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Three friends divided some bullets equally.

After all of them shot 4 bullets the total number of bullets remaining is equal to the bullets each had after division. Find the original number divided. Answer 18 Assume that initial there were 3*X bullets. So they got X bullets each after division. All of them shot 4 bullets. So now they have X ! 4" bullets each. #ut it is given that$after they shot 4 bullets each$ total number of bullets remaining is equal to the bullets each had after division i.e. X Therefore$ the equation is 3 * X ! 4" % X 3 * X ! &' % X ' * X % &' X%( Therefore the total bullets before division is % 3 * X % &) Find sum of digits of *. +et A% &,,,&,,, # % sum of digits of A - % sum of digits of # * % sum of digits of ./0T 1 A % # % - % * mod ,"" Answer The sum of the digits od D is 1. +et 2 % sum of digits of *.

/t follows from the hint that A % 2 mod ," Consider, A = 19991999 < 20002000 = 22000 * 10002000 = 1024200 * 106000 < 10800 * 106000 = 106800

i.e. A < 106800 i.e. B < 6800 * 9 = 61200 i.e. C < 5 * 9 = 45 i.e. D < 2 * 9 = 18 i.e. E <= 9 i.e. E is a single digit nu !er.

Also, 1999 = 1 " od 9# so 19991999 = 1 " od 9# Therefore we conclude that 2%&.

There is a 50m long army platoon marching ahead. The last person in the platoon wants to give a letter to the first person leading the platoon. So while the platoon is marching he runs ahead, reaches the first person and hands over the letter to him and without stopping he runs and comes back to his original position. In the mean time the whole platoon has moved ahead by 50m. The question is how much distance did the last person cover in that time. ssuming that he ran the whole distance with uniform speed. Submitted Answer The last person covered 120.71 meters. /t is given that the 3latoon and the last 3erson moved with uniform s3eed. Also$ they both moved for the identical amount of time. .ence$ the ratio of the distance they covered ! while 3erson moving forward and bac4word ! are equal. +et5s assume that when the last 3erson reached the first 3erson$ the 3latoon moved X meters forward. Thus$ while moving forward the last 3erson moved 678X" meters whereas the 3latoon moved X meters. Similarly$ while moving bac4 the last 3erson moved 967! 67!X": X meters whereas the 3latoon moved 67!X" meters. 0ow$ as the ratios are equal$ 678X";X % X; 67!X" 678X"* 67!X" % X*X Solving$ X%36.366 meters Thus$ total distance covered by the last 3erson % 678X" 8 X % '*X 8 67 % '* 36.366" 8 67 % &'7.<& meters

0ote that at first glance$ one might thin4 that the total distance covered by the last 3erson is &77 meters$ as he ran the total lenght of the 3latoon 67 meters" twice. T=>2$ but that5s the relative distance covered by the last 3erson i.e. assuming that the 3latoon is stationary. /f you ta4e a mar4er ? start from a corner on a cube$ what is the ma@imum number of edges you can trace across if you never trace across the same edge twice$ never remove the mar4er from the cube$ ? never trace anywhere on the cube$ e@ce3t for the corners ? edgesA Answer 9 To verify this$ you can ma4e a drawing of a cube$ ? number each of its &' edges. Then$ always starting from & corner ? & edge$ you can determine all of the 3ossible combinations for tracing along the edges of a cube. There is no need to start from other corners or edges of the cube$ as you will only be re3eating the same combinations. The 3rocess is a little more involved than this$ but is useful for solving many ty3es of s3atial 3uBBles. Cne of Dr. #aEaE$ his wife$ their son and Dr. #aEaE5s mother is an 2ngineer and another is a *octor.

/f the *octor is a male$ then the 2ngineer is a male. /f the 2ngineer is younger than the *octor$ then the 2ngineer and the *octor are not blood relatives. /f the 2ngineer is a female$ then she and the *octor are blood relatives.

-an you tell who is the *octor and the 2ngineerA Answer Mr. a!a! is the "ngineer and either his wife or his son is the Doctor.

Dr. #aEaE5s wife and mother are not blood relatives. So from 3$ if the 2ngineer is a female$ the *octor is a male. #ut from &$ if the *octor is a male$ then the 2ngineer is a male. Thus$ there is a contradiction$ if the 2ngineer is a female. .ence$ either Dr. #aEaE or his son is the 2ngineer.

Dr. #aEaE5s son is the youngest of all four and is blood relative of each of them. So from '$ Dr. #aEaE5s son is not the 2ngineer. .ence$ Dr. #aEaE is the 2ngineer. 0ow from '$ Dr. #aEaE5s mother can not be the *octor. So the *octor is either his wife or his son . /t is not 3ossible to determine anything further. Three men ! Sam$ -am and +aurie ! are married to -arrie$ #illy and Tina$ but not necessarily in the same order. Sam5s wife and #illy5s .usband 3lay -arrie and Tina5s husband at bridge. 0o wife 3artners her husband and -am does not 3lay bridge. Fho is married to -amA Answer #arrie is married to #am. GSam5s wife and #illy5s .usband 3lay -arrie and Tina5s husband at bridge.G /t means that Sam is not married to either #illy or -arrie. Thus$ Sam is married to Tina. As -am does not 3lay bridge$ #illy5s husband must be +aurie. .ence$ -arrie is married to -am. There are 3 3ersons X$ H and I. Cn some day$ X lent tractors to H and I as many as they had. After a month H gave as many tractors to X and I as many as they have. After a month I did the same thing. At the end of this transaction each one of them had '4. Find the tractors each originally hadA Answer Cne way to solve it is by ma4ing 3 equations and solve them simultaneously. #ut there is rather easier way to solve it using #ac4tracing.

/t5s given that at the end$ each had '4 tractors '4$ '4$ '4" i.e. after I gave tractors to X ? H as many as they had. /t means that after getting tractors from I their tractors got doubled. So before I gave them tractors$ they had &' tractors each and I had 4) tractors. &'$ &'$ 4)" Similarly$ before H gave tractors to X ? I$ they had ( ? '4 tractors res3ectively and H had 4' tractors i.e. ($ 4'$ '4" Again$ before X gave tractors to H ? I$ they had '& ? &' tractors res3ectively and X had 3, tractors i.e. 3,$ '&$ &'" .ence$ initially $ had %9 tractors& ' had 21 tractors and ( had 12 tractors. A certain street has &777 buildings. A sign!ma4er is contracted to number the houses from & to &777. .ow many Beroes will he needA Answer The sign)ma*er will need 192 +eroes. *ivide &777 building numbers into grou3s of &77 each as follow1 &..&77"$ &7&..'77"$ '7&..377"$ ....... ,7&..&777" For the first grou3$ sign!ma4er will need && Beroes. For grou3 numbers ' to ,$ he will require '7 Beroes each. And for grou3 number &7$ he will require '& Beroes. The total numbers of Beroes required are % && 8 )*'7 8 '& % && 8 &(7 8 '& % &,' There are , coins. Cut of which one is odd one i.e weight is less or more. .ow many iterations of weighing are required to find odd coinA Answer /t is always 3ossible to find odd coin in 3 weighings and to tell whether the odd coin is heavier or lighter. &. Ta4e ) coins and weigh 4 against 4.

o o

/f both are not equal$ goto ste3 ' /f both are equal$ goto ste3 3

'. Cne of these ) coins is the odd one. 0ame the coins on heavier side of the scale as .&$ .'$ .3 and .4. Similarly$ name the coins on the lighter side of the scale as +&$ +'$ +3 and +4. 2ither one of .5s is heavier or one of +5s is lighter. Feigh .&$ .'$ +&" against .3$ .4$ X" where X is one coin remaining in intial weighing.

/f both are equal$ one of +'$ +3$ +4 is lighter. Feigh +' against +3.

/f both are equal$ +4 is the odd coin and is lighter. /f +' is light$ +' is the odd coin and is lighter. /f +3 is light$ +3 is the odd coin and is lighter.

/f .&$ .'$ +&" is heavier side on the scale$ either .& or .' is heavier. Feight .& against .'

/f both are equal$ there is some error. /f .& is heavy$ .& is the odd coin and is heavier. /f .' is heavy$ .' is the odd coin and is heavier.

/f .3$ .4$ X" is heavier side on the scale$ either .3 or .4 is heavier or +& is lighter. Feight .3 against .4

/f both are equal$ +& is the odd coin and is lighter. /f .3 is heavy$ .3 is the odd coin and is heavier. /f .4 is heavy$ .4 is the odd coin and is heavier.

3. The remaining coin X is the odd one. Feigh X against the anyone coin used in initial weighing.
o o o

/f both are equal$ there is some error. /f X is heavy$ X is the odd coin and is heavier. /f X is light$ X is the odd coin and is lighter.

/n a s3orts contest there were m medals awarded on n successive days n J &". &. Cn the first day & medal and &;< of the remaining m ! & medals were awarded. '. Cn the second day ' medals and &;< of the now remaining medals was awardedK and so on. 3. Cn the nth and last day$ the remaining n medals were awarded. .ow many days did the contest last$ and how many medals were awarded altogetherA Answer Total %, medals were awarded and the contest was for , da-s. Cn day &1 Dedals awarded % Cn day '1 Dedals awarded % Cn day 31 Dedals awarded % Cn day 41 Dedals awarded % Cn day 61 Dedals awarded % Cn day (1 Dedals awarded ( & 8 36;<" % ( 1 =emaining 37 medals ' 8 ');<" % ( 1 =emaining '4 medals 3 8 '&;<" % ( 1 =emaining &) medals 4 8 &4;<" % ( 1 =emaining &' medals 6 8<;<" % ( 1 =emaining ( medals

/ got this answer by writing small 3rogram. /f anyone 4now any other sim3ler method$ do submit it. A number of , digits has the following 3ro3erties1

The number com3rising the leftmost two digits is divisible by '$ that com3rising the leftmost three digits is divisible by 3$ the leftmost four by 4$ the leftmost five by 6$ and so on for the nine digits of the number i.e. the number formed from the first n digits is divisible by n$ 'L%nL%,. 2ach digit in the number is different i.e. no digits are re3eated. The digit 7 does not occur in the number i.e. it is com3rised only of the digits &!, in some order.

Find the number. Answer The answer is %81,./729

Cne way to solve it is Trial!?!2rror. Hou can ma4e it bit easier as odd 3ositions will always occu3y C** numbers and even 3ositions will always occu3y 2M20 numbers. Further 6th 3osition will contain 6 as 7 does not occur. The other way to solve this 3roblem is by writing a com3uter 3rogram that systematically tries all 3ossibilities &;3 rd of the contents of a container eva3orated on the &st day. 3;4th of the remaining contents of the container eva3orated on the second day. Fhat 3art of the contents of the container is left at the end of the second dayA

Answer Assume that contents of the container is X Cn the first day &;3rd is eva3orated. & ! &;3" of X is remaining i.e. ';3"X Cn the Second day 3;4th is eva3orated. .ence$ &! 3;4" of ';3"X is remaining i.e. &;4" ';3"X % &;(" X .ence &;(th of the contents of the container is remaining Mi3ul was studying for his e@aminations and the lights went off. /t was around &177 AD. .e lighted two uniform candles of equal length but one thic4er than the other. The thic4 candle is su33osed to last si@ hours and the thin one two hours less. Fhen he finally went to slee3$ the thic4 candle was twice as long as the thin one. For how long did Mi3ul study in candle lightA Answer 0ipul studied for % hours in candle light.

Assume that the initial lenght of both the candle was + and Mi3ul studied for X hours. /n X hours$ total thic4 candle burnt % X+;( /n X hours$ total thin candle burnt % X+;4 After X hours$ total thic4 candle remaining % + ! X+;( After X hours$ total thin candle remaining % + ! X+;4 Also$ it is given that the thic4 candle was twice as long as the thin one when he finally went to slee3. + ! X+;(" % ' + ! X+;4" ( ! X";( % 4 ! X";' ( ! X" % 3* 4 ! X" ( ! X % &' ! 3X 'X % ( X%3 .ence$ Mi3ul studied for 3 hours i.e. &)7 minutes in candle light. /f you started a business in which you earned =s.& on the first day$ =s.3 on the second day$ =s.6 on the third day$ =s.< on the fourth day$ ? so on. .ow much would you have earned with this business after 67 years assuming there are e@actly 3(6 days in every year"A Answer 1s.%%%&0,2&.00 To begin with$ you want to 4now the total number of days1 3(6 @ 67 % &)'67. #y e@3erimentation$ the following formula can be discovered$ ? used to determine the amount earned for any 3articular day1 & 8 ' @!&"$ with @ being the number of the day. Ta4e half of the &)'67 days$ ? 3air them u3 with the other half in the following way1 day & with day &)'67$ day ' with day &)'4,$ ? so on$ ? you will see that if you add these 3airs together$ they always equal =s.3(677.

Dulti3ly this number by the total number of 3airs ,&'6"$ ? you have the amount you would have earned in 67 years. Dath gurus may use series formula to solve it. series1 &$3$6$<$,$&&.....u3to &)'67 terms" A wor4er earns a 6N raise. A year later$ the wor4er receives a '.6N cut in 3ay$ ? now his salary is =s. ''<7'.() Fhat was his salary to begin withA Answer 1s.2217, Assume his salary was =s. X .e earns 6N raise. So his salary is &76*X";&77 A year later he receives '.6N cut. So his salary is &76*X";&77"* ,<.6;&77" which is =s. ''<7'.() .ence$ solving equation &76*X";&77"* ,<.6;&77" % ''<7'.() X % ''&<( At (5o a cloc4 tic4s ( times. The time between first and last tic4s is 37 seconds. .ow long does it tic4 at &'5o.

Answer ,, seconds /t is given that the time between first and last tic4s at (5o is 37 seconds. Total time ga3s between first and last tic4s at (5o % 6 i.e. between & ? '$ ' ? 3$ 3 ? 4$ 4 ? 6 and 6 ? (" So time ga3 between two tic4s % 37;6 % ( seconds. 0ow$ total time ga3s between first and last tic4s at &'5o % &&

Therefore time ta4en for &' tic4s % && * ( % (( seconds and not (7 seconds" 677 men are arranged in an array of &7 rows and 67 columns according to their heights. Tallest among each row of all are as4ed to come out. And the shortest among them is A. Similarly after resuming them to their original 3ositions$ the shortest among each column are as4ed to come out. And the tallest among them is #. 0ow who is taller A or # A Answer

2o one is taller& 3oth are same as A and

are the same person.

As it is mentioned that 677 men are arranged in an array of &7 rows and 67 columns according to their heights. +et5s assume that 3osition numbers re3resent their heights. .ence$ the shortest among the 67$ &77$ &67$ ... 467$ 677 is 3erson with height 67 i.e. A. Similarly the tallest among &$ '$ 3$ 4$ 6$ ..... 4)$ 4)$ 67 is 3erson with height 67 i.e. # 0ow$ both A and # are the 3erson with height 67. .ence both are same. /n Dr. Dehta5s family$ there are one grandfather$ one grandmother$ two fathers$ two mothers$ one father!in!law$ one mother!in!law$ four children$ three grandchildren$ one brother$ two sisters$ two sons$ two daughters and one daughter!in!law. .ow many members are there in Dr. Dehta5s familyA Oive minimal 3ossible answer. Answer There are < members in Dr. Dehta5s family. Dother ? Father of Dr. Dehta$ Dr. ? Drs. Dehta$ his son and two daughters.

Dother ? Father of Dr. Dehta P P Dr. ? Drs. Dehta P P Cne Son ? Two *aughters Fhen Ale@ander the Oreat attac4ed the forces of Qorus$ an /ndian soldier was ca3tured by the Oree4s. .e had dis3layed such bravery in battle$ however$ that the enemy offered to let him choose how he wanted to be 4illed. They told him$ G/f you tell a lie$ you will 3ut to the sword$ and if you tell the truth you will be hanged.G The soldier could ma4e only one statement. .e made that statement and went free. Fhat did he sayA Answer The soldier said$ GHou will 3ut me to the sword.G The soldier has to say a Qarado@ to save himself. /f his statement is true$ he will be hanged$ which is not the sword and hence false. /f his statement is false$ he will be 3ut to the sword$ which will ma4e it true. A Qarado@ RRR A 3erson wanted to withdraw X ru3ees and H 3aise from the ban4. #ut cashier made a mista4e and gave him H ru3ees and X 3aise. 0either the 3erson nor the cashier noticed that. After s3ending '7 3aise$ the 3erson counts the money. And to his sur3rise$ he has double the amount he wanted to withdraw. Find X and H. & =u3ee % &77 Qaise" Answer As given$ the 3erson wanted to withdraw &77X 8 H 3aise. #ut he got &77H 8 X 3aise. After s3ending '7 3aise$ he has double the amount he wanted to withdraw. .ence$ the equation is

2 * "100$ % &# = 100& % $ ' 20 200$ % 2& = 100& %$ ' 20 199$ ' 98& = '20 98& ' 199$ = 20 0ow$ we got one equationK but there are ' variables. Fe have to a33ly little bit of logic over here. Fe 4now that if we interchange X ? H$ amount gets double. So H should be twice of X or one more than twice of X i.e. H % 'X or H % 'X8& -ase / 1 '42$ Solving two equations simultaneously ,)H ! &,,X % '7 H ! 'X % 7 Fe get X % ! '7;3 ? H % ! 47;' -ase // 1 '42$51 Solving two equations simultaneously ,)H ! &,,X % '7 H ! 'X % & Fe get X % '( ? H % 63 0ow$ its obvious that he wanted to withdraw =s. '(.63

Submi t Answe r

Users Answer (2)

BrainVist a Answer

The game of Tic!Tac!Toe is being 3layed between two 3layers. Cnly the last mar4 to be 3laced in the game as shown. Fho will win the game$ C or XA -an you tell which was the si@th mar4 and

at which 3ositionA *o e@3lain your answer. At the Qarty1 &. There were , men and children. '. There were ' more women than children. 3. The number of different man!woman cou3les 3ossible was '4. 0ote that if there were < men and 6 women$ then there would have been 36 man!woman cou3les 3ossible. Also$ of the three grou3s ! men$ women and children ! at the 3arty1 4. There were 4 of one grou3. 6. There were ( of one grou3. (. There were ) of one grou3. 2@actly one of the above ( statements is false. -an you tell which one is falseA Also$ how many men$ women and children are there at the 3arty

Assume that both the 3layers are intelligent enough.

Answer 6 will win the game. The si7th mar* was $ in s8uare 9. The <th mar4 must be 3laced in square 6 which is the win situation for both X and C. .ence$ the (th mar4 must be 3laced in a line already containing two of the o33onents mar4s. There are two such 3ossibilities ! the (th mar4 would have been either C in square < or X in square ,. As we 4now both the 3layers are intelligent enough$ the (th mar4 could not be C in square <. /nstead$ he would have 3laced C in square 6 and would have won. .ence$ the si@th mar4 must be X 3laced in square ,. And the seventh mar4

will be C. Thus C will win the game. Answer 9tatement :/; is false. There are % men& 8 women and , children. Assume that Statements 4"$ 6" and (" are all true. Then$ Statement &" is false. #ut then Statement '" and 3" both can not be true. Thus$ contradictory to the fact that e@actly one statement is false. So Statement 4" or Statement 6" or Statement (" is false. Also$ Statements &"$ '" and 3" all are true. From &" and '"$ there are && men and women. Then from 3"$ there are ' 3ossible cases ! either there are ) men and 3 women or there are 3 men and ) women. /f there are ) men and 3 women$ then there is & child. Then Statements 4" and 6" both are false$ which is not 3ossible. .ence$ there are 3 men$ ) women and ( children. Statement 4" is false. There is a shortage of tubelights$ bulbs and fans in a village ! Sharghar. /t is found that

All houses do not have either tubelight or bulb or fan. e@actly &,N of houses do not have Eust one of these. atleast (<N of houses do not have tubelights. atleast )3N of houses do not have bulbs. atleast <3N of houses do not have fans.

Fhat 3ercentage of houses do not have tubelight$ bulb and fanA Answer /2< houses do not have tu3elight& 3ul3 and fan. +et5s assume that there are &77 houses. .ence$ there should be total 377 items i.e. &77 tubelights$ &77 bulbs and &77 fans. From the given data$ we 4now that there is shortage of atleast (<8)38<3"

''3 items in every &77 houses. Also$ e@actly &, houses do not have Eust one item. /t means that remaining )& houses should account for the shortage of remaining ''3!&," '74 items. /f those remaining )& houses do not have ' items each$ there would be a shortage of &(' items. #ut total of '74 items are short. .ence$ atleast '74!&('" 4' houses do not have all 3 items ! tubelight$ bulb and fan. Thus$ 4'N houses do not have tubelight$ bulb and fan. Dr. Subramaniam rents a 3rivate car for Andheri!-olaba!Andheri tri3. /t costs him =s. 377 everyday. Cne day the car driver informed Dr. Subramaniam that there were two students from #andra who wished to go from #andra to -olaba and bac4 to #andra. #andra is halfway between Andheri and -olaba. Dr. Subramaniam as4ed the driver to let the students travel with him. Cn the first day when they came$ Dr. Subramaniam said$ G/f you tell me the mathematically correct 3rice you should 3ay individually for your 3ortion of the tri3$ / will let you travel for free.G .ow much should the individual student 3ay for their EourneyA Answer The individual student should 3ay =s. 67 for their Eourney. 0ote that 3 3ersons are travelling between #andra and -olaba. The entire tri3 costs =s. 377 to Dr. Subramanian. .ence$ half of the tri3 costs =s. &67. For Andheri!#andra!Andheri$ only one 3erson i.e. Dr. Subramaniam is travelling. .ence$ he would 3ay =s. &67. For #andra!-olaba!#andra$ three 3ersons i.e Dr. Subramaniam and two students$ are travelling. .ence$ each student would 3ay =s. 67. Substitute digits for the letters to ma4e the following *ivision true

( ) * ''''''''''''' + * E , - D E , . + E - D , ( C ''''''''''''' * ) . + + * E , '''''''''' / / / E / ) , , '''''''' . + * 0ote that the leftmost letter can5t be Bero in any word. Also$ there must be a one!to!one ma33ing between digits and letters. e.g. if you substitute 3 for the letter D$ no other letter can be 3 and all other D in the 3uBBle must be Answer #40& =41& 942& T4%& 64/& M4.& >4,& (47& "48& D49 /t is obvious that >%& as >*ST2D%ST2D" and -%7 as /!-%/". S*C is a single digit and also S*T is a single digit. .ence$ their values C$ S$ T" must be '$ 3 or 4 as they can not be 7 or & or greater than 4". -onsider$ ST2D*C%*DC-$ where -%7. /t means that D must be 6. 0ow$ its sim3le. C%4$ S%'$ T%3$ 2%)$ I%<$ /%( and *%,.

( ) * ''''''''''''' + * E , - D E , . + E - D , ( C ''''''''''''' * ) . + + * E , '''''''''' / / / E / ) , , ''''''''

4 1 0 ''''''''''''' 2 0 8 5 - 9 8 5 6 2 8 - 9 5 4 0 ''''''''''''' 0 1 6 2 2 0 8 5 '''''''''' 1 1 1 8 1 1 5 5 ''''''''

. + * 6 2 0 Also$ when arranged from 7 to ,$ it s3ells #=9T6M>("D. At what time after 4.77 3.m. is the minutes hand of a cloc4 e@actly aligned with the hour handA Answer /?21?/9.. Assume that X minutes after 4.77 QD minute hand e@actly aligns with and hour hand. For every minute$ minute hand travels ( degrees. .ence$ for X minutes it will travel ( * X degrees. For every minute$ hour hand travels &;' degrees. .ence$ for X minutes it will travel X;' degrees.

At 4.77 QD$ the angle between minute hand and hour hand is &'7 degrees. Also$ after X minutes$ minute hand and hour hand are e@actly aligned. So the angle with res3ect to &' i.e. Mertical Qlane will be same. Therefore$ ( * X % &'7 8 X;' &' * X % '47 8 X && * X % '47 X % '&.)&)' X % '& minutes 4,.6 seconds .ence$ at 41'&14,.6 minute hand is e@actly aligned with the hour hand. A soldier looses his way in a thic4 Eungle. At random he wal4s from his cam3 but mathematically in an interesting fashion. First he wal4s one mile 2ast then half mile to 0orth. Then &;4 mile to Fest$ then &;) mile to South and so on ma4ing a loo3. Finally how far he is from his cam3 and in which directionA Answer The soldier is 0.89// miles awa- from his camp towards "ast)2orth. /t is obvious that he is in 2ast!0orth direction. *istance travelled in 0orth and South directions % &;' ! &;) 8 &;3' ! &;&') 8 &;6&' ! &;'74) 8 and so on... a geometric series with r % !&;4" " &;'" * & ! !&;4"n " % !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! & ! !&;4" " % & ; ' * & ! !&;4" " " % ';6 Similarly in 2ast and Fest directions % & ! &;4 8 &;&( ! &;(4 8 &;'6( ! and so on... a geometric series with r % ! &;4" "

&" * & ! !&;4"n " % !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! & ! !&;4" " %&; % 4;6 &! !&;4" "

So the soldier is 4;6 miles away towards 2ast and ';6 miles away towards 0orth. So using right angled triangle$ soldier is 7.),44 miles away from his cam3. =aE has a Eewel chest containing =ings$ Qins and 2ar!rings. The chest contains '( 3ieces. =aE has ' &;' times as many rings as 3ins$ and the number of 3airs of earrings is 4 less than the number of rings. .ow many earrings does =aE haveA Answer 12 earrings Assume that there are = rings$ Q 3ins and 2 3air of ear!rings. /t is given that$ he has ' &;' times as many rings as 3ins. = % 6;'" * Q or Q % '*=";6 And$ the number of 3airs of earrings is 4 less than the number of rings. 2 % = ! 4 or = % 2 8 4 Also$ there are total '( 3ieces. = 8 Q 8 '*2 % '( = 8 '*=";6 8 '*2 % '( 6*= 8 '*= 8 &7*2 % &37 <*= 8 &7*2 % &37 <* 2 8 4" 8 &7*2 % &37 <*2 8 ') 8 &7*2 % &37 &<*2 % &7' 2%(

.ence$ there are ( 3airs of 2ar!rings i.e. total &' 2ar!rings .ow many ways are there of arranging the si@teen blac4 or white 3ieces of a standard international chess set on the first two rows of the boardA Oiven that each 3awn is identical and each roo4$ 4night and bisho3 is identical to its 3air. Submitted Answer ,&/8&,/&800 wa-s There are total &( 3ieces which can be arranged on &( 3laces in &(Q&( % &(R ways. &(R % &( * &6 * &4 * &3 * &' * ..... * 3 * ' * &" #ut$ there are some du3licate combinations because of identical 3ieces.

There are ) identical 3awn$ which can be arranged in )Q) % )R ways. Similarly there are ' identical roo4s$ ' identical 4nights and ' identical bisho3s. 2ach can be arranged in 'Q' % 'R ways.

.ence$ the require answer is % &(R" ; )R * 'R * 'R * 'R" % ($4)$(4$)77 A 3erson with some money s3ends &;3 for cloths$ &;6 of the remaining for food and &;4 of the remaining for travel. .e is left with =s &77;! .ow much did he have with him in the beginingA Answer 1s. 2.0@) Assume that initially he had =s. X .e s3ent &;3 for cloths %. &;3" * X =emaining money % ';3" * X .e s3ent &;6 of remaining money for food % &;6" * ';3" * X % ';&6" * X

=emaining money % ';3" * X ! ';&6" * X % );&6" * X Again$ he s3ent &;4 of remaining maoney for travel % &;4" * );&6" * X % ';&6" * X =emaining money % );&6" * X ! ';&6" * X % (;&6" * X #ut after s3ending for travel he is left with =s. &77;! So (;&6" * X % &77 X % '67 Orass in lawn grows equally thic4 and in a uniform rate. /t ta4es '4 days for <7 cows and (7 days for 37 cows to eat the whole of the grass. .ow many cows are needed to eat the grass in ,( daysA Answer 20 cows g ! grass at the beginning r ! rate at which grass grows$ 3er day y ! rate at which one cow eats grass$ 3er day n ! no of cows to eat the grass in ,( days From given data$ g 8 '4*r % <7 * '4 * y !!!!!!!!!! A g 8 (7*r % 37 * (7 * y !!!!!!!!!! # g 8 ,(*r % n * ,( * y !!!!!!!!!! Solving for #!A"$ (7 * r" ! '4 * r" % 37 * (7 * y" ! <7 * '4 * y" 3( * r % &'7 * y !!!!!!!!!! * Solving for -!#"$ ,( * r" ! (7 * r" % n * ,( * y" ! 37 * (7 * y" 3( * r % n * ,( ! 37 * (7" * y &'7 * y % n * ,( ! 37 * (7" * y 9From *: &'7 % n * ,( ! &)77" n % '7 .ence$ '7 cows are needed to eat the grass in ,( days.

There is a safe with a 6 digit number as the 4ey. The 4th digit is 4 greater than the second digit$ while the 3rd digit is 3 less than the 'nd digit. The &st digit is thrice the last digit. There are 3 3airs whose sum is &&. Find the number. Answer ,.292 As 3er given conditions$ there are three 3ossible combinations for 'nd$ 3rd and 4th digits. They are 3$ 7$ <" or 4$ &$ )" or 6$ '$ ," /t is given that there are 3 3airs whose sum is &&. All 3ossible 3airs are '$ ,"$ 3$ )"$ 4$ <"$ 6$ (". 0ow required number is 6 digit number and it contains 3 3airs of &&. So it must not be having 7 and & in it. .ence$ the only 3ossible combination for 'nd$ 3rd and 4th digits is 6$ '$ ," Also$ &st digit is thrice the last digit. The 3ossible combinations are 3$ &"$ ($ '" and ,$ 3"$ out of which only ($ '" with 6$ '$ ," gives 3 3airs of &&. .ence$ the answer is (6','. Four friends ! ArEan$ #huvan$ Ouran and +a4ha were com3aring the number of shee3 that they owned. /t was found that Ouran had ten more shee3 than +a4ha. /f ArEan gave one!third to #huvan$ and #huvan gave a quarter of what he then held to Ouran$ who then 3assed on a fifth of his holding to +a4ha$ they would all have an equal number of shee3. .ow many shee3 did each of them 3ossessA Oive the minimal 3ossible answer Answer

Ar!an& huvan& Auran and Ba*ha had 90& .0& .. and /. sheep respectivel-. Assume that ArEan$ #huvan$ Ouran and +a4ha had A$ #$ O and + shee3

res3ectively. As it is given that at the end each would have an equal number of shee3$ com3aring the final numbers from the above table. ArEan5s shee3 % #huvan5s shee3 'A;3 % A;4 8 3#;4 )A % 3A 8 ,# 6A % ,# ArEan5s shee3 % Ouran5s shee3 'A;3 % A;&6 8 #;6 8 4O;6 'A;3 % A;&6 8 A;, 8 4O;6 as #%6A;," 37A % 3A 8 6A 8 3(O ''A % 3(O &&A % &)O ArEan5s shee3 % +a4ha5s shee3 'A;3 % A;(7 8 #;'7 8 O;6 8 + 'A;3 % A;(7 8 A;3( 8 &&A;,7 8 + as #%6A;, and O%&&A;&)" 'A;3 % A;( 8 + A;' % + A % '+ Also$ it is given that Ouran had ten more shee3 than +a4ha. O % + 8 &7 &&A;&) % A;' 8 &7 A;, % &7 A % ,7 shee3 Thus$ ArEan had ,7 shee3$ #huvan had 6A;, i.e. 67 shee3$ Ouran had &&A;&) i.e. 66 shee3 and +a4ha had A;' i.e. 46 shee3. -onsider a number '36$ where last digit is the sum of first two digits i.e. ' 8 3 % 6. .ow many such 3!digit numbers are thereA Answer There are /. different %)digit num3ers. The last digit can not be 7.

/f the last digit is &$ the only 3ossible number is &7&. 0ote that 7&& is not a 3!digit number" /f the last digit is '$ the 3ossible numbers are '7' and &&'. /f the last digit is 3$ the 3ossible numbers are 373$ '&3 and &'3. /f the last digit is 4$ the 3ossible numbers are 474$ 3&4$ ''4 and &34. /f the last digit is 6$ the 3ossible numbers are 676$ 4&6$ 3'6$ '36 and &46. 0ote the 3attern here ! /f the last digit is &$ there is only one number. /f the last digit is '$ there are two numbers. /f the last digit is 3$ there are three numbers. /f the last digit is 4$ there are four numbers. /f the last digit is 6$ there are five numbers. And so on..... Thus$ total numbers are & 8 ' 8 3 8 4 8 6 8 ( 8 < 8 ) 8 , % 46 Altogether then$ there are 46 different 3!digit numbers$ where last digit is the sum of first two digits. Find the smallest number such that if its rightmost digit is 3laced at its left end$ the new number so formed is 3recisely 67N larger than the original number. Answer The answer is 28.71/. /f its rightmost digit is 3laced at its left end$ then new number is 4')6<& which is 67N larger than the original number ')6<&4. The sim3lest way is to write a small 3rogram. And the other way is trial and error RRR Two identical 3ac4 of cards A and # are shuffled throughly. Cne card is 3ic4ed from A and shuffled with #. The to3 card from 3ac4 A is turned u3. /f this is the Tueen of .earts$ what are the chances that the to3 card in # will be the Sing of .eartsA

Answer .2 @ 270% There are two cases to be considered. #A9" 1 ? Sing of .earts is drawn from Qac4 A and shuffled with Qac4 # Qrobability of drawing Sing of .earts from Qac4 A % &;6& as Tueen of .earts is not to be drawn" Qrobability of having Sing of .earts on the to3 of the Qac4 # % ';63 So total 3robability of case & % &;6&" * ';63" % ' ; 6& * 63" #A9" 2 ? Sing of .earts is not drawn from Qac4 A Qrobability of not drawing Sing of .earts from Qac4 A % 67;6& as Tueen of .earts is not to be drawn" Qrobability of having Sing of .earts on the to3 of the Qac4 # % &;63 So total 3robability of case ' % 67;6&" * &;63" % 67 ; 6& * 63" 0ow adding both the 3robability$ the required 3robability is % ' ; 6& * 63" 8 67 ; 6& * 63" % 6' ; 6& * 63" % 6' ; '<73 % 7.7&,'3<) There are 3 ants at 3 corners of a triangle$ they randomly start moving towards another corner. Fhat is the 3robability that they don5t collideA Answer +et5s mar4 the corners of the triangle as A$#$-. There are total ) ways in which ants can move. &. A!J#$ #!J-$ -!JA '. A!J#$ #!J-$ -!J# 3. A!J#$ #!JA$ -!JA

4. A!J#$ #!JA$ -!J# 6. A!J-$ -!J#$ #!JA (. A!J-$ -!J#$ #!J<. A!J-$ -!JA$ #!JA ). A!J-$ -!JA$ #!JCut of which$ there are only two cases under which the ants won5t collide 1

A!J#$ #!J-$ -!JA A!J-$ -!J#$ #!JA

Find all sets of consecutive integers that add u3 to &777. Submitted by : James Barberousse Answer There are total ) such series1 &. Sum of '777 numbers starting from !,,, i.e. summation of numbers from !,,, to &777. !,,," 8 !,,)" 8 !,,<" 8 ..... 8 !&" 8 7 8 & 8 ' 8 ..... 8 ,,< 8 ,,) 8 ,,, 8 &777 % &777 '. Sum of 477 numbers starting from !&,< i.e. summation of numbers from !&,< to '7'. !&,<" 8 !&,(" 8 !&,6" 8 ..... 8 !&" 8 7 8 & 8 ' 8 ..... 8 &,, 8 '77 8 '7& 8 '7' % &777 3. Sum of &'6 numbers starting from !64 i.e. summation of numbers from !64 to <7. !64" 8 !63" 8 !6'" 8 ..... 8 !&" 8 7 8 & 8 ' 8 ..... 8 () 8 (, 8 <7 % &777 4. Sum of )7 numbers starting from !'< i.e. summation of numbers from !'< to 6'. !'<" 8 !'(" 8 !'6" 8 ..... 8 !&" 8 7 8 & 8 ' 8 ..... 8 67 8 6& 8 6' % &777 6. Sum of '6 numbers starting from ') i.e. summation of numbers from ') to 6'. ') 8 ', 8 37 8 3& 8 3' 8 33 8 34 8 36 8 3( 8 3< 8 3) 8 3, 8

47 8 4& 8 4' 8 43 8 44 8 46 8 4( 8 4< 8 4) 8 4, 8 67 8 6& 8 6' % &777 (. Sum of &( numbers starting from 66 i.e. summation of numbers from 66 to <7. 66 8 6( 8 6< 8 6) 8 6, 8(7 8 (& 8 (' 8 (3 8 (4 8 (6 8 (( 8 (< 8 () 8 (, 8 <7 % &777 <. Sum of 6 numbers starting from &,) i.e. summation of numbers from &,) to '7'. &,) 8 &,, 8 '77 8'7& 8 '7' % &777 ). Sum of & number starting from &777. &777 % &777

There is a 4!character code$ with ' of them being letters and the other ' being numbers. .ow many ma@imum attem3ts would be necessary to find the correct codeA 0ote that the code is case!sensitive. Answer The ma7imum num3er of attempts re8uired are 1,&22&/00 There are 6' 3ossible letters ! a to B and A to I$ and &7 3ossible numbers ! 7 to ,. 0ow$ 4 characters ! ' letters and ' numbers$ can be selected in 6'*6'*&7*&7 ways. These 4 characters can be arranged in 4-' i.e. ( different ways ! the number of unique 3atterns that can be formed by lining u3 4 obEects of which ' are distinguished one way i.e. they must be letters" and the other ' are distinguished another way i.e. they must be numbers". -onsider an e@am3le 1 +et5s assume that U re3resents letter and V re3resents number. the ( 3ossible ways of arranging them are 1 UUVV$ UVUV$ UVVU$ VUUV$ VUVU$ VVUU .ence$ the required answer is % 6'*6'*&7*&7*( % &($''$477 attem3ts % &.( million a33ro@.

Than4s to Tim Sanders for o3ening #rainMista5s brain RRR .ow many 3ossible combinations are there in a 3@3@3 rubics cubeA /n other words$ if you wanted to solve the rubics cube by trying different combinations$ how many might it ta4e you worst case senerio"A .ow many for a 4@4@4 cubeA Submitted Answer There are /.%2.2 C 10D19 possi3le com3inations for %7%7% 1u3ics and 7./012 C 10D/. possi3le com3inations for /7/7/ 1u3ics. +et5s consider 3@3@3 =ubics first. There are ) corner cubes$ which can be arranged in )R ways. 2ach of these ) cubes can be turned in 3 different directions$ so there are 3W) orientations altogether. #ut if you get all but one of the corner cube into chosen 3ositions and orientations$ only one of 3 orientations of the final corner cube is 3ossible. Thus$ total ways corner cubes can be 3laced % )R" * 3W)";) % )R" * 3W<" Similarly$ &' edge cubes can be arranged in &'R ways. 2ach of these &' cubes can be turned in ' different directions$ so there are 'W&' orientations altogether. #ut if you get all but one of the edge cube into chosen 3ositions and orientations$ only one of ' orientations of the final edge cube is 3ossible. Thus$ total ways edge cubes can be 3laced % &'R" * 'W&'";' % &'R" * 'W&&" .ere$ we have essentially 3ulled the cubes a3art and stuc4 cubes bac4 in 3lace wherever we 3lease. /n reality$ we can only move cubes around by turning the faces of the cubes. /t turns out that you can5t turn the faces in such a way as to switch the 3ositions of two cubes while returning all the others to their original 3ositions. Thus if you get all but two cubes in 3lace$ there is only one attainable choice for them not 'R". .ence$ we must divide by '.

Total different 3ossible combinations are % 9 )R" * 3W<": * 9 &'R" * 'W&&": ; ' % )R" * 3W<" * &'R" * 'W&7" % 4.3'6' * &7W&, Similarly$ for 4@4@4 =ubics total different 3ossible combinations are % 9 )R" * 3W<": * 9 '4R": * 9 '4R" ; 4RW(": ; '4 % <.47&&,() * &7W46 0ote that there are '4 edge cubes$ which you can not turn in ' orientations hence no 'W'4 ; '". Also$ there are 4 center cubes 3er face i.e. '4R" ; 4R W(". Hou can switch ' cubes without affecting the rest of the combination as 4*4*4 has even dimensions hence no division by '". #ut 3attern on one side is rotated in 4 directions over ( faces$ hence divide by '4. Substitute digits for the letters to ma4e the following relation true. 2 E 3 E 4 5 % E A 3 , E E

''''''''''''''''' A 5 ( 2 E 0ote that the leftmost letter can5t be Bero in any word. Also$ there must be a one!to!one ma33ing between digits and letters. e.g. if you substitute 3 for the letter D$ no other letter can be 3 and all other D in the 3uBBle must be 3. Answer A tough oneRRR Since = 8 2 8 2 % &7 8 2$ it is clear that = 8 2 % &7 and neither = nor 2 is equal to 7 or 6. This is the only entry 3oint to solve it. 0ow use trial!n!error method.

2 5 %


3 A

E 3 ,

4 E E %

2 0

1 1

4 5

1 4 6

9 1 1

''''''''''''''''' A 5 ( 2 E

''''''''''''''''' 5 0 0 2 1

Cne of the four 3eo3le ! Dr. -linton$ his wife Doni4a$ their son Dandy and their daughter -indy ! is a singer and another is a dancer. Dr. -linton is older than his wife and Dady is older than his sister. &. /f the singer and the dancer are the same se@$ then the dancer is older than the singer. '. /f neither the singer nor the dancer is the 3arent of the other$ then the singer is older than the dancer. 3. /f the singer is a man$ then the singer and the dancer are the same age. 4. /f the singer and the dancer are of o33osite se@ then the man is older than the woman. 6. /f the dancer is a woman$ then the dancer is older than the singer. Fhose occu3ation do you 4nowA And what is his;her occu3ationA Answer #ind- is the 9inger. Mr. #linton or Moni*a is the Dancer. From &" and 3"$ the singer and the dancer$ both can not be a man. From 3" and 4"$ if the singer is a man$ then the dancer must be a man. .ence$ the singer must be a woman. #A9" > 1 Singer is a woman and *ancer is also a woman Then$ the dancer is Doni4a and the singer is -indy. #A9" >> 1 Singer is a woman and *ancer is also a man Then$ the dancer is Dr. -linton and the singer is -indy.

/n both the cases$ we 4now that -indy is the Singer. And either Dr. -linton or Doni4a is the *ancer. There are '7 3eo3le in your a33licant 3ool$ including 6 3airs of identical twins. /f you hire 6 3eo3le randomly$ what are the chances you will hire at least & 3air of identical twinsA 0eedless to say$ this could cause trouble K"" Submitted Answer The pro3a3ilit- to hire . people with at least 1 pair of identical twins is 2..28< 6 3eo3le from the '7 3eo3le can be hired in '7-6 % &6674 ways. 0ow$ divide '7 3eo3le into two grou3s of &7 3eo3le each 1 O& ! with all twins O' ! with all 3eo3le other than twins +et5s find out all 3ossible ways to hire 6 3eo3le without a single 3air of indentical twins. Eeople Eeople 2o of wa-s to hire A1 2o of Total from A1 from A2 without a single pair of wa-s to wa-s indentical twins hire A2 7 6 &7-7 &7-6 '6' & 4 &7-& &7-4 '&77 ' 3 &7-' * );, &7-3 4)77 3 ' &7-3 * );, * (;) &7-' 3(77 4 & &7-4 * );, * (;) * 4;< &7-& )77 &7-6 * );, * (;) * 4;< * 6 7 &7-7 3' ';( Total 11.8/ Thus$ total 3ossible ways to hire 6 3eo3le without a single 3air of indentical twins % &&6)4 ways So$ total 3ossible ways to hire 6 3eo3le with at least a single 3air of

indentical twins % &6674 ! &&6)4 % 3,'7 ways .ence$ the 3robability to hire 6 3eo3le with at least a single 3air of indentical twins % 3,'7;&6674 % '46;,(, % 7.'6') % '6.')N /n a hotel$ rooms are numbered from &7& to 667. A room is chosen at random. Fhat is the 3robability that room number starts with &$ ' or 3 and ends with 4$ 6 or (A Answer There are total 467 rooms. Cut of which ',, room number starts with either &$ ' or 3. as room number &77 is not there" 0ow out of those ',, rooms only ,7 room numbers end with 4$ 6 or ( So the 3robability is ,7;467 i.e. &;6 or 7.'7 *raw , dots on a 3age$ in the sha3e of three rows of three dots to form a square. 0ow 3lace your 3en on the 3age$ draw 4 straight lines and try and cover all the dots. Hou5re not allowed to lift your 3en. 0ote1 *on5t be confined by the dimensions of the square. Submitted

There are 3 3ersons X$ H and I. Cn some day$ X lent tractors to H and I as many as they had. After a month H gave as many tractors to X and I as many as they have. After a month I did the same thing. At the end of this transaction each one of them had '4. Find the tractors each originally hadA Answer

Cne way to solve it is by ma4ing 3 equations and solve them simultaneously. #ut there is rather easier way to solve it using #ac4tracing. /t5s given that at the end$ each had '4 tractors '4$ '4$ '4" i.e. after I gave tractors to X ? H as many as they had. /t means that after getting tractors from I their tractors got doubled. So before I gave them tractors$ they had &' tractors each and I had 4) tractors. &'$ &'$ 4)" Similarly$ before H gave tractors to X ? I$ they had ( ? '4 tractors res3ectively and H had 4' tractors i.e. ($ 4'$ '4" Again$ before X gave tractors to H ? I$ they had '& ? &' tractors res3ectively and X had 3, tractors i.e. 3,$ '&$ &'" .ence$ initially $ had %9 tractors& ' had 21 tractors and ( had 12 tractors. There is a 67m long army 3latoon marching ahead. The last 3erson in the 3latoon wants to give a letter to the first 3erson leading the 3latoon. So while the 3latoon is marching he runs ahead$ reaches the first 3erson and hands over the letter to him and without sto33ing he runs and comes bac4 to his original 3osition. /n the mean time the whole 3latoon has moved ahead by 67m. The question is how much distance did the last 3erson cover in that time. Assuming that he ran the whole distance with uniform s3eed. Submitted Answer The last person covered 120.71 meters. /t is given that the 3latoon and the last 3erson moved with uniform s3eed. Also$ they both moved for the identical amount of time. .ence$ the ratio of the distance they covered ! while 3erson moving forward and bac4word ! are equal. +et5s assume that when the last 3erson reached the first 3erson$ the

3latoon moved X meters forward. Thus$ while moving forward the last 3erson moved 678X" meters whereas the 3latoon moved X meters. Similarly$ while moving bac4 the last 3erson moved 967! 67!X": X meters whereas the 3latoon moved 67!X" meters. 0ow$ as the ratios are equal$ 678X";X % X; 67!X" 678X"* 67!X" % X*X Solving$ X%36.366 meters Thus$ total distance covered by the last 3erson % 678X" 8 X % '*X 8 67 % '* 36.366" 8 67 % &'7.<& meters 0ote that at first glance$ one might thin4 that the total distance covered by the last 3erson is &77 meters$ as he ran the total lenght of the 3latoon 67 meters" twice. T=>2$ but that5s the relative distance covered by the last 3erson i.e. assuming that the 3latoon is stationary. Assume that you have enough coins of &$ 6$ &7$ '6 and 67 cents. .ow many ways are there to ma4e change for a dollarA *o e@3lain your answer.

There are 292 wa-s to ma*e change for a dollar using coins of 1& .& 10& 2. and .0 cents. +et5s generalised the teaser and ma4e a table as shown above. /f you wish to ma4e change for <6 cents using only &$ 6$ &7 and '6 cent coins$ go to the .'6 row and the <6 column to obtain &'& ways to do this.

The table can be created from left!to!right and to3!to!bottom. Start with the to3 left i.e. & cent row. There is e@actly one way to ma4e change for every amount. Then calculate the 6 cents row by adding the number of ways to ma4e change for the amount using & cent coins 3lus the number of ways to ma4e change for 6 cents less using & and 6 cent coins. +et5s ta4e an e@am3le1 To get change for 67 cents using &$ 6 and &7 cent coins. * 67 cents change using & and 6 cent coins % && ways * 67!&7" 47 cents change using &$ 6 and &7 cent coins % '6 ways * 67 cents change using &$ 6 and &7 cent coins % &&8'6 % 3( ways +et5s ta4e another e@am3le1 To get change for <6 cents using all coins u3 to 67 cent i.e. &$ 6$ &7$ '6 and 67 cents coins. * <6 cents change using coins u3to '6 cent % &'& ways * <6!67" '6 cents change using coins u3to 67 cent % &3 ways * <6 cents change using coins u3to 67 cent % &'&8&3 % &34 ways For 3eo3le who don5t want to tease their brain and love to do com3uter 3rogramming$ there is a sim3le way. Frite a small multi!loo3 3rogram to solve the equation1 A 8 6# 8 &7- 8 '6* 8 672 % &77 where$ A % 7 to &77 # % 7 to '7 - % 7 to &7 * % 7 to 4 2 % 7 to ' The 3rogram should out3ut all the 3ossible values of A$ #$ -$ * and 2 for which the equation is satisfied. /n a =oad =ace$ one of the three bi4ers was doing &64m less than the first and 34m more than the third. .e also finished the race &' minutes after the first and 3 minutes before the third. -an you find out the s3eed of each bi4er$ the time ta4en by each bi4er to finish the race and the length of the courseA Assume that there were no sto3s in the race and also they were driving

with constant s3eeds through out the Answer

+et us assume that S3eed of First bi4er % M& 4m;min S3eed of Second bi4er % M' 4m;min S3eed of Third bi4er % M3 4m;min Total time ta4e by first bi4er % T& min Total distance % S 4m 0ow as 3er the data given in the teaser$ at a time T min $1 = 31 * * ''''6 1 $1 ' 15 = 32 * * $1 ' 18 = 30 * * At a *istance S Sm. + = 31 * *1 + = 32 * "*1 % 12# + = 30 * "*1 % 15# ''''6 2 ''''6 0 ''''6 4 ''''6 5 ''''6 6

Thus there are ( equations and < un4nown data that means it has infinite number of solutions. #y solving above ( equations we get$ Time ta4en by first bi4er$ T& % (7 Din. Time ta4en by Second bi4er$ T' % <' Din. Time ta4en by first bi4er$ T3 % <6 Din. Also$ we get S3eed of first bi4er$ M& % ,7;T 4m;min S3eed of second bi4er$ M' % 6;("M& % <6;T 4m;min S3eed of third bi4er$ M3 % 4;6"M& % <';T 4m;min

Also$ the length of the course$ S % 6477;T 4m Thus$ for the data given$ only the time ta4en by each bi4er can be found i.e. (7$ <' and <6 minutes. For other quantities$ one more inde3endent datum is required i.e. either T or M& or M' or M3 Than4s to Theertham Srinivas for the answer RRR Fhat is the four!digit number in which the first digit is &;3 of the second$ the third is the sum of the first and second$ and the last is three times the secondA Answer The / digit num3er is 1%/9. /t is given that the first digit is &;3 of the second. There are 3 such 3ossibilities. &. & and 3 '. ' and ( 3. 3 and , 0ow$ the third digit is the sum of the first and second digits. &. & 8 3 % 4 '. ' 8 ( % ) 3. 3 8 , % &' /t is clear that o3tion 3 is not 3ossible. So we are left with only two o3tions. Also$ the last digit is three times the second$ which rules out the second o3tion. .ence$ the answer is &34,. *ifference between #holu5s and Dolu5s age is ' years and the difference between Dolu5s and Solu5s age is 6 years. Fhat is the ma@imum 3ossible value of the sum of the difference in their ages$ ta4en two at a timeA Answer The ma7imum possi3le value of the sum of the difference in their ages ) ta*en two at a time ) is 1/ -ears.

/t is given that ! G*ifference between #holu5s and Dolu5s age is ' yearsG G*ifference between Dolu5s and Solu5s age is 6 yearsG 0ow$ to get the ma@imum 3ossible value$ the difference between #holu5s and Solu5s age should be ma@imum i.e. Dolu5s age should be in between #holu5s and Solu5s age. Then$ the difference between #holu5s and Solu5s age is < years. .ence$ the ma@imum 3ossible value of the sum of the difference in their ages ! ta4en two at a time ! is ' 8 6 8 <" &4 years. /f it is given that1 '6 ! ' % 3 &77 @ ' % '7 3( ; 3 % ' Fhat is &44 ! 3 % A Submitted Answer There are 3 3ossible answers to it. Answer 1 ? 9 Sim3ly re3lace the first number by its square root. '6" 6 ! ' % 3 &77" &7 @ ' % '7 3(" ( ; 3 % ' &44" &' ! 3 % , Answer 2 ? 11 *ro3 the digit in the tens 3osition from the first number. '" 6 ! ' % 3 & 7" 7 @ ' % '7 3" ( ; 3 % ' & 4" 4 ! 3 % && Hou will get the same answer on removing left and right digit alternatively from the first number i.e remove left digit from first '"$ right digit from second 7"$ left digit from third 3" and right digit from forth 4". '" 6 ! ' % 3

&7 7" @ ' % '7 3" ( ; 3 % ' &4 4" ! 3 % && Answer % ? 1/ *ro3 left and right digit alternatively from the actual answer. '6 ! ' % '" 3 dro3 left digit i.e. '" &77 * ' % '7 7" dro3 right digit i.e. 7" 3( ; 3 % &" ' dro3 left digit i.e. &" &44 ! 3 % &4 &" dro3 right digit i.e. &" A 3 digit number is such that it5s unit digit is equal to the 3roduct of the other two digits which are 3rime. Also$ the difference between it5s reverse and itself is 3,(. Fhat is the sum of the three digitsA Answer The re8uired num3er is 2%, and the sum is 11. /t is given that the first two digits of the required number are 3rime numbers i.e. '$ 3$ 6 or <. 0ote that & is neither 3rime nor com3osite. Also$ the third digit is the multi3lication of the first two digits. Thus$ first two digits must be either ' or 3 i.e. ''$ '3$ 3' or 33 which means that there are four 3ossible numbers ! ''4$ '3($ 3'( and 33,. 0ow$ it is also given that ! the difference between it5s reverse and itself is 3,(. Cnly '3( satisfies this condition. .ence$ the sum of the three digits is &&. There are 4 mugs 3laced u3turned on the table. 2ach mug have the same number of marbles and a statement about the number of marbles in it. The statements are1 Two or Three$ Cne or Four$ Three or Cne$ Cne or Two. Cnly one of the statement is correct. .ow many marbles are there under each mugA Answer

A sim3le one. As it is given that only one of the four statement is correct$ the correct number can not a33ear in more than one statement. /f it a33ears in more than one statement$ then more than one statement will be correct. .ence$ there are 4 marbles under each mug.

At >niversity of Qrobability$ there are 3<6 freshmen$ ',3 so3homores$ &)< Euniors$ ? &'( seniors. Cne student will randomly be chosen to receive an award. Fhat 3ercent chance is there that it will be a EuniorA =ound to the nearest whole 3ercent Answer 19< This 3uBBle is easy. *ivide the number of Euniors &)<" by the total number of students ,)&"$ ? then multi3ly the number by &77 to convert to a 3ercentage. .ence the answer is &)<;,)&"*&77 % &,N /f you were to dial any < digits on a tele3hone in random order$ what is the 3robability that you will dial your own 3hone numberA Assume that your tele3hone number is <!digits. Answer 1 in 10&000&000 There are &7 digits i.e. 7!,. First digit can be dialed in &7 ways. Second digit can be dialed in &7 ways. Third digit can be dialed in &7 ways. And so on..... Thus$ <!digit can be dialed in &7*&7*&7*&7*&7*&7*&7 %&7$777$777" ways.

And$ you have Eust one tele3hone number. .ence$ the 3ossibility that you will dial your own number is & in &7$777$777. 0ote that 7&'346( may not be a valid <!digit tele3hone number. #ut while dialing in random order$ that is one of the 3ossible <!digit number which you may dial. An anthro3ologist discovers an isolated tribe whose written al3habet contains only si@ letters call the letters A$ #$ -$ *$ 2 and F". The tribe has a taboo against using the same letter twice in the same word. /t5s never done. /f each different sequence of letters constitues a different word in the language$ what is the ma@imum number of si@!letter words that the language can em3loyA Submitted Answer The language can emplo- ma7imum of 720 si7)letter words. /t is a sim3le 3ermutation 3roblem of arranging ( letters to get different si@! letter words. And it can be done in in (R ways i.e. <'7 ways. /n otherwords$ the first letter can be any of the given ( letters A through F". Then$ whatever the first letter is$ the second letter will always be from the remaining 6 letters as same letter can not be used twice"$ and the third letter always be from the remaining 4 letters$ and so on. Thus$ the different 3ossible si@!letter words are (*6*4*3*'*& % <'7 Sate$ *emi$ Dadona$ Sharon$ #ritney and 0icole decided to lunch together in a restaurant. The waiter led them to a round table with si@ chairs. .ow many different ways can they seatA Answer There are 120 different possi3le seating arrangments. 0ote that on a round table A#-*2F and #-*2FA is the same.

The first 3erson can sit on any one of the seats. 0ow$ for the second 3erson there are 6 o3tions$ for the third 3erson there are 4 o3tions$ for the forth 3erson there are 3 o3tions$ for the fifth 3erson there are ' o3tions and for the last 3erson there is Eust one o3tion. Thus$ total different 3ossible seating arrangements are %6*4*3*'*& % &'7 3 bloc4s are chosen randomly on a chessboard. Fhat is the 3robability that they are in the same diagonalA Answer There are total of (4 bloc4s on a chessboard. So 3 bloc4s can be chosen out of (4 in (4-3 ways. So the sam3le s3ace is % 4&((4 There are ' diagonal on chessboard each one having ) bloc4s. -onsider one of them. 3 bloc4s out of ) bloc4s in diagonal can be chosen in )-3 ways. #ut there are ' such diagonals$ hence favourables % ' * )-3 % ' * 6( % &&' The require 3robability is % &&' ; 4&((4 % & ; 3<' % 7.77'())

Fhat is the area of the triangle A#- with A e$3" # 'e$33" and - 3e$63"A where 3 % Q/ 3.&4&6,'(64" Answer A tric4y C02.

Oiven 3 3oints are colinear. .ence$ it is a straight line. .ence area of triangle is 7.

Silu and Deenu were wal4ing on the road. Silu said$ G/ weigh 6& Sgs. .ow much do you weighAG Deenu re3lied that she wouldn5t reveal her weight directly as she is overweight. #ut she said$ G/ weigh ', Sgs 3lus half of my weight.G .ow much does Deenu weighA Answer Meenu weighs .8 Fgs. /t is given that Deenu weighs ', Sgs 3lus half of her own weight. /t means that ', Sgs is the other half. So she weighs 6) Sgs. Solving mathematically$ let5s assume that her weight is X Sgs. X % ', 8 X;' '*X % 6) 8 X X % 6) Sgs -onsider the sum1 A#- 8 *2F 8 O./ % XXX /f different letters re3resent different digits$ and there are no leading Beros$ what does X re3resentA Answer The value of G must 3e 9. Since there are no leading Beros$ X must be <$ )$ or ,. XXX % A#- 8 *2F 8 O./ % &4A 8 '6A 8 3(A % <AA" 0ow$ the remainder left after dividing any number by , is the same as the

remainder left after dividing the sum of the digits of that number by ,. Also$ note that 7 8 & 8 ... 8 , has a remainder of 7 after dividing by , and XXX has a remainder of 7$ 3$ or (. The number , is the only number from <$ ) and , that leaves a remainder of 7$ 3$ or ( if you remove it from the sum 7 8 & 8 ... 8 ,. .ence$ it follows that X must be ,. A man has Ten .orses and nine stables as shown here. 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 The man wants to fit Ten .orses into nine stables. .ow can he fit Ten horses into nine stablesA Submitted Answer The answer is sim3le. /t says the man wants to fit GTen .orsesG into nine stables. There are nine letters in the 3hrase GTen .orsesG. So you can 3ut one letter each in all nine stables. 7*8 7E8 728 798 7(8 748 7+8 7E8 7+8 A man is at a river with a , gallon buc4et and a 4 gallon buc4et. .e needs e@actly ( gallons of water. .ow can he use both buc4ets to get e@actly ( gallons of waterA 0ote that he cannot estimate by dum3ing some of the water out of the , gallon buc4et or the 4 gallon buc4et Answer For the sac4 of e@3lanation$ let5s identify 4 gallon buc4et as #uc4et Q and , gallon buc4et as #uc4et T. / gallon 9 gallon 3uc*et 3uc*et 6peration : uc*et E; : uc*et H; /nitially 7 7 Fill the buc4et T with , gallon water 7 , Qour 4 gallon water from buc4et T to 4 6 buc4et Q 2m3ty buc4et Q 7 6 Qour 4 gallon water from buc4et T to 4 & buc4et Q

2m3ty buc4et Q Qour & gallon water from buc4et T to buc4et Q Fill the buc4et T with , gallon water Qour 3 gallon water from buc4et T to buc4et Q

7 & & 4

& 7 , (

, gallon buc4et contains ( gallon of water$ as required. 2ach of the five characters in the word #=A/0 has a different value between 7 and ,. >sing the given grid$ can you find out the value of each characterA B 4 A . 2 01 B 2 2 . B . . 4 4 A B A B B A A A B . A 01 02 00 20

01 29 25 21 29 The numbers on the e@treme right re3resent the sum of the values re3resented by the characters in that row. Also$ the numbers on the last raw re3resent the sum of the values re3resented by the characters in that column. e.g. # 8 = 8 A 8 / 8 0 % 3& from first row" Answer 47& 14,& A4/& >4. and 249 Da4e total &7 equations ! 6 for rows and 6 for columns ! and sovle them. From =ow3 and =ow4$ 08/8A8#8#%08/8#8A8/8' #%/8' From =ow& and =ow3$ #8=8A8/80%08/8A8#8#!&

=%#!& From -olumn'$ = 8 # 8 / 8 / 8 = % ', # 8 '= 8 '/ % ', # 8 ' # ! &" 8 '/ % ', 3# 8 '/ % 3& 3 / 8 '" 8 '/ % 3& 6/ % '6 /%6 .ence$ #%< and =%( From =ow'$ # 8 # 8 = 8 # 8 A % 3& 3# 8 = 8 A % 3& 3 <" 8 ( 8 A % 3& A%4 From =ow&$ # 8 = 8 A 8 / 8 0 % 3& < 8 ( 8 4 8 6 8 0 % 3& 0%, Thus$ #%<$ =%($ A%4$ /%6 and 0%,

Submi t Answe r

Users Answer (24)

Brain V

There are , coins. Cut of which one is odd one i.e weight is less or more. .ow many iterations of weighing are required to find odd coinA Answer /t is always 3ossible to find odd coin in 3 weighings and to tell whether the odd coin is heavier or lighter. &. Ta4e ) coins and weigh 4 against 4.

o o

/f both are not equal$ goto ste3 ' /f both are equal$ goto ste3 3

'. Cne of these ) coins is the odd one. 0ame the coins on heavier side of the scale as .&$ .'$ .3 and .4. Similarly$ name the coins on the lighter side of the scale as +&$ +'$ +3 and +4. 2ither one of .5s is heavier or one of +5s is lighter. Feigh .&$ .'$ +&" against .3$ .4$ X" where X is one coin remaining in intial weighing.

/f both are equal$ one of +'$ +3$ +4 is lighter. Feigh +' against +3.

/f both are equal$ +4 is the odd coin and is lighter. /f +' is light$ +' is the odd coin and is lighter. /f +3 is light$ +3 is the odd coin and is lighter.

/f .&$ .'$ +&" is heavier side on the scale$ either .& or .' is heavier. Feight .& against .'

/f both are equal$ there is some error. /f .& is heavy$ .& is the odd coin and is heavier. /f .' is heavy$ .' is the odd coin and is heavier.

/f .3$ .4$ X" is heavier side on the scale$ either .3 or .4 is heavier or +& is lighter. Feight .3 against .4

/f both are equal$ +& is the odd coin and is lighter. /f .3 is heavy$ .3 is the odd coin and is heavier. /f .4 is heavy$ .4 is the odd coin and is heavier.

3. The remaining coin X is the odd one. Feigh X against the anyone coin used in initial weighing.
o o o

/f both are equal$ there is some error. /f X is heavy$ X is the odd coin and is heavier. /f X is light$ X is the odd coin and is lighter.

/n a s3orts contest there were m medals awarded on n successive days n J &". &. Cn the first day & medal and &;< of the remaining m ! & medals were awarded. '. Cn the second day ' medals and &;< of the now remaining medals was awardedK and so on. 3. Cn the nth and last day$ the remaining n medals were awarded. .ow many days did the contest last$ and how many medals were awarded altogetherA Answer Total %, medals were awarded and the contest was for , da-s. Cn day &1 Dedals awarded % Cn day '1 Dedals awarded % Cn day 31 Dedals awarded % Cn day 41 Dedals awarded % Cn day 61 Dedals awarded % Cn day (1 Dedals awarded ( & 8 36;<" % ( 1 =emaining 37 medals ' 8 ');<" % ( 1 =emaining '4 medals 3 8 '&;<" % ( 1 =emaining &) medals 4 8 &4;<" % ( 1 =emaining &' medals 6 8<;<" % ( 1 =emaining ( medals

/ got this answer by writing small 3rogram. /f anyone 4now any other sim3ler method$ do submit it. A number of , digits has the following 3ro3erties1

The number com3rising the leftmost two digits is divisible by '$ that com3rising the leftmost three digits is divisible by 3$ the leftmost four by 4$ the leftmost five by 6$ and so on for the nine digits of the number i.e. the number formed from the first n digits is divisible by n$ 'L%nL%,. 2ach digit in the number is different i.e. no digits are re3eated. The digit 7 does not occur in the number i.e. it is com3rised only of the digits &!, in some order.

Find the number. Answer The answer is %81,./729

Cne way to solve it is Trial!?!2rror. Hou can ma4e it bit easier as odd 3ositions will always occu3y C** numbers and even 3ositions will always occu3y 2M20 numbers. Further 6th 3osition will contain 6 as 7 does not occur. The other way to solve this 3roblem is by writing a com3uter 3rogram that systematically tries all 3ossibilities. &;3 rd of the contents of a container eva3orated on the &st day. 3;4th of the remaining contents of the container eva3orated on the second day. Fhat 3art of the contents of the container is left at the end of the second dayA Answer Assume that contents of the container is X Cn the first day &;3rd is eva3orated. & ! &;3" of X is remaining i.e. ';3"X Cn the Second day 3;4th is eva3orated. .ence$ &! 3;4" of ';3"X is remaining i.e. &;4" ';3"X % &;(" X .ence &;(th of the contents of the container is remaining There are four 3eo3le in a room not including you". 2@actly two of these four always tell the truth. The other two always lie. Hou have to figure out who is who /0 C0+H ' T>2ST/C0S. Hour questions have to be H2S or 0C questions and can only be answered by one 3erson. /f you as4 the same question to two different 3eo3le then that counts as two questions". See3 in mind that all four 4now each other5s characteristics whether they lie or not. Fhat questions would you as4 to figure out who is whoA =emember that you can as4 only ' questions. Submitted

Hou have 3 bas4ets$ ? each one contains e@actly 4 balls$ each of which is of the same siBe. 2ach ball is either red$ blac4$ white$ or 3ur3le$ ? there is one of each color in each bas4et. /f you were blindfolded$ ? lightly shoo4 each bas4et so that the balls would be randomly distributed$ ? then too4 & ball from each bas4et$ what chance is there that you would have e@actly ' red ballsA Answer There are (4 different 3ossible outcomes$ ? in , of these$ e@actly ' of the balls will be red. There is thus a slightly better than &4N chance 9 ,;(4"*&77: that e@actly ' balls will be red. A much faster way to solve the 3roblem is to loo4 at it this way. There are 3 scenarios where e@actly 3 balls are red1 1 2 0

''''''''''' 4 4 $ 4 $ 4 $ 4 4

$ is an: !all t;at is not red. There is a 4.()<6N chance that each of these situations will occur. Ta4e the first one$ for e@am3le1 '6N chance the first ball is red$ multi3lied by a '6N chance the second ball is red$ multi3lied by a <6N chance the third ball is not red. #ecause there are 3 scenarios where this outcome occurs$ you multi3ly the 4.()<6N chance of any one occurring by 3$ ? you get &4.7('6N -onsider a state lottery where you get to choose ) numbers from & to )7$ no re3etiton allowed. The +ottery -ommission chooses && from those )7 numbers$ again no re3etition. Hou win the lottery if atleast < of your

numbers are there in the && chosen by the +ottery -ommission. Fhat is the 3robablity of winning the lotteryA Answer The 3robability of winning the lottery is two in one billion i.e. only two 3erson can win from one billion RRR +et5s find out sam3le s3ace first. The +ottery -ommission chooses && numbers from the )7. .ence$ the && numbers from the )7 can be selected in )7-&& ways which is very very high and is equal to &.74<<( * &7&3 0ow$ you have to select ) numbers from )7 which can be selected in )7-) ways. #ut we are interested in only those numbers which are in && numbers selected by the +ottery -ommision. There are ' cases.

Hou might select ) numbers which all are there in && numbers choosen by the +ottery -ommission. So there are &&-) ways. Another case is you might select < luc4y numbers and & non! luc4y number from the remaining (, numbers. There are && -< " * (,-& " ways to do that.

So total luc4y ways are % &&-) " 8 &&-< " * (,-& " % &(6" 8 337" * (," % &(6 8 ''<<7 % '',36 .ence$ the 3robability of the winning lottery is % Total luc4y ways" ; Total Sam3le s3ace" % '',36" ; &.74<<( * &7&3" % '.&)), * &7!, i.e. ' in a billion.

Su bm it

Users Answ er (4)

Brain Vista Answ

Pu zzl e

An sw er er To move a Safe$ two cylindrical steel bars < inches in diameter are used as rollers. .ow far will the safe have moved forward when the rollers have made one revolutionA Answer The safe must have moved 22 inches forward. /f the rollers ma4e one revolution$ the safe will move the distance equal to the circumference of the roller. .ence$ the distance covered by the safe is % Q/ * *iameter or ' * Q/ * =adius" % Q/ * < % 3.&4&6,'(6 * < % '&.,,&&6 % '' inches a33ro@. Submitt/f a roo4 and a bisho3 of a standard chess set are randomly 3laced on a chessboard$ what is the 3robability that one is attac4ing the otherA 0ote that both are different colored 3ieces. SubmAnswer The pro3a3ilit- of either the 1oo* or the ishop attac*ing the other is 0.%,11 A =oo4 and a #isho3 on a standard chess!board can be arranged in (4Q' % (4*(3 % 473' ways 0ow$ there are ' cases ! =oo4 attac4ing #isho3 and #isho3 attac4ing =oo4. 0ote that the =oo4 and the #isho3 never attac4 each other simultaneously. +et5s consider both the cases one by one. #ase > ) 1oo* attac*ing ishop The =oo4 can be 3laced in any of the given (4 3ositions and it always attac4s &4 3ositions. .ence$ total 3ossible ways of the =oo4 attac4ing the

#isho3 % (4*&4 % ),( ways #ase >> ) ishop attac*ing 1oo* Miew the chess!board as a 4 co!centric hollow squares with the outermost square with side ) units and the innermost square with side ' units. /f the bisho3 is in one of the outer ') squares$ then it can attac4 < 3ositions. /f the bisho3 is in one of the '7 squares at ne@t inner!level$ then it can attac4 , 3ositions. Similarly if the bisho3 is in one of the &' squares at ne@t inner!level$ then it can attac4 && 3ositions. And if the bisho3 is in one of the 4 squares at ne@t inner!level the innermost level"$ then it can attac4 &3 3ositions. .ence$ total 3ossible ways of the #isho3 attac4ing the =oo4 % ')*< 8 '7*, 8 &'*&& 8 4*&3 % 6(7 ways Thus$ the required 3robability is % ),( 8 6(7" ; 473' % &3;3( % 7.3(&& itted ed .ere in 2ngland Dc*onald5s has Eust launched a new advertising cam3aign. The 3oster shows ) Dc*onald5s 3roducts and underneath claims there are 473&' combinations of the above items. Oiven that the ma@imum number of items allowed is )$ and you are allowed to have less than ) items$ and that the order of 3urchase does not matter i.e. buying a burger and fries is the same as buying fries and a burger" .ow many 3ossible combinations are thereA Are Dc*onald5s correct in claiming there are 473&' combinationsA Answer Total possi3le com3inations are 128,9. /t is given that you can order ma@imum of ) items and you are allowed to have less than ) items. Also$ the order of 3urchase does not matter. +et5s create a table for ordering total 0 items using X 3roducts.

Eroducts =sed :$; & ' 3 4 6 ( < ) ! ! ! ! ! ! ! & & ) ) & & ! ! ! ! ! ! ' & & ! ! ! ! ! 3 & ' & ! ! ! ! 4 & 3 3 & ! ! ! 6 & 4 ( 4 & ! ! ( & 6 &7 &7 6 & ! < & ( &6 '7 &6 ( & ) & < '& 36 36 '& < Total :T; ) ') 6( <7 6( ') ) Ia-s to ) ) )- )- )- ) ) choose - 3 4 6 - $ products & ' ( < from 8 products :I; Total (4 <) 3& 4, 3& <) (4 com3ination 4 3( 77 3( 4 s :TCI;


Thus$ total 3ossible combinations are % (4 8 <)4 8 3&3( 8 4,77 8 3&3( 8 <)4 8 (4 8 & % &')(, Fhat are the chances that at least two out of a grou3 of fifty 3eo3le share the same birthdayA SubmittedAnswer The pro3a3ilit- of atleast two out of a group of .0 people share the same 3irthda- is 97< Qrobability of atleast two share the same birthday % & ! 3robability of all 67 have different birthdays Qrobability of all 67 have different birthday % 3(6;3(6 * 3(4;3(6 * 3(3;3(6 * ... * 3&<;3(6 * 3&(;3(6 % 3(6 * 3(4 * 3(3 * 3(' * ... * 3&< * 3&(";3(6 67

% 7.7',('(4 Qrobability of atleast two share the same birthday % & ! 7.7',('(4 % 7.,<73<36 % ,<N a33ro@. Thus$ the 3robability of atleast two out of a grou3 of 67 3eo3le share the same birthday is ,<N This e@3lains wh- in a school@college with classrooms of .0 students& there are at least two students with a 3irthda- on the same da- of the -ear. Also$ if there are '3 3eo3le in the room$ then there are 67N chances that atleast two of them have a birthday on the same day of the yearRRR A tan4 can be filled by 3i3e A in 37 minutes and by 3i3e # in '4 minutes. Cutlet 3i3e - can em3ty the full tan4 in X minutes. /f the tan4 is em3ty initially and if all the three 3i3es A$ # and - are o3ened simultaneously$ the tan4 will 02M2= be full. Oive the ma@imal 3ossible value of X. Answer The ma7imum possi3le value of $ is 1% minutes 20 seconds. /n one minute$ 3i3e A can fill &;37 3art of the tan4. 3i3e # can fill &;'4 3art of the tan4. Thus$ the net water level increase in one minute is % &;37 8 &;'4 % 3;47 3art of the tan4 /n order to 4ee3 the tan4 always em3ty$ outlet 3i3e - should em3ty at least 3;47 3art of the tan4 in one minute. Thus$ 3i3e - can em3ty the full tan4 in 47;3 i.e. &3 minutes '7 seconds. A wor4er earns a 6N raise. A year later$ the wor4er receives a '.6N cut in 3ay$ ? now his salary is =s. ''<7'.() Fhat was his salary to begin withA

Answer 1s.2217, Assume his salary was =s. X .e earns 6N raise. So his salary is &76*X";&77 A year later he receives '.6N cut. So his salary is &76*X";&77"* ,<.6;&77" which is =s. ''<7'.() .ence$ solving equation &76*X";&77"* ,<.6;&77" % ''<7'.() X % ''&<( 677 men are arranged in an array of &7 rows and 67 columns according to their heights. Tallest among each row of all are as4ed to come out. And the shortest among them is A. Similarly after resuming them to their original 3ositions$ the shortest among each column are as4ed to come out. And the tallest among them is #. 0ow who is taller A or # A A 3erson wanted to withdraw X ru3ees and H 3aise from the ban4. #ut cashier made a mista4e and gave him H ru3ees and X 3aise. 0either the 3erson nor the cashier noticed that. After s3ending '7 3aise$ the 3erson counts the money. And to his sur3rise$ he has double the amount he wanted to withdraw. Find X and H. & =u3ee % &77 Qaise" As given$ the 3erson wanted to withdraw &77X 8 H 3aise. #ut he got &77H 8 X 3aise. After s3ending '7 3aise$ he has double the amount he wanted to withdraw. .ence$ the equation is

2 * "100$ % &# = 100& % $ ' 20 200$ % 2& = 100& %$ ' 20 199$ ' 98& = '20 98& ' 199$ = 20 0ow$ we got one equationK but there are ' variables. Fe have to a33ly little bit of logic over here. Fe 4now that if we interchange X ? H$ amount gets double. So H should be twice of X or one more than twice of X i.e. H % 'X or H % 'X8& -ase / 1 '42$ Solving two equations simultaneously ,)H ! &,,X % '7 H ! 'X % 7 Fe get X % ! '7;3 ? H % ! 47;' -ase // 1 '42$51 Solving two equations simultaneously ,)H ! &,,X % '7 H ! 'X % & Fe get X % '( ? H % 63 0ow$ its obvious that he wanted to withdraw =s. '(.63

Su bm it An sw er

Users Answ er (2)

Brain Vista Answ er

Pu zzl e

At the Qarty1 &. There were , men and children.

'. There were ' more women than children. 3. The number of different man!woman cou3les 3ossible was '4. 0ote that if there were < men and 6 women$ then there would have been 36 man!woman cou3les 3ossible. Also$ of the three grou3s ! men$ women and children ! at the 3arty1 4. There were 4 of one grou3. 6. There were ( of one grou3. (. There were ) of one grou3. 2@actly one of the above ( statements is false. -an you tell which one is falseA Also$ how many men$ women and children are there at the 3artyA Answer 9tatement :/; is false. There are % men& 8 women and , children. Assume that Statements 4"$ 6" and (" are all true. Then$ Statement &" is false. #ut then Statement '" and 3" both can not be true. Thus$ contradictory to the fact that e@actly one statement is false. So Statement 4" or Statement 6" or Statement (" is false. Also$ Statements &"$ '" and 3" all are true. From &" and '"$ there are && men and women. Then from 3"$ there are ' 3ossible cases ! either there are ) men and 3 women or there are 3 men and ) women. /f there are ) men and 3 women$ then there is & child. Then Statements 4" and 6" both are false$ which is not 3ossible. .ence$ there are 3 men$ ) women and ( children. Statement 4" is false. Brain *easer 2o < 00242 There is a shortage of tubelights$ bulbs and fans in a village ! Sharghar. /t is found that

All houses do not have either tubelight or bulb or fan.

e@actly &,N of houses do not have Eust one of these. atleast (<N of houses do not have tubelights. atleast )3N of houses do not have bulbs. atleast <3N of houses do not have fans.

Fhat 3ercentage of houses do not have tubelight$ bulb and fanA Answer /2< houses do not have tu3elight& 3ul3 and fan. +et5s assume that there are &77 houses. .ence$ there should be total 377 items i.e. &77 tubelights$ &77 bulbs and &77 fans. From the given data$ we 4now that there is shortage of atleast (<8)38<3" ''3 items in every &77 houses. Also$ e@actly &, houses do not have Eust one item. /t means that remaining )& houses should account for the shortage of remaining ''3!&," '74 items. /f those remaining )& houses do not have ' items each$ there would be a shortage of &(' items. #ut total of '74 items are short. .ence$ atleast '74!&('" 4' houses do not have all 3 items ! tubelight$ bulb and fan. Thus$ 4'N houses do not have tubelight$ bulb and fan. Fhat is the remainder left after dividing &R 8 'R 8 3R 8 Y 8 &77R #y <A Thin4 carefully RRR Answer A tric4y one. <R onwards all terms are divisible by < as < is one of the factor. So there is no remainder left for those terms i.e. remainder left after dividing <R 8 )R 8 ,R 8 ... 8 &77R is 7. The only 3art to be consider is % &R 8 'R 8 3R 8 4R 8 6R 8 (R % & 8 ' 8 ( 8 '4 8 &'7 8 <'7 % )<3

The remainder left after dividing )<3 by < is 6 .ence$ the remainder is 6. /magine that you have '( constants$ labelled A through I. 2ach constant is assigned a value in the following way1 A % &K the rest of the values equal their 3osition in the al3habet # corres3onds to the second 3osition so it equals '$ - % 3$ etc." raised to the 3ower of the 3receeding constant value. So$ # % ' W A5s value"$ or # % 'W& % '. - % 3W' % ,. * % 4W,$ etc. Find the e@act numerical value to the following equation1 X ! A" * X ! #" * X ! -" * ... * X ! H" * X ! I" Answer X ! A" * X ! #" * X ! -" * ... * X ! H" * X ! I" equals 7 since X ! X" is Bero /f three babies are born every second of the day$ then how many babies will be born in the year '77&A SuAnswer 9&/,&08&000 3a3ies The total seconds in year '77& % 3(6 days;year * '4 hours;day * (7 minutes;hours * (7 seconds;minute % 3(6 * '4 * (7 * (7 seconds % 3$&6$3($777 seconds Thus$ there are 3$&6$3($777 seconds in the year '77&. Also$ three babies born are every second. .ence$ total babies born % 3 * 3$&6$3($777 seconds % ,$4($7)$777bmitted =e3lace the letters with the correct numbers.

* = ( $ * = (

''''''''' * 9 4 E E Submitted by : Timmy Chan Answer T41& I4%& 648& J49& 142& "4/ 1 0 8 > 1 0 8

'''''''''''' 1 9 0 4 4 Hou can reduce the number of trials. T must be & as there is multi3lication of T with T in hundred5s 3osition. Also$ C can not be 7 or &. 0ow$ you have to find three digit number whose square satisfies above conditions and square of that has same last two digits. .ence$ it must be between &7' and &3,. Brain *easer 2o < 00052 Four words add u3 to a fifth word numerically1 ars ?enus uranus saturn '''''''' % ne@tune

2ach of the ten letters m$ a$ r$ s$ v$ e$ n$ u$ t$ and 3" re3resent a unique number from the range 7 .. ,. Furthermore$ numbers & and ( are being used most frequently. Answer The easiest way to solve this 3roblem is by writing a com3uter 3rogram that systematically tries all 3ossible ma33ings from the numbers onto the letters. This will give you only one solution which meets the condition that numbers & and ( are most frequently used. ars ?enus uranus saturn '''''''' % ne@tune = 4 a = 5 r = 9 s = 0 ? = 2 e = 0 n = 1 u = 6 t = 8 @ = 1 4590 20160 695160 058691 '''''''' % 1018610

There are 4 army men. They have been ca3tured by a rebel grou3 and have been held at ransom. An army intelligent officer orders them to be burried dee3 in dirt u3 to their nec4s. The format of their burrial are as shown in the figure. -onditions

They each have hats on their heads. either blac4 b" or white w" loo4 at diagram above. There are total ' white hats and ' blac4 hats. They only loo4 in front of them not behind. They are not allowed to

communicate by tal4ing.

#etween army man & and '$ there is a wall. -a3tive man 4 can see the colour of hats on ' and 3 3 can only see '5s hat ' can only see a wall and & can see a wall too$ but is on the other side

The officer s3ea4s u3$ G/f one of you can correctly tell me the colour of your hat$ you will all go scott free bac4 to your contries. /f you are wrong$ you will all be 4illed. .ow can one of them be certain about the hat they are wearing and not ris4 the lives of their fellow souldiers by ta4ing a 67;67 guessR Submitted Answer 2ither soldier 3 or soldier 4 can save the life as soldier & and soldier ' can not see colour of any hat$ even not their own.. /n our case soldier 3 will tell the colour of his hat. Soldier 4 can see the hat on soldier ' and soldier 3. /f both are white$ then he can be sure about colour of his hat which will be blac4 and vice!versa. #ut if one of them is white and one is blac4$ then soldier 4 can not say anything as he can have either of them. So he will 4ee3 mum. /f soldier 4 won5t say anyhing for a while$ then soldier 3 will 4now that soldier 4 is not in 3osition to tell the colour of hat on his hat. /t means that colour of soldier 35s hat is o33osite of colour of soldier '5s hat. So soldier 3 can tell correctly the colour of hat on his head which is #lac4. .ere$ we are assuming that all the soldiers are intelligent enough. Also$ this solution will wor4 for any combination of ' #lac4 hats and ' Fhite hats. Cne side of the bottom layer of a triangular 3yramid has &' balls. .ow many are there in the whole 3yramidA 0ote that the 3yramid is equilateral and solid. Answer There are total %,/ 3alls.

As there are &' balls along one side$ it means that there are &' layers of balls. The to3 most layer has & ball. The second layer has 3 &8'" balls. The third layer has ( &8'83" balls. The fourth layer has &7 &8'8384" balls. The fifth layer has &6 &8'838486" balls. Similarly$ there are '&$ ')$ 3($ 46$ 66$ (( and <) balls in the remaining layers. .ence$ the total number of balls are % & 8 3 8 ( 8 &7 8 &6 8 '& 8 ') 8 3( 8 46 8 66 8 (( 8 <) % 3(4 balls A blindfolded man is as4ed to sit in the front of a carrom board. The holes of the board are shut with lids in random order$ i.e. any number of all the four holes can be shut or o3en. 0ow the man is su33osed to touch any two holes at a time and can do the following.

C3en the closed hole. -lose the o3en hole. +et the hole be as it is.

After he has done it$ the carrom board is rotated and again brought to some 3osition. The man is again not aware of what are the holes which are o3en or closed. .ow many minimum number of turns does the blindfolded man require to either o3en all the holes or close all the holesA 0ote that whenever all the holes are either o3en or close$ there will be an alarm so that the blindfolded man will 4now that he has won. Submitted Answer The 3lindfolded man re8uires . turns. &. C3en two adEacent holes. '. C3en two diagonal holes. 0ow atleast 3 holes are o3en. /f 4th hole is also o3en$ then you are done. /f not$ the 4th hole is close.

3. -hec4 two diagonal holes.

o o

/f one is close$ o3en it and all the holes are o3en. /f both are close$ o3en any one hole. 0ow$ two holes are o3en and two are close. The diagonal holes are in the o33osite status i.e. in both the diagonals$ one hole is o3en and one is close.

4. -hec4 any two adEacent holes.

o o o

/f both are o3en$ close both of them. 0ow$ all holes are close. /f both are close$ o3en both of them. 0ow$ all holes are o3en. /f one is o3en and one is close$ invert them i.e. close the o3en hole and o3en the close hole. 0ow$ the diagonal holes are in the same status i.e. two holes in one diagonal are o3en and in other are close.

6. -hec4 any two diagonal holes.

o o

/f both are o3en$ close both of them. 0ow$ all holes are close. /f both are close$ o3en both of them. 0ow$ all holes are o3en.

/n the middle of the confounded desert$ there is the lost city of GAshG. To reach it$ / will have to travel overland by foot from the coast. Cn a tre4 li4e this$ each 3erson can only carry enough rations for five days and the farthest we can travel in one day is 37 miles. Also$ the city is &'7 miles from the starting 3oint. Fhat / am trying to figure out is the fewest number of 3ersons$ including myself$ that / will need in our Orou3 so that / can reach the city$ stay overnight$ and then return to the coast without running out of su33lies. .ow many 3ersons including myself" will / need to accom3lish this missionA Answer Total / persons :including -ou; re8uired. /t is given that each 3erson can only carry enough rations for five days. And there are 4 3ersons. .ence$ total of '7 days rations is available.

&. Kirst Da- 1 4 days of rations are used u3. Cne 3erson goes bac4 using one day of rations for the return tri3. The rations remaining for the further tre4 is for &6 days. '. 9econd Da- 1 The remaining three 3eo3le use u3 3 days of rations. Cne 3erson goes bac4 using ' days of rations for the return tri3. The rations remaining for the further tre4 is for &7 days. 3. Third Da- 1 The remaining two 3eo3le use u3 ' days of rations. Cne 3erson goes bac4 using 3 days of rations for the return tri3. The rations remaining for the further tre4 is for 6 days. 4. Kourth Da- 1 The remaining 3erson uses u3 one day of rations. .e stays overnight. The ne@t day he returns to the coast using 4 days of rations. Thus$ total 4 3ersons$ including you are required. At what time after 4.77 3.m. is the minutes hand of a cloc4 e@actly aligned with the hour handA Answer /?21?/9.. Assume that X minutes after 4.77 QD minute hand e@actly aligns with and hour hand. For every minute$ minute hand travels ( degrees. .ence$ for X minutes it will travel ( * X degrees. For every minute$ hour hand travels &;' degrees. .ence$ for X minutes it will travel X;' degrees. At 4.77 QD$ the angle between minute hand and hour hand is &'7 degrees. Also$ after X minutes$ minute hand and hour hand are e@actly aligned. So the angle with res3ect to &' i.e. Mertical Qlane will be same. Therefore$ ( * X % &'7 8 X;' &' * X % '47 8 X && * X % '47 X % '&.)&)' X % '& minutes 4,.6 seconds

.ence$ at 41'&14,.6 minute hand is e@actly aligned with the hour hand. Substitute digits for the letters to ma4e the following *ivision true ( ) * ''''''''''''' + * E , - D E , . + E - D , ( C ''''''''''''' * ) . + + * E , '''''''''' / / / E / ) , , '''''''' . + * 0ote that the leftmost letter can5t be Bero in any word. Also$ there must be a one!to!one ma33ing between digits and letters. e.g. if you substitute 3 for the letter D$ no other letter can be 3 and all other D in the 3uBBle must be 3. Submitted by : Calon Answer #40& =41& 942& T4%& 64/& M4.& >4,& (47& "48& D49 /t is obvious that >%& as >*ST2D%ST2D" and -%7 as /!-%/". S*C is a single digit and also S*T is a single digit. .ence$ their values C$ S$ T" must be '$ 3 or 4 as they can not be 7 or & or greater than 4".

-onsider$ ST2D*C%*DC-$ where -%7. /t means that D must be 6. 0ow$ its sim3le. C%4$ S%'$ T%3$ 2%)$ I%<$ /%( and *%,. ( ) * 4 1 0 ''''''''''''' + * E , - D E , . + E - D , ( C ''''''''''''' * ) . + + * E , '''''''''' / / / E / ) , , '''''''' . + * Also$ when arranged from 7 to ,$ it s3ells #=9T6M>("D. Brain *easer 2o < 00015 /n the town called Alibaug$ the following facts are true1

''''''''''''' 2 0 8 5 - 9 8 5 6 2 8 - 9 5 4 0 ''''''''''''' 0 1 6 2 2 0 8 5 '''''''''' 1 1 1 8 1 1 5 5 '''''''' 6 2 0

0o two inhabitants have e@actly the same number of hairs. 0o inhabitants has e@actly '7'6 hairs. There are more inhabitants than there are hairs on the head of any one inhabitants.

Fhat is the largest 3ossible number of the inhabitants of AlibaugA Answer 202.

/t is given that no inhabitants have e@actly '7'6 hairs. .ence there are '7'6 inhabitants with 7 to '7'4 hairs in the head. Su33ose there are more than '7'6 inhabitants. #ut these will violate the condition that GThere are more inhabitants than there are hairs on the head of any one inhabitants.G As for any number more than '7'6$ there will be same number of inhabitants as the ma@imum number of hairs on the head of any inhabitant. There are four grou3s of Dangoes$ A33les and #ananas as follows1 Orou3 / 1 & Dango$ & A33les and & #anana Orou3 // 1 & Dango$ 6 A33les and < #ananas Orou3 /// 1 & Dango$ < A33les and &7 #ananas Orou3 /M 1 , Dango$ '3 A33les and 37 #ananas Orou3 // costs =s 377 and Orou3 /// costs =s 3,7. -an you tell how much does Orou3 / and Orou3 /M costA Answer Aroup > costs 1s 120 and Aroup >0 costs 1s 1710 Assume that the values of one mango$ one a33le and one banana are D$ A and # res3ectively. From Orou3 // 1 D 8 6A 8 <# % 377 From Orou3 /// 1 D 8 <A 8 &7# % 3,7 Subtracting above to equations 1 'A 8 3# % ,7 For Orou3 / 1 %D8A8# % D 8 6A 8 <#" ! 4A 8 (#" % D 8 6A 8 <#" ! ' 'A 8 3#" % 377 ! ' ,7" % 377 ! &)7 % &'7 Similarly$ for Orou3 /M 1 % ,D 8 '3A 8 37#

% , D 8 6A 8 <#" ! ''A 8 33#" % , D 8 6A 8 <#" ! && 'A 8 3#" % , 377" ! && ,7" % '<77 ! ,,7 % &<&7 Thus$ Orou3 / costs =s &'7 and Orou3 /M costs =s &<&7. Tic!Tac!Toe is being 3layed. Cne 5X5 has been 3laced in one of the corners. 0o 5C5 has been 3laced yet. Fhere does the 3layer that is 3laying 5C5 has to 3ut his first 5C5 so that 5X5 doesn5t winA Assume that both 3layers are very intelligent. 2@3lain your answer Answer L6L should 3e placed in the center. +et5s number the 3ositions as1 1 - 2 - 0 ''''''''' 4 - 5 - 6 ''''''''' 1 - 8 - 9 /t is given that GXG is 3laced in one of the corner 3osition. +et5s assume that its at 3osition &. 0ow$ let5s ta4e each 3osition one by one.

/f GCG is 3laced in 3osition '$ GXG can always win by choosing 3osition 4$ 6 or <. /f GCG is 3laced in 3osition 3$ GXG can always win by choosing 3osition 4$ < or ,. /f GCG is 3laced in 3osition 4$ GXG can always win by choosing 3osition '$ 3 or 6. /f GCG is 3laced in 3osition ($ GXG can always win by choosing 3osition

3$ 6 or <.

/f GCG is 3laced in 3osition <$ GXG can always win by choosing 3osition '$ 3 or ,. /f GCG is 3laced in 3osition )$ GXG can always win by choosing 3osition 3$ 6 or <. /f GCG is 3laced in 3osition ,$ GXG can always win by choosing 3osition 3$ or <.

/f GCG is 3laced in 3osition 6 i.e. center 3osition$ GXG can5t win unless GCG does something foolish K"" .ence$ GCG should be 3laced in the center. Amit$ #havin$ .imanshu and =a4esh are sitting around a table.

The 2lectonics 2ngineer is sitting to the left of the Dechanical 2ngineer. Amit is sitting o33osite to -om3uter 2ngineer. .imanshu li4es to 3lay -om3uter Oames. #havin is sitting to the right of the -hemical 2ngineer.

-an you figure out everyone5s 3rofessionA Answer Amit is the Dechanical 2ngineer. #havin is the -om3uter 2ngineer. .imanshu and =a4esh are either -hemical 2ngineer or 2lecronics 2ngineer. Amit and #havin are sitting o33osite to each other. Fhereas -hemical 2ngineer and 2lecronics 2ngineer are sitting o33osite to each other. Fe cannot find out who is -hemical 2ngineer and 2lecronics 2ngineer as data 3rovided is not sufficient Five friends with surname #atliwala$ Qoc4etwala$ Talawala$ -hunawala and 0ata4wala have their first name and middle name as follow. &. Four of them have a first and middle name of Qaresh. '. Three of them have a first and middle name of Samlesh. 3. Two of them have a first and middle name of 0aresh.

4. Cne of them have a first and middle name of 2lesh. 6. Qoc4etwala and Talawala$ either both are named Samlesh or neither is named Samlesh. (. 2ither #atliwala and Qoc4etwala both are named 0aresh or Talawala and -hunawala both are named 0aresh. <. -hunawala and 0ata4wala are not both named Qaresh. Fho is named 2leshA Answer Eoc*etwala is named "lesh. From &" and <"$ it is clear that #atliwala$ Qoc4etwala and Talawala are named Qaresh. From (" and 6"$ if Qoc4etwala or Talawala both are named Samlesh$ then either of them will have three names i.e. Qaresh$ Samlesh and 0aresh. .ence$ Qoc4etwala and Talawala both are not named Samlesh. /t means that #atliwala$ -hunawala and 0ata4wala are named Samlesh. 0ow it is clear that Talawala and -hunawala are named 0aresh. Also$ Qoc4etwala is named 2lesh. Dr. Fagle goes to wor4 by a bus. Cne day he falls aslee3 when the bus still has twice as far to go as it has already gone. .alfway through the tri3 he wa4es u3 as the bus bounces over some bad 3otholes. Fhen he finally falls aslee3 again$ the bus still has half the distance to go that it has already travelled. Fortunately$ Dr. Fagle wa4es u3 at the end of his tri3. Fhat 3ortion of the total tri3 did Dr. Fagle slee3A Answer Mr. wagle slept through half his trip. +et5s draw a timeline. Qicture the bus route on a line showen below1

'''''''''''''''' AAAAAAAA '''''''' AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA +tart End 1B0 1B2 2B0

''''' s;oCs ti e Dor C;iE; ,r. =agle Cas not slee@ing AAAAA s;oCs ti e Dor C;iE; ,r. =agle Cas slee@ing Fhen Dr. Fagle fell aslee3 the first time$ the bus sill had twice as far to go as it had already gone$ that mar4s the first third of his tri3. .e wa4e u3 halfway through the tri3 i.e sle3t from &;3 mar4 to the &;' mar4. .e fell slee3 again when the bus still had half the distance to go that it had already traveled i.e ';3 mar4. Adding u3$ all slee3ing times$ % &;' ! &;3" 8 & ! ';3" % &;( 8 &;3 % &;' .ence$ Dr. wagle sle3t through half his tri3. Brain *easer 2o < 00068 /n your soc4 drawer$ you have a ratio of 6 3airs of blue soc4s$ 4 3airs of brown soc4s$ and ( 3airs of blac4 soc4s. /n com3lete dar4ness$ how many soc4s would you need to 3ull out to get a matching 3air of the same colorA / /f you don5t agree$ try it yourselfR Hou have a buc4et of Eelly beans. Some are red$ some are blue$ and some green. Fith your eyes closed$ 3ic4 out ' of a li4e color. .ow many do you have to grab to be sure you have ' of the sameA

Hou have a buc4et of Eelly beans. Some are red$ some are blue$ and some green. Fith your eyes closed$ 3ic4 out ' of a li4e color. .ow many do you have to grab to be sure you have ' of the sameA /f you select 4 Xelly beans you are guarenteed that you will have ' that are the same color. There are <7 em3loyees wor4ing with #rainMista of which 37 are females. Also$

37 em3loyees are married '4 em3loyees are above '6 years of age &, married em3loyees are above '6 years$ of which < are males &' males are above '6 years of age &6 males are married.

.ow many unmarried females are there and how many of them are above '6A Answer 1. unmarried females M none are a3ove 2. -ears of age. Sim3ly 3ut all given information into the table structure and you will get the answer. Married =nmarried elow A3ov elow A3ov 2. e 2. 2. e 2. Kem 3 &' &6 7 ale Mal ) < '7 6 e There is a safe with a 6 digit number as the 4ey. The 4th digit is 4 greater than the second digit$ while the 3rd digit is 3 less than the 'nd digit. The &st digit is thrice the last digit. There are 3 3airs whose sum is &&. Find the number. Answer

,.292 As 3er given conditions$ there are three 3ossible combinations for 'nd$ 3rd and 4th digits. They are 3$ 7$ <" or 4$ &$ )" or 6$ '$ ," /t is given that there are 3 3airs whose sum is &&. All 3ossible 3airs are '$ ,"$ 3$ )"$ 4$ <"$ 6$ (". 0ow required number is 6 digit number and it contains 3 3airs of &&. So it must not be having 7 and & in it. .ence$ the only 3ossible combination for 'nd$ 3rd and 4th digits is 6$ '$ ," Also$ &st digit is thrice the last digit. The 3ossible combinations are 3$ &"$ ($ '" and ,$ 3"$ out of which only ($ '" with 6$ '$ ," gives 3 3airs of &&. .ence$ the answer is (6','. Dy friend collects antique stam3s. She 3urchased two$ but found that she needed to raise money urgently. So she sold them for =s. )777 each. Cn one she made '7N and on the other she lost '7N. .ow much did she gain or lose in the entire transactionA Answer 9he lost 1s ,,,.,7 -onsider the first stam3. She mades '7N on it after selling it for =s )777. So the original 3rice of first stam3 is % )777 * &77" ; )7 % =s ((((.(< Similarly$ consider second stam3. She lost '7N on it after selling it for =s )777 So the original 3rice of second stam3 is % )777 * &77" ; )7 % =s &7777 Total buying 3rice of two stam3s % =s ((((.(< 8 =s &7777 % =s &((((.(< Total selling 3rice of two stam3s

% =s )777 8 =s )777 % =s &(777 .ence$ she lost =s (((.(< Assume for a moment that the earth is a 3erfectly uniform s3here of radius (477 4m. Su33ose a thread equal to the length of the circumference of the earth was 3laced along the equator$ and drawn to a tight fit. 0ow su33ose that the length of the thread is increased by &' cm$ and that it is 3ulled away uniformly in all directions. #y how many cm. will the thread be se3arated from the earth5s surfaceA Answer The cicumference of the earth is % ' * Q/ * r % ' * Q/ * (477 4m % ' * Q/ * (477 * &777 m % ' * Q/ * (477 * &777 * &77 cm % &')7777777 * Q/ cm where r % radius of the earth$ Q/ % 3.&4&6,'(64 .ence$ the length of the thread is % &')7777777 * Q/ cm 0ow length of the thread is increasd by &' cm. So the new length is % &')7777777 * Q/" 8 &' cm This thread will ma4e one concentric circle with the earth which is slightly away from the earth. The circumfernce of that circle is nothing but &')7777777 * Q/" 8 &' cm Assume that radius of the outer circle is = cm Therefore$ ' * Q/ * = % &')7777777 * Q/" 8 &' cm Solving above equation$ = % (4777777&.,7) cm =adius of the earth is r % (47777777 cm

.ence$ the thread will be se3aratedfrom the earth by % = ! r cm % (4777777&.,7) ! (47777777 % &.,7) cm Scientist decided to do a study on the 3o3ulation growth of rabbits. /nside a controlled environment$ &777 rabbits were 3laced. Si@ months later$ there were &777I rabbits. At the beginning of the 3rd year$ there were roughly ')')I rabbits$ which was 4 times what the scientists 3laced in there at the beginning of the &st year. /f I is a 3ositive variable$ how many rabbits would be there at the beginning of the &&th yearA SubmiAnswer At the 3eginning of the 11th -ear& there would 3e 1&02/&000 ra33its. At the beginning$ there were &777 rabbits. Also$ there were 4777 rabbits at the beginning of third year which is equal to ')')I. Thus$ I % 4777;')') i.e. &.4&4 the square root of '" 0ote that ')')I can be re3resented as '777*I*I I%&.4&4"$ which can be further sim3lified as &777*I*I*I*I Also$ it is given that at the end of ( months$ there were &777I rabbits. /t is clear that the 3o3ulation growth is &.4&4 times every si@ months i.e. ' times every year. After 0 years$ the 3o3ulation would be &777* IW '0"" i.e. &777* 'W0" Thus$ at the beginning of the &&th year i.e. after &7 years"$ there would be &777* 'W&7" i.e. &$7'4$777 rabbits. tted A class of &77 students. '4 of them are girls and 3' are not. Fhich base am / usingA Answer

+et the base be X. Therefore X*X 8 X*7 8 7" % '*X 84" 8 3*X 8 '" X*X % 6*X 8 ( X*X ! 6*X !( % 7 X!(" X8&" % 7 Therefore base is ( A man is stranded on a desert island. All he has to drin4 is a '7oB bottle of s3rite. To conserve his drin4 he decides that on the first day he will drin4 one oB and the refill the bottle bac4 u3 with water. Cn the 'nd day he will drin4 'oB and refill the bottle. Cn the 3rd day he will drin4 3oB and so on... #y the time all the s3rite is gone$ how much water has he drun4A SubmittAnswer The man drun* 190o+ of water. /t is given that the man has '7oB bottle of s3rite. Also$ he will drin4 &oB on the first day and refill the bottle with water$ will drin4 'oB on the second day and refill the bottle$ will drin4 3oB on the third day and refill the bottle$ and so on till '7th day. Thus at the end of '7 days$ he must have drun4 & 8 ' 8 3 8 4 8 ..... 8&) 8 &, 8 '7" % '&7oB of liquid. Cut of that '&7oB$ '7oB is the s3rite which he had initially. .ence$ he must have drun4 &,7oB of water.ed Hou have four ,5s and you may use any of the 8$ !$ ;$ *" as many times as you li4e. / want to see a mathematical e@3ression which uses the four ,5s to % &77 .ow many such e@3ressions can you ma4eA Submitted Answer There are 6 such e@3ressions.

,, 8 ,;," % &77 ,,;.,," % &77 ,;.," * ,;.," % &77 ,*," 8 ,";., % &77 ,,!,";., % &77 Two 3lanes ta4e off at the same e@act moment. They are flying across the Atlantic. Cne leaves 0ew Hor4 and is flying to Qaris at 677 miles 3er hour. The other leaves Qaris and is flying to 0ew Hor4 at only 467 miles 3er hour because of a strong head wind ". Fhich one will be closer to Qaris when they meetA They will both be the same distance from Qaris when they meetRRR &' members were 3resent at a board meeting. 2ach member shoo4 hands with all of the other members before ? after the meeting. .ow many hand sha4es were thereA Answer 1%2 Thin4 of it this way1 the first 3erson sha4es hands with && 3eo3le$ the second 3erson also sha4es hands with && 3eo3le$ but you only count &7$ because the hand sha4e with the first 3erson was already counted. Then add , for the third 3erson$ ) for the fourth$ ? so on. (( hand sha4es too4 3lace before ? (( after the meeting$ for a total of &3'. Arrange five 3lanets such that 4 of them add u3 to 6th 3lanet numerically. 2ach of the letters of the 3lanet should re3resent a unique number from the range 7 ! ,. Hou have to use all ten digits. There is an amaBing mathematical relationshi3 e@ists among the names of the 3lanet. Answer

The tought 3rocess is initially to find 3lanets such that the total number of al3habets in them is &7. The only 3ossible combination of 3lanets is Saturn$ >ranus$ Menus$ Dars and 0e3tune because for other combinations there will be more than &7 al3habets. Among these five$ 0e3tune is the lenghtiest$ so it must be the sum of the other four. + A * ) 4 2 ) 4 A 2 ) + 3 E 2 ) + % , A 4 + '''''''''''''' 2 E F * ) 2 E 0ow the only 3ossible value for 0 is &. #y finding the value for S$ we can reach the result1 0 5 8 6 9 1 6 9 5 1 6 0 2 0 1 6 0 % 4 5 9 0 '''''''''''''' 1 0 1 8 6 1 0 Hou have &4 a33les. Hour Friend Darge ta4es away 3 and gives you '. Hou dro3 < but 3ic4 u3 4. #ret ta4es 4 and gives 6. Hou ta4e one from Darge and give it to #ret in e@change for 3 more. Hou give those 3 to Darge and she gives you an a33le and an orange. Fran4 comes and ta4es the a33le

Darge gave you and gives you a 3ear. Hou give the 3ear to #ret in e@change for an a33le. Fran4 then ta4es an a33le from Darge$ gives it to #ret for an orange$ gives you the orange for an a33le. .ow many 3ears do you haveA Submitted Answer 2one Fran4 gave you a 3ear in e@change of the a33le which Darge gave you. And you gave that 3ear to #ret in e@change for an a33le. All the others e@changes involved a33les and;or organges. Four cou3les are going to the movie. 2ach row holds eight seats. #etty and Xim don5t want to sit ne@t to Alice and Tom. Alice and Tom don5t want to sit ne@t to Oertrude and #ill. Cn the otherhand$ Sally and #ob don5t want to sit ne@t to #etty and Xim. .ow can the cou3les arrange themselves in a row so that they all sit where they would li4eA Submitted by : Tara Smith Answer From the given data$ it can be inferred that1 Sally ? #ob" 0CT #etty ? Xim" 0CT Alice ? Tom" 0CT Oertrude ? #ill" A" 0CT #" means A and # can not seat ne@t to each other. 0ow$ it is obvious that #etty ? Xim" and Alice ? Tom" will occu3y the corner seats as both of them can have only one neighbour. Therefore$ Oertrude ? #ill" will seat ne@t to #etty ? Xim" Sally ? #ob" will seat ne@t to Oertrude ? #ill" Alice ? Tom" will seat ne@t to Sally ? #ob" Thus$ there are two 3ossible arrangements ! a mirror images of each other. &. #etty ? Xim" ! Oertrude ? #ill" ! Sally ? #ob" ! Alice ? Tom" '. Alice ? Tom" ! Sally ? #ob" ! Oertrude ? #ill" ! #etty ? Xim"

Substitute digits for the letters to ma4e the following addition 3roblem true. = 9 ( + E * E E A % * 4 A 9 E +

''''''''''''''''''' + = ( 4 D + 0ote that the leftmost letter can5t be Bero in any word. Also$ there must be a one!to!one ma33ing between digits and letters. e.g. if you substitute 3 for the letter .$ no other letter can be 3 and all other . in the 3uBBle must be 3. Answer /t is obvious that S%& and T%,. Also$ . 8 2" should be greater than &7 and hence$ 2 8 . 8 2" must '7. Thus$ there are 3 3ossible values for 2$ ." 3air1 ($ )" or <$ (" or )$ 4". >se trial!n!error and everything will fit!in. = * 9 E ( E A % + * 4 A E 9 E + % 2 9 8 6 5 6 4 1 9 1 4 6 8 6 1

''''''''''''''''''' + = ( 4 D +

''''''''''''''''''' 1 2 5 1 0 1

Fhen Socrates was im3risoned for being a disturbing influence$ he was held in high esteem by his guards. All four of them ho3ed that something would occur that would facilitate his esca3e. Cne evening$ the guard who was on duty intentionally left the cell door o3en so that Socrates could leave for distant 3arts.

Socrates did not attem3t to esca3e$ as it was his 3hiloso3hy that if you acce3t society5s rules$ you must also acce3t it5s 3unishments. .owever$ the o3en door was considered by the authorities to be a serious matter. /t was not clear which guard was on that evening. The four guards ma4e the following statements in their defense1 Aaron1 A" / did not leave the door o3en. #" -lement was the one who did it. #ob1 A" / was not the one who was on duty that evening. #" Aaron was on duty. -lement1 A" #ob was the one on duty that evening. #" / ho3ed Socrates would esca3e. *avid1 A" / did not leave the door o3en. #" / was not sur3rised that Socrates did not attem3t to esca3e. -onsidering that$ in total$ three statements are true$ and five statements are false$ which guard is guiltyAnswer David is the guilt-. 0ote that GAll four of them ho3ed that something would occur that would facilitate his esca3eG. /t ma4es -lement5s statement # True and *avid5s statement # False. 0ow consider each of them as a guilty$ one at a time. #lemen Aaron o3 David t A A A A /f Aaron is Fal Fal Tru Tru Fal Tr Tru Fal guilty se se e e se ue e se /f #ob is Tru Fal Fal Fal Tru Tr Tru Fal guilty e se se se e ue e se

4 4

/f -lement is guilty /f *avid is guilty

Tru e Tru e

Tru e Fal se

Tru e Tru e

Fal se Fal se

Fal se Fal se

Tr ue Tr ue

Tru e Fal se

Fal se Fal se

6 %

Since in total$ three statements are true and five statements are false. /t is clear from the above table that *avid isA Brain *easer 2o < 00414 Oiven any whole number ta4e the sum of the digits$ and the 3roduct of the digits$ and multi3ly these together to get a new whole number. For e@am3le$ starting with (<&'$ the sum of the digits is (8<8&8'" % &($ and the 3roduct of the digits is (*<*&*'" % )4. The answer in this case is then )4 @ &( % &344. /f we do this again starting from &344$ we get &838484" * &*3*4*4" % 6<( And yet again 68<8(" * 6*<*(" % 3<)7 At this stage we 4now what the ne@t answer will be without wor4ing it out" because$ as one digit is 7$ the 3roduct of the digits will be 7$ and hence the answer will also be 7. -an you find any numbers to which when we a33ly the above mentioned rule re3eatedly$ we never end u3 at 7A Brain *easer 2o < 00414 Gi?en an: C;ole nu !er taHe t;e su oD t;e digits, and t;e @roduEt oD t;e digits, and ulti@l: t;ese toget;er to get a neC C;ole nu !er. Ior e>a @le, starting Cit; 6112, t;e su oD t;e digits is "6%1%1%2# = 16, and t;e @roduEt oD t;e digits is "6*1*1*2# = 84. *;e ansCer in t;is Ease is t;en 84 > 16 = 1044. .D Ce do t;is again starting Dro 1044, Ce get

"1%0%4%4# * "1*0*4*4# = 516 And :et again "5%1%6# * "5*1*6# = 0180 At t;is stage Ce HnoC C;at t;e ne>t ansCer Cill !e "Cit;out CorHing it out# !eEause, as one digit is 0, t;e @roduEt oD t;e digits Cill !e 0, and ;enEe t;e ansCer Cill also !e 0. Can :ou Dind an: nu !ers to C;iE; C;en Ce a@@l: t;e a!o?e entioned rule re@eatedl:, Ce ne?er end u@ at 0J There were 0 stations on a railroad. After adding X stations 4( additional tic4ets have to be 3rinted. Find 0 and X. Answer +et before adding X stations$ total number of tic4ets t % 0 0!&" After adding X stations total number of tic4ets are t 8 4( % 08X" 08X!&" Subtracting &st from 'nd 4( % 08X" 08X!&" ! 0 0!&" 4( % 0' 8 0X ! 0 8 0X 8 X' ! X ! 0' 8 0 4( % '0X 8 X' ! X 4( % '0 ! &"X 8 X' X' 8 '0 ! &"X ! 4( % 7 0ow there are only two 3ossible factors of 4(. They are 4($&" and '3$'" -ase /1 4($&" '0 ! & % 46 '0 % 4( 0 % '3 And X % &

-ase //1 '3$'" '0 ! & % '& '0 % '' 0 % && And X % ' .ence$ there are ' 3ossible answers. An emergency vehicle travels &7 miles at a s3eed of 67 miles 3er hour. .ow fast must the vehicle travel on the return tri3 if the round!tri3 travel time is to be '7 minutesA Answer 7. miles per hour Fhile going to the destination$ the vehicle travels &7 mils at the s3eed of 67 miles 3er hour. So the time ta4en to travel &7 miles is % (7 * &7" ; 67 % &' minutes 0ow it5s given that round!tri3 travel time is '7 minutes. So the vehicle should com3lete its return tri3 of &7 miles in ) minutes. So the s3eed of the vehicle must % (7 * &7" ; ) % <6 miles 3er hour All of the students at a college are maEoring in 3sychology$ business$ or both. <3N of the students are 3sychology maEors$ ? ('N are business maEors. /f there are '77 students$ how many of them are maEoring in both 3sychology ? businessA Answer 70 students are ma!oring in 3oth& ps-cholog- M 3usiness /f <3N of the students are 3sychology maEors$ we 4now that '<N are not 3sychology maEors. #y the same reasoning$ 3)N are not business maEors$ because ('N of the students do maEor in business. So1 '< 8 3) % (6

(6N of the students are not maEoring in both 3sychology ? business$ so 36N are double maEors$ a total of <7 students. Two trains starting at same time$ one from #angalore to Dysore and other in o33osite direction arrive at their destination &hr and 4hrs res3ectively after 3assing each other. Answer

The speed of angalore)M-sore train is TI>#" the speed of M-sore) angalore train. +et the distance between #angalore and Dysore is * 4ms. Also$ let s3eed of the train from #angalore to Dysore is X 4m;hr and s3eed of the tain from Dysore to #angalore is H 4m;hr. 0ow$ assume that both the trains met each other at T 4ms from the #angalore 3oint Q in figure" Time ta4en by #angalore!Dysore train to reach Q % Time ta4en by Dysore! #angalore train to reach Q T ; X " % * ! T " ; H !!!!!equ /" Also$ #angalore!Dysore train and Dysore!#angalore train arrive destination & hr and 4 hrs res3ectively after 3assing each other. /t means that #angalore!Dysore train travels * ! T" 4ms in & hr at X 4m;hr and Dysore! #angalore train travels T 4ms in 4 hrs at H 4m;hr. .ence$ * ! T " % X and T%4*H Substituting these values in equation /$ we get 4*H";X%X;H 4*H*H%X*X '*H%X .ence$ the s3eed of #angalore!Dysore train is TF/-2 the s3eed of Dysore!#angalore train..ow much faster is one train from otherA Answer

/9 times +et5s assume that everyone clin4ed their mug with friend to his left only. /t means that there are total 4, clin4s. 0ow the right clin4 of each 3erson is left clin4 of the 3erson on right which is already ha33ened. .ence$ there are only 4, clin4s. Drs. Fatsherface had a garage sale. A custmer named Oina bought an old lam3 and a rug. She 3aid a total of Z6.'6 for everything. The rug cost '6 cents more than the lam3. .ow much did each costA Submitted by : Kimi Answer The lamp cost N 2..0 and the rug cost N 2.7. A sim3le one. Assume that the lam3 cost Z +. .ence the rug must have cost Z + 8 7.'6" Also$ total cost is Z 6.'6$ .ence the equation 1 + 8 + 8 7.'6 % 6.'6 '*+%6 + % '.67 .ence$ the lam3 cost Z '.67 and the rug cost Z '.<6 Brain *easer 2o < 00518 Frite &&&&...... '43 times" i.e. a '43 digit number with all &s. Qrove that it is divisible by '43. SubmittAnswer Qrove it using the mathematical induction. First here are a cou3le of things to note1 9&: A number whose digits add u3 to a multi3le of three is divisable by 3.

e.g. 3(,1 38(8,%&)1 &8)%, which is a multi3le of 3 hence 3(, is divisable by 3. 9': Fhenever a number X" is multi3lied with another number H" then the 3roduct X*H" will have all the factors of X as well as all the factors of H in its set of factors. e.g. if X has factors of &$Q$T$X" and H has factors of &$T$=$H" then X*H has factors of &$Q$T$T$=$X$H". +et 0 % any series of digits e.g. 0%3(," * % the number of digits in 0 e.g. if 0%3(, then *%3" Q % is a number constructed in the following way 1 a &$ followed by *!&" 7s$ followed by another &$ followed by *!&" 7s$ followed by another &. e.g. if 0%3(, then *%3 and Q would be &77&77&" 0ote that Q will always be divisible by 3. Also$ if we multi3ly 0 with Q we are essentially re3eating 0 for *!&" times. e.g. if 0%3(, then *%3$ Q%&77&77& and 0*Q%3(,3(,3(, +et5s start with 0%&&&. /t is clear that 0 is divisible by 3. From 9&:" Also$ *%3 and Q%&77&77& 0*Q%&&&&&&&&& , times" The resulting number &&&&&&&&& must be divisible by , as 0 and Q both are divisible by 3. 0ow$ let5s start with 0%&&&&&&&&&. /t is clear that 0 is divisible by ,. Also$ *%, and Q%&77777777&77777777& 0*Q%&&&&&&&&&... '< times" The resulting number &&&&&&&... '< times" must be divisible by '< as 0 is divisible by , and Q is divisible by 3. =e3eat the same 3rocedure for 0%&&&&&&&... '< times" The resulting number &&&&&&&... )& times" must be divisible by )& as 0 is divisible by '< and Q is divisible by 3. Similarly$ for 0%&&&&&&&... )& times" The resulting number &&&&&&&... '43 times" must be divisible by '43 as 0 is divisible by )& and Q is divisible by

3. Thus$ &&&&&&&... '43 times" is divisible by '43. Than4s to =yan .utcherson for solution RRR edSaran bought a little bo@ of midget matches$ each one inch in length. .e found that he could arrange them all in the form of a triangle whose area was Eust as many square inches as there were matches. .e then used u3 si@ of the matches$ and found that with the remainder he could again construct another triangle whose area was Eust as many square inches as there were matches. And using another si@ matches he could again do 3recisely the same. .ow many matches were there in the bo@ originallyA 0ote that the match!bo@ can hold ma@imum of 67 matches. Answer >nitiall-& there were /2 or %, matches in the match)3o7. There are 4' matches in the bo@ with which he could form a triangle '7$ &6$ <$ with an area of 4' square inches. After ( matches had been used$ the remaining 3( matches would form a triangle &<$ &7$ ,$ with an area of 3( square inches. After using another ( matches$ the remaining 37 matches would form a triangle &3$ &'$ 6$ with an area of 37 square inches. After using another ($ the '4 remaining would form a triangle &7$ )$ ($ with an area of '4 square inches. Thus$ there are two 3ossible answers. There were either 4' or 3( matches in the match!bo@. Also it is interesting to 4now that there are Eust 6 such triangles for which the 3erimeter and the area is the same assuming all sides are integers" and they are 1 &. 2/ &7$ )$ (" '. %0 &3$ &'$ 6"

3. %, &<$ &7$ ," 4. /2 '7$ &6$ <" 6. ,0 ',$ '6$ (" Find the values of each of the al3habets. 2 ( ( 2 + ( ( 2 % , ( ( 2

'''''''''' K ) 2 E Answer >sing trial and error. There are ' solutions to it and may be more. 2 4 4 2 1 4 4 2 % 5 4 4 2

'''''''''' 9 0 2 6 4 1 1 4 5 1 1 4 % 0 1 1 4

'''''''''' 9 0 4 2

Fe have to fill number from & to &' at the intersection 3oint of two or more lines. Fe have to construct a star using two triangle. The sum of all number lying in straight lines should be same. This can be easilty understood by the fig. and hence solved. Submitted by : Vaibhav Gupta Su bm it An sw er Brain Vista Answ er Puz zle A Frie nd Add to Favo urite

Users Answ er (3)

Fe have one answer where sum of all the numbers lying in straight lines is '(. /f you have others$ do submit them. Brain *easer 2o < 00055 Dontu$ #antu$ -hantu and Qintu have 3ets. Dontu says$ G/f Qintu and / each have a dog$ then e@actly one of #antu and -hantu has a dog.G #antu says$ G/f -hantu and / each have a cat$ then e@actly one of Dontu and Qintu has a dog.G -hantu says$ G/f Dontu and / each have a dog$ then e@actly one of #antu and Qintu has a cat.G Qintu says$ G/f #antu and / each have a cat$ then e@actly one of #antu and / has a dog.G Cnly one of the four is telling the truth. Fho is telling the truthA Answer

antu is telling the truth. Kor a >K)TJ"2 statement to 3e false& >K part has to 3e true and TJ"2 part has to 3e false. Since only one statement is true and remaining three are false$ /F 3art of three statements are true ? T.20 3art of one statement is true. +et5s 3ut the given information in table. The 3et!name in the normal te@t re3resents the /F 3art and the 3et!name in round brac4ets re3resents the T.20 3art. Mo ntu Montu sa-s antu sa-s #hantu sa-s Eintu sa-s *og *o g" *og an tu *o g" -at -at " -at *o g" #ha Ein ntu tu *og *o " g *o -at g" -a *og t" -at *o g"

/t is clear that the /F 3art of the statements made by Dontu$ -hantu and Qintu are true as they do not contradict each other. And the /F 3art of the statement made by #antu is false. Thus$ #antu is telling the truth. Dontu have a *og and may or may not have a -at. #antu have a -at. -hantu have a *og. Qintu have a *og and a -at. Brain *easer 2o < 00520 Somebody mar4ed the si@ faces of a die with the numbers &$ ' and 3 ! each number twice. The die was 3ut on a table. Four 3eo3le ! Abu$ #abu$ -alu and *abu ! sat around the table so that each one was able to see only three sides of the die at a glance.

Abu sees the number & and two even numbers.

#abu and -alu can see three different numbers each. *abu sees number ' twice and he can5t remember the third number.

Fhat number is face down on the tableA Answer 2um3er % is face down on the ta3le. /f Abu can see two even numbers i.e. number ' twice$ and if *abu can see number ' twice$ then number ' must be facing u3. 0ow everything else is sim3le. see the following diagram" Da!u A!u

Calu Ba!u Thus$ the number hidden from the view is number 3 and hence the answer. Two identical 3ac4 of cards A and # are shuffled throughly. Cne card is 3ic4ed from A and shuffled with #. The to3 card from 3ac4 A is turned u3. /f this is the Tueen of .earts$ what are the chances that the to3 card in # will be the Sing of .eartsA Answer .2 @ 270%

There are two cases to be considered. #A9" 1 ? Sing of .earts is drawn from Qac4 A and shuffled with Qac4 # Qrobability of drawing Sing of .earts from Qac4 A % &;6& as Tueen of .earts is not to be drawn" Qrobability of having Sing of .earts on the to3 of the Qac4 # % ';63 So total 3robability of case & % &;6&" * ';63" % ' ; 6& * 63" #A9" 2 ? Sing of .earts is not drawn from Qac4 A Qrobability of not drawing Sing of .earts from Qac4 A % 67;6& as Tueen of .earts is not to be drawn" Qrobability of having Sing of .earts on the to3 of the Qac4 # % &;63 So total 3robability of case ' % 67;6&" * &;63" % 67 ; 6& * 63" 0ow adding both the 3robability$ the required 3robability is % ' ; 6& * 63" 8 67 ; 6& * 63" % 6' ; 6& * 63" % 6' ; '<73 % 7.7&,'3<) .ow many 3ossible combinations are there in a 3@3@3 rubics cubeA /n other words$ if you wanted to solve the rubics cube by trying different combinations$ how many might it ta4e you worst case senerio"A .ow many for a 4@4@4 cubeA Submitted Answer There are /.%2.2 C 10D19 possi3le com3inations for %7%7% 1u3ics and 7./012 C 10D/. possi3le com3inations for /7/7/ 1u3ics. +et5s consider 3@3@3 =ubics first. There are ) corner cubes$ which can be arranged in )R ways. 2ach of these ) cubes can be turned in 3 different directions$ so there are

3W) orientations altogether. #ut if you get all but one of the corner cube into chosen 3ositions and orientations$ only one of 3 orientations of the final corner cube is 3ossible. Thus$ total ways corner cubes can be 3laced % )R" * 3W)";) % )R" * 3W<" Similarly$ &' edge cubes can be arranged in &'R ways. 2ach of these &' cubes can be turned in ' different directions$ so there are 'W&' orientations altogether. #ut if you get all but one of the edge cube into chosen 3ositions and orientations$ only one of ' orientations of the final edge cube is 3ossible. Thus$ total ways edge cubes can be 3laced % &'R" * 'W&'";' % &'R" * 'W&&" .ere$ we have essentially 3ulled the cubes a3art and stuc4 cubes bac4 in 3lace wherever we 3lease. /n reality$ we can only move cubes around by turning the faces of the cubes. /t turns out that you can5t turn the faces in such a way as to switch the 3ositions of two cubes while returning all the others to their original 3ositions. Thus if you get all but two cubes in 3lace$ there is only one attainable choice for them not 'R". .ence$ we must divide by '. Total different 3ossible combinations are % 9 )R" * 3W<": * 9 &'R" * 'W&&": ; ' % )R" * 3W<" * &'R" * 'W&7" % 4.3'6' * &7W&, Similarly$ for 4@4@4 =ubics total different 3ossible combinations are % 9 )R" * 3W<": * 9 '4R": * 9 '4R" ; 4RW(": ; '4 % <.47&&,() * &7W46 0ote that there are '4 edge cubes$ which you can not turn in ' orientations hence no 'W'4 ; '". Also$ there are 4 center cubes 3er face i.e. '4R" ; 4R W(". Hou can switch ' cubes without affecting the rest of the combination as 4*4*4 has even dimensions hence no division by '". #ut 3attern on one side is rotated in 4 directions over ( faces$ hence divide by '4. Brain *easer 2o < 00528 Substitute digits for the letters to ma4e the following relation true. 2 E 3 E 4

5 %

3 ,


''''''''''''''''' A 5 ( 2 E 0ote that the leftmost letter can5t be Bero in any word. Also$ there must be a one!to!one ma33ing between digits and letters. e.g. if you substitute 3 for the letter D$ no other letter can be 3 and all other D in the 3uBBle must be 3. Answer A tough oneRRR Since = 8 2 8 2 % &7 8 2$ it is clear that = 8 2 % &7 and neither = nor 2 is equal to 7 or 6. This is the only entry 3oint to solve it. 0ow use trial!n!error method. 2 5 % E E 3 A E 3 , 4 E E % 2 0 1 1 4 5 1 4 6 9 1 1



A 5 ( 2 E 5 0 0 2 1 There are '7 3eo3le in your a33licant 3ool$ including 6 3airs of identical twins. /f you hire 6 3eo3le randomly$ what are the chances you will hire at least & 3air of identical twinsA 0eedless to say$ this could cause trouble K"" SubmAnswer The pro3a3ilit- to hire . people with at least 1 pair of identical twins is 2..28<

6 3eo3le from the '7 3eo3le can be hired in '7-6 % &6674 ways. 0ow$ divide '7 3eo3le into two grou3s of &7 3eo3le each 1 O& ! with all twins O' ! with all 3eo3le other than twins +et5s find out all 3ossible ways to hire 6 3eo3le without a single 3air of indentical twins. Eeople Eeople 2o of wa-s to hire A1 2o of Total from from without a single pair of wa-s to wa-s A1 A2 indentical twins hire A2 7 6 &7-7 &7-6 '6' & 4 &7-& &7-4 '&77 ' 3 &7-' * );, &7-3 4)77 3 ' &7-3 * );, * (;) &7-' 3(77 4 & &7-4 * );, * (;) * 4;< &7-& )77 6 7 &7-6 * );, * (;) * 4;< * ';( &7-7 3' 11.8 Total / Thus$ total 3ossible ways to hire 6 3eo3le without a single 3air of indentical twins % &&6)4 ways So$ total 3ossible ways to hire 6 3eo3le with at least a single 3air of indentical twins % &6674 ! &&6)4 % 3,'7 ways .ence$ the 3robability to hire 6 3eo3le with at least a single 3air of indentical twins % 3,'7;&6674 % '46;,(, % 7.'6') % '6.')Nitted Meeru says to Xay$ G-an you figure out how many 2ggs / have in my buc4etAG .e gives 3 clues to Xay1 /f the number of 2ggs / have &. is a multi3le of 6$ it is a number between & and &, '. is not a multi3le of )$ it is a number between '7 and ', 3. is not a multi3le of &7$ it is a number between 37 and 3,

.ow many 2ggs does Meeru have in his buc4etA Answer %2 eggs +et5s a33ly all 3 condition se3arately and 3ut all 3ossible numbers together. First condition says that if multi3le of 6$ then the number is between & and &,. .ence$ the 3ossible numbers are 6$ &7$ &6$ '&$ ''$ '3$ '4$ '6$ '($ '<$ ')$ ',$ 37$ 3&$ 3'$ 33$ 34$ 36$ 3($ 3<$ 3)$ 3," Second condition says that if not a multi3le of )$ then the number is between '7 and ',. .ence$ the 3ossible numbers are )$ &($ '7$ '&$ ''$ '3$ '6$ '($ '<$ ')$ ',$ 3'" Third condition says that if not a multi3le of &7$ then the number is between 37 and 3,. .ence$ the 3ossible numbers are &7$ '7$ 3&$ 3'$ 33$ 34$ 36$ 3($ 3<$ 3)$ 3," Cnly number 3' is there in all 3 result sets. That means that only number 3' satisfies all three conditions. .ence$ Meeru have 3' eggs in his buc4et.

Su bm it An sw er

Users Answe r (14)

Bra inV

Dr. #lac4$ Dr. Fhite and Dr. Orey were chatting in the Hahoo conference. They were wearing a blac4 suit$ a white suit and a grey suit$ not necessarily in the same order. Dr. Orey sent message$ GFe all are wearing suit that are of the same color as our names but none of us is wearing a suit that is the same color as his name.G

Cn that a 3erson wearing the white suit re3lied$ GFhat difference does that ma4eAG -an you tell what color suit each of the three 3ersons had onA Answer Mr. Are- is wearing lac* suit. Mr. Ihite is wearing Are- suit. Mr. lac* is wearing Ihite suit. Dr. Orey must not be wearing grey suit as that is the same colour as his name. Also$ he was not wearing white suit as the 3erson wearing white suit res3onded to his comment. So Dr Orey must be wearing a blac4 suit. Similarly$ Dr. Fhite must be wearing either blac4 suit or grey suit. #ut Dr. Orey is wearing a blac4 suit. .ence$ Dr. Fhite must be wearing a grey suit. And$ Dr. #lac4 must be wearing white suit. Substitute numbers for the letters so that the following mathematical e@3ressions are correct. ABC DEI G9. ''' = .E ''' = .E ''' = .E

0 6 9 0ote that the same number must be used for the same letter whenever it a33ears. Answer A42& 41& #49& D4/& "4%& K48& A4,& J4.& >47

+et5s start with O./ % , * /2. 0ote that / a33ears on both the side. Also$ after multi3lying /2 by , the answer should have / at the unit5s 3lace. The 3ossible values of /2 are &,$ ')$ 3<$ 4($ 66$ (4$ <3$ )' and ,&K out of which only (4$ <3 and )' satisfies the condition. as all al3habet should re3resent different digits" 0ow$ consider *2F % ( * /2. Cut of three short!listed values$ only <3

satisfies the equation. Also$ A#- % 3 * /2 is satisfied by <3. .ence$ A%'$ #%&$ -%,$ *%4$ 2%3$ F%)$ O%($ .%6$ /%< 219 408 651 ''' = 10 0 ''' = 10 6 ''' = 10 9

Brain *easer 2o < 00014 A$ #$ - and * are related to each other.

Cne of the four is the o33osite se@ from each of the other three. * is A5s brother or only daughter. A or # is -5s only son. # or - is *5s sister.

Answer A& M D are malesO # is female. is #Ps onl- son. A M D are #Ps 3rothers. A" ale# ''' C"De ale# ''' D" ale# B" ale# For4 out which relation can hold and discard the contradictory o3tions. From '" and 4"$ * can not be a only daughter and have a sister # or -". .ence$ * is A5s brother i.e. * is a Dale. From 4"$ let5s say that # is *5s sister i.e. # is Female. From 3"$ A is -5s only son i.e. A is Dale. #ut * is A5s brother which means that A is not -5s only son. .ence$ our assum3tion was wrong. Thus$ - is *5s sister i.e. - is Female. And # must be -5s only son.

0ow it is clear that * ? # are Dales and - is Female. A must be a Dale as only one of them is of o33osite se@ from each of the other three. And he is - ? *5s brother..ow are they related to each otherA *r. *o+ittle always goes wal4ing to the clinic and ta4es the same time while going and while coming bac4. Cne day he noticed something. Fhen he left the home$ the hour hand and the minute hand were e@actly o33osite to each other and when he reached the clinic$ they were together. Similarly$ when he left the clinic$ the hour hand and the minute hand were together and when he reached the home$ they were e@actly o33osite to each other. .ow much time does *r. *o+ittle ta4e to reach home from the clinicA Oive the minimal 3ossible answer. Answer %2 minutes /%., seconds /n twelve hours$ the minute hand and the hour hand are together for && times. /t means that after every &';&& hours$ both the hands are together. Similarly in twelve hours$ the minute hand and the hour hand are e@actly o33osite to each other for && times. /t means that after every &';&& hours$ both the hands are o33osite. 0ow$ let5s ta4e an e@am3le. Fe 4now that at &' both the hands are together and at ( both the hands are e@actly o33osite to each other. After ($ both the hands are in o33osition at 9(8 &';&&": hours$ 9(8'* &';&&": hours$ 9(83* &';&&": hours and so on. The si@th such time is 9(8(* &';&&": hours which is the first time after &'. Thus after &'$ both the hands are o33osite to each other at &'13'143.( .ence$ *r. *o+ittle ta4es 3' minutes and 43.( seconds to reach home from the clinic.

Slow=un 2@3ress runs between #angalore and Dumbai$ For the u3 as well as the down Eourney$ the train leaves the starting station at &7177 QD everyday and reaches the destination at &&137 QD after three days. Dr. .aani once travelled by Slow=un 2@3ress from Dumbai to #angalore. .ow many Slow=un 2@3ress did he cross during his EourneyA Answer Mr. Jaani crossed 7 9low1un "7presses during his !ourne-. +et5s say that Dr. .aani travelled by Slow=un 2@3ress on Fednesday &7177QD from Dumbai. The first train he would have crossed is the one scheduled to arrive at Dumbai at &&137 QD the same day i.e. the one that left #angalore at &7177 QD on last Sunday. Also$ he would have crossed the last train Eust before reaching #angalore on Saturday. Thus$ Dr. .aani must have crossed < Slow=un 2@3resses during his Eourney. Si@ cabins numbered &!( consecutively$ are arranged in a row and are se3arated by thin dividers. These cabins must be assigned to si@ staff members based on following facts. &. Diss Shala4a5s wor4 requires her to s3ea4 on the 3hone frequently throughout the day. '. Diss Shudha 3refers cabin number 6 as 6 is her luc4y number. 3. Dr. Shaan and Dr. Sharma often tal4 to each other during their wor4 and 3refers to have adEacent cabins. 4. Dr. Sinha$ Dr. Shaan and Dr. Solan4i all smo4e. Diss Shudha is allergic to smo4e and must have non!smo4ers adEacent to her. 6. Dr. Solan4i needs silence during wor4. -an you tell the cabin numbers of each of themA Answer The ca3ins from left to right :1),; are of Mr. 9olan*i& Mr. 9inha& Mr. 9haan& Mr. 9harma& Miss 9hudha and Miss 9hala*a. From '"$ cabin number 6 is assigned to Diss Shudha.

As Diss Shudha is allergic to smo4e and Dr. Sinha$ Dr. Shaan ? Dr. Solan4i all smo4e$ they must be in cabin numbers &$ ' and 3 not necessarily in the same order. Also$ Diss Shala4a and Dr. Sharma must be in cabin 4 and (. From 3"$ Dr. Shaan must be in cabin 3 and Dr. Sharma must be in cabin 4. Thus$ Diss Shala4a is in cabin (. As Dr. Solan4i needs silence during wor4 and Dr. Shaan is in cabin 3 who often tal4s to Dr. Sharma during wor4$ Dr. Solan4i must be in cabin &. .ence$ Dr. Sinha is in cabin '. Thus$ the cabins numbers are &V Dr. Solan4i$ 'V Dr. Sinha$ 3V Dr. Shaan$ 4V Dr. Sharma$ 6V Diss Shudha$ (V Diss Shala4a S4yFi city is served by ( subway lines ! A$ 2$ /$ C$ > and I.

Fhen it snows$ morning service on line 2 is delayed. Fhen it rains or snows$ service on the lines A$ > and I is delayed both morning and afternoon. Fhen the tem3erature dro3s below '7 -$ afternoon service is cancelled on either line A or line C$ but not both. Fhen the tem3erature rises above 47 -$ afternoon service is cancelled on either line / or line I$ but not both. Fhen service on line A is delayed or cancelled$ service on line / is also delayed. Fhen service on line I is delayed or cancelled$ service on line 2 is also delayed.

Cn February &7$ it snows all day with the tem3erature at &)-. Cn how many lines service will be delayed or cancelled$ including both morning and afternoonA S4yFi city is served by ( subway lines ! A$ 2$ /$ C$ > and I.

Fhen it snows$ morning service on line 2 is delayed.

Fhen it rains or snows$ service on the lines A$ > and I is delayed both morning and afternoon. Fhen the tem3erature dro3s below '7 -$ afternoon service is cancelled on either line A or line C$ but not both. Fhen the tem3erature rises above 47 -$ afternoon service is cancelled on either line / or line I$ but not both. Fhen service on line A is delayed or cancelled$ service on line / is also delayed. Fhen service on line I is delayed or cancelled$ service on line 2 is also delayed.

Cn February &7$ it snows all day with the tem3erature at &)-. Cn how many lines service will be delayed or cancelled$ including both morning and afternoonA /n a certain game$ if ' wi@somes are worth 3 changs$ and 4 changs are worth & 3lut$ then ( 3lutes are worth how many wi@somesA Answer /t is given that ' wi@somes % 3 changs ) wi@somes % &' changs !!!!! /" Also$ given that 4 changs % & 3lut &' changs % 3 3lutes ) wi@somes % 3 3lutes !!!!! From /" Therefore$ ( 3lutes % &( wi@somes /n a certain year$ the number of girls who graduated from -ity .igh School was twice the number of boys. /f 3;4 of the girls and 6;( of the boys went to college immediately after graduation$ what fraction of the graduates that year went to college immediately after graduationA Answer Assume that number of boys graduated from -ity .igh School % #

Therefore$ number of girls graduated from -ity .igh School % '*# /t is given that 3;4 of the girls and 6;( of the boys went to college immediately after graduation. .ence$ total students went to college % 3;4" '*#" 8 6;(" #" % # * 3;' 8 6;(" % <;3"# Fraction of the graduates that year went to college immediately after graduation % 9 <;3"#: ; 93*#: % <;, Therefore$ the answer is <;, A mule and a don4ey were carrying full sac4s on their bac4s. The mule started com3laining that his load was too heavy. The don4ey said to him GFhy are you com3lainingA /f you gave me one of your sac4s /5d have double what you have and if / give you one of my sac4s we5d have an even amount.G .ow many sac4s were each of them carryingA Oive the minimal 3ossible answer. SubmittAnswer The mule was carr-ing . sac*s and the don*e- was carr-ing 7 sac*s. +et5s assume that the mule was carrying D sac4s and the don4ey was carrying * sac4s. As the don4ey told the mule$ G/f you gave me one of your sac4s /5d have double what you have.G * 8 & % ' * D!&" * 8 & % 'D ! ' * % 'D ! 3 The don4ey also said$ G/f / give you one of my sac4s we5d have an even amount.G

*!&%D8& *%D8' -om3aring both the equations$ 'D ! 3 % D 8 ' D%6 Substituting D%6 in any of above equation$ we get *%< .ence$ the mule was carrying 6 sac4s and the don4ey was carrying < sac4s. edTwo 3eo3le enter a race in whic4 you run to a 3oint and bac4. Qerson A runs '7 m3h to and from the 3oint. Qerson # runs to the 3oint going &7 m3h and 37 m3h going bac4. Fho came in firstA Submitted Answer Eerson A came in first. +et5s assume that the distance between start and the 3oint is * miles. Total time ta4en by Qerson A to finish % *;'7" 8 *;'7" % *;&7 % 7.&* Total time ta4en by Qerson # to finish % *;&7" 8 *;37" % '*;&6 % 7.&333* Thus$ Qerson A is the Finner.

Alternatively if you don5t li4e mathematics K""$ analyse the situation as follow1

0ote that initially s3eed of Qerson A '7 m3h" was twice the s3eed of Qerson # &7 m3h". .ence$ when Qerson A '7 m3h forward" reached the 3oint$ Qerson # &7 m3h forward" was halfway. Fhen Qerson A '7 m3h bac4" finished$ Qerson # still &7 m3h forward" reached the 3oint. Thus$ Qerson A wins the race and by that time Qerson # covers only half the distance$ no matter how far the 3oint isRRR Dar4 ate half of a 3iBBa on Donday. .e ate half of what was left on Tuesday and so on. .e followed this 3attern for one wee4. .ow much of the 3iBBa would he have eaten during the wee4A Submitted Answer Mar* would have ate 127@128 :99.22<; of the pi++a during the wee*. Dar4 ate half the 3iBBa on Donday. Cn Tuesday$ he would have ate half of the remaining 3iBBa i.e. &;4 of the original 3iBBa. Similarly$ he would have ate &;) of the original 3iBBa on Fednesday and so on for the seven days. Total 3iBBa Dar4 ate during the wee4 is % &;' 8 &;4 8 &;) 8 &;&( 8 &;3' 8 &;(4 8 &;&') % &'<;&') % ,,.''N of the original 3iBBa /n the Oeneral meeting of GFriends -lubG$ Sameer said$ GThe re3airs to the -lub will come to a total of =s 3&'7 and / 3ro3ose that this amount should be met by the members$ each 3aying an equal amount.G The 3ro3osal was immediately agreed. .owever$ four members of the -lub chose to resign$ leaving the remaining members to 3ay an e@tra =s '( each. .ow many members did the -lub originally haveA Answer The #lu3 originall- had 2/ mem3ers. Assume that there were initially 0 members. As 4 members resigned and remaining members 3aid =s '( each$ it

means that total amount of 4 members is equal to =s '( each from remaining 0!4" members. Thus$ 4 * 3&'7 ; 0" % '( * 0 ! 4" &'4)7 % '(0' ! &740 '(0' ! &740 ! &'4)7 % 7 Solving the quadratic equation we get 0%'4. .ence$ the -lub originally had '4 members. Brain *easer 2o < 00206 A tan4 can be filled by 3i3e A in 37 minutes and by 3i3e # in '4 minutes. Cutlet 3i3e - can em3ty the full tan4 in one hour and twenty minutes. /f the tan4 is em3ty initially and if all the three 3i3es A$ # and - are o3ened simultaneously$ in how much time will the tan4 be fullA Answer The tan* will 3e full in 1, minutes. /n one minute$ 3i3e A can fill &;37 3art of the tan4. 3i3e # can fill &;'4 3art of the tan4. 3i3e - can em3ty &;)7 3art of the tan4. Thus$ the net water level in one minute is % &;37 8 &;'4 ! &;)7 % &6;'47 3art of the tan4 .ence$ the tan4 will be full in '47;&6 i.e. &( minutes. A rich old Arab has three sons. Fhen he died$ he willed his &< camels to the sons$ to be divided as follows1 First Son to get &;' of the camels Second Son to get &;3rd of the camels Third Son to get &;,th of the camels.

The sons are sitting there trying to figure out how this can 3ossibly be done$ when a very old wise man goes riding by. They sto3 him and as4 him to hel3 them solve their 3roblem. Fithout hesitation he divides the camels 3ro3erly and continues riding on his way. .ow did he do itA Answer The old man tem3orarily added his camel to the &<$ ma4ing a total of &) camels. First son got &;' of it % , Second son got &;3 of it % ( Third son got &;, of it % ' For a total of &<. .e then ta4es his camel bac4 and rides away...... There were two men standing on a street. The one says to the other$ G/ have 3 daughters$ the 3roduct of their ages is 3(. Fhat is the age of the C+*2ST daughterAG The second guy says$ G/ need more information.G So$ the first guy says$ GThe sum of their ages is equal to the address of the house across the street.G The second guy loo4s at the address and says$ G/ still need more information.G So$ the first guy says$ GDy oldest daughter wears a red dress.G Answer The answer is , years. First you need to find all the 3ossible sets of three numbers that when multi3lied equals 3(1 & & 3( & ' &) & 3 &'

&4, &(( '', '3( 334 Then you add the numbers together to find the sum & & 3( % 3) & ' &) % '& & 3 &' % &( & 4 , % &4 & ( ( % &3 ' ' , % &3 ' 3 ( % && 3 3 4 % &7 2ven though we don5t 4now the address the guy 4nows it. For him to need more information that means that at least two of the sets of numbers has the same sum. Two of them do$ & ( ( and ' ' ,. Fhen the first guy said that his C+*2ST daugher wears a red dress that meant that there had to be the oldest. So & ( ( can5t 3ossibly be the answer. So the 3ossible 3ossiblity is ' ' , and the C+*2ST daughter is , years old. Therefore$ the answer is ,.

Su bm U it se An r sw er There are 3 colored bo@es ! =ed$ Oreen and #lue. 2ach bo@ contains ' envelo3es. 2ach envelo3e contains money ! two of them contain =s. '6777 each$ two of them contain =s. &6777 each and remaining two contain =s. &7777 each.

There is one statement written on the cover of each bo@. * =ed #o@1 #oth$ a red bo@ and a blue bo@ contain =s. &7777 each. * Oreen #o@1 #oth$ a green bo@ and a red bo@ contain =s. '6777 each. * #lue #o@1 #oth$ a blue bo@ and a green bo@ contain =s. &6777 each. Cnly one of the above 3 statements is true and the corres3onding bo@ contains the ma@imum amount. -an you tell which bo@ contains the ma@imum amount and how muchA Answer lue 3o7 contains the ma7imum amount 1s. /0000 As it is given that only one of the given 3 statements is trueK assume in turn$ each statement to be true ? the other ' false and chec4 whether the corres3onding bo@ contains the ma@imum amount. +et5s assume that the statement on the #lue bo@ is true. Thus$ the given 3 statements can be inter3reted as * Atmost one$ a red bo@ or a blue bo@ contains =s. &7777. * Atmost one$ a green bo@ or a red bo@ contains =s. '6777. * #oth$ a blue bo@ and a green bo@ contain =s. &6777 each. Ooing through all 3ossible combinations$ we can conclude that =ed #o@ 1 =s. &7777 8 =s. '6777 % =s. 36777 Oreen #o@ 1 =s. &7777 8 =s. &6777 % =s. '6777 #lue #o@ 1 =s. &6777 8 =s. '6777 % =s. 47777 Hou can test out for other two statements i.e. assuming =ed bo@ statement true and then Oreen bo@ statement true. /n both the cases$ other statements will contradict the true statement. Sachin$ *ravid and Oanguly 3layed in a -ric4et match between /ndia and 2ngland.

0one of them scored more than ,, runs. /f you add the digits of the runs scored by Sachin to his own score$ you will get the runs scored by *ravid. /f you reverse the digits of the runs scored by *ravid$ you will get the runs scored by Oanguly.

The total runs scored by them is '47.

-an you figure out their individual scoresA Answer 9achin& Dravid and Aangul- scored 7.& 87 and 78 respectivel-. Sachin5s score must be less than )($ otherwise *ravid5s score would be more than ,,. Also$ he must have scored atleast 4' ! incase *ravid and Oanguly scored ,, each. Also$ as none of them scored more than ,, and the total runs scored by them is '47K their individual scores must be around )7. 0ow$ use trial!n!error method to solve the teaser. Three men$ including Oianni and three woman$ including Sachi are in line at the #rentFood 3ost office. 2ach has two different 3ieces of business to conduct. &. The first 3erson is a woman. '. -arlos wants to send an overnight 3ac4age. 3. +au is Eust ahead of Qimentelli who is the same se@ as +au. 4. Oianni is two 3laces ahead of the 3erson who wants to buy stam3s. 6. Snutson ! who is the o33osite se@ than =endler ! isn5t the 3erson who wanted to com3lain about a mail carrier. (. The si@ 3eo3le$ not necessarily in the same order are ! Anthony$ *onna$ the 3erson who wants to fill out a change!of!address form$ the one who wants to buy a money order$ the one who wants to send Airmail to Tibet and the second 3erson in the line. <. The four tas4s of the last two 3eo3le in line$ not necessarily in the same order are ! sending boo4s fourth class$ buying a money order$ 3ic4ing u3 a 3ac4age and com3laining about a mail carrier. ). The 3erson who wants to send boo4s fourth class is Eust behind a 3erson of the same se@. ,. Dary is Eust behind a 3erson who wants to send an insured 3ac4age. &7. The 3erson who wants to send Airmail to Tibet is either two 3laces ahead of or two 3laces behind the one who wants to add 3ostage to his or her meter.

&&. Anthony isn5t two 3laces behind the who wants to 3ic4u3 a registered letter. &'. ToriseBa is two 3laces ahead of the 3erson who wants to 3ic4 u3 a 3ac4age. &3. Snutson isn5t Eust ahead of the 3erson who wants to send an item 3arcel 3ost. -an you figure out where each customer is in the line$ his or her full name one surname is +oti" and the two things he or she wants to accom3lishA Qrovide your answer is QCS/T/C0 ! F/=ST 0AD2 ! +AST 0AD2 ! #>S/02SS format. Su bm it An sw er

Users Answ er (8)

Answer A very TC>O. 3uBBle RRR E K>19T 6 2AM" 9 & Sachi ' Oianni BA9T 2AM" +oti =9>2"99

3 4 6

-arlos *onna Dary

[ Fill Cut a -hange!of! Address Form [ Add Qostage to Deter +au [ Qic4 >3 a =egistered +etter [ Send an /tem Qarcel Qost Qimentel [ Cvernight Qac4age li [ Send Airmail to Tibet ToriseBa [ #uy Stam3s [ Send an /nsured Qac4age Snutson [ #uy a Doney Crder [ Send #oo4s fourth



-lass [ -om3lain About a Dail -arrier [ Qic4 >3 a Qac4age

Brain *easer 2o < 00164 Substitute digits for the letters to ma4e the following relation true. = ( 4 5 D % * 4 A D E

''''''''''''' C E 2 * E 4 0ote that the leftmost letter can5t be Bero in any word. Also$ there must be a one!to!one ma33ing between digits and letters. e.g. if you substitute 3 for the letter F$ no other letter can be 3 and all other F in the 3uBBle must be 3. Answer A tough one. /t is obvious that -%&. Also$ the ma@imum 3ossible value of 2 is <. 0ow$ start 3utting 3ossible values of *$ 2 and = as they occure frequently and use trial!n!error. = ( 4 5 D % * 4 A D E % 5 0 6 8 4 1 6 0 4 2



C E 2 * E 4 1 2 9 1 2 6 Brain *easer 2o < 00101 /f you loo4 at a cloc4 and the time is 31&6.

Fhat is the angle between the hour and the minute handsA The answer to this is not BeroR" Answer 7.. degrees At 31&6 minute hand will be 3erfactly horiBontal 3ointing towards 3. Fhereas hour hand will be towards 4. Also$ hour hand must have covered &;4 of angle between 3 and 4. The angle between two adEacent digits is 3(7;&' % 37 degrees. .ence &;4 of it is <.6 degrees. An a33le vendor has &777 a33les and &7 em3ty bo@es. .e as4s his son to 3lace all the &777 a33les in all the &7 bo@es in such a manner that if he as4s for any number of a33les from & to &777$ his son should be able to 3ic4 them in terms of bo@es. .ow did the son 3lace all the a33les among the &7 bo@es$ given that any number of a33les can be 3ut in one bo@. Answer &$ '$ 4$ )$ &($ 3'$ (4$ &')$ '6($ 4), +et5s start from scratch.

The a33le vandor can as4 for only & a33le$ so one bo@ must contain & a33le. .e can as4 for ' a33les$ so one bo@ must contain ' a33les. .e can as4 for 3 a33les$ in that case bo@ one and bo@ two will add u3 to 3. .e can as4 for 4 a33les$ so one bo@ i.e. third bo@ must contain 4 a33les. 0ow using bo@ number one$ two and three containing &$ ' and 4 a33les res3ectively$ his son can give u3to < a33les. .ence$ forth bo@ must contain ) a33les. Similarly$ using first four bo@es containing &$ '$ 4 and ) a33les$ his son can give u3to &6 a33les. .ence fifth bo@ must contain &( a33les.

Hou must have noticed one thing till now that each bo@ till now contains 3ower of ' a33les. .ence the answer is &$ '$ 4$ )$ &($ 3'$ (4$ &')$ '6($ 4),. This is true for any number of a33les$ here in our case only u3to &777.

Brain *easer 2o < 00261 The letters Q$ T$ =$ S$ T$ > and M$ not necessarily in that order re3resents seven consecutive integers from '' to 33.

> is as much less than T as = is greater than S. M is greater than >. T is the middle term. Q is 3 greater than S.

-an you find the sequence of letters from the lowest value to the highest valueA Answer The se8uence of letters from the lowest value to the highest value is T=9H1E0. From 3"$ T is the middle term. \\\ \\\ \\\ \T\ \\\ \\\ \\\ From 4"$ there must be e@actly ' numbers between Q and S which gives two 3ossible 3ositions. 9&: \\\ \S\ \\\ \T\ \Q\ \\\ \\\ 9': \\\ \\\ \S\ \T\ \\\ \Q\ \\\ From &"$ the number of letters between > and T must be same as the number of letters between S and =. Also$ the number of letters between them can be &$ ' or 3. >sing trial and error$ it can be found that there must be ' letters between

them. Also$ it is 3ossible only in o3tion 9': above. 9': \\\ \>\ \S\ \T\ \=\ \Q\ \\\ From '" M must be the highest and the remaining T must be the lowest number. \T\ \>\ \S\ \T\ \=\ \Q\ \M\ Thus$ the sequence of letters from the lowest value to the highest value is T>ST=QM. A contractor had em3loyed &77 labourers for a flyover construction tas4. .e did not allow any woman to wor4 without her husband. Also$ atleast half the men wor4ing came with their wives. .e 3aid five ru3ees 3er day to each man$ four ru33es to each woman and one ru3ee to each child. .e gave out '77 ru3ees every evening. .ow many men$ women and children were wor4ing with the constructorA Answer 1, men& 12 women and 72 children were wor*ing with the constructor. +et5s assume that there were X men$ H women and I children wor4ing with the constructor. .ence$ X 8 H 8 I % &77 6X 8 4H 8 I % '77 2liminating X and H in turn from these equations$ we get X % 3I ! '77 H % 377 ! 4I As if woman wor4s$ her husband also wor4s and atleast half the men wor4ing came with their wivesK the value of H lies between X and X;'. Substituting these limiting values in equations$ we get if H % X$ 377 ! 4I % 3I ! '77

<I % 677 I % 677;< i.e. <&.4') if H % X;'$ 377 ! 4I % 3I ! '77";' (77 ! )I % 3I ! '77 &&I % )77 I % )77;&& i.e. <'.<'< #ut I must be an integer$ hence I%<'. Also$ X%&( and H%&' There were &( men$ &' women and <' children wor4ing with the constructor. #ecause cigars cannot be entirely smo4ed$ a #obo who collects cigar butts can ma4e a cigar to smo4e out of every 3 butts that he finds. Today$ he has collected '< cigar butts. .ow many cigars will he be able to smo4eA Answer 1% not &' .e ma4es , originals from the '< butts he found$ and after he smo4es them he has , butts left for another 3 cigars. And then he has 3 butts for another cigar. So ,838&%&3 /n a small town$ there are three tem3les in a row and a well in front of each tem3le. A 3ilgrim came to the town with certain number of flowers. #efore entering the first tem3le$ he washed all the flowers he had with the water of well. To his sur3rise$ flowers doubled. .e offered few flowers to the Ood in the first tem3le and moved to the second tem3le. .ere also$ before entering the tem3le he washed the remaining flowers with the water of well. And again his flowers doubled. .e offered few flowers to the Ood in second tem3le and moved to the third tem3le. .ere also$ his flowers doubled after washing them with water. .e offered few flowers to the Ood in third tem3le.

There were no flowers left when 3ilgrim came out of third tem3le and he offered same number of flowers to the Ood in all three tem3les. Fhat is the minimum number of flowers the 3ilgrim had initiallyA .ow many flower did he offer to each OodA Answer

The pilgrim had 7 flowers& initiall- and he offered 8 flowers to each Aod. Assume that the 3ilgrim had X flowers initially and he offered H flowers to each Ood. From the above figure$ there are )X ! <H" flowers when the 3ilgrim came out of the third tem3le. #ut it is given that there were no flowers left when he came out of third tem3le. /t means that )X ! <H" % 7 )X % <H The minimum values of X and H are < and ) res3ectively to satisfy above equation. .ence$ the 3ilgrim had < flowers and he offered ) flowers to each Ood. /n general$ the 3ilgrim had <0 flowers initially and he offered )0 flowers to each Ood$ where 0 % &$ '$ 3$ 4$ ..... Brain *easer 2o < 00402 Tanya wants to go on a date and 3refers her date to be tall$ dar4 and handsome. &. Cf the 3referred traits ! tall$ dar4 and handsome ! no two of Adam$ #ond$ -ruB and *umbo have the same number. '. Cnly Adam or *umbo is tall and fair. 3. Cnly #ond or -ruB is short and handsome. 4. Adam and -ruB are either both tall or both short. 6. #ond and *umbo are either both dar4 or both fair.

Fho is Tanya5s dateA Answer #ru+ is Tan-aPs date. As no two of them have the same number of 3referred traits ! from &"$ e@actly one of them has none of the 3referred traits and e@actly one of them has all the 3referred traits. From 4" and 6"$ there are only two 3ossibilities1 * Adam ? -ruB both are tall and #ond ? *umbo both are fair. * Adam ? -ruB both are short and #ond ? *umbo both are dar4. #ut from '"$ second 3ossibility is im3ossible. So the first one is the correct 3ossibility i.e. Adam ? -ruB both are tall and #ond ? *umbo both are fair. Then from 3"$ #ond is short and handsome. Also$ from &" and '"$ Adam is tall and fair. Also$ *umbo is the 3erson without any 3referred traits. -ruB is *ar4. Adam and -ruB are handsome. Thus$ following are the individual 3referred traits1 -ruB ! Tall$ *ar4 and .andsome Adam ! Tall and .andsome #ond ! .andsome *umbo ! 0one 1! .ence$ -ruB is Tanya5s date. -onsider a game of Tower of .anoi li4e the one that you can 3lay on #rainMista". /f the tower has ' discs$ the least 3ossible moves with which you can move the entire tower to another 3eg is 3. /f the tower has 3 discs$ the least 3ossible moves with which you can move the entire tower to another 3eg is <. Fhat is the least 3ossible moves with which you can move the entire tower

to another 3eg if the tower has 0 discsA Submitted Answer There are number of ways to find the answer. To move the largest disc at level 0" from one tower to the other$ it requires ' 0!&" moves. Thus$ to move 0 discs from one tower to the other$ the number of moves required is % ' 0!&" 8 ' 0!'" 8 ' 0!3" 8 ..... 8 '' 8 '& 8 '7 % '0 ! & For 0 discs$ the number of moves is one more than two times the number of moves for 0!& discs. Thus$ the recursive function is F &" % & F 0" % '*9F 0!&": 8 & where 0 is the total number of discs Also$ one can arrive at the answer by finding the number of moves for smaller number of discs and then derive the 3attern. For & disc$ number of moves % & For ' discs$ number of moves % 3 For 3 discs$ number of moves % < For 4 discs$ number of moves % &6 For 6 discs$ number of moves % 3& Thus$ the 3attern is '0 ] & A boy found that he had a 4) inch stri3 of 3a3er. .e could cut an inch off every second. .ow long would it ta4e for him to cut 4) 3iecesA .e can not fold the stri3 and also$ can not stac4 two or more stri3s and cut them together. SubmiAnswer /7 seconds. To get 4) 3ieces$ the boy have to 3ut only 4< cuts. i.e. he can cut 4( 3ieces in 4( seconds. After getting 4( 3ieces$ he will have a ' inches long 3iece.

.e can cut it into two with Eust a one cut in & second. .ence$ total of 4< seconds.tted by : Kimi The cric4et match between /ndia and Qa4istan was over.

.arbhaEan scored more runs than Oanguly. Sachin scored more runs than +a@man but less than *ravid #adani scored as much runs as Agar4ar but less than *ravid and more than Sachin. Oanguly scored more runs than either Agar4ar or *ravid.

2ach batsman scored &7 runs more than his immediate batsman. The lowest score was &7 runs. .ow much did each one of them score Answer A sim3le one. >se the given facts and 3ut down all the 3layers in order. The order is as follow with .arbhaEan$ the highest scorer and +a@man$ the lowest scorer. &. .arbhaEan '. Oanguly 3. *ravid 4. #adani$ Agar4ar 6. Sachin (. +a@man Also$ as the lowest score was &7 runs. +a@man must have scored &7$ Sachin '7$ #adani ? Agar4ar 37 and so on. &. .arbhaEan ! (7 runs '. Oanguly ! 67 runs 3. *ravid ! 47 runs 4. #adani$ Agar4ar ! 37 runs each 6. Sachin ! '7 runs (. +a@man ! &7 runs There are &7 statements written on a 3iece of 3a3er1 &. At least one of statements , and &7 is true. '. This either is the first true or the first false statement.

3. There are three consecutive statements$ which are false. 4. The difference between the numbers of the last true and the first true statement divides the number$ that is to be found. 6. The sum of the numbers of the true statements is the number$ that is to be found. (. This is not the last true statement. <. The number of each true statement divides the number$ that is to be found. ). The number that is to be found is the 3ercentage of true statements. ,. The number of divisors of the number$ that is to be found$ a3art from & and itself" is greater than the sum of the numbers of the true statements. &7. There are no three consecutive true statements. Find the minimal 3ossible numberA Submitted Answer The nume3r is /20. /f statement ( is false$ it creates a 3arado@. .ence$ 9tatement , must 3e true. -onsider Statement '1

/f it is true$ it must be the first true statement. Ctherwise$ it creates a 3arado@. /f it is false$ it must be the second false statement. Ctherwise$ it creates a 3arado@.

/n both the cases$ 9tatement 1 is false. As Statement & is false$ 9tatement 9 and 9tatement 10 3oth are false i.e. there are three consecutive true statements. & ' 3 4 6 ( < ) , &7 Fa Tr Fal Fal ls ! ! ! ! ! ! ue se se e

+et^5s assume that Statement 3 is false i.e. there are no three consecutive false statements. /t means that Statement ' and Statement ) must be true$ else there will be three consecutive false statements. & ' 3 4 6 ( < ) , &7 Fa Tr Fal Tr Tr Fal Fal ls ! ! ! ue se ue ue se se e Also$ atleast two of Statements 4$ 6 and < must be true as there are three consecutive true statements. According to Statement )$ the number that is to be found is the 3ercentage of true statements. .ence$ number is either 67 or (7. 0ow if Statement < is true$ then the number of each true statement divides the number$ that is to be found. #ut < and ) do not divide either 67 or (7. .ence$ Statement < is false which means that Statement 4 and 6 are true. #ut Statement 6 contradicts the Statement ). .ence$ our assum3tion that Statement 3 is false is wrong and 9tatement % is true i.e. there are 3 consecutive false statements which means that 9tatement 8 is false as there is no other 3ossibilities of 3 consecutive false statements. Also$ 9tatement 7 is true as Statement ( is not the last true statement. & ' 3 46 ( < ) , &7 Fa Tr Tr Tr Fal Fal Fal ls ! ! ! ue ue ue se se se e According to Statement <$ the number of each true statement divides the number$ that is to be found. And according to Statement 6$ the sum of the numbers of the true statements is the number$ that is to be found. For all 3ossible combinations 9tatement . is false. There 3 consecutive true statements. .ence$ 9tatement 2 and 9tatement / are true. & ' 3 4 6 ( < ) , &7 Fa Tr Tr Tr Fal Tr Tr Fal Fal Fal

ls e

ue ue ue se ue ue se



0ow$ the conditions for the number to be found are1 &. The numebr is divisible by 6 Statement 4" '. The numebr is divisible by '$ 3$ 4$ ($ < Statement <" 3. The number of divisors of the number$ that is to be found$ a3art from & and itself" is not greater than the sum of the numbers of the true statements. Statement ," The minimum possi3le num3er is /20. The divisors of 4'7$ a3art from & and itself are '$ 3$ 4$ 6$ ($ <$ &7$ &'$ &4$ &6$ '7$ '&$ ')$ 37$ 36$ 4'$ (7$ <7$ )4$ &76$ &47$ '&7. There are total of '' divisors. Also$ the sum of the numbers of the true statements is '' '83848(8<%''"$ which satisfies the third condition. An4it and TeEas divided a bag of A33les between them. TeEas said$ G/t5s not fairR Hou have 3 times as many A33les / have.G An4it said$ GCS$ / will give you one A33le for each year of your age.G TeEas re3lied$ GStill not fair. 0ow$ you have twice as many A33les as / have.G G*ear$ that5s fair enough as / am twice older than you.G$ said An4it. An4it went to Sitchen to drin4 water. Fhile An4it was in Sitchen$ TeEas too4 a33les from An4it5s 3ile equal to An4it5s age. Fho have more a33les nowA Answer At the end& An*it and Te!as& 3oth have the same num3er of apples. +et5s assume that initially TeEas got 0 a33les and his age is T years. .ence$ initially An4it got 30 a33les and his age is 'T years. 6peration /nitially An4it gave T a33les to TeEas An*itPs Apples 30 30 ! T Te!asPs Apples 0 08T

equals age of TeEas" TeEas too4 'T a33les from An4it5s 3ile equals age of An4it"

30 ! 3T

0 8 3T

/t is given that after An4it gave T a33les to TeEas$ An4it had twice as many a33les as TeEas had. 30 ! T % '* 0 8 T" 30 ! T % '0 8 'T 0 % 3T From the table$ at the end An4it have 30 ! 3T" a33les and TeEas have 0 8 3T" a33les. Substituting 0 % 3T$ we get An4it5s a33les % 30 ! 3T % ,T ! 3T % (T TeEas5s a33les % 0 8 3T % 3T 8 3T % (T Thus$ at the end An4it and TeEas$ both have the same number of a33les. Cn evey Sunday Amar$ A4bar and Anthony lunch together at Qreetam!*a! *haba where they order lassi based on following facts. &. >nless neither Amar nor A4bar have lassi$ Anthony must have it. '. /f Amar does not have lassi$ either A4bar or Anthony or both have it. 3. Anthony has lassi only if either Amar or A4bar or both have it. 4. A4bar and Anthony never have lassi together. Fho order s" lassiA Answer Amar and Anthon- 3oth have lassi whereas A*3ar never does. Fact '" can be alternatively stated that Geither Amar or A4bar or Anthony must have lassiG. From Fact 3"$ it can be infered that either Amar or A4bar must have lassi. 0ow$ from Fact &"$ it is a33arent that Anthony too must have lassi. #ut according to Fact 4"$ A4bar cannot have lassi when Anthony does. Brain *easer 2o < 00191

*eci3her this sentence. B 4 = L 9 5 I M = 9 K M L . B = M

L . C E D =

/ B G

= M M

, . M E

/ B G

L 9 + M

/ B G K

M / M =

B ) ) Answer

/ B G K

D B 9 I =.

Start with I#O and I#OX. /t should be either Gthe;thenG or Gyou;yourG combination as they a33ear more.

B 4 = L 9 5 I M = o ! s t a E l e s

9 K M a r e

L . B = M t ; o s e

L . C E D = t ; i n g s

/ B G : o u

= M M s e e

, . M E C ; e n

/ B G : o u

L 9 + M t a H e

/ B G K : o u r

M / M = e : e s

B ) )

/ B G K

D B 9 I =. g o a l s.

o D D : o u r Brain *easer 2o < 00001

At what time immediately 3rior to Si@ C5cloc4 the hands of the cloc4 are e@actly o33osite to each other. Oive the e@act time in hours$ minutes and seconds. Answer /t is obvious that between 6 C5cloc4 and ( C5cloc4 the hands will not be e@actly o33osite to each other. /t is also obvious that the hands will be o33osite to each other Eust before 6 C5cloc4. 0ow to find e@act time1 The hour hand moves & degree for every &' degrees that the minute hand moves. +et the hour hand be X degree away from 6 C5cloc4. Therefore the minute hand is &'X degree away from &' C5cloc4. Therefore solving for X Angle between minute hand and &' C5cloc4 8 Angle between &' C5cloc4

and 4 C5cloc4 8 Angle between 4 C5cloc4 and hour hand % &)7 &'X 8 &'7 8 37!X" % &)7 &&X % 37 .ence X % 37;&& degrees hour hand is X degree away from 6 C5cloc4" 0ow each degree the hour hand moves is ' minutes. Therefore minutes are % ' * 37;&& % (7;&& % 6.46 means 6 minutes '<.&( seconds" Therefore the e@act time at which the hands are o33osite to each other is % 4 hrs. 64 min. 3'.<4 seconds Ali #aba had four sons$ to whom he bequeathed his 3, camels$ with the 3roviso that the legacy be divided in the following way 1 The oldest son was to receive one half the 3ro3erty$ the ne@t a quarter$ the third an eighth and the youngest one tenth. The four brothers were at a loss as how to divide the inheritance among themselves without cutting u3 a camel$ until a stranger a33eared u3on the scene. *ismounting from his camel$ he as4ed if he might hel3$ for he 4new Eust what to do. The brothers gratefully acce3ted his offer. Adding his own camel to Ali #aba5s 3,$ he divided the 47 as 3er the will. The oldest son received '7$ the ne@t &7$ the third 6 and the youngest 4. Cne camel remained 1 this was his$ which he mounted and rode away. Scratching their heads in amaBement$ they started calculating. The oldest thought 1 is not '7 greater than the half of 3,A Someone must have received less than his 3ro3er share R #ut each brother discovered that he had received more than his due. .ow is it 3ossibleA Answer They too4 their 3ercentages from 47 and not from 3,$ so they got more than their share. The oldest son got &;' of 47 % '7 which is 7.6 more

The second son got &;4 of 47 % &7 which is 7.'6 more The third son got &;) of 47 % 6 which is 7.&'6 more The youngest son got &;&7 of 47 % 4 which is 7.& more And the stranger got &;47 of 47 % & which is 7.7'6 more As he is not su33osed to get anything" All these fractions add to % 7.6 8 7.'6 8 7.&'6 8 7.& 8 7.7'6 % & which stranger too4 away. There is a family 3arty consisting of two fathers$ two mothers$ two sons$ one father!in!law$ one mother!in!law$ one daughter!in!law$ one grandfather$ one grandmother and one grandson. Fhat is the minimum number of 3ersons required so that this is 3ossibleA Answer There are total ' cou3les and a son. Orandfather and Orand mother$ their son and his wife and again their son. So total 6 3eo3le. Orandfather$ Orandmother P P Son$ wife P P Son A man went into a fast food restaurant and ate a meal costing =s. &76$ giving the accountant a =s. 677 note. .e 4e3t the change$ came bac4 a few minutes later and had some food 3ac4ed for his girl friend. .e gave the accountant a =s. &77 note and received =s. '7 in change. +ater the ban4 told the accountant that both the =s. 677 and the =s. &77 notes were counterfeit. .ow much money did the restaurant loseA /gnore the 3rofit of the food restaurant. Answer

Je lost 1s.,00 First time restaurant has given food worth =s.&76 and =s. 3,6 change. Similarly second time$ food worth =s.)7 and =s.'7 change. .ere$ we are not considering food restaurant 3rofits. + 5 . D E ' D E A 2 ''''''''' 0 6 5 1 2ach of seven digits from 7!, are re3resented by a different letter above such that the subtraction is true. Fhat word re3resents 3(6&A Answer %,.1 represents B"29. +et5s assign 3ossible values to each letter and then use trial!n!error. S must be &. Then * under +" must be greater than 6. /f * is ($ then + is 7. #ut then A must be 7 or & which is im3ossible. .ence$ the 3ossible values of * are <$ ) or ,. 0 must be 2 8 &. Also$ * must be A 8 6 as the 3ossible values of * are <$ ) or ,$ * can not be &78A" 8 6. 0ow using trial!n!error$ we get S%&$ /%'$ +%3$ A%4$ 0%6$ 2%( and *%,

+ '

5 D

. E


E 2 '

0 9

2 6

9 4

6 5



0 6 5 1 5 E 2 + .ence$ 3(6& re3resents +20S. Adam$ #urBin$ -lar4 and 2dmund each live in an a3artment. Their a3artments are arranged in a row numbered & to 4 from left to right. Also$ one of them is the landlord. &. /f -lar45s a3artment is not ne@t to #urBin5s a3artment$ then the landlord is Adam and lives in a3artment &. '. /f Adam5s a3artment is right of -lar45s a3artment$ then the landlord is 2dmund and lives in a3artment 4. 3. /f #urBin5s a3artment is not ne@t to 2dmund5s a3artment$ then the landlord is -lar4 and lives in a3artment 3. 4. /f 2dmund5s a3artment is right of Adam5s a3artment$ then the landlord is #urBin and lives in a3artment '. Fho is the landlordA Answer #lar* is the landlord. Assume each statement true$ one at a time and see that no other statement is contradicted. +et5s assume that Statement &" is true. Then$ Adam is the landlord and lives in a3artment &. Also$ other three5s a3artments will be on the right of his a3artment ! which contradicts Statement 4" i.e. /f 2dmund5s a3artment is right of Adam5s a3artment$ then the landlord is #urBin. Thus$ Adam is not the landlord. +et5s assume that Statement '" is true. Then$ 2dmund is the landlord and lives in a3artment 4. Also$ other three5s a3artments will be on the left of his a3artment ! which again contradicts Statement 4" i.e. /f 2dmund5s

a3artment is right of Adam5s a3artment$ then the landlord is #urBin. Thus$ 2dmund is not the landlord either. +et5s assume that Statement 3" is true. Then$ -lar4 is the landlord and lives in a3artment 3. /t satisfies all the statements for &" Adam ! '" 2dmund ! 3" -lar4 ! 4" #urBin .ence$ -lar4 is the landlord. Similarly$ you can assume Statement 4" true and find out that it also contradicts. Brain *easer 2o < 00456 #$ X and Q are related to each other. &. Among the three are #5s legal s3ouse$ X5s sibling and Q5s sister!in!law. '. #5s legal s3ouse and X5s sibling are of the same se@. Fho is the married manA Answer G is the married man. 0ote that a 3erson5s sister!in!law may be the wife of that 3erson5s brother or the sister of that 3erson5s s3ouse. There are ' cases1 &. /f #5s legal s3ouse is X$ then X5s sibling must be Q and Q5s sister!in! law must be #. '. /f #5s legal s3ouse is Q$ then Q5s sister!in!law must be X and X5s sibling must be #. /t is given that #5s legal s3ouse and X5s sibling are of the same se@. Also$ it is obvious that Q5s sister!in!law is female. Then$ #5s legal s3ouse and X5s sibling both must be males.

BNs s@ouse " ale#

KNs si!ling " ale#

FNs sister'in'laC "De ale#

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Case . Case .. K F F B B K

-ase // is not 3ossible as # ? Q are married to each other and both are male. .ence$ X is the married man. Brain *easer 2o < 00041 A 3olygon has &3'6 diagonals. .ow many vertices does it haveA Answer The formula to find number of diagonals *" given total number of vertices or sides 0" is 2 * "2 ' 0# D = ''''''''''' 2 >sing the formula$ we get &3'6 * ' % 0 * 0 ! 3" 0' ! 30 ! '(67 % 7 Solving the quadratic equation$ we get 0 % 63 or !67 /t is obvious that answer is .% as number of vertices can not be negative. Alternatively$ you can derive the formula as triange has 7 diagonals$ quadrangel has '$ 3entagon has 6$ he@agon has , and so on...... .ence the series is 7$ 7$ 7$ '$ 6$ ,$ &4$ ........ as diagram with &$' or 3 vertices will have 7 diagonals".

>sing the series one can arrive to the formula given above. Brain *easer 2o < 00016 A cube is made of a white material$ but the e@terior is 3ainted blac4. /f the cube is cut into &'6 smaller cubes of e@actly the same siBe$ how many of the cubes will have atleast ' of their sides 3ainted blac4A Answer // 3( of the cubes have 2XA-T+H ' of their sides 3ainted blac4$ but because a cube with 3 of its sides 3ainted blac4 has ' of its sides 3ainted blac4$ you must also include the corner cubes. This was a tric4 question$ but ho3efully the title of the 3uBBle ti33ed you off to this. Brain *easer 2o < 00208 /magine a triangle of coins on a table so that the first row has one coin in it and the second row has two coins in it and so on. /f you can only move one coin at a time$ how many moves does it ta4e to ma4e the triangle 3oint the other wayA For a triangle with two row it is one$ for a triangle with three rows it is two$ for a triangle with four rows it is three. For a traingle with five rows is it fourA Submitted Answer /t ta4es 6 moves to ma4e the triangle with 6 rows 3oint the other way. 7 % a coin that has not been moved. X % the old 3osition of the moved coin ) % the new 3osition of the moved coin. \\\\\\\\X

\\\\\\\X X \\\\) 7 7 7 ) \\\\\7 7 7 7 \\\\X 7 7 7 X \\\\\\\) ) \\\\\\\\) For traingle of any number of rows$ the o3timal number of moves can be achieved by moving the vertically symmetrical coins i.e. by moving same number of coins from bottom left and right$ and remaining coins from the to3. For a triangle with an odd number of rows$ the total moves require are 1 0';4" ! 0!4" Fhere 0 % 4$ ($ )$ &7$ ... For a triangle with even number of rows$ the total moves require are 1 0'!&";4" ! 0!4" Fhere 0 % 6$ <$ ,$ &&$ ... Than4s to Ale@ -rosse for submitting above formulas. Brain *easer 2o < 00050 A man is going to an Antique -ar auction. All 3urchases must be 3aid for in cash. .e goes to the ban4 and draws out Z'6$777. Since the man does not want to be seen carrying that much money$ he 3laces it in &6 evelo3es numbered & through &6. 2ach envelo3e contains the least number of bills 3ossible of any available >S currency i.e. no two tens in 3lace of a twenty". At the auction he ma4es a successful bid of Z)3'' for a car. .e hands the auctioneer envelo3es number s" '$ )$ and &4. After o3ening the envelo3es the auctioneer finds e@actly the right amount. .ow many ones did the auctioneer find in the envelo3esA Answer

2ach envelo3e contains the money equal to the ' raised to the envelo3e number minus &. The sentence G2ach envelo3e contains the least number of bills 3ossible of any available >S currencyG is only to misguide you. This is always 3ossible for any amount RRR Cne more thing to notice here is that the man must have 3laced money in envelo3es in such a way that if he bids for any amount less than Z'6777$ he should be able to 3ic4 them in terms of envelo3es. First envelo3e contains$ '7 % Z& Second envelo3e contains$ '& % Z' Third envelo3e contains$ '' % Z4 Fourth envelo3e contains$ '3 % Z) and so on... .ence the amount in envelo3es are Z&$ Z'$ Z4$ Z)$ Z&($ Z3'$ Z(4$ Z&')$ Z'6($ Z6&'$ Z&7'4$ Z'74)$ Z47,($ Z)&,'$ Z)(&< +ast envelo3e 0o. &6" contains only Z)(&< as total amount is only Z'6777. 0ow as he bids for Z)3'' and gives envelo3e number '$ ) and &4 which contains Z'$ Z&') and Z)&,' res3ectively. 2nvelo3e 0o ' conrains one Z' bill 2nvelo3e 0o ) conrains one Z&77 bill$ one Z'7 bill$ one Z6 bill$ one Z' bill and one Z& bill 2nvelo3e 0o &4 conrains eighty!one Z&77 bill$ one Z67 bill$ four Z&7 bill and one Z' bill .ence the auctioneer will find one Z& bill in the envelo3es. Brain *easer 2o < 00090 The minute and the hour hand of a watch meet every (6 minutes. .ow much does the watch lose or gain time and by how muchA Answer The minute and the hour hand meet && times in &' hours in normal watch

i.e. they meet after every % &' * (7" ; && minutes % (6.46 minutes % (6 minutes '<.&( seconds #ut in our case they meet after every (6 minutes means the watch is gaining '<.&( seconds. Brain *easer 2o < 00090 There is a number that is 6 times the sum of its digits. Fhat is this numberA Answer is not 7. Answer The number is 46$ sim3ly because 46 % 6 * 4 8 6" .ow does one find this numberA +et T be the digit in the tens 3lace and > be the digit in the units 3lace. Then$ the number is &7*T 8 >$ and the sum of its digits is T 8 >. The following equation can be readily written1 &7*T 8 > % 6* T 8 >" or &7*T 8 > % 6*T 8 6*> or 6*T % 4*> Thus$ T ; > % 4 ; 6 Since T and > are digits$ T must be 4 and > must be 6. There are si@ bo@es containing 6$ <$ &4$ &($ &)$ ', balls of either red or blue in colour. Some bo@es contain only red balls and others contain only blue. Cne sales man sold one bo@ out of them and then he says$ G/ have the same number of red balls left out as that of blue.G Fhich bo@ is the one he solds outA Answer Total no of balls % 6 8 < 8 &4 8 &( 8 &) 8 ', % ),

Total number of balls are odd. Also$ same number of red balls and blue balls are left out after selling one bo@. So it is obvious that the bo@ with odd number of balls in it is sold out i.e. 6$ < or ',. 0ow using trial and error method$ ),!'," ;' % (7;' % 37 and &4 8 &( % 6 8 < 8 &) % 37 So bo@ with ', balls is sold out. Brain *easer 2o < 00218 24ta got chocolates to give her friends on her #irthday. /f she gives 3 chocolates to each friend$ one friend will get only ' chocolates. Also$ if she gives ' chocolates to each friends$ she will left with &6 chocolates. .ow many chocolates 24ta got on her #irthdayA and how many friends are thereA Answer /7 #hocolates and 1, Kriends +et5s assume that there are total - chocolates and F friends. According to first case$ if she gives 3 chocolates to each friend$ one friend will get only ' chocolates. 3* F ! &" 8 ' % Similarly$ if she gives ' chocolates to each friends$ she will left with &6 chocolates. '*F 8 &6 % Solving above ' equations$ F % &( and - % 4<. .ence$ 24ta got 4< chocolates and &( friends QooEa and 2sha met each other after long time. /n the course of their conversation$ QooEa as4ed 2sha her age. 2sha re3lied$ G/f you reverse my age$ you will get my husbund5s age. .e is of course older than me. Also$

the difference between our age is &;&&th of the sum of our age.G -an you hel3 out QooEa in finding 2sha5s ageA Answer "shaPs age is /. -ears. Assume that 2sha5s age is &7X8H years. .ence$ her hunsbands age is &7H 8 X" years. /t is given that difference between their age is &;&&th of the sum of their age. .ence$ 9 &7H 8 X" ! &7X 8 H": % &;&&"9 &7H 8 X" 8 &7X 8 H": ,H ! ,X" % &;&&" &&X 8 &&H" ,H ! ,X % X 8 H )H % &7X 4H % 6X .ence$ the 3ossible values are X%4$ H%6 and 2sha5s age is 46 years. A fish had a tail as long as its head 3lus a quarter the lenght of its body. /ts body was three!quarters of its total length. /ts head was 4 inches long. Fhat was the length of the fishA Submitted The fish is 128 inches long. /t is obvious that the lenght of the fish is the summation of lenghts of the head$ the body and the tail. .ence$ Fish F" % .ead ." 8 #ody #" 8 Tail T" #ut it is given that the lenght of the head is 4 inches i.e. . % 4. The body is three!quarters of its total length i.e. # % 3;4"*F. And the tail is its head 3lus a quarter the lenght of its body i.e. T % . 8 #;4. Thus$ the equation is F%.8#8T F % 4 8 3;4"*F 8 . 8 #;4 F % 4 8 3;4"*F 8 4 8 &;4"* 3;4"*F F % ) 8 &6;&("*F &;&("*F % ) F % &') inches

Thus$ the fish is &') inches long. Assume that you have Eust heard of a scandal and you are the first one to 4now. Hou 3ass it on to four 3erson in a matter of 37 minutes. 2ach of these four in turn 3asses it to four other 3ersons in the ne@t 37 minutes and so on. .ow long it will ta4e for everybody in the Forld to get to 4now the scandalA Assume that nobody hears it more than once and the 3o3ulation of the Forld is a33ro@imately 6.( billions. Answer "ver-3od- in the Iorld will get to *now the scandal in 8 hours. Hou came to 4now of a scandal and you 3assed it on to 4 3ersons in 37 minutes. So total &84" 6 3ersons would 4now about it in 37 minutes. #y the end of one hour$ &( more 3ersons would 4now about it. So total of &848&(" '& 3ersons would 4now about it in one hour. Similarly$ the other &848&(8(4" 3ersons would have 4now about it in one and a half hours. &848&(8(48'6(" 3ersons would have 4now about it in two hours and so on... /t can be deduced that the terms of the above series are the 3ower of 4 i.e. 4W7$ 4W&$ 4W'$ 4W3 and so on u3to '08&" terms. Also$ the last term would be 4W'0 where 0 is the number of hours. Sum of the above mentioned series % 94W '08&"!&:;3 The sum of the series must be 6.( billions. .ence$ equating the sum of the series with 6.( billions$ we get 0%) hours. Scandals travel FAST RRR

C D E I G 9

. 2ach of the digits from & to , is re3resented by a different letter above. Also$ A 8 # 8 - % - 8 * 8 2 % 2 8 F 8 O % O 8 . 8 / % &3 Fhich digit does 2 re3resentA Answer " represents /. Find out all 3ossible grou3s of three different numbers that add u3 to &3 and arrange them according to given condition. /f one number is ,$ it must go with & and 3. /f one number is )$ it must go with either & and 4 or ' and 3. /f one number is <$ it must go with either & and 6 or ' and 4. /f one number is ($ it must go with either ' and 6 or 3 and 4. /t is clear that , must go with & and 3. Also$ no digit may be used in more than two sums. .ence$ there are ' cases1 #ase >1 /f ) goes with & and 4$ then < goes with ' and 4$ then ( goes with ' and 6. #ase >>1 /f ) goes with ' and 3$ then < goes with ' and 4$ then ( goes with 3 and 4. #ut in case //$ 3 is used in three sums. .ence$ -ase / is correct. And the 3ossible arrangements are1

1 8 4 1 2 6 5

2 1 4 8 1 0 9

Thus$ 2 must be 4. A$ # and - are three 3oints on a straight line$ not necessarily equidistant with # being between A and -. Three semicircles are drawn on the same side of the line with A#$ #- and A- as the diameters. #* is 3er3endicular to the line A#-$ and * lies on the semicircle A-. /f the funny sha3ed diagram between the three semicircles has an area of &777 square cms$ find the length of #*. Answer

The length of

D is %..,8 cms

There are 3 right!angled triangles ! A#*$ -#* and A*-. From A#*$ A#W' 8 #*W' % A*W' !!!!!! / From -#*$ -#W' 8 #*W' % -*W' !!!!!! // From A*-$ A*W' 8 -*W' % A-W' !!!!!! /// Adding / and //$ A#W' 8 #-W' 8 '*#*W' % A*W' 8 -*W' !!!!!! /M F=CD /// and /M A#W' 8 #-W' 8 '*#*W' % A-W' A#W' 8 #-W' 8 '*#*W' % A#8-#"W' '*#*W' % '*A#*-# #*W' % A#*-# #* % ST=T A#*-#"

Oiven that funny sha3ed diagram beween three semicircles has an area of &777 square cms. 9Q/;' * A-;'"W': ! 9Q/;' * A#;'"W': ! 9Q/;' * #-;'"W': % &777 Q/;) * 9A-W' ! A#W' ! #-W': % &777 Q/ * 9 A#8#-"W' ! A#W' ! #-W': % )777 Q/ * 9'*A#*#-: % )777 A# * #- % 4777;Q/ .ence #* % ST=T 4777;Q/" % 36.() cms where Q/ % 3.&4&6,'(64 .ence$ the length of #* is 36.() cms.

Su bm it An sw er

Users Answe r (33)

Brain Vista Answ er

Brain *easer 2o < 00660 OomBi has 3 time3ieces in his house ! a wall cloc4$ an alarm cloc4 and a wristwatch. The wristwatch is always accurate$ whereas the wall cloc4 gains ' minutes everyday and the alarm cloc4 loses ' minutes everyday. At e@actly midnight last night$ all three watches were showing the same time. /f today is '6 Xuly '773$ then on which date all three cloc4s will show the same time againA Answer All three cloc*s will show the same time again on midnight 3etween 19 Gul- 200/ and 20 Gul- 200/.

A cloc4 finishes on round in &'*(7 i.e. <'7 minutes. /f a cloc4 gains ' minutes everyday$ then it would be <'7 minutes ahead after 3(7 days. Thus$ after 3(7 days$ it will show the same time again. Similary$ if a cloc4 loses ' minutes everyday$ then it would be <'7 minutes behind after 3(7 days. Thus$ after 3(7 days$ it will show the same time again. Thus$ after 3(7 days all three cloc4s will show the same time again i.e. midnight between &, Xuly '774 and '7 Xuly '774. Hou have , marbles. ) marbles weigh & ounce each$ ? one marble weighs &.6 ounces. Hou are unable to determine which is the heavier marble by loo4ing at them. Hou have a weighing scale that consists of ' 3ans$ but the scale is only good for ' total weighings. .ow can you determine which marble is the heaviest one using the scale ? in ' weighingsA Answer *ivide , marbles into 3 grou3s of 3 marbles each. Ta4e any ' grou3s and 3lace them on each 3an. /f they balance$ remove the marbles from the 3ans$ ? 3lace any ' of the marbles from the remaining unweighed grou3 on the 3ans$ & on each 3an. /f one is heavier$ it is the heavier marble$ but if they balance$ the remaining unweighed marble is the heavier one. /f your first weighing does not balance$ remove the marbles from the lighter 3an$ ? 3lace & marble on each 3an from the heavier 3an. The heavier & is the &.6 ounce marble$ but if they balance$ then the marble from the heavy 3an from the first weighing that was not weighed in the second weighing is the heavy &. Cnce a wee4 a wagon driver leaves his hut and drives his wagon to the river doc4 to 3ic4 u3 su33lies for his town. At 4176 QD$ one!fifth of the way to the doc4$ he 3asses the Tem3le. At 41&6 QD$ one!third of the way$ he 3asses the Qreetam!*a!*habaa.

At what time does he reached the doc4A Answer .?0. EM At 4176 QD$ the wagon driver 3asses the tem3le$ one!fifth of the way to the doc4. Also$ at 41&6 QD$ he 3asses the Qreetam!*a!*habaa$ one!third of the way. Thus$ he travels ';&6 &;3 ! &;6" of the distance in &7 minutes. At 41&6 QD$ he has already travelled &;3 of the distance. Thus ';3 of the way is remaining$ which can be travelled in % ';3" * &7 " ; ';&6" % 67 minutes At 41&6$ he was at Qreetam!*a!*habaa.and remaining way will ta4e 67 more minutes. .ence$ the driver will reach at 6176 QD to the doc4. Brain *easer 2o < 00115 Four 3risoners esca3e from a 3rison. The 3risoners$ Dr. 2ast$ Dr. Fest$ Dr. South$ Dr. 0orth head towards different directions after esca3ing. The following information of their esca3e was su33lied1

The esca3e routes were 0orth =oad$ South =oad$ 2ast =oad and Fest =oad 0one of the 3risoners too4 the road which was their namesa4e Dr. 2ast did not ta4e the South =oad Dr.Fest did not the South =oad The Fest =oad was not ta4en by Dr. 2ast

Fhat road did each of the 3risoners ta4e to ma4e their esca3e Answer Qut all the given information into the table structure as follow1 2orth 1oad 0o 9outh 1oad "ast 1oad Iest 1oad


2orth Mr. 9outh Mr. "ast Mr. Iest

0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o

0ow from table$ two things are obvious and they are1

Dr.0orth too4 the South =oad Dr.2ast too4 the 0orth =oad

Qut this information into the table$ Also 4ee3 in mind that the 3risoners head towards different directions after esca3ing. 2orth 1oad Mr. 2orth Mr. 9outh Mr. "ast Mr. Iest 0o 0o '"9 0o 9outh 1oad '"9 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o "ast 1oad 0o Iest 1oad 0o

0ow from the table1

Dr.Fest too4 the 2ast =oad Dr.South too4 the Fest =oad Dr.0orth too4 the South =oad Dr.South too4 the Fest =oad Dr.2ast too4 the 0orth =oad Dr.Fest too4 the 2ast =oad

So the answer is1

Shahru4h s3ea4s truth only in the morning and lies in the afternoon$ whereas Salman s3ea4s truth only in the afternoon and lies in the morning.

A says that # is Shahru4h. /s it morning or afternoon and who is A ! Shahru4h or SalmanA Answer /t is Afternoon and A can be Salman or Shahru4h. /f A is Salman$ he is s3ea4ing truth. /f A is Shahru4h$ he is lying. Fant to confirm itA -onsider following 4 3ossible answers and chec4 for its truthness individually. &. /t is Dorning and A is Shahru4h '. /t is Dorning and A is Salman 3. /t is Afternoon and A is Shahru4h 4. /t is Afternoon and A is Salman A rich man died. /n his will$ he has divided his gold coins among his 6 sons$ 6 daughters and a manager. According to his will1 First give one coin to manager. &;6th of the remaining to the elder son. 0ow give one coin to the manager and &;6th of the remaining to second son and so on..... After giving coins to 6th son$ divided the remaining coins among five daughters equally. All should get full coins. Find the minimum number of coins he hasA Answer Fe tried to find out some sim3le mathematical method and finally we wrote small - 3rogram to find out the answer. The answer is 3&'& coins. .ere is the brea4u31 First son % ('4 coins Second son % 4,, coins Third son % 3,, coins Forth son % 3&, coins Fifth son % '66 coins *aughters % '74 each Danager % 6 coins

There is a grid of '7 squares by &7 squares. .ow many different rectangles are 3ossibleA 0ote that square is a rectangle. Answer 11..0 The Oeneric solution to this is1 Total number of rectangles % Summation of row numbers" * Summation of column numbers" .ere there are '7 rows and &7 columns or vice versa. .ence$ total 3ossible rectangles % '7 8 &, 8 &) 8 &< 8 &( 8 .... 8 3 8 ' 8 & " * &7 8 , 8) 8 < 8 .... 8 3 8 ' 8 &" % '&7 " * 66" % &&667 .ence$ total &&$667 different rectangles are 3ossible. /f you don5t believe it$ try formula on some smaller grids li4e 4@'$ 3@'$ 3@3 etc... /f A8#%-$ *!-%A and 2!#%-$ then what does *8F stands forA Qrovide your answer in letter terms as well as in number terms. Submitted by : David Answer G or 10 A sim3le one. Assume that each character re3resents the number equivalent to the 3osition in the al3habet i.e. A % &$ # % '$ - % 3$ * % 4 and so on. 0ow let5s chec4 our assum3tion. A 8 # % - i.e. & 8 ' % 3 * ! - % A i.e. 4 ! 3 % & 2 ! # % - i.e. 6 ! ' % 3

Thus$ our assum3tion was -orrect. .ence$ * 8 F % X i.e. 4 8 ( % &7 A woman too4 a certain number of eggs to the mar4et and sold some of them. The ne@t day$ through the industry of her hens$ the number left over had been doubled$ and she sold the same number as the 3revious day. Cn the third day the new remainder was tri3led$ and she sold the same number as before. Cn the fourth day the remainder was quadru3led$ and her sales the same as before. Cn the fifth day what had been left over were quintu3led$ yet she sold e@actly the same as on all the 3revious occasions and so dis3osed of her entire stoc4. Fhat is the smallest number of eggs she could have ta4en to mar4et the first day$ and how many did she sell dailyA 0ote that the answer is not Bero. Submitted Answer 9he too* 10% eggs to mar*et on the first da- and sold ,0 eggs ever-da-. +et5s assume that she had 0 eggs on the first day and she sold X eggs everyday. Qutting down the given information in the table as follow. Da -s *a y& *a y' *a y3 *a y4 *a y6 "ggs at the start of the da0 '0!'X (0!,X '40!47X &'70!'76X "ggs 9old X X X X X "ggs 1emaining 0!X '0!3X (0!&7X '40!4&X &'70!'7(X

/t is given that she dis3osed of her entire stoc4 on the fifth day. #ut from the table above$ the number of eggs remaining are &'70!'7(X". .ence$ &'70 ! '7(X % 7 &'70 % '7(X (70 % &73X The smallest value of 0 and X must be &73 and (7 res3ectively. .ence$ she too4 &73 eggs to mar4et on the first day and sold (7 eggs everyday. Xohn lives in GFriends SocietyG where all the houses are in a row and are numbered sequentially starting from &. .is house number is &7,. Xessy lives in the same society. All the house numbers on the left side of Xessy5s house add u3 e@actly the same as all the house numbers on the right side of her house. Fhat is the number of Xessy5s houseA Find the minimal 3ossible answer. Answer There are 288 houses and Gess-Ps house num3er is 20/. +et5s assume that in the GFriends SocietyG there are total 0 houses numbered from & to 0 and Xessy5s house number is X. 0ow it is given that all the house numbers on the left side of Xessy5s house add u3 e@actly the same as all the house numbers on the right side of her house. .ence$ & 8 ' 8 3 8 ..... 8 X!&" % X8&" 8 X8'" 8 X83" 8 ..... 8 0 #oth the sides of the above equations are in A.Q. .ence$ using A.Q. summation formaula$ 9 X!&";':9'* &" 8 X!&!&": % 9 0!X";':9'* X8&" 8 0!X!&": 9X!&:9 '" 8 X!'": % 90!X:9 'X8'" 8 0!X!&": X!&" X" % 0!X" 08X8&" X' ! X % 0' 8 0X 8 0 ! 0X ! X' ! X X ' % 0' 8 0 ! X ' 'X' % 0' 8 0 X' % 0' 8 0";' X' % 0 08&";'

0ow$ using Trial and 2rror method to find values of 0 and X such that above equation is satisfied$ we get &. 0 % )$ X % ( '. 0 % 4,$ X % 36 3. 0 % '))$ X % '74 4. 0 % &()&$ X % &&), 6. 0 % ,)77$ X % (,37 #ut we require minimal 3ossible answer and it is given that Xohn5s house number is &7,. /t means that there are atleast &7, houses. .ence$ first two are not 3ossible. And the answer is 1 there are ')) houses and Xessy5s house number is '74. Da4ayla had Z&.&, in change. 0one of the coins was a dollar. 0icole as4 her for change for a dollar$ but Da4ayla could not ma4e change. Fhat coins did she haveA Submitted Answer As it is given that Da4ayla had Z&.&,$ it means she would have four 3ennies. 0ow$ the remaining Z&.&6 in coins must not add u3 for e@actly a dollar. Therefore she would not have 4 quarters or ' quarters and 6 dimes. #ut she would have either & quarter or 3 quarters. .ence$ there are ' solutions. 9olution > & Tuarter$ , *imes$ 4 Qennies 7.'6 8 7.,7 8 7.74 % Z&.&," 9olution >> 3 Tuarters$ 4 *imes$ 4 Qennies 7.<6 8 7.47 8 7.74 % Z&.&," A grou3 of friends went on a holiday to a hill station. /t rained for &3 days. #ut when it rained in the morning$ the afternoon was lovely. And when it rained in the afternoon$ the day was 3receded by clear morning. Altogether there were && very nice mornings and &' very nice afternoons. .ow many days did their holiday lastA Answer

The holida- last for 18 da-s. +et5s assume the number of days as follows1 =ain in the morning and lovely afternoon % X days -lear morning and rain in the afternoon % H days 0o rain in the morning and in the afternoon % I days 0umber of days with rain % X 8 H % &3 days 0umber of days with clear mornings % H 8 I % && days 0umber of days with clear afternoons % X 8 I % &' days Solving above 3 equations$ we get X % <$ H % ( and I % 6 .ence$ total number of days on holiday % &) days Brain *easer 2o < 00299 Substitute digits for the letters to ma4e the following *ivision true & I & ''''''''''' A & - 2 E 5 5 & - 2 5 & '''''''''''''''' F F 5 F 2 9 '''''''''' 2 5 & 2 5 & ''''''''''

0 0 0 0ote that the leftmost letter can5t be Bero in any word. Also$ there must be a one!to!one ma33ing between digits and letters. e.g. if you substitute 3 for the letter 0$ no other letter can be 3 and all other 0 in the 3uBBle must be 3. Submitted by : Calon Answer See the 3attern of the H. AH * H % 0+H i.e. H is multi3lied by H and the last digit of the answer is also H. Thus$ the value of H would be 6 or (. Also$ .%7 as + ! . % + Q % '0 as Q ! 0 % 0 + ! H % Q % '0 2!+%3 +et5s find out the minimum 3ossible values. /f 0%&$ then Q%'$ H%6$ +%< and 2%,. 0ote that the value of H can not be ( as it ma4es +%) and 2%&7 which is not 3ossible. .ence$ H%6$ 0%&$ Q%'$ +%<$ 2%,$ .%7 0ow$ using trial!n!error or rather solving F*AH%Q0.$ we get F%( and A%3.

5 6 5 ''''''''''' 0 5 - 1 9 1 1 5 - 1 1 5 ''''''''''' 2 2 1 2 1 0 ''''''''''' 1 1 5 1 1 5 ''''''''''' 0 0 0 Brain *easer 2o < 00566 .ere is the family tree of Dr. =A.>+ 4A9)5 -

& I & ''''''''''' A & - 2 E 5 5 & - 2 5 & ''''''''''' F F 5 F 2 9 ''''''''''' 2 5 & 2 5 & ''''''''''' 0 0 0

''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' &A+9 (,

4A*.+9 *4.5(M

J '''''''' A,A4 A,.* ''''' -

'''''''''''''''''' 4A, 9A4+9 A+9(M ''''''' -

.ow many children does Dr. T=/+CS haveA Answer T1>B6F have . children. 0ame of the 3erson and number of his children are related by some 3attern. Assign each vowel following values. A%7 2%& /%' C%3 >%4 The number of children to any 3erson is the sum of the values re3resented by vowels in his name. =AT/S. % 7 A" 8 ' /" % ' CD % 3 C" % 3 AD/T % 7 A" 8 ' /" % ' AS.CS % 7 A" 8 3 C" % 3 T=/+CS % ' /" 8 3 C" % 6 .ence$ T=/+CS have 6 children. DaEor Xasbir is forming five!3erson S3ecial Tas4 Orou3. The grou3 must

contain one leader$ two bomb!e@3erts and two soldiers. Q$ T and = are 3ossible bomb!e@3erts. =$ S and T are 3ossible leaders. >$ M and F are 3ossible soldiers. Also$ Q and = 3refers to wor4 with each other in the same team. T 3refers to wor4 only if M wor4s. .ow many different 3ossible Orou3s$ DaEor Xasbir can ma4eA Answer Ma!or Gas3ir can ma*e 8 different possi3le groups. As ' bomb!e@3erts to be selected from the given 3 and also Q ? = 3refers to wor4 together$ Q= must be there in all the 3ossible Orou3s. Also$ T 3refers to wor4 only if M wor4s. /t doesn5t mean that M won5t wor4 without T. .ence$ 3ossible grou3s are1 Q= ! S ! >M Q= ! S ! MF Q= ! S ! F> Q= ! T ! >M Q= ! T ! MF QT ! = ! >M QT ! = ! MF QT ! = ! F> .ence$ there ) different grou3s are 3ossible. The secret agent X emailed some code to his head office. They are G=A*A=$ +2M2+$ =CTC=$ =2*/M/*2=$ DCTC=G. #ut four of these five words have something in common and one is fa4e. -an you tell which one is fa4eA /gnore the fact that four of the code!words are of the same length. Answer The fa*e code)word is M6T61. All the code!words e@ce3t DCTC= are Qalindromes. Brain *easer 2o < 00281

/n the village called TA+AXA$ only three TM channels are available ! Doon Qlus$ Dony and Dee TM. Cut of 4777 TM viewers in the village$ &677 watch Doon TM$ '777 watch Dony and '677 watch Dee TM. Amongst these$ 677 viewers watch Doon Qlus and Dony$ )77 watch Doon Qlus and Dee TM$ and &777 watch Dony and Dee TM. .ow many viewers watch all three channelsA Answer %00 viewers watch all three channels. +et5s assume that total X viewers watch all three channels. total viewers who watch only Doon Qlus and Dony % 677!X total viewers who watch only Doon Qlus and Dee TM % )77!X total viewers who watch only Dony and Dee TM % &777!X total viewers who watch only Doon Qlus % &677 ! 677!X" ! )77!X" ! X % '77 8 X total viewers who watch only Dony % '777 ! 677!X" ! &777!X" ! X % 677 8 X total viewers who watch only Dee TM % '677 ! &777!X" ! )77!X" ! X % <77 8 X Fe 4now that total viewers are 4777. Summing u3 all < values$ X 8 677 ! X" 8 )77 ! X" 8 &777 ! X" 8 '77 8 X" 8 677 8 X" 8 <77 8 X" % 4777 X 8 3<77 % 4777 X % 377

.ence$ total 377 viewers watch all three channels. A man was loo4ing at a 3ortrait. Someone as4ed him$ GFhose 3icture are you loo4ing atAG .e re3lied$ 3ointing at the 3ortrait1 G#rothers and sisters have / none$ but this man5s son is my father5s son.G 0ow whose 3icture is the man loo4ing atA Answer The man is loo4ing at his FAT.2=5s 3ortrait. Gmy father5s sonG is the man himself as he do not have any brothers and sisters. So the statement reduces to Gthis man5s son is myself.G 0ow it is clear that the 3ortrait is of his father. Oiven the following facts1 &. *inesh is younger than Faru4h and older than Ourmit. '. Xatin is younger than -handu and older than 2shrat. 3. Amit is younger than /rfan and older than -handu. 4. Faru4h is younger than #havin and older than .emant. 6. /rfan is younger than Ourmit and older than Xatin. (. .emant is older than Ourmit. Fho is the HoungestA Answer "shrat is the -oungest. *iscard whoever are older than someone. From &" Ourmit is younger than *inesh and Faru4h. From 6" Xatin is younger than /rfan and Ourmit. From '" 2shrat is younger than Xatin and -handu. From above 3 deductions$ 2shrat is younger than *inesh$ Faru4h$ /rfan$ Ourmit$ Xatin and -handu. Also$

From 3" -handu is younger than Amit and /rfan. From 4" .emant is younger than Faru4h and #havin. From (" Ourmit is younger than .emant. From above 3 deductions$ Ourmit is younger than Faru4h$ #havin and .emant. Also$ -handu is younger than Amit and /rfan. #ut as seen earlier$ 2shrat is younger than Ourmit and -handu. .ence$ 2shrat is the youngest. +ast Saturday Dilan went for the late night show and came late. /n the morning family members as4ed him which movie did he see. .e gave different answers to everyone.

.e told to his father that he had gone to see DC02H. According to his mom$ he saw either XC.0H or #A#+>. .is elder brother came to 4now that he saw #.A#/. To his sister$ he told =C#CT. And his grand3a heard that he saw #>00H.

Thus$ Dilan gave si@ movie names$ all five letter words. #ut he saw some other movie with five letter word. Doreover$ each of the si@ movie names mentioned above has e@actly two letters common with the movie he saw. with the same 3ositions" -an you tell which movie did Dilan seeA Answer Milan saw 6 '.

The si@ movie names are ! DC02H$ XC.0H$ #A#+>$ #.A#/$ =C#CT and #>00H. -om3are DC02H and XC.0H. They have C common at the second 3lace and H common at the fifth 3lace. Also$ they can5t have two different letters each$ common with the required movie as the letters in remaining three 3laces are all different. Thus$ the required movie must have either C at the second 3lace or H at the fifth 3lace or both. Similarly$ com3aring XC.0H and #>00H ! the required movie must have either 0 at the fourth 3lace or H at the fifth 3lace or both. Also$ com3aring

DC02H and #>00H ! the required movie must have either 0 at the third 3lace or H at the fifth 3lace or both. From the above 3 deduction$ either H is at fifth 3lace or C is at the second 3lace and 0 is at the third ? fourth 3lace. The later combination is not 3ossible as #A#+>$ #.A#/ ? =C#CT will need at least 3 other letters which ma4es the required movie ( letter long. .ence$ the required movie must have H at the fifth 3lace. 0ow H is not there in #A#+> and #.A#/ at the fifth 3lace and they have only # common at the first 3lace. .ence$ # must be the first letter. As # is at the first 3lace and H is at the fifth 3lace and every movie has e@actly ' letters common with the required movie. From #>00H$ the required movie do not have > at the second 3lace and 0 at the third and fourth 3lace. 0ow loo4ing at XC.0H and DC02H$ they must have C common at the second 3lace. >sing the same 4ind of arguments for #A#+>$ #.A#/ and =C#CT$ we can conclude that Dilan saw #C##H. Xim lies a lot. .e tells the truth on only one day in a wee4. Cne day he said1 G/ lie on Dondays and Tuesdays.G The ne@t day he said1 GToday is either Sunday$ Saturday or Thursday.G The ne@t day he said1 G/ lie on Fridays and Fednesdays.G Cn which day of the wee4 does Xim tell the truthA Answer Gim tells the truth on Tuesda-. As Xim tells truth only on one day in a wee4$ his statement on day & and day 3 both can not be false. Ctherwise he tells truth on more than one days in a wee4. Also$ all three statements are mad on three consecutive days$ statement made on day & and day 3 both can not be true. Thus$ either the statement made on day & or day 3 is true and other is false. Also$ the statement made on day ' must be false i.e. day & is not Saturday$ Friday or Fednesday.

+et5s assume that the statement & is true. Then from the statement 3$ day & must be either Friday or Fednesday. #ut it is already deduced that day & is not Saturday$ Friday or Fednesday. .ence$ the statement made on day & is false and the last statement is true. then from the statement &$ day 3 must be either Donday or Tuesday. #ut it is already deduced that day & can not be Saturday i.e. day 3 can5t be Donday. .ence$ Xim tells the truth on Tuesday. 4 men can dig 4 holes in 4 days. .ow many hours does it ta4e for & man to dig half a holeA Submitted Answer There is nothing li*e LJABK J6B"L. -onsider a chessboard with a single =oo4. A =oo4 can move any number of square sideways;forward$ but not diagonally. Fhat is the minimum number of moves the =oo4 needs to ma4e$ in order to 3ass over all the squares on the chessboard and return to the original 3ositionA Answer 1, moves As a =oo4 can move any number of square sideways;forward$ but not diagonally and there are ) rows and ) columns on the chessboardK the =oo4 needs minimum &( moves to 3ass over all the squares and return to the original 3osition. A farmer needs ) gallons of water. .e has only three unmared buc4ets$ two ( gallon and one && gallon buc4et. .ow can he collect ) gallons of water using three unmar4ed buc4etsA Qrovide solution with minimal water wastage. Answer .ere is the solution with &7 gallon water wastage. 6E"1AT>629 ,, 1 1

Fill ( gallon buc4et with water 2m3ty ( gallon buc4et into && gallon buc4et Fill ( gallon buc4et with water Fill && gallon buc4et to full using filled ( gallon buc4et. This will leave & gallon water in ( gallon buc4et 2m3ty && gallon buc4et into second ( gallon buc4et. 2m3ty && gallon buc4et ! wastage of 6 gallon water 2m3ty second ( gallon buc4et into && gallon buc4et Fill seccond ( gallon buc4et with water Fill && gallon buc4et to full using filled second ( gallon buc4et. This will leave & gallon water in second ( gallon buc4et Fill first ( gallon buc4et with & gallon water which is in second ( gallon buc4et 2m3ty && gallon buc4et into second ( gallon buc4et. 2m3ty && gallon buc4et ! wastage of 6 gallon water

(77 77( (7( & &7 & &(6 &(7 &7( &(( & && & & '7 & '(6 '(7 & Fill && gallon buc4et with water in both the ( gallon buc4ets 77 & / bought a car with a 3eculiar 6 digit numbered licence 3late which on reversing could still be read. Cn reversing value is increased by <)(33. Fhats the original number if all digits are differentA Answer Cnly 7 & ( ) and , can be read u3side down. So on rearranging these digits we get the answer as &7,(). Xac4 and Xill are 3laying cards for a sta4e of Z& a game. At the end of the evening$ Xac4 has won 3 games and Xill has won Z3. .ow many games did they 3layA Submitted by : Nathalie Drouin Answer They 3layed total of , games. Xac4 won 3 games and Xill won ( games. /f Xac4 has won three games and Xill has won Z3$ she lost a dollar for each loss$ therefore she has won ( and lost 3 to ma4e Z3 and he won the other 3 that she lostR Sam and Dala have a conversation.

Sam says / am certainly not over 47

Dala says / am 3) and you are atleast 6 years older than me 0ow Sam says you are atleast 3,

All the statements by the two are false. .ow old are they reallyA Answer 9am is /1 and Mala is %7. +et5s invert the teaser and read it li4e this 1

Sam says / am certainly over 47 Dala says / am not 3) and you are atmost 4 years older than me 0ow Sam says you are atmost 3)

From first statement it is clear that Sam is over 47. Also$ from ne@t ' statements it is clear that Dala is less then 3). .ence the 3ossibilities are 1 Sam % 4&$ 4'$ 43$ 44$ 46$ ...... Dala % 3<$ 3($ 36$ 34$ 33$ ...... /t also says that the difference between their age is ma@imum 4 years. .ence$ there is only one 3ossible 3air i.e. 4& and 3<$ all other combination have differences more then 4. .ence the answer ! Sam is 4& and Dala is 3<. A 3erson travels on a cycle from home to church on a straight road with wind against him. .e too4 4 hours to reach there. Cn the way bac4 to the home$ he too4 3 hours to reach as wind was in the same direction. /f there is no wind$ how much time does he ta4e to travel from home to churchA Answer +et distance between home and church is *. A 3erson too4 4 hours to reach church. So s3eed while travelling towards church is *;4. Similarly$ he too4 3 hours to reach home. So s3eed while coming bac4 is *;3.

There is a s3eed difference of <**;&'$ which is the wind hel3ing 3erson in & direction$ ? slowing him in the other direction. Average the ' s3eeds$ ? you have the s3eed that 3erson can travel in no wind$ which is <**;'4. .ence$ 3erson will ta4e * ; <**;'4" hours to travel distance * which is '4;< hours. Answer is 3 hours '6 minutes 4' seconds There are 0 secret agents each 4now a different 3iece of secret information. They can tele3hone each other and e@change all the information they 4now. After the tele3hone call$ they both 4now anything that either of them 4new before the call. Fhat are the minimum number of tele3hone calls needed so that all of the them 4now everythingA Answer '0 ! 3" tele3hone calls$ for 0 % '$3 '0 ! 4" tele3hone calls$ for 0 J 3 *ivide the 0 secret agents into two grou3s. /f 0 is odd$ one grou3 will contain one e@tra agent. -onsider first grou31 agent & will call u3 agent '$ agent ' will call u3 agent 3 and so on. Similarly in second grou3$ agent & will call u3 agent '$ agent ' will call u3 agent 3 and so on. After 0 ! '" calls$ two agents in each the grou3 will 4now anything that anyone 4new in his grou3$ say they are H& ? H' from grou3 & and I& ? I' from grou3 '. 0ow$ H& will call u3 I& and H' will call u3 I'. .ence$ in ne@t two calls total of 4 agents will 4now everything. 0ow 0 ! 4" tele3hone calls are reqiured for remaining 0 ! 4" secret agents. Total tele3hone calls require are % 0 ! '" 8 ' 8 0 ! 4" % '0 ! 4

+et^5s ta4e an e@am3le. Say there are 4 secret agents F$ X$ H ? I. *ivide them into two grou3s of ' each i.e. F$ X" and H$ I". .ere$ 4 tele3hone calls are required. &. F will call u3 X. '. H will call u3 I. 3. F$ who 4nows FX will call u3 H$ who 4nows HI. 4. X$ who 4nows FX will call u3 I$ who 4nows HI. Ta4e an another e@am3le. Say there are 6 secret agents X$ S$ +$ D ? 0. *ivide them into two grou3s i.e. X$ S" and +$ D$ 0". .ere$ ( tele3hone calls are required. &. X will call u3 S. '. + will call u3 D. 3. D will call u3 0. 0ow D and 0 4now +D0. 4. X$ who 4nows XS will call u3 D$ who 4nows +D0. 6. S$ who 4nows XS will call u3 0$ who 4nows +D0. (. + will call u3 to anyone of four. Drs. F has invited several wives of delegates to the >nited 0ations for an informal luncheon. She 3lans to seat her , guests ina row such that each lady will be able to converse with the 3erson directly to her left and right. She has 3re3ared the following list. Drs. F s3ea4s 2nglish only. Drs. O s3ea4s 2nglish and French. Drs. . s3ea4s 2nglish and =ussian. Drs. X s3ea4s =ussian only. Drs. S s3ea4s 2nglish only. Drs. + s3ea4s French only. Drs. D s3ea4s French and Oerman. Drs. 0 s3ea4s 2nglish and Oerman. Drs. C s3ea4s 2nglish only. .ow many distinct seating arrangements are 3ossibleA Oive all 3ossible seating arrangements. 0ote that A#-* and *-#A are the same. Answer

12, distinct seating arrangements are possi3le. Drs. X and Drs. . must be together and Drs. X must be at the end as Drs. X s3ea4s only =ussian and Drs. . is the only other =ussian s3ea4er. Drs. + s3ea4s only French and there are two others ! Drs. O and Drs. D ! who s3ea4 French. .ere there are ' cases.

-AS2 A 1 Mrs. B is at the other end /f Drs. + is at the other end$ either Drs. O or Drs. D must seat ne@t to her.

-AS2 AA 1 Mrs. A seats ne7t to Mrs. B Then$ Drs. D must seat ne@t to Drs. O and Drs. 0 must seat ne@t to Drs. D. This is because Drs. D s3ea4s French and Oerman$ and Drs. 0 is the only other Oerman s3ea4er. Thus$ the 3ossible seating arrangement is GJ7772MAB$ where @ is the 2nglish s3ea4ers. Drs. F$ Drs. S and Drs. C can be arranged in remaining 3 3ositions in 3R different ways i.e. ( ways. -AS2 A# 1 Mrs. M seats ne7t to Mrs. B /f so$ then either Drs. 0 or Drs. O must seat ne@t to Drs. D

-AS2 A#A 1 Mrs. 2 seats ne7t to Mrs. M Thus$ the 3ossible seating arrangement is GJ77772MB$ where @ is the 2nglish s3ea4ers. Drs. F$ Drs. O$ Drs. S and Drs. C can be arranged in remaining 4 3ositions in 4R different ways i.e. '4 ways. -AS2 A## 1 Mrs. A seats ne7t to Mrs. M Thus$ the 3ossible seating arrangement is GJ7777AMB$ where @ is the 2nglish s3ea4ers. Drs. F$ Drs. S$ Drs. 0 and Drs. C can be arranged in remaining 4 3ositions in 4R different ways i.e. '4 ways.

-AS2 # 1 Mrs. B does not seat at the end /t means that Drs. O$ Drs. + and Drs. D must seat together. Also$ Drs. + must seat between Drs. O and Drs. D.

-AS2 #A 1 Mrs. A seats left and Mrs. M seats right to Mrs. B i.e. ABM

-AS2 #AA 1 ABM is at the other end Thus$ the 3ossible seating arrangement is GJ7777ABM$ where @ is the 2nglish s3ea4ers. Drs. F$ Drs. S$ Drs. 0 and Drs. C can be arranged in remaining 4 3ositions in 4R different ways i.e. '4 ways. -AS2 #A# 1 ABM is not at the other end Then Drs. 0 must seat ne@t to Drs. D. 0ow$ we have a grou3 of four O+D0 where Drs. O and Drs. 0 s3ea4 2nglish. Thus$ the 3ossible seating arrangement is GJ777$$ where @ is the individual 2nglish s3ea4ers and X is the grou3 of four females with 2nglish s3ea4ers at the both ends. Thus$ there are 4R different ways i.e. '4 ways.

-AS2 ## 1 Mrs. M seats left and Mrs. A seats right to Mrs. B i.e. MBA Then$ Drs. 0 must seat ne@t to Drs. D. 0ow$ we have a grou3 of four 0D+O where Drs. O and Drs. 0 s3ea4 2nglish. Thus$ the 3ossible seating arrangement is GJ777$$ where @ is the individual 2nglish s3ea4ers and X is the grou3 of four females with 2nglish s3ea4ers at the both ends. Thus$ there are 4R different ways i.e. '4 ways.

Thus$ total different 3ossible seating arrangements are 1 % ( case AA" 8 '4 case A#A" 8 '4 case A##" 8 '4 case #AA" 8 '4 case #A#" 8 '4 case ##" % &'( seating arrangements Thus$ &'( distinct seating arrangements are 3oosible. Fhat is the smallest number which when divided by &7 leaves a remainder of ,$ when divided by , leaves a remainder of )$ when divided by ) leaves a remainder of <$ when divided by < leaves a remainder of ( and so on until when divided by ' leaves a remainder of &A Answer The smallest such num3er is 2.19.

The easiest way is to find the +east -ommon Dulti3le +-D" of '$ 3$ 4$ 6$ ($ <$ ) and ,. And subtract & from it. The +-D of '$ 3$ 4$ 6$ ($ <$ ) and , is given by '6'7. .ence$ the required number is '6&, Three friends divided some bullets equally. After all of them shot 4 bullets the total number of bullets remaining is equal to the bullets each had after division. Find the original number divided. Answer 18 Assume that initial there were 3*X bullets. So they got X bullets each after division. All of them shot 4 bullets. So now they have X ! 4" bullets each. #ut it is given that$after they shot 4 bullets each$ total number of bullets remaining is equal to the bullets each had after division i.e. X Therefore$ the equation is 3 * X ! 4" % X 3 * X ! &' % X ' * X % &' X%( Therefore the total bullets before division is % 3 * X % &) Brain *easer 2o < 00114 2veryday in his business a merchant had to weigh amounts from & 4g to &'& 4gs$ to the nearest 4g. Fhat are the minimum number of different weights required and how heavy should they beA The minimum number is 6 and they should weigh &$ 3$ ,$ '< and )& 4gs =e3lace each letter by a digit. 2ach letter must be re3resented by the same digit and no beginning letter of a word can be 7.

( 2 E ( 2 E ( 2 E % ( 2 E ''''''' * E 2 Answer >se trial and error. 7 %&$ 0 % ) $2 % '$ T % < 1 8 2 1 8 2 1 8 2 % 1 8 2 '''''' 1 2 8 A man is on a search for Atlantis and comes u3on an island where all the inhabitants 4now whether Atlantis is still around or not. .owever$ all of the inhabitants are either Fairies or Trolls and they all use a s3ell to a33ear humanoid so you cannot tell which is which. And the Faries always tell the truth and the Trolls always lie$ but there is a slight com3lication$ some of the Fairies have gone insane and always lie and some of the Trolls have also gone insane and always tell the truth. So here is your tas41 you must as4 the first inhabitant that you come to C02 question and from that C02 question you must determine wether Atlantis is still around or not.

Fhat is the question that you must as4A Answer There are ' answers to it1 Answer >G/s the statement that you are reliable equivalent to the statement that Atlantis is still aroundAG Answer >>G*o you believe that the Statement that you are a Fairy is equivalent to the statement that Atlantis is still aroundAG Brain *easer 2o < 00216 A frog starts climbing &6 feet wall. 2ach hour he climbs 3 feet and rests for 37 minutes. *uring rest$ he sli3s bac4 ' feet. .ow many hours does the frog ta4e to reach the to3A Answer 19 hours A frog climbs & foot 3er & &;' hours as during 37 minutes rest he sli3s bac4 ' feet. This way he will climb &' feet in &) hours. /n ne@t hour he will climb 3 more feet i.e. he will com3lete &6 feet in &, hours and will reach the to3 of the wall. /f a bear eats (6 3ounds in fish every day 2X-2QT every (th day which it only eats 46 3ounds of fish. /f the bear continues this$ how many 3ounds of fish will it eat in '77 daysA Submitted by : David Answer The 3ear will eat 12&%/0 pounds of fish in 200 da-s. /t is given that on every (th day beareats 46 3ounds of fish i.e. on day number ($ &'$ &)$ '4$ .... &,'$ &,) the bear eats 46 3ounds of fish. Total number of (th days % '77;( % 33 the bear eats 46 3ounds" .ence$ the normal days are % '77 ! 33 % &(< the bear eats (6 3ounds"

Thus$ in '77 days$ the bear will eat % &(<" * (6" 8 33" * 46" % &7)66 8 &4)6 % &'$347 3ounds Hou have 3 3oints labelled A$ # and -. Hou then have another 3 3oints labelled &$ ' and 3. The aim of the 3uBBle is to connect 3oint A with 3oint &$ ' and 3. Qoint # with 3oint &$ ' and 3 and 3oint - with 3oint &$ ' and 3. 0ow while connecting the 3oints you have to follow one rule ! the lines cannot cross over each other. A B C 1 2 0 QS 1 Hou can arrange the 3oints in order as long as the lines *C 0CT cross over each other. Answer There is no solution to it$ if you consider ' dimensions. /t is im3ossible to Eoin each of 3oints A$ # and - with 3oints &$ ' and 3 without lines crossing each other. There is solution$ if you consider 3 dimensions. -onsider a circular base and a line 3er3endicular to it 3assing from the center. 0ow ta4e any 3 3oints along the 3erimeter of the circular base as 3oints &$ ' and 3. Similarly ta4e any 3 3oints along the 3er3endicular line as 3oints A$ # and -. 0ow it is quite sim3le to Eoin each of 3oints A$ # and - with 3oints &$ ' and 3 without any of the lines crossing each other. The other 3ossible 3* structure is Qyramid. Ta4e 3oints &$ ' and 3 as a vertices of the triangular base and 3oints A$ # and - along the height of the Qyramid which is 3er3endicular to the triangular base and 3assing through the a3e@. Brain *easer 2o < 00411 Su33ose five bales of hay are weighed two at a time in all 3ossible ways. The weights in 3ounds are &&7$ &&'$ &&3$ &&4$ &&6$ &&($ &&<$ &&)$ &'7$ and &'&. .ow much does each bale weighA

Submitted by : Travis Lara Answer They weigh 64$ 6($ 6)$ 6,$ (' 3ounds. +et5s assume that the weight of five bales are #&$ #'$ #3$ #4 and #6 3ounds res3ectively. Also$ #& L% #' L% #3 L% #4 L% #6 /t is given that five bales of hay are weighed two at a time in all 3ossible ways. /t means that each of the bale is weighted four times. Thus$ 4* #& 8 #' 8 #3 8 #4 8 #6" % &&7 8 &&' 8 &&3 8 &&4 8 &&6 8 &&( 8 &&< 8 &&) 8 &'7 8 &'&" 4* #& 8 #' 8 #3 8 #4 8 #6" % &&6( #& 8 #' 8 #3 8 #4 8 #6" % '), 3ounds 0ow$ #& and #' must add to &&7 as they are the lightest one. #& 8 #' % &&7 Similarly$ #4 and #6 must add to &'& as they are the heaviest one. #4 8 #6 % &'& From above three equation$ we get #3 % 6) 3ounds Also$ it is obvious that #& and #3 will add to &&' ! the ne@t 3ossible higher value. Similarly$ #3 and #6 will add to &'7 ! the ne@t 3ossible lower value. #& 8 #3 % &&' #3 8 #6 % &'7 Substituting #3 % 6)$ we get #& % 64 and #6 % (' From ' ? 3 equations$ we get #' % 6( and #4 % 6, .ence$ the weight of five bales are 64$ 6($ 6)$ 6, and (' 3ounds. Qinto says$ GThe horse is not #lac4.G Sandy says$ GThe horse is either #rown or Orey.G Andy says$ GThe horse is #rown.G

At least one is telling truth and at least one is lying. -an you tell the color of the horseA Answer The color of the horse can 3e an- color other than /f the color of the horse is #lac4 ! all are lying. /f the color of the horse is #rown ! all are telling truth. Thus$ the horse is neither lac* nor rown. /f the color of the horse is Orey ! Qinto and Sandy are telling truth whereas Andy is lying. /f the color of the horse is other than #lac4$ #rown and Orey ! Qinto is telling truth whereas Sandy and Andy are lying. Hou must have noticed that for the given conditions$ Qinto is always telling truth whereas Andy is always lying Brain *easer 2o < 00258 Three convicts are brought into the warden5s office. .e says he can 3arole one of them and to decide which one he will 3arole he ta4es out 6 hats 3 red and ' white". .e stands behind them and 3laces a hat on each one of their heads and 3uts the other two remaining hats in a drawer. .e tells the 3risioners they can loo4 at the others hats and if they can tell which hat they have on they will be the one who is 3aroled. The first man loo4s at the other two and says$ G/ don5t 4now.G The second man loo4s at the others hats and says$ G/ don5t 4now.G The third man who is blind says$ G2ven though / have not the gift of sight / can tell by what the others have said that the color of my hat is...G lac* and rown.

Fhat color is the blind mans hat and how does he 4nowA Submitted Answer !ello sajeesh murali The color of 3lind manPs hat is 1ed. " m Answers " m Favourites /t is sure that the first man saw either both =ed " !odi" hats or one Fhite hat and one =ed hat. There Personal #n"o are ( such 3ossibilities1 " Subs$ribe 1# 4 4 4 " %o&out 2# 0# 4# 5# 4 4 = = 4 = 4 4 = 4 4 =
\@clic4 bhavinUbrainvist & >S* 7

6# = = 4 /n all above 3ossibilities$ the first man won5t be sure of the color of his hat. 0ow$ the second man 4nows that the first man saw either both =ed hats or one Fhite hat and one =ed hat. And$ he also 4nows that its one of the above ( 3ossibilities. li4e we 4now K"" #ut he says$ G/ don5t 4nowG. That means that '" and 6" are not the 3ossibilities as in either case he would be sure of the color of his hat =ed" by Eust loo4ing at the third man5s color of hat Fhite". 0ow$ the blind man 4nows that there are Eust 4 3ossibilities ! &"$ 3"$ 4"$ (" ! and in all$ the color of his hat is =ed.

[ 'i&saw Puzzle [ 'oin t(e )ots [ !arbles *ame [ Balls *ame [ +owers o" ,anoi [ +(in- .umber [ Find A )a

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Brain *easer 2o
right Oo

Three Oold O" coins$ three Silver S" coins and three -o33er -" coins are arranged in a single row as follow1 G S C G S C G S C

Cnly ' adEacent unli4e coins can be moved at any one time. The moved coins must be in contact with at least one other coin in line. i.e. no 3air of coins is to be moved and 3laced away from the remaining ones. 0o coin 3airs can be reversed i.e. a S!- combination must remain in that order in its new 3ositionwhen it is moved.

Fhat is the minimum number of moves required to get all the coins in following orderA C C C S S S G G G Show all moves. Answer Minimum num3er of moves are 8. Mo 6rder of #oins

ve 7 O S - O S - O S & O S O S - O S ' O S - O S - S O 3 O S O S - S O 4 O S - - S O S O 6 O S - S - S O O ( O S - - - S S O O < - - - S S O O S O ) - - - S S S O O O A fly is flying between two trains$ each travelling towards each other on the same trac4 at (7 4m;h. The fly reaches one engine$ reverses itself immediately$ and flies bac4 to the other engine$ re3eating the 3rocess each time. The fly is flying at ,7 4m;h. /f the fly flies &)7 4m before the trains meet$ how far a3art were the trains initiallyA Answer >nitiall-& the trains were 2/0 *m apart. The fly is flying at the s3eed of ,7 4m;h and covers &)7 4m. .ence$ the fly flies for ' hours after trains started. /t5s obvious that trains met ' hours after they started travelling towards each other. Also$ trains were travelling at the s3eed of (7 4m;h. So$ each train traveled &'7 4m before they met. .ence$ the trains were '47 4m a3art initially. Fhat is the minimum number of numbers needed to form every number from & to <$777A 2@am3le1 To form 4))4$ you would need ' 4s ? ' )s. 4)'' requires a 4$ a )$ ? ' 's$ but you would not count the numbers again that you had already counted from ma4ing 4))4. Answer %,

Hou will need 3 of numbers 7$ <$ ) ? ,$ ? 4 of numbers &!(. A drin4s machine offers three selections ! Tea$ -offee or =andom 2ither tea or -offee" but the machine has been wired u3 wrongly so that each button does not give what it claims. /f each drin4 costs 673$ how much minimum money do you have to 3ut into the machine to wor4 out which button gives which selectionA Submitted Answer 'ou have to put !ust .0p. Qut 673 and 3ush the button for =andom. There are only ' 3ossibilities. /t will give either Tea or -offee.

/f it gives Tea$ then the button named =andom is for Tea. The button named -offee is for =andom selection. And the button named Tea is for -offee. /f it gives -offee$ then the button named =andom is for -offee. The button named Tea is for =andom selection. And the button named -offee is for Tea.

Thus$ you can ma4e out which button is for what by 3utting Eust 673 and 3ressing =andom selection first. Hou have &3 balls which all loo4 identical. All the balls are the same weight e@ce3t for one. >sing only a balance scale$ can find the odd one out with only 3 weighingsA /s it 3ossible to always tell if the odd one out is heavier or lighter than the other ballsA Submitted by : Brett Hurrell Answer /t is always 3ossible to find odd ball in 3 weighings and in most of the cases it is 3ossible to tell whether the odd ball is heavier or lighter. Cnly in one case$ it is not 3ossible to tell the odd ball is whether heavier or lighter. &. Ta4e ) balls and weigh 4 against 4.
o o

/f both are not equal$ goto ste3 ' /f both are equal$ goto ste3 3

'. Cne of these ) balls is the odd one. 0ame the balls on heavier side of the scale as .&$ .'$ .3 and .4. Similarly$ name the balls on the lighter side of the scale as +&$ +'$ +3 and +4. 2ither one of .5s is heavier or one of +5s is lighter. Feigh .&$ .'$ +&" against .3$ .4$ X" where X is one ball from the remaining 6 balls in intial weighing.

/f both are equal$ one of +'$ +3$ +4 is lighter. Feigh +' against +3.

/f both are equal$ +4 is the odd ball and is lighter. /f +' is light$ +' is the odd ball and is lighter. /f +3 is light$ +3 is the odd ball and is lighter.

/f .&$ .'$ +&" is heavier side on the scale$ either .& or .' is heavier. Feight .& against .'

/f both are equal$ there is some error. /f .& is heavy$ .& is the odd ball and is heavier. /f .' is heavy$ .' is the odd ball and is heavier.

/f .3$ .4$ X" is heavier side on the scale$ either .3 or .4 is heavier or +& is lighter. Feight .3 against .4

/f both are equal$ +& is the odd ball and is lighter. /f .3 is heavy$ .3 is the odd ball and is heavier. /f .4 is heavy$ .4 is the odd ball and is heavier.

3. Cne of the remaining 6 balls is the odd one. 0ame the balls as -&$ -'$ -3$ -4$ -6. Feight -&$ -'$ -3" against X&$ X'$ X3" where X&$ X'$ X3 are any three balls from the first weighing of ) balls.

/f both are equal$ one of remaining ' balls is the odd i.e. either -4 or -6. Feigh -4 with X&

/f both are equal$ -6 is the odd ball. #ut you can not tell whether it is heavier or lighter. /f -4 is heavy$ -4 is the odd ball and is heavier. /f -4 is light$ -4 is the odd ball and is lighter.

/f -&$ -'$ -3" is heavier side$ one of -&$ -'$ -3 is the odd ball and is heavier. Feigh -& and -'.

/f both are equal$ -3 is the odd ball and is heavier. /f -& is heavy$ -& is the odd ball and is heavier. /f -' is heavy$ -' is the odd ball and is heavier.

/f -&$ -'$ -3" is lighter side$ one of -&$ -'$ -3 is the odd ball and is lighter. Feigh -& and -'.

/f both are equal$ -3 is the odd ball and is heavier. /f -& is light$ -& is the odd ball and is lighter. /f -' is light$ -' is the odd ball and is lighter.

.ow many squares are there in a 6 inch by 6 inch square gridA 0ote that the grid is made u3 of one inch by one inch squares. Submitted by : Kristin onroe Answer There are .. s8uares in a . 3- . grid. There are '6 squares of one grid. There are &( squares of four grids i.e. ' by ' There are , squares of nine grids i.e. 3 by 3 There are 4 squares of si@teen grids i.e. 4 by 4 There is & square of twenty!five girds i.e. 6 by 6 .ence$ there are total '6 8 &( 8 , 8 4 8 & % 66 squares. Hou must have noticed one thing that total number squares 3ossible of each siBe is always a 3erfact square i.e. '6$ &($ ,$ 4$ & For a grid of 0 by 0$ the 3ossible number of squares are % 0' 8 0 ! &"' 8 0 ! '"' 8 0 ! 3"' 8 ......... 8 3' 8 '' 8 &' For & by & grid$ total squares % &' % & For ' by ' grid$ total squares % '' 8 &' % 6 For 3 by 3 grid$ total squares % 3' 8 '' 8 &' % &4 For 4 by 4 grid$ total squares % 4' 8 3' 8 '' 8 &' % 37

For 6 by 6 grid$ total squares % 6' 8 4' 8 3' 8 '' 8 &' % 66 Five horses ran in the race.

There were no ties. Si4andar did not come first. Star was neither first nor last. Dughal Olory came in one 3lace after Si4andar. IoBo was not second. =angila was two 3lace below IoBo.

/n what order did the horses finishA Answer /t5s sim3le. +et5s find the 3ossible 3laces horses can finish. Qossibilities are1 Si4andar ! '$3$4 not 6th as Dughal Olory came one 3lace after him" Star ! '$3$4 Dughal Olory ! 3$4$6 IoBo ! &$3 not 4th ? 6th as =angila is two 3lace after him" =angila ! 3$6 So the result is1 & IoBo ' Star 3 =angila 4 Si4andar 6 Dughal Olory /f you added together the number of '5s in each of the following sets of numbers$ which set would contain the most '5s1 &!333$ 334!((($ or ((<! ,,,A Answer 1)%%% The reason why is because '77!',, each begins with a 'R /f one 3erson sends the e!mail to two friends$ as4ing each of them to co3y the mail and send it to two of their friends$ those in turn send it to two of

their friends and so on. .ow many e!mails would have been sent by the time it did 37 setsA Answer 21/7/8%,/, First 3erson sent the mail to ' 3ersons. Those ' sent the mail to ' 3ersons each$ total 4 3ersons. 0ow$ those 4 3erson sent mail to total ) 3ersons$ then ) to &( 3ersons$ &( to 3' 3ersons and so on.... .ence$ it a series of '$ 4$ )$ &($ 3' u3to 37 numbers /t is a Oeometric series with common ratio ' and first number is also '. Summation of such series is given by A * =n ! &" ; = ! &" where A % First term = % -ommon =atio n % total numbers So total number of times mail sent by the time it did 37 sets % ' * '37 ! &" ; ' ! &" % ' * &7<3<4&)'4 ! &" % ' * &7<3<4&)'3 % '&4<4)3(4( Brain *easer 2o < 00041 At the entrance to a members club stands a stranger see4ing admission. A friend told him that it5s easy to get in. Hou Eust have to answer a question corrcetlyR Answering wrong$ however$ will result in being shotR To live a little longer$ the man waits in a bac4 alley near the entrance for 3eo3le to go in. After a while a man comes to the entrance. The door warden as4s him1 GTwelveAG to which he re3lies GSi@RG and goes in. GThat5s easy.G our friend thin4s$ but he waits a little longer. Another man comes to the door. GSi@AG the door warden as4s$ to which he re3lies GThreeRG and goes in.

GThat5s too good to be trueG our friend thin4s$ and he was right. #ecause$ when as4ed GFourAG$ he answered GTwoRG and was found dead in the alley. Fhat was the correct answerA Submitted by : ilind Gada!"ar Answer The correct answer was LKourL. The answer is the number of letters in the word s3o4en by the door warden. GTwelveG contains GSi@G letters i.e. T$ F$ 2$ +$ M$ 2 GSi@G contains GThreeG letters i.e. S$ /$ X Similarly$ GFourG contains GFourG letters i.e. F$ C$ >$ = There is a 3erfect s3here of diameter 47 cms. resting u3 against a 3erfectly straight wall and a 3erfectly straight floor i.e. the wall and the floor ma4e a 3erfect right angle. -an a 3erfect s3here of diameter < cms. 3ass through the s3ace between the big s3here$ the wall and the floorA Su33ort your answer with valid arguments. *on5t submit Eust GHesG or G0oG. Su bm it An sw er Brain Vista Answ er Puz zle A Frie nd Add to Favo urite

Users Answe r (23)

For the sa4e of sim3licity$ consider two!dimension i.e view s3here as a two dimensional circle with diameter 47 cms. Krom Kigure >$ 47 cms diameter s3here" C-' % C*' 8 -*' C-' % '7' 8 '7'

C- % ').')4'< cms Also$ X is the closest 3oint to origin C on the s3here. -X % '7 cms radius" CX % C- ! -X CX % ').')4'< ! '7 CX % ).')4'< cms Krom Kigure >>$ < cms diameter s3here" CQ' % CT' 8 QT' CQ' % 3.6"' 8 3.6"' CQ % 4.,4,<4 cms Also$ H is the farthest 3oint to origin C on the s3here. QH % 3.6 cms radius" CH % CQ 8 QH CH % 4.,4,<4 8 3.6 CH % ).44,<4 cms 0ow$ as CH J CX i.e. smaller s3here requires more s3ace than the s3ace available. .ence$ smaller s3here of < cms diameter can not 3ass through the s3ace between the big s3here$ the wall and the floor. The pu++le can 3e solved 3- another method. *raw a line tangent to the big s3here at the 3oint X such that X is the closest 3oint to the origin C on s3here. The tanget will cut X and H a@es at A and # res3ectively such that CA%C#. 9See Fig ///: From above$ CX%).')4'< cms. From the right angle triangle CA#$ we can deduct that CA % C# % &&.<&6<' cms A# % &(.6()64 cms 0ow$ the diameter of the inscribed circle of right angle triangle is given by d % a 8 b ! c where a L% b L c The ma@imum 3ossible diameter of the circle which can 3ass through the s3ace between the big s3here$ the wall and the floor is % CA 8 C# ! A#

% &&.<&6<' 8 &&.<&6<' ! &(.6()64 % (.)(',& cms .ence$ the s3here with < cms diameter can not 3ass through the s3ace between the big s3here$ the wall and the floor.

Su Puz bm Brain Users zle A it Vista Answe A d An Answ r (23) Frie d sw er nd er Sari4a multi3lied 4&4 by certain number and obtained (,,6) as the answer. #ut she found that there is some error in the answer ! both the ,s in the answer are wrong and all the other digits are correct. -an you find the correct answerA Answer The correct answer is ,08.8. /f you divide (,,6) by 4&4$ you will get &().,). .ence$ assume some three digit number and multi3ly it by 4&4 and use (**6) as the answer. Assume three digit number such that

* * * 4 1 4 ''''''''''''' * * * * * * 0 * * * 0 0 ''''''''''''' 6 * * 5 8 /t is obvious that the last digit of the assumed number must be <. * * 1 4 1 4 ''''''''''''' * * 8 * * 1 0 * * 8 0 0 ''''''''''''' 6 * * 5 8 0ow$ the second last digit of the assumed number must be 4 or ,. Also$ the first digit of the assumed number must be & as the first digit of the answer is (. >sing trial and error for above two conditions$ the answer is

1 4 1 4 1 4 ''''''''''''' 5 8 8 1 4 1 0 5 8 8 0 0 ''''''''''''' 6 0 8 5 8 Find the least number which when divided by 36$ leaves remainder '6K when divided by 46$ leaves remainder 36 and when divided by 66$ leaves remainder 46. Answer %/.. The answer is +-D of 36$ 46$ 66" minus &7. +-D of 36$ 46$ 66" is 34(6. .ence$ the answer is 3466. The ratio of #oys to Oirls is (14. (7N of the boys and 47N of the girls ta4e lunch in the canteen. Fhat N of class ta4es lunch in canteenA Answer Assume there are (X boys and 4X Oirls Total Students ta4ing lunch in canteen % (X" (7;&77" 8 4X" 47;&77" % 3( X;&7" 8 &( X;&7" % 6' X;&7" Total students are % (X 8 4X % &7X N of class ta4ing lunch in canteen

% 6'X;&7" * &77 " ; &7X % 6' N /n the following multi3lication$ certain digits have been re3laced with asteris4s *". =e3lace all the asteris4s such that the 3roblem holds the result. * * 1 $ 0 * *

'''''''''' * * * 5 0 1 * * * 0

''''''''''''' * 1 Answer A sim3le one. $ * * 0

1 0

1 1

1 9

'''''''''' 1 1 0 5 0 1 1 5 1 0

''''''''''''' 0 1 0 2 0 .ow long would it ta4e you to count & billion orally if you could count '77 every minute and were given a day off every four yearsA

Assume that you start counting on & Xanuary '77&. SubmitteAnswer 9 'ears& 187 Da-s& . Jours& 20 minutes As you can count '77 3er minute$ to count & billion you require % &$777$777$777;'77 minutes % 6$777$777 minutes % )3$333.3333 hours % 3$4<'.'''' days % ,.6&',3< years % , Hears$ &)< *ays$ 6 .ours$ '7 minutes 0ote that a day off every four year will be a +ea3 day. .ence$ no need to consider lea3 year. dFive students ! A4ash$ -hintan$ Xignesh$ Du4und and Men4y ! a33eared for an e@am. There were total five questions ! two multi3le choice a$ b or c" and three true;false questions. They answered five questions each and answered as follow. . .. ... .3 3 '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' C;intan AHas; Kignes; ,uHund 3enH: E E a ! ! ! E E a ! *rue *rue Ialse *rue *rue *rue *rue *rue *rue Ialse Ialse *rue *rue Ialse *rue

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Also$ no two students got the same number of correct answers. -an you tell which are the correct answersA Fhat are their individual scoreA Answer

The correct answers are 3& a& True& Kalse and Kalse. Also& the scores are Gignesh :0;& A*ash :1;& #hintan :2;& 0en*- :%; and Mu*und :/;. As no two students got the same number of correct answers$ the total number of correct answers must be either &6 &8'838486" or &7 78&8'8384". +et5s find out the ma@imum number of correct answers 3ossible from the answers given by them. For Tuestion / % ' b or c" For Tuestion // % ' b or c" For Tuestion /// % 4 True" For Tuestion /M % 4 True" For Tuestion M % 3 True" Thus$ the ma@imum number of correct answers 3ossible are &6 '8'848483" which means that A4ash would have given all correct answers as only he answered True for questions ///$ /M and M. #ut then -hintan and Xignesh would have e@actly 3 correct answers. And also$ Du4und and Men4y would have ' correct answers. So no one got all five correct. Cne can also arrive at this conclusion by trial!and!error$ but that would be bit lengthy. 0ow$ it is clear that total number of correct answers are &7 78&8'8384". Tuestions /// and /M both can not be False. /f so$ total number of correct answers would not be &7. So the student who got all wrong can not be -hintan$ A4ash and Du4und. /f Men4y got all wrong$ then -hintan$ Xignesh and Du4und each would have atleast ' correct answers. /t means that A4ash would have to be the student with only one correct answer and the correct answers for questions / and // would be a and a res3ectively. #ut then the total number of correct answers would be & a" 8 & a" 8 & False" 8 4 True" 8 ' Flase" % ,. Thus$ Xignesh is the student with all wrong answers. The correct answers are b$ a$ True$ False and False. Also$ the scores are Xignesh 7"$ A4ash &"$ -hintan '"$ Men4y 3" and Du4und 4". 2leven boys and girls wait to ta4e their seats in the same row in a movie

theater. There are e@actly && seats in the row. They decided that after the first 3erson sits down$ the ne@t 3erson has to sit ne@t to the first. The third sits ne@t to one of the first two and so on until all eleven are seated. /n other words$ no 3erson can ta4e a seat that se3arates him;her from at least one other 3erson. .ow many different ways can this be accom3lishedA 0ote that the first 3erson can choose any of the && seats. Answer There are 102/ different wa-s. This is the ty3e of #rain Teaser that can be solved using the method of induction. /f there is Eust a one 3erson and one seat$ that 3erson has only one o3tion. /f there are two 3ersons and two seats$ it can be accom3lished in ' different ways. /f there are three 3ersons and three seats$ it can be accom3lished in 4 different ways. =emember that no 3erson can ta4e a seat that se3arates him;her from at least one other 3erson. Similarly$ four 3ersons and four seats 3roduce ) different ways. And five 3ersons with five seats 3roduce &( different ways. /t can be seen that with each additional 3erson and seat$ the different ways increase by the 3ower of two. For si@ 3ersons with si@ seats$ there are 3' different ways. For any number 0$ the different 3ossible ways are ' 0!&" Thus$ for && 3ersons and && seats$ total different ways are ' &7 i.e. &7'4 The secret agent X emailed a code word to his head office. They are GA/D *>2 CAT T/2 DC*G. #ut four of these five words are fa4e and only one contains the information. The agent X also mailed a sentence as a clue ! if / tell you any one

character of the code word$ you would be able to tell the number of vowels in the code word. -an you tell which is the code wordA Answer The code word is T>". /f you were told any one character of DC*$ then you would not be able to determine whether the number of vowels are one or two. e.g. if you were told D$ there are two words with D ! A/D with ' vowels and DC* with & vowel. So you would not be able to say the number of vowels. Same arguments can be given for characters C and *. .ence$ the word with any one of D$ C or * is not a code word i.e. A/D$ *>2$ CAT and DC* are not the code word. Thus$ T/2 is the code word. T 1 two words ! T/2 and CAT$ both with ' vowels / 1 two words ! T/2 and A/D$ both with ' vowels 2 1 two words ! T/2 and *>2$ both with ' vowels. Brain *easer 2o < 00061 Four men ! Abraham$ #obby$ -linton and *enial ! are standing in a straight line. &. Cne man is fair$ handsome and unscarred. '. Two men who are not fair$ are each standing ne@t to Abraham. 3. #obby is the only man standing ne@t to e@actly one handsome man. 4. -linton is the only man not standing ne@t to e@actly one scarred man. Fho is fair$ handsome and unscarredA Answer #linton is fair& handsome and unscarred. From '"$ both the men standing ne@t to Abraham are not fair. Also$ e@actly

one man is fair$ handsom and unscarred. .ence$ there are two cases1 -ase & 11 A 0$ A$ A" 1 Abraham H$ H$ 0" 1 A 0$ A$ A" 1 A A$ A$ A" -ase ' 11 A 0$ A$ A" 1 Abraham A$ A$ A" 1 A 0$ A$ A" 1 A H$ H$ 0" 0ote the re3resentation ! 0ame Fair$ .andsome$ Scarred". GHG stands for Hes and G0G stabds for 0o. Abraham H$ H$ 0" means Abraham is Fair$ .andsome and >nscarred. /t is clear that either Abraham or the man at the e@treme right is fair$ handsome and unscarred. From 4"$ it is deduced that -linton is standing ne@t to unscarred man and each of the other men standing ne@t to e@actly one scarred man. -ase & 11 -linton 0$ A$ 0" 1 Abraham H$ H$ 0" 1 A 0$ A$ H" 1 A A$ A$ H" -ase ' 11 A 0$ A$ H" 1 Abraham A$ A$ H" 1 A 0$ A$ 0" 1 -linton H$ H$ 0" From 3"$ #obby is the only man standing ne@t to e@actly one handsome man. #ut in -ase &$ -linton is standing ne@t to e@actly one handsome man. .ence$ -ase & is not 3ossible and -ase ' is the correct one. -ase ' 11 A 0$ A$ H" 1 Abraham A$ A$ H" 1 A 0$ A$ 0" 1 -linton H$ H$ 0" Again from 3" and 4"$ there are ' 3ossibilities as shown below. -ase 'a 11 *enial 0$ 0$ H" 1 Abraham A$ 0$ H" 1 #obby 0$ 0$ 0" 1 -linton H$ H$ 0" -ase 'b 11 #obby 0$ 0$ H" 1 Abraham A$ H$ H" 1 *enial 0$ 0$ 0" 1 -linton H$ H$ 0" Thus$ -linton is fair$ handsome and unscarred. Also$ Abraham may be either fair or not fair. An orange colored glass has Crange Euice and white colored glass has A33le Euice both of equal volumes. 67ml of the orange Euice is ta4en and 3oured into the white glass. After that similarly$ 67ml from the white glass is 3oured into the orange glass. Cf the two quantities$ the amount of a33le Euice in the orange glass and the amount of orange Euice in the white glass$ which one is greater and by how

muchA Answer The two 8uantities are e8ual. Solve it by ta4ing e@am3le. +et5s assume that both glasses contain 467 ml of Euice each. 0ow$ 67ml of the orange Euice is ta4en and 3oured into the Fhite glass. .ence$ orange colored glass contains 477 ml of Crange Euice and white glass contains 467 ml of A33le Euice and 67 ml of Crange Euice i.e. total of 677 ml from white glass contains 467 ml of A33le Euice and 67 ml of Crange Euice. /t means that ever- .0 ml from white glass contains /. ml of Apple !uice and . ml of 6range !uice. Similary$ 67 ml of Euice from white glass is 3oured into orange glass. 0ow this 67 ml is not a 3ure a33le Euice. /t contains 46 ml of A33le Euice and 6 ml of Crange Euice. .ence$ Crange glass contains 476 ml of Crange Euice and 46 ml of A33le Euice. Similary$ white glass contains 476 ml of A33le Euice and 46 ml of Crange Euice. 6range Alass Crange A33le Xuice Xuice 467 ml 7 ml 477 ml 476 ml 7 ml 46 ml Ihite Alass Crange A33le Xuice Xuice 7 ml 467 ml 67 ml 46 ml 467 ml 476 ml

/nitially 67 ml from Crange Olass is 3oured into Fhite Olass 67 ml from Fhite Olass is 3oured into Crange Olass

0ow it is clear that the amount of a33le Euice in the orange glass and the amount of orange Euice in the white glass are the same. Q.S. .ere we assumed 467 ml as initial quantity in both the glasses Eust for sim3licity. Hou can try the same by assuming any other number. #ut the answer is the same. Brain *easer 2o < 00400

Annie$ #unnie$ -andy and *ina visited 2dy on &4th February. &. The time of each visit was as follows1 ! Annie at )177 ! #unnie at ,177 ! -andy at &7177 ! *ina at &&177 2ach time mentioned above may be either AD or QD. '. -andy did not visit 2dy between #unnie and *ina. 3. At least one female visited 2dy between Annie and #unnie. 4. Annie did not visit 2dy before both -andy and *ina. -an you tell at what time did they individually visit 2dyA Answer unnie :9?00AM; ) Dina :11?00AM; ) Annie :8?00EM; ) #and- :10?00EM; From the given data$ it is clear that at least one female visited 2dy in the morning and at least one female visited 2dy in the evening. Also$ from 4"$ Annie did not visit 2dy first. /t means that Annie visited 2dy at )177 QD From 3"$ #unnie must have visited 2dy at ,177 AD. Also$ either -andy or *ina or both visited 2dy in the morning. #ut from '"$ only *ina must have visited 2dy in the morning at &&177 AD and hence$ -andy visited 2dy at &7177 QD. The order of visits must be1 #unnie ,177AD" ! *ina &&177AD" ! Annie )177QD" ! -andy &7177QD" /n training for a com3etition$ you find that swimming downstream with the current" in a river$ you can swim ' miles in 47 minutes$ ? u3stream against the current"$ you can swim ' miles in (7 minutes. .ow long would it ta4e you to swim a mile in still waterA Answer Hou are able to swim downstream at 3 miles an hour$ ? u3stream at ' miles an hour. There is a difference of & mile an hour$ which is the river hel3ing

you in & direction$ ? slowing you in the other direction. Average the ' rates$ ? you have the rate that you can swim in still water$ which is '.6 miles an hour. Hou can thus swim a mile in still water in '4 minutes. Father5s age is three years more than three times the son5s age. After three years$ father5s age will be ten years more than twice the son5s age. Fhat is the father5s 3resent ageA Answer +et son5s 3resent age is X years. .ence$ father5s 3resent age is 3X 8 3" years. After 3 years$ son5s age will be X 8 3" years. and father5s age will be 3X 8 (" years. #ut given that after 3 years father5s age will be ten years more than twice the son5s age. 3X 8 (" % ' * X 8 3" 8 &7 3X 8 ( % 'X 8 &( X % &7 Therefore$ father5s 3resent age is 33 years.

Submit Users Answer Answer (10) Brain *easer 2o < 00510


A is the father of two children ! # and * who are of different se@es. - is #5s s3ouse. 2 is the same se@ as *. # and - have the two children ! F who is the same se@ as # and O who is the same se@ as -. 25s mother$ . who is married to +$ is the sister of *5s

mother$ D.

2 and 25s s3ouse$ / have two children ! X and S who are the same se@ as /.

0ote that no 3ersons have married more than once. Also$ there are more number of females than males. -an you tell how many females are thereA Answer There are 7 females and , males. Assume that there are four se@es ! male$ female$ X and H. Qre3are the following tree based on the data given 1 sister 5" # ' 9"D# '''''''''''''''''''' ,"D# ' A" # E"># ' .":# C"># G"># K":# M":# I":# D"># B":# '

/t is clear that there are altogether &3 3ersons ! ' males$ ' females$ 4 Xs and 6 Hs. /t is given that there are more number of females than male. .ence$ all H must re3resent female. Thus$ there are < females and ( males. A 3ositive integer that$ when added to &777 gives a sum which is greater

than when multi3lied by &777. Find the 3ositive integer. Answer The positive integer is 1. Sum of & and &777 % & 8 &777 % &77& Dulti3lication of & and &777 % & * &777 % &777 Thus$ sum of & and &777 is greater than the multi3lication of & and &777. Dr. *5souBa has bought four cars ! Derc$ .onda$ Ford$ Ien ! as 3resents for his sons5 birthdays$ all of which are ne@t wee4. Oiven the following information$ what will each son getA Alan will not get the .onda unless #arry gets the Derc and *enBil gets the Ford. #arry will not get the Ford unless -arl gets the Ien and Alan gets the Derc. *enBil will not get the Ien unless Alan gets the .onda and #arry gets the Derc. Alan will not get the Derc unless -arl gets the Ien and *enBil gets the Ford. #arry will not get the Derc unless Alan gets the Ien and *enBil gets the Ford. Alan will not get the Ien unless #arry gets the .onda and -arl gets the Derc. -arl will not get the Ien unless #arry gets the .onda and Alan gets the Ford. Alan will not get the Ford unless #arry gets the Ien and *enBil gets the .onda. -arl will not get the Derc unless *enBil gets the .onda. Answer +et5s 3ut given , information in a table. The 3erson in old Kont will not get the corres3onding car unless the 3ersons in 0ormal Font get the corres3onding cars. Also$ the 3erson will #tali$s will get the remaining car. Mer c #arr & y Ala ' n #arr 3 y Jon Kor (en da d Ala *en Car l n Bil Den ar %il r- -arl Car Den Alan l +il

Ala n ar 6 r4 ( -arl Den < %il Car ) l #ar , l

Bar ry Car l #arr y #arr y *en Bil *en Bil

*en -arl Bil *en Ala Bil n Den Ala %il n Ala #arl n Ala #arr n y A A

0ow$ let5s assume that Alan gets the Derc. Then from 4"$ #arry gets the .onda$ *enBil gets the Ford and -arl gets the Ien. #ut from <"$ -arl will not get the Ien unless #arry gets the .onda and Alan gets the Ford. Thus$ it contradicts the original assum3tion. .ence$ Alan will not get the Derc. +et5s assume that Alan gets the .onda. Then from &"$ #arry gets the Derc$ *enBil gets the Ford and -arl gets the Ien. #ut from 6" or from <"$ it contradicts the original assum3tion. .ence$ Alan will not get the .onda. +et5s assume that Alan gets the Ford. Then from )"$ -arl gets the Derc$ *enBil gets the Ford and #arry gets the Ien ! which does not contradict any of the statement. Similaly$ you can assume that Alan gets the Ien. which is contradictory to ,"" .ence$ Alan gets the Ford$ #arry gets the Ien$ -arl gets the Derc and *enBil gets the .onda. Hesterday in a 3arty$ / as4ed Dr. Shah his birthday. Fith a mischievous glint in his eyes he re3lied. GThe day before yesterday / was )3 years old and ne@t year / will be )(.G -an you figure out what is the *ate of #irth of Dr. ShahA Assume that the current year is '777. Answer

Mr. 9hahPs date of 3irth is %1 Decem3er& 191. Today is & Xanuary$ '777. The day before yesterday was 37 *ecember$ &,,, and Dr. Shah was )3 on that day. Today i.e. & Xanuary$ '777 ! he is )4. Cn 3& *ecember '777$ he will be )6 and ne@t year i.e. 3& *ecember$ '77& ! he will be )(. .ence$ the date of birth is 3& *ecember$ &,&6. Dany 3eo3le do thin4 of +ea3 year and date of birth as ',th February as '777 is the +ea3 year and there is difference of 3 years in Dr. Shah5s age. #ut that is not the answer. Brain *easer 2o < 00800 There are 4 mathematicians ! #rahma$ Sachin$ Qrashant and 0a4ul ! having lunch in a hotel. Suddenly$ #rahma thin4s of ' integer numbers greater than & and says$ GThe sum of the numbers is...G and he whis3ers the sum to Sachin. Then he says$ GThe 3roduct of the numbers is...G and he whis3ers the 3roduct to Qrashant. After that following conversation ta4es 3lace 1 Sachin 1 Qrashant$ / don5t thin4 that we 4now the numbers. Qrashant 1 AhaR$ now / 4now the numbers. Sachin 1 Ch$ now / also 4now the numbers. 0a4ul 1 0ow$ / also 4now the numbers. Fhat are the numbersA 2@3lain your answer. Submitted Answer The num3ers are / and 1%. As Sachin is initially confident that they i.e. he and Qrashant" don5t 4now the numbers$ we can conclude that ! &" The sum must not be e@3ressible as sum of two 3rimes$ otherwise Sachin could not have been sure in advance that Qrashant did not 4now the numbers. '" The 3roduct cannot be less than &'$ otherwise there would only be one choice and Qrashant would have figured that out also. Such 3ossible sum are ! &&$ &<$ '3$ '<$ ',$ 36$ 3<$ 4&$ 4<$ 6&$ 63$ 6<$ 6,$

(6$ (<$ <&$ <<$ <,$ )3$ )<$ ),$ ,3$ ,6$ ,<$ &7&$ &7<$ &&3$ &&<$ &&,$ &'&$ &'3$ &'6$ &'<$ &3&$ &36$ &3<$ &43$ &46$ &4<$ &4,$ &66$ &6<$ &(&$ &(3$ &(<$ &<&$ &<3$ &<<$ &<,$ &)6$ &)<$ &),$ &,&$ &,<$ .... +et5s e@amine them one by one. /f the sum of two numbers is &&$ Sachin will thin4 that the numbers would be '$,"$ 3$)"$ 4$<" or 6$(". Sachin 1 GAs && is not e@3ressible as sum of two 3rimes$ Qrashant can5t 4now the numbers.G .ere$ the 3roduct would be &) '*,"$ '4 3*)"$ ') 4*<" or 37 6*(". /n all the cases e@ce3t for 3roduct 37$ Qrashant would 4now the numbers. ! if 3roduct of two numbers is &)1 Qrashant 1 GSince the 3roduct is &)$ the sum could be either && '$," or , 3$(". #ut if the sum was ,$ Sachin would have deduced that / might 4now the numbers as '$<" is the 3ossible 3rime numbers 3air. .ence$ the numbers must be ' and ,.G C= in otherwords$ , is not in the Qossible Sum +ist" ! if 3roduct of two numbers is '41 Qrashant 1 GSince the 3roduct is '4$ the sum could be either &4 '$&'"$ && 3$)" or &7 4$(". #ut &4 and &7 are not in the Qossible Sum +ist. .ence$ the numbers must be 3 and ).G ! if 3roduct of two numbers is ')1 Qrashant 1 GSince the 3roduct is ')$ the sum could be either &( '$&4" or && 4$<". #ut &( is not in the Qossible Sum +ist. .ence$ the numbers must be 4 and <.G ! if 3roduct of two numbers is 371 Qrashant 1 GSince the 3roduct is 37$ the sum could be either &< '$&6"$ &3 3$&7" or && 6$(". #ut &3 is not in the Qossible Sum +ist. .ence$ the numbers must be either '$&6" or 6$(".G .ere$ Qrashant won5t be sure of the numbers. .ence$ Qrashant will be sure of the numbers if 3roduct is either &)$ '4 or ').

Sachin 1 GSince Qrashant 4nows the numbers$ they must be either 3$)"$ 4$<" or 6$(".G #ut he won5t be sure. .ence$ the sum is not &&. Summerising data for sum &&1 Eossi3le E16D Eossi3le 9um =#T 9um '8, &) '8,%&& 3ossible" 38(%, 38) '4 '8&'%&4 38)%&& 3ossible" 48(%&7 48< ') '8&'%&4 38)%&& 3ossible" 48(%&7 68( 37 '8&6%&< 3ossible" 38&7%&3 68(%&& 3ossible" Following the same 3rocedure for &<1 Eossi3le E16D Eossi3le 9um =#T 9um '8&6 37 '8&6%&< 3ossible" 38&7% &3 68(%&& 3ossible" 38&4 4' '8'&%'3 3ossible" 38&4%&< 3ossible" (8<%&3 48&3 6' '8'(%')









48&3%&< 3ossible" '837%3' 38'7%'3 3ossible" 48&6%&, 68&'%&< 3ossible" (8&7%&( '833%36 3ossible" 38''%'6 (8&&%&< 3ossible" '836%3< 3ossible" 68&4%&, <8&7%&< 3ossible" '83(%3) 38'4%'< 3ossible" 48&)%'' (8&'%&) )8,%&< 3ossible"

.ere$ Qrashant will be sure of the numbers if the 3roduct is 6'. Sachin 1 GSince Qrashant 4nows the numbers$ they must be 4$&3".G For all other numbers in the Qossible Sum +ist$ Qrashant might be sure of the numbers but Sachin won5t. .ere is the ste3 by ste3 e@3laination1 Sachin 1 GAs the sum is &<$ two numbers can be either '$&6"$ 3$&4"$

4$&3"$ 6$&'"$ ($&&"$ <$&7" or )$,". Also$ as none of them is a 3rime numbers 3air$ Qrashant won5t be 4nowing numbers either.G Qrashant 1 GSince Sachin is sure that both of us don5t 4now the numbers$ the sum must be one of the Qossible Sum +ist. Further$ as the 3roduct is 6'$ two numbers can be either '$'(" or 4$&3". #ut if they were '$'("$ Sachin would not have been sure in advance that / don5t 4now the numbers as ') '8'(" is not in the Qossible Sum +ist. .ence$ two numbers are 4 and &3.G Sachin 1 GAs Qrashant now 4nows both the numbers$ out of all 3ossible 3roducts ! 37 '$&6"$ 4' 3$&4"$ 6' 4$&3"$ (7 6$&'"$ (( ($&&"$ <7 <$&7"$ <' )$," ! there is one 3roduct for which list of all 3ossible sum contains C0+H C02 sum from the Qossible Sum +ist. And also$ no such two lists e@ist. 9see table above for &<: .ence$ two numbers are 4 and &3.G 0a4ul figured out both the numbers Eust as we did by observing the conversation between Sachin and Qrashant. /t is interesting to note that there are no other such two numbers. Fe chec4ed all the 3ossible sums till 677 RRR Substitute digits for the letters to ma4e the following subtraction 3roblem true. + A 2 * A ' C 5 A ) +

''''''''''''''''' $ , A + 0ote that the leftmost letter can5t be Bero in any word. Also$ there must be a one!to!one ma33ing between digits and letters. e.g. if you substitute 3 for the letter D$ no other letter can be 3 and all other D in the 3uBBle must be 3. Answer Cne of the sim3lest brain teaser as there are total '( 3ossible answers. /t is obvious that S%-8&. Since A!S%S$ it is clear that A%'*S or '*s!&7. Also$ + and X are interchangeable.

9A 2TA '47 34 '47 34 '47 <4 '47 <4 '46 34 '46 34 '4< ,4 '4< ,4 '4) 74 '4) 74 '4, <4 '4, <4 3() 7( 3() 7( 3(& 6( 3(& 6( ('& 3' ('& 3' ('&

) ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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<' ('& <' ('4 7' ('4 7' ('< &' ('< &' (', 3' (', 3'

! ! ! ! ! ! !

( 6)'4 ( 63'< ( 6,'< ( 63') ( 6,') ( 6)'7 ( 64'7 (

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( 3,' ( ,&' ( 3&' ( ,4' ( 34' ( 4<' ( )<' (

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