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Digital Books and Your Rights: A Checklist for Readers

by Corynne McSherry,; Cindy Cohn, Electronic Frontier Foundation February 16, 2010 February 2010 Do nload a !DF of thi" #a#er

I. Introduction
$fter "e%eral year" of fal"e "tart", the uni%er"e of digital boo&" "ee'" at la"t #oi"ed to e(#and dra'atically. )eader" "hould %ie thi" e(#an"ion ith both e(cite'ent and arine"". E(cite'ent becau"e digital boo&" could re%olutioni*e reading, 'a&ing 'ore boo&" 'ore findable and 'ore acce""ible to 'ore #eo#le in 'ore ay" than e%er before. +arine"" becau"e the %ariou" entitie" that ill hel# 'a&e thi" digital boo& re%olution #o""ible 'ay not al ay" re"#ect the right" and e(#ectation" that reader", author", boo&"eller" and librarian" ha%e built u#, and defended, o%er generation" of e(#erience ith #hy"ical boo&". $" ne digital boo& tool" and "er%ice" roll out, e need to be able to e%aluate not only the cool feature" they offer, but al"o hether they e(tend ,or ha'#er- our right" and e(#ectation". .he o%er/arching 0ue"tion1 are digital books as good or better than physical books at protecting you and your rights as a reader? 2elo e offer a chec&li"t that can hel# guide your in0uiry, a" ell a" an e(tended e(#lanation of hy the an" er" to the"e 0ue"tion" 'atter. 3ot "ur#ri"ingly, "o'e of the i""ue" o%erla#. For e(a'#le, Digital )ight" Manage'ent, or 4D)M,4 'atter" not only becau"e of the li'it" it #lace" on u"er", but becau"e of it" i'#act on inno%ation and co'#etition. 5et by "e#arating out the %ariou" i""ue", e ho#e to "#ur a 'ore rigorou" con"ideration of the %ariou" digital boo& offering". 6ur goal i" not to tell author", #ubli"her", %endor", librarie", or anyone el"e hat "trategie" they 'u"t ado#t, or tell boo& #urcha"er" hat o#tion" they 'u"t choo"e. +e ho#e that a robu"t 'ar&et#lace e'erge", ith %ariou" bu"ine"" 'odel" and technologie". 7n"tead, thi" chec&li"t re#re"ent" the &ey 0ue"tion" that reader" "hould a"& of each ne digital boo& #roduct or "er%ice to e%aluate hether it ade0uately #rotect" their intere"t". .hat "ort of rigorou" in0uiry ill hel# u" decide hich digital boo& future e ant 8 and ho to %ote ith our feet until e get it.

II. EFF Digital Book Checklist for Readers:

1. Does it (your e !ook reader"ser#ice"tool$ etc.% &rotect your &ri#acy'
Doe" it li'it the trac&ing of you and your reading9 Doe" it #rotect again"t di"clo"ure of your reading habit"9 Doe" it gi%e you control o%er the infor'ation it collect" about you9 Doe" it tell you hat it:" doing ith the infor'ation it collect" and can you enforce it" co''it'ent" to you9

(. Does it tell you )hat it is doing'

;o clear are the di"clo"ure"9 +ill they be u#dated and, if "o, ho 9 Doe" it let you or other" in%e"tigate to confir' that the #roduct, de%ice or "er%ice i" actually functioning a" #ro'i"ed9

*. +hat ha&&ens to additions you ,ake to !ooks you !uy$ like annotations$ highlights$ co,,entary'
Can you &ee# your addition"9 Can you control ho ha" acce"" to your addition"9

-. Do you o)n the !ook or .ust rent or license it'

Can you lend or re"ell9 7" it loc&ed do n or do you ha%e the freedo' to 'o%e it to other reader", "er%ice" or u"e"9 Can the %endor ta&e it a ay or edit it after you:%e #urcha"ed it9

/. Is it censorshi& resistant'
;o ea"y i" it to re'o%e or edit boo&" once acce"" or #o""e""ion ha" been gi%en to reader"9 7" there a "ingle entity that "tore" all the boo&", a" in <oogle 2oo&" or the =indle, "uch that #olitical or legal #re""ure on that #lace 'ight re"ult in a lo"" of the or& for all reader"9 $re the boo&" "tored in a location here cen"or"hi# i" hi"torically a #roble', "uch a" China or Saudi $rabia, or in a #lace that i" relati%ely free of cen"or"hi#9 $re the co#yright or other la " a##licable to the boo&" balanced, gi%ing reader" the #rotection of doctrine" li&e fair u"e or co#yright e(ce#tion" and li'itation"9

0. Is it !urdened )ith digital rights ,anage,ent (1DR21%'

7" there D)M9 7f "o, ho doe" the D)M li'it your u"e of the boo&9 Can you "till lend, gi%e or re"ell the boo&9 +hat feature" are enabled and>or di"abled9 $re you loc&ed into a "ingle technology or a grou# of technologie", or can you choo"e any de%ice you i"h to read and other i"e u"e your boo&9 ;a" the D)M been "tudied by inde#endent re"earcher" to confir' that it cau"e" no "ecurity or other #roble'"9 Doe" it re#ort on your acti%itie" or other i"e %iolate your #ri%acy9

3. Does it &ro,ote access to kno)ledge'

Can author" and #ubli"her" ea"ily dedicate their boo&" to the #ublic do'ain, or u"e Creati%e Co''on" or other fle(ible licen"ing "che'e"9 Can you tru"t your 4digital librarian4 to enable acce"" to a" 'any or&" a" #o""ible9 7" it a%ailable to #eo#le ithout 'oney, a" #ublic librarie" are9 7" it co"t/effecti%e for #eo#le of li'ited 'ean"9 7" it a%ailable to #eo#le ith di"abilitie"9

4. Does it foster or inhi!it co,&etition and inno#ation'

Can boo&" fro' thi" "ource be read on a %ariety of reader" or for'at" or are you loc&ed into a "ingle for'at or reader9 Con%er"ely, can you read or acce"" boo&" fro' a %ariety of "ource"9 Can the de%ice or "er%ice feature" be ea"ily added or 'odified by u"er" or third #artie" or 'u"t feature" be #re/a##ro%ed by the #ro%ider9 Doe" the #ro%ider de#end on or #ro'ote agree'ent" that li'it co'#etition9

III. EFF Digital Book Checklist: 5he E6tended 7ersion

1. Does it &rotect your &ri#acy'
Why it matters:
.he ability to read #ri%ately and anony'ou"ly i" e""ential to freedo' of e(#re""ion, thought and in0uiry. 7n the orld of #hy"ical boo&", boo&"tore", librarie", and indi%idual" ha%e long fought again"t the chilling effect of "o'eone, e"#ecially "o'eone fro' the go%ern'ent, loo&ing o%er your "houlder a" you read. $" !ulit*er !ri*e/ inning author Michael Chabon "tated hen he ?oined EFF:" effort" to in"i"t that <oogle 2oo&" #ro%ide ade0uate #rotection" for reader #ri%acy1 7f there i" no #ri%acy of thought 8 hich include" i'#licitly the right to read hat one ant", ithout the a##ro%al, con"ent or &no ledge of other" 8 then there i" no #ri%acy, #eriod.1 @nfortunately, reader #ri%acy ha" often been attac&ed. $t the McCarthy hearing" in the 1AB0", #eo#le ere 0ue"tioned on hether they had read Mar( and Cenin. .hey ere a"&ed hether their "#ou"e" or a""ociate" had boo&" by or about Stalin and Cenin on their boo&"hel%e".2 $nd the"e effort" did not end ith the McCarthy era. 2et een 2001 and 200B, librarie" ere contacted by la enforce'ent "ee&ing infor'ation on #atron" at lea"t 200 ti'e".D !hy"ical boo&" ha%e 'any natural #rotection" for reader anony'ity. For e(a'#le, you can1 bro "e through the "tac&" of your local library or boo&"tore ithout anyone trac&ing hat you are loo&ing at, hat you #ull off of the "hel%e" a" you bro "e or hat #age" you re%ie ; al& into a "tore and buy a boo& ith ca"h, thereby a%oiding any record of your #urcha"e; hide a boo& under your bed "o no one &no " you:re reading it; thro a boo& a ay after reading it and no one ill e%er &no you had it; gi%e a boo& to "o'eone el"e ithout anyone &no ing it; read a &ey #art of a boo& that you o n or borro fro' the library 'ulti#le ti'e", or not at all, ith no one &no ing.

Digital boo& #ractice" 'ay threaten the"e traditional #rotection". Digital boo& #ro%ider" ha%e the #otential to trac&, aggregate, analy*e, and di"clo"e reader acti%ity to an e(tent far beyond anything #o""ible ith #hy"ical boo&". 2oth boo& do nload "er%ice" ,li&e the =indle- and tho"e li&e <oogle 2oo& Search , here the u"er acce""e" a boo& "tored on a "er%er- can continue trac&ing during and after the initial tran"action, a" ell a" 'aintain record" of e%ery boo& #urcha"ed o%er the lifeti'e of the reader. .hat 'ean" digital boo& #ro%ider" can collect data on hat boo&" you "earch for, hat boo&" you bro "e, hat #age" you %ie , and for ho long 8 and they can &ee# that data for a %ery long ti'e. Mo"t of thi" trac&ing i" "o'ething boo&"tore" and librarie" could ne%er do "hort of hiring an agent to follo #atron" around the "tac&" and then into their ho'e".

What to look for:

)eader" con"idering hether boo& #roduct", tool" or "er%ice" ade0uately #rotect #ri%acy "hould
1 2 D Michael Chabon, <oogle 2oo& Search Settle'ent and )eader !ri%acy, htt#1>>>i""ue">#ri%acy>google/boo&/"earch/"ettle'ent. See e.g., Senate !er'anent Subco''ittee on 7n%e"tigation" of the Co''ittee on <o%ern'ent 6#eration", Eol. 2, A6F, Mar. 2F, 1ABD ,te"ti'ony of Gerre <. Mangione- and 16AH, Se#t. 2, 1ABD ,te"ti'ony of Mary Colo'bo !al'iero-. Eric Cichtblau, F.2.7., @"ing !atriot $ct, De'and" CibraryI" )ecord", 3.5. .i'e", $ug 26, 200B, htt#1>> .nyti'e".co'>200B>0J>26>#olitic">'l.

a"&1 1. Does it limit the tracking of you and your reading? Gu"t a" reader" 'ay anony'ou"ly bro "e boo&" in a library or boo&"tore, reader" "hould be able to "earch, bro "e, and #re%ie digital boo&" ithout being forced to identify the'"el%e". .o "ee hether a digital boo& #ro%ider i" li'iting trac&ing, a"& hether it1 En"ure" that "earching and bro "ing of boo&" do not re0uire u"er regi"tration or the affir'ati%e di"clo"ure of any #er"onal infor'ation; Connect" any infor'ation collected fro' an indi%idual reader ith any other infor'ation the digital #ro%ider 'ay &no about the "a'e indi%idual fro' other "ource" ithout "#ecific, infor'ed, o#t/in con"ent. .hi" i" e"#ecially i'#ortant for boo& #ro%ider" li&e <oogle that ha%e 'ulti#le "er%ice" collecting other infor'ation about u"er"; !urge" all logging or other infor'ation related to indi%idual u"e" a" "oon a" #racticable, hich in 'o"t in"tance" "hould be no le"" than e%ery D0 day". .hi" #urge "hould en"ure that thi" infor'ation cannot be u"ed to connect #articular boo&" %ie ed to #articular co'#uter" or u"er";F and +here #o""ible, allo " you to u"e anony'ity #ro%ider", "uch a" .or, #ro(y "er%er", and anony'ou" E!3 #ro%ider", hen interacting ith the "er%ice.

2. Does it protect you against disclosure of your reading habits? )eader" "hould be able to read and #urcha"e boo&" ithout orrying that the go%ern'ent or a third #arty 'ay be effecti%ely reading o%er their "houlder. .o en"ure that any "tored infor'ation lin&ing reader" to the boo&" they %ie or #urcha"e i" not di"clo"ed to the go%ern'ent or third #artie" ithout #ro#er #rotection", a"& hether the #ro%ider ill1 Co''it that it ill not di"clo"e infor'ation about you to go%ern'ent entitie" or other" ab"ent a arrant or court order unle"" re0uired to do "o by la ; 3otify you #rior to co'#lying ith any go%ern'ent or third #arty re0ue"t for your infor'ation ,unle"" forbidden to do "o by la or court order-, and #ro%ide you ith "ufficient ti'e to "ee& court re%ie of the re0ue"t; and <uarantee that it ill not tell any bu"ine"" #artner", or affiliate" hich boo&" you #urcha"ed.

3. Does it give you control over the information it collects about you? )eader" of #a#er boo&" can control infor'ation collected about the' by, for e(a'#le, buying boo&" ith ca"h. .hat freedo' "hould not di"a##ear a" boo&" go digital. )eader" ho ant to a""ert "o'e control o%er their o n infor'ation "hould con"ider hether the #ro%ider ill1 $llo you to delete your boo&" and en"ure that thi" deletion re'o%e" any record of the #urcha"e;

<oogle already doe" thi" for other "en"iti%e u"er infor'ation. 7t" <oogle ;ealth "er%ice hich allo " a u"er to organi*e and "tore health infor'ation, "tore" u"e infor'ation, "uch a" nu'ber of log/in", for only t o ee&", and doe" not correlate that infor'ation ith other <oogle "er%ice" infor'ation. See <oogle ;ealth !ri%acy !olicy, a%ailable at htt#1>>'>intl>en/@S>health>'l ,la"t acce""ed $#r. 2J, 200A-. Si'ilarly, <oogle build" #ri%acy #rotection" for u"er" into <oogle Catitude, a cell #hone "er%ice that find" the location of friend", by o%er riting hi"torical data. See <oogle Mobile ;el#, !ri%acy1 Cocation ;i"tory, a%ailable at htt#1>>'>"u##ort>'obile>bin>an" er.#y9hlKenLan" erK1D66B2 ,la"t acce""ed $#r. 2J, 200A-. Ci&e 'edical record" and location trac&ing, boo& record" #aint a re%ealing and inti'ate #ortrait of the reader; boo& record" "hould be co'#arably ell/#rotected.

$llo you to control hat other local or re'ote co'#uter u"er" can "ee about your reading, #o""ibly through the u"e of "e#arate #a"" ord/#rotected 4boo&"hel%e"4 or other technical 'ean"; and E"tabli"h a 'ethod to allo #ri%ate reading of #urcha"ed boo&" and #ri%ate gi%ing of boo&", "uch a" allo ing you to anony'ou"ly tran"fer or 4gift4 #urcha"e" to "o'eone el"e ,including tran"fer to other account" you control-, ith no record of the fact of the original #urcha"e.

4. Does it tell you what it's doing with the information it collects and can you enforce its commitments to you? $ #ro%ider co''itted to en"uring both tran"#arency and enforceability in the #rotection of reader #ri%acy ill do "o'e or all of the follo ing1 !ro%ide a robu"t, ea"y/to/read notice of #ri%acy #ro%i"ion" and #olicie"; En"ure that any co''it'ent" it 'a&e" to #rotect reader #ri%acy are legally enforceable by reader"; Store all reader infor'ation e(clu"i%ely in countrie" that ha%e "trong #ri%acy #rotecting la ", e"#ecially a" again"t de'and" for di"clo"ure by la enforce'ent and #ri%ate third #artie"; En"ure that any ater'ar&" or other 'ar&ing technologie" u"ed do not contain identifying infor'ation about u"er" in a for'at that third #artie" can read or deci#her. $ny ater'ar&" ith #er"onally identifying infor'ation about u"er" "hould be di"clo"ed to u"er" "ufficiently to alert the' to the e(i"tence of "uch 'ar&" and the ty#e of infor'ation they include; and $nnually #ubli"h online, in a con"#icuou" and ea"ily acce""ible area of it" eb"ite, the ty#e and nu'ber of infor'ation re0ue"t" it recei%e" fro' go%ern'ent entitie" or third #artie".

(. 5rans&arency: Does it tell you )hat it8s doing'

Why it matters:
7n the #hy"ical orld, it:" relati%ely "i'#le to &no e%erything you need to about the con"e0uence" of "earching, buying, "elling, and reading. 5ou buy a boo& 8 in ca"h if you li&e 8 ta&e it ho'e, read it at your lei"ure, #ut it on the "helf, #a"" it on, or thro it a ay. $lthough, if you buy the boo& ith a credit card you don:t al ay" &no hat infor'ation boo&"eller" are &ee#ing, or for ho long, for the 'o"t #art it:" a "i'#le, tran"#arent #roce"". 3ot "o for digital boo&". So'e electronic boo&" co'e laden ith D)M, a" ell a" any nu'ber of other 4feature"4 that 'ay or 'ay not be di"clo"ed. For e(a'#le, in 200A =indle u"er" ere "hoc&ed to learn that their reader" included a feature that let $'a*on delete their boo&" re'otely.B +e:%e "een here loading une(#ected feature" onto con"u'er #roduct" can lead. 7n 200B, 'u"ic fan" learned ,a" a re"ult of the inde#endent effort of co'#uter re"earcher"- that Sony 2M< had included co#y/#rotection "oft are in 'illion" of 'u"ic CD" that could create "eriou" "ecurity and #ri%acy #roble'" on #er"onal co'#uter". .he "oft are actually did 'uch 'ore than ?u"t #re%enting co#ying, including re#orting cu"to'er li"tening habit". .hi" all ha##ened to cu"to'er" ithout a##ro#riate notice and con"ent.6 )eader" of digital boo&" ha%e little rea"on to tru"t the #ri%ate co'#anie" that "ell the' their boo&"
B 6 Corynne McSherry, 4.he =indle Ca "uit1 !rotecting )eader" Fro' Future $bu"e",4 EFF Dee# Cin&" blog, $ug. B, 200A, htt#1>>>dee#lin&">200A>0J>&indle/la "uit/#rotecting/reader"/future/abu"e". Sony 2M< Citigation 7nfo, htt#1>>>ca"e">"ony/b'g/litigation/info

and de%ice", and they "houldn:t ha%e to. )eader" need to &no hat they are getting, "o that they can 'a&e good choice" about hat to buy and ho to u"e their boo&".

What to look for:

1. ow clear are the disclosures? !ill they be updated" and if so" how? 5our %endor "hould tell you, in ad%ance and in #lain, #ro'inent language, hat the de%ice or "er%ice ill be doing and ho it ill be doing it, e"#ecially if it i" interacting ith your co'#uter or other de%ice or "er%ice. +hat:" 'ore, that di"clo"ure "hould be an ongoing obligation; if #ractice" change, your %endor 'u"t 'a&e "ure you can find out about it ,and o#t for a different #ro%ider, if need be-. 2. Does it let you or others investigate to confirm that the product" device or service is actually functioning as promised? Many co'#anie" li'it u"er": ability to tin&er ith the technology they buy, %ia contractual ter'", technological 'ea"ure", or legal threat" again"t re%er"e engineering and "ecurity audit". 6ther" ha%e crac&ed do n on cu"to'er" ho #ubli"h re#ort" about bug" and "ecurity fla ". $" ith any other digital de%ice, a #ro%ider "hould allo cu"to'er" to te"t and tin&er ith their de%ice" and "er%ice" to en"ure that the de%ice i" actually or&ing in the ay it a" #ro'i"ed.

*. +hat ha&&ens to your additions to the !ook like annotations$ highlights$ and co,,entary'
Why it matters:
)eader" are accu"to'ed to annotating #hy"ical boo&" in any nu'ber of ay". .hey 'a&e note" in the 'argin, 4dog/ear4 the #age", lard the' u# ith "tic&y note", cut out fa%orite i'age", and fra'e the', etc. +hen they are done, the original boo& 'ay be "ignificantly altered and #o""ibly 'ore %aluable.H $t the "a'e ti'e, tho"e note" 8 hich can #ro%ide an i'#ortant indo into a reader:" thought" 8 need not be "hared ith other" if the reader #refer" to &ee# the' #ri%ate. @nfortunately, annotation" to boo&" &e#t 4in the cloud4 'ay di"a##ear. $n e/boo& #ro%ider 'ight decide it no longer ant" to retain the infor'ation. @#grade" to the "er%ice 'ay interfere ith your ability to acce"" old note". $nd e/boo& #ro%ider" 'ay li'it your ability to "hare your note" ith other". 6n the fli# "ide, a" long a" a #ro%ider &ee#" infor'ation about you, that infor'ation could be "ub?ect to di"clo"ure. .hat 'ean" you 'ay not be able to control hether your note" are 'ade a%ailable to la enforce'ent, your bo"", or the general #ublic.

What to look for:

1. #an you keep your additions? $re annotation" and addition" &e#t 4in the cloud4 or locally here you can al ay" ha%e acce"" to the'9 Can you 'a&e a local bac&u# of annotation" in u"able for' ,note that for "o'e e/boo&" reader" li&e the =indle that ha%e uni0ue #agination and "i'ilar difference" fro' #hy"ical or other e/boo&", thi" ould li&ely re0uire a local bac&u# of the boo& #lu" annotation"-9

e.g. 4Se%eru" Sna#eI" co#y of $d%anced !otion Ma&ing,4 ;$))5 !6..E) +7=7, htt#1>>harry#otter. i&'> i&i>Se%eru"MSna#eI"Mco#yMofM$d%ancedM!otion/Ma&ing ,la"t acce""ed Feb. D, 2010-.

+hat ha##en" if the #ro%ider:" "er%er" go do n9J +hat ha##en" if the #ro%ider decide" that it i" "i'#ly too e(#en"i%e to "u##ort the additional 'aterial9A +hat ha##en" if the %endor decide" not to #ro%ide the boo& any longer9 Can you "hare your note" ith other"9 Can your #ro%ider u"e your note" for other #ur#o"e" ,"uch a" beha%ioral ad%erti"ing-9 $re annotation" and addition" "hared ith third #artie" by the #ro%ider either through 'ar&eting agree'ent" or other #artner arrange'ent"9 7f your note" are "tored re'otely ith the "er%ice #ro%ider, ill the #ro%ider re0uire a arrant or court order before turning tho"e note" o%er to third #artie"9

2. #an you keep your additions?

-. Do you o)n the !ook'

Why it matters:
!urcha"er" of #hy"ical boo&" al ay" ha%e the boo& and can lend or "ell the boo& hene%er and ho e%er they ould li&e. .hey don:t ri"& lo"ing their boo& if they fail to #ay an ongoing fee, %iolate the ter'" of a licen"e agree'ent, or if the %endor "i'#ly decide" not to continue the "er%ice. .heir reading and u"e of the boo& i" not 8 and ithout undue difficulty cannot be 8 'onitored in the na'e of en"uring they "tay ithin the ter'" of a licen"e or for any other rea"on. 6 ner"hi# of boo&" #ro%ide" 'any #rotection" li&e the"e. 7t #rotect" reader" fro' cen"or"hi#, fo"ter" "econdary 'ar&et" ,i.e., u"ed boo&"tore"- that hel# #rotect u" fro' #rice gouging, and hel#" le"" #o#ular author" find ne fan". 7t al"o en"ure" that your boo&" "tay your"1 once you:%e #urcha"ed a boo& no one fro' the boo&"tore can co'e to your hou"e later and de'and the boo& bac& or hit a re'ote &ill " itch and do the "a'e. !erha#" 'o"t i'#ortantly, than&" to co#yright:" fir"t "ale doctrine, once you ha%e la fully obtained your co#y, you are entitled to re"ell the boo& or gi%e it a ay. .hi" i" hat 'a&e" librarie", u"ed boo&"tore", and gi%ing boo&" a" gift" legal, all of hich hel# author" a" ell a" reader". )eader" are 'ore illing to "hell out 'ore for a ne boo& if they &no they fully control it" u"e and can re/"ell that boo& later. Further, the u"ed boo& 'ar&et hel#" "u##ort a continuing %ibrant boo& culture by 'a&ing boo&" a%ailable to reader" ho cannot other i"e afford the'. Finally, borro ing boo&" fro' friend" or recei%ing boo&" a" gift" are a crucial 'ean" by hich reader" di"co%er unfa'iliar author" 8 hich lead" the' to buy tho"e author": ne(t boo&". Many reader" e(#ect that the "a'e rule" ill a##ly to their e/boo& #urcha"e". ;o e%er, electronic boo&" ha%e often been treated a" 4licen"ed4 content, "ub?ect to legal and technical re"triction" ,#ri'arily, D)M- that bloc& reader": ability to re"ell, lend, or gift an e/boo&. More o'inou"ly, la"t year =indle reader" reali*ed that their #ro%ider ,$'a*on- could actually reach do n into their de%ice" and #ull boo&" fro' their %irtual "hel%e".10 +e e(#ect to "ee 'any different 'odel" for acce""ing boo&" to de%elo#. 2ut gi%en the crucial
J Cory Doctoro , 4Eboo& D)M #ro%ider goe" dar&, the boo&" you #aid for di"a##ear,4 2673<2673<, Gan. J, 200A, htt#1>>>200A>01>0J>eboo&/dr'/#ro%ider/'l. A Corynne McSherry, 4$nd +al'art Ma&e" .hree1 $nother Mu"ic Ser%ice !lan" to Shut Do n D)M Su##ort,4 EFF Dee# Cin&" blog, Se#t. 2J, 200J, htt#1>>>dee#lin&">200J>0A>and/ al'art/'a&e"/three/another/'u"ic/"er%ice/#lan. 10 Gohn .i''er, 4My =indle ate 'y ho'e or&1 la "uit filed o%er 1AJF deletion,4 $)S .EC;37C$, Guly D1, 200A, htt#1>>ar"'>gadget">ne ">200A>0H>'y/&indle/ate/'y/ho'e or&/la "uit/filed/o%er/1AJF/".

benefit" that o ner"hi# #ro%ide" to reader" and to the larger intere"t" in #ri%acy and freedo' of e(#re""ion, reader" "hould not acce#t a orld here all e can e%er do i" 4rent4 a boo&, "ub?ect to the hi'" of a digital 4landlord.4

What to look for:

1. #an you lend or resell? 6ne of the ba"ic right" of o ner"hi# i" the ability to lend, gi%e a ay, or re/"ell your #ro#erty. Doe" your #ro%ider allo you to do that ith boo&" you buy9 7f "o, ho ea"y i" it9 D)M or other technological inco'#atibilitie" 'ay inhibit your ability to tran"fer your boo&, "o in%e"tigate the"e i""ue" before you buy. 2. $s it locked down or do you have the freedom to move it to other readers" services or uses? $nother ba"ic right of o ner"hi# i" control 8 o%er both the #roduct" you buy and the de%ice" you u"e. Find out if you can read your boo& on your la#to# if that:" 'ore con%enient. $nd, a"& hether u#grade" or other nor'al hard are ad?u"t'ent" 'ight 'ean lo"" of your boo&". 3. #an the vendor take it away or edit it after you've purchased it? Doe" the de%ice allo a #ro%ider or anyone el"e to delete, delete acce"" to, or alter the boo&" on your de%ice9 7f "o, you bought it, but you don:t really o n it. $ re'ote 4delete4 or 4edit4 " itch for #urcha"ed boo&" "hould not be built into e/boo& reader" or other de%ice".

/. Is it censorshi& resistant'
Why it matters:
Cen"or"hi# re"i"tance i" one of the &ey benefit" of buying boo&" ,a" o##o"ed to 'erely renting the', for e(a'#le-. +hen you o n a boo&, that 'ean" you ha%e the #o er to acce"" it, #re"er%e it, "hare it, and, if need be, hide it. .ho"e "a'e abilitie" 'u"t be #re"er%ed for digital boo&", le"t digital boo& "er%ice" beco'e auto'ated cen"or" beyond <eorge 6r ell and )ay 2radbury:" ilde"t drea'". 7ndeed, a" Farhad Man?oo ha" noted, if a #ro%ider can delete an entire boo&, it can doubtle"" delete #ortion" of a boo& a" ell. +hat i" or"e, "uch deletion" 'ay not al ay" be the #ro%ider:" o n choice1 7f $##le or $'a*on can decide to delete "tuff you:%e bought, then "urely a court 8 or, to channel 6r ell, #erha#" e%en a totalitarian regi'e 8 could force the' to do the "a'e. Ci&e a lot of other", 7:%e #redicted the =indle i" the future of #ubli"hing. 3o e &no hat the future of boo& banning loo&" li&e, too.11

What to look for:

1. ow easy is it to remove or edit books once access or possession has been given to readers? E%ery ne technology for "haring infor'ation ha" been 'et ith effort" by #ublic and #ri%ate entitie" to control and li'it the infor'ation 'ade a%ailable. Cen"or"hi#/re"i"tant de%ice" and "er%ice" can 'a&e that effort harder by eli'inating feature" that allo infor'ation to be deleted. 2. $s there a single entity that stores all the books" as in %oogle &ooks or the 'indle" such that political or legal pressure on that place might result in a loss of the work for all readers? 2y the "a'e to&en, cen"or"hi#/re"i"tant de%ice" and "er%ice" ill 'a&e "ure infor'ation i" di"#er"ed, "o there i" no ea"y, central #oint of %ulnerability.
11 Farhad Man?oo, 4+hy 202F +ill 2e Ci&e 3ineteen Eighty/Four,4 SC$.E, Guly 20, 200A, htt#1>> ."'>id>222D21F>.

3. (re the books stored in a location where censorship is historically a problem" such as #hina or )audi (rabia" or in a place that is relatively free of censorship? $ #ro%ider that care" about #rotecting acce"" to &no ledge ill 'a&e "ure it" "er%er" are located in a country ith "#eech/friendly la ". 4. (re the copyright or other laws applicable to the books balanced" giving readers the protection of doctrines like fair use or copyright e*ceptions and limitations? Cen"or"hi# can co'e in 'any for'" 8 "o'eti'e" go%ern'ent" inter%ene to "hut do n "#eech, and "o'eti'e" co#yright and trade'ar& o ner" 'i"u"e their right" to do "o ,e.g., bu"ine"" tycoon ;o ard ;ughe" bought u# ne "#a#er and 'aga*ine co#yright" in order to "u##re"" acce"" to inter%ie " he ga%e-.12 .o li'it "uch 4#ri%ate4 cen"or"hi#, try to get boo&" fro' #ro%ider" located in countrie" that recogni*e "#eech/#rotecting doctrine" li&e fair u"e.

0. Is It Burdened +ith Digital Rights 2anage,ent'

Why it matters:
Early entrant" in the digital boo&" 'ar&et#lace are already loc&ing do n their boo&" ith D)M, i.e., technologie" that li'it hat you can do ith the content you buy, u"ually in the na'e of reducing co#yright infringe'ent. )eader", author", and #ubli"her" "hould ta&e a hard loo& at the e(#erience of D)M on digital 'u"ic and recon"ider the i"do' of thi" a##roach for digital boo&". For reader", the le""on" of D)M in digital 'u"ic tell u" that content re"tricted ith D)M i" le"" u"eful than content ithout D)M, and can e%en be dangerou". $" di"cu""ed abo%e, D)M "che'e" a##lied to 'u"ic ha%e o#ened u# "ecurity %ulnerabilitie" on co'#uter" and "#ied on li"tening habit". $nd, until it" recent de'i"e, D)M reduced con"u'er choice in 'u"ic and 'u"ic #layer". $##le:" D)M "che'e, for e(a'#le, 'eant that #urcha"e" fro' $##le:" i.une" Store ould only #lay on $##le:" o n i!od".1D For author" and #ubli"her", the le""on" are e0ually #lain. Fir"t, D)M ill be no 'ore effecti%e at #re%enting unauthori*ed co#ying of boo&" than it a" for 'u"ic.1F 7n an era of ine(#en"i%e ca'era" and o#tical character recognition ,6C)- technologie", "canning boo&" ill ?u"t get chea#er and ea"ier o%er ti'e. $nything that can be read by hu'an" can be #hotogra#hed, 6C):ed, and u#loaded 8 D)M ill not change that. Second, D)M ine%itably alienate" at lea"t "o'e #otential cu"to'er". .hird, D)M ill #ut the #o er in the hand" of the technology co'#anie" that control the D)M "tandard", rather than author" and #ubli"her", by loc&ing cu"to'er" and bu"ine""e" into a #ro#rietary #latfor'.1B $uthor Cory Doctoro "u'" u# the #roble'1 7'agine if, in addition to ha%ing control o%er hat in%entory they carry, Nthe big bo( "tore"O al"o carried your boo&" in "uch a ay that they could only be "hel%ed on +al'art "hel%e", they could only be read in +al'art la'#", running +al'art light bulb". 7'agine the loc&/in to your cu"to'er" and the lac& of control o%er your de"tiny that you ha%e "igned u# ith if thi" i" the #ath you #ur"ue. +ell thi" i" in fact hat you get hen you "ell D)M:d eboo&" or D)M:d 'u"ic 8 in order to #lay bac& that D)M for'at, in order carry, 'ani#ulate or con%ert that D)M for'at, you ha%e to licen"e the D)M. .he co'#any that control" licen"ing for the D)M control" your bu"ine"" to the e(tent that your bu"ine"" i" reliant on thi".16
12 See )o"e'ont Enter" %. )ando' ;ou"e, 7nc. et al, D66 F.2d D0D ,Dd Cir 1A66-. 1D .he 3!D <rou# #re"" relea"e, 4Digital Mu"ic 7ncrea"e" Share of 6%erall Mu"ic Sale" Eolu'e in the @.S.,4 $ug. 1J, 200A, htt#1>>'>#re"">relea"e">#re""'l. 1F e.g. Farhad Man?oo, 4.he !otter Cea&1 +inner" and lo"er" ,no "#oiler"-,4 S$C63, Guly 1J, 200H, htt#1>> ."'>technology>'achini"t>blog>200H>0H>1J>#otterMlea&>inde(.ht'l. 1B <lenn Flei"h'an, 4Econo'ie" of Digital Sale,4 !@2C7C6C$, $ug. 10, 200A, htt#1>>>9#K11DFD. 16 Cory Doctoro , 4My D)M and eboo&" tal& fro' 6I)eilly .ool" of Change for !ubli"hing,4 2673<2673<, $#ril 1B, 200A, htt#1>>>200A>0F>1B>'y/dr'/and/eboo&"/'l.

So'e ha%e argued that D)M i" nece""ary for lending or lea"ing "che'e". 7n fact, there i" already 4digital loan4 "oft are in ide u"e by #ublic librarie" that doe" not bother to i'#o"e any D)M on e/boo&", o#ting in"tead to auto'atically delete the boo&" after the load #eriod ha" e(#ired.1H +hile u"er" could defeat thi" by digging u# and co#ying the underlying file, 'o"t u"er" don:t bother, ?u"t li&e 'o"t 3etfli( "ub"criber" don:t bother to co#y the DED" they rent, de"#ite the ready a%ailability of free "oft are that can acco'#li"h that goal. 2oo&"eller" and #ubli"her" are "till e(#eri'enting ith digital boo& bu"ine"" 'odel", and e "u##ort that e(#eri'entation. 2ut author" and #ubli"her" "hould heed the le""on" that the 'u"ic indu"try learned the hard ay 8 D)M i" bad for bu"ine"".

What to look for:

1. $s there D+,? $f so" how does it limit your use of the book? #an you still lend" gift or resell the book? !hat features are enabled and which have been disabled? D)M can co'e in 'any for'", "o'e 'ore #erniciou" than other". 7t:" li&ely that %endor" ill e(#eri'ent ith different for'", hich at lea"t gi%e" you an o##ortunity to %ote ith your allet" 8 ?u"t a" 'u"ic fan" ha%e. 2. (re you locked into a single reader technology or group of reader technologies" or can you choose any device you wish to read and otherwise use your book? $" noted, reader" ,not to 'ention author" and #ubli"her"- "hould be e"#ecially ary of D)M that loc&" the' into a #articular #ro#rietary technology. +hy ould you ant to gi%e one co'#any the ability to deter'ine hether you:ll be able to acce"" a boo& you lo%e9 3. as the D+, been studied by independent researchers to confirm that it causes no security or other problems? )e'e'ber the root&it.1J F. Doe" it re#ort on your acti%itie" or other i"e %iolate your #ri%acy9 $" di"cu""ed abo%e, "o'e for'" of D)M gi%e the %endor ,or "o'eti'e" e%en a third #artya indo into the cu"to'er:" de%ice. 5our reading habit" are nobody:" bu"ine"" but your o n, and "elling you a boo& "houldn:t beco'e an e(cu"e to 'onitor your acti%itie".

3. Does it &ro,ote access to kno)ledge'

Why it matters:
Digital boo&" ha%e the #otential to tran"for' acce"" to &no ledge, in the @.S. and abroad. +ith #hy"ical boo&", acce"" to boo&" can be i'#eded by three barrier"1 archi%ing ,#hy"ical boo&" are e(#en"i%e to #re"er%e-; inde(ing>"earch ,e%en here catalogue" are a%ailable online, "earching for rele%ant boo&" on a gi%en to#ic can be difficult, and 'any boo&" are not yet inde(ed-; and obtaining boo&" ,once you find a boo& you thin& you ant, you 'ay need to buy it, borro it or, if you ha%e acce"" to a library ith the right relation"hi#", atte'#t to order it %ia interlibrary loan-. .he"e barrier" ha%e traditionally ha'#ered acce"" to #a#er boo&"; in area" ithout re"ource" or fir"t/cla"" librarie", acce"" to boo&" can be ell/nigh i'#o""ible. Digital boo&" offer ho#e of reducing the"e traditional barrier" to acce"". 2ut digital boo&" ill only li%e u# to that #ro'i"e if reader" de'and it.

1H Matt 3euburg, 4$ Silly Saga1 ;o 7 Do nloaded an $udio 2oo& fro' My Cibrary,4 .7D27.S, March B, 200A, htt#1>>db.tidbit".co'>article>1012D. 1J Sony 2M< Citigation 7nfo, htt#1>>>ca"e">"ony/b'g/litigation/info.

What to look for:

1. #an authors and publishers easily dedicate their books to the public domain or #reative #ommons or other fle*ible licensing schemes? )ight"/holder" "hould be able to dedicate their boo&" to the #ublic do'ain and>or ha%e the o#tion to licen"e the boo&" %ia a Creati%e Co''on" ,4CC4- licen"e or "i'ilar fle(ible licen"ing 'odel. For e(a'#le, after #re""ure fro' acade'ic author" and other", <oogle and the $uthor" <uild announced that author" and #ubli"her" of boo&" included in <oogle 2oo&" ould be able to dedicate their boo&" to the #ublic do'ain or ha%e the o#tion to u"e a CC/licen"e. For 'any right"/holder", #ro'oting acce"" and re/u"e of a or& %ia a free CC licen"e 'ay be 'ore %aluable than charging reader". 2ut in order for author" and right"/holder" to 'a&e thi" choice, technology co'#anie" ha%e to de"ign their "y"te'" to acco''odate and "u##ort #ublic do'ain and CC licen"e o#tion". 2. #an you trust your -digital librarian- to enable access to as many works as possible? .raditional librarie" fro n on li'iting acce"" to boo&" unnece""arily. .he #ro#o"ed <oogle 2oo& Search "er%ice re"er%e" to <oogle the right to e(clude any boo& 4for editorial rea"on".4 7f, a" i" #o""ible, <oogle beco'e" the only %iable "ource for digital or#han or&", thi" 'ean" that <oogle ill ha%e e(traordinary influence o%er #ublic acce"" to tho"e or&". 3. $s it available to people without money" as public libraries are? Digital boo& #ro%ider" "hould en"ure that reader" in re"ource/#oor area" ha%e o#tion" for engaging ith ne digital re"ource". For e(a'#le, <oogle ha", a" #art of it" #ro#o"ed <oogle 2oo& Search "ettle'ent ith author" and #ubli"her", #ro#o"ed offering a free #ublic acce"" ter'inal for the <oogle 2oo&" collection to e%ery #ublic library in $'erica. F. $s it cost.effective for people of limited means? .he %a"t 'a?ority of global reader" ill ne%er be able to afford the PD00 =indle 2. .he be"t ay to bring do n co"t" i" to fo"ter %ibrant, free/'ar&et co'#etition in the"e technologie". .hi" i" one rea"on e "hould fear D)M for boo&"; to the e(tent it i'#ede" re%er"e engineering and intero#erability ,either by code or by contract-, it i" al"o li&ely to i'#ede inno%ation and co'#etition. ,See belo for a 'ore detailed di"cu""ion of thi".B. $s it available to people with disabilities? 2oo&"eller", #ubli"her", and author" 'u"t or& together to enable acce""ibility feature" "o that #eo#le ith #rint di"abilitie" can en?oy the %a"tly e(#anded orld of boo&" on the "a'e ter'" a" the re"t of u".1A $lready, "e%eral leading e/boo& #ur%eyor" ha%e ta&en "te#" to fo"ter acce""ibility for digital boo&".20 6ther %endor", "uch a" $'a*on, ha%e li'ited their acce""ibility feature", bo ing to #re""ure fro' 'i"guided co#yright o ner".

1A $le( !ha', 4$d%ocate" for the blind #rote"t $uthor" <uildI" "tance on =indle 2I" read/aloud feature,4 C6S $3<ECES .7MES .echnology blog, $#ril H, 200A, htt#1>>lati'e"blog".lati'e".co'>technology>200A>0F>&'l; <eorge =er"cher L Gi' Fruchter'an, 4.he Sound#roof 2oo&1 E(#loration of )ight" Conflict and $cce"" to Co''ercial E2oo&" for !eo#le ith Di"abilitie",4 F7)S. M63D$5, Gune D, 2002, htt#1>>fir"t'>htbin>cgi ra#>bin>o?">inde(.#h#>f'>article>%ie >ABA>JJ0. 20 See Co''ent" of Di"ability 6rgani*ation" 6f or For !rint/Di"abled !er"on" in Su##ort of the !ro#o"ed Settle'ent, .he $uthor" <uild, 7nc. %. <oogle 7nc., 3o. 0B CE J1D6/DC, 200A +C D61HHD2 ,S.D.3.5. 200A-, htt#1>>the#ublicinde(.org>doc">letter">3F2.#df; 2oo&"hare, 42oo&" ithout 2arrier",4 htt#1>> .boo&"> ,la"t acce""ed Feb. D, 2010-; 7nternet $rchi%e1 $udio $rchi%e, htt#1>>>detail">audio ,la"t acce""ed Feb. D, 2010-.

4. Does it foster or inhi!it co,&etition and inno#ation'

Why it matters:
!hy"ical boo& #ubli"hing ha" traditionally been a rea"onably co'#etiti%e indu"try, to the benefit of reader".21 .he #ubli"hing indu"try ha" con"olidated in recent year", but there are "till nu'erou" acade'ic, "'all, and "#ecialty #re""e" that hel# 'a&e "ure reader" ill ha%e acce"" to 'ulti#le genre" of boo&", at 'ulti#le #rice #oint". 3e technologie" ha%e 'ade #ubli"hing chea#er and ea"ier and, of cour"e, e ha%e recently "een di"ru#ti%e inno%ation in the for' of online boo& "ale". +e ha%e al"o "een the continuing %itality of the u"ed boo& 'ar&et ,including online 'ar&et"-. 7n "hort, co'#etition and inno%ation ha" hel#ed 'a&e #hy"ical boo&" 'ore acce""ible to 'ore #eo#le, and hel# en"ure that reader" ill ha%e acce"" to a ide range of %oice" and "ub?ect". 7f digital boo& #ubli"hing, "elling, and "haring i" to reach it" full #otential, e need the "a'e robu"t co'#etition and "u##ort for inno%ation. Co'#etition ill hel# en"ure that reader" continue to ha%e o#tion", "uch a" the o#tion to o n D)M/free boo&", and "hould al"o hel# lo er the #rice of digital boo&" o%er ti'e. 7nno%ation i" al"o li&ely to lead to both lo er #rice" and, #erha#" 'ore i'#ortantly, ne technologie" that ill continue to tran"for' ho e read and acce"" boo&". 6ne &ey i""ue ill be D)M. D)M can be u"ed to loc& reader" into a %endor:" for'at. Creating a barrier to entry and co'#etition in the e/boo& reader 'ar&et. 7n e""ence, de%ice 'a&er" can hold their cu"to'er": boo& collection" ho"tage to #re%ent tho"e cu"to'er" fro' " itching to better ,chea#er, ea"ier to u"e, ith 'ore feature"- alternati%e". D)M can al"o be u"ed to li'it inno%ation. 7n the DED "#ace, for e(a'#le, D)M "y"te'" li&e the Content Scra'ble Sy"te' ,CSS- ha%e beco'e the legal 4hoo&4 that force" technology co'#anie" to enter into licen"e agree'ent" before they build #roduct" that can #lay 'o%ie".22 .ho"e licen"e agree'ent", in turn, define hat the de%ice" can and can:t do, thereby #rotecting ;olly ood bu"ine"" 'odel" fro' di"ru#ti%e inno%ation. 7t ould be a "ha'e to "ee the "a'e occur for digital boo&". 2ut D)M i"n:t the only i""ue. 6ne of the rea"on" "o 'any are concerned about the #ro#o"ed <oogle 2oo& Search Settle'ent i" that it gi%e" t o entitie" 8 <oogle and a not/for/#rofit licen"ing entity called the 2oo& )ight" )egi"try ,42))4- 8 enor'ou" #o er to "ha#e inno%ation ith re"#ect to or#han or&" ,i.e., boo&" ho"e co#yright o ner" cannot be ea"ily found-. For e(a'#le, a" Ga'e" <ri''el'an e(#lain", under the ter'" of the "ettle'ent, the 2)) i" authori*ed to negotiate on behalf of all author" and #ubli"her" ith re"#ect to the 'illion" of boo&" co%ered by the "ettle'ent. .hu" 4NiOt could agree ith <oogle on a #ri%acy/intru"i%e D)M "y"te' that fed bac& u"age infor'ation into a databa"e u"ed to do indu"try/ ide #rice/fi(ing in the gui"e of #rice di"cri'ination.42D

What to look for:

1. #an books from this source be read on a variety of readers or formats? #onversely" can you read or access books from a variety of sources? $ digital Cibrary of $le(andria on:t do 'o"t #eo#le 'uch good if they cannot read the boo&" they find on de%ice" they already ha%e and>or de%ice" that can be ine(#en"i%ely #urcha"ed. 7t ill be "till le"" %aluable if they can:t "hare their di"co%erie" ith friend" ho
21 $lbert <reco, .he 2oo& !ubli"hing 7ndu"try 6F/6B ,200B-. 22 Dean S. Mar&" L 2ruce ;. .urnbull, 4.echnical !rotection Mea"ure"1 .he 7nter"ection of .echnology, Ca and Co''ercial Cicen"e",4 +or&"ho# on 7'#le'entation 7""ue" of the +7!6 Co#yright .reaty ,+C.- and the +7!6 !erfor'ance" of !honogra'" .reaty ,+!!.-, Dec. 6/H, 1AAA, htt#1>> .>edoc">'doc">co#yright>en> ctM ##tMi'#> ctM ##tMi'#MD.#df. 2D Ga'e" <ri''el'ann, 4!rinci#le" and )eco''endation" for the <oogle 2oo& Search Settle'ent,4 .;E C$26)$.6)7@M, 3o%. J, 200J, htt#1>> .laboratoriu'.net>archi%e>200J>11>0J>#rinci#le"MandMreco''endation"MforMtheMgoogleMboo&.

'ay ha%e different &ind" of de%ice", or tran"fer their boo&" to the la#to# they already ha%e. $nd it ill be do nright har'ful if the Cibrary builder" could u"e it a" a tool to force reader" to buy ,and u#grade, ad infinitu'- a #articular #ro#rietary technology. 7f e ant the reader e(#erience ith digital boo&" to be a" good ,or better- than ith #a#er boo&", e:ll need fle(ible, intero#erable for'at" and de%ice". For e(a'#le, one funda'ental #roble' in the fledgling digital boo&" 'ar&et i" that a 'a?or e/boo& reader %endor, $'a*on, u"e" D)M and other techni0ue" to loc& reader" into their librarie". .hat 'ean" =indle o ner" can only read =indle file" and !DF", and they can:t tran"fer tho"e librarie" to a non/=indle reader.2F +hat if you could lo"e your entire 'u"ic collection a" a re"ult of u#grading your "ound "y"te'9 .here are alternati%e". E!@2, a free o#en "tandard "u##orted by a range of reading de%ice", allo " reader" to 'o%e their digital boo&" acro"" #latfor'" rather than being loc&ed into one #articular de%ice.2B Many #ro%ider" that u"e E!@2 de#loy D)M in other ay", but at lea"t their cu"to'er" ha%e a broader array of o#tion".26 2. #an features be easily added or modified by users or third parties or must features be pre.approved by the provider? " $" noted abo%e, the D)M and contract" that acco'#any leading e/boo& reader" and licen"ed content inhibit follo /on inno%ation. For e(a'#le, the =indle .er'" and Condition" re0uire that cu"to'er" not 4encourage, a""i"t or authori*e any other #er"on to, 'odify, re%er"e engineer, deco'#ile or di"a""e'ble the De%ice or the Soft are, hether in hole or in #art, create any deri%ati%e or&" fro' or of the Soft are, or by#a"", 'odify, defeat or ta'#er ith or circu'%ent any of the function" or #rotection" of the De%ice or Soft are or any 'echani"'" o#erati%ely lin&ed to the Soft are . . . .4 7n other ord", no tin&ering ith or i'#ro%ing your de%iceQ 7nno%ator" ill be reluctant to e(#eri'ent ith the"e #roduct" if they could face la "uit" for their trouble. 3. Does the provider depend on and/or promote agreements that limit competition? +ith re"#ect to de%ice", con"ider hether your #ro%ider ha" 'ade long/ter' e(clu"i%e deal" ith 'a?or #ubli"her" that hinder co'#etition and inno%ation. $fter all, you can:t %ote ith your allet if you don:t ha%e a range of o#tion" to %ote for.

2F achel Met*, 43e Sony e/boo& reader P100 chea#er than =indle,4 CECC@C$)/3E+S, $ug. B, 200A, htt#1>> .cellular/ne ".co'>"tory>DJABF.#h#. 2B See 2rad Stone, Sony !lan" to $do#t Co''on For'at for E/2oo&", 3.5. .7MES, $ug. 12, 200A, htt#1>> .nyti'e".co'>200A>0J>1D>technology>internet>'l. 26 Da%id <elle", +all" Clo"e in 6n E/2oo& <arden, F73$3C7$C .7MES, Gan. 2A, 2010, htt#1>>'>c'">">0>BDb0eaJF/0dDf/11df/afHA/'l9nclic&Mchec&K1.

I7. Conclusion
.he future of digital boo&" 'u"t not be "ha#ed "olely by author", #ubli"her", boo&"eller" or e%en librarian". )eader" can and "hould #lay an acti%e role in reali*ing the e(traordinary #otential of digital boo&" 8 but only if e "tay infor'ed, a"& 0ue"tion", and de'and that #ro%ider" re"#ect the right" and e(#ectation" that ha%e been de%elo#ed and defended for #hy"ical boo&". +e ho#e reader" ill u"e thi" chec&li"t to do ?u"t that.

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