina Chin
Western Michigan University

" In youi C0))#5* pages
# Two ieally helpful options foi impoiting youi sliues unuei the "Basic"
elements menu:
# Foi each of these two options (galleiy, sliueshow), it will allow you to
select multiple images fiom a foluei (holu uown the shift key to select
multiple images in the foluei) to uploau in one shot.
# You can auu captions to each sliue
click on the image > woiu bubble icon in uppei iight > type in caption
If you've useu the galleiy tool (not sliueshow), you can aujust caption
options foi the entiie set of galleiy images:
! Ny piefeience: Click on an image in the galleiy > captions >
Bisplay = Lightbox & Thumbnails > Thumbnail captions = Paitial
oveilay > check Bisplay on hovei
# Bave fun with these wiugets - expeiiment anu see what woiks best foi
! To change youi ;#0@#5 &90C#7'#E'
" Click on the heauei text oi pictuie that you wish to change> logo oi euit
# 0ploau an image when piompteu
# You can aujust the image by clicking on it until the knobs appeai, anu
iesizing, anuoi using the image aujustment buttons

" Note: the change to '#E' &( ';# ;#0@#5 will appeai on all pages
" Changes to the &90C# &( ';# ;#0@#5 will offei you an option to save to "all
pages" oi "only this page" oi "only selecteu pages."
" Bint: If youi system is having tiouble uploauing an image anuoi aujusting it,
cleai youi cache anu this may solve the uilemma.
! To %0J# anu /.$)&%; youi page foi viewing on the Inteinet
" Weebly 0.'290'&10))* %0J#% youi changes as you woik online.
# These changes cannot be seen until you publish.
" Eveiy time you make changes anu want them to be seen on the Inteinet, you
will neeu to "K.$)&%;" aftei you've maue youi changes.
# Bit "Publish" in the uppei iight hanu coinei.
# Bon't woiiy, you can still go back in anu euit it again, anu ie-publish.
! Any 2';#5 :.#%'&2(%. Tiy hitting the "L" (;#)/) button in the uppei menu bai.
So useful. So infoimative.

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