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Grandmas Trick-or-Treat

By Emily Arnold McCully Act 1 Narrator: On Halloween, Grandma Nan came to baby-sit Pip and her friend Ski. Grandma Nan: Look Pip, I made a cost me for yo ! Narrator: Pip: She p lled it o"er Pip#s head. No thanks, I made my own.

Grandma Nan: $his one is perfect! Ski: Narrator: Pip: %o look f nny as an an&el! $he doorbell ran&. $here#s nobody there.

Grandma Nan: How r de! Narrator: Pip: Narrator: Grandma Sal: $he doorbell ran& a&ain and Pip went to open it. Nobody#s th'... (nd a ) mmy came in! *oo! *oo! *oo! *oo!

Grandma Nan: Oh my! Pip: Grandma Sal: Grandma Sal! + st keepin& yo on yo r toes.

Grandma Nan: $hat was childish, Sal! Grandma Sal: ,ela-, Nan. It#s Halloween!

Grandma Nan: %o look silly. Grandma Sal: Ski: Pip: Ski, yo look really scary. $hanks! I want to scare *i& *ertha. Last Halloween that b lly and her friends chased s and took )ona#s treat ba&! Grandma Nan: Halloween can brin& o t the worst in people. Grandma Sal: * t it#s so m ch f n! Here I ha"e a witch hat and a cape for yo Nan! Grandma Nan: No thank yo . .e are &rown- ps, Sal. Grandma Sal: Pip: Narrator: Grandma Sal: I will brin& them / st in case, I ha"e fan&s too! I ha"e my own cost me, I#m a pencil! Pip p ts her cost me on. $errific! Let#s &o!

Act 2 Narrator: $he &an& was waitin& on the corner and looked at Grandma Nan#s cost me. Mona: .hat kind of cost me is that0

Grandma Nan: I#m not wearin& a cost me!

Grandma Sal:

Is e"eryone ready to play some tricks0

Grandma Nan: $he children will play no tricks! $hey will ha"e &ood manners. 1hildren! *e polite! Grandma Sal: Narrator: *e scary! Grandma Nana marched p to a ho se and pressed the doorbell. Grandma Nan: Good e"enin& madam, Pip, do yo ha"e somethin& to say0 Pip: Narrator: $rick or treat. $he woman &a"e them all candy.

Grandma Nan: .hat do yo say0 All c ildren: $hank yo !

Grandma Nan: Now form a line and sa"e yo r treats for later. Grandma Sal: Narrator: %o kids aren#t "ery scary. .atch me this time! Grandma Sal ran& a doorbell and a man opened the door. Grandma Sal: T e man: Narrator: Grandma Sal: Mona: *oo! 2ek! (nd the man slammed the door. Now that#s scary! * t we didn#t &et any treats!

Grandma Nan: I will rin& the ne-t bell. Grandma Sal: Pip: No, I will! Grandma Nan#s &ood manners and Grandma Sal#s tricks are dri"in& me cra3y! Ski: All c ildren: .e aren#t ha"in& any f n at all. It#s time to trick the &randmas!

Act ! Narrator: (s the two &randmas went to a door, the kids ran down the street and c t across a yard. Pip: Ski: "ulio: Narrator: Mona: Ski: Narrator: Slow down! I#m o t of breath. .e#"e lost the &randmas. * t where are we0 $he street was 4 iet and dark. $here#s no one at home here. .hat was that so nd0 Someone yelled5 622222%%%%%O....!7, and a pirate / mped in front of them. Pip: Narrator: It#s *ertha! , n for it! $han they saw two more pirates.

Bert a:

Got yo ! 8on#t mo"e, or we will spray yo with rotten-e&& / ice! Hands o"er those treat ba&s! Now!


S ddenly there was a terrible scream, and two h &e monsters came o t of the dark.

Bert a: Narrator: T e pirates: Bert a: "ulio: Pip: Ski: Mona:

.hat#s that0 $he monsters / mped at the b llies. Let#s &et o t of here! .ait for me! 9 ick! , n the other way. .ait! $hose monsters look familiar. $he &randmas! .ow! %o were &reat! %o really scared those b llies.

Grandma Nan: $hey needed a lesson in manners. Grandma Sal: Speakin& of manners, aren#t yo kids for&ettin& somethin&0 All c ildren: $hank yo , Grandmas!

Grandma Nan: %o #re welcome. Grandma Sal: Pip: I had somethin& else in mind. $reats! .e#d be happy to share!

Grandma Nan: Goody. Halloween s re does brin& o t the best in people, doesn#t it Sal0 Grandma Sal: All: %o bet! #appy #allo$een%

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