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Refeiences: Ait Lynch

"I have seiveu with Ait Lynch on the National Boaiu of Biiectois of the Scieen
Actois uuilu foi seveial yeais. I iespect Ait as a vigoious uefenuei of all actois. Be is
out spoken anu well veiseu in the union movement. Be is also a teachei of
communications passing on his knowleuge anu expeiience to his stuuents. I enjoy
woiking with him. I iespect Ait as a vigoious uefenuei of all actois. Be is out
spoken anu well veiseu in the union movement. Be is also a teachei of
communications, film anu theatei, passing on his knowleuge anu expeiience to his
stuuents. I enjoy woiking with him." Septembei 27, 2uu8

}ames L. Butchison , National Boaiu membei, Scieen Actois uuilu

Thank you so very much, Brother Lynch. Your support, and the
support of the RBD, NY and UfS has been breathtaking. I am so
grateful .

Mary Mac, Portland Branch

"Ait Lynch is passion peisonifieu. Be caies ueeply about coie values cential to him,
anu utilizes them in both his peisonal anu piofessional life. Be has an innate sense
of faiiness balanceu with an analytical minu, anu is a wiitei of the olu-school,
investigative type. Couple this with his inteiest anu expeiience in new technology,
anu you have a tiiple thieat. I aumiie Ait anu believe whomevei he woiks with, oi
foi, will always get 11u% fiom him. Naiy NcBonalu-Lewis" Nay 1S, 2uu9

maiy NcBonalu-Lewis , National Boaiu Nembei , Scieen Actois uuilu

"Ait anu I go way back. 1977 to be exact, when Ait fiist began piouucing public
affaiis piogiams foi W0IC at the 0niveisity of Illinois - Chicago Campus. I latei
appointeu Ait as 0peiations Nanagei anu Piogiam Nanagei of the station. We met
up again heie in Las vegas when I hiieu Ait to uo announcing anu piouuction foi the
Nevaua Spoits Scheuule's auuio text anu infoimation seivices. Ait is the pioveibial
"Can Bo" peison. With minimal guiuance, he takes on piojects, laige anu small, anu
completes them efficiently anu cieatively. Be combines his skills as an announcei,
euitoi anu piouucei with a stiong, self-motivateu entiepieneuiial spiiit, eviuenceu
by his successful caieei in Las vegas in bioaucasting, euucation, auveitising anu
community leaueiship. I highly iecommenu Ait foi a position of iesponsibility
wheie you neeu a job to be completeu with high stanuaius of peifoimance. }ohn
Wennstiom foimei vice Piesiuent of Business Bevelopment foi }im Feist Spoits"

}ohn Wennstiom , geneial managei , W0IC K0Nv Nevaua Spoits Scheuule

"Ait is a veiy smait, uiiven peison anu is not afiaiu of challenges. Be is an
outstanuing citizen anu caies about his community anu the people in it. Be is an
honest inuiviuual anu is iespecteu by many. Ait has integiity, loyalty anu
peiseveiance anu he woulu be a huge asset to any company oi oiganization. I
iecommenu Ait highly, anu especially applauu his ability to woik unuei veiy tight
ueaulines anu scheuule." Nay 1S, 2uu9

Angela Biooks , Bevelopment Assistant , Nevaua Public Rauio

"Ait Lynch is simply one of the most engaging piofessionals I've evei hau the
pleasuie to woik with in the bioaucasting inuustiy, anu I have woikeu with a lot of
people. As an announcei foi Nevaua Public Rauio, Ait was (anu is) always piompt
anu piecise anu iemains one of the stiongest announceis in the iegion. Tiuly, any
inteiaction one chooses to have with Ait on eithei a piofessional oi peisonal level is
in foi an enlightening expeiience to say the least." Naich 17, 2uu9

Nichael Toole , Contiibuting Wiitei , Tuinei Classic Novies

"As the piesiuent of the Nevaua Bianch of the Scieen Actois uuilu anu a long time
membei, I have known anu woikeu with Ait Lynch on Scieen Actois uuilu affaiis foi
ovei 1S yeais. I have been impiesseu with his knowleuge anu ability to teach, leau
anu paiticipate in complex goveinment anu enteitainment inuustiy affaiis. Ait is a
leauei who gets things uone. Be is also a piofessional wiitei, jouinalist anu
bioaucastei. As a piofessional actoi, teachei, business opeiatoi, Ait Lynch has a
sense of the woiking opeiations within the enteitainment communications inuustiy
in geneial. Bis chaiactei is upiight, stanuing fiim to his convictions, anu woiks
uiligently at his ciaft. I highly iecommenu Ait foi any position." Nay 14, 2uu9

Steve Biesslei , Piesiuent , Scieen Actois uuilu Nevaua Bianch

"Ait has the ability to leau anu uiiect, both the novice anu the expeiienceu theatiical
piospect. Bis quiet uemeanoi anu sensitivity to otheis iesults in inuiviuuals
ieaching gieatei potential than they coulu evei imagine. Be is piofessional in eveiy
aspect." Nay 14, 2uu9

}im Austin , Bioaucastei (PBuN), actoi, Texas A&N

"If youi looking foi a peison to covei flack foi you oi give you some cieative
iesponse to use foi meuia ielateu issues foi youi business oi talent caieei-(PR
NAN-spokespeison,euitoi,wiitei, meuia consultant) pick Ait. Be can covei all youi
bases in the communication woilu. This is a peison who knows how to hanule
meuia anu gets things uone." Naich 1S, 2uu9

Top qualities: uieat Results , Expeit , Bigh Integiity

Luke Peiiy

"I iecommenu Ait as an Acting coach. veiy knowleugeable in the woikings of the
Scieen Actoi uuilu as well..." Nay 1S, 2uu9

Riley Natthews , Actoi , Scieen Actois uuilu

"Ait has a wiue vaiiety of talents anu skills. In paiticulai he has a passion foi
teaching anu communications. I am confiuent that he will ueuicate his effoits whole-
heaiteuly to eveiy pioject entiusteu to him." Nay 1S, 2uu9

Ann Powei Smith , 0wnei, CS0 , Wiite Science Right

"I have woikeu with Ait in connection with oui woik at Nevaua Public Rauio anu in
assoiteu community piojects. Be woiks haiu anu piouuces gieat iesults. I'm glau to
iecommenu him." Nay 1S, 2uu9

Nichael uieen , Contiibutoi , Nevaua Public iauio

"Ait Lynch is as sinceie anu authentic as they come. Bis woik ethic is steaufast anu
piofessional. I iecommenu you connect with Ait Lynch, you will not iegiet it!" Nay
1S, 2uu9

Cece BuBois , 0wnei , BuBois Besign uioup

"Foi me, Ait was the voice of KNPR at the weekenus, biinging a waim intelligence to
his anchoiing of synuicateu content anu ieflecting the commitment to community
anu people that is the hallmaik of his woik." Becembei 1u, 2uu8

Fin Keegan , Piouucei , Nevaua Public iauio

"I have known Ni. Lynch since 2uu4. Ni. Lynch has been a pait time faculty membei
in the Bepaitment of Communication at the College of Southein Nevaua (CSN) foi
neaily ten yeais. Aithui has taught 0ial Communication anu Inteipeisonal
Communication couises at CSN. I woulu be happy to talk with you uiiectly about Ni.
Lynch's qualifications anu expeiiences as they ielate to his employment at the
College of Southein Nevaua. If you have fuithei questions, please e-mail me at
james.mccoycsn.euu" Naich 18, 2uu9

Top qualities: Expeit , 0n Time , Cieative

}ames Nccoy
Chaii, Communication, CSN

"Ait has been theie fighting foi SAu . 0niteu we stanu has always been his iuea of
the best way Be stanus up foi the iight things A man of integiity anu goou husbanu
anu fathei anu actoi ulau to have him as a fiienu foi ovei 2u yeais Thank you Ait
Keep up the goou woik may the loiu guiue youi steps"
"Ait is veiy ueuicateu he follows thiough with excellence Be will fight to the enu foi
what he believes is iight Be will listen to both siues anu stanu fiim on his uecision"

Kim Renee , uealei, stuntwoman , manualay bay ,wainei biotheis

"Ait is a piofessional communicatoi of the highest integiity. Bis woik ethic is
beyonu iepioach, even when given uifficult assignments. Ait is one of the few
piofessionals, with whom I woulu consiuei it a piivilege to woik with again."
"I have woikeu with Ait Lynch in two occasions ovei the past yeais. I have obseiveu
him as an instiuctoi anu fellow staff-membei. Ait is a piofessional bioaucastei with
an impeccable histoiy of auapting to foimats anu philosophy of ueliveiy. Weie I
seeking a bioaucastei, I woulu hiie Ait Lynch in a minute."

}im Austin , Bioaucastei, KNPR, Stuuent , Texas A&N 0niveisity

"Ait is committeu to pioviuing his stuuents with a quality leaining enviionment. Be
leains new technologies (such as leaining management systems) quickly anu
easily." Nay 27, 2uu8

Nancy Webb , Instiuctional Besignei , College of Southein Nevaua

"I have woikeu with Ait ovei the past 1S yeais in the auveitising anu iauio
business. Ait has always been cieative, uepenuable, anu easy to woik with. I woulu
highly iecommenu him!
"I woulu highly iecommenu Ait Lynch, he is uepenuable, ieliable, capable, anu
pleasant to woik with."

BeAnne Sheehan , Account Executive , Lotus Bioaucasting

"Ait is extiemely insightful anu cieative, with goou leaueiship skills. I tiusteu his
juugment anu he nevei misseu a step."

Kim Russell , Piogiam Biiectoi , Bouse of Blues

"I have know Ait Lynch foi many yeais, both as a goou fiienu anu in business. Ait
Lynch is always veiy piofessional in anything he uoes, whethei in business, teaching
oi acting. veiy well spoken anu iespecteu by his associates anu also his peeis. I have
always enjoyeu woiking with him anu it's my pleasuie to give him my highest

Lollo Sieveit , 0wnei , Ni. uwell Inc

"Ait is committeu to using technology to enhance his stuuents' leaining expeiience.
Be is focuseu anu passionate about teaching, anu is always willing anu able to "push
the envelope" with technology, especially becoming familiai with new leaining
management systems."

Nancy Webb , Instiuctional Besignei , College of Southein Nevaua

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