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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Unit Plan
Author of the Unit Name and Last Name Name of the Educational Institution Location of the School Naika Guerra Commercial Tole High School Chiriqui, Tole There are Pre media and !edia" The media has #achelors in Science, Com$uter Science and Tourism" It has %,%&& students"

Other data from the school

Description of the Unit The Unit Title

Increasing my vocabulary through the powers of the 21st century.

Summary of the Unit

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial


! "#$ U%I"

There are many useful classroom expressions the students should know. They are commonly used in the classroom. They are also essentials in the daily life to communicate with others and also necessary to speak properly. To help the students from twelfth level learn this content appropriately is going to be used different resources as online and outline tools, techniques and activities. These activities help the students to be motivated and interested in learning about the studied content. As students learn a second language to be successful in the life, get better opportunities and jobs is very important to answer to the following questions: hat are useful expressions! hy are useful expressions very important in a second language! hen and where can we use useful expressions! "t is very important to acquire as many vocabulary new words as they can about useful expressions. The pronunciation play and important role too because in this way they can pronounce and communicate adequately not only inside but also outside the classroom. Through the application of the activities the students develop the four language skills and the digital competence. The students use the online tool Spi&er Scribe to share knowledge collaboratively about the topic. #inally, they present it to other classmates. The students reflect about their own learning related to value the importance of learning about useful expressions. The teacher checks the final reflections to evaluate the acquired knowledge.

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Curricular areas or subject $nglish A%$A: &$%'()A* +%( ")+ A), '-..$'' .omputer 'cience A%$A: T$./)(*(+0 ear le!el

Appro"imate time re#uired

There are 1 periods of classes 12 minutes each one, 3 week. 'ession 43 is on April 31, 'ession 45 is on April 32, 'ession46 is on April 37 and 'ession 41 is on April 53
$undamentals of the Unit Contents .onceptual &rocedural Attitudinal

-se of .lassroom expressions 8ocabulary

"nvestigating and using classroom expressions to exchange personal information in formal academic and professional situations.

'howing a positive attitude and confidence toward learning tasks. -sing his9her imagination and creativity to perform specific assignments. 8alue the importance of learning about useful expressions.

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

%earning &bjecti!es

-se the $nglish language skills for academic and professional purposes. .omprehends, analy:es and interprets what has been communicated.

Competencies 'asic S(ills) .ommunicative ;nowledge and interaction with the &hysical world ,ata processing and digital competence 'ocial and civic *earning to learn Autonomy and personal initiative *owers of the ++I century -se of ICT Critical thinking Pro#lem sol+ing Ca$acit. for a#straction, anal.sis and s.nthesis /#ilit. to 0ork inde$endentl. and creati+el. /#ilit. to $ose and sol+e $ro#lems

Indicators of Achie!ement

$ormally uses classroom e"pressions to e"change information 'ith respect and politeness( Successfully 'rites e"pressions( Spea)s 'ith clear !oice and correct pronunciation 'hen ma)ing the oral presentation(

$raming *uestions Unit Plan

Essential *uestion
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hat kind of vocabulary can you used inside the learning setting!

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Unit *uestions

hat useful expressions can we used in the classroom! hy is important to learn about classroom expressions! hat are classroom expressions! hat classroom expressions do you know! hy is important to value the acquisition of useful expression!

Content *uestion

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

E!aluation Plan Schedule of Assessments +efore starting the Project 'or) +rainstorming Discussions %ist

During Project de!elopment

&nce the Project is completed ,ubric to e!aluate the collaborati!e 'or) on Spider Scribe ,ubric to e!aluate the oral presentation on Spider Scribe ,eflections

Illustrated list

E"ploratory #uestions +rainstorming A+C

,e!ie' S*A P-I chart C*A chart

Summary of E!aluations $valuation Process and purpose of e!aluation

'ession4 3< =onday April 31, 5>31 At the beginning 'rainstorming

1efore to #egin the $ro2ect the students de+elo$ a #rainstorming acti+it. in order to kno0 ho0 much the students kno0 a#out the to$ic"

,uring ,iscussion

3uring the class the students discuss a#out the to$ic to make sure a#out the +oca#ular. related to the to$ic" The $ur$ose of this e+aluation is to monitor student4s $erformance 0ith self e+aluation checklists"

At the end -ist

The students 0ill in+estigate and make a list of (& useful e5$ressions" In this 0a. the students can organi6e the acquired +oca#ular."

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

'ession4 5< Tuesday April 32, 5>31 At the beginning $.ploratory /uestions

The students ans0er to the question 7hat are useful e5$ressions8 This is to make sure a#out the $re+ious acquired kno0ledge" The students ans0er indi+iduall. on a 0ord document" The students generate +oca#ular. related to the to$ic" The. organi6e al$ha#eticall. the acquired +oca#ular. in this format"

,uring 'rainstorming A'0

At the end Illustrate& -ist

The students use the Internet and go to Google and search images" The illustrated list is hel$ful to kno0 and stud. the meaning of the +oca#ular. 0ords according to each image" It means the. are going to relate the 0ords 0ith the images" The C9/ is hel$ful for the students as a diagnostic and formati+e e+aluation" There, the. com$lete the C that #elongs to the $re+ious kno0ledge of the students" The * #elongs to dou#ts a#out the to$ic and the A that is the meaningful learning the students get a#out the to$ic"

'ession 46 1 ednesday April 37, 5>31 At the beginning and during Review 0/A

At the end *%I 0hart

PNI chart is hel$ful to gi+e ideas a#out the to$ic taking into consideration the $ositi+e and negati+e" The. $resent at the end the interesting as$ects"

'ession4 1< Tuesday April 53, 5>31 &roject Rubric to evaluate the collaborative wor( on Spi&er Scribe It is hel$ful to e+aluate the colla#orati+e learning and $artici$ation" It in+ol+es students 0orking in small grou$s online" The #enefit of this learning acti+it. is

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

$romotion of student4s interaction and $re$aration of +oca#ular. kno0ledge for real life situations" This is an indi+idual e+aluation 0here are the criterias to #e e+aluated during the oral $resentation" The students read and make sure a#out the criterias of e+aluation" The :eflection hel$s student a#out their o0n learning related to +alue the im$ortance of learning a#out useful e5$ressions" The reflection is an im$ortant e+aluation used #. the teacher to make sure a#out the acquired goals in relation to the o#2ecti+es"

Rubric to evaluate the oral presentation on Spi&er Scribe


Dri!e details s)ills ;nowledge about some useful expressions. ;nowledge on how to work on =icrosoft ord. "t is necessary a +mail account. ;nowledge on how to compose and send e<mails. ;nowledge about how to work on +oogle drive. -se of the tool: 'pider 'cribe.


Session 21 3 Mon&ay April 145 2614 Answer the unit question:

learning setting! hat kind of vocabulary can you used inside the

The students develop a brainstorming activity. The students get in small teams of 2 students and share about the brainstorming activity based on the content questions: hat are classroom expressions! $ach group write ideas on the word document the teacher sent to their e<mails then, they present it to the class using the multimedia. The students watch an animated gift about some useful expressions. They can visit my blog and watch the one that says animated gift on this link http:99www.weebly.com9weebly9main.php Then they discuss and mention
' (&&) Cor$oraci*n Intel" Todos los derechos reser+ados" P,gina

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

the vocabulary. This activity is orally. $ach student must participate during the discussion The students investigate on "nternet on the given link http:99www.englisch< hilfen.de9en9words9anweisungen.htm. This activity is developed individually. "f the students click on the given link they find more useful expressions and make a list on a word document. The teacher gives a checklist to the students in order to evaluate the content and the skills. ,uring this session, the student develops the following competences communicative, ability to work independently and creatively and critical thinking. Session 223 "ues&ay April 175 2614 The students watch a video before to begin the class. The link for this video is!v?:lb$T+g/@Tk .Aased on the content questions what useful expressions do you know! The students answer to some exploratory questions. Then they continue watching two tutorials to review. The first one is about how to search images on +oogle. The *ink for this video is!v?cj>+*A/AAxB Then, they search on the internet new useful expressions. After that, the students complete a list in the brainstorming AA. format. This format help the students organi:e the learned vocabulary alphabetically. This is an individual activity. At the end of the activity they present it to the class in order to share with other students. After that, they search images on +oogle according to each useful expression in the list made on session 3. They save the images into a file in the computer and send it to my e<mail . The students must make a list of the bibliographic references from the web. The students must be evaluated using a rubric on which they can see the criterias for the evaluation. ,uring the session 5 the students develop the following competences: digital competence and the ability to work independently and creatively. Session28 1 9e&nes&ay April 1:5 2614 The students complete a .DA chart at the beginning and during the class. The students watch a video tutorial about how to use 'pider 'cribe. *ink!v?u;f>t"vE*w> and a video tutorial on how to open a +mail account. *ink!v?p ds/ i6*bg FThis account is very important to open an account in 'pider 'cribe and log in
' (&&) Cor$oraci*n Intel" Todos los derechos reser+ados" P,gina

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

to it.G The two tutorials help the students to review previous acquired knowledge in the computer science class. After they watched the two tutorials, the students continue completing the .DA Then, the students listen to the teacherHs explanation for a review about the 'pider 'cribe. The teacher develops this explanation using the multimedia, the computer and the tool 'pider 'cribe and an account in +<mail. At the end of the class, the students complete a &)" chart about the learned tools 'pider 'cribe and +<mail account. ,uring the session 6 the students develop the following competences digital competence, .apacity for abstraction, analysis and synthesis, digital and communicative competence. Session24 1 Mon&ay April 215 2614 According to the content question: hat classroom expressions do you know! < +o to your +mail account, check the e<mail " sent and open the link to the 'pider 'cribe. The teacher makes the groups of 2 students to share, give ideas and work collaboratively in the 'pider 'cribe activity. 'o, each group access to the given link. "t is very important for the students to remember to add images and word documents. -se a color to differentiate your participation. %ead the rubric given by the teacher. The evaluation for the 'pider 'cribe activity must be a team evaluation. The students present the final 'pider 'cribe activity to the class. The presentation is orally and the evaluation is individually. ,uring the presentation of the project there are invited students from other classrooms. ,uring the session 1 the students develop the following competences: digital competence, .ritical thinking, &roblem solving, .apacity for abstraction, analysis and synthesis, Ability to work in teams and .apacity for abstraction, analysis and synthesis. At the end of the presentations, the students reflect about the importance to value the learning about useful expressions This final reflection must be evaluated by the students. The teacher also evaluates the final acquired knowledge about the topic taking notes on a word document.
Curricular Adaptations Students 'ith special needs

There are no students with special needs

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-on.Spanish spea)ing

There are non<speaking 'panish students.

/ifted student

There are t0o English nati+e s$eaking students that hel$ others students monitoring 0hat the. are doing"

0aterials and resources to dri!e Technology 1 2ard'are ;equi$o necesario<

Camera Com$uter;s< 3igital camera 3=3 $ Internet connection

Laser disc Printer Pro2ection s.stem Scanner T=

=C: =ideo Camera =ideo Conference Equi$ment Otro

Tecnology 1 Soft'are ;necessar.< 3ata#ase>s$readsheet 3iagrama $u#lications E mail $rogram Enc.clo$edia in C3 :O! Image editor 7e# search engine !ultimedia 7e# de+elo$ment Processor Others

Printed materials Supplies <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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eb ,irections F-%*sG

http:99www.weebly.com9weebly9main.php animated gift m list about useful expressions!v?:lb$T+g/@Tk video on 0ouTube I=ore -seful $xpressionsJ.
Internet resourses!v?cj>+*A/AAxB how to search images on +oogle.!v?p ds/ i6*bg how to open an account in 'pider 'cribe!v?p ds/ i6*bg how to open a +<mail account.

&ther ,esources

(ther $nglish teachers and students from other classrooms invited to listen to the final oral presentation about the topic using the tool 'pider 'cribe.

Los $rogramas de Intel? Educaci*n son financiados $or la @undaci*n Intel . la Cor$oraci*n Intel" 3erechos reser+ados '(&&), Cor$oraci*n Intel" Todos los derechos reser+ados" Intel, el logo de Intel, la iniciati+a de Intel Educaci*n . el Programa Intel Educar son marcas registradas de Intel Cor$oration o de sus su#sidiarias en los Estados -nidos . otros $aAses" BOtros nom#res . marcas $ueden ser reclamadas como la $ro$iedad de terceras $artes"

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