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Grade 7 Measurement Unit Plan- Composite figures and Area of Trapezoids


Lesson Topic / Activities and manipulatives Area of Composite shapes

Goals for the period

Curriculum Expectations

Geoboards, building blocks, question sheet, work with partners 2 Metric Conversions of Length and Area Metric conversion game, question sheet, provide students with different manipulatives they can measure and work with 3 What is a trapezoid? Investigating Areas of Trapezoids Distribute various trapezoid figures, work with partners, question sheet, class discussion on different ways to solve area

Review area of 2D shapes (triangle, rectangle, square) Decompose composite shapes into known shapes Understand the total area of a shape is equal to the sum of areas of its smaller parts Determine the area of composite shapes Understand and convert between metric units of measure Convert between metric units of area (square cm to square m, etc) Solve problems that require conversion

Estimate and calculate the area of composite shapes by decomposing into shapes with known area relationships

Solve problems that require conversions between metric units of measure Solve problems that require conversion between metric units of area

Understand the definitions and characteristics of a trapezoid Investigate ways to determine the area of a trapezoid Develop strategies for finding the area of a trapezoid Solve problems involving the area of trapezoids

Determine, through investigation using a variety of tools and strategies the relationship for calculating area of a trapezoid solve problems involving the estimation and calculation of area of a trapezoid


Students rotate to different math centers and work on problems

*review of content using math

Math Centers Activity and Quiz 5 Take up Quiz Investigate Right Prisms Group/partner discussions, distribute examples of right prisms, work with building blocks and nets to build right prisms 6 Surface Area of Right Prisms

related to what we have covered Quiz to assess student comprehension thus far Take up quiz as a class Investigate and determine the characteristics of right prisms Identify and build a variety of right prisms (e.g. with bases that are squares, rectangles, triangles, trapezoids)(can use blocks and nets)


Not directly in the curriculum *I believe it is important that the students understand fully what right prisms are and understand their characteristics

Discussion/review of surface area, work with partners, question sheet, work on questions on board as a class 7 Review day go over questions as a class (can cover anything we have done in this unit) Quiz on Right Prisms and Surface Area Volume of right prisms Utilize manipulatives for volume, discuss how to find volume, partner/group work on questions 9 Metric Conversion and area/volume of

Review right prisms and their characteristics Discuss surface area Solve problems that involve surface area of right prisms Inform students that tomorrow will be a review day, so they should prepare any and all questions they might have

Determine, using a variety of tools the surface area of right prisms

Review questions go over *review of content questions as a group Have students pose questions and solve them Quiz on right prisms and surface area

Discuss volume and review what it is Determine the relationship between area of the base, the height, and the volume of right prisms (Volume=area of base x height)

Determine the relationship between area of the base, the height, and the volume of right prisms (Volume=area of base x height)

Review metric conversion Investigate and solve problems

Solve problems that involve the surface area

right prisms Do questions as a class, work in partners to solve question sheets 10 Review and Unit Test math centers Summative Assessment

that involve the surface area and volume of right prisms and that require conversion between metric measurements

and volume of right prisms that require conversion between metric measures of capacity and volume

Math centers that cover most of what we have done in this unit (composite shapes, trapezoids, area of right prisms, volume of right prisms) Final summative assessment

*review of content

***Note: These lessons are designed to fit the standard 100 minute mathematics block that is prevalent in most schools now.

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