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How to Get to Page 1 of Google for Free Using PR and Social Media

Source: By Drew Doggett

How to get to page one of Google for free by having influential blogs in your industry write about you. !"nhm#$

%his video will also answer a fre&uent &uestion of people who wonder why they don't get instant results when they sign up with a mar(eting company: #hy) after *" to +" days) do , not see any results? ,'m doing what you said) or , paid you to do it- why am , not seeing myself on page one? .nswer: ,t depends on your industry. /0) what a great answer) right? 1emme e2plain further. .s you (now) the basis of my 333 blogging method is guest blogging. ,f you can't do this for yourself) , can do it for you. #hen you 4guest blog5 6that's a verb7 in a &uality manner) you get relevant lin(s bac( to you. 8ou get other high authority) highly trusted blogs in your niche) vouching for you and essentially voting for you. %o 9oogle) this is e2actly what they want to see. 1ater) as you become a guest blogging genius with loads of e2perience under your belt 6or you pay me to (eep getting your name out there7) you'll be able to land deals with even higher ran(ing super-authorities) li(e :orbes or

;uffington <ost. %hen) you won't always get a lin( bac( to your site) but you will get lin(s bac( to your 9= profile) which is also a very good thing for your blog- because it builds credibility for you as an author and as a publisher. So guest blogging > or more specifically) having relevant lin(s from authority sites pointing bac( to you > is really the only way to get to the front page of 9oogle. ool) huh? %here are other factors) but this one's huge. ?ow you don't have to wade through all (inds of other e2traneous methods to get to page one. 8ou @ust have to focus on this ONE method. .s , e2plain in my Blogging Secrets ourse) you don't ;.AB to guest blog- you can also: contact site owners as(ing for a lin( trade or offering to pay them for a lin( bac( to your site leave CD.1,%8 comments on other blogs in your niche But definitely don't buy a bunch of lin(s from somewhere because 9oogle will @ust categori!e you as spam. Seriously. . lin( from a worthless blog is worthless. So here's a twist#hat Eobert's saying in this video is that if you want to get to page one of 9oogle) you need other influential people to blog about you. .nd) he says) no one's going to do that if you don't have any connections- if you don't have a big Eolode2. ,f you're a ?ew 8or( %imes best seller and you're not on %witter or 9=) you don't have much) if any) internet capital. 8ou need to have some value to give) something to trade the people whom you want to write about you. %he people you want to write about you should be people that have already been written about themselves- who have already been 4vetted by 9oogle.5 %hey're &ualified. 9oogle's chec(ed Fem out and confirmed that they're the real deal. So what &ualifies you? .nd how can you become &ualified? .nswer: Build a networ() build your Eolode2. 8ou can do this by guest blogging) or by networ(ing on %riberr. /r 9=. /r %witter. /r Gedium. /r with Spar(ah 6http://spar( /r with Hourni( 6http://@ourni(.com/mar(eting/7. .nd especially: Give of yourself. 9ive value through your blog.

Ummm, the Internet is in the real world

%here's no way around it. #e're living) playing and wor(ing in the real world. #e're building our businesses in the real world.

8ou can't live in a vacuum) building your business online and not interact with people and @ust e2pect your site to ran( or e2pect to have anything to offer. %hat's li(e (nowing there's a community dance) getting dressed up to go) and staying home. .nd e2pecting people to dance with you. 8ou've got to show up to the dance. 8ou've got to interact) share) play) wor() have fun. Be a man 6or woman7. Do what's necessary. Do what it ta(es. /therwise your business will disappear before it even had a chance to e2ist. 1i(e so;E?mIuS$G

So to get these influential people to lin( to you) write about) mention you) what can you give them in return? %he three most valuable things you can give someone are: I. Goney *. .n introduction to their soul mate +. . shout out in social media) in this case But if you don't have a blog or a presence in social media) a shout out is not gonna do much good for the person mentioning you. ,f you don't have a blog or social media presence) you're @ust not in a position to receive what you as( for. But) if you (now me) you (now that as(ing ,S the beginning of receiving. %he act of as(ing puts all sorts of things in motion- within you and) from the evidence ,'ve seen) throughout the rest of the universe as well. #hen you as( for what you want) your emotional and mental machinery begin to move you toward what you as( for-

So what do you need to do to put yourself in a position to receive what you as( for- namely) a mention from an influential person? Simple. Hust build up your presence in: %witter 9oogle= Cuora :aceboo( 6optional7 Fun Fact: %he most credible lin(s you can get are from your competitor. , first learned this from Brad ampbell 6"IMKN*J+K"K7 and now ,'m hearing it again here. ,n fact) Brad says to thin( of your competitors as allies) rather than competition. #owO #hat an Aha! moment that was for me. #hat a paradigm shift. Don't compete) collaborate. ,ncidentally) that's what my PI recommended boo( of all time 6 says too. reate) don't compete.

#hat ma(es you worth writing about? 6Because this is how to get to page one of 9oogle.7 .nswer: 8our connections. ;ow do you build connections? %he same way you do in the real world- only easierO .nswer: Share people's stuff that you find valuable. ;ere's a great place to do that) I""Q free: %riberr 6 /n %riberr) after you @oin various relevant tribes) @ust spend a couple of wee(s sharing people's stuff 6tutorial coming soon7. 8ou stay active in each tribe) the tribe leader will ma(e you a member and then other people will share your stuff in (ind. ,t's that (ind of mutually beneficial community. .wesome li(e a force of nature. %hen) @ust spend a little time each day on 9= sharing relevant stuff. 1i(e this 6! 6found this through %riberr7. 1astly) according to Eobert) build up your presence in Cuora. %his ,'m just beginning to do. Moo hoo ha ha! .s , mentioned earlier) another way to get on the first page of 9oogle) where all that organic) money traffic is) is to

guest blog 6lin( to article7. So) what are you waiting for? ,'m on %witter 6 ,'m on 9= 6"LLK*K$++I*I"+MKNKMN/posts7. Start with meO Start building your clout so fol(s will give you a shout 6out7. Hoin me in %riberr 6 ?etwor( with Eobert also) on %witter 6 and 9= 6"++$KLJ""MN+J$M*IK"+7. ?ow that you (now have this down-to-earth ability to ma(e magic happen in your) want to give yourself even more of an edge? Clic through here to wor personally with me to !uild "our !logging legend# $http:%%"our!rainon"ou#com%partner%&

1oo( forward to having fun) meaningful conversations with you and seeing you on page one of 9oogleO 'rew 'oggett

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