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6 Months

Bella’s pov
So its been 6 months since the Cullens left, My true love.
I am still living in the crummy town of Forks and still
working at Mike’s parents store. BEEP BEEP BEEP, I
reached over and slammed my alarm clock. Who ever
Invented alarm clocks has a serious problem for making
them this annoying. It was 7:00 am so i jumped up to get
ready for school.
About 1 hour later i was racing down to school, God i was
late! I walked into the cafeteria with my normal group
and sat down at our normal table. All of a sudden the
loud chattering went silent and everyone was turned
towards the door. God their beautiful. There walking in
was 5 girls with pale skin and Designer clothing.
Something was very very familiar. Before i got a proper
look at there faces the bell signalled that it was time for
another two periods of boring English and biology.
I grabbed my books which were instantly knocked out of
my hands by to idiots running down the hall. I lent down
to pick all the books and loose paper from the ground but
the 5 girls from the cafeteria had them already in a pile.
“uh Thanks” i said grabbing the books from one of the
girls. “Im Emily this is Leah, Maggie, Eliza and Mavern”
the one with the blonde ringlets said confidently,
motioning to the 4 girls behind her. “Hi im Bella, Bella
Swan”I stuttered. We shook hands and to my surprise i
didn’t flinch to the coldness of there hands, They starred
at me with a confused expression. “Hey do u wanna hang
around with us at lunch?” I think Mavern Said. “Sure”
“Girls you should be in class” Mr.Peters our god damn
Princible yelled coming from behind me “Sorry sir Bella
was just giving us directions, We are new here” Eliza said
acting shy “Oh right, your the Smiths?”he said with a bit
of understanding “Yes. Yes sir” With one swift nod he
walked out of the corridor “Thanks” I said “No probs”
I said my goodbyes and walked into English which was
pretty much already over. “Miss Swan where have you
been?”The teacher yelled waking poor tyler from his
sleep “showing the new kids around” I said as i walked to
my seat.

Alice Pov
God i miss Bella. “Alice we cant go, can you shut up?”
Edward said frustrated and very destroyed. “Hey you
were the one who left her so it aint my fault. You gotta
put up with it until you go back and get my sister back!” I
stuck my tongue out at him like a 5 year old. “Alice,
Please don’t make you brother feel bad” Esme said
coming in from gardening. “Sorry Mum, I just miss her!” I
cried in defeat “We all do honey”

Bella Pov
At lunch i sat with the new girls, got some evil stares
from my group but who cares. “So Bella in a couple of
weeks we are goin up to seattle wanna come?” Leah
asked “Yep.” “Bella, I gotta tell you something but you
promise not to tell anyone?” Mavern Said seriously
“Sure” i agreed “we are, were vampires” They were all
looking at me to see my reaction “I thought so” i have
been thinking they were vamps for weeks “You did?”
Leah asked surprised “Wait how do you know we even
excist?” Emily asked “I used to date one” I stuttered not
knowing how far i can go with the story “Edward C-
Cullen” “Ohh, Well we are like them we only eat animals”
Was all they said. We talked for another 20 minutes And
then got up to go to class, Which surprised me when all
of us were in the same next 2 periods. We all took seats
next to each other. I was next to Eliza.

Edward Pov
I need to see Bella. I need to see her. “Edward if u are
goin to go see Bells im coming” Alice screamed running
down the stairs with jasper behind her. “Im not alice!”
Stupid pixie sister always has to ruine plans. With a swift
good bye i went to my room and Put Debussy on loud.

Bella Pov
We all huddled around maggie’s Hummer And jumped in.
I sat at the front, as soon as My favourite song came on.
Apparently it was theirs too cause the were all singing
too. I have heard this song so many times, its so catchy. I
mean who doesn’t like Ke$ha Tik Tok.
So after 4 long hours of shopping and 30 bags each later
we were ready to go home. It was pitch black, and
spitting. We all got to the car and just sat on the top.
“Wow! Looky here” i turned to the new voice to find
myself looking at 4 very familiar eyes and 2 i didn’t
reconise. They were the guys from port angeles. The girls
got up just as the boys grabbed one of us each. One of
them was standing about a metre away just watching.
What happened next just happened to fast. The girls
turned around and leapt at the 5 guys holding them. All i
heard was screams, Slurping and gulping. Mainly my
screams. I let out one curdeled scream just as they
finished. The 5 boys were now dead and their stare was
blank. “What have you done?” I whispered “Bella, They
They were gonna rape us. I couldn’t let them just hurt us.
We didn’t want you to get hurt. Relax everything will be
ok!” Emily soothed

Alice Pov
Bella see’s 5 vampires drinking these boys. She screams
and the other boy whimpers they kill him and she
screams and runs into forest
End Of Vision...
“Holy shit thats here, Edward, We have to go. Guys
quickly come on” They all took off after me and Edward
“Whats going on?” Was all any of them asked, and all we
answered “Bella’s in trouble”

Bella Pov
“Bella its gonna be ok. Everything will be ok” Leah said
quietly “Everything will be ok? Are you out of your freakin
minds, Everything is not ok, Those boys are definetly not
ok!”I yelled at the top of my lungs pointing to the dead
bodies behind her. The 6th boy whimpered and the 5 girls
just turned there glazes at him “Were sorry Bella” They
said together “No your not” i Started getting even more
worked up. “Im going home now” I said starring at them.
They all turned there glazes back at me with a wicked,
sick twist in them almost BloodLust. In a second they all
leaped at the boy and bit into his arms, legs and neck.
“OMG! Nooo!” I didn’t think i just acted. I dropped all my
bags and ran into the forest that was next to the road. It
didn’t help that it was just raining But i had to get as far
as i could. “Bella, Bella look were sorry come back.”
Emily screamed loud enough for my ears to hear “He saw
us kill them, He would’ve told people” i looked back to
see if they were in my view. But instead slammed into a
cold frame “Bella! Oh thank God”i Screamed thinking it
was one of them but was shocked when i saw Alice and
the rest of the cullens. She lifted me on my feet and put
me in between her and the rest of the family
Heeyyy Guys
Please comment
Hope you enjoyed
Love Bianca

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