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Gabe Bell PHIL 110 9/9/04 Rene Descartes: Meditation One In the beginning o !aragra!

h" Descartes ass#$es or the sa%e o arg#$ent that &e are all drea$ing and that all that &e e'!erience is si$!l( an ill#sion) He then arg#es that the i$ages &e &o#ld see i &e &ere drea$ing ha*e to be !rod#ced in the li%eness o other real ob+ects) He then goes on to arg#e that e*en i s#ch i$ages are i$aginar(" at least so$ething $ore si$!le and #ni*ersal e'ists) ,hese co$!onents are &hat $a%e #! the things in o#r tho#ghts) He goes #rther &ith his arg#$ent to sa( that &hile all o the sciences $a( be alse beca#se the( are de!endant on &hat &e sense" $athe$atics and geo$etr( $#st still be alse beca#se e*en i he is drea$ing t&o !l#s three still e-#als i*e) In !aragra!hs Descartes e'!lains that he belie*es that a God e'ists) Ho&e*er" he goes on to e'!lain that &hile he belie*e in God.s e'istence" he $#st still -#estion it" beca#se an( ass#$!tion he $a%es can be alse and there ore r#in the o#ndation o his arg#$ents) He also goes on the sa( that it is better to -#estion his $ost !o&er #l belie s beca#se a ter&ards he belie s are $ore +#sti ied)

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