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Year 1 Worksheet Wednesday 6

CVRR questions are in red. Life Cycle questions are in pink. MIC/PPD Questions are in Green. NME questions are in blue. Anatomy questions are in italics.

1. Which bronchus is an inhaled object more likely to fall into? Why? 2. What is the clinical name for Iron Deficiency and what are the signs and symptoms a patient might present with? 3. What does apoprotein B regulate? 4. Why are Goblet Cells important? 5. Why is Becker Muscular Dystrophy milder than Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy? 6. Give two reasons why recording of family project interviews is not permitted. 7. What are Caput Medusae and what are they a sign of? 8. What are high levels of Bilirubin indicative of? 9. What are the major signs and symptoms of Cushings Disease? 10. Ovulation is caused by a peak in the levels of which hormone?

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