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Ashlee Garton Guided Practicum Journal #13: The Security of Having a Good Supervisor This week I am officially done

my internship hours and will be concentrating on wrapping up the last few weeks in my Masters Program. This week I spent reflecting with my Super isor and internship Super isor about my first three months with !amden !ounty Partnership for !hildren and the internship process. My internship Super isor and I discussed me pursuing de eloping the curriculum and structure of the internship program and enhancing it as a whole. !reating partnerships with institutions and recruiting interns from undergraduate and graduate le els. I am e"cited to utili#e my skills and strengths and e"pand !!P$! as a nonprofit and impro e their partners of support in the internship program. %ithin the ne"t two years I see myself pursuing teaching at the community college le el and progressing from there. I also spoke with my Super isor and reflected on my role as an employee of the !!P$!. %hen I first began I took o er a caseload of eighteen youth. $rom there& I 'ust hit the ground running and asked (uestions in the process. I really focused on learning how to document within the system& the process of seeing the children& and what my role was as a !are Manager to each. )ow that I am comfortable with the system& I found myself uncomfortable in some meetings with indi iduals who represented different organi#ations. Some of my meetings were filled with tension and I was recei ing push back. I reali#ed that I needed to educate myself on the roles of the other organi#ations and what role I play when partnering with them on a case. My Super isor spent three hours with me& educating me on the system& walking me through scenarios& and making sure I understood the role as a !are Manager

and the others whom I come in contact with on a daily basis. *eing self+aware and reali#ing I needed more education is some areas and ha ing a open+minded Super isor enables me to do better and assists me in my professional de elopment.

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