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English Expressions: Asking & Giving Suggestion (Meminta dan memberi saran) adalah salah satu ungkapan bahasa

Inggris sehari-hari yang perlu diketahui oleh semua kalangan. Tidak hanya oleh para siswa tingkatelementary dan intermediate saja, tingkatadvance pun harusnya sudah bisa menguasai materi percakapan ini. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, seringkali kita mendapatkan berbagai masalah yang mungkin tidak bisa kita selesaikan sendiri. Terkadang kita membutuhkan saran orang lain agar masalah yang sedang kita hadapi bisa menemukan solusi yang tepat. Lalu bagaimanakah meminta saran dalam bahasa Inggris? Serta bagaimana memberikan saran tersebut? Oke kita langsung menuju dialog di bawah ini agar lebih mudah : Anton : I have a serious problem today. I have just lost my driver license. Shally : Don't be so sad my friend, let us search it around the park. Anton : I have looked for it for hours but I do not find it, do you have some ideas? Shally : You had better tell the securities to announce it to other students. Anton : Yeah, that sounds good. I do hope it helps. Nah itu dia contoh dialog asking & giving suggestion. Kata bergaris bawah pertama adalahsalah satu ungkapan meminta saran. Sedang kata bergaris bawah kedua adalah salah satuungkapan memberi saran dalam bahasa Inggris. Untuk lebih jelasnya, mari kita lihat beberapaungkapan umum yang sering digunakan ketika meminta saran dan bagaimana memberikannya di bawah ini :

Asking Suggestion Do you have any ideas for me? (Apa kau punya ide untukku?) Do you have any suggestions for me? (Apa kau punya saran untukku?) Do you have any advice for me? (Apa kau punya nasihat untukku?) Would you mind giving me your suggestion? (Apakah kau mau memberikan saran?) Can you tell me what I should do? (Bisakah kau katakana apa yang harus aku lakukan) What should I do? (Aku seharusnya melakukan apa?)

Giving Suggestion You should + V1 (Kau seharusnya + Kata kerja You had better + V1 (Kau lebih baik + Kata kerja) You ought to + V1 (Kau seharusnya + Kata Kerja) I advise you to + V1 (saya sarankan kau untuk + kata kerja) I suggest you to + V1 (saya sarankan kau untuk + kata kerja) I recommend you to + V1 (saya anjurkan kau untuk + kata kerja)

Mungkin ungkapan di atas sudah sangat mewakili berbagai ungkapan asking dan giving suggestion lainnya. Karena jika penguasaan vocabulary kita sudah sangat mantap, berbagai expressions bisa kita kuasai sekaligus. Do you have any suggestions how I should write and explain the other expressions? Apa sobat punya saran apa yang bagaimana saya tulis dan jelaskan ungkapan-ungkapan lain tentang asking & giving suggestion?

Asking and Giving Suggestion

Posted on 9:35 AM

Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari kita akan menghadapi banyak masalah yang bervariasi. Terkadang kita tidak dapat menyelesaikan masalah kita sendiri sehingga kita membutuhkan saran dari orang lain. Orang Indonesia mudah saja minta saran kepada orang lain dengan bahasa Indonesia. Terus bagaimana di bahasa Inggris? Dalam bahasa Inggris dikenal asking and giving suggestion. Asking and giving suggestionadalah cara orang untuk mengexpresikan saran dalam bahasa Inggris. Asking suggestion (meminta saran) adalah cara seseorang menanyakan saran dalam bahasa Inggris ketika mempunyai masalah. Asking suggestion berupa pertanyaan.

Contoh Asking Suggestion: Do you have any ideas?

Can you give me any suggestions to solve my problem? What should i do? Would you mind giving me any suggestions? Would you like to give me any advices? Giving suggestion (memberi saran) adalah cara seseorang memberikan saran kepada orang lain dalam bahasa Inggris. Giving suggestion biasanya berupa kalimat. Contoh giving suggestion: I suggest you to + verb 1 (I suggest you to go to doctor.) I advice you to + verb 1 (I advice you to breakfast before going to school.) You should + verb 1 (You should download greenday song.) Contoh dialog yang menggunakan asking and giving suggestion: A: I have a task from my teacher. I must search a song in English. Do you have any ideas? B: It's okay. Let search in internet. A: I know, but what song must download?

B: Greenday song in DOS album. That must be great. A: That's a good idea. Thanks for your advice. B: Never mind.

Bahasa Inggris-Asking & Giving Suggestion

English Expressions: Asking & Giving Suggestion (Ask for and give advice) is one of the expressions of everyday English that need to be known by all. Not only by the elementary and intermediate level students, the level should be able to advance any conversation over matter. In daily life, we often get a variety of problems that may be we can not solve alone. Sometimes we need advice others to the problems we are facing can find the right solution. Then how to seek advice in English? And how to give suggestions? Okay we go directly to the following dialog to make it easier: Anton: I have a serious problem today. I have just lost my drivers license. Shally: Do not be so sad my friend, let us search it around the park. Anton: I have looked for it for hours but I do not find it, do you have some ideas? Shally: You had better tell the securities to announce it to other students. Anton: Yeah, that sounds good. I do hope it helps. Now that she dialog example asking and giving suggestion. The first underlined word is an expression for advice. The second is being underlined word is an expression giving advice in English. For more details, let's look at some common expressions that are often used when asking for advice and how to give it below: Asking Suggestion Giving SuggestionDo you have any ideas for me?(Do you have any ideas for me?)Do you have any suggestions for me?(Do you have any suggestions for me?)Do you have any advices for me?(Do you have any advice for me?)Would you mind giving me your suggestion?(Do you want to give advice?)Can you tell me what I should do?(Can you say what do I do)What should I do?(I'm supposed to do what?) You should + V1(You're supposed to + verbYou had better + V1(You're better + verb)You ought to + V1(You should have + Verb)I advise you to + V1(I recommend you to + verb)I suggest you to + V1(I recommend you to + verb)I recommend you to + V1(I encourage you to + verb) Perhaps the expression above is very representative of the various expressions of asking and giving other suggestion. Because if mastery of the vocabulary we have been very steady, various expressions can we command as well. Do you have any suggestions how I should write and explain the other expressions? Any buddy have any suggestions of what I write and explain how other expressions of asking and giving suggestion?

#27 Share
What Shall we do? 1. Hi Chris, would you like to do something with me this weekend? 2. Sure. What shall we do? 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. I don't know. Do you have any ideas? Why don't we see a film? That's sounds good to me. Which film shall we see? Let's see "Action Man 4". I'd rather not. I don't like violent films. How about going to "Mad Doctor Brown"? I hear it's quite a funny film. OK. Let's go see that. When is it on? It's on at 8 o'clock at the Rex. Shall we have a bite to eat before the film? Sure, that sounds great. What about going to that new Italian restaurant 'Michetti's'? Great idea! Let's meet there at six. OK. I'll see you at 'Michetti's' at six. Bye.

1. Bye. Key Vocabulary Would you like to ...? (What) shall we go...? Let's go... Why don't we go... How about going... What about going... Note: 'Shall we', 'Let's', 'Why don't we' are all followed by the base form of the verb ('go' in the examples), 'How about' and 'What about' are followed by the '-ing' form of the verb ('going' in the examples.

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