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Prof. Gerardo Molinar Fern!nde" Offi#e$ %& 'S(a(. De)(.* Offi#e Ho+r,$ -./ 0$11.2$31 PM L.M 0$11.2$31 PM Pre4. Co+r,e,$ MECU 3135 (6ree #redi(, Co+r,e E7(.$ 3 6r,89ee:8,e;e,(er

The intro !ction to the M"teri"# "n S!pp#$ %h"in M"n"&e'ent (!nctions in the enterprise "n its i'port"nce (or the s!ccess in the Or&"ni)"tion"# Str"te&ic P#"nnin&* The st! $ o( theories+ 'etho s "n techni,!es o( oper"tions "n s!pp#$ ch"in '"n"&e'ent in " &#o-"# "n o'estic conte.t

Instr!ction"# O-/ecti0es:
A( (6e end of (6e #o+r,e< (6e ,(+den( of O)era(ion and S+))l Mana=e;en( 9ill$
1. Classify the operational system of the business using different production schemes.

2. Calculate productivity indexes and make comparison between local, international and global productivity competitiveness. 3. Distinguish between different process used in the production of goods and services and its design. 4. Develop a capacity plan. . Develop a master production schedule.

6. !nderstand the different inventory models for independent demand "#$%


7. 'he course presents the ideas, philosophies, problems, situations and

the mathematical models available to manage the operational function in services and manufacturing companies.

OPMA 4315 Prof. Gerardo Molinary January 2014 Page 2 8. !nderstand the different techni(ues to determinate the schedule process
for the )ob orders. activities.

9. *now strategies for effective operations and supply management 10. +dentify the diferents techni(ues in the administration of pro)ects. 11. *now about the development of a partnership in the supply chain
management, supplier-input boundary, process, output boundary and customer ".+/$C&. relation with the supply chain management.

12. !nderstand the meaning of enterprise resources planning "#0/& and its


Operations & Supply Chain Management: The Core + Chase


Richard and Jacob F.,

!dition, "r#in Mc$ra%&'ill, ()*

Intr!ction"# Str"te&es
Conferences Cases Discussion Exercises Applications exercises Work groups

Le"rnin& Reso!rces
Conferences Co puter applications !e"spapers an# $ournals Au#io%isuals resources &nternet

E0"#!"tion Str"te&$:
1. Four exams. (400 points) 75% 2.

Groups Assignments {(three. First (35 points), Se on! (30points), thir! (35 points) " # $5%

'. A %ina& exam ('ptiona&, 70%#(0% )

OPMA 4315 Prof. Gerardo Molinary August 2013 Page 3


The pro(essor isc!sses the st! ent e0"#!"tion proce !res o( this co!rse the (irst "$* I( one st! ent is "-sent th"t "$ is responsi-#e (or this in(or'"tion* The reposition e."'s "re not possi-#e* I( the st! ent 'isses the "te o( one e."'+ he '!st t"1e the (in"# e."' to s!-stit!te this e."'* I( " '"1e!p c#"ss is necess"r$+ it 2i## -e 3ri "$ "t " ti'e "ccor e -$ consens!s or in the !ni0ers"# ho!r* Di((erenti"te e0"#!"tion (or st! ents 2ith is"-i#it$ The pro(essor esti'"tes the ho!r4s istri-!tion in the contents o( the co!rse* E0er$ se'ester h"s p"rtic!#"r ch"r"cteristics th"t c"n re,!ire ch"n&es to this istri-!tion o( ho!rs*

%o!rse contents:
". "ntroduction: Competiti#eness, $lobali+ation, and !n#ironmental in an Operational ,erspecti#e -. hrs./
A* Pro !cti0e S$ste' - te0t boo1/
1. Definition 2. Product vs. Service 3. Operation Management in local, international and gloal markets 4. Operation Management Evolution . Social !esponsi"ilit# and Et$ics

5* Oper"tion Str"te&$ "n %o'petiti0eness -te0tboo1/

1. Strategies

OPMA 4315 Prof. Gerardo Molinary January 2014 Page 4

a. %ost ". &ualit# c. Deliver# d. 'le(i"ilit# 2. )S* %ompetitiveness 3. Productivit# 4. +SO ,--. .enc$marking

"". "ndustry Types and ,roduction Systems: -2esson 3three, Term 3one 4,"CS:
,lanning: Types o5 "ndustries/ -. hrs./ A* In !str$ %#"ssi(ic"tion*
1. 2. 3. 4. . E(traction !efineries Manufacturing Distri"ution Service

5* T$pes o( Pro !ction

1. 2. 3. 4. %ontinue /o" S$op !epetitive 'i(ed Position

%* Gener"# I e"s
1. Make to stock 2. Make to order 3. *ssem"le to order 4. Engineering to order . Production runs

D* Pro !ct Desi&n "n Process Se#ection4s -te0t boo1/

1. +ntroduction 2. Product design process 3. !elation "et0een manufacturing and design 4. Process Selection . Process 'lo0 Design 1. Process *nal#sis

E* Pro !cti0it$ S$ste'

""". Ser#ices -cap. , !l%ood 6u55a/ -t%o hours/

A* Ser0ice In !str$ I'port"nce in the Econo'$ 5* Ser0ices 0s* pro !cts %* Ser0ices %o'petiti0e str"te&ies in Ser0ices In !str$

OPMA 4315 Prof. Gerardo Molinary August 2013 Page 5

First Exam

"7. "n#entory Management in Finished $oods and Ser#ices -*).8 hrs./

A* In0entor$ M"n"&e'ent
1. Definition 2. 2#pes of +nventories

5* In0entor$ Mo e#4s -te0t boo1/

1. !elevant %osts 2. EO& Model 3. 3on4 +nstantaneous Model 4. Price Discount Model . .ackorder Model

%* 3orec"st
1. Definition a. !elation 0it$ +nventor# Management ". !elation 0it$ Plans c. Ot$er forecast points

Assign #1: Inventory

7. Capacity ,lan 5or Manu5acturing and Ser#ices Companies - .8 hrs/
A* De'"n So!rces -Term 3one, lesson 3eight. 2ecture: 9"ntegrating Forecast & Operations ,lanning in ,romotions:: ;ote: This lecture could change e#ery semester/ 5* Pro !ction or %"p"cit$ P#"n e(inition*
1. Demand Management 2. %$ase Strateg# 3. 5evel Production Strateg# 4. Mi( Strateg#

%* Str"te&ies App#ic"tion4s -te0t boo1/ D* Inte&r"te the phi#osophies o( '"1e to stoc1 "n M"1e to or er in the Pro !ction p#"ns -Term *, 2esson. 3<, "ntegrated ma1e to Stoc1 & ma1e to order/ E* A&&re&"te p#"ns in ser0ices

OPMA 4315 Prof. Gerardo Molinary January 2014 Page 6

Assign #2 Production Plan

7". Managing the supply chain = Material Management -te0t boo1/ -( hrs/
A* De(inition 5* P!rch"sin& M"n"&e'ent
1. Definition 2. 'unctions 3. .u#er planners, .u#er4Planer, 6endor Sc$eduler

%* Distri-!tion Reso!rces P#"nnin&6DRP7 0s* Or er Point6OP897 D* G#o-"# so!rcin& E* :IT in P!rch"sin& 3* E#ectronic In(or'"tion 3#o2

2 nd Exam

7"" Master ,roduction

Schedule-M,S -*.8 hrs// -2ect.: Master ,roduction

Schedule-M,S/&Theory and e0ample. This lecture has the tables use in the class discussion-2ect. Master ,roduction Schedule, ,rinciples & ,ractices, chap. *,( and , 4uthor 7ollmann. Optional 5or students that needs additional material/ -2ect. Scheduling System & 4ggregated ,lanning, chap ele#en 5or the boo1: ,roduction & Operations Management: Concepts Models & 6eha#ior de !#erett !. 4dams, JR& Ronald>s J. !berts. This lecture is optional 5or a student that needs more in5ormation about the topics o5 MR,, M,S, RCC y CR,. A* De(inition 5* Inte&r"tion o( Pro !ction P#"n8MPS8M"teri"# P#"nnin&6MRP7* %* Ro!&h8%!t8%"p"cit$6R%%7*


7""". Material Re?uirement ,lanning -MR,, te0t boo1/. -. hrs/

A* De(inition 5* De'"n T$pes. -Term t%o, 4,"CS & "n#entory Management, 2esson 3three, "ndependent & @ependent @emand/ %* M"n!("ct!rin& In0entor$ 0s* Distri-!tion In0entor$* D* Pro !ct Str!ct!re
1. Diagram 5evels 2. Definition of su"assem"lies # assem"lies 3. Parents 4. 6ertical and $ori7ontal relation "et0een items. . 5o0 level 2ec$ni8ue 1. M!P inputs 9MPS, +nv. !ecords, and .OM: ;. Simple and +ndented .OM <. Super .OM, Modular .OM

OPMA 4315 Prof. Gerardo Molinary August 2013 Page 7 E* MRP A#&orith'(GR, SR, Net Req., Plan order Rel, Plan order

3* Lot Si)e R!#es

1. 5ot "# 5ot 2. 'i(ed Order &uantit# 3. EO&

G* In0entor$ %osts ;* %"p"cit$ Re,!ire'ent P#"nnin&6%RP7 I* 3AS 63in"# Asse'-#$ Sche !#e7 :* MRP re&ener"ti0e 0s* MRP <net ch"n&e< =* M"n!("ct!rin& Reso!rce P#"nnin& 6MRP II7 L* %#ose Loop MRP M* Enterprise Reso!rces M"n"&e'ent 6ERP7 -2ectures: @istribution Resources ,lanning & @R,, chap. *,(, , 4uthor Martin/ -Term (, 2esson 3se#en AReplenishment RulesB and 3t%o AStoreC& Darehouse management/ -6oo1: Manu5acturing ,lanning & Control System de 7ollmann, chap. (. This lecture is optional only 5or a student %ho need more in5ormation about MR,/

Assi&n >3: MRP Pro-#e's

"E. Operations Scheduling: ,roduction 4cti#ity Control -,4C/ Manu5acturing and Ser#ices Companies -Te0tboo1/ -F hrs./
A* The i'port"nce (or &oo itiner"r$ process 5* :o- Shop sche !#in&
1. Single Processor Sc$eduling a. S$ortest Processing time9SP2 or SP!: ". Earliest Due Date9EDD: c. =eig$ted Processing !ule and Moore !ule 2. 'lo0 S$op Sc$eduling a. /o$nson !ule 3. /o" S$op a. EDD ". 'irst in S#stem 'irst Served9'+S'S: c. SP2


%* Ser0ice Itiner"r$
1. Emplo#ee +tinerar#

E. 2ean System&Si0 Sigma. - te0t boo1/ -*.8 hrs./

A* :IT Ori&ins 5* :IT Phi#osoph$
1. >o0 to eliminate 0aste a. 3et0orks ? !elation 0it$ suppliers ". @roup 2ec$nolog# c. /idoka d. Small 5ot Si7es # )niform MPS e. 5ine .alance and A*3.*3 f. !educe set4up time g. * fle(i"le 0orkforces 9cross trained:

OPMA 4315 Prof. Gerardo Molinary January 2014 Page 8

$. 2otal Preventive Maintenance 92PM: 2. Participant Management a. 5ifetime emplo#ment ". )nions c. Emplo#ee attitudes d. *utomati7ation !o"otics e. .ottom !ound Management f. Su"contractor 3et0orks g. &ualit# %#cles # 2eams 0ork 3. 6SM 4. 5ean S#stem and Purc$asing

%* Soci"# Responsi-i#it$ D* Re8en&ineerin&

4dditional 2ecture: @emand&,ull: Four Steps 5or Success5ul "mplementation Ricardo Cacho.


Optional 2ectures:

-Dho are the e0pertsG de 4llan Charles/ -HCIrculos de calidad, aportaciJn #aliosa de 2ucy 2Jpe+ Roig:/ -;e% Manu5acturing ,ractices ;e% 4ccountant Techni?ues de Dood Michael/

3rd Exam

E". 2ine 6alance -te0tboo1/ -( hrs./

A* Prece ence Di"&r"' 5* I e"# %$c#e6%i7+ E.pecte %$c#e6%e7 $ 3in"# %$c#e6%(7 %* Opti'"# st"tion n!'-ers D* R!#e (or Line 5"#"nce E* E((icienc$ E0"#!"tion

E"". 2earning Cur#e-Supplement, te0t boo1/ -( hrs./

A. De(inition+ i'port"nce "n "pp#ic"tion 6Re#"tion 2ith c"p"cit$7 (. 3or'!#"s "n "n"#$sis o( Le"rnin& %!r0e p"r"'eters %* Use o( #e"rnin& c!r0es

E""". Scheduling: Fi0ed ,osition: ,roKect Mangement -te0tboo1/ -( hrs./

A* I'port"nce o( the Itiner"ries in pro/ects "n pro&r"'s 5* G"ntt %h"rt+ "n other se,!ence i"&r"'s

OPMA 4315 Prof. Gerardo Molinary August 2013 Page 9

Four Exam
1. %onstruction and application 2. %ritical Pat$9%p: 3. Earl# Start9E2: 4. Earl# finis$9E': . 'ree Slack9'S: 1. 5ate Start952: ;. 5ate 'inis$95': 2otal 'loat92':B 2otal Slack92S:


Those chapters %ill be co#er only in %e ha#e time

E"7 Statistical Luality Control>s - te0t boo1/

L"2 51+ 1???8%erti(ic"tion 13@

The st! ents recei0in& Aoc"tion"# Reh"-i#it"tion Ser0ices '!st noti($ the pro(essor "t the -e&innin& o( the se'ester+ to o-t"inin& the necess"r$ e,!ip'ent in "cco'p#ish'ent to the OAPI o((ice reco''en "tions* In " ition+ other st! ents 2ith speci"# necessities th"t re,!ire so'e 1in o( "ssist"nt+ '!st noti($ "#so the pro(essor "t the -e&innin& o( the se'ester 6 Accor in& to o i($ L"2 51 o( 1??B "n %erti(ic"tion >13@7*

1. APICS: The Association Research Papers (2000), for Operation Management,


4ssessing !R,



Cost o5 System.!"#$cation!"rf%o$n#ation!Research APICS: The Association for Operation Management, Research Papers(200&), Managing Material and "n5ormation Flo%s in $lobal Supply Chains..!"#$cation!"rf%o$n#ation!Research APICS: The Association for Operation Management, Research Papers, ,roduction Management in Remanu5acturing.!"#$cation!"rf%o$n#ation!Research


OPMA 4315 Prof. Gerardo Molinary January 2014 Page 10 ). APICS: The Association for Operation Research Papers, Supply Chain Management Management,


"ncorporating 2ogistics.!"#$cation!"rf%o$n#ation!Research APICS: The Association for Operation Management, Research Papers, Supply Chain Management ,ractices in the MS4 and !urope.!"#$cation!"rf%o$n#ation!Research APICS: The Association for Operation Management, Research Papers:, 4cti#ity 6ase Costing.!"#$cation!"rf%o$n#ation!Research AS', American Societ( for '$a)it(, Luality in !ducation, """,e#ucation,"-./+ualit.,o%er%ie".-t l. Co()e, *ar#i an# +ang)e( (200,), The management o5 6usiness 2ogistic, 4 Supply Chain ,erspecti#e, , th. "#., South-Western Pub. Roe-$c., /. (20&&). 2ean: 'igh&impact Strategies & Dhat Nou





;eed to Ono%: @e5initions, 4doptions, "mpact, 6ene5its, Maturity, 7endors, "mereo Pt( +imite#.
10. "mi)iani *., (200,). Real 2ean: The Oeys to Sustaining 2ean Management -7olume Three/. C+*M. 11. Ce))(, 0. 1 +a$, P. (2$n320&2). 'aier in "ndia: 6uilding ,resence in a Mass Mar1et 6eyond China . 4ar5ar# *$siness Re5ie . 12. 6oetsch

Luality Management 5or Organi+ational !0cellence: "ntroduction to Total Luality. Prentice 4a)).
7a5i# +, 7a5is Stan)e( *. (20&8),

1'. 6$pta, +. (20&0). The Ser#ice Sector as "ndia>s Road to !conomic $ro%thG. I07IA0 CO90CI+ %OR R"S"ARC4 O0 I0T"R0ATIO0A+ "CO0OMIC R"+ATIO0S, Apri). 1). 4ic.s, R. A. 1 Stec.e, /. ". (&::;, A$g$st). The !R, Ma+e. ""!! Solutions, &23&<. 1*. 4ong *ae 2. (200,). 4 'ybrid Reengineering 4pproach 5or a ,roduct @e#elopment ,rocess. =7M =er)ag 7r. M$))er "./. 16. A#amson,*., 7i>on, M. an# Toman, 0. (20&2). The !nd o5 Solution Sales. 4ar5ar# *$siness Re5ie , 2$)(3A$g$st. 17. +arocca 7. (200:). S4, Luery Reporting,Sams 18. Mein# P. (20&2), Prentice 4a)).

Supply Chain Management, fifth "#.,

OPMA 4315 Prof. Gerardo Molinary August 2013 Page 11 19. Monc?.a R.M. (200,) ,urchasing and Supply Chain Management, (@th e#.)Thomson So$th3Aestern. 20. 0IT+ , S$pp)( Chain Management, Center of ">ce))ence, Competiti#e Challenges Chain Reactions, """ 21. Starr M.,(200,), ,roductions and Operation Management, 2n# "#. Thomson C$stom So)$tions. 22. Ste5enson A.2.. (20&2). Operations Management,&&th e#ition 0e Bor.: Mc 6ra 34i)). 2'. The +ogistics Instit$te , 6eorgia Tech, Ford& Spare ,arts @istribution, """.tli.gatec-.e#u,rserac-,casestu#ies, 2). The +ogistics Instit$te , 6eorgia Tech, 6en$ine Parts Compan(3 @istribution ;et%or1 @esign0 """.tli.gatec-.e#u,rserac-,casestu#ies, 2*. The +ogistics Instit$te , 6eorgia Tech, "n#entory Routing ,roblem 2ibrar(, """.tli.gatec-.e#u,rserac-,casestu#ies, 26. The +ogistics Instit$te , 6eorgia Tech, Ooda1& @esign o5 Supply Chain Management 5or Spin&o55 ,roducts. """.tli.gatec-.e#u,rserac-,casestu#ies, 27. The Instit$te , 6eorgia Tech, ,ayless Shoe Source&Supply Chain @esign. """.tli.gatec-.e#u,rserac-,casestu#ies, +ogistics

28. The

Transport @ynamics, "nc, @e#elopment o5 a ,lanning System 5or the Transportation "ndustr(, """.tli.gatec-.e#u,rserac-,casestu#ies,
+ogistics Instit$te , 6eorgia Tech,

29. The +ogistics Instit$te , 6eorgia Tech, Mnited States ,ostal Ser#ice&Scheduling Mail Shipments 6et%een 2ocal Sorting Facilities . """.tli.gatec-.e#u,rserac-,casestu#ies, '0. To$ten-$rg, 4. (200,), Si0 Sigma, Springer3=er)ag.

'1. =ogt 2.2., Ait P.A., Pieneaar A.2. (20&8), 6usiness 2ogistics Management, "#ition @, O>for# 9ni5ersit( Press). '2. Ai))iam =o))man (20&&), Manu5acturing ,lanning and Control System, <th "#. Mc6ra 34i)). T. 6.C. (200,), "mplementing S4,, !R,, Sales and @istribution, Mc6ra 34i))C). Ai))iams


')., 2. 1 %ran?, 2., (20&&), The Toyota Day to Continuous

"mpro#ement: 2in1ing Strategy and Operational !0cellence to 4chie#e Superior ,er5ormance, Mc6ra 34i)).

Interest e#ectronic port"#s

OPMA 4315 Prof. Gerardo Molinary January 2014 Page 12 A erican 1ro#ucti%it. an# 2ualit. Center3 -ttp3,,""", A erican 4ociet. for 2ualit.3 -ttp3,,""", A1&C43 5-e Association of 6peration 7anage ent0 8esearc- 1apers3 """,E#ucation,Erf9oun#ation,8esearcA1&C43 5-e 1erfor ance A#%antage3 """, aga:ine (enc- arking3 -ttp3,,""".e;enc- Design for Co petiti%e A#%antage3 -ttp3,,""",#fca.-t l &n%entor. Control 9oru 3 -ttp3,,""" ,kt-ill,sites.-t 1rogra aci<n #e la pro#ucci<n3 """.pro#uction/ 1ro$ect 7anage ent &nstitute0 &nc.3 """.p 5-e =ogistics &nstitute3 """.tli.gatec-.e#u,rserac-,casestu#ies, Other Articles A;u-ilal0 =.0 8a;a#i0 >. ? 4ousa/1o:a0 A. @2006A. 4uppl. C-ain &n%entor. Control3 A co parison a ong B&50 7810 an# 781 "it- infor ation s-aring using si ulation. Engineering Management JournalC 180 2 @BuneA0 *1/*7. As-;.0 (. @2008A. &n#ustrial Co petiti%eness an# 1ro#ucti%it.. Industrial Heating, 750 6 @BuneA0 20. (og#ano%a0 6.? 6rlo%ska0 A. @2008A. Co petiti%eness of !ations in >lo;al Econo .3 Co petiti%e 1erspecti%es of t-e European Dnion. Economics & Management0 107/ 108. &#ris0 7. A. ? Eairi0 7. @2006A. 4ustaining 5273 A s.nt-esis of literature an# propose# researc- fra e"ork. Total Quality Management & Business E cellence, 170 90 12)*/ 1260. =ee0 2. @2008A. FA!(A! sc-e#uling s.ste . Management !er"ices 5#0 1 @4pringA 28/'1. =i0 E. ? =i0 G. C. @2006A. 5-eor. an# practice of s.ste s et-o#olog. in E81 i ple entation. !ystems $esearc% & Be%a"ioral !cience, #&0 2 @7ar,AprA0 219/2'*. 7olinar.0 >. @2000A. 5-e e%olution of in%entor. anage ent in ser%ices co panies. 'orum Em(resarial, 5 ,#, 7*/89. anufacturing an#

4c-aefer0 (. @2008A. 4-are-ol#ers an# 4ocial 8esponsi;ilit.. Bournal of (usiness Et-ics0 810 2 @AugustA0 297/'12. 4nieska0 H. ? Draksaite0 A. @2008A. A#%ance# cost sa%ing strategies of 4uppl. C-ain 7anage ent in >lo;al. Economics & ManagementC 1'0 69'/698. Wacker0 B. >. ? 7iller0 7. @200A. Configure/to/6r#er 1lanning (ills of 7aterial3 4i a Co plete 1ro#uct 4tructure for 7anufacturing 1lanning an# Control. )roduction and In"entory Management Journal *10 20 21/26

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