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Learning Management Plan for Sasha

Learning Management Plan Focus Choosing appropriate reading material and reading books from start to finish (5) What will constitute the learning journey?


What does my Learner Already Know?

- Is confident at choosing his own books but constantly chooses books inappropriate for his ability level and personal interests - Can read for short periods of time but is easily distracted and will not read more than a few pages of any given book. - Displays avoidance behavior by constantly going to the hall to choose a new book LEP Sequence No. LEP/ Lesson sequence/ Outcome focus (LMQ2) (2) Where does my learner(s) need / want to be? 1 Learning Experiences What is to be taught? What are the Sequential Strategies Time Frame (LMQ4)

My learner will be able to: Competent at choosing books which are both appropriate and relevant in order to induce deeper understandings and engageme nt with reading material

Familiarizing With IPICK

Explicit teaching of IPICK framework.

Halflesson Halflesson 2nd Lesson 3rd Lesson

Practicing IPICK Reading short books Choosing longer texts

Strong guidance and scaffolding through initial attempts at choosing books Achievable goals of choosing and completing short picture books Help student select longer texts, and work towards completing and understanding entire book

(Procedural Knowledge): Will be able to implement the IPICK steps in choosing reading ma terial Will read books from start to finish Will comprehend meaning of books and accurately discuss its content 4 3

(Declarative Knowledge) (3) Will know that there are certain steps to take to choose reading material (IPICK) Will know that it is important to read books that he understands Will understand that there is a purpose to reading an entire book How does my learner best learn? (6)

Who will do what?

Teacher (I) will work one-on-one with student during appropriate times (7) How will I check to see my learner has achieved the defined learning outcomes?

- With ongoing guidance and instruction from teacher, lacks independent working skills - Reads most enthusiastically when reading to or sharing a story with the teacher

- Ongoing observation of students implementation of procedural knowledge - Student feedback and discussion regarding declarative knowledge goals
(8) How will I inform the learner and others of the learners progress?


What resources do I have at my disposal?

- IPICK framework, range of reading material, school reading program Learning Management Plan Page 1

- Discussions with student and classroom teacher

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